

源代码1 项目: consulo   文件: GotoFileItemProvider.java
private Iterable<FoundItemDescriptor<PsiFileSystemItem>> matchQualifiers(MinusculeMatcher qualifierMatcher, Iterable<? extends PsiFileSystemItem> iterable) {
  List<FoundItemDescriptor<PsiFileSystemItem>> matching = new ArrayList<>();
  for (PsiFileSystemItem item : iterable) {
    String qualifier = Objects.requireNonNull(getParentPath(item));
    FList<TextRange> fragments = qualifierMatcher.matchingFragments(qualifier);
    if (fragments != null) {
      int gapPenalty = fragments.isEmpty() ? 0 : qualifier.length() - fragments.get(fragments.size() - 1).getEndOffset();
      int degree = qualifierMatcher.matchingDegree(qualifier, false, fragments) - gapPenalty;
      matching.add(new FoundItemDescriptor<>(item, degree));
  if (matching.size() > 1) {
    Comparator<FoundItemDescriptor<PsiFileSystemItem>> comparator = Comparator.comparing((FoundItemDescriptor<PsiFileSystemItem> res) -> res.getWeight()).reversed();
    Collections.sort(matching, comparator);
  return matching;
源代码2 项目: intellij   文件: ProjectViewLabelReference.java
private PsiFileSystemItem resolveFile(String path) {
  if (path.startsWith("/") || path.contains(":")) {
    return null;
  BuildReferenceManager manager = BuildReferenceManager.getInstance(getProject());
  path = StringUtil.trimStart(path, "-");
  File file = manager.resolvePackage(WorkspacePath.createIfValid(path));
  if (file == null) {
    return null;
  VirtualFile vf =
  if (vf == null) {
    return null;
  PsiManager psiManager = PsiManager.getInstance(getProject());
  return vf.isDirectory() ? psiManager.findDirectory(vf) : psiManager.findFile(vf);
源代码3 项目: consulo   文件: FileSearchEverywhereContributor.java
public ListCellRenderer<Object> getElementsRenderer() {
  //noinspection unchecked
  return new SERenderer() {
    protected ItemMatchers getItemMatchers(@Nonnull JList list, @Nonnull Object value) {
      ItemMatchers defaultMatchers = super.getItemMatchers(list, value);
      if (!(value instanceof PsiFileSystemItem) || myModelForRenderer == null) {
        return defaultMatchers;

      return GotoFileModel.convertToFileItemMatchers(defaultMatchers, (PsiFileSystemItem)value, myModelForRenderer);
private static BuildFile resolveProjectWorkspaceFile(Project project) {
  WorkspaceRoot projectRoot = WorkspaceRoot.fromProjectSafe(project);
  if (projectRoot == null) {
    return null;
  for (String workspaceFileName :
      Blaze.getBuildSystemProvider(project).possibleWorkspaceFileNames()) {
    PsiFileSystemItem workspaceFile =
            .resolveFile(projectRoot.fileForPath(new WorkspacePath(workspaceFileName)));
    if (workspaceFile != null) {
      return ObjectUtils.tryCast(workspaceFile, BuildFile.class);
  return null;
源代码5 项目: intellij   文件: VirtualFileTestContextProvider.java
public RunConfigurationContext getTestContext(ConfigurationContext context) {
  PsiElement psi = context.getPsiLocation();
  if (!(psi instanceof PsiFileSystemItem) || !(psi instanceof FakePsiElement)) {
    return null;
  VirtualFile vf = ((PsiFileSystemItem) psi).getVirtualFile();
  if (vf == null) {
    return null;
  WorkspacePath path = getWorkspacePath(context.getProject(), vf);
  if (path == null) {
    return null;
  return CachedValuesManager.getCachedValue(
      () ->
              doFindTestContext(context, vf, psi, path),
源代码6 项目: intellij   文件: BlazeCoverageAnnotator.java
private boolean showCoverage(PsiFileSystemItem psiFile) {
  if (coverageFilePaths.isEmpty()) {
    return false;
  VirtualFile vf = psiFile.getVirtualFile();
  if (vf == null) {
    return false;
  String filePath = normalizeFilePath(vf.getPath());
  for (String path : coverageFilePaths) {
    if (filePath.startsWith(path)) {
      return true;
  return false;
private static PyBuiltinCache getBuiltInCache(PyQualifiedExpression element) {
  final PsiElement realContext = PyPsiUtils.getRealContext(element);
  PsiFileSystemItem psiFile = realContext.getContainingFile();
  if (psiFile == null) {
    return null;
  Sdk sdk = PyBuiltinCache.findSdkForFile(psiFile);
  if (sdk != null && sdk.getSdkType() instanceof PythonSdkType) {
    // this case is already handled by PythonBuiltinReferenceResolveProvider
    return null;
  Sdk pythonSdk = PySdkUtils.getPythonSdk(psiFile.getProject());
  return pythonSdk != null
      ? PythonSdkPathCache.getInstance(psiFile.getProject(), pythonSdk).getBuiltins()
      : null;
源代码8 项目: idea-gitignore   文件: ResolvingTest.java
private void doTest(@NotNull String beforeText, String... expectedResolve) {
    myFixture.configureByText(GitFileType.INSTANCE, beforeText);
    PsiPolyVariantReference reference = ((PsiPolyVariantReference) myFixture.getReferenceAtCaretPosition());

