

源代码1 项目: act   文件: DocumentIndexer.java
public void processPatentText(File patentFile, Reader patentTextReader, int patentTextLength)
    throws IOException, ParserConfigurationException,
    SAXException, TransformerConfigurationException,
    TransformerException, XPathExpressionException {
  PatentDocument patentDocument = PatentDocument.patentDocumentFromXMLStream(
      new ReaderInputStream(patentTextReader, Charset.forName("utf-8")));
  if (patentDocument == null) {
    LOGGER.info("Found non-patent type document, skipping.");
  Document doc = patentDocToLuceneDoc(patentFile, patentDocument);
  LOGGER.debug("Adding document: " + doc.get("id"));
源代码2 项目: act   文件: PatentScorer.java
public void processPatentText(File patentFile, Reader patentTextReader, int patentTextLength)
    throws IOException, ParserConfigurationException,
    SAXException, TransformerConfigurationException,
    TransformerException, XPathExpressionException {

  System.out.println("Patent text length: " + patentTextLength);
  CharBuffer buff = CharBuffer.allocate(patentTextLength);
  int read = patentTextReader.read(buff);
  System.out.println("Read bytes: " + read);
  String fullContent = new String(buff.array());

  PatentDocument patentDocument = PatentDocument.patentDocumentFromXMLStream(
      new ReaderInputStream(patentTextReader, Charset.forName("utf-8")));
  if (patentDocument == null) {
    LOGGER.info("Found non-patent type document, skipping.");

  double pr = this.patentModel.ProbabilityOf(fullContent);
  this.outputWriter.write(objectMapper.writeValueAsString(new ClassificationResult(patentDocument.getFileId(), pr)));
  System.out.println("Doc " + patentDocument.getFileId() + " has score " + pr);
源代码3 项目: knox   文件: JavaScriptUrlRewriteStreamFilter.java
public InputStream filter(
    InputStream stream,
    String encoding,
    UrlRewriter rewriter,
    Resolver resolver,
    UrlRewriter.Direction direction,
    UrlRewriteFilterContentDescriptor config )
        throws IOException {

  if ( config != null ) {
    return new ReaderInputStream(
        new JavaScriptUrlRewriteFilterReader(
            new InputStreamReader( stream, encoding ), rewriter, resolver, direction, config ), encoding );
  } else {
    return stream;
源代码4 项目: knox   文件: XmlUrlRewriteStreamFilter.java
public InputStream filter(
    InputStream stream,
    String encoding,
    UrlRewriter rewriter,
    Resolver resolver,
    UrlRewriter.Direction direction,
    UrlRewriteFilterContentDescriptor config )
        throws IOException {
  try {
    return new ReaderInputStream(
        new XmlUrlRewriteFilterReader(
            new InputStreamReader( stream, encoding ), rewriter, resolver, direction, config ), encoding );
  } catch( ParserConfigurationException | XMLStreamException e ) {
    throw new IOException( e );
源代码5 项目: knox   文件: HtmlUrlRewriteStreamFilter.java
public InputStream filter(
    InputStream stream,
    String encoding,
    UrlRewriter rewriter,
    Resolver resolver,
    UrlRewriter.Direction direction,
    UrlRewriteFilterContentDescriptor config )
        throws IOException {
  try {
    return new ReaderInputStream(
        new HtmlUrlRewriteFilterReader(
            new InputStreamReader( stream, encoding ), rewriter, resolver, direction, config ), encoding );
  } catch( ParserConfigurationException e ) {
    throw new IOException( e );
源代码6 项目: docker-maven-plugin   文件: UtilsTest.java
public void testSaveImage() throws Exception {
  final DockerClient dockerClient = mock(DockerClient.class);
  final Log log = mock(Log.class);
  final Path path = Files.createTempFile(IMAGE, ".tgz");
  final String imageDataLine = "TestDataForDockerImage";

  Mockito.doAnswer(new Answer<InputStream>() {
      public InputStream answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable {
          return new ReaderInputStream(new StringReader(imageDataLine));

  try {
      Utils.saveImage(dockerClient, IMAGE, path, log);
  } finally {
      if (Files.exists(path)) {
源代码7 项目: SEAL   文件: ClueWebSearcher.java
/** Utility method:
 * Formulate an HTTP POST request to upload the batch query file
 * @param queryBody
 * @return
 * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException
private HttpPost makePost(String queryBody) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
    HttpPost post = new HttpPost(ClueWebSearcher.BATCH_CATB_BASEURL);
    InputStreamBody qparams = 
        new InputStreamBody(
                new ReaderInputStream(new StringReader(queryBody)),

