

源代码1 项目: litho   文件: PsiTypeUtils.java
static TypeName getTypeName(PsiType type) {
  if (type instanceof PsiPrimitiveType) {
    // float
    return getPrimitiveTypeName((PsiPrimitiveType) type);
  } else if (type instanceof PsiClassType && ((PsiClassType) type).getParameterCount() > 0) {
    // Set<Integer>
    PsiClassType classType = (PsiClassType) type;
    return ParameterizedTypeName.get(
  } else if (type instanceof PsiArrayType) {
    // int[]
    PsiType componentType = ((PsiArrayType) type).getComponentType();
    return ArrayTypeName.of(getTypeName(componentType));
  } else if (type.getCanonicalText().contains("?")) {
    // ? extends Type
    return getWildcardTypeName(type.getCanonicalText());
  } else {
    return guessClassName(type.getCanonicalText());
源代码2 项目: litho   文件: PsiTypeVariablesExtractor.java
public static ImmutableList<TypeVariableName> getTypeVariables(PsiClass psiClass) {
  PsiTypeParameter[] psiTypeParameters = psiClass.getTypeParameters();

  final List<TypeVariableName> typeVariables = new ArrayList<>(psiTypeParameters.length);
  for (PsiTypeParameter psiTypeParameter : psiTypeParameters) {
    final PsiReferenceList extendsList = psiTypeParameter.getExtendsList();
    final PsiClassType[] psiClassTypes = extendsList.getReferencedTypes();

    final TypeName[] boundsTypeNames = new TypeName[psiClassTypes.length];
    for (int i = 0, size = psiClassTypes.length; i < size; i++) {
      boundsTypeNames[i] = PsiTypeUtils.getTypeName(psiClassTypes[i]);

    final TypeVariableName typeVariable =
        TypeVariableName.get(psiTypeParameter.getName(), boundsTypeNames);

  return ImmutableList.copyOf(typeVariables);
源代码3 项目: intellij-spring-assistant   文件: PsiCustomUtil.java
public static PsiType safeGetValidType(@NotNull Module module, @NotNull String fqn) {
  try {
    // Intellij expects inner classes to be referred via `.` instead of `$`
    PsiType type = JavaPsiFacade.getInstance(module.getProject()).getParserFacade()
        .createTypeFromText(fqn.replaceAll("\\$", "."), null);
    boolean typeValid = isValidType(type);
    if (typeValid) {
      if (type instanceof PsiClassType) {
        return PsiClassType.class.cast(type);
      } else if (type instanceof PsiArrayType) {
        return PsiArrayType.class.cast(type);
    return null;
  } catch (IncorrectOperationException e) {
    debug(() -> log.debug("Unable to find class fqn " + fqn));
    return null;
源代码4 项目: intellij-spring-assistant   文件: PsiCustomUtil.java
public static boolean isValidType(@NotNull PsiType type) {
  if (!type.isValid()) {
        1); // to see if processing in another thread suddenly makes the type valid again (which is a bug)
    if (!type.isValid()) {
      return false;
  if (type instanceof PsiArrayType) {
    return isValidType(PsiArrayType.class.cast(type).getComponentType());
  } else if (type instanceof PsiWildcardType) {
    PsiType bound = ((PsiWildcardType) type).getBound();
    return bound != null && isValidType(bound);
  } else if (type instanceof PsiCapturedWildcardType) {
    PsiType lowerBound = ((PsiCapturedWildcardType) type).getLowerBound();
    type = (lowerBound != NULL ? lowerBound : ((PsiCapturedWildcardType) type).getUpperBound());
    return type != NULL && isValidType(type);
  } else if (type instanceof PsiClassType) {
    PsiClassType.ClassResolveResult classResolveResult = ((PsiClassType) type).resolveGenerics();
    return classResolveResult.isValidResult() && isValidElement(
        requireNonNull(classResolveResult.getElement())) && !hasUnresolvedComponents(type);
  return true;
private void init(@NotNull PsiClassType type) {
  if (isValidType(type)) {
    PsiField[] fields = requireNonNull(toValidPsiClass(type)).getFields();
    List<PsiField> acceptableFields = new ArrayList<>();
    for (PsiField field : fields) {
      if (field != null && field.getType().equals(type)) {
    if (acceptableFields.size() != 0) {
      childLookup = new THashMap<>();
      childrenTrie = new PatriciaTrie<>();
      acceptableFields.forEach(field -> {
        childLookup.put(sanitise(requireNonNull(field.getName())), field);
        childrenTrie.put(sanitise(field.getName()), field);
  } else {
    childLookup = null;
    childrenTrie = null;
public static MetadataProxy newMetadataProxy(Module module, @NotNull PsiType type) {
  if (type instanceof PsiArrayType) {
    return new ArrayMetadataProxy(module, (PsiArrayType) type);
  } else if (type instanceof PsiPrimitiveType) {
    PsiPrimitiveType primitiveType = (PsiPrimitiveType) type;
    type = getBoxedTypeFromPrimitiveType(module, primitiveType);

