

源代码1 项目: uima-uimafit   文件: ResourceInitializationUtil.java
 * Handle Spring-initialization of resoures produced by the UIMA framework.
public static Resource initResource(Resource aResource, ApplicationContext aApplicationContext) {
  AutowireCapableBeanFactory beanFactory = aApplicationContext.getAutowireCapableBeanFactory();

  if (aResource instanceof PrimitiveAnalysisEngine_impl) {
    PropertyAccessor pa = PropertyAccessorFactory.forDirectFieldAccess(aResource);

    // Access the actual AnalysisComponent and initialize it
    AnalysisComponent analysisComponent = (AnalysisComponent) pa
    initializeBean(beanFactory, analysisComponent, aResource.getMetaData().getName());
    pa.setPropertyValue("mAnalysisComponent", analysisComponent);

    return aResource;
  } else {
    return (Resource) beanFactory.initializeBean(aResource, aResource.getMetaData().getName());
源代码2 项目: jdal   文件: CompositeBinder.java
public void autobind(Object view) {
	BeanWrapper bw = PropertyAccessorFactory.forBeanPropertyAccess(getModel());
	PropertyAccessor  viewPropertyAccessor = new DirectFieldAccessor(view);
	// iterate on model properties
	for (PropertyDescriptor pd : bw.getPropertyDescriptors()) {
		String propertyName = pd.getName();
		if ( !ignoredProperties.contains(propertyName) && viewPropertyAccessor.isReadableProperty(propertyName)) {
			Object control = viewPropertyAccessor.getPropertyValue(propertyName);
			if (control != null) {
				if (log.isDebugEnabled()) 
					log.debug("Found control: " + control.getClass().getSimpleName() + 
							" for property: " + propertyName);
				bind(control, propertyName);
源代码3 项目: spring-analysis-note   文件: NestedPathTag.java
 * Set the path that this tag should apply.
 * <p>E.g. "customer" to allow bind paths like "address.street"
 * rather than "customer.address.street".
 * @see BindTag#setPath
public void setPath(@Nullable String path) {
	if (path == null) {
		path = "";
	if (path.length() > 0 && !path.endsWith(PropertyAccessor.NESTED_PROPERTY_SEPARATOR)) {
		path += PropertyAccessor.NESTED_PROPERTY_SEPARATOR;
	this.path = path;
 * Get the {@link BindStatus} for this tag.
protected BindStatus getBindStatus() throws JspException {
	if (this.bindStatus == null) {
		// HTML escaping in tags is performed by the ValueFormatter class.
		String nestedPath = getNestedPath();
		String pathToUse = (nestedPath != null ? nestedPath + getPath() : getPath());
		if (pathToUse.endsWith(PropertyAccessor.NESTED_PROPERTY_SEPARATOR)) {
			pathToUse = pathToUse.substring(0, pathToUse.length() - 1);
		this.bindStatus = new BindStatus(getRequestContext(), pathToUse, false);
	return this.bindStatus;
源代码5 项目: java-technology-stack   文件: NestedPathTag.java
 * Set the path that this tag should apply.
 * <p>E.g. "customer" to allow bind paths like "address.street"
 * rather than "customer.address.street".
 * @see BindTag#setPath
public void setPath(@Nullable String path) {
	if (path == null) {
		path = "";
	if (path.length() > 0 && !path.endsWith(PropertyAccessor.NESTED_PROPERTY_SEPARATOR)) {
		path += PropertyAccessor.NESTED_PROPERTY_SEPARATOR;
	this.path = path;
 * Get the {@link BindStatus} for this tag.
protected BindStatus getBindStatus() throws JspException {
	if (this.bindStatus == null) {
		// HTML escaping in tags is performed by the ValueFormatter class.
		String nestedPath = getNestedPath();
		String pathToUse = (nestedPath != null ? nestedPath + getPath() : getPath());
		if (pathToUse.endsWith(PropertyAccessor.NESTED_PROPERTY_SEPARATOR)) {
			pathToUse = pathToUse.substring(0, pathToUse.length() - 1);
		this.bindStatus = new BindStatus(getRequestContext(), pathToUse, false);
	return this.bindStatus;
源代码7 项目: syndesis   文件: UniquePropertyValidator.java
public boolean isValid(final WithId<?> value, final ConstraintValidatorContext context) {
    if (value == null) {
        return true;

    final PropertyAccessor bean = new BeanWrapperImpl(value);

    final String propertyValue = String.valueOf(bean.getPropertyValue(property));

