

源代码1 项目: openjdk-jdk9   文件: HandlersConfigTest.java
public void run() {
    // MemoryHandler

    check(new MemoryHandler(),
        Level.ALL, null, null, SimpleFormatter.class,
        ConfiguredHandler.class, 1000, Level.SEVERE);

    check(new MemoryHandler(new SpecifiedHandler(), 100, Level.WARNING),
        Level.ALL, null, null, SimpleFormatter.class,
        SpecifiedHandler.class, 100, Level.WARNING);

    // StreamHandler

    check(new StreamHandler(),
        Level.INFO, null, null, SimpleFormatter.class,

    check(new StreamHandler(System.out, new SpecifiedFormatter()),
        Level.INFO, null, null, SpecifiedFormatter.class,

    // ConsoleHandler

    check(new ConsoleHandler(),
        Level.INFO, null, null, SimpleFormatter.class,

    // SocketHandler (use the ServerSocket's port)

    try {
        check(new SocketHandler("localhost", serverSocket.getLocalPort()),
            Level.ALL, null, null, XMLFormatter.class);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Can't connect to localhost:" + serverSocket.getLocalPort(), e);
源代码2 项目: openjdk-jdk9   文件: HandlersConfigTest.java
public void run() {
    // MemoryHandler

    check(new MemoryHandler(),
        Level.FINE, null, ConfiguredFilter.class, ConfiguredFormatter.class,
        ConfiguredHandler.class, 123, Level.FINE);

    check(new MemoryHandler(new SpecifiedHandler(), 100, Level.WARNING),
        Level.FINE, null, ConfiguredFilter.class, ConfiguredFormatter.class,
        SpecifiedHandler.class, 100, Level.WARNING);

    // StreamHandler

    check(new StreamHandler(),
        Level.FINE, "ASCII", ConfiguredFilter.class, ConfiguredFormatter.class,

    check(new StreamHandler(System.out, new SpecifiedFormatter()),
        Level.FINE, "ASCII", ConfiguredFilter.class, SpecifiedFormatter.class,

    // ConsoleHandler

    check(new ConsoleHandler(),
        Level.FINE, "ASCII", ConfiguredFilter.class, ConfiguredFormatter.class,

    // SocketHandler (use the ServerSocket's port)

    try {
        check(new SocketHandler("localhost", serverSocket.getLocalPort()),
            Level.FINE, "ASCII", ConfiguredFilter.class, ConfiguredFormatter.class);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Can't connect to localhost:" + serverSocket.getLocalPort(), e);
源代码3 项目: openjdk-jdk9   文件: HandlersConfigTest.java
void check(MemoryHandler handler,
           Level expectedLevel,
           String expectedEncoding,
           Class<? extends Filter> expectedFilterType,
           Class<? extends Formatter> expectedFormatterType,
           Class<? extends Handler> expextedTargetType,
           int expextedSize,
           Level expectedPushLevel) {
    checkType(handler, "target", getTarget(handler), expextedTargetType);
    checkEquals(handler, "size", getSize(handler), expextedSize);
    checkEquals(handler, "pushLevel", handler.getPushLevel(), expectedPushLevel);
    check(handler, expectedLevel, expectedEncoding, expectedFilterType, expectedFormatterType);
源代码4 项目: openjdk-jdk9   文件: HandlersConfigTest.java
Handler getTarget(MemoryHandler memoryHandler) {
    try {
        return (Handler) memoryHandlerTarget.get(memoryHandler);
    } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
        throw new IllegalAccessError(e.getMessage());
源代码5 项目: openjdk-jdk9   文件: HandlersConfigTest.java
int getSize(MemoryHandler memoryHandler) {
    try {
        return (int) memoryHandlerSize.get(memoryHandler);
    } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
        throw new IllegalAccessError(e.getMessage());
源代码6 项目: uavstack   文件: PLogger.java
public boolean enableFileOut(String filepattern, boolean check, int bufferSize, int fileSize, int fileCount,
        boolean isAppend, Formatter format) {

    if (check == true) {

        if (this.fileHandler == null) {
            initFileHandler(filepattern, fileSize, fileCount, isAppend);