    final VirtualFile rootFile = myFixture.getFile().getContainingDirectory().getVirtualFile();
    ResolveResult[] resolveResults = reference.multiResolve(true);
    List<String> actualResolve = ContainerUtil.map(resolveResults, new Function<ResolveResult, String>() {
        public String fun(ResolveResult resolveResult) {
            PsiElement resolveResultElement = resolveResult.getElement();
            assertInstanceOf(resolveResultElement, PsiFileSystemItem.class);
            PsiFileSystemItem fileSystemItem = (PsiFileSystemItem) resolveResultElement;
            return VfsUtilCore.getRelativePath(fileSystemItem.getVirtualFile(), rootFile, '/');

    assertContainsElements(actualResolve, expectedResolve);
源代码9 项目: consulo   文件: FileIncludeManagerImpl.java
public void processIncludingFiles(PsiFile context, Processor<? super Pair<VirtualFile, FileIncludeInfo>> processor) {
  context = context.getOriginalFile();
  VirtualFile contextFile = context.getVirtualFile();
  if (contextFile == null) return;

  String originalName = context.getName();
  Collection<String> names = getPossibleIncludeNames(context, originalName);

  GlobalSearchScope scope = GlobalSearchScope.allScope(myProject);
  for (String name : names) {
    MultiMap<VirtualFile, FileIncludeInfoImpl> infoList = FileIncludeIndex.getIncludingFileCandidates(name, scope);
    for (VirtualFile candidate : infoList.keySet()) {
      PsiFile psiFile = myPsiManager.findFile(candidate);
      if (psiFile == null || context.equals(psiFile)) continue;
      for (FileIncludeInfo info : infoList.get(candidate)) {
        PsiFileSystemItem item = resolveFileInclude(info, psiFile);
        if (item != null && contextFile.equals(item.getVirtualFile())) {
          if (!processor.process(Pair.create(candidate, info))) {
源代码10 项目: consulo   文件: FilePathCompletionContributor.java
private static boolean fileMatchesPathPrefix(@Nullable final PsiFileSystemItem file, @Nonnull final List<String> pathPrefix) {
  if (file == null) return false;

  final List<String> contextParts = new ArrayList<>();
  PsiFileSystemItem parentFile = file;
  PsiFileSystemItem parent;
  while ((parent = parentFile.getParent()) != null) {
    if (parent.getName().length() > 0) contextParts.add(0, parent.getName().toLowerCase());
    parentFile = parent;

  final String path = StringUtil.join(contextParts, "/");

  int nextIndex = 0;
  for (@NonNls final String s : pathPrefix) {
    if ((nextIndex = path.indexOf(s.toLowerCase(), nextIndex)) == -1) return false;

  return true;
源代码11 项目: consulo   文件: FileTreeModelBuilder.java
public PackageDependenciesNode findNode(PsiFileSystemItem file, final PsiElement psiElement) {
  if (file instanceof PsiDirectory) {
    return getModuleDirNode(file.getVirtualFile(), myFileIndex.getModuleForFile(file.getVirtualFile()), null);
  PackageDependenciesNode parent = getFileParentNode(file.getVirtualFile());
  PackageDependenciesNode[] nodes = findNodeForPsiElement(parent, file);
  if (nodes == null || nodes.length == 0) {
    return null;
  else {
    for (PackageDependenciesNode node : nodes) {
      if (node.getPsiElement() == psiElement) return node;
    return nodes[0];
源代码12 项目: consulo   文件: FileIncludeManagerImpl.java
private PsiFileSystemItem doResolve(@Nonnull final FileIncludeInfo info, @Nonnull final PsiFile context) {
  if (info instanceof FileIncludeInfoImpl) {
    String id = ((FileIncludeInfoImpl)info).providerId;
    FileIncludeProvider provider = id == null ? null : myProviderMap.get(id);
    final PsiFileSystemItem resolvedByProvider = provider == null ? null : provider.resolveIncludedFile(info, context);
    if (resolvedByProvider != null) {
      return resolvedByProvider;