    @SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes", "unchecked"})
    final Class<WithId> modelClass = (Class) value.getKind().modelClass;

    final Set<String> ids = dataManager.fetchIdsByPropertyValue(modelClass, property, propertyValue);

    final boolean isUnique = ids.isEmpty() || value.getId().map(id -> ids.contains(id)).orElse(false);

    if (!isUnique) {
        context.unwrap(HibernateConstraintValidatorContext.class).addExpressionVariable("nonUnique", propertyValue)

    return isUnique;
源代码8 项目: lams   文件: NestedPathTag.java
 * Set the path that this tag should apply.
 * <p>E.g. "customer" to allow bind paths like "address.street"
 * rather than "customer.address.street".
 * @see BindTag#setPath
public void setPath(String path) {
	if (path == null) {
		path = "";
	if (path.length() > 0 && !path.endsWith(PropertyAccessor.NESTED_PROPERTY_SEPARATOR)) {
		path += PropertyAccessor.NESTED_PROPERTY_SEPARATOR;
	this.path = path;
源代码9 项目: lams   文件: AbstractDataBoundFormElementTag.java
 * Get the {@link BindStatus} for this tag.
protected BindStatus getBindStatus() throws JspException {
	if (this.bindStatus == null) {
		// HTML escaping in tags is performed by the ValueFormatter class.
		String nestedPath = getNestedPath();
		String pathToUse = (nestedPath != null ? nestedPath + getPath() : getPath());
		if (pathToUse.endsWith(PropertyAccessor.NESTED_PROPERTY_SEPARATOR)) {
			pathToUse = pathToUse.substring(0, pathToUse.length() - 1);
		this.bindStatus = new BindStatus(getRequestContext(), pathToUse, false);
	return this.bindStatus;
源代码10 项目: spring4-understanding   文件: NestedPathTag.java
 * Set the path that this tag should apply.
 * <p>E.g. "customer" to allow bind paths like "address.street"
 * rather than "customer.address.street".
 * @see BindTag#setPath
public void setPath(String path) {
	if (path == null) {
		path = "";
	if (path.length() > 0 && !path.endsWith(PropertyAccessor.NESTED_PROPERTY_SEPARATOR)) {
		path += PropertyAccessor.NESTED_PROPERTY_SEPARATOR;
	this.path = path;
 * Get the {@link BindStatus} for this tag.
protected BindStatus getBindStatus() throws JspException {
	if (this.bindStatus == null) {
		// HTML escaping in tags is performed by the ValueFormatter class.
		String nestedPath = getNestedPath();
		String pathToUse = (nestedPath != null ? nestedPath + getPath() : getPath());
		if (pathToUse.endsWith(PropertyAccessor.NESTED_PROPERTY_SEPARATOR)) {
			pathToUse = pathToUse.substring(0, pathToUse.length() - 1);
		this.bindStatus = new BindStatus(getRequestContext(), pathToUse, false);
	return this.bindStatus;
源代码12 项目: fiat   文件: GoogleDirectoryUserRolesProvider.java
private Directory getDirectoryService() {
  HttpTransport httpTransport = new NetHttpTransport();
  JacksonFactory jacksonFactory = new JacksonFactory();
  GoogleCredential credential = getGoogleCredential();

