

public String getRouteName() {

    XmlTag defaultTag = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(this.psiElement, XmlTag.class);
    if(defaultTag != null) {
        XmlTag routeTag = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(defaultTag, XmlTag.class);
        if(routeTag != null) {
            XmlAttribute id = routeTag.getAttribute("id");
            if(id != null) {
                return id.getValue();

    return null;
源代码2 项目: idea-php-typo3-plugin   文件: FluidTypeResolver.java
 * Get the "for IN" variable identifier as separated string
 * <p>
 * {% for car in "cars" %}
 * {% for car in "cars"|length %}
 * {% for car in "cars.test" %}
public static Collection<String> getForTagIdentifierAsString(XmlTag forTag) {
    XmlAttribute each = forTag.getAttribute("each");
    if (each == null || each.getValueElement() == null) {
        return ContainerUtil.emptyList();

    PsiElement fluidElement = FluidUtil.retrieveFluidElementAtPosition(each.getValueElement());
    if (fluidElement == null) {
        return Collections.emptyList();

    PsiElement deepestFirst = PsiTreeUtil.getDeepestFirst(fluidElement);

    return FluidTypeResolver.formatPsiTypeName(deepestFirst);
源代码3 项目: idea-php-typo3-plugin   文件: FluidInjector.java
public void getLanguagesToInject(@NotNull MultiHostRegistrar registrar, @NotNull PsiElement context) {
    if (context.getLanguage() == XMLLanguage.INSTANCE) return;
    final Project project = context.getProject();
    if (!FluidIndexUtil.hasFluid(project)) return;

    final PsiElement parent = context.getParent();
    if (context instanceof XmlAttributeValueImpl && parent instanceof XmlAttribute) {
        final int length = context.getTextLength();
        final String name = ((XmlAttribute) parent).getName();

        if (isInjectableAttribute(project, length, name)) {
                .addPlace(null, null, (PsiLanguageInjectionHost) context, ElementManipulators.getValueTextRange(context))
源代码4 项目: NutzCodeInsight   文件: HtmlTemplateLineUtil.java
 * 判断是否是资源文件
 * @param bindingElement
 * @return
public static boolean isRes(PsiElement bindingElement) {
    if (bindingElement instanceof XmlToken) {
        XmlToken xmlToken = (XmlToken) bindingElement;
        List<String> layouts = BeetlHtmlLineUtil.showBeetlLayout(xmlToken);
        List<String> includes = BeetlHtmlLineUtil.showBeetlInclude(xmlToken);
        return layouts.size() > 0 || includes.size() > 0;
    if (!(bindingElement instanceof XmlAttribute)) {
        return false;
    XmlAttribute attribute = (XmlAttribute) bindingElement;
    String name = Strings.nullToEmpty(attribute.getName());
    String path = Strings.nullToEmpty(attribute.getValue());
    int sp = path.indexOf("?");
    if (sp > -1) {
        path = path.substring(0, sp);
    return resTag.contains(name) && path.startsWith("${") && endWithRes(path);
private PsiClass findJavaPsiClass(PsiElement psiElement) {
    XmlTag parentOfType = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(psiElement, XmlTag.class);
    if (parentOfType.getName().equals("Sqls")) {
        XmlAttribute aClass = parentOfType.getAttribute("class");
        if (Objects.nonNull(aClass)) {
            String value = aClass.getValue();
            String[] split = value.split("\\.");
            Collection<PsiClass> roleBizImpl = JavaShortClassNameIndex.getInstance().get(split[split.length - 1], psiElement.getProject(), GlobalSearchScope.projectScope(psiElement.getProject()));
            for (PsiClass psiClass : roleBizImpl) {
                if (psiClass.getQualifiedName().equals(value)) {
                    return psiClass;
    return null;
private static Template buildTemplate(@NotNull XmlAttribute attr, List<XmlTag> refs) {
        //XmlFile containingFile = (XmlFile)attr.getContainingFile();
        PsiElement commonParent = PsiTreeUtil.findCommonParent(refs);
        TemplateBuilderImpl builder = new TemplateBuilderImpl(attr);

        XmlAttributeValue attrValue = attr.getValueElement();
        PsiElement valuePsi = attrValue.getFirstChild().getNextSibling();