  PsiFileImpl psiFile = (PsiFileImpl)myPsiFileFactory.createFileFromText("dummy.txt", PlainTextFileType.INSTANCE, info.path);
  return new FileReferenceSet(psiFile) {
    protected boolean useIncludingFileAsContext() {
      return false;
源代码13 项目: consulo   文件: NewElementToolbarAction.java
public void actionPerformed(AnActionEvent e) {
  if (e.getData(LangDataKeys.IDE_VIEW) == null) {
    final Project project = e.getData(CommonDataKeys.PROJECT);
    final PsiFileSystemItem psiFile = e.getData(LangDataKeys.PSI_FILE).getParent();
    ProjectView.getInstance(project).selectCB(psiFile, psiFile.getVirtualFile(), true).doWhenDone(new Runnable() {
      public void run() {
  else {
源代码14 项目: consulo   文件: DefaultFileNavigationContributor.java
public void processElementsWithName(@Nonnull String name, @Nonnull final Processor<NavigationItem> _processor, @Nonnull FindSymbolParameters parameters) {
  final boolean globalSearch = parameters.getSearchScope().isSearchInLibraries();
  final Processor<PsiFileSystemItem> processor = item -> {
    if (!globalSearch && ProjectCoreUtil.isProjectOrWorkspaceFile(item.getVirtualFile())) {
      return true;
    return _processor.process(item);

  boolean directoriesOnly = isDirectoryOnlyPattern(parameters);
  if (!directoriesOnly) {
    FilenameIndex.processFilesByName(name, false, processor, parameters.getSearchScope(), parameters.getProject(), parameters.getIdFilter());

  if (directoriesOnly || Registry.is("ide.goto.file.include.directories")) {
    FilenameIndex.processFilesByName(name, true, processor, parameters.getSearchScope(), parameters.getProject(), parameters.getIdFilter());
源代码15 项目: consulo   文件: ProjectViewNode.java
public Collection<VirtualFile> getRoots() {
  Value value = getValue();

  if (value instanceof RootsProvider) {
    return ((RootsProvider)value).getRoots();
  else if (value instanceof PsiFile) {
    PsiFile vFile = ((PsiFile)value).getContainingFile();
    if (vFile != null && vFile.getVirtualFile() != null) {
      return Collections.singleton(vFile.getVirtualFile());
  else if (value instanceof VirtualFile) {
    return Collections.singleton(((VirtualFile)value));
  else if (value instanceof PsiFileSystemItem) {
    return Collections.singleton(((PsiFileSystemItem)value).getVirtualFile());

  return Collections.emptyList();
源代码16 项目: consulo   文件: PsiFileSystemItemUtil.java
public static String getRelativePath(PsiFileSystemItem src, PsiFileSystemItem dst) {
  final PsiFileSystemItem commonAncestor = getCommonAncestor(src, dst);

  if (commonAncestor != null) {
    StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
    if (!src.equals(commonAncestor)) {
      while (!commonAncestor.equals(src.getParent())) {
        src = src.getParent();
        assert src != null;
    buffer.append(getRelativePathFromAncestor(dst, commonAncestor));
    return buffer.toString();

  return null;
源代码17 项目: flutter-intellij   文件: SdkRunConfig.java
private String getNewPathAndUpdateAffectedPath(final @NotNull PsiElement newElement) {
  final String oldPath = fields.getFilePath();

  final VirtualFile newFile = newElement instanceof PsiFileSystemItem ? ((PsiFileSystemItem)newElement).getVirtualFile() : null;
  if (newFile != null && oldPath != null && oldPath.startsWith(myAffectedPath)) {
    final String newPath = newFile.getPath() + oldPath.substring(myAffectedPath.length());
    myAffectedPath = newFile.getPath(); // needed if refactoring will be undone
    return newPath;