  PropertyAccessor accessor = PropertyAccessorFactory.forDirectFieldAccess(credential);
  accessor.setPropertyValue("serviceAccountUser", config.getAdminUsername());
  accessor.setPropertyValue("serviceAccountScopes", SERVICE_ACCOUNT_SCOPES);

  return new Directory.Builder(httpTransport, jacksonFactory, credential)
源代码13 项目: rice   文件: ReferenceLinker.java
* Gets index of property name.
* <p>
*     Returns the index number of the location of the given property name.
* </p>
* @param propertyName name of property to find index of.
* @return index number representing location of property name.
private Integer extractIndex(String propertyName) {
    int firstIndex = propertyName.indexOf(PropertyAccessor.PROPERTY_KEY_PREFIX_CHAR);
    int lastIndex = propertyName.lastIndexOf(PropertyAccessor.PROPERTY_KEY_SUFFIX_CHAR);
    if (firstIndex != -1 && lastIndex != -1) {
        String indexValue = propertyName.substring(firstIndex + 1, lastIndex);
        try {
            int index = Integer.parseInt(indexValue);
            return Integer.valueOf(index);
        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
            // if we encounter this then it wasn't really an index, ignore
    return null;
源代码14 项目: jdal   文件: JpaUtils.java
 * Initialize collection
 * @param em
 * @param entity
 * @param a
 * @param i
private static void intializeCollection(EntityManager em, Object entity, Object attached, 
		Attribute a, int depth) {
	PropertyAccessor accessor = PropertyAccessorFactory.forDirectFieldAccess(attached);
	Collection c = (Collection) accessor.getPropertyValue(a.getName());
	for (Object o : c)
		initialize(em, o, depth -1);
	PropertyAccessorFactory.forDirectFieldAccess(entity).setPropertyValue(a.getName(), c);
源代码15 项目: jdal   文件: JpaDao.java
 * Test if entity is New
 * @param entity
 * @return true if entity is new, ie not detached
protected boolean isNew(T entity) {
	SingularAttribute<?, ?> id = getIdAttribute(entity.getClass());
	// try field
	PropertyAccessor pa = PropertyAccessorFactory.forDirectFieldAccess(entity);
	PK key = (PK) pa.getPropertyValue(id.getName());
	if (key == null)
		key = (PK) PropertyAccessorFactory.forBeanPropertyAccess(entity).getPropertyValue(id.getName());
	return key == null || !exists(key, entity.getClass());
源代码16 项目: spring-analysis-note   文件: FormTag.java
 * Writes the opening part of the block	'{@code form}' tag and exposes
 * the form object name in the {@link javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext}.
 * @param tagWriter the {@link TagWriter} to which the form content is to be written
 * @return {@link javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.Tag#EVAL_BODY_INCLUDE}
protected int writeTagContent(TagWriter tagWriter) throws JspException {
	this.tagWriter = tagWriter;

	tagWriter.writeAttribute(ACTION_ATTRIBUTE, resolveAction());
	writeOptionalAttribute(tagWriter, METHOD_ATTRIBUTE, getHttpMethod());
	writeOptionalAttribute(tagWriter, TARGET_ATTRIBUTE, getTarget());
	writeOptionalAttribute(tagWriter, ENCTYPE_ATTRIBUTE, getEnctype());
	writeOptionalAttribute(tagWriter, ACCEPT_CHARSET_ATTRIBUTE, getAcceptCharset());
	writeOptionalAttribute(tagWriter, ONSUBMIT_ATTRIBUTE, getOnsubmit());
	writeOptionalAttribute(tagWriter, ONRESET_ATTRIBUTE, getOnreset());
	writeOptionalAttribute(tagWriter, AUTOCOMPLETE_ATTRIBUTE, getAutocomplete());


	if (!isMethodBrowserSupported(getMethod())) {
		String inputName = getMethodParam();
		String inputType = "hidden";
		writeOptionalAttribute(tagWriter, TYPE_ATTRIBUTE, inputType);
		writeOptionalAttribute(tagWriter, NAME_ATTRIBUTE, inputName);
		writeOptionalAttribute(tagWriter, VALUE_ATTRIBUTE, processFieldValue(inputName, getMethod(), inputType));

	// Expose the form object name for nested tags...
	String modelAttribute = resolveModelAttribute();
	this.pageContext.setAttribute(MODEL_ATTRIBUTE_VARIABLE_NAME, modelAttribute, PageContext.REQUEST_SCOPE);

