

源代码1 项目: polling-station-app   文件: TestElectionChoice.java
    public void clickOnElection() throws Exception {
        final Election e = electionActivity.getAdapter().getItem(1);

        onData(instanceOf(Election.class)) // We are using the position so don't need to specify a data matcher
                .inAdapterView(withId(R.id.election_list)) // Specify the explicit id of the ListView
                .atPosition(1) // Explicitly specify the adapter item to use
//        intended(hasComponent(MainActivity.class.getName()));
        onView(withId(R.id.app_bar)).check(new ViewAssertion() {
            public void check(View view, NoMatchingViewException noViewFoundException) {
                assertEquals(((Toolbar) view).getTitle(), e.getKind());
                assertEquals(((Toolbar) view).getSubtitle(), e.getPlace());
源代码2 项目: polling-station-app   文件: TestElectionChoice.java
    public void searchCityAndClick() throws Exception {
        List<Election> unfilteredList = electionActivity.getAdapter().getList();


        final Election toClick = unfilteredList.get(0);

        onView (withId (R.id.election_list)).check (ViewAssertions.matches (new Matchers().withListSize (1)));

//        intended(hasComponent(MainActivity.class.getName()));
        onView(withId(R.id.app_bar)).check(new ViewAssertion() {
            public void check(View view, NoMatchingViewException noViewFoundException) {
                assertEquals(((Toolbar) view).getTitle(), toClick.getKind());
                assertEquals(((Toolbar) view).getSubtitle(), toClick.getPlace());
源代码3 项目: DebugRank   文件: Util.java
public static ViewAssertion flexGridHasCode(final List<CodeLine> expectedCodeLines)
    return new ViewAssertion()
        public void check(View view, NoMatchingViewException noViewException)
            FlexGrid flexGrid = (FlexGrid) view;

            List<CodeLine> actualCodeLines = (List<CodeLine>) flexGrid.getItemsSource();

            for (int i = 0; i < expectedCodeLines.size(); i++)
                CodeLine expected = expectedCodeLines.get(i);
                CodeLine actual = actualCodeLines.get(i);

                assertEquals(expected.getCodeText(), actual.getCodeText());
源代码4 项目: espresso-macchiato   文件: EspRecyclerViewItem.java
 * Check that this item exist.
 * Is true when adapter has matching item ignores the display state.
 * @since Espresso Macchiato 0.6

public void assertExist() {
    findRecyclerView().check(new ViewAssertion() {
        public void check(View view, NoMatchingViewException noViewFoundException) {
            if (noViewFoundException != null) {
                throw noViewFoundException;

