

源代码1 项目: candybean   文件: FirefoxInterface.java
public void start() throws CandybeanException {
	String profileName = candybean.config.getValue("browser.firefox.profile", "default");
	File ffBinaryPath = new File(candybean.config.getPathValue("browser.firefox.binary"));
		String error = "Unable to find firefox browser driver from the specified location in the configuration file! \n"
				+ "Please add a configuration to the candybean config file for key \"browser.firefox.binary\" that"
				+ "indicates the location of the binary.";
		throw new CandybeanException(error);
	} else {
		FirefoxProfile ffProfile = (new ProfilesIni()).getProfile(profileName);
		FirefoxBinary ffBinary = new FirefoxBinary(ffBinaryPath);
		logger.info("Instantiating Firefox with profile name: "
				+ profileName + " and binary path: " + ffBinaryPath);
		super.wd = new FirefoxDriver(ffBinary, ffProfile);
		super.start(); // requires wd to be instantiated first