	// Save previous nestedPath value, build and expose current nestedPath value.
	// Use request scope to expose nestedPath to included pages too.
	this.previousNestedPath =
			(String) this.pageContext.getAttribute(NESTED_PATH_VARIABLE_NAME, PageContext.REQUEST_SCOPE);
			modelAttribute + PropertyAccessor.NESTED_PROPERTY_SEPARATOR, PageContext.REQUEST_SCOPE);

 * Register bean definitions contained in a Map.
 * Ignore ineligible properties.
 * @param map a map of {@code name} to {@code property} (String or Object). Property
 * values will be strings if coming from a Properties file etc. Property names
 * (keys) <b>must</b> be Strings. Class keys must be Strings.
 * @param prefix a filter within the keys in the map: e.g. 'beans.'
 * (can be empty or {@code null})
 * @param resourceDescription description of the resource that the
 * Map came from (for logging purposes)
 * @return the number of bean definitions found
 * @throws BeansException in case of loading or parsing errors
 * @see #registerBeanDefinitions(Map, String)
public int registerBeanDefinitions(Map<?, ?> map, @Nullable String prefix, String resourceDescription)
		throws BeansException {

	if (prefix == null) {
		prefix = "";
	int beanCount = 0;

	for (Object key : map.keySet()) {
		if (!(key instanceof String)) {
			throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal key [" + key + "]: only Strings allowed");
		String keyString = (String) key;
		if (keyString.startsWith(prefix)) {
			// Key is of form: prefix<name>.property
			String nameAndProperty = keyString.substring(prefix.length());
			// Find dot before property name, ignoring dots in property keys.
			int sepIdx = -1;
			int propKeyIdx = nameAndProperty.indexOf(PropertyAccessor.PROPERTY_KEY_PREFIX);
			if (propKeyIdx != -1) {
				sepIdx = nameAndProperty.lastIndexOf(SEPARATOR, propKeyIdx);
			else {
				sepIdx = nameAndProperty.lastIndexOf(SEPARATOR);
			if (sepIdx != -1) {
				String beanName = nameAndProperty.substring(0, sepIdx);
				if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
					logger.trace("Found bean name '" + beanName + "'");
				if (!getRegistry().containsBeanDefinition(beanName)) {
					// If we haven't already registered it...
					registerBeanDefinition(beanName, map, prefix + beanName, resourceDescription);
			else {
				// Ignore it: It wasn't a valid bean name and property,
				// although it did start with the required prefix.
				if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
					logger.debug("Invalid bean name and property [" + nameAndProperty + "]");

	return beanCount;
源代码18 项目: java-technology-stack   文件: FormTag.java
 * Writes the opening part of the block	'{@code form}' tag and exposes
 * the form object name in the {@link javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext}.
 * @param tagWriter the {@link TagWriter} to which the form content is to be written
 * @return {@link javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.Tag#EVAL_BODY_INCLUDE}
protected int writeTagContent(TagWriter tagWriter) throws JspException {
	this.tagWriter = tagWriter;

	tagWriter.writeAttribute(ACTION_ATTRIBUTE, resolveAction());
	writeOptionalAttribute(tagWriter, METHOD_ATTRIBUTE, getHttpMethod());
	writeOptionalAttribute(tagWriter, TARGET_ATTRIBUTE, getTarget());
	writeOptionalAttribute(tagWriter, ENCTYPE_ATTRIBUTE, getEnctype());
	writeOptionalAttribute(tagWriter, ACCEPT_CHARSET_ATTRIBUTE, getAcceptCharset());
	writeOptionalAttribute(tagWriter, ONSUBMIT_ATTRIBUTE, getOnsubmit());
	writeOptionalAttribute(tagWriter, ONRESET_ATTRIBUTE, getOnreset());
	writeOptionalAttribute(tagWriter, AUTOCOMPLETE_ATTRIBUTE, getAutocomplete());


	if (!isMethodBrowserSupported(getMethod())) {
		String inputName = getMethodParam();
		String inputType = "hidden";
		writeOptionalAttribute(tagWriter, TYPE_ATTRIBUTE, inputType);
		writeOptionalAttribute(tagWriter, NAME_ATTRIBUTE, inputName);
		writeOptionalAttribute(tagWriter, VALUE_ATTRIBUTE, processFieldValue(inputName, getMethod(), inputType));