            RecyclerView recyclerView = (RecyclerView) view;
            if (index >= recyclerView.getAdapter().getItemCount()) {
                throw new AssertionFailedError("Requested item should exist.");
源代码5 项目: cameraview   文件: CameraViewTest.java
public void testAutoFocus() {
            .check(new ViewAssertion() {
                public void check(View view, NoMatchingViewException noViewFoundException) {
                    CameraView cameraView = (CameraView) view;
                    // This can fail on devices without auto-focus support
                    assertThat(cameraView.getAutoFocus(), is(true));
                    assertThat(cameraView.getAutoFocus(), is(false));
                    assertThat(cameraView.getAutoFocus(), is(true));
源代码6 项目: cameraview   文件: CameraViewTest.java
private static ViewAssertion showingPreview() {
    return new ViewAssertion() {
        public void check(View view, NoMatchingViewException noViewFoundException) {
            CameraView cameraView = (CameraView) view;
            TextureView textureView = cameraView.findViewById(R.id.texture_view);
            Bitmap bitmap = textureView.getBitmap();
            int topLeft = bitmap.getPixel(0, 0);
            int center = bitmap.getPixel(bitmap.getWidth() / 2, bitmap.getHeight() / 2);
            int bottomRight = bitmap.getPixel(
                    bitmap.getWidth() - 1, bitmap.getHeight() - 1);
            assertFalse("Preview possibly blank: " + Integer.toHexString(topLeft),
                    topLeft == center && center == bottomRight);
源代码7 项目: zulip-android   文件: ViewAssertions.java
public static ViewAssertion checkMessagesOnlyFromToday() {
    return new ViewAssertion() {
        public void check(View view, NoMatchingViewException e) {
            if (!(view instanceof RecyclerView)) {
                throw e;
            RecyclerView rv = (RecyclerView) view;
            RecyclerMessageAdapter recyclerMessageAdapter = (RecyclerMessageAdapter) rv.getAdapter();
            StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
            stringBuilder.append("OfDate-" + (new Date()).toString() + " { ");
            for (int index = 0; index < recyclerMessageAdapter.getItemCount(); index++) {
                if (recyclerMessageAdapter.getItem(index) instanceof Message) {
                    Message message = (Message) recyclerMessageAdapter.getItem(index);
                    SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm", Locale.US);
                    stringBuilder.append(message.getID() + "-" + sdf.format(message.getTimestamp()) + " , ");
                    assertTrue("This message is not of today ID=" + message.getID() + ":" + message.getIdForHolder() + "\ncontent=" + message.getContent(), DateUtils.isToday(message.getTimestamp().getTime()));
            stringBuilder.append(" }");
            printLogInPartsIfExceeded(stringBuilder, "checkMessagesOnlyFromToday");
源代码8 项目: android-step-by-step   文件: EspressoTools.java
public static ViewAssertion hasViewWithTextAtPosition(final int index, final CharSequence text) {
    return new ViewAssertion() {
        public void check(View view, NoMatchingViewException e) {
            if (!(view instanceof RecyclerView)) {
                throw e;
            RecyclerView rv = (RecyclerView) view;
            ArrayList<View> outviews = new ArrayList<>();
            rv.findViewHolderForAdapterPosition(index).itemView.findViewsWithText(outviews, text,
            Truth.assert_().withFailureMessage("There's no view at index " + index + " of recyclerview that has text : " + text)
源代码9 项目: android-step-by-step   文件: EspressoTools.java
public static ViewAssertion doesntHaveViewWithText(final String text) {
    return new ViewAssertion() {
        public void check(View view, NoMatchingViewException e) {
            if (!(view instanceof RecyclerView)) {
                throw e;
            RecyclerView rv = (RecyclerView) view;
            ArrayList<View> outviews = new ArrayList<>();
            for (int index = 0; index < rv.getAdapter().getItemCount(); index++) {
                rv.findViewHolderForAdapterPosition(index).itemView.findViewsWithText(outviews, text,
                if (outviews.size() > 0) break;
源代码10 项目: polling-station-app   文件: TestElectionChoice.java
public void atElectionActivity() throws Exception {
    onView(withId(R.id.app_bar)).check(new ViewAssertion() {
        public void check(View view, NoMatchingViewException noViewFoundException) {
            assertEquals(((Toolbar) view).getTitle(), "Choose election");
 * @param enabled Whether the view should be matched to be enabled or not.
 * @return A {@link ViewAssertion} that asserts that a view should be matched
 *         to be enabled or disabled.
private static ViewAssertion matchesIsEnabled(boolean enabled) {
    // TODO: When we're comfortable with the APIs, we can statically import them and
    // make direct calls to these methods and cut down on the verbosity, instead of
    // writing helper methods that wrap these APIs.
    return ViewAssertions.matches(enabled ? ViewMatchers.isEnabled() : Matchers.not(ViewMatchers.isEnabled()));
源代码12 项目: DebugRank   文件: Util.java
public static ViewAssertion flexGridReadOnly(final boolean expected)
    return new ViewAssertion()
        public void check(View view, NoMatchingViewException noViewException)
            FlexGrid flexGrid = (FlexGrid) view;

            assertEquals(expected, flexGrid.isReadOnly());
源代码13 项目: DebugRank   文件: Util.java
public static ViewAssertion mockDrawable(final String expectedTag)
    return new ViewAssertion()
        public void check(View view, NoMatchingViewException noViewException)
            String tag = (String) ((MockDrawable) ((ImageView) view).getDrawable()).getTag();

            assertEquals(expectedTag, tag);
源代码14 项目: DebugRank   文件: Util.java
public static ViewAssertion withDrawable(@DrawableRes final int expectedResourceId)
    return new ViewAssertion()
        public void check(View view, NoMatchingViewException noViewException)
            @DrawableRes int tag = (int) ((MockDrawable) ((ImageView) view).getDrawable()).getTag();

            assertEquals(expectedResourceId, tag);
源代码15 项目: android   文件: ViewAssertions.java
public static ViewAssertion haveItemCount(final int count) {
    return new ViewAssertion() {
        public void check(View view, NoMatchingViewException noViewFoundException) {
            StringDescription description = new StringDescription();

