

public void testConfigWithDifferentFilterIgnored() {
  // Arrange
  PsiMethod method = setupGenericJunitTestClassAndBlazeTarget();
  ConfigurationContext context = createContextFromPsi(method);
  BlazeCommandRunConfiguration config =
      (BlazeCommandRunConfiguration) context.getConfiguration().getConfiguration();
  BlazeCommandRunConfigurationCommonState handlerState =

  // modify the test filter, and check that is enough for the producer to class it as different.
  List<String> flags = new ArrayList<>(handlerState.getBlazeFlagsState().getRawFlags());
  flags.removeIf((flag) -> flag.startsWith(BlazeFlags.TEST_FILTER));
  flags.add(BlazeFlags.TEST_FILTER + "=com.google.test.DifferentTestClass#");

  // Act
  boolean isConfigFromContext =
      new TestContextRunConfigurationProducer().doIsConfigFromContext(config, context);

  // Assert
源代码2 项目: easy_javadoc   文件: ReturnVariableGenerator.java
public String generate(PsiElement element) {
    if (!(element instanceof PsiMethod)) {
        return "";
    PsiMethod psiMethod = (PsiMethod) element;
    String returnName = psiMethod.getReturnType() == null ? "" : psiMethod.getReturnType().getPresentableText();

    if (Consts.BASE_TYPE_SET.contains(returnName)) {
        return returnName;
    } else if ("void".equalsIgnoreCase(returnName)) {
        return "";
    } else {
        return String.format("{@link %s }", returnName);
源代码3 项目: intellij   文件: ProducerUtils.java
public static Location<PsiMethod> getMethodLocation(Location<?> contextLocation) {
  Location<PsiMethod> methodLocation = getTestMethod(contextLocation);
  if (methodLocation == null) {
    return null;

  if (contextLocation instanceof PsiMemberParameterizedLocation) {
    PsiClass containingClass =
        ((PsiMemberParameterizedLocation) contextLocation).getContainingClass();
    if (containingClass != null) {
      methodLocation =
          MethodLocation.elementInClass(methodLocation.getPsiElement(), containingClass);
  return methodLocation;
源代码4 项目: Debug   文件: DebugLintIssue.java
public UElementHandler createUastHandler(@NotNull final JavaContext context) {
    return new UElementHandler() {
        public void visitCallExpression(@NotNull UCallExpression node) {

            final PsiMethod psiMethod = node.resolve();
            if (psiMethod != null
                    && context.getEvaluator().isMemberInClass(psiMethod, "io.noties.debug.Debug")) {

                final String name = node.getMethodName();
                if (name != null && METHODS.contains(name)) {
                    process(context, node);
public int getChildCount(Object parent) {
    if (parent instanceof PsiMethodComparingPair) {
        PsiMethod initialMethod = ((PsiMethodComparingPair) parent).getInitialPsiMethod();
        List<PsiElementComparingPair> children = previewProcessor.getMethodElementsComparingMap().get(initialMethod);
        if (children != null) {
            return children.size();
        } else {
            return 0;
    } else if (parent instanceof PsiElementComparingPair) {
        return 0;
    } else if (parent == previewProcessor.getExtractedClass()) {
        return 0;
    } else if (parent instanceof PsiClassWrapper) {
        return previewProcessor.getMethodComparingList().size() + previewProcessor.getPsiElementChanges().size();
    } else if (parent instanceof PsiElementChange) {
        return 0;

    return 2; //source and extracted class
private boolean navigateToConstructorIfProvider(PsiParameter psiParameter) {
  PsiTypeElement declaringTypeElement = psiParameter.getTypeElement();
  PsiClass classElement = JavaPsiFacade.getInstance(psiParameter.getProject()).findClass(

  if (classElement == null) {
    return false;

  for (PsiMethod method : classElement.getConstructors()) {
    if (PsiConsultantImpl.hasAnnotation(method, CLASS_INJECT) && navigateToElement(method)) {
        return true;
  return false;
protected void process(List<ClassMember> classMembers) {
  for (ClassMember classMember : classMembers) {
    final PsiElementClassMember elementClassMember = (PsiElementClassMember) classMember;