  return oldPath;
源代码18 项目: flutter-intellij   文件: SdkRunConfig.java
private String getNewPathAndUpdateAffectedPath(final @NotNull PsiElement newElement) {
  final String oldPath = fields.getFilePath();

  final VirtualFile newFile = newElement instanceof PsiFileSystemItem ? ((PsiFileSystemItem)newElement).getVirtualFile() : null;
  if (newFile != null && oldPath != null && oldPath.startsWith(myAffectedPath)) {
    final String newPath = newFile.getPath() + oldPath.substring(myAffectedPath.length());
    myAffectedPath = newFile.getPath(); // needed if refactoring will be undone
    return newPath;

  return oldPath;
源代码19 项目: consulo   文件: FileListPasteProvider.java
public void performPaste(@Nonnull DataContext dataContext) {
  final Project project = dataContext.getData(CommonDataKeys.PROJECT);
  final IdeView ideView = dataContext.getData(LangDataKeys.IDE_VIEW);
  if (project == null || ideView == null) return;

  if (!FileCopyPasteUtil.isFileListFlavorAvailable()) return;

  final Transferable contents = CopyPasteManager.getInstance().getContents();
  if (contents == null) return;
  final List<File> fileList = FileCopyPasteUtil.getFileList(contents);
  if (fileList == null) return;

  final List<PsiElement> elements = new ArrayList<PsiElement>();
  for (File file : fileList) {
    final VirtualFile vFile = LocalFileSystem.getInstance().refreshAndFindFileByIoFile(file);
    if (vFile != null) {
      final PsiManager instance = PsiManager.getInstance(project);
      PsiFileSystemItem item = vFile.isDirectory() ? instance.findDirectory(vFile) : instance.findFile(vFile);
      if (item != null) {

  if (elements.size() > 0) {
    final PsiDirectory dir = ideView.getOrChooseDirectory();
    if (dir != null) {
      final boolean move = LinuxDragAndDropSupport.isMoveOperation(contents);
      if (move) {
        new MoveFilesOrDirectoriesHandler().doMove(PsiUtilCore.toPsiElementArray(elements), dir);
      else {
        new CopyFilesOrDirectoriesHandler().doCopy(PsiUtilCore.toPsiElementArray(elements), dir);
源代码20 项目: consulo   文件: GotoFileItemProvider.java
private PsiFileSystemItem getFileByAbsolutePath(@Nonnull String pattern) {
  if (pattern.contains("/") || pattern.contains("\\")) {
    String path = FileUtil.toSystemIndependentName(ChooseByNamePopup.getTransformedPattern(pattern, myModel));
    VirtualFile vFile = LocalFileSystem.getInstance().findFileByPathIfCached(path);
    if (vFile != null) {
      ProjectFileIndex index = ProjectFileIndex.getInstance(myProject);
      if (index.isInContent(vFile) || index.isInLibrary(vFile)) {
        return PsiUtilCore.findFileSystemItem(myProject, vFile);
  return null;
源代码21 项目: intellij   文件: ResolveUtil.java
 * Checks if the element we're searching for is represented by a file or directory.<br>
 * e.g. a java class PSI element, or an actual PsiFile element.
public static PsiFileSystemItem asFileSystemItemSearch(PsiElement elementToSearch) {
  if (elementToSearch instanceof PsiFileSystemItem) {
    return (PsiFileSystemItem) elementToSearch;
  return asFileSearch(elementToSearch);
源代码22 项目: intellij   文件: ExcludeBuildFilesScope.java
public GlobalSearchScope getScopeToExclude(PsiElement element) {
  if (!enabled.getValue()) {
    return null;
  if (element instanceof PsiFileSystemItem) {
    return GlobalSearchScope.getScopeRestrictedByFileTypes(
        new EverythingGlobalScope(), BuildFileType.INSTANCE);
  return null;
源代码23 项目: intellij   文件: GlobReferenceSearcher.java
private static PsiReference globReference(GlobExpression glob, PsiFileSystemItem file) {
  return new PsiReferenceBase.Immediate<GlobExpression>(
      glob, glob.getReferenceTextRange(), file) {
    public PsiElement bindToElement(@NotNull PsiElement element)
        throws IncorrectOperationException {
      return glob;
源代码24 项目: intellij   文件: BlazePackage.java
public static BlazePackage getContainingPackage(PsiFileSystemItem file) {
  if (file instanceof PsiFile) {
    file = ((PsiFile) file).getOriginalFile();
  if (file instanceof BuildFile
      && Blaze.getBuildSystemProvider(file.getProject()).isBuildFile(file.getName())) {
    return new BlazePackage((BuildFile) file);
  return getContainingPackage(getPsiDirectory(file));
源代码25 项目: intellij   文件: BlazePackage.java
private static PsiDirectory getPsiDirectory(PsiFileSystemItem file) {
  if (file instanceof PsiDirectory) {
    return (PsiDirectory) file;
  if (file instanceof PsiFile) {
    return ((PsiFile) file).getContainingDirectory();
  if (file instanceof PackagePrefixFileSystemItem) {
    return ((PackagePrefixFileSystemItem) file).getDirectory();
  return null;
源代码26 项目: intellij   文件: BuildReferenceManager.java
public PsiFileSystemItem resolveFile(File file) {
  VirtualFile vf =
  if (vf == null) {
    return null;
  PsiManager manager = PsiManager.getInstance(project);
  return vf.isDirectory() ? manager.findDirectory(vf) : manager.findFile(vf);
源代码27 项目: intellij   文件: BuildEnterHandler.java
private static PsiElement getBlockEndingParent(PsiElement element) {
  while (element != null && !(element instanceof PsiFileSystemItem)) {
    if (endsBlock(element)) {
      return element;
    element = element.getParent();
  return null;
源代码28 项目: consulo   文件: PackagesPaneSelectInTarget.java
public boolean canSelect(PsiFileSystemItem file) {
  if (!super.canSelect(file)) return false;
  final VirtualFile vFile = PsiUtilBase.getVirtualFile(file);

