

源代码1 项目: intellij-latte   文件: LatteXmlFileDataFactory.java
private static void loadFilters(XmlTag customFilters, LatteXmlFileData data) {
    for (XmlTag filterData : customFilters.findSubTags("filter")) {
        XmlAttribute name = filterData.getAttribute("name");
        if (name == null) {

        LatteFilterSettings filter = new LatteFilterSettings(
                getTextValue(filterData, "description"),
                getTextValue(filterData, "arguments"),
                getTextValue(filterData, "insertColons")
源代码2 项目: svgtoandroid   文件: Transformer.java
private String decideFillColor(XmlTag group, XmlTag self) {
    String result = Configuration.getDefaultTint();

    XmlAttribute groupFill;
    if ((groupFill = group.getAttribute("fill")) != null) {
        result = StdColorUtil.formatColor(groupFill.getValue());

    XmlAttribute selfFill;
    if ((selfFill = self.getAttribute("fill")) != null) {
        result = StdColorUtil.formatColor(selfFill.getValue());

    XmlAttribute id = self.getAttribute("class");
    String colorFromStyle;
    if (id != null && id.getValue() != null && (colorFromStyle = styleParser.getFillColor(id.getValue())) != null) {
        result = colorFromStyle;

    return result;
protected void addCompletions(@NotNull CompletionParameters completionParameters, ProcessingContext processingContext, @NotNull CompletionResultSet completionResultSet) {
    PsiElement psiElement = completionParameters.getOriginalPosition();
    if(psiElement == null || !ShopwareProjectComponent.isValidForProject(psiElement)) {

    PsiElement parent = psiElement.getParent();
    if(!(parent instanceof XmlTag)) {

    String controllerName = getControllerOnScope((XmlTag) parent);
    if (controllerName == null) {

    ShopwareUtil.collectControllerAction(psiElement.getProject(), controllerName, (method, methodStripped, moduleName, controllerName1) -> {
        LookupElementBuilder lookupElement = LookupElementBuilder.create(methodStripped)
            .withTypeText(method.getName(), true);

    }, "Backend");
源代码4 项目: idea-php-symfony2-plugin   文件: XmlHelperTest.java
 * @see XmlHelper#getArgumentIndex
public void testGetArgumentIndexOnIndex() {
    myFixture.configureByText(XmlFileType.INSTANCE, "" +
        "<service class=\"Foo\\Bar\">\n" +
        "      <argum<caret>ent index=\"2\" />\n" +

    PsiElement psiElement = myFixture.getFile().findElementAt(myFixture.getCaretOffset());
    assertEquals(2, XmlHelper.getArgumentIndex((XmlTag) psiElement.getParent()));

    myFixture.configureByText(XmlFileType.INSTANCE, "" +
        "<service class=\"Foo\\Bar\">\n" +
        "      <argum<caret>ent index=\"foobar\" />\n" +

    psiElement = myFixture.getFile().findElementAt(myFixture.getCaretOffset());
    assertEquals(-1, XmlHelper.getArgumentIndex((XmlTag) psiElement.getParent()));
public void invoke(@NotNull Project project, Editor editor, @NotNull PsiElement psiElement) throws IncorrectOperationException {

    XmlTag xmlTag = getServiceTagValid(psiElement);
    if(xmlTag == null) {

    final List<String> args = ServiceActionUtil.getXmlMissingArgumentTypes(xmlTag, true, new ContainerCollectionResolver.LazyServiceCollector(project));
    if (args.size() == 0) {

    ServiceActionUtil.fixServiceArgument(args, xmlTag);

private @NotNull
String extractDocumentation(XmlTag attributeTag) {
    StringBuilder attributeDocumentation = new StringBuilder();

    XmlTag attributeAnnotation = attributeTag.findFirstSubTag("xsd:annotation");
    if (attributeAnnotation != null) {
        XmlTag attributeDoc = attributeAnnotation.findFirstSubTag("xsd:documentation");
        if (attributeDoc != null) {
            for (XmlText textElement : attributeDoc.getValue().getTextElements()) {

    return attributeDocumentation.toString();
源代码7 项目: intellij-latte   文件: LatteXmlFileDataFactory.java
private static void loadTags(XmlTag customTags, LatteXmlFileData data) {
    for (XmlTag tag : customTags.findSubTags("tag")) {
        XmlAttribute name = tag.getAttribute("name");
        XmlAttribute type = tag.getAttribute("type");
        if (name == null || type == null || !LatteTagSettings.isValidType(type.getValue())) {