    MultipartEntity entity = new MultipartEntity();
    entity.addPart("viewstatus", new StringBody("1")); 
    entity.addPart("indextype",  new StringBody("catbparams"));
    entity.addPart("countmax",   new StringBody("100"));
    entity.addPart("formattype", new StringBody(format));
    entity.addPart("infile",     qparams);

    return post;
源代码8 项目: apiman   文件: JsonPayloadIOTest.java
public void testUnmarshall_Simple() throws Exception {
    String json = "{\r\n" +
            "  \"hello\" : \"world\",\r\n" +
            "  \"foo\" : \"bar\"\r\n" +

    JsonPayloadIO io = new JsonPayloadIO();
    Map data = io.unmarshall(new ReaderInputStream(new StringReader(json)));
    Assert.assertEquals("world", data.get("hello"));
    Assert.assertEquals("bar", data.get("foo"));

    data = io.unmarshall(json.getBytes("UTF-8"));
    Assert.assertEquals("world", data.get("hello"));
    Assert.assertEquals("bar", data.get("foo"));
源代码9 项目: metafacture-core   文件: TarReader.java
public void process(final Reader reader) {
    try (
            InputStream stream = new ReaderInputStream(reader,
            ArchiveInputStream tarStream = new TarArchiveInputStream(stream);
    ) {
        ArchiveEntry entry;
        while ((entry = tarStream.getNextEntry()) != null) {
            if (!entry.isDirectory()) {
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new MetafactureException(e);
private String hash(SourceUnit source) {
   try(InputStream is = new ReaderInputStream(source.getSource().getReader())) {
      return Utils.shortHash(is);
   catch(Exception e) {
      LOGGER.warn("Error hashing {}", source.getName(), e);
      return null;
源代码11 项目: bartworks   文件: BartWorksCrossmod.java
public void onFMLServerStart(FMLServerStartingEvent event) {
    if (LoaderReference.miscutils)
        for (Object s : RadioHatchCompat.TranslateSet){
            StringTranslate.inject(new ReaderInputStream(new StringReader((String) s)));
源代码12 项目: act   文件: WordCountProcessor.java
public void processPatentText(File patentFile, Reader patentTextReader, int patentTextLength)
    throws IOException, ParserConfigurationException, SAXException,
    TransformerConfigurationException, TransformerException, XPathExpressionException {

  PatentDocument doc = PatentDocument.patentDocumentFromXMLStream(new ReaderInputStream(patentTextReader));
  if (doc == null) {
    LOGGER.warn(String.format("Got null patent document object for patent at %s", patentFile.getAbsolutePath()));
  // Put all the text back together into one big string.  Sigh.
  List<String> textFields = new ArrayList<String>(1 + doc.getClaimsText().size() + doc.getTextContent().size());
  String joinedText = StringUtils.join(textFields, "\n");

  // TODO: parallelize this.  Because come on, it's the nineties and Map Reduce is almost a thousand years old.
  Map<String, Integer> wordCount = new HashMap<>();
  List<String> words = this.tokenizer.tokenize(joinedText);
  for (String word : words) {
    if (EXCLUDE_NUMBERS.matcher(word).matches()) {
      continue; // Ignore words that are just numbers (with decimals)

    word = word.toLowerCase();
    if (stopWords.contains(word)) {
      continue; // Ignore stop words;

    Integer count = wordCount.get(word);
    if (count == null) {
      count = 1;
    wordCount.put(word, count + 1);

  PatentDocumentWordCount pdwc = new PatentDocumentWordCount(patentFile.getAbsolutePath(), wordCount);
源代码13 项目: haven-platform   文件: ReConfigurableBeanTest.java
public void test() throws Exception {
    String config;
    try(StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
        OutputStream osw = new WriterOutputStream(sw, StandardCharsets.UTF_8)) {
        service.write(MimeTypeUtils.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE, osw);
        config = sw.toString();
    try (StringReader sr = new StringReader(config);
         InputStream is = new ReaderInputStream(sr, StandardCharsets.UTF_8)) {
        service.read(MimeTypeUtils.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE, is);
源代码14 项目: onetwo   文件: CosClientWrapper.java
 * @author wayshall
 * @param object
 * @param contentType example: MediaType.APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM_VALUE
 * @return
public ObjectOperation storeAsJson(Object object, String contentType){
	String json = JsonMapper.DEFAULT_MAPPER.toJson(object);
	StringReader sr = new StringReader(json);
	ObjectMetadata meta = new ObjectMetadata();
	return store(new ReaderInputStream(sr), meta);
源代码15 项目: onetwo   文件: OssClientWrapper.java
 * @author wayshall
 * @param object
 * @param contentType example: MediaType.APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM_VALUE
 * @return
public ObjectOperation storeAsJson(Object object, String contentType){
	String json = JsonMapper.DEFAULT_MAPPER.toJson(object);
	StringReader sr = new StringReader(json);
	ObjectMetadata meta = new ObjectMetadata();
	return store(new ReaderInputStream(sr), meta);
private static void convertStringToOrFromInputStream() throws IOException {
    /*             1. Using Apache Utils */
    // convert String to InputStream
    InputStream inputStreamApache = IOUtils.toInputStream("test1", StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
    // convert InputStream to String
    String stringApache = IOUtils.toString(inputStreamApache, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
    System.out.println(stringApache); // print test1

