

源代码1 项目: teasy   文件: Screenshoter.java
public String takeScreenshot(final String errorMessage, final String testName) {
    try {
        BufferedImage image;
        if (Configuration.browser.equals("chrome")) {
            image = ImageIO.read(new ChromeScreenshoter().getFullScreenshotAs(OutputType.FILE));
        } else {
            image = ImageIO.read(((TakesScreenshot)DriverHolder.getDriver()).getScreenshotAs(OutputType.FILE));

        printStrings(image, removeNL(testName, errorMessage));

        final String pathName = getFilenameFor(testName);
        final File screenShotWithProjectPath = new File(pathName);
        ImageIO.write(image, "png", screenShotWithProjectPath);
        attachScreenShotToAllure(errorMessage, testName, screenShotWithProjectPath);
        return screenShotWithProjectPath.getAbsolutePath();
    } catch (IOException e) {
        return "";
    } catch (UnhandledAlertException alertException) {
        Alert alert = DriverHolder.getDriver().switchTo().alert();
        return takeScreenshot(errorMessage, testName);
源代码2 项目: phoenix.webui.framework   文件: WebPage.java
public void open()
	String paramUrl = paramTranslate(getUrl());
	catch(UnhandledAlertException e)
		Alert alert = engine.getDriver().switchTo().alert();
		if(alert != null)

源代码3 项目: hsac-fitnesse-fixtures   文件: BrowserTest.java
 * Takes screenshot from current page
 * @param basename filename (below screenshot base directory).
 * @return location of screenshot.
public String takeScreenshot(String basename) {
    try {
        String screenshotFile = createScreenshot(basename);
        if (screenshotFile == null) {
            throw new SlimFixtureException(false, "Unable to take screenshot: does the webdriver support it?");
        } else {
            screenshotFile = getScreenshotLink(screenshotFile);
        return screenshotFile;
    } catch (UnhandledAlertException e) {
        // standard behavior will stop test, this breaks storyboard that will attempt to take screenshot
        // after triggering alert, but before the alert can be handled.
        // so we output a message but no exception. We rely on a next line to actually handle alert
        // (which may mean either really handle or stop test).
        return String.format(
                "<div><strong>Unable to take screenshot</strong>, alert is active. Alert text:<br/>" +
源代码4 项目: selenium   文件: ErrorHandler.java
private UnhandledAlertException createUnhandledAlertException(Object value) {
  Map<String, Object> rawErrorData = (Map<String, Object>) value;
  if (rawErrorData.containsKey("alert") || rawErrorData.containsKey("alertText")) {
    Object alertText = rawErrorData.get("alertText");
    if (alertText == null) {
      Map<String, Object> alert = (Map<String, Object>) rawErrorData.get("alert");
      if (alert != null) {
        alertText = alert.get("text");
    return createThrowable(UnhandledAlertException.class,
        new Class<?>[] {String.class, String.class},
        new Object[] {rawErrorData.get("message"), alertText});
  return null;
源代码5 项目: selenium   文件: W3CHttpResponseCodec.java
protected Object getValueToEncode(Response response) {
  HashMap<Object, Object> toReturn = new HashMap<>();
  Object value = response.getValue();
  if (value instanceof WebDriverException) {
    HashMap<Object, Object> exception = new HashMap<>();
        response.getState() != null ?
        response.getState() :
    exception.put("message", ((WebDriverException) value).getMessage());
    exception.put("stacktrace", Throwables.getStackTraceAsString((WebDriverException) value));
    if (value instanceof UnhandledAlertException) {
      HashMap<String, Object> data = new HashMap<>();
      data.put("text", ((UnhandledAlertException) value).getAlertText());
      exception.put("data", data);

    value = exception;
  toReturn.put("value", value);
  return toReturn;
源代码6 项目: carina   文件: DriverHelper.java
    * Opens full or relative URL.
    * @param url
    *            to open.
public void openURL(String url) {
	String decryptedURL = cryptoTool.decryptByPattern(url, CRYPTO_PATTERN);

	decryptedURL = getEnvArgURL(decryptedURL);