        LatteTagSettings macro = new LatteTagSettings(
                isTrue(tag, "allowedFilters"),
                getTextValue(tag, "arguments"),
                isTrue(tag, "multiLine"),
                getTextValue(tag, "deprecatedMessage").trim(),

private static Collection<ServiceTagInterface> create(@NotNull String serviceId, @NotNull XmlTag xmlTag) {

    final Collection<ServiceTagInterface> tags = new ArrayList<>();

    for (XmlTag tag : xmlTag.findSubTags("tag")) {

        String name = tag.getAttributeValue("name");
        if(name == null) {

        ServiceTagInterface serviceTagInterface = XmlServiceTag.create(serviceId, tag);
        if(serviceTagInterface == null) {


    return tags;
public void testGetTargetForXlfAsXmlFileInVersion12() {
    PsiFile fileFromText = PsiFileFactory.getInstance(getProject()).createFileFromText(XMLLanguage.INSTANCE, "" +
        "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n" +
        "<xliff version=\"1.2\" xmlns=\"urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2\">\n" +
        "    <file source-language=\"en\" datatype=\"plaintext\" original=\"file.ext\">\n" +
        "        <body>\n" +
        "            <trans-unit id=\"1\">\n" +
        "                <source>This value should be false.</source>\n" +
        "            </trans-unit>\n" +
        "        </body>\n" +
        "    </file>\n" +

    Collection<PsiElement> files = TranslationUtil.getTargetForXlfAsXmlFile((XmlFile) fileFromText, "This value should be false.");

    assertNotNull(ContainerUtil.find(files, psiElement ->
        psiElement instanceof XmlTag && "This value should be false.".equals(((XmlTag) psiElement).getValue().getText()))
public XmlAttributeDescriptor[] getAttributeDescriptors(XmlTag xmlTag) {
    if (!WeexFileUtil.isOnWeexFile(xmlTag)) {
        return new XmlAttributeDescriptor[0];
    final Map<String, XmlAttributeDescriptor> result = new LinkedHashMap<String, XmlAttributeDescriptor>();
    WeexTag tag = DirectiveLint.getWeexTag(xmlTag.getName());
    if (tag == null) {
        return new XmlAttributeDescriptor[0];
    for (String attributeName : tag.getExtAttrs()) {
        result.put(attributeName, new WeexAttrDescriptor(attributeName,
    return result.values().toArray(new XmlAttributeDescriptor[result.size()]);
源代码11 项目: idea-php-symfony2-plugin   文件: RouteHelper.java
 * <route controller="Foo"/>
 * <route>
 *     <default key="_controller">Foo</default>
 * </route>
public static String getXmlController(@NotNull XmlTag serviceTag) {
    for(XmlTag subTag :serviceTag.getSubTags()) {
        if("default".equalsIgnoreCase(subTag.getName())) {
            String keyValue = subTag.getAttributeValue("key");
            if(keyValue != null && "_controller".equals(keyValue)) {
                String actionName = subTag.getValue().getTrimmedText();
                if(StringUtils.isNotBlank(actionName)) {
                    return actionName;

    String controller = serviceTag.getAttributeValue("controller");
    if(controller != null && StringUtils.isNotBlank(controller)) {
        return controller;

    return null;
源代码12 项目: mule-intellij-plugins   文件: MuleConfigUtils.java
private static XmlTag findChildMessageProcessorByPath(MessageProcessorPath messageProcessorPath, XmlTag xmlTag) {
    final List<MessageProcessorPathNode> nodes = messageProcessorPath.getNodes();
    for (MessageProcessorPathNode node : nodes) {
        final String elementName = node.getElementName();
        final int i = Integer.parseInt(elementName);
        final XmlTag[] subTags = xmlTag.getSubTags();
        int index = -1;
        for (XmlTag subTag : subTags) {
            final MuleElementType muleElementType = getMuleElementTypeFromXmlElement(subTag);
            if (muleElementType == MuleElementType.MESSAGE_PROCESSOR) {
                xmlTag = subTag;
                index = index + 1;
            if (index == i) {
    return xmlTag;
public void collectSlowLineMarkers(@NotNull List<PsiElement> psiElements, @NotNull Collection<LineMarkerInfo> result) {
    if(psiElements.size() == 0 || !Symfony2ProjectComponent.isEnabled(psiElements.get(0))) {