    /*             2. Using JDK */
    // convert String to InputStream
    InputStream inputStreamJDK = new ByteArrayInputStream("test2".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));

    // convert InputStream to String
    BufferedReader str = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inputStreamJDK));
    String stringJDK = str.readLine();
    System.out.println(stringJDK); // print test2

    /*             3. Using guava */
    // convert String to InputStream
    InputStream targetStreamGuava = new ReaderInputStream(CharSource.wrap("test3").openStream());

    // convert InputStream to String
    String stringGuava = CharStreams.toString(new InputStreamReader(targetStreamGuava, Charsets.UTF_8));
    System.out.println(stringGuava); // print test3

    /*             4. Using JDK and Scanner*/
    InputStream inputStreamForScanner = new ReaderInputStream(CharSource.wrap("test4").openStream());
    // convert InputStream to String
    java.util.Scanner s = new java.util.Scanner(inputStreamForScanner).useDelimiter("\\A");
    String stringScanner = s.hasNext() ? s.next() : "";

    /*             5. Using Java 8 */
    InputStream inputStreamForJava8 = new ReaderInputStream(CharSource.wrap("test5").openStream());
    // convert InputStream to String
    String stringJava8 = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inputStreamForJava8)).lines().collect(Collectors.joining("\n"));
private static void convertStringToOrFromInputStream() throws IOException {
    /*             1. Using Apache Utils */
    // convert String to InputStream
    InputStream inputStreamApache = IOUtils.toInputStream("test1", StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
    // convert InputStream to String
    String stringApache = IOUtils.toString(inputStreamApache, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
    System.out.println(stringApache); // print test1

    /*             2. Using JDK */
    // convert String to InputStream
    InputStream inputStreamJDK = new ByteArrayInputStream("test2".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));

    // convert InputStream to String
    BufferedReader str = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inputStreamJDK));
    String stringJDK = str.readLine();
    System.out.println(stringJDK); // print test2

    /*             3. Using guava */
    // convert String to InputStream
    InputStream targetStreamGuava = new ReaderInputStream(CharSource.wrap("test3").openStream());

    // convert InputStream to String
    String stringGuava = CharStreams.toString(new InputStreamReader(targetStreamGuava, Charsets.UTF_8));
    System.out.println(stringGuava); // print test3

    /*             4. Using JDK and Scanner*/
    InputStream inputStreamForScanner = new ReaderInputStream(CharSource.wrap("test4").openStream());
    // convert InputStream to String
    java.util.Scanner s = new java.util.Scanner(inputStreamForScanner).useDelimiter("\\A");
    String stringScanner = s.hasNext() ? s.next() : "";

    /*             5. Using Java 8 */
    InputStream inputStreamForJava8 = new ReaderInputStream(CharSource.wrap("test5").openStream());
    // convert InputStream to String
    String stringJava8 = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inputStreamForJava8)).lines().collect(Collectors.joining("\n"));
源代码18 项目: samza   文件: TestApplicationMasterRestClient.java
private void setupMockClientResponse(int statusCode, String statusReason, String responseBody) throws IOException {
  StatusLine statusLine = mock(StatusLine.class);

  HttpEntity entity = mock(HttpEntity.class);
  when(entity.getContent()).thenReturn(new ReaderInputStream(new StringReader(responseBody)));

  CloseableHttpResponse response = mock(CloseableHttpResponse.class);

  when(mockClient.execute(any(HttpHost.class), any(HttpGet.class))).thenReturn(response);
源代码19 项目: yuzhouwan   文件: IOUtilsTest.java
public void test() throws Exception {
    File f = new File(FILE_PATH);
    String msg = "yuzhouwan";

