

源代码1 项目: testing-cin   文件: WebViewActivityTest.java
public void typeTextInInput_clickButton_SubmitsForm() {
    // Lazily launch the Activity with a custom start Intent per test

    // Selects the WebView in your layout. If you have multiple WebViews you can also use a
    // matcher to select a given WebView, onWebView(withId(R.id.web_view)).
            // Find the input element by ID
            .withElement(findElement(Locator.ID, "text_input"))
            // Clear previous input
            // Enter text into the input element
            // Find the submit button
            .withElement(findElement(Locator.ID, "submitBtn"))
            // Simulate a click via javascript
            // Find the response element by ID
            .withElement(findElement(Locator.ID, "response"))
            // Verify that the response page contains the entered text
            .check(webMatches(getText(), containsString(MACCHIATO)));
源代码2 项目: testing-cin   文件: WebViewActivityTest.java
public void typeTextInInput_clickButton_ChangesText() {
    // Lazily launch the Activity with a custom start Intent per test

    // Selects the WebView in your layout. If you have multiple WebViews you can also use a
    // matcher to select a given WebView, onWebView(withId(R.id.web_view)).
            // Find the input element by ID
            .withElement(findElement(Locator.ID, "text_input"))
            // Clear previous input
            // Enter text into the input element
            // Find the change text button.
            .withElement(findElement(Locator.ID, "changeTextBtn"))
            // Click on it.
            // Find the message element by ID
            .withElement(findElement(Locator.ID, "message"))
            // Verify that the text is displayed
            .check(webMatches(getText(), containsString(DOPPIO)));
 * Enters a full name and then asserts if it's displayed
 * @param firstName the entered first name
 * @param lastName the entered last name
private void assertName(String firstName, String lastName) {
    typeIntoWebField(FIRST_NAME_FORM_ID, firstName);
    typeIntoWebField(LAST_NAME_FORM_ID, lastName);
    onWebView().withElement(findElement(Locator.ID, FULL_NAME_DISPLAY_ID)).
            check(webMatches(getText(), containsString(firstName + " " + lastName)));
public static void AzureADSignIn(String username, String password, ActivityTestRule<SignInActivity> signInActivityTestRule) throws InterruptedException {
    SignInActivity signInActivity = signInActivityTestRule.launchActivity(null);


    try {
                .withElement(findElement(Locator.ID, USER_ID_TEXT_ELEMENT))
                // Enter text into the input element
                // Set focus on the username input text
                // The form validates the username when this field loses focus
                .withElement(findElement(Locator.ID, PASSWORD_TEXT_ELEMENT))
                // Now we force focus on this element to make
                // the username element to lose focus and validate
                // Enter text into the input element

        Thread.sleep(2000, 0);

                .withElement(findElement(Locator.ID, SIGN_IN_BUTTON_ELEMENT))
    } catch (NoMatchingViewException ex) {
        // If user is already logged in, the flow will go directly to SnippetListActivity
    } finally {
        Thread.sleep(2000, 0);

    // Finally, verify that SnippetListActivity is on top

 * Types a given string into a id
 * @param id the element id
 * @param text the text input
private void typeIntoWebField(String id, String text){
    onWebView().withElement(findElement(Locator.ID, id)).perform(clearElement()).perform(webKeys(text));