  return canSelect(vFile);
源代码29 项目: intellij   文件: NewBlazePackageAction.java
protected void actionPerformedInBlazeProject(Project project, AnActionEvent event) {
  IdeView view = event.getData(LangDataKeys.IDE_VIEW);
  if (view == null) {
  PsiDirectory directory = DirectoryChooserUtil.getOrChooseDirectory(view);
  if (directory == null) {
  CreateDirectoryOrPackageHandler validator =
      new CreateDirectoryOrPackageHandler(project, directory, false, ".") {
        protected void createDirectories(String subDirName) {
          PsiFileSystemItem element = getCreatedElement();
          if (element instanceof PsiDirectory) {
            createBuildFile(project, (PsiDirectory) element);
      "Enter new package name:",
      String.format("New %s Package", Blaze.buildSystemName(project)),
  PsiDirectory newDir = (PsiDirectory) validator.getCreatedElement();
  if (newDir != null) {
    PsiFile buildFile = findBuildFile(project, newDir);
    if (buildFile != null) {
      OpenFileAction.openFile(buildFile.getViewProvider().getVirtualFile(), project);
源代码30 项目: intellij   文件: AddSourceToProjectAction.java
 * Initial checks for whether this action should be enabled. Returns the relevant action string,
 * or null if the action shouldn't be shown.
private static String actionDescription(Project project, @Nullable VirtualFile vf) {
  if (vf == null) {
    return null;
  LocationContext context = AddSourceToProjectHelper.getContext(project, vf);
  if (context == null) {
    return null;
  boolean addDirectories = !AddSourceToProjectHelper.sourceInProjectDirectories(context);
  boolean addTargets =
          && !AddSourceToProjectHelper.autoDeriveTargets(project);
  if (!addDirectories && !addTargets) {
    // nothing to do
    return null;
  PsiFileSystemItem psiFile = findFileOrDirectory(PsiManager.getInstance(project), vf);
  if (psiFile instanceof PsiDirectory) {
    return addDirectories ? "Add directory to project" : null;

  if (psiFile instanceof BuildFile
      && ((BuildFile) psiFile).getBlazeFileType() == BlazeFileType.BuildPackage) {
    return AddSourceToProjectHelper.packageCoveredByProjectTargets(context)
        ? null
        : "Add BUILD package to project";
  if (!SourceToTargetProvider.hasProvider()) {
    return null;

  if (!addDirectories
      && (AddSourceToProjectHelper.sourceCoveredByProjectViewTargets(context)
          || SyncStatusContributor.getSyncStatus(project, context.file) != SyncStatus.UNSYNCED)) {
    return null;
  return "Add source file to project";