        String flowNameValue = new String(attrValue.getValue());
        builder.replaceElement(valuePsi,"PrimaryVariable", new TextExpression(flowNameValue), true);

        for (XmlTag ref : refs) {
            if (ref.getContainingFile().equals(attr.getContainingFile())) {
                XmlAttribute nextAttr = ref.getAttribute(MuleConfigConstants.NAME_ATTRIBUTE);
                XmlAttributeValue nextValue = nextAttr.getValueElement();
                PsiElement nextValuePsi = nextValue.getFirstChild().getNextSibling();
                builder.replaceElement(nextValuePsi, "OtherVariable", "PrimaryVariable",false);

        return builder.buildInlineTemplate();
源代码7 项目: mule-intellij-plugins   文件: MuleSchemaUtils.java
public static void insertSchemaLocationLookup(XmlFile xmlFile, String namespace, String locationLookup) {
    final XmlTag rootTag = xmlFile.getRootTag();
    if (rootTag == null)
    final XmlAttribute attribute = rootTag.getAttribute("xsi:schemaLocation", HTTP_WWW_W3_ORG_2001_XMLSCHEMA);
    if (attribute != null) {
        final String value = attribute.getValue();
        attribute.setValue(value + "\n\t\t\t" + namespace + " " + locationLookup);
    } else {
        final XmlElementFactory elementFactory = XmlElementFactory.getInstance(xmlFile.getProject());
        final XmlAttribute schemaLocation = elementFactory.createXmlAttribute("xsi:schemaLocation", XmlUtil.XML_SCHEMA_INSTANCE_URI);
        schemaLocation.setValue(namespace + " " + locationLookup);

源代码8 项目: camel-idea-plugin   文件: XmlCamelIdeaUtils.java
public boolean isPlaceForEndpointUri(PsiElement location) {
    XmlFile file = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(location, XmlFile.class);
    if (file == null || file.getRootTag() == null || !isAcceptedNamespace(file.getRootTag().getNamespace())) {
        return false;
    XmlAttributeValue value = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(location, XmlAttributeValue.class, false);
    if (value == null) {
        return false;
    XmlAttribute attr = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(location, XmlAttribute.class);
    if (attr == null) {
        return false;
    return attr.getLocalName().equals("uri") && isInsideCamelRoute(location, false);
源代码9 项目: svgtoandroid   文件: CommonUtil.java
public static void dumpAttrs(String tag, List<XmlAttribute> attrs) {

        if (!Logger.loggable(Logger.DEBUG)) {

        if (attrs == null) {

        String ret = "[";
        for (XmlAttribute attr : attrs) {
            ret += attr.getName() + ":" + attr.getValue() + ",";
        if (ret.lastIndexOf(",") > 0) {
            ret = ret.substring(0, ret.lastIndexOf(","));
        ret = ret + "]";
        Logger.debug(tag + ": " + ret);
源代码10 项目: svgtoandroid   文件: Transformer.java
private String decideFillColor(XmlTag group, XmlTag self) {
    String result = Configuration.getDefaultTint();

    XmlAttribute groupFill;
    if ((groupFill = group.getAttribute("fill")) != null) {
        result = StdColorUtil.formatColor(groupFill.getValue());

    XmlAttribute selfFill;
    if ((selfFill = self.getAttribute("fill")) != null) {
        result = StdColorUtil.formatColor(selfFill.getValue());

    XmlAttribute id = self.getAttribute("class");
    String colorFromStyle;
    if (id != null && id.getValue() != null && (colorFromStyle = styleParser.getFillColor(id.getValue())) != null) {
        result = colorFromStyle;