    LazyDecoratedParentServiceValues lazyDecoratedParentServiceValues = null;

    for (PsiElement psiElement : psiElements) {
        if(!XmlHelper.getXmlTagNameLeafStartPattern().accepts(psiElement)) {

        PsiElement xmlTag = psiElement.getParent();
        if(!(xmlTag instanceof XmlTag) || !getServiceIdPattern().accepts(xmlTag)) {

        if(lazyDecoratedParentServiceValues == null) {
            lazyDecoratedParentServiceValues = new LazyDecoratedParentServiceValues(psiElement.getProject());

        // <services><service id="foo"/></services>
        visitServiceId(psiElement, (XmlTag) xmlTag, result, lazyDecoratedParentServiceValues);
源代码14 项目: intellij-latte   文件: LatteXmlFileDataFactory.java
private static void loadFunctions(XmlTag customFunctions, LatteXmlFileData data) {
    for (XmlTag filter : customFunctions.findSubTags("function")) {
        XmlAttribute name = filter.getAttribute("name");
        if (name == null) {

        String returnType = getTextValue(filter, "returnType");
        LatteFunctionSettings instance = new LatteFunctionSettings(
                returnType.length() == 0 ? "mixed" : returnType,
                getTextValue(filter, "arguments"),
                getTextValue(filter, "description")
源代码15 项目: arma-intellij-plugin   文件: StringTableKey.java
 * Get documentation html for the given StringTable key XmlTag (this should be one returned from {@link #getIDXmlTag()})
 * @param element key's tag
 * @return html showing all languages' values, or null if element was null, or null if element wasn't a key tag
public static String getKeyDoc(@Nullable XmlTag element) {
	if (element == null) {
		return null;
	if (!element.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("key")) {
		return null;

	final String format = "<div><b>%s</b> : <pre>%s</pre></div>";
	StringBuilder doc = new StringBuilder();
	for (XmlTag childTag : element.getSubTags()) {
		doc.append(String.format(format, childTag.getName(), childTag.getText()));
	return doc.toString();
源代码16 项目: mule-intellij-plugins   文件: FlowRenameDialog.java
protected void doAction() {
    CommandProcessor.getInstance().executeCommand(this.myProject, () -> {
        ApplicationManager.getApplication().runWriteAction(() -> {
            try {
                final List<XmlTag> refs = MuleConfigUtils.findFlowRefsForFlow(this.myTag);
                for (XmlTag ref : refs) {
            } catch (IncorrectOperationException var2) {

    }, RefactoringBundle.message("rename.title"), (Object)null);
public void testGetTargetForXlfAsXmlFileInVersion20() {
    PsiFile fileFromText = PsiFileFactory.getInstance(getProject()).createFileFromText(XMLLanguage.INSTANCE, "" +
        "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n" +
        "<xliff xmlns=\"urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:2.0\"\n" +
        "       version=\"2.0\" srcLang=\"en-US\" trgLang=\"ja-JP\">\n" +
        "    <file id=\"f1\" original=\"Graphic Example.psd\">\n" +
        "        <skeleton href=\"Graphic Example.psd.skl\"/>\n" +
        "        <group id=\"1\">\n" +
        "            <unit id=\"1\">\n" +
        "                <segment>\n" +
        "                    <source>foo</source>\n" +
        "                </segment>\n" +
        "            </unit>\n" +
        "        </group>\n" +
        "    </file>\n" +

    Collection<PsiElement> files = TranslationUtil.getTargetForXlfAsXmlFile((XmlFile) fileFromText, "foo");