    PsiField psiField = (PsiField) elementClassMember.getPsiElement();
    PsiMethod psiMethod = PropertyUtil.findPropertySetter(psiField.getContainingClass(), psiField.getName(), false, false);
    if (null != psiMethod) {
      PsiModifierList modifierList = psiField.getModifierList();
      if (null != modifierList) {
        PsiAnnotation psiAnnotation = modifierList.addAnnotation(Setter.class.getName());

public StructureViewTreeElement[] getChildren(PsiElement parent) {
  Collection<StructureViewTreeElement> result = new ArrayList<StructureViewTreeElement>();
  final PsiClass psiClass = (PsiClass) parent;

  for (PsiField psiField : psiClass.getFields()) {
    if (psiField instanceof SqliteMagicLightFieldBuilder) {
      result.add(new PsiFieldTreeElement(psiField, false));

  for (PsiMethod psiMethod : psiClass.getMethods()) {
    if (psiMethod instanceof SqliteMagicLightMethodBuilder) {
      result.add(new PsiMethodTreeElement(psiMethod, false));

  if (!result.isEmpty()) {
    return result.toArray(new StructureViewTreeElement[result.size()]);
  } else {
    return StructureViewTreeElement.EMPTY_ARRAY;
源代码9 项目: intellij-haxe   文件: HaxeMethodUtils.java
private static PsiMethod[] findSuperMethodsInternal(PsiMethod method, PsiClass parentClass) {
  if (null == parentClass || null == method) return PsiMethod.EMPTY_ARRAY;
  List<PsiMethod> sooperMethods = new ArrayList<PsiMethod>();
  LinkedList<PsiClass> soopers = new LinkedList<PsiClass>(Arrays.asList(parentClass.getSupers()));
  while (!soopers.isEmpty()) {
    PsiClass sooper = soopers.pollFirst();
    // Get the super-method on the closest superclass that contains the method.
    PsiMethod sooperMethod = MethodSignatureUtil.findMethodBySignature(sooper, method, true);
    if (null != sooperMethod) {
  return sooperMethods.toArray(PsiMethod.EMPTY_ARRAY);
private boolean validateExistingMethods(@NotNull PsiField psiField, @NotNull ProblemBuilder builder) {
  boolean result = true;
  final PsiClass psiClass = psiField.getContainingClass();
  if (null != psiClass) {
    final Collection<PsiMethod> classMethods = PsiClassUtil.collectClassMethodsIntern(psiClass);

    final boolean isBoolean = PsiType.BOOLEAN.equals(psiField.getType());
    final Collection<String> methodNames = getAllSetterNames(psiField, isBoolean);

    for (String methodName : methodNames) {
      if (PsiMethodUtil.hasSimilarMethod(classMethods, methodName, 1)) {
        final String setterMethodName = getSetterName(psiField, isBoolean);