    return result;
源代码11 项目: svgtoandroid   文件: SVGParser.java
public Map<String, String> getChildAttrs(XmlTag tag) {
    Map<String, String> styles = new HashMap<String, String>();
    XmlAttribute attrs[] = tag.getAttributes();
    for (XmlAttribute attr : attrs) {
        if (attr.getName().equals("style")) {
            String stylesValue = tag.getAttributeValue("style").replaceAll("\\s*", "");
            String[] list = stylesValue.split(";");
            for (String s : list) {
                String[] item = s.split(":");
                if (item[0].equals("fill")) {
                    item[1] = StdColorUtil.formatColor(item[1]);
                styles.put(item[0], item[1]);
        } else {
            if (attr.getName().equals("fill")) {
                styles.put(attr.getName(), StdColorUtil.formatColor(tag.getAttributeValue(attr.getName())));
            } else {
                styles.put(attr.getName(), tag.getAttributeValue(attr.getName()));
    Logger.debug(tag.getName() + styles.toString());
    return styles;
源代码12 项目: svgtoandroid   文件: SVGParser.java
public XmlTag trim(XmlTag rootTag, List<XmlAttribute> attr) {
    Logger.debug("Current tag: " + rootTag.getName());
    CommonUtil.dumpAttrs("current attr", Arrays.asList(rootTag.getAttributes()));
    CommonUtil.dumpAttrs("parent attr", attr);
    if (attr == null) {
        attr = new ArrayList<XmlAttribute>();
    XmlTag[] subTags = rootTag.getSubTags();
    List<XmlAttribute> attrs = new ArrayList<XmlAttribute>();
    if (subTags.length == 1 && subTags[0].getName().equals("g")) {
        Logger.debug("Tag" + rootTag + " has only a subTag and the tag is 'g'");
        Collections.addAll(attrs, subTags[0].getAttributes());
        rootTag = trim(subTags[0], attrs);
    } else if (subTags.length > 0 && AttrMapper.isShapeName(subTags[0].getName())) {
        Logger.debug("Tag" + rootTag + " is correct tag.");
        for (XmlAttribute attribute : attr) {
            Logger.debug(attribute.getName() + ":" + attribute.getValue());
        return AttrMergeUtil.mergeAttrs((XmlTag) rootTag.copy(), reduceAttrs(attr));
    return rootTag;
源代码13 项目: idea-php-symfony2-plugin   文件: RouteHelper.java
public static PsiElement getXmlRouteNameTarget(@NotNull XmlFile psiFile,@NotNull String routeName) {

    XmlDocumentImpl document = PsiTreeUtil.getChildOfType(psiFile, XmlDocumentImpl.class);
    if(document == null) {
        return null;

    for(XmlTag xmlTag: PsiTreeUtil.getChildrenOfTypeAsList(psiFile.getFirstChild(), XmlTag.class)) {
        if(xmlTag.getName().equals("routes")) {
            for(XmlTag routeTag: xmlTag.getSubTags()) {
                if(routeTag.getName().equals("route")) {
                    XmlAttribute xmlAttribute = routeTag.getAttribute("id");
                    if(xmlAttribute != null) {
                        String attrValue = xmlAttribute.getValue();
                        if(routeName.equals(attrValue)) {
                            return xmlAttribute;

    return null;
源代码14 项目: intellij-latte   文件: LatteXmlFileDataFactory.java
private static void loadTags(XmlTag customTags, LatteXmlFileData data) {
    for (XmlTag tag : customTags.findSubTags("tag")) {
        XmlAttribute name = tag.getAttribute("name");
        XmlAttribute type = tag.getAttribute("type");
        if (name == null || type == null || !LatteTagSettings.isValidType(type.getValue())) {

        LatteTagSettings macro = new LatteTagSettings(
                isTrue(tag, "allowedFilters"),
                getTextValue(tag, "arguments"),
                isTrue(tag, "multiLine"),
                getTextValue(tag, "deprecatedMessage").trim(),

源代码15 项目: intellij-latte   文件: LatteXmlFileDataFactory.java
private static void loadFilters(XmlTag customFilters, LatteXmlFileData data) {
    for (XmlTag filterData : customFilters.findSubTags("filter")) {
        XmlAttribute name = filterData.getAttribute("name");
        if (name == null) {

        LatteFilterSettings filter = new LatteFilterSettings(
                getTextValue(filterData, "description"),
                getTextValue(filterData, "arguments"),
                getTextValue(filterData, "insertColons")
源代码16 项目: intellij-latte   文件: LatteXmlFileDataFactory.java
private static void loadFunctions(XmlTag customFunctions, LatteXmlFileData data) {
    for (XmlTag filter : customFunctions.findSubTags("function")) {
        XmlAttribute name = filter.getAttribute("name");
        if (name == null) {

        String returnType = getTextValue(filter, "returnType");
        LatteFunctionSettings instance = new LatteFunctionSettings(
                returnType.length() == 0 ? "mixed" : returnType,
                getTextValue(filter, "arguments"),
                getTextValue(filter, "description")
源代码17 项目: idea-android-studio-plugin   文件: AndroidUtils.java
public static List<AndroidView> getIDsFromXML(@NotNull PsiFile f) {
    final ArrayList<AndroidView> ret = new ArrayList<AndroidView>();
    f.accept(new XmlRecursiveElementVisitor() {
        public void visitElement(final PsiElement element) {
            if (element instanceof XmlTag) {
                XmlTag t = (XmlTag) element;
                XmlAttribute id = t.getAttribute("android:id", null);
                if (id == null) {
                final String val = id.getValue();
                if (val == null) {
                ret.add(new AndroidView(val, t.getName(), id));



    return ret;
public ResolveResult[] multiResolve(boolean b) {
    PsiElement element = getElement();
    PsiElement parent = element.getParent();