  if (type instanceof PsiClassType) {
    SuggestionNodeType suggestionNodeType = getSuggestionNodeType(type);
    if (suggestionNodeType == SuggestionNodeType.MAP) {
      return new MapClassMetadataProxy((PsiClassType) type);
    } else {
      return new ClassMetadataProxy((PsiClassType) type);

  throw new IllegalAccessError(
      "Supports only PsiArrayType, PsiPrimitiveType & PsiClassType types");
private void init(Module module, PsiClassType type) {
  if (isValidType(type)) {
    Map<PsiTypeParameter, PsiType> typeParameterToResolvedType = getTypeParameters(type);
    assert typeParameterToResolvedType != null;
    Set<PsiTypeParameter> typeParameterKetSet = typeParameterToResolvedType.keySet();
    Optional<PsiTypeParameter> keyTypeParam =
        typeParameterKetSet.stream().filter(v -> requireNonNull(v.getName()).equals("K"))
    Optional<PsiTypeParameter> valueTypeParam =
        typeParameterKetSet.stream().filter(v -> requireNonNull(v.getName()).equals("V"))
    if (keyTypeParam.isPresent()) {
      this.keyType = typeParameterToResolvedType.get(keyTypeParam.get());
      if (this.keyType != null) {
        keyMetadataProxy = newMetadataProxy(module, this.keyType);

    if (valueTypeParam.isPresent()) {
      this.valueType = typeParameterToResolvedType.get(valueTypeParam.get());
      if (this.valueType != null) {
        valueMetadataProxy = newMetadataProxy(module, this.valueType);
public static String print(PsiTypeParameter[] parameters, TranslationContext ctx) {
    StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
    for (int i = 0; i < parameters.length; i++) {
        PsiTypeParameter p = parameters[i];
        PsiClassType[] extensions = p.getExtendsList().getReferencedTypes();
        if (extensions.length > 0) {
            builder.append(" extends ");
            for (PsiClassType ext : extensions) {
                builder.append(TypeHelper.printType(ext, ctx));
        if (i != parameters.length - 1) {
            builder.append(", ");
    return builder.toString();
源代码9 项目: ParcelablePlease   文件: CodeGenerator.java
 * Make the class implementing Parcelable
private void makeClassImplementParcelable(PsiElementFactory elementFactory, JavaCodeStyleManager styleManager) {
  final PsiClassType[] implementsListTypes = psiClass.getImplementsListTypes();
  final String implementsType = "android.os.Parcelable";

  for (PsiClassType implementsListType : implementsListTypes) {
    PsiClass resolved = implementsListType.resolve();

    // Already implements Parcelable, no need to add it
    if (resolved != null && implementsType.equals(resolved.getQualifiedName())) {

  PsiJavaCodeReferenceElement implementsReference =
      elementFactory.createReferenceFromText(implementsType, psiClass);
  PsiReferenceList implementsList = psiClass.getImplementsList();

  if (implementsList != null) {
源代码10 项目: lombok-intellij-plugin   文件: CleanupProcessor.java
private void validateCleanUpMethodExists(@NotNull PsiLocalVariable psiVariable, @NotNull String cleanupName, @NotNull ProblemNewBuilder problemNewBuilder) {
  final PsiType psiType = psiVariable.getType();
  if (psiType instanceof PsiClassType) {
    final PsiClassType psiClassType = (PsiClassType) psiType;
    final PsiClass psiClassOfField = psiClassType.resolve();
    final PsiMethod[] methods;

    if (psiClassOfField != null) {
      methods = psiClassOfField.findMethodsByName(cleanupName, true);
      boolean hasCleanupMethod = false;
      for (PsiMethod method : methods) {
        if (0 == method.getParameterList().getParametersCount()) {
          hasCleanupMethod = true;

      if (!hasCleanupMethod) {
        problemNewBuilder.addError("'@Cleanup': method '%s()' not found on target class", cleanupName);
  } else {
    problemNewBuilder.addError("'@Cleanup': is legal only on a local variable declaration inside a block");
@Override public void navigate(final MouseEvent mouseEvent, final PsiElement psiElement) {
  PsiMethod subscribeMethod = (PsiMethod) psiElement;
  final PsiTypeElement parameterTypeElement = getMethodParameter(subscribeMethod);
  final SubscriberMetadata subscriberMetadata = SubscriberMetadata.getSubscriberMetadata(subscribeMethod);
  if ((parameterTypeElement.getType() instanceof PsiClassType) && (subscriberMetadata != null)) {
    final PsiClass eventClass = ((PsiClassType) parameterTypeElement.getType()).resolve();
        new RelativePoint(mouseEvent), new PickAction.Callback() {