	// Expose the form object name for nested tags...
	String modelAttribute = resolveModelAttribute();
	this.pageContext.setAttribute(MODEL_ATTRIBUTE_VARIABLE_NAME, modelAttribute, PageContext.REQUEST_SCOPE);

	// Save previous nestedPath value, build and expose current nestedPath value.
	// Use request scope to expose nestedPath to included pages too.
	this.previousNestedPath =
			(String) this.pageContext.getAttribute(NESTED_PATH_VARIABLE_NAME, PageContext.REQUEST_SCOPE);
			modelAttribute + PropertyAccessor.NESTED_PROPERTY_SEPARATOR, PageContext.REQUEST_SCOPE);

 * Register bean definitions contained in a Map.
 * Ignore ineligible properties.
 * @param map a map of {@code name} to {@code property} (String or Object). Property
 * values will be strings if coming from a Properties file etc. Property names
 * (keys) <b>must</b> be Strings. Class keys must be Strings.
 * @param prefix a filter within the keys in the map: e.g. 'beans.'
 * (can be empty or {@code null})
 * @param resourceDescription description of the resource that the
 * Map came from (for logging purposes)
 * @return the number of bean definitions found
 * @throws BeansException in case of loading or parsing errors
 * @see #registerBeanDefinitions(Map, String)
public int registerBeanDefinitions(Map<?, ?> map, @Nullable String prefix, String resourceDescription)
		throws BeansException {

	if (prefix == null) {
		prefix = "";
	int beanCount = 0;

	for (Object key : map.keySet()) {
		if (!(key instanceof String)) {
			throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal key [" + key + "]: only Strings allowed");
		String keyString = (String) key;
		if (keyString.startsWith(prefix)) {
			// Key is of form: prefix<name>.property
			String nameAndProperty = keyString.substring(prefix.length());
			// Find dot before property name, ignoring dots in property keys.
			int sepIdx = -1;
			int propKeyIdx = nameAndProperty.indexOf(PropertyAccessor.PROPERTY_KEY_PREFIX);
			if (propKeyIdx != -1) {
				sepIdx = nameAndProperty.lastIndexOf(SEPARATOR, propKeyIdx);
			else {
				sepIdx = nameAndProperty.lastIndexOf(SEPARATOR);
			if (sepIdx != -1) {
				String beanName = nameAndProperty.substring(0, sepIdx);
				if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
					logger.trace("Found bean name '" + beanName + "'");
				if (!getRegistry().containsBeanDefinition(beanName)) {
					// If we haven't already registered it...
					registerBeanDefinition(beanName, map, prefix + beanName, resourceDescription);
			else {
				// Ignore it: It wasn't a valid bean name and property,
				// although it did start with the required prefix.
				if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
					logger.debug("Invalid bean name and property [" + nameAndProperty + "]");

	return beanCount;
源代码20 项目: lams   文件: FormTag.java
 * Writes the opening part of the block	'{@code form}' tag and exposes
 * the form object name in the {@link javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext}.
 * @param tagWriter the {@link TagWriter} to which the form content is to be written
 * @return {@link javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.Tag#EVAL_BODY_INCLUDE}
protected int writeTagContent(TagWriter tagWriter) throws JspException {
	this.tagWriter = tagWriter;

	tagWriter.writeAttribute(ACTION_ATTRIBUTE, resolveAction());
	writeOptionalAttribute(tagWriter, METHOD_ATTRIBUTE, getHttpMethod());
	writeOptionalAttribute(tagWriter, TARGET_ATTRIBUTE, getTarget());
	writeOptionalAttribute(tagWriter, ENCTYPE_ATTRIBUTE, getEnctype());
	writeOptionalAttribute(tagWriter, ACCEPT_CHARSET_ATTRIBUTE, getAcceptCharset());
	writeOptionalAttribute(tagWriter, ONSUBMIT_ATTRIBUTE, getOnsubmit());
	writeOptionalAttribute(tagWriter, ONRESET_ATTRIBUTE, getOnreset());
	writeOptionalAttribute(tagWriter, AUTOCOMPLETE_ATTRIBUTE, getAutocomplete());