        if (this.fileHandler != null) {

         * NOTE: we use async log buffer
        if (this.memHandler == null&& this.fileHandler != null) {
            this.memHandler = new MemoryHandler(this.fileHandler, bufferSize, this.level);
            isEnableFileOutSus = true;
    else {
        if (this.memHandler != null) {
            isEnableFileOutSus = false;
    return isEnableFileOutSus;
源代码7 项目: j2objc   文件: OldMemoryHandlerTest.java
@Override protected void setUp() throws Exception {
    handler = new MemoryHandler();
public void up() {
    memoryHandler = new MemoryHandler(new NoOpJULHandler(), 262144, java.util.logging.Level.SEVERE);
    logger = Logger.getLogger(getClass().getName());
public void up() {
    memoryHandler = new MemoryHandler(new NoOpJULHandler(), 262144, java.util.logging.Level.SEVERE);
    logger = java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger(getClass().getName());
源代码10 项目: dragonwell8_jdk   文件: MemoryHandlerTest.java
public static void main(String... args) throws IOException {
    // load logging.propertes for the test
    String tstSrc = System.getProperty("test.src", ".");
    File fname = new File(tstSrc, LM_PROP_FNAME);
    String prop = fname.getCanonicalPath();
    System.setProperty(CFG_FILE_PROP, prop);
    // create a logger
    logger = Logger.getLogger(MemoryHandlerTest.class.getName());
    // don't have parent handlers get log messages
    // Test 1,2: create a CustomMemoryHandler which in the config has
    // specified a target of CustomTargetHandler.  (1) Make sure that it
    // is created and (2) that the target handler is loaded.
    CustomMemoryHandler cmh = new CustomMemoryHandler();
    try {
    } catch (RuntimeException rte) {
        throw new RuntimeException(
            "Test Failed: did not load java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler as expected",
    // if we get here and our config has been processed properly, then we
    // should have loaded our target handler
    if (CustomTargetHandler.numLoaded !=1) {
        throw new RuntimeException(
            "Test failed: did not load CustomTargetHandler as expected");
    // Test 3: try to add a handler with no target.  This should fail with
    // an exception
    CustomMemoryHandlerNoTarget cmhnt = null;
    try {
        cmhnt = new CustomMemoryHandlerNoTarget();
    } catch (RuntimeException re) {
        // expected -- no target specified
        System.out.println("Info: " + re.getMessage() + " as expected.");
    if (cmhnt != null) {
        throw new RuntimeException(
            "Test Failed: erroneously loaded CustomMemoryHandlerNoTarget");

    // Test 4: log a message and check that the target handler is actually used
    logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Unused");
    if (CustomTargetHandler.numPublished != 1) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Test failed: CustomTargetHandler was not used");

    // Test 5: make sure that SimpleTargetHandler hasn't been erroneously called
    if (SimpleTargetHandler.numPublished != 0) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Test failed: SimpleTargetHandler has been used");

    // Test 6: try using SimpleTargetHanlder via standard MemoryHandler
    // (which has target set to SimpleTargetHandler)
    MemoryHandler mh = new MemoryHandler();
    mh.publish(new LogRecord(Level.INFO, "Unused msg to MemoryHandler"));
    // see if it made it to the SimpleTargetHandler
    if (SimpleTargetHandler.numPublished != 1) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Test failed: SimpleTargetHandler was not used");
源代码11 项目: TencentKona-8   文件: MemoryHandlerTest.java
public static void main(String... args) throws IOException {
    // load logging.propertes for the test
    String tstSrc = System.getProperty("test.src", ".");
    File fname = new File(tstSrc, LM_PROP_FNAME);
    String prop = fname.getCanonicalPath();
    System.setProperty(CFG_FILE_PROP, prop);
    // create a logger
    logger = Logger.getLogger(MemoryHandlerTest.class.getName());
    // don't have parent handlers get log messages
    // Test 1,2: create a CustomMemoryHandler which in the config has
    // specified a target of CustomTargetHandler.  (1) Make sure that it
    // is created and (2) that the target handler is loaded.
    CustomMemoryHandler cmh = new CustomMemoryHandler();
    try {
    } catch (RuntimeException rte) {
        throw new RuntimeException(
            "Test Failed: did not load java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler as expected",
    // if we get here and our config has been processed properly, then we
    // should have loaded our target handler
    if (CustomTargetHandler.numLoaded !=1) {
        throw new RuntimeException(
            "Test failed: did not load CustomTargetHandler as expected");
    // Test 3: try to add a handler with no target.  This should fail with
    // an exception
    CustomMemoryHandlerNoTarget cmhnt = null;
    try {
        cmhnt = new CustomMemoryHandlerNoTarget();
    } catch (RuntimeException re) {
        // expected -- no target specified
        System.out.println("Info: " + re.getMessage() + " as expected.");
    if (cmhnt != null) {
        throw new RuntimeException(
            "Test Failed: erroneously loaded CustomMemoryHandlerNoTarget");