      @Override public void onTypeChose(PickAction.Type type) {
        if (type.equals(PickAction.Type.PRODUCER)) {
          new ShowUsagesAction(PRODUCERS).startFindUsages(eventClass,
              new RelativePoint(mouseEvent), PsiUtilBase.findEditor(psiElement),
        } else if (type.equals(PickAction.Type.EVENT_POST)) {
          PsiMethod ottoBusMethod = subscriberMetadata.getBusPostMethod(psiElement.getProject());
          new ShowUsagesAction(new BusPostDecider(eventClass)).startFindUsages(
              ottoBusMethod, new RelativePoint(mouseEvent),
              PsiUtilBase.findEditor(psiElement), MAX_USAGES);
源代码12 项目: easy_javadoc   文件: ThrowsVariableGenerator.java
public String generate(PsiElement element) {
    if (!(element instanceof PsiMethod)) {
        return "";
    List<String> exceptionNameList = Arrays.stream(((PsiMethod)element).getThrowsList().getReferencedTypes())
    if (exceptionNameList.isEmpty()) {
        return "";
    return exceptionNameList.stream()
        .map(name -> "@throws " + name + " " + translatorService.translate(name))
源代码13 项目: aircon   文件: NonMatchingConfigResolverDetector.java
protected void visitConfigTypeAnnotation(final UAnnotation node, final UClass owner) {
	final PsiClass resolverClass = ((PsiImmediateClassType) node.getAttributeValues()

	final PsiClassType resolverClassType = getConfigTypeResolverClassType(resolverClass);
	if (resolverClassType == null) {

	final PsiType annotationType = getAnnotationType(resolverClassType);
	final PsiType rawType = getRawType(resolverClassType);

	if (!annotationType.getCanonicalText()
	                   .equals(owner.getQualifiedName())) {

	final UMethod defaultValueMethod = getDefaultValueMethod(owner);
	if (defaultValueMethod == null) {

	if (!rawType.equals(defaultValueMethod.getReturnType())) {
源代码14 项目: aircon   文件: NonMatchingConfigResolverDetector.java
private PsiClassType getConfigTypeResolverClassType(final PsiClass resolverClass) {
	if (resolverClass != null) {
		for (final PsiClassType classInterface : resolverClass.getImplementsListTypes()) {
			if (classInterface.getClassName()
			                  .equals(CLASS_CONFIG_TYPE_RESOLVER)) {
				return classInterface;