        builder.addWarning("Not generated '%s'(): A method with similar name '%s' already exists", setterMethodName, methodName);
        result = false;
  return result;
源代码11 项目: buck   文件: BuckTestDetector.java
 * Returns true if the given method is one of the kind of tests that Buck knows how to run.
 * (Currently, JUnit3, JUnit4, and TestNG.)
 * <p>Note that this is merely a syntactic check that makes no guarantee that the method appears
 * in a file that is part of a buck test target (or even a buck cell).
public static boolean isTestMethod(PsiMethod psiMethod) {
  PsiClass psiClass = psiMethod.getContainingClass();
  if (psiClass == null) {
    return false;
  if (isJUnit3TestCaseClass(psiClass)) {
    return isJUnit3TestMethod(psiMethod);
  if (isAnnotatedJUnit4TestClass(psiClass)) {
    return isJUnit4TestMethod(psiMethod);
  if (isPotentialJUnit4TestClass(psiClass) && isJUnit4TestMethod(psiMethod)) {
    return true;
  if (isPotentialTestNGTestClass(psiClass) && isTestNGTestMethod(psiMethod)) {
    return true;
  return false;
源代码12 项目: intellij   文件: TestMethodSelectionUtil.java
 * Get all test methods directly or indirectly selected in the given context. This includes
 * methods selected in the Structure panel, as well as methods the context location is inside of.
 * @param context The context to get selected test methods from.
 * @param allMustMatch If true, will return null if any selected elements are not test methods.
 * @return A list of test methods (with at least one element), or null if:
 *     <ul>
 *     <li>There are no selected test methods
 *     <li>{@code allMustMatch} is true, but elements other than test methods are selected
 *     </ul>
 * @see #getDirectlySelectedMethods(ConfigurationContext, boolean)
 * @see #getIndirectlySelectedMethod(ConfigurationContext)
public static List<PsiMethod> getSelectedMethods(
    @NotNull ConfigurationContext context, boolean allMustMatch) {
  List<PsiMethod> directlySelectedMethods = getDirectlySelectedMethods(context, allMustMatch);
  if (directlySelectedMethods != null && directlySelectedMethods.size() > 0) {
    return directlySelectedMethods;
  if (allMustMatch && JUnitConfigurationUtil.isMultipleElementsSelected(context)) {
    return null;
  PsiMethod indirectlySelectedMethod = getIndirectlySelectedMethod(context);
  if (indirectlySelectedMethod != null) {
    return Collections.singletonList(indirectlySelectedMethod);
  return null;
源代码13 项目: litho   文件: OnEventGenerateUtils.java
 * Adds comment to the given method "// An event handler ContextClassName.methodName(c,
 * parameterName)
public static void addComment(PsiClass contextClass, PsiMethod method) {
  final Project project = contextClass.getProject();
  final PsiElementFactory factory = JavaPsiFacade.getElementFactory(project);

  final StringBuilder builder =
      new StringBuilder("// An event handler ")
  for (PsiParameter parameter : method.getParameterList().getParameters()) {
    if (LithoPluginUtils.isParam(parameter)) {
      builder.append(", ").append(parameter.getName());

  final PsiComment comment = factory.createCommentFromText(builder.toString(), method);
  method.addBefore(comment, method.getModifierList());
源代码14 项目: litho   文件: StatePropCompletionContributor.java
static void addCompletionResult(
    @NotNull CompletionResultSet completionResultSet,
    PsiMethod currentMethod,
    PsiMethod[] allMethods,
    Predicate<PsiParameter> annotationCheck) {
  // Don't propose completion with current method parameters
  Set<String> excludingParameters =

  LithoPluginUtils.getPsiParameterStream(currentMethod, allMethods)
      .filter(parameter -> !excludingParameters.contains(parameter.getName()))
源代码15 项目: litho   文件: ComponentsMethodDeclarationHandler.java
public PsiElement[] getGotoDeclarationTargets(
    @Nullable PsiElement sourceElement, int offset, Editor editor) {
  // Exclusions
  if (sourceElement == null
      || PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(sourceElement, PsiImportStatement.class) != null) {
    return PsiElement.EMPTY_ARRAY;
  final Project project = sourceElement.getProject();
  return BaseLithoComponentsDeclarationHandler.resolve(sourceElement)
      // Filter Methods
      .map(method -> findSpecMethods(method, project))
          result -> {
            final Map<String, String> data = new HashMap<>();
            data.put(EventLogger.KEY_TARGET, "method");
            data.put(EventLogger.KEY_TYPE, EventLogger.VALUE_NAVIGATION_TYPE_GOTO);
            LOGGER.log(EventLogger.EVENT_NAVIGATION, data);
            return result;
源代码16 项目: litho   文件: UppercaseStatePropInspection.java
public ProblemDescriptor[] checkMethod(
    @NotNull PsiMethod method, @NotNull InspectionManager manager, boolean isOnTheFly) {
  if (!LithoPluginUtils.isLithoSpec(method.getContainingClass())) {
    return ProblemDescriptor.EMPTY_ARRAY;
  return Optional.of(method)
          psiParameters ->
                  .map(identifier -> createWarning(identifier, manager, isOnTheFly))
源代码17 项目: litho   文件: AnnotatorUtils.java
static void addError(
    AnnotationHolder holder, SpecModelValidationError error, List<IntentionAction> fixes) {
  PsiElement errorElement = (PsiElement) error.element;
  Annotation errorAnnotation =
              .filter(element -> element instanceof PsiClass || element instanceof PsiMethod)
  if (!fixes.isEmpty()) {
    for (IntentionAction fix : fixes) {
public PsiMethod createGetterMethod(@NotNull PsiField psiField, @NotNull PsiClass psiClass, @NotNull String methodModifier) {
  final String methodName = LombokUtils.getGetterName(psiField);