    // Test 4: log a message and check that the target handler is actually used
    logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Unused");
    if (CustomTargetHandler.numPublished != 1) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Test failed: CustomTargetHandler was not used");

    // Test 5: make sure that SimpleTargetHandler hasn't been erroneously called
    if (SimpleTargetHandler.numPublished != 0) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Test failed: SimpleTargetHandler has been used");

    // Test 6: try using SimpleTargetHanlder via standard MemoryHandler
    // (which has target set to SimpleTargetHandler)
    MemoryHandler mh = new MemoryHandler();
    mh.publish(new LogRecord(Level.INFO, "Unused msg to MemoryHandler"));
    // see if it made it to the SimpleTargetHandler
    if (SimpleTargetHandler.numPublished != 1) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Test failed: SimpleTargetHandler was not used");
源代码12 项目: jdk8u60   文件: MemoryHandlerTest.java
public static void main(String... args) throws IOException {
    // load logging.propertes for the test
    String tstSrc = System.getProperty("test.src", ".");
    File fname = new File(tstSrc, LM_PROP_FNAME);
    String prop = fname.getCanonicalPath();
    System.setProperty(CFG_FILE_PROP, prop);
    // create a logger
    logger = Logger.getLogger(MemoryHandlerTest.class.getName());
    // don't have parent handlers get log messages
    // Test 1,2: create a CustomMemoryHandler which in the config has
    // specified a target of CustomTargetHandler.  (1) Make sure that it
    // is created and (2) that the target handler is loaded.
    CustomMemoryHandler cmh = new CustomMemoryHandler();
    try {
    } catch (RuntimeException rte) {
        throw new RuntimeException(
            "Test Failed: did not load java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler as expected",
    // if we get here and our config has been processed properly, then we
    // should have loaded our target handler
    if (CustomTargetHandler.numLoaded !=1) {
        throw new RuntimeException(
            "Test failed: did not load CustomTargetHandler as expected");
    // Test 3: try to add a handler with no target.  This should fail with
    // an exception
    CustomMemoryHandlerNoTarget cmhnt = null;
    try {
        cmhnt = new CustomMemoryHandlerNoTarget();
    } catch (RuntimeException re) {
        // expected -- no target specified
        System.out.println("Info: " + re.getMessage() + " as expected.");
    if (cmhnt != null) {
        throw new RuntimeException(
            "Test Failed: erroneously loaded CustomMemoryHandlerNoTarget");

    // Test 4: log a message and check that the target handler is actually used
    logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Unused");
    if (CustomTargetHandler.numPublished != 1) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Test failed: CustomTargetHandler was not used");

    // Test 5: make sure that SimpleTargetHandler hasn't been erroneously called
    if (SimpleTargetHandler.numPublished != 0) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Test failed: SimpleTargetHandler has been used");

    // Test 6: try using SimpleTargetHanlder via standard MemoryHandler
    // (which has target set to SimpleTargetHandler)
    MemoryHandler mh = new MemoryHandler();
    mh.publish(new LogRecord(Level.INFO, "Unused msg to MemoryHandler"));
    // see if it made it to the SimpleTargetHandler
    if (SimpleTargetHandler.numPublished != 1) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Test failed: SimpleTargetHandler was not used");
源代码13 项目: openjdk-jdk8u   文件: MemoryHandlerTest.java
public static void main(String... args) throws IOException {
    // load logging.propertes for the test
    String tstSrc = System.getProperty("test.src", ".");
    File fname = new File(tstSrc, LM_PROP_FNAME);
    String prop = fname.getCanonicalPath();
    System.setProperty(CFG_FILE_PROP, prop);
    // create a logger
    logger = Logger.getLogger(MemoryHandlerTest.class.getName());
    // don't have parent handlers get log messages
    // Test 1,2: create a CustomMemoryHandler which in the config has
    // specified a target of CustomTargetHandler.  (1) Make sure that it
    // is created and (2) that the target handler is loaded.
    CustomMemoryHandler cmh = new CustomMemoryHandler();
    try {
    } catch (RuntimeException rte) {
        throw new RuntimeException(
            "Test Failed: did not load java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler as expected",
    // if we get here and our config has been processed properly, then we
    // should have loaded our target handler
    if (CustomTargetHandler.numLoaded !=1) {
        throw new RuntimeException(
            "Test failed: did not load CustomTargetHandler as expected");
    // Test 3: try to add a handler with no target.  This should fail with
    // an exception
    CustomMemoryHandlerNoTarget cmhnt = null;
    try {
        cmhnt = new CustomMemoryHandlerNoTarget();
    } catch (RuntimeException re) {
        // expected -- no target specified
        System.out.println("Info: " + re.getMessage() + " as expected.");
    if (cmhnt != null) {
        throw new RuntimeException(
            "Test Failed: erroneously loaded CustomMemoryHandlerNoTarget");