	return null;
源代码15 项目: litho   文件: EventHandlerAnnotator.java
 * Tries to guess if the given methodCall requires event handler.
 * @return Qualified name of the handled Event or null, if methodCall neither accepts event
 *     handler, nor require fix.
private static String resolveEventName(PsiMethodCallExpression methodCall) {
  return Optional.of(methodCall.getMethodExpression().multiResolve(true))
      .map(results -> results.length == 1 ? results[0] : JavaResolveResult.EMPTY)
      .filter(info -> !info.isApplicable() && !info.isValidResult())
      .map(info -> info.getElement().getParameterList().getParameters())
      .filter(parameters -> parameters.length > 0) // method(EventHandler<T> e)
      .map(parameters -> parameters[0].getType())
          parameterType -> {
            String fullName = parameterType.getCanonicalText();
            int genericIndex = fullName.indexOf('<');
            if (genericIndex <= 0) {
              return false;
            String className = fullName.substring(0, genericIndex);
            return LithoClassNames.EVENT_HANDLER_CLASS_NAME.equals(className);
      .map(parameterType -> ((PsiClassType) parameterType).getParameters())
      .filter(generics -> generics.length == 1) // <T>
      .map(generics -> generics[0].getCanonicalText())
源代码16 项目: intellij-spring-assistant   文件: PsiCustomUtil.java
public static Map<PsiTypeParameter, PsiType> getTypeParameters(PsiType type) {
  if (type instanceof PsiArrayType) {
    return getTypeParameters(((PsiArrayType) type).getComponentType());
  } else if (type instanceof PsiPrimitiveType) {
    return null;
  } else if (type instanceof PsiClassType) {
    PsiClassType.ClassResolveResult resolveResult =
    if (resolveResult.isValidResult()) {
      return resolveResult.getSubstitutor().getSubstitutionMap();
  return null;
源代码17 项目: intellij-spring-assistant   文件: PsiCustomUtil.java
public static String toClassFqn(@NotNull PsiType type) {
  if (type instanceof PsiArrayType) {
    String componentLongName = toClassFqn(PsiArrayType.class.cast(type).getComponentType());
    if (componentLongName != null) {
      return componentLongName + "[]";
  } else if (type instanceof PsiPrimitiveType) {
    return type.getPresentableText();
  } else if (type instanceof PsiClassType) {
    return type.getCanonicalText();
  return null;
源代码18 项目: intellij-spring-assistant   文件: PsiCustomUtil.java
public static String toClassNonQualifiedName(@NotNull PsiType type) {
  if (type instanceof PsiArrayType) {
    String componentLongName =
    if (componentLongName != null) {
      return componentLongName + "[]";
  } else if (type instanceof PsiPrimitiveType) {
    return type.getPresentableText();
  } else if (type instanceof PsiClassType) {
    return ((PsiClassType) type).getClassName();
  return null;
源代码19 项目: intellij-spring-assistant   文件: PsiCustomUtil.java
public static String typeToFqn(Module module, @NotNull PsiType type) {
  if (isValidType(type)) {
    if (type instanceof PsiArrayType) {
      type = PsiArrayType.class.cast(type).getComponentType();
      return type.getCanonicalText();
    } else if (type instanceof PsiPrimitiveType) {
      return getBoxedTypeFromPrimitiveType(module, (PsiPrimitiveType) type).getCanonicalText();
    } else if (type instanceof PsiClassType) {
      return type.getCanonicalText();
  return null;
源代码20 项目: intellij-spring-assistant   文件: PsiCustomUtil.java
public static PsiClass toValidPsiClass(@NotNull PsiClassType type) {
  if (isValidType(type)) {
    return type.resolve();
  return null;
源代码21 项目: intellij-spring-assistant   文件: PsiCustomUtil.java
private static PsiType getFieldType(final PsiField field) {
    final PsiType fieldType = field.getType();
    final PsiClassType.ClassResolveResult resolveResult = resolveGenericsClassInType(fieldType);
    final PsiClass fieldClass = resolveResult.getElement();
    if (fieldClass == null) {
      final PsiType propertyType = eraseFreeTypeParameters(fieldType, field);
      return create(propertyType, JAVA_STRUCTURE_MODIFICATION_COUNT);
    return null;
static ClassMetadata newClassMetadata(@NotNull PsiType type) {
  SuggestionNodeType nodeType = getSuggestionNodeType(type);
  switch (nodeType) {
    case BOOLEAN:
      return new BooleanClassMetadata();
    case BYTE:
    case SHORT:
    case INT:
    case LONG:
    case FLOAT:
    case DOUBLE:
    case CHAR:
    case STRING:
      return new DummyClassMetadata(nodeType);
    case ENUM:
      return new EnumClassMetadata((PsiClassType) type);
    case ITERABLE:
      return new IterableClassMetadata((PsiClassType) type);
    case MAP:
      return new MapClassMetadata((PsiClassType) type);
    case KNOWN_CLASS:
      return new GenericClassMetadata((PsiClassType) type);
      return new DummyClassMetadata(nodeType);
      throw new IllegalStateException(
          "Class suggestion node for the specified class " + type + " is undefined");
private void init(@NotNull PsiClassType type) {
  if (isValidType(type)) {
    childLookup = getSanitisedPropertyToPsiMemberWrapper(toValidPsiClass(type));
    if (childLookup != null) {
      childrenTrie = new PatriciaTrie<>();
      childLookup.forEach((k, v) -> childrenTrie.put(k, v));
  } else {
    childLookup = null;
    childrenTrie = null;
源代码24 项目: data-mediator   文件: PsiUtils.java
static List<PsiClass> getExtendsClasses(PsiClass psiClass, int lowDepth, int currentDepth){
    List<PsiClass> list = new ArrayList<>();
    for(PsiClassType type :  psiClass.getExtendsListTypes()) {
        PsiClass superPsiClass = type.resolve();
        if(superPsiClass != null){
            if(currentDepth + 1 >= lowDepth) {
            list.addAll(getExtendsClasses(superPsiClass, lowDepth, currentDepth + 1));
    return list;
源代码25 项目: data-mediator   文件: PsiUtils.java
static boolean hasSelectable(PsiClass psiClass){
    PsiClassType[] listTypes = psiClass.getExtendsListTypes();
    for(PsiClassType type : listTypes){
        PsiClass superPsiClass = type.resolve();
        if (superPsiClass != null && NAME_SELECTABLE.equals(superPsiClass.getQualifiedName())) {
            return true;
    return false;
源代码26 项目: data-mediator   文件: PsiUtils.java
 * Checks that the given type is an implementer of the given canonicalName with the given typed parameters
 * @param type                what we're checking against
 * @param canonicalName       the type must extend/implement this generic
 * @param canonicalParamNames the type that the generic(s) must be (in this order)
 * @return
public static boolean isTypedClass(PsiType type, String canonicalName, String... canonicalParamNames) {
    PsiClass parameterClass = PsiTypesUtil.getPsiClass(type);