	WebDriver drv = getDriver();


	DriverListener.setMessages(Messager.OPEN_URL.getMessage(url), Messager.NOT_OPEN_URL.getMessage(url));
       try {
       } catch (UnhandledAlertException e) {
源代码7 项目: webtester-core   文件: DebugMarkerFeatureTest.java
@Test(expected = UnhandledAlertException.class)
public void demonstrateDebugMarking() {
    String username = page.usernameCredential.getText();
    String password = page.passwordCredential.getText();

源代码8 项目: hsac-fitnesse-fixtures   文件: BrowserTest.java
protected String getExceptionScreenshotTag(String screenshotBaseName, String messageBase, Throwable t) {
    String screenshotTag = "(Screenshot not available)";
    try {
        String screenShotFile = createScreenshot(screenshotBaseName, t);
        screenshotTag = getScreenshotLink(screenShotFile);
    } catch (UnhandledAlertException e) {
        // https://code.google.com/p/selenium/issues/detail?id=4412
        System.err.println("Unable to take screenshot while alert is present for exception: " + messageBase);
    } catch (Exception sse) {
        System.err.println("Unable to take screenshot for exception: " + messageBase);
    return screenshotTag;
源代码9 项目: selenium   文件: JsonOutputTest.java
public void shouldConvertUnhandledAlertException() {
  RuntimeException clientError = new UnhandledAlertException("unhandled alert", "cheese!");
  Map<String, Object> obj = new Json().toType(new StringReader(convert(clientError)), Map.class);
  assertThat(obj.get("alert")).isEqualTo(ImmutableMap.of("text", "cheese!"));
源代码10 项目: selenium   文件: W3CHttpResponseCodecTest.java
public void shouldPopulateTheAlertTextIfThrowingAnUnhandledAlertException() {
  Map<String, Map<String, Serializable>> data = ImmutableMap.of(
      "value", ImmutableMap.of(
          "error", "unexpected alert open",
          "message", "Modal dialog present",
          "stacktrace", "",
          "data", ImmutableMap.of("text", "cheese")));

  HttpResponse response = createValidResponse(500, data);
  Response decoded = new W3CHttpResponseCodec().decode(response);

  UnhandledAlertException ex = (UnhandledAlertException) decoded.getValue();
源代码11 项目: candybean   文件: WebDriverInterface.java
 * Click &quot;OK&quot; on a modal dialog box (usually referred to
 * as a &quot;javascript dialog&quot;).
public void acceptDialog() {
	try {
		logger.info("Accepting dialog.");
	} catch(UnhandledAlertException uae) {
		logger.warning("Unhandled alert exception");
源代码12 项目: candybean   文件: WebDriverInterface.java
 * Dismisses a modal dialog box (usually referred to
 * as a &quot;javascript dialog&quot;).
public void dismissDialog() {
	try {
		logger.info("Dismissing dialog.");
	} catch(UnhandledAlertException uae) {
		logger.warning("Unhandled alert exception");
源代码13 项目: candybean   文件: WebDriverInterface.java
 * Returns true if a modal dialog can be switched to 
 * and switched back from; otherwise, returns false.
 * @return 	Boolean true only if a modal dialog can 
 * be switched to, then switched back from.
public boolean isDialogVisible() {
	try { 
		logger.info("Dialog present?: true.");
		return true;
	} catch(UnhandledAlertException uae) {
		logger.info("(Unhandled alert in FF?) Dialog present?: true.  May have ignored dialog...");
		return true;
	} catch(NoAlertPresentException nape) {
		logger.info("Dialog present?: false.");
		return false;
源代码14 项目: selenium   文件: ErrorHandler.java
private Throwable rebuildServerError(Map<String, Object> rawErrorData, int responseStatus) {

    if (rawErrorData.get(CLASS) == null && rawErrorData.get(STACK_TRACE) == null) {
      // Not enough information for us to try to rebuild an error.
      return null;