    // Test 4: log a message and check that the target handler is actually used
    logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Unused");
    if (CustomTargetHandler.numPublished != 1) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Test failed: CustomTargetHandler was not used");

    // Test 5: make sure that SimpleTargetHandler hasn't been erroneously called
    if (SimpleTargetHandler.numPublished != 0) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Test failed: SimpleTargetHandler has been used");

    // Test 6: try using SimpleTargetHanlder via standard MemoryHandler
    // (which has target set to SimpleTargetHandler)
    MemoryHandler mh = new MemoryHandler();
    mh.publish(new LogRecord(Level.INFO, "Unused msg to MemoryHandler"));
    // see if it made it to the SimpleTargetHandler
    if (SimpleTargetHandler.numPublished != 1) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Test failed: SimpleTargetHandler was not used");
源代码14 项目: openjdk-jdk8u-backup   文件: MemoryHandlerTest.java
public static void main(String... args) throws IOException {
    // load logging.propertes for the test
    String tstSrc = System.getProperty("test.src", ".");
    File fname = new File(tstSrc, LM_PROP_FNAME);
    String prop = fname.getCanonicalPath();
    System.setProperty(CFG_FILE_PROP, prop);
    // create a logger
    logger = Logger.getLogger(MemoryHandlerTest.class.getName());
    // don't have parent handlers get log messages
    // Test 1,2: create a CustomMemoryHandler which in the config has
    // specified a target of CustomTargetHandler.  (1) Make sure that it
    // is created and (2) that the target handler is loaded.
    CustomMemoryHandler cmh = new CustomMemoryHandler();
    try {
    } catch (RuntimeException rte) {
        throw new RuntimeException(
            "Test Failed: did not load java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler as expected",
    // if we get here and our config has been processed properly, then we
    // should have loaded our target handler
    if (CustomTargetHandler.numLoaded !=1) {
        throw new RuntimeException(
            "Test failed: did not load CustomTargetHandler as expected");
    // Test 3: try to add a handler with no target.  This should fail with
    // an exception
    CustomMemoryHandlerNoTarget cmhnt = null;
    try {
        cmhnt = new CustomMemoryHandlerNoTarget();
    } catch (RuntimeException re) {
        // expected -- no target specified
        System.out.println("Info: " + re.getMessage() + " as expected.");
    if (cmhnt != null) {
        throw new RuntimeException(
            "Test Failed: erroneously loaded CustomMemoryHandlerNoTarget");

    // Test 4: log a message and check that the target handler is actually used
    logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Unused");
    if (CustomTargetHandler.numPublished != 1) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Test failed: CustomTargetHandler was not used");

    // Test 5: make sure that SimpleTargetHandler hasn't been erroneously called
    if (SimpleTargetHandler.numPublished != 0) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Test failed: SimpleTargetHandler has been used");

    // Test 6: try using SimpleTargetHanlder via standard MemoryHandler
    // (which has target set to SimpleTargetHandler)
    MemoryHandler mh = new MemoryHandler();
    mh.publish(new LogRecord(Level.INFO, "Unused msg to MemoryHandler"));
    // see if it made it to the SimpleTargetHandler
    if (SimpleTargetHandler.numPublished != 1) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Test failed: SimpleTargetHandler was not used");
源代码15 项目: openjdk-jdk9   文件: MemoryHandlerTest.java
public static void main(String... args) throws IOException {
    // load logging.propertes for the test
    String tstSrc = System.getProperty("test.src", ".");
    File fname = new File(tstSrc, LM_PROP_FNAME);
    String prop = fname.getCanonicalPath();
    System.setProperty(CFG_FILE_PROP, prop);
    // create a logger
    logger = Logger.getLogger(MemoryHandlerTest.class.getName());
    // don't have parent handlers get log messages
    // Test 1,2: create a CustomMemoryHandler which in the config has
    // specified a target of CustomTargetHandler.  (1) Make sure that it
    // is created and (2) that the target handler is loaded.
    CustomMemoryHandler cmh = new CustomMemoryHandler();
    try {
    } catch (RuntimeException rte) {
        throw new RuntimeException(
            "Test Failed: did not load java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler as expected",
    // if we get here and our config has been processed properly, then we
    // should have loaded our target handler
    if (CustomTargetHandler.numLoaded !=1) {
        throw new RuntimeException(
            "Test failed: did not load CustomTargetHandler as expected");
    // Test 3: try to add a handler with no target.  This should fail with
    // an exception
    CustomMemoryHandlerNoTarget cmhnt = null;
    try {
        cmhnt = new CustomMemoryHandlerNoTarget();
    } catch (RuntimeException re) {
        // expected -- no target specified
        System.out.println("Info: " + re.getMessage() + " as expected.");
    if (cmhnt != null) {
        throw new RuntimeException(
            "Test Failed: erroneously loaded CustomMemoryHandlerNoTarget");