    if (parameterClass == null) {
        return false;

    // This is a safe cast, for if parameterClass != null, the type was checked in PsiTypesUtil#getPsiClass(...)
    PsiClassType pct = (PsiClassType) type;

    // Main class name doesn't match; exit early
    if (!canonicalName.equals(parameterClass.getQualifiedName())) {
        return false;

    List<PsiType> psiTypes = new ArrayList<PsiType>(pct.resolveGenerics().getSubstitutor().getSubstitutionMap().values());

    for (int i = 0; i < canonicalParamNames.length; i++) {
        if (!isOfType(psiTypes.get(i), canonicalParamNames[i])) {
            return false;

    // Passed all screenings; must be a match!
    return true;
源代码27 项目: data-mediator   文件: PsiUtils.java
 * Resolves generics on the given type and returns them (if any) or null if there are none
public static List<PsiType> getResolvedGenerics(PsiType type) {
    List<PsiType> psiTypes = null;

    if (type instanceof PsiClassType) {
        PsiClassType pct = (PsiClassType) type;
        psiTypes = new ArrayList<PsiType>(pct.resolveGenerics().getSubstitutor().getSubstitutionMap().values());

    return psiTypes;
源代码28 项目: data-mediator   文件: PsiUtils.java
public static String getNonGenericType(PsiType type) {
    if (type instanceof PsiClassType) {
        PsiClassType pct = (PsiClassType) type;
        final PsiClass psiClass = pct.resolve();

        return psiClass != null ? psiClass.getQualifiedName() : null;

    return type.getCanonicalText();
public String getQuickNavigateInfo(PsiElement element, PsiElement originalElement) {
    if (ServiceManager.getService(element.getProject(), CamelService.class).isCamelPresent()) {
        PsiExpressionList exps = PsiTreeUtil.getNextSiblingOfType(originalElement, PsiExpressionList.class);
        if (exps != null) {
            if (exps.getExpressions().length >= 1) {
                // grab first string parameter (as the string would contain the camel endpoint uri
                final PsiClassType stringType = PsiType.getJavaLangString(element.getManager(), element.getResolveScope());
                PsiExpression exp = Arrays.stream(exps.getExpressions()).filter(
                    e -> e.getType() != null && stringType.isAssignableFrom(e.getType()))
                if (exp instanceof PsiLiteralExpression) {
                    Object o = ((PsiLiteralExpression) exp).getValue();
                    String val = o != null ? o.toString() : null;
                    // okay only allow this popup to work when its from a RouteBuilder class
                    PsiClass clazz = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(originalElement, PsiClass.class);
                    if (clazz != null) {
                        PsiClassType[] types = clazz.getExtendsListTypes();
                        boolean found = Arrays.stream(types).anyMatch(p -> p.getClassName().equals("RouteBuilder"));
                        if (found) {
                            String componentName = asComponentName(val);
                            if (componentName != null) {
                                // the quick info cannot be so wide so wrap at 120 chars
                                return generateCamelComponentDocumentation(componentName, val, 120, element.getProject());

    return null;
源代码30 项目: camel-idea-plugin   文件: BeanUtils.java
public List<ReferenceableBeanId> findReferenceableBeanIdsByType(Module module,
                                                                Predicate<String> idCondition,
                                                                PsiType expectedBeanType) {
    PsiElementFactory elementFactory = JavaPsiFacade.getElementFactory(module.getProject());
    return findReferenceableBeanIds(module, idCondition).stream()
            .filter(ref -> {
                PsiClass psiClass = resolveToPsiClass(ref);
                if (psiClass != null) {
                    PsiClassType beanType = elementFactory.createType(psiClass);
                    return expectedBeanType.isAssignableFrom(beanType);
                return false;