	if (!isMethodBrowserSupported(getMethod())) {
		String inputName = getMethodParam();
		String inputType = "hidden";
		writeOptionalAttribute(tagWriter, TYPE_ATTRIBUTE, inputType);
		writeOptionalAttribute(tagWriter, NAME_ATTRIBUTE, inputName);
		writeOptionalAttribute(tagWriter, VALUE_ATTRIBUTE, processFieldValue(inputName, getMethod(), inputType));

	// Expose the form object name for nested tags...
	String modelAttribute = resolveModelAttribute();
	this.pageContext.setAttribute(MODEL_ATTRIBUTE_VARIABLE_NAME, modelAttribute, PageContext.REQUEST_SCOPE);

	// Save previous nestedPath value, build and expose current nestedPath value.
	// Use request scope to expose nestedPath to included pages too.
	this.previousNestedPath =
			(String) this.pageContext.getAttribute(NESTED_PATH_VARIABLE_NAME, PageContext.REQUEST_SCOPE);
			modelAttribute + PropertyAccessor.NESTED_PROPERTY_SEPARATOR, PageContext.REQUEST_SCOPE);

源代码21 项目: lams   文件: PropertiesBeanDefinitionReader.java
 * Register bean definitions contained in a Map.
 * Ignore ineligible properties.
 * @param map Map name -> property (String or Object). Property values
 * will be strings if coming from a Properties file etc. Property names
 * (keys) <b>must</b> be strings. Class keys must be Strings.
 * @param prefix a filter within the keys in the map: e.g. 'beans.'
 * (can be empty or {@code null})
 * @param resourceDescription description of the resource that the
 * Map came from (for logging purposes)
 * @return the number of bean definitions found
 * @throws BeansException in case of loading or parsing errors
 * @see #registerBeanDefinitions(Map, String)
public int registerBeanDefinitions(Map<?, ?> map, String prefix, String resourceDescription)
		throws BeansException {

	if (prefix == null) {
		prefix = "";
	int beanCount = 0;

	for (Object key : map.keySet()) {
		if (!(key instanceof String)) {
			throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal key [" + key + "]: only Strings allowed");
		String keyString = (String) key;
		if (keyString.startsWith(prefix)) {
			// Key is of form: prefix<name>.property
			String nameAndProperty = keyString.substring(prefix.length());
			// Find dot before property name, ignoring dots in property keys.
			int sepIdx = -1;
			int propKeyIdx = nameAndProperty.indexOf(PropertyAccessor.PROPERTY_KEY_PREFIX);
			if (propKeyIdx != -1) {
				sepIdx = nameAndProperty.lastIndexOf(SEPARATOR, propKeyIdx);
			else {
				sepIdx = nameAndProperty.lastIndexOf(SEPARATOR);
			if (sepIdx != -1) {
				String beanName = nameAndProperty.substring(0, sepIdx);
				if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
					logger.debug("Found bean name '" + beanName + "'");
				if (!getRegistry().containsBeanDefinition(beanName)) {
					// If we haven't already registered it...
					registerBeanDefinition(beanName, map, prefix + beanName, resourceDescription);
			else {
				// Ignore it: It wasn't a valid bean name and property,
				// although it did start with the required prefix.
				if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
					logger.debug("Invalid bean name and property [" + nameAndProperty + "]");

	return beanCount;
 * Register bean definitions contained in a Map.
 * Ignore ineligible properties.
 * @param map Map name -> property (String or Object). Property values
 * will be strings if coming from a Properties file etc. Property names
 * (keys) <b>must</b> be strings. Class keys must be Strings.
 * @param prefix a filter within the keys in the map: e.g. 'beans.'
 * (can be empty or {@code null})
 * @param resourceDescription description of the resource that the
 * Map came from (for logging purposes)
 * @return the number of bean definitions found
 * @throws BeansException in case of loading or parsing errors
 * @see #registerBeanDefinitions(Map, String)
public int registerBeanDefinitions(Map<?, ?> map, String prefix, String resourceDescription)
		throws BeansException {