  LombokLightMethodBuilder methodBuilder = new LombokLightMethodBuilder(psiField.getManager(), methodName)
  if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(methodModifier)) {
  boolean isStatic = psiField.hasModifierProperty(PsiModifier.STATIC);
  if (isStatic) {

  final String blockText = String.format("return %s.%s;", isStatic ? psiClass.getName() : "this", psiField.getName());
  methodBuilder.withBody(PsiMethodUtil.createCodeBlockFromText(blockText, methodBuilder));

  PsiModifierList modifierList = methodBuilder.getModifierList();
  copyAnnotations(psiField, modifierList,
  addOnXAnnotations(PsiAnnotationSearchUtil.findAnnotation(psiField, Getter.class), modifierList, "onMethod");
  return methodBuilder;
源代码19 项目: intellij   文件: DaggerUseScopeEnlarger.java
/** Returns true if the method is called in generated code. */
static boolean isImplicitUsageMethod(PsiElement element) {
  if (!(element instanceof PsiMethod)) {
    return false;
  PsiMethod method = (PsiMethod) element;
  if (method.hasModifierProperty(PsiModifier.PRIVATE)) {
    return false;
  PsiModifierList modifiers = method.getModifierList();
      .anyMatch(s -> modifiers.findAnnotation(s) != null);
源代码20 项目: easy_javadoc   文件: MethodDocGenerator.java
public String generate(PsiElement psiElement) {
    if (!(psiElement instanceof PsiMethod)) {
        return StringUtils.EMPTY;
    PsiMethod psiMethod = (PsiMethod) psiElement;

    if (config != null && config.getMethodTemplateConfig() != null
            && Boolean.TRUE.equals(config.getMethodTemplateConfig().getIsDefault())) {
        return defaultGenerate(psiMethod);
    } else {
        return customGenerate(psiMethod);
protected void processClass(@NotNull PsiClass psiClass) {
  final Map<PsiField, PsiMethod> fieldMethodMap = new HashMap<>();
  for (PsiField psiField : psiClass.getFields()) {
    PsiMethod propertyGetter = PropertyUtil.findPropertyGetter(psiClass, psiField.getName(), psiField.hasModifierProperty(PsiModifier.STATIC), false);

    if (null != propertyGetter) {
      fieldMethodMap.put(psiField, propertyGetter);

  processIntern(fieldMethodMap, psiClass, Getter.class);
源代码22 项目: easy_javadoc   文件: ParamsVariableGenerator.java
public String generate(PsiElement element) {
    if (!(element instanceof PsiMethod)) {
        return "";

    List<String> paramNameList = Arrays.stream(((PsiMethod)element).getParameterList().getParameters())
    if (paramNameList.isEmpty()) {
        return "";
    return paramNameList.stream()
        .map(param -> "@param " + param + " " + translatorService.translate(param))
源代码23 项目: easy_javadoc   文件: SeeVariableGenerator.java
public String generate(PsiElement element) {
    if (element instanceof PsiClass) {
        PsiClass superClass = ((PsiClass) element).getSuperClass();
        PsiClass[] interfaces = ((PsiClass) element).getInterfaces();
        List<String> superList = Lists.newArrayList();
        if (superClass != null) {
            if (!"Object".equalsIgnoreCase(superClass.getName())) {
        if (interfaces.length > 0) {
        return superList.stream().map(sup -> "@see " + sup).collect(Collectors.joining("\n"));
    } else if (element instanceof PsiMethod) {
        return "";
    } else if (element instanceof PsiField) {
        String type = ((PsiField)element).getType().getPresentableText();
        if (Consts.BASE_TYPE_SET.contains(type)) {
            return "";
        return "@see " + type;
    } else {
        return "";
源代码24 项目: easy_javadoc   文件: ThrowsVariableGenerator.java
public String generate(PsiElement element) {
    if (!(element instanceof PsiMethod)) {
        return "";
    List<String> exceptionNameList = Arrays.stream(((PsiMethod)element).getThrowsList().getReferencedTypes())
    if (exceptionNameList.isEmpty()) {
        return "";
    return exceptionNameList.stream()
        .map(name -> "@throws " + name + " " + translatorService.translate(name))
源代码25 项目: litho   文件: CompletionUtilsTest.java
public void findFirstParent() {
      psiClasses -> {
        Assert.assertEquals(2, psiClasses.size());