    String text = null;
    if(parent instanceof XmlText) {
        // <route><default key="_controller">Fo<caret>o\Bar</default></route>
        text = parent.getText();
    } else if(parent instanceof XmlAttribute) {
        // <route controller=""/>
        text = ((XmlAttribute) parent).getValue();

    if(text == null || StringUtils.isBlank(text)) {
        return new ResolveResult[0];

    return PsiElementResolveResult.createResults(
        RouteHelper.getMethodsOnControllerShortcut(getElement().getProject(), text)
源代码19 项目: idea-php-symfony2-plugin   文件: FormUtil.java
public static Set<String> getTags(XmlTag serviceTag) {

        Set<String> tags = new HashSet<>();

        for(XmlTag serviceSubTag: serviceTag.getSubTags()) {
            if("tag".equals(serviceSubTag.getName())) {
                XmlAttribute attribute = serviceSubTag.getAttribute("name");
                if(attribute != null) {
                    String tagName = attribute.getValue();
                    if(tagName != null && StringUtils.isNotBlank(tagName)) {


        return tags;
public PsiElementVisitor buildVisitor(final @NotNull ProblemsHolder holder, boolean isOnTheFly) {
    if (!Symfony2ProjectComponent.isEnabled(holder.getProject())) {
        return super.buildVisitor(holder, isOnTheFly);

    return new PsiElementVisitor() {
        public void visitElement(PsiElement element) {
            if(element instanceof XmlAttribute) {
                registerXmlAttributeProblem(holder, (XmlAttribute) element);
            } else if(element instanceof YAMLKeyValue) {
                registerYmlRoutePatternProblem(holder, (YAMLKeyValue) element);

源代码21 项目: idea-php-typo3-plugin   文件: FluidHtmlExtension.java
private static SchemaPrefix findAttributeSchema(XmlTag context, String namespacePrefix, int offset) {
    for (XmlAttribute attribute: context.getAttributes()) {
        if (attribute.getName().startsWith(namespacePrefix)) {
            return new SchemaPrefix(attribute, TextRange.create(offset, namespacePrefix.length()), namespacePrefix.substring(offset));
    return null;
public void visitXmlAttribute(XmlAttribute attribute) {
    if (attribute.getName().startsWith("xmlns:") && attribute.getValue() != null) {
        if (attribute.getValue().startsWith(fluidNamespaceURIPrefix)) {
            namespaces.add(new FluidNamespace(attribute.getLocalName(), attribute.getValue().substring(fluidNamespaceURIPrefix.length())));

public void visitXmlTag(XmlTag tag) {
    if (tag.getName().equals("f:alias")) {
        XmlAttribute map = tag.getAttribute("map");
        if (map != null) {
            XmlAttributeValue valueElement = map.getValueElement();
            if (valueElement != null) {
                TextRange valueTextRange = valueElement.getValueTextRange();

                PsiElement fluidElement = extractLanguagePsiElementForElementAtPosition(FluidLanguage.INSTANCE, tag, valueTextRange.getStartOffset() + 1);

                FluidArrayCreationExpr fluidArray = (FluidArrayCreationExpr) PsiTreeUtil.findFirstParent(fluidElement, x -> x instanceof FluidArrayCreationExpr);
                if (fluidArray != null) {
                    fluidArray.getArrayKeyList().forEach(fluidArrayKey -> {
                        if (fluidArrayKey.getFirstChild() instanceof FluidStringLiteral) {
                            String key = ((FluidStringLiteral) fluidArrayKey.getFirstChild()).getContents();
                            variables.put(key, new FluidVariable(key));


                        variables.put(fluidArrayKey.getText(), new FluidVariable(fluidArrayKey.getText()));