	if (prefix == null) {
		prefix = "";
	int beanCount = 0;

	for (Object key : map.keySet()) {
		if (!(key instanceof String)) {
			throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal key [" + key + "]: only Strings allowed");
		String keyString = (String) key;
		if (keyString.startsWith(prefix)) {
			// Key is of form: prefix<name>.property
			String nameAndProperty = keyString.substring(prefix.length());
			// Find dot before property name, ignoring dots in property keys.
			int sepIdx = -1;
			int propKeyIdx = nameAndProperty.indexOf(PropertyAccessor.PROPERTY_KEY_PREFIX);
			if (propKeyIdx != -1) {
				sepIdx = nameAndProperty.lastIndexOf(SEPARATOR, propKeyIdx);
			else {
				sepIdx = nameAndProperty.lastIndexOf(SEPARATOR);
			if (sepIdx != -1) {
				String beanName = nameAndProperty.substring(0, sepIdx);
				if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
					logger.debug("Found bean name '" + beanName + "'");
				if (!getRegistry().containsBeanDefinition(beanName)) {
					// If we haven't already registered it...
					registerBeanDefinition(beanName, map, prefix + beanName, resourceDescription);
			else {
				// Ignore it: It wasn't a valid bean name and property,
				// although it did start with the required prefix.
				if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
					logger.debug("Invalid bean name and property [" + nameAndProperty + "]");

	return beanCount;
源代码23 项目: spring4-understanding   文件: FormTag.java
 * Writes the opening part of the block	'{@code form}' tag and exposes
 * the form object name in the {@link javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext}.
 * @param tagWriter the {@link TagWriter} to which the form content is to be written
 * @return {@link javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.Tag#EVAL_BODY_INCLUDE}
protected int writeTagContent(TagWriter tagWriter) throws JspException {
	this.tagWriter = tagWriter;

	tagWriter.writeAttribute(ACTION_ATTRIBUTE, resolveAction());
	writeOptionalAttribute(tagWriter, METHOD_ATTRIBUTE, getHttpMethod());
	writeOptionalAttribute(tagWriter, TARGET_ATTRIBUTE, getTarget());
	writeOptionalAttribute(tagWriter, ENCTYPE_ATTRIBUTE, getEnctype());
	writeOptionalAttribute(tagWriter, ACCEPT_CHARSET_ATTRIBUTE, getAcceptCharset());
	writeOptionalAttribute(tagWriter, ONSUBMIT_ATTRIBUTE, getOnsubmit());
	writeOptionalAttribute(tagWriter, ONRESET_ATTRIBUTE, getOnreset());
	writeOptionalAttribute(tagWriter, AUTOCOMPLETE_ATTRIBUTE, getAutocomplete());


	if (!isMethodBrowserSupported(getMethod())) {
		String inputName = getMethodParam();
		String inputType = "hidden";
		writeOptionalAttribute(tagWriter, TYPE_ATTRIBUTE, inputType);
		writeOptionalAttribute(tagWriter, NAME_ATTRIBUTE, inputName);
		writeOptionalAttribute(tagWriter, VALUE_ATTRIBUTE, processFieldValue(inputName, getMethod(), inputType));

	// Expose the form object name for nested tags...
	String modelAttribute = resolveModelAttribute();
	this.pageContext.setAttribute(MODEL_ATTRIBUTE_VARIABLE_NAME, modelAttribute, PageContext.REQUEST_SCOPE);

	// Save previous nestedPath value, build and expose current nestedPath value.
	// Use request scope to expose nestedPath to included pages too.
	this.previousNestedPath =
			(String) this.pageContext.getAttribute(NESTED_PATH_VARIABLE_NAME, PageContext.REQUEST_SCOPE);
			modelAttribute + PropertyAccessor.NESTED_PROPERTY_SEPARATOR, PageContext.REQUEST_SCOPE);