    System.setIn(new ReaderInputStream(new StringReader(msg)));
    IOUtils.copyBytes(System.in, new FileOutputStream(f), DEFAULT_IO_LENGTH);

    byte[] buff = new byte[DEFAULT_IO_LENGTH];
    int len = new FileInputStream(f).read(buff, 0, msg.getBytes().length);

    assertEquals(msg, new String(buff, 0, len));
源代码20 项目: semweb4j   文件: ModelSetImplJena.java
public void readFrom(Reader in, Syntax syntax, String baseURI)
		throws IOException, ModelRuntimeException,
		SyntaxNotSupportedException {
	ReaderInputStream is = new ReaderInputStream(in, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
	readFrom(is, syntax, baseURI);
源代码21 项目: knox   文件: FormUrlRewriteStreamFilter.java
public InputStream filter(
    InputStream stream,
    String encoding,
    UrlRewriter rewriter,
    Resolver resolver,
    UrlRewriter.Direction direction,
    UrlRewriteFilterContentDescriptor config )
        throws IOException {
  return new ReaderInputStream(
      new FormUrlRewriteFilterReader(
          new InputStreamReader( stream, encoding ), rewriter, resolver, direction, config ), encoding );
源代码22 项目: knox   文件: JsonUrlRewriteStreamFilter.java
public InputStream filter(
    InputStream stream,
    String encoding,
    UrlRewriter rewriter,
    Resolver resolver,
    UrlRewriter.Direction direction,
    UrlRewriteFilterContentDescriptor config )
        throws IOException {
  return new ReaderInputStream(
      new JsonUrlRewriteFilterReader(
          new InputStreamReader( stream, encoding ), rewriter, resolver, direction, config ), encoding );
源代码23 项目: SwingBox   文件: SwingBoxEditorKit.java
public void read(Reader in, Document doc, int pos) throws IOException,

    if (doc instanceof org.fit.cssbox.swingbox.SwingBoxDocument)
        InputStream is = new ReaderInputStream(in);
        readImpl(is, (org.fit.cssbox.swingbox.SwingBoxDocument) doc, pos);
        super.read(in, doc, pos);
protected CompositeStream toCompositeStream(String id, String inXml) {
    try {
        InputStream xml = new ReaderInputStream(

        return new DefaultCompositeStream(id, xml);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new IllegalStateException(e);
源代码25 项目: saros   文件: ServerFileImplTest.java
public void create() throws Exception {
  assertResourceNotExists(workspace, "project/file");

  StringReader reader = new StringReader("content");
  file.create(new ReaderInputStream(reader));

  assertResourceExists(workspace, "project/file");
  assertFileHasContent(workspace, "project/file", "content");
源代码26 项目: saros   文件: ServerFileImplTest.java
@Test(expected = IOException.class)
public void createExistent() throws Exception {
  createFile(workspace, "project/file");

  StringReader reader = new StringReader("content");
  file.create(new ReaderInputStream(reader));
源代码27 项目: saros   文件: ServerFileImplTest.java
public void setContents() throws Exception {
  createFile(workspace, "project/file", "old content");

  StringReader reader = new StringReader("new content");
  file.setContents(new ReaderInputStream(reader));

  assertFileHasContent(workspace, "project/file", "new content");
源代码28 项目: saros   文件: ServerFileImplTest.java
@Test(expected = IOException.class)
public void setContentsOfNonExistent() throws Exception {
  assertResourceNotExists(workspace, "project/file");

  StringReader reader = new StringReader("new content");
  file.setContents(new ReaderInputStream(reader));

  assertFileHasContent(workspace, "project/file", "new content");
源代码29 项目: iaf   文件: Message.java
public InputStream asInputStream(String defaultCharset) throws IOException {
	if (request == null) {
		return null;
	if (request instanceof InputStream) {
		log.debug("returning InputStream as InputStream");
		return (InputStream) request;
	if (request instanceof URL) {
		log.debug("returning URL as InputStream");
		return ((URL) request).openStream();
	if (request instanceof File) {
		log.debug("returning File as InputStream");
		try {
			return new FileInputStream((File)request);
		} catch (IOException e) {
			throw new IOException("Cannot open file ["+((File)request).getPath()+"]");
	if (StringUtils.isEmpty(defaultCharset)) {
	if (request instanceof Reader) {
		log.debug("returning Reader as InputStream");
		return new ReaderInputStream((Reader) request, defaultCharset);
	if (request instanceof byte[]) {
		log.debug("returning byte[] as InputStream");
		return new ByteArrayInputStream((byte[]) request);
	log.debug("returning String as InputStream");
	return new ByteArrayInputStream(request.toString().getBytes(defaultCharset));
源代码30 项目: tutorials   文件: JavaXToInputStreamUnitTest.java
public final void givenUsingGuava_whenConvertingStringToInputStream_thenCorrect() throws IOException {
    final String initialString = "text";
    final InputStream targetStream = new ReaderInputStream(CharSource.wrap(initialString).openStream());