    // Test 4: log a message and check that the target handler is actually used
    logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Unused");
    if (CustomTargetHandler.numPublished != 1) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Test failed: CustomTargetHandler was not used");

    // Test 5: make sure that SimpleTargetHandler hasn't been erroneously called
    if (SimpleTargetHandler.numPublished != 0) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Test failed: SimpleTargetHandler has been used");

    // Test 6: try using SimpleTargetHanlder via standard MemoryHandler
    // (which has target set to SimpleTargetHandler)
    MemoryHandler mh = new MemoryHandler();
    mh.publish(new LogRecord(Level.INFO, "Unused msg to MemoryHandler"));
    // see if it made it to the SimpleTargetHandler
    if (SimpleTargetHandler.numPublished != 1) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Test failed: SimpleTargetHandler was not used");
源代码16 项目: jdk8u-jdk   文件: MemoryHandlerTest.java
public static void main(String... args) throws IOException {
    // load logging.propertes for the test
    String tstSrc = System.getProperty("test.src", ".");
    File fname = new File(tstSrc, LM_PROP_FNAME);
    String prop = fname.getCanonicalPath();
    System.setProperty(CFG_FILE_PROP, prop);
    // create a logger
    logger = Logger.getLogger(MemoryHandlerTest.class.getName());
    // don't have parent handlers get log messages
    // Test 1,2: create a CustomMemoryHandler which in the config has
    // specified a target of CustomTargetHandler.  (1) Make sure that it
    // is created and (2) that the target handler is loaded.
    CustomMemoryHandler cmh = new CustomMemoryHandler();
    try {
    } catch (RuntimeException rte) {
        throw new RuntimeException(
            "Test Failed: did not load java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler as expected",
    // if we get here and our config has been processed properly, then we
    // should have loaded our target handler
    if (CustomTargetHandler.numLoaded !=1) {
        throw new RuntimeException(
            "Test failed: did not load CustomTargetHandler as expected");
    // Test 3: try to add a handler with no target.  This should fail with
    // an exception
    CustomMemoryHandlerNoTarget cmhnt = null;
    try {
        cmhnt = new CustomMemoryHandlerNoTarget();
    } catch (RuntimeException re) {
        // expected -- no target specified
        System.out.println("Info: " + re.getMessage() + " as expected.");
    if (cmhnt != null) {
        throw new RuntimeException(
            "Test Failed: erroneously loaded CustomMemoryHandlerNoTarget");

    // Test 4: log a message and check that the target handler is actually used
    logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Unused");
    if (CustomTargetHandler.numPublished != 1) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Test failed: CustomTargetHandler was not used");

    // Test 5: make sure that SimpleTargetHandler hasn't been erroneously called
    if (SimpleTargetHandler.numPublished != 0) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Test failed: SimpleTargetHandler has been used");

    // Test 6: try using SimpleTargetHanlder via standard MemoryHandler
    // (which has target set to SimpleTargetHandler)
    MemoryHandler mh = new MemoryHandler();
    mh.publish(new LogRecord(Level.INFO, "Unused msg to MemoryHandler"));
    // see if it made it to the SimpleTargetHandler
    if (SimpleTargetHandler.numPublished != 1) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Test failed: SimpleTargetHandler was not used");
源代码17 项目: hottub   文件: MemoryHandlerTest.java
public static void main(String... args) throws IOException {
    // load logging.propertes for the test
    String tstSrc = System.getProperty("test.src", ".");
    File fname = new File(tstSrc, LM_PROP_FNAME);
    String prop = fname.getCanonicalPath();
    System.setProperty(CFG_FILE_PROP, prop);
    // create a logger
    logger = Logger.getLogger(MemoryHandlerTest.class.getName());
    // don't have parent handlers get log messages
    // Test 1,2: create a CustomMemoryHandler which in the config has
    // specified a target of CustomTargetHandler.  (1) Make sure that it
    // is created and (2) that the target handler is loaded.
    CustomMemoryHandler cmh = new CustomMemoryHandler();
    try {
    } catch (RuntimeException rte) {
        throw new RuntimeException(
            "Test Failed: did not load java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler as expected",
    // if we get here and our config has been processed properly, then we
    // should have loaded our target handler
    if (CustomTargetHandler.numLoaded !=1) {
        throw new RuntimeException(
            "Test failed: did not load CustomTargetHandler as expected");
    // Test 3: try to add a handler with no target.  This should fail with
    // an exception
    CustomMemoryHandlerNoTarget cmhnt = null;
    try {
        cmhnt = new CustomMemoryHandlerNoTarget();
    } catch (RuntimeException re) {
        // expected -- no target specified
        System.out.println("Info: " + re.getMessage() + " as expected.");
    if (cmhnt != null) {
        throw new RuntimeException(
            "Test Failed: erroneously loaded CustomMemoryHandlerNoTarget");