            if (noViewFoundException != null) {
                        "' check could not be performed because view '%s' was not found.\n",
                Log.e(TAG, description.toString());
                throw noViewFoundException;
            } else {
                int actualCount = -1;

                if (view instanceof RecyclerView) {
                    actualCount = getItemCount((RecyclerView) view);

                if (actualCount == -1) {
                    throw new AssertionError("Cannot get view item count.");
                } else if (actualCount != count) {
                    throw new AssertionError("View has " + actualCount +
                            "items while expected " + count);
源代码16 项目: espresso-macchiato   文件: AppBarLayoutAssertion.java
public static ViewAssertion assertIsExpanded() {
    return new ViewAssertion() {
        public void check(View view, NoMatchingViewException noViewFoundException) {
            AppBarLayout appBarLayout = (AppBarLayout) view;
            boolean isFullExpanded = appBarLayout.getHeight() - appBarLayout.getBottom() == 0;
            ViewMatchers.assertThat("is full expanded", isFullExpanded, is(true));
源代码17 项目: cameraview   文件: CameraViewTest.java
public void testFacing() {
            .check(new ViewAssertion() {
                public void check(View view, NoMatchingViewException noViewFoundException) {
                    CameraView cameraView = (CameraView) view;
                    assertThat(cameraView.getFacing(), is(CameraView.FACING_BACK));
                    assertThat(cameraView.getFacing(), is(CameraView.FACING_FRONT));
源代码18 项目: cameraview   文件: CameraViewTest.java
public void testFlash() {
            .check(new ViewAssertion() {
                public void check(View view, NoMatchingViewException noViewFoundException) {
                    CameraView cameraView = (CameraView) view;
                    assertThat(cameraView.getFlash(), is(CameraView.FLASH_AUTO));
                    assertThat(cameraView.getFlash(), is(CameraView.FLASH_TORCH));
源代码19 项目: zulip-android   文件: ViewAssertions.java
public static ViewAssertion checkOrderOfMessages(final ZulipActivity zulipActivity) {
    //ZulipActivity is needed for generating detailed info about position if doesn't matches
    return new ViewAssertion() {
        public void check(View view, NoMatchingViewException noMatchingViewException) {
            if (!(view instanceof RecyclerView)) {
                throw noMatchingViewException;
            StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
            RecyclerMessageAdapter recyclerMessageAdapter = (RecyclerMessageAdapter) ((RecyclerView) view).getAdapter();
            for (int i = 0; i < recyclerMessageAdapter.getItemCount() - 1; i++) {
                Object object = recyclerMessageAdapter.getItem(i);
                if (object instanceof Message) {
                    if (recyclerMessageAdapter.getItem(i + 1) instanceof Message) {
                        boolean checkOrder = (((Message) object).getID() < ((Message) recyclerMessageAdapter.getItem(i + 1)).getID());
                        assertTrue(generateDetailedInfoForOrder(((Message) object), ((Message) recyclerMessageAdapter.getItem(i + 1)), zulipActivity, i), checkOrder);
                    stringBuilder.append(((Message) object).getID() + ",");
                } else if (object instanceof MessageHeaderParent) {
                    stringBuilder.append("} | { ");
            printLogInPartsIfExceeded(stringBuilder, "checkOrderOfMessages");
源代码20 项目: zulip-android   文件: ViewAssertions.java
public static ViewAssertion checkIfMessagesMatchTheHeaderParent(final ZulipActivity zulipActivity) {
    return new ViewAssertion() {
        public void check(View view, NoMatchingViewException noMatchingViewException) {
            if (!(view instanceof RecyclerView)) {
                throw noMatchingViewException;