 * Register bean definitions contained in a Map.
 * Ignore ineligible properties.
 * @param map Map name -> property (String or Object). Property values
 * will be strings if coming from a Properties file etc. Property names
 * (keys) <b>must</b> be strings. Class keys must be Strings.
 * @param prefix a filter within the keys in the map: e.g. 'beans.'
 * (can be empty or {@code null})
 * @param resourceDescription description of the resource that the
 * Map came from (for logging purposes)
 * @return the number of bean definitions found
 * @throws BeansException in case of loading or parsing errors
 * @see #registerBeanDefinitions(Map, String)
public int registerBeanDefinitions(Map<?, ?> map, String prefix, String resourceDescription)
		throws BeansException {

	if (prefix == null) {
		prefix = "";
	int beanCount = 0;

	for (Object key : map.keySet()) {
		if (!(key instanceof String)) {
			throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal key [" + key + "]: only Strings allowed");
		String keyString = (String) key;
		if (keyString.startsWith(prefix)) {
			// Key is of form: prefix<name>.property
			String nameAndProperty = keyString.substring(prefix.length());
			// Find dot before property name, ignoring dots in property keys.
			int sepIdx = -1;
			int propKeyIdx = nameAndProperty.indexOf(PropertyAccessor.PROPERTY_KEY_PREFIX);
			if (propKeyIdx != -1) {
				sepIdx = nameAndProperty.lastIndexOf(SEPARATOR, propKeyIdx);
			else {
				sepIdx = nameAndProperty.lastIndexOf(SEPARATOR);
			if (sepIdx != -1) {
				String beanName = nameAndProperty.substring(0, sepIdx);
				if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
					logger.debug("Found bean name '" + beanName + "'");
				if (!getRegistry().containsBeanDefinition(beanName)) {
					// If we haven't already registered it...
					registerBeanDefinition(beanName, map, prefix + beanName, resourceDescription);
			else {
				// Ignore it: It wasn't a valid bean name and property,
				// although it did start with the required prefix.
				if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
					logger.debug("Invalid bean name and property [" + nameAndProperty + "]");

	return beanCount;
源代码25 项目: jdal   文件: HibernateDao.java
 * Create Order from criteria and property path
 * @param criteria the hibernate criteria to apply order on
 * @param propertyPath the property path
 * @return Order 
protected Order createOrder(Criteria criteria, String propertyPath, boolean ascending) {
	Order order = null;
	if (propertyPath != null) {
		String sortProperty = PropertyUtils.getPropertyName(propertyPath);
		try {
			if (PropertyUtils.isNested(propertyPath)) {
				String alias = PropertyUtils.getPropertyName(PropertyUtils.getPath(propertyPath));
				// Need to create alias?
				// String alias = HibernateUtils.findAliasForPropertyPath(criteria, propertyPath);
				HibernateUtils.createAlias(criteria, PropertyUtils.getPath(propertyPath));
				sortProperty = alias + PropertyUtils.PROPERTY_SEPARATOR + sortProperty;
			else { // test if property is an entity class
				Type sortType = getClassMetadata().getPropertyType(propertyPath);
				if (sortType.isEntityType()) { // is entity, look for 'name' property
					String[] propertyNames = getClassMetadata(sortType.getReturnedClass()).getPropertyNames();
					for (String name : propertyNames) {
						if ("name".equals(name)) {
							log.info("Found property name on persistent class: " + sortType.getName());
							String newPath = propertyPath + PropertyAccessor.NESTED_PROPERTY_SEPARATOR + "name";
							return createOrder(criteria, newPath, ascending);

			if (log.isDebugEnabled())
				log.debug("Setting order as: " + sortProperty);

			order = ascending ? Order.asc(sortProperty) : Order.desc(sortProperty);
		catch(HibernateException he) {
			log.error("Cannot to create Order for property: " + sortProperty + " for " +
					getEntityClass().getSimpleName(), he);
	else {
		// add default order by id
		ClassMetadata metadata = getClassMetadata();
		if (metadata != null)
			order = Order.asc(metadata.getIdentifierPropertyName());

	return order;