    // Test 4: log a message and check that the target handler is actually used
    logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Unused");
    if (CustomTargetHandler.numPublished != 1) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Test failed: CustomTargetHandler was not used");

    // Test 5: make sure that SimpleTargetHandler hasn't been erroneously called
    if (SimpleTargetHandler.numPublished != 0) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Test failed: SimpleTargetHandler has been used");

    // Test 6: try using SimpleTargetHanlder via standard MemoryHandler
    // (which has target set to SimpleTargetHandler)
    MemoryHandler mh = new MemoryHandler();
    mh.publish(new LogRecord(Level.INFO, "Unused msg to MemoryHandler"));
    // see if it made it to the SimpleTargetHandler
    if (SimpleTargetHandler.numPublished != 1) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Test failed: SimpleTargetHandler was not used");
源代码18 项目: openjdk-8-source   文件: MemoryHandlerTest.java
public static void main(String... args) throws IOException {
    // load logging.propertes for the test
    String tstSrc = System.getProperty("test.src", ".");
    File fname = new File(tstSrc, LM_PROP_FNAME);
    String prop = fname.getCanonicalPath();
    System.setProperty(CFG_FILE_PROP, prop);
    // create a logger
    logger = Logger.getLogger(MemoryHandlerTest.class.getName());
    // don't have parent handlers get log messages
    // Test 1,2: create a CustomMemoryHandler which in the config has
    // specified a target of CustomTargetHandler.  (1) Make sure that it
    // is created and (2) that the target handler is loaded.
    CustomMemoryHandler cmh = new CustomMemoryHandler();
    try {
    } catch (RuntimeException rte) {
        throw new RuntimeException(
            "Test Failed: did not load java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler as expected",
    // if we get here and our config has been processed properly, then we
    // should have loaded our target handler
    if (CustomTargetHandler.numLoaded !=1) {
        throw new RuntimeException(
            "Test failed: did not load CustomTargetHandler as expected");
    // Test 3: try to add a handler with no target.  This should fail with
    // an exception
    CustomMemoryHandlerNoTarget cmhnt = null;
    try {
        cmhnt = new CustomMemoryHandlerNoTarget();
    } catch (RuntimeException re) {
        // expected -- no target specified
        System.out.println("Info: " + re.getMessage() + " as expected.");
    if (cmhnt != null) {
        throw new RuntimeException(
            "Test Failed: erroneously loaded CustomMemoryHandlerNoTarget");

    // Test 4: log a message and check that the target handler is actually used
    logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Unused");
    if (CustomTargetHandler.numPublished != 1) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Test failed: CustomTargetHandler was not used");

    // Test 5: make sure that SimpleTargetHandler hasn't been erroneously called
    if (SimpleTargetHandler.numPublished != 0) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Test failed: SimpleTargetHandler has been used");