        PsiMethod layoutSpecMethod = psiClasses.get(0).getMethods()[0];
        Optional<PsiClass> layoutSpec =
            CompletionUtils.findFirstParent(layoutSpecMethod, LithoPluginUtils::isLayoutSpec);
        Optional<PsiClass> componentCls =
            CompletionUtils.findFirstParent(layoutSpecMethod, LithoPluginUtils::isComponentClass);

        PsiMethod sectionSpecMethod = psiClasses.get(1).getMethods()[0];
        Optional<PsiClass> layoutSpecInSection =
            CompletionUtils.findFirstParent(sectionSpecMethod, LithoPluginUtils::isLayoutSpec);
        Optional<PsiClass> lithoSpec =
            CompletionUtils.findFirstParent(sectionSpecMethod, LithoPluginUtils::isLithoSpec);
        return true;
源代码26 项目: intellij-reference-diagram   文件: MethodFQN.java
public static MethodFQN create(PsiMethod psiMethod) {
    String classFqn = ClassFQN.create(psiMethod.getContainingClass()).getFQN();
    String methodName = psiMethod.getName();
    Builder builder = new Builder(classFqn, methodName);

    List<String> parameters = getParameterArray(psiMethod);

    for (String parameter : parameters) {

    return builder.create();
private static PsiMethod getTestMethod(ConfigurationContext context) {
  PsiElement psi = context.getPsiLocation();
  if (psi instanceof PsiMethod
      && AnnotationUtil.isAnnotated((PsiMethod) psi, JUnitUtil.TEST_ANNOTATION, false)) {
    return (PsiMethod) psi;
  List<PsiMethod> selectedMethods = TestMethodSelectionUtil.getSelectedMethods(context);
  return selectedMethods != null && selectedMethods.size() == 1 ? selectedMethods.get(0) : null;
源代码28 项目: buck   文件: BuckTestDetector.java
private static boolean isJUnit3TestMethod(PsiMethod psiMethod) {
  return psiMethod.hasModifier(JvmModifier.PUBLIC)
      && !psiMethod.hasModifier(JvmModifier.STATIC)
      && !psiMethod.hasModifier(JvmModifier.ABSTRACT)
      && PsiType.VOID.equals(psiMethod.getReturnType())
      && psiMethod.getName().startsWith("test")
      && psiMethod.getParameterList().isEmpty();
源代码29 项目: Intellij-Plugin   文件: StepFindUsagesHandler.java
private void runFindUsageReadAction(final PsiElement psiElement, final Processor<? super UsageInfo> processor, final FindUsagesOptions findUsagesOptions) {
    ApplicationManager.getApplication().runReadAction(() -> {
        if (psiElement instanceof PsiMethod) {
            PsiMethod[] psiMethods = SuperMethodWarningUtil.checkSuperMethods((PsiMethod) psiElement, CustomFUH.getActionString());
            if (psiMethods.length < 1) return;
            for (PsiElement method : psiMethods)
                StepFindUsagesHandler.this.processUsages(method, processor, findUsagesOptions);
        StepFindUsagesHandler.this.processUsages(psiElement, processor, findUsagesOptions);
源代码30 项目: intellij-haxe   文件: HaxeMethodUtils.java
private static boolean canHaveSuperMethod(PsiMethod method, boolean allowStaticMethod) {
  // Private really means protected in Haxe, so this version skips the private test.
  if (null == method || method.isConstructor()) return false;
  if (!allowStaticMethod && method.hasModifierProperty(PsiModifier.STATIC)) return false;
  PsiClass parentClass = method.getContainingClass();
  return parentClass != null;