    Throwable toReturn = null;
    String message = (String) rawErrorData.get(MESSAGE);
    Class<?> clazz = null;

    // First: allow Remote Driver to specify the Selenium Server internal exception
    if (rawErrorData.get(CLASS) != null) {
      String className = (String) rawErrorData.get(CLASS);
      try {
        clazz = Class.forName(className);
      } catch (ClassNotFoundException ignored) {
        // Ok, fall-through

    // If the above fails, map Response Status to Exception class
    if (null == clazz) {
      clazz = errorCodes.getExceptionType(responseStatus);

    if (clazz.equals(UnhandledAlertException.class)) {
      toReturn = createUnhandledAlertException(rawErrorData);
    } else if (Throwable.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz)) {
      Class<? extends Throwable> throwableType = (Class<? extends Throwable>) clazz;
      toReturn = createThrowable(
          new Class<?>[] {String.class},
          new Object[] {message});

    if (toReturn == null) {
      toReturn = new UnknownServerException(message);

    // Note: if we have a class name above, we should always have a stack trace.
    // The inverse is not always true.
    StackTraceElement[] stackTrace = new StackTraceElement[0];
    if (rawErrorData.get(STACK_TRACE) != null) {
      List<Map<String, Object>> stackTraceInfo =
          (List<Map<String, Object>>) rawErrorData.get(STACK_TRACE);

      stackTrace = stackTraceInfo.stream()
          .map(entry -> new FrameInfoToStackFrame().apply(entry))

    return toReturn;
源代码15 项目: selenium   文件: W3CHttpResponseCodec.java
public Response decode(HttpResponse encodedResponse) {
  String content = string(encodedResponse).trim();
    "Decoding response. Response code was: %d and content: %s",
  String contentType = nullToEmpty(encodedResponse.getHeader(CONTENT_TYPE));

  Response response = new Response();

  // Are we dealing with an error?
  // {"error":"no such alert","message":"No tab modal was open when attempting to get the dialog text"}
  if (HTTP_OK != encodedResponse.getStatus()) {
    log.fine("Processing an error");
    if (HTTP_BAD_METHOD == encodedResponse.getStatus()) {
    } else {
      Map<String, Object> obj = json.toType(content, MAP_TYPE);

      Object w3cWrappedValue = obj.get("value");
      if (w3cWrappedValue instanceof Map && ((Map<?, ?>) w3cWrappedValue).containsKey("error")) {
        //noinspection unchecked
        obj = (Map<String, Object>) w3cWrappedValue;

      String message = "An unknown error has occurred";
      if (obj.get("message") instanceof String) {
        message = (String) obj.get("message");

      String error = "unknown error";
      if (obj.get("error") instanceof String) {
        error = (String) obj.get("error");

      response.setStatus(errorCodes.toStatus(error, Optional.of(encodedResponse.getStatus())));

      // For now, we'll inelegantly special case unhandled alerts.
      if ("unexpected alert open".equals(error) &&
          HTTP_INTERNAL_ERROR == encodedResponse.getStatus()) {
        String text = "";
        Object data = obj.get("data");
        if (data != null) {
          Object rawText = ((Map<?, ?>) data).get("text");
          if (rawText instanceof String) {
            text = (String) rawText;
        response.setValue(new UnhandledAlertException(message, text));
      } else {
        response.setValue(createException(error, message));
    return response;

  if (!content.isEmpty()) {
    if (contentType.startsWith("application/json") || Strings.isNullOrEmpty("")) {
      Map<String, Object> parsed = json.toType(content, MAP_TYPE);
      if (parsed.containsKey("value")) {
        Object value = parsed.get("value");
      } else {
        // Assume that the body of the response was the response.
        response.setValue(json.toType(content, OBJECT_TYPE));