    // Test 6: try using SimpleTargetHanlder via standard MemoryHandler
    // (which has target set to SimpleTargetHandler)
    MemoryHandler mh = new MemoryHandler();
    mh.publish(new LogRecord(Level.INFO, "Unused msg to MemoryHandler"));
    // see if it made it to the SimpleTargetHandler
    if (SimpleTargetHandler.numPublished != 1) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Test failed: SimpleTargetHandler was not used");
源代码19 项目: openjdk-8   文件: MemoryHandlerTest.java
public static void main(String... args) throws IOException {
    // load logging.propertes for the test
    String tstSrc = System.getProperty("test.src", ".");
    File fname = new File(tstSrc, LM_PROP_FNAME);
    String prop = fname.getCanonicalPath();
    System.setProperty(CFG_FILE_PROP, prop);
    // create a logger
    logger = Logger.getLogger(MemoryHandlerTest.class.getName());
    // don't have parent handlers get log messages
    // Test 1,2: create a CustomMemoryHandler which in the config has
    // specified a target of CustomTargetHandler.  (1) Make sure that it
    // is created and (2) that the target handler is loaded.
    CustomMemoryHandler cmh = new CustomMemoryHandler();
    try {
    } catch (RuntimeException rte) {
        throw new RuntimeException(
            "Test Failed: did not load java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler as expected",
    // if we get here and our config has been processed properly, then we
    // should have loaded our target handler
    if (CustomTargetHandler.numLoaded !=1) {
        throw new RuntimeException(
            "Test failed: did not load CustomTargetHandler as expected");
    // Test 3: try to add a handler with no target.  This should fail with
    // an exception
    CustomMemoryHandlerNoTarget cmhnt = null;
    try {
        cmhnt = new CustomMemoryHandlerNoTarget();
    } catch (RuntimeException re) {
        // expected -- no target specified
        System.out.println("Info: " + re.getMessage() + " as expected.");
    if (cmhnt != null) {
        throw new RuntimeException(
            "Test Failed: erroneously loaded CustomMemoryHandlerNoTarget");

    // Test 4: log a message and check that the target handler is actually used
    logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Unused");
    if (CustomTargetHandler.numPublished != 1) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Test failed: CustomTargetHandler was not used");

    // Test 5: make sure that SimpleTargetHandler hasn't been erroneously called
    if (SimpleTargetHandler.numPublished != 0) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Test failed: SimpleTargetHandler has been used");

    // Test 6: try using SimpleTargetHanlder via standard MemoryHandler
    // (which has target set to SimpleTargetHandler)
    MemoryHandler mh = new MemoryHandler();
    mh.publish(new LogRecord(Level.INFO, "Unused msg to MemoryHandler"));
    // see if it made it to the SimpleTargetHandler
    if (SimpleTargetHandler.numPublished != 1) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Test failed: SimpleTargetHandler was not used");
源代码20 项目: jdk8u_jdk   文件: MemoryHandlerTest.java
public static void main(String... args) throws IOException {
    // load logging.propertes for the test
    String tstSrc = System.getProperty("test.src", ".");
    File fname = new File(tstSrc, LM_PROP_FNAME);
    String prop = fname.getCanonicalPath();
    System.setProperty(CFG_FILE_PROP, prop);
    // create a logger
    logger = Logger.getLogger(MemoryHandlerTest.class.getName());
    // don't have parent handlers get log messages
    // Test 1,2: create a CustomMemoryHandler which in the config has
    // specified a target of CustomTargetHandler.  (1) Make sure that it
    // is created and (2) that the target handler is loaded.
    CustomMemoryHandler cmh = new CustomMemoryHandler();
    try {
    } catch (RuntimeException rte) {
        throw new RuntimeException(
            "Test Failed: did not load java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler as expected",
    // if we get here and our config has been processed properly, then we
    // should have loaded our target handler
    if (CustomTargetHandler.numLoaded !=1) {
        throw new RuntimeException(
            "Test failed: did not load CustomTargetHandler as expected");
    // Test 3: try to add a handler with no target.  This should fail with
    // an exception
    CustomMemoryHandlerNoTarget cmhnt = null;
    try {
        cmhnt = new CustomMemoryHandlerNoTarget();
    } catch (RuntimeException re) {
        // expected -- no target specified
        System.out.println("Info: " + re.getMessage() + " as expected.");
    if (cmhnt != null) {
        throw new RuntimeException(
            "Test Failed: erroneously loaded CustomMemoryHandlerNoTarget");

    // Test 4: log a message and check that the target handler is actually used
    logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Unused");
    if (CustomTargetHandler.numPublished != 1) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Test failed: CustomTargetHandler was not used");

    // Test 5: make sure that SimpleTargetHandler hasn't been erroneously called
    if (SimpleTargetHandler.numPublished != 0) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Test failed: SimpleTargetHandler has been used");