    assertNotNull(ContainerUtil.find(files, psiElement ->
        psiElement instanceof XmlTag && "foo".equals(((XmlTag) psiElement).getValue().getText()))
源代码18 项目: mule-intellij-plugins   文件: MuleConfigUtils.java
private static XmlTag findXmlTag(XSourcePosition sourcePosition, XmlTag rootTag) {
    final XmlTag[] subTags = rootTag.getSubTags();
    for (int i = 0; i < subTags.length; i++) {
        XmlTag subTag = subTags[i];
        final int subTagLineNumber = getLineNumber(sourcePosition.getFile(), subTag);
        if (subTagLineNumber == sourcePosition.getLine()) {
            return subTag;
        } else if (subTagLineNumber > sourcePosition.getLine() && i > 0 && subTags[i - 1].getSubTags().length > 0) {
            return findXmlTag(sourcePosition, subTags[i - 1]);
    if (subTags.length > 0) {
        final XmlTag lastElement = subTags[subTags.length - 1];
        return findXmlTag(sourcePosition, lastElement);
    } else {
        return null;
源代码19 项目: mule-intellij-plugins   文件: MuleConfigUtils.java
private static XmlTag findFlowInFile(Project project, String flowName, VirtualFile file) {
    final DomManager manager = DomManager.getDomManager(project);
    final PsiFile xmlFile = PsiManager.getInstance(project).findFile(file);
    if (isMuleFile(xmlFile)) {
        final DomFileElement<Mule> fileElement = manager.getFileElement((XmlFile) xmlFile, Mule.class);
        if (fileElement != null) {
            final Mule rootElement = fileElement.getRootElement();
            final List<Flow> flows = rootElement.getFlows();
            for (Flow flow : flows) {
                if (flowName.equals(flow.getName().getValue())) {
                    return flow.getXmlTag();
            final List<SubFlow> subFlows = rootElement.getSubFlows();
            for (SubFlow subFlow : subFlows) {
                if (flowName.equals(subFlow.getName().getValue())) {
                    return subFlow.getXmlTag();
    return null;
public boolean isReferenceTo(PsiElement element) {
    if (element == null)
        return false;

    PsiElement parent = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(element, XmlTag.class);

    if (parent != null && parent instanceof XmlTag &&
            (MuleConfigConstants.FLOW_TAG_NAME.equals(((XmlTag)parent).getName()) ||
             MuleConfigConstants.SUB_FLOW_TAG_NAME.equals(((XmlTag)parent).getName()))) { //It's a <flow> tag or <sub-flow> tag
        if (element instanceof XmlAttributeValue && ((XmlAttributeValue)element).getValue().equals(getFlowName())) {
            return true;

    return false;
源代码21 项目: arma-intellij-plugin   文件: StringTableKey.java
 * Get documentation html for the given StringTable key XmlTag (this should be one returned from {@link #getIDXmlTag()})
 * @param element key's tag
 * @return html showing all languages' values, or null if element was null, or null if element wasn't a key tag
public static String getKeyDoc(@Nullable XmlTag element) {
	if (element == null) {
		return null;
	if (!element.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("key")) {
		return null;

	final String format = "<div><b>%s</b> : <pre>%s</pre></div>";
	StringBuilder doc = new StringBuilder();
	for (XmlTag childTag : element.getSubTags()) {
		doc.append(String.format(format, childTag.getName(), childTag.getText()));
	return doc.toString();
源代码22 项目: react-templates-plugin   文件: RTErrorFilter.java
    public boolean shouldHighlightErrorElement(@NotNull PsiErrorElement error) {
        final Project project = error.getProject();
        final Language language = error.getLanguage();
//        if ("CSS".equals(language.getID()) && PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(error, XmlAttribute.class) != null &&
//                AngularIndexUtil.hasAngularJS(project)) {
//            final PsiFile file = error.getContainingFile();
//            PsiErrorElement nextError = error;
//            while (nextError != null) {
//                if (hasAngularInjectionAt(project, file, nextError.getTextOffset())) return false;
//                nextError = PsiTreeUtil.getNextSiblingOfType(nextError, PsiErrorElement.class);
//            }
//        }
        if (HTMLLanguage.INSTANCE.is(language) && error.getErrorDescription().endsWith("not closed")) {
            final PsiElement parent = error.getParent();
            final XmlElementDescriptor descriptor = parent instanceof XmlTag ? ((XmlTag) parent).getDescriptor() : null;
            return !(descriptor instanceof RTRequireTagDescriptor);
        return true;
private static int getIdForNewXlfUnit(@NotNull XmlTag body, @NotNull String subTag) {
    int lastId = 0;

    for (XmlTag transUnit : body.findSubTags(subTag)) {
        String id = transUnit.getAttributeValue("id");
        if(id == null) {

        Integer integer;
        try {
            integer = Integer.valueOf(id);
        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {

        // next safe id
        if(integer >= lastId) {
            lastId = integer + 1;

    return lastId;
public static XmlTag getServiceTagValid(@NotNull PsiElement psiElement) {