  if (response.getValue() instanceof String) {
    // We normalise to \n because Java will translate this to \r\n
    // if this is suitable on our platform, and if we have \r\n, java will
    // turn this into \r\r\n, which would be Bad!
    response.setValue(((String) response.getValue()).replace("\r\n", "\n"));

  return response;
源代码16 项目: selenium   文件: ErrorHandlerTest.java
public void testStatusCodesRaisedBackToStatusMatches() {
  Map<Integer, Class<?>> exceptions = new HashMap<>();
  exceptions.put(ErrorCodes.NO_SUCH_SESSION, NoSuchSessionException.class);
  exceptions.put(ErrorCodes.NO_SUCH_ELEMENT, NoSuchElementException.class);
  exceptions.put(ErrorCodes.NO_SUCH_FRAME, NoSuchFrameException.class);
  exceptions.put(ErrorCodes.UNKNOWN_COMMAND, UnsupportedCommandException.class);
  exceptions.put(ErrorCodes.STALE_ELEMENT_REFERENCE, StaleElementReferenceException.class);
  exceptions.put(ErrorCodes.ELEMENT_NOT_VISIBLE, ElementNotVisibleException.class);
  exceptions.put(ErrorCodes.INVALID_ELEMENT_STATE, InvalidElementStateException.class);
  exceptions.put(ErrorCodes.UNHANDLED_ERROR, WebDriverException.class);
  exceptions.put(ErrorCodes.ELEMENT_NOT_SELECTABLE, ElementNotSelectableException.class);
  exceptions.put(ErrorCodes.JAVASCRIPT_ERROR, JavascriptException.class);
  exceptions.put(ErrorCodes.XPATH_LOOKUP_ERROR, InvalidSelectorException.class);
  exceptions.put(ErrorCodes.TIMEOUT, TimeoutException.class);
  exceptions.put(ErrorCodes.NO_SUCH_WINDOW, NoSuchWindowException.class);
  exceptions.put(ErrorCodes.INVALID_COOKIE_DOMAIN, InvalidCookieDomainException.class);
  exceptions.put(ErrorCodes.UNABLE_TO_SET_COOKIE, UnableToSetCookieException.class);
  exceptions.put(ErrorCodes.UNEXPECTED_ALERT_PRESENT, UnhandledAlertException.class);
  exceptions.put(ErrorCodes.NO_ALERT_PRESENT, NoAlertPresentException.class);
  exceptions.put(ErrorCodes.ASYNC_SCRIPT_TIMEOUT, ScriptTimeoutException.class);
  exceptions.put(ErrorCodes.INVALID_ELEMENT_COORDINATES, InvalidCoordinatesException.class);
  exceptions.put(ErrorCodes.IME_NOT_AVAILABLE, ImeNotAvailableException.class);
  exceptions.put(ErrorCodes.IME_ENGINE_ACTIVATION_FAILED, ImeActivationFailedException.class);
  exceptions.put(ErrorCodes.INVALID_SELECTOR_ERROR, InvalidSelectorException.class);
  exceptions.put(ErrorCodes.SESSION_NOT_CREATED, SessionNotCreatedException.class);
  exceptions.put(ErrorCodes.MOVE_TARGET_OUT_OF_BOUNDS, MoveTargetOutOfBoundsException.class);
  exceptions.put(ErrorCodes.INVALID_XPATH_SELECTOR, InvalidSelectorException.class);
  exceptions.put(ErrorCodes.INVALID_XPATH_SELECTOR_RETURN_TYPER, InvalidSelectorException.class);

  for (Map.Entry<Integer, Class<?>> exception : exceptions.entrySet()) {
        .isThrownBy(() -> handler.throwIfResponseFailed(createResponse(exception.getKey()), 123))
        .satisfies(e -> {

          // all of the special invalid selector exceptions are just mapped to the generic invalid selector
          int expected = e instanceof InvalidSelectorException
                         ? ErrorCodes.INVALID_SELECTOR_ERROR : exception.getKey();
          assertThat(new ErrorCodes().toStatusCode(e)).isEqualTo(expected);