    // Test 6: try using SimpleTargetHanlder via standard MemoryHandler
    // (which has target set to SimpleTargetHandler)
    MemoryHandler mh = new MemoryHandler();
    mh.publish(new LogRecord(Level.INFO, "Unused msg to MemoryHandler"));
    // see if it made it to the SimpleTargetHandler
    if (SimpleTargetHandler.numPublished != 1) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Test failed: SimpleTargetHandler was not used");
源代码21 项目: jdk8u-jdk   文件: MemoryHandlerTest.java
public static void main(String... args) throws IOException {
    // load logging.propertes for the test
    String tstSrc = System.getProperty("test.src", ".");
    File fname = new File(tstSrc, LM_PROP_FNAME);
    String prop = fname.getCanonicalPath();
    System.setProperty(CFG_FILE_PROP, prop);
    // create a logger
    logger = Logger.getLogger(MemoryHandlerTest.class.getName());
    // don't have parent handlers get log messages
    // Test 1,2: create a CustomMemoryHandler which in the config has
    // specified a target of CustomTargetHandler.  (1) Make sure that it
    // is created and (2) that the target handler is loaded.
    CustomMemoryHandler cmh = new CustomMemoryHandler();
    try {
    } catch (RuntimeException rte) {
        throw new RuntimeException(
            "Test Failed: did not load java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler as expected",
    // if we get here and our config has been processed properly, then we
    // should have loaded our target handler
    if (CustomTargetHandler.numLoaded !=1) {
        throw new RuntimeException(
            "Test failed: did not load CustomTargetHandler as expected");
    // Test 3: try to add a handler with no target.  This should fail with
    // an exception
    CustomMemoryHandlerNoTarget cmhnt = null;
    try {
        cmhnt = new CustomMemoryHandlerNoTarget();
    } catch (RuntimeException re) {
        // expected -- no target specified
        System.out.println("Info: " + re.getMessage() + " as expected.");
    if (cmhnt != null) {
        throw new RuntimeException(
            "Test Failed: erroneously loaded CustomMemoryHandlerNoTarget");

    // Test 4: log a message and check that the target handler is actually used
    logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Unused");
    if (CustomTargetHandler.numPublished != 1) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Test failed: CustomTargetHandler was not used");

    // Test 5: make sure that SimpleTargetHandler hasn't been erroneously called
    if (SimpleTargetHandler.numPublished != 0) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Test failed: SimpleTargetHandler has been used");

    // Test 6: try using SimpleTargetHanlder via standard MemoryHandler
    // (which has target set to SimpleTargetHandler)
    MemoryHandler mh = new MemoryHandler();
    mh.publish(new LogRecord(Level.INFO, "Unused msg to MemoryHandler"));
    // see if it made it to the SimpleTargetHandler
    if (SimpleTargetHandler.numPublished != 1) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Test failed: SimpleTargetHandler was not used");
源代码22 项目: jdk8u-dev-jdk   文件: MemoryHandlerTest.java
public static void main(String... args) throws IOException {
    // load logging.propertes for the test
    String tstSrc = System.getProperty("test.src", ".");
    File fname = new File(tstSrc, LM_PROP_FNAME);
    String prop = fname.getCanonicalPath();
    System.setProperty(CFG_FILE_PROP, prop);
    // create a logger
    logger = Logger.getLogger(MemoryHandlerTest.class.getName());
    // don't have parent handlers get log messages
    // Test 1,2: create a CustomMemoryHandler which in the config has
    // specified a target of CustomTargetHandler.  (1) Make sure that it
    // is created and (2) that the target handler is loaded.
    CustomMemoryHandler cmh = new CustomMemoryHandler();
    try {
    } catch (RuntimeException rte) {
        throw new RuntimeException(
            "Test Failed: did not load java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler as expected",
    // if we get here and our config has been processed properly, then we
    // should have loaded our target handler
    if (CustomTargetHandler.numLoaded !=1) {
        throw new RuntimeException(
            "Test failed: did not load CustomTargetHandler as expected");
    // Test 3: try to add a handler with no target.  This should fail with
    // an exception
    CustomMemoryHandlerNoTarget cmhnt = null;
    try {
        cmhnt = new CustomMemoryHandlerNoTarget();
    } catch (RuntimeException re) {
        // expected -- no target specified
        System.out.println("Info: " + re.getMessage() + " as expected.");
    if (cmhnt != null) {
        throw new RuntimeException(
            "Test Failed: erroneously loaded CustomMemoryHandlerNoTarget");

    // Test 4: log a message and check that the target handler is actually used
    logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Unused");
    if (CustomTargetHandler.numPublished != 1) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Test failed: CustomTargetHandler was not used");

    // Test 5: make sure that SimpleTargetHandler hasn't been erroneously called
    if (SimpleTargetHandler.numPublished != 0) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Test failed: SimpleTargetHandler has been used");

    // Test 6: try using SimpleTargetHanlder via standard MemoryHandler
    // (which has target set to SimpleTargetHandler)
    MemoryHandler mh = new MemoryHandler();
    mh.publish(new LogRecord(Level.INFO, "Unused msg to MemoryHandler"));
    // see if it made it to the SimpleTargetHandler
    if (SimpleTargetHandler.numPublished != 1) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Test failed: SimpleTargetHandler was not used");