    XmlTag xmlTag = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(psiElement, XmlTag.class);
    if(xmlTag == null) {
        return null;

    if("service".equals(xmlTag.getName())) {
        return xmlTag;

    xmlTag = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(xmlTag, XmlTag.class);
    if(xmlTag != null && "service".equals(xmlTag.getName())) {
        return xmlTag;

    return null;
源代码25 项目: mule-intellij-plugins   文件: MuleSchemaUtils.java
public static void insertSchemaLocationLookup(XmlFile xmlFile, String namespace, String locationLookup) {
    final XmlTag rootTag = xmlFile.getRootTag();
    if (rootTag == null)
    final XmlAttribute attribute = rootTag.getAttribute("xsi:schemaLocation", HTTP_WWW_W3_ORG_2001_XMLSCHEMA);
    if (attribute != null) {
        final String value = attribute.getValue();
        attribute.setValue(value + "\n\t\t\t" + namespace + " " + locationLookup);
    } else {
        final XmlElementFactory elementFactory = XmlElementFactory.getInstance(xmlFile.getProject());
        final XmlAttribute schemaLocation = elementFactory.createXmlAttribute("xsi:schemaLocation", XmlUtil.XML_SCHEMA_INSTANCE_URI);
        schemaLocation.setValue(namespace + " " + locationLookup);

源代码26 项目: idea-php-symfony2-plugin   文件: XmlHelperTest.java
 * @see XmlHelper#getArgumentIndex
public void testGetArgumentIndexCallOnNamedArgument() {
    myFixture.configureByText(XmlFileType.INSTANCE, "" +
        "<service class=\"Foo\\Bar\">\n" +
        "   <call method=\"setBar\">\n" +
        "       <arg<caret>ument type=\"service\" key=\"$arg2\" id=\"args_bar\"/>\n" +
        "   </call>\n" +

    PsiElement psiElement = myFixture.getFile().findElementAt(myFixture.getCaretOffset());
    assertEquals(1, XmlHelper.getArgumentIndex((XmlTag) psiElement.getParent()));
源代码27 项目: camel-idea-plugin   文件: XmlCamelIdeaUtils.java
public boolean isProducerEndpoint(PsiElement element) {
    XmlTag xml = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(element, XmlTag.class);
    if (xml != null) {
        return getIdeaUtils().hasParentXmlTag(xml, "enrich")
            || getIdeaUtils().isFromXmlTag(xml, "to", "interceptSendToEndpoint", "wireTap", "deadLetterChannel");

    return false;
源代码28 项目: camel-idea-plugin   文件: XmlCamelIdeaUtils.java
private boolean isCamelRouteTag(PsiElement element) {
    if (element instanceof XmlTag) {
        XmlTag routeTag = (XmlTag) element;
        return routeTag.getLocalName().equals("route");
    } else {
        return false;
源代码29 项目: svgtoandroid   文件: Transformer.java
private void processSubGroups(XmlTag svgTag, XmlTag parent) {
    Map<String, String> trans = AttrMapper.getTranslateAttrs(svgTag.getAttributeValue("transform"));
    Logger.debug("Translate for sub groups:" + trans.toString());
    XmlTag merged = AttrMergeUtil.mergeAttrs((XmlTag) svgTag.copy(), trans);
    for (XmlTag tag : svgParser.getSubGroups(merged)) {
        parseGroup(tag, parent);
public XmlAttributeDescriptor[] getAttributesDescriptors(@Nullable XmlTag context) {
    // final Project project = xmlTag.getProject();
    final Map<String, XmlAttributeDescriptor> result = new LinkedHashMap<String, XmlAttributeDescriptor>();
    result.put(RTTagDescriptorsProvider.NAME, new RTXmlAttributeDescriptor2(RTTagDescriptorsProvider.NAME));
    result.put(RTTagDescriptorsProvider.AS, new RTXmlAttributeDescriptor2(RTTagDescriptorsProvider.AS));
    result.put(RTTagDescriptorsProvider.FROM, new RTXmlAttributeDescriptor2(RTTagDescriptorsProvider.FROM));
    // <rt-require dependency="./CodeMirrorEditor" as="CodeEditor"/>
    return result.values().toArray(new XmlAttributeDescriptor[result.size()]);
    // return new XmlAttributeDescriptor[0];