            RecyclerMessageAdapter recyclerMessageAdapter = (RecyclerMessageAdapter) ((RecyclerView) view).getAdapter();
            String lastHolderId = null;
            StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
            for (int i = 0; i < recyclerMessageAdapter.getItemCount() - 1; i++) {
                Object object = recyclerMessageAdapter.getItem(i);
                if (object instanceof MessageHeaderParent) {
                    lastHolderId = ((MessageHeaderParent) object).getId();
                    stringBuilder.append("} \'MHP\'-\'" + lastHolderId + " {");
                } else if (object instanceof Message) {
                    Message message = (Message) object;
                    boolean checkOrder = (lastHolderId.equals(message.getIdForHolder()));
                    assertTrue(generateDetailDebugInfoForCorrectHeaderParent(message, zulipActivity, lastHolderId, i), checkOrder);
                    stringBuilder.append(message.getIdForHolder() + "-" + message.getID() + " , ");
            printLogInPartsIfExceeded(stringBuilder, "checkIfMessagesMatchTheHeaderParent");
源代码21 项目: zulip-android   文件: ViewAssertions.java
public static ViewAssertion checkIfBelongToSameNarrow(final ZulipActivity zulipActivity) {
    return new ViewAssertion() {
        public void check(View view, NoMatchingViewException noMatchingViewException) {
            if (!(view instanceof RecyclerView)) {
                throw noMatchingViewException;
            RecyclerMessageAdapter recyclerMessageAdapter = (RecyclerMessageAdapter) ((RecyclerView) view).getAdapter();
            String lastHolderId = null;
            int headerParentsCount = 0;
            StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
            for (int i = 0; i < recyclerMessageAdapter.getItemCount() - 1; i++) {
                Object object = recyclerMessageAdapter.getItem(i);
                if (object instanceof MessageHeaderParent) {
                    assertTrue(generateDetailInfoSameNarrow((MessageHeaderParent) object, i, zulipActivity, lastHolderId), headerParentsCount <= 1);
                    lastHolderId = ((MessageHeaderParent) object).getId();
                    stringBuilder.append(lastHolderId + " { ");
                } else if (object instanceof Message) {
                    boolean checkId = ((Message) object).getIdForHolder().equals(lastHolderId);
                    assertTrue(generateDetailInfoSameNarrow(((Message) object), zulipActivity, lastHolderId, i), checkId);
                    stringBuilder.append(((Message) object).getIdForHolder() + " , ");
            stringBuilder.append(" }");
            printLogInPartsIfExceeded(stringBuilder, "checkIfBelongToSameNarrow");
源代码22 项目: zulip-android   文件: ViewAssertions.java
public static ViewAssertion hasItemsCount() {
    return new ViewAssertion() {
        public void check(View view, NoMatchingViewException e) {
            if (!(view instanceof RecyclerView)) {
                throw e;
            RecyclerView rv = (RecyclerView) view;
            assertThat("Items less than 2, which means no E-Mails!", rv.getAdapter().getItemCount(), org.hamcrest.Matchers.greaterThan(2));
源代码23 项目: android-step-by-step   文件: EspressoTools.java
public static ViewAssertion hasItemsCount(final int count) {
    return new ViewAssertion() {
        public void check(View view, NoMatchingViewException e) {
            if (!(view instanceof RecyclerView)) {
                throw e;
            RecyclerView rv = (RecyclerView) view;
            if (rv.getAdapter() == null && count == 0) {
源代码24 项目: android-step-by-step   文件: EspressoTools.java
public static ViewAssertion hasHolderItemAtPosition(final int index,
                                                    final Matcher<RecyclerView.ViewHolder> viewHolderMatcher) {
    return new ViewAssertion() {
        public void check(View view, NoMatchingViewException e) {
            if (!(view instanceof RecyclerView)) {
                throw e;
            RecyclerView rv = (RecyclerView) view;
            Assert.assertThat(rv.findViewHolderForAdapterPosition(index), viewHolderMatcher);
源代码25 项目: test-samples   文件: TestUtilities.java
static Activity getCurrentActivity() {

        final Activity[] activity = new Activity[1];
        onView(isRoot()).check(new ViewAssertion() {
            public void check(View view, NoMatchingViewException noViewFoundException) {
                activity[0] = (Activity) view.findViewById(android.R.id.content).getContext();
        return activity[0];
源代码26 项目: cortado   文件: Cortado.java
final ViewInteraction check(final ViewAssertion viewAssert) {
    return Espresso.onView(get()).check(viewAssert);
源代码27 项目: cortado   文件: ViewInteraction.java
public android.support.test.espresso.ViewInteraction check(ViewAssertion viewAssert) {
    return cortado.check(viewAssert);
public static ViewAssertion adapterItemCountEquals(int count) {
    return new ItemCountAssertion(ItemCountAssertion.MODE_EQUALS, count);
public static ViewAssertion adapterItemCountLowerThan(int count) {
    return new ItemCountAssertion(ItemCountAssertion.MODE_LESS_THAN, count);
源代码30 项目: flowless   文件: FlowViewAssertions.java
public static ViewAssertion doesNotHaveFlowService(final String serviceName) {
    return new FlowServiceIsNull(serviceName, false);