源代码24 项目: NutzCodeInsight   文件: HtmlTemplateLineUtil.java
 * 取得模版文件相对路径
 * @param bindingElement
 * @return
public static String getTemplateFilePathAndName(PsiElement bindingElement) {
    if (bindingElement instanceof XmlAttribute) {
        return getResPath((XmlAttribute) bindingElement);
    } else if (bindingElement instanceof XmlToken) {
        return getBeetlResPath((XmlToken) bindingElement);
    } else {
        throw new RuntimeException("未知类型??请提交issues");
源代码25 项目: NutzCodeInsight   文件: HtmlTemplateLineUtil.java
 * 取得静态资源文件${xxx/xx.js}等等类型
 * @return
private static String getResPath(XmlAttribute attribute) {
    String path = Strings.nullToEmpty(attribute.getValue());
    int sp = path.indexOf("?");
    if (sp > -1) {
        path = path.substring(0, sp);
    int sp2 = path.lastIndexOf("}");
    if (sp2 > -1) {
        path = path.substring(sp2 + 1);
    return path;
源代码26 项目: NutzCodeInsight   文件: SqlsXmlUtil.java
 * 判断是sqltoyxml
 * @param bindingElement
 * @return
public static boolean isSqsXmlFile(PsiElement bindingElement) {
    if (bindingElement.getContainingFile().getName().endsWith(".xml") && bindingElement instanceof XmlTag) {
        XmlTag xmlTag = (XmlTag) bindingElement;
        XmlAttribute id = xmlTag.getAttribute("id");
        if (xmlTag.getName().equals("sql") && Objects.nonNull(id)) {
            return true;
    return false;
public List<PsiElement> findReferences(PsiElement psiElement) {
    XmlTag xmlTag = (XmlTag) psiElement;
    XmlAttribute xmlAttribute = xmlTag.getAttribute("id");
    if (xmlTag.getName().equals("sql") && Objects.nonNull(xmlAttribute)) {
        String id = xmlAttribute.getValue();
        PsiClass javaPsiClass = findJavaPsiClass(psiElement);
        if (Objects.nonNull(javaPsiClass)) {
            return SqlsXmlUtil.findJavaPsiElement(javaPsiClass, id);
    return Arrays.asList();
public void getLookupElements(@NotNull GotoCompletionProviderLookupArguments arguments) {
    // find class name of service tag
    PsiElement xmlToken = this.getElement();
    if(xmlToken instanceof XmlToken) {
        PsiElement xmlAttrValue = xmlToken.getParent();
        if(xmlAttrValue instanceof XmlAttributeValue) {
            PsiElement xmlAttribute = xmlAttrValue.getParent();
            if(xmlAttribute instanceof XmlAttribute) {
                PsiElement xmlTag = xmlAttribute.getParent();
                if(xmlTag instanceof XmlTag) {
                    String aClass = ((XmlTag) xmlTag).getAttributeValue("class");
                    if(aClass == null) {
                        // <service id="Foo\Bar"/>

                    } else if(StringUtils.isNotBlank(aClass)) {
                        // <service id="foo.bar" class="Foo\Bar"/>

                        LookupElementBuilder lookupElement = LookupElementBuilder
                            .create(ServiceUtil.getServiceNameForClass(getProject(), aClass))

                        LookupElementBuilder lookupElementWithClassName = LookupElementBuilder

public PsiElement resolve() {
    final String elementName = getElementName();
    final XmlTag globalElement = MuleConfigUtils.findGlobalElement(myElement, elementName);
    if (globalElement != null) {
        final XmlAttribute name = globalElement.getAttribute(MuleConfigConstants.NAME_ATTRIBUTE);
        return name != null ? name.getValueElement() : null;
    return null;
源代码30 项目: mule-intellij-plugins   文件: MuleConfigUtils.java
public static String getMulePath(XmlTag tag) {
    final LinkedList<XmlTag> elements = new LinkedList<>();
    while (!isMuleTag(tag)) {
        tag = tag.getParentTag();
    String path = "";
    for (int i = 0; i < elements.size(); i++) {
        final XmlTag element = elements.get(i);
        switch (i) {
            case 0: {
                final XmlAttribute name = element.getAttribute(MuleConfigConstants.NAME_ATTRIBUTE);
                if (name != null) {
                    path = "/" + MulePathUtils.escape(name.getValue()) + getGlobalElementCategory(element);
            default: {
                final XmlTag parentTag = element.getParentTag();
                int index = 0;
                for (XmlTag xmlTag : parentTag.getSubTags()) {
                    if (xmlTag == element) {
                    final MuleElementType muleElementType = getMuleElementTypeFromXmlElement(xmlTag);
                    if (muleElementType == MuleElementType.MESSAGE_PROCESSOR) {
                        index = index + 1;
                path = path + "/" + index;
    System.out.println("path = " + path);
    return path;