

源代码1 项目: litho   文件: PsiEventDeclarationsExtractor.java
public static ImmutableList<EventDeclarationModel> getEventDeclarations(PsiClass psiClass) {
  final PsiAnnotation layoutSpecAnnotation =
      AnnotationUtil.findAnnotation(psiClass, LayoutSpec.class.getName());
  if (layoutSpecAnnotation == null) {
    throw new RuntimeException("LayoutSpec annotation not found on class");

  PsiAnnotationMemberValue psiAnnotationMemberValue =

  ArrayList<EventDeclarationModel> eventDeclarationModels = new ArrayList<>();
  if (psiAnnotationMemberValue instanceof PsiArrayInitializerMemberValue) {
    PsiArrayInitializerMemberValue value =
        (PsiArrayInitializerMemberValue) psiAnnotationMemberValue;
    for (PsiAnnotationMemberValue annotationMemberValue : value.getInitializers()) {
      PsiClassObjectAccessExpression accessExpression =
          (PsiClassObjectAccessExpression) annotationMemberValue;
  } else if (psiAnnotationMemberValue instanceof PsiClassObjectAccessExpression) {
        getEventDeclarationModel((PsiClassObjectAccessExpression) psiAnnotationMemberValue));

  return ImmutableList.copyOf(eventDeclarationModels);
源代码2 项目: component-runtime   文件: SuggestionServiceImpl.java
private Stream<Suggestion> fromComponent(final PsiClass clazz, final String defaultFamily) {
    final PsiAnnotation componentAnnotation =
            AnnotationUtil.findAnnotation(clazz, PARTITION_MAPPER, PROCESSOR, EMITTER);
    final PsiAnnotationMemberValue name = componentAnnotation.findAttributeValue("name");
    if (name == null || "\"\"".equals(name.getText())) {
        return Stream.empty();

    final PsiAnnotationMemberValue familyValue = componentAnnotation.findAttributeValue("family");
    final String componentFamily = (familyValue == null || removeQuotes(familyValue.getText()).isEmpty()) ? null
            : removeQuotes(familyValue.getText());

    final String family = ofNullable(componentFamily).orElseGet(() -> ofNullable(defaultFamily).orElse(null));
    if (family == null) {
        return Stream.empty();

    return Stream
            .of(new Suggestion(family + "." + DISPLAY_NAME, Suggestion.Type.Family), new Suggestion(
                    family + "." + removeQuotes(name.getText()) + "." + DISPLAY_NAME, Suggestion.Type.Component));
源代码3 项目: dagger-intellij-plugin   文件: Decider.java
@Override public boolean shouldShow(UsageTarget target, Usage usage) {
  PsiElement element = ((UsageInfo2UsageAdapter) usage).getElement();
  PsiMethod psimethod = PsiConsultantImpl.findMethod(element);

  PsiAnnotationMemberValue attribValue = PsiConsultantImpl

  // Is it a @Provides method?
  return psimethod != null
      // Ensure it has an @Provides.
      && PsiConsultantImpl.hasAnnotation(psimethod, CLASS_PROVIDES)
      // Check for Qualifier annotations.
      && PsiConsultantImpl.hasQuailifierAnnotations(psimethod, qualifierAnnotations)
      // Right return type.
      && PsiConsultantImpl.getReturnClassFromMethod(psimethod, false)
      // Right type parameters.
      && PsiConsultantImpl.hasTypeParameters(psimethod, typeParameters)
      // @Provides(type=SET)
      && attribValue != null
      && attribValue.textMatches(SET_TYPE);
源代码4 项目: aircon   文件: InvalidConfigGroupValuesDetector.java
protected void visitConfigGroupAnnotation(final UAnnotation node) {
	final PsiArrayInitializerMemberValue configGroupValues = ConfigElementsUtils.getConfigGroupValuesAttribute(node.getJavaPsi());

	for (PsiAnnotationMemberValue psiAnnotationMemberValue : configGroupValues.getInitializers()) {
		if (!verifyConfigFieldReference(node, psiAnnotationMemberValue)) {
源代码5 项目: aircon   文件: ConfigElementsUtils.java
public static <T> T getAttributeValue(final PsiAnnotation configAnnotation, String attribute) {
	final PsiAnnotationMemberValue attributeValue = configAnnotation.findAttributeValue(attribute);

	if (attributeValue == null) {
		return null;

	final PsiConstantEvaluationHelper evaluationHelper = JavaPsiFacade.getInstance(attributeValue.getProject())
	return (T) evaluationHelper.computeConstantExpression(attributeValue);
源代码6 项目: intellij-quarkus   文件: AnnotationUtils.java
 * Returns the value of the given member name of the given annotation.
 * @param annotation the annotation.
 * @param memberName the member name.
 * @return the value of the given member name of the given annotation.
public static String getAnnotationMemberValue(PsiAnnotation annotation, String memberName) {
	PsiAnnotationMemberValue member = annotation.findDeclaredAttributeValue(memberName);
	String value = member != null && member.getText() != null ? member.getText() : null;
	if (value != null && value.length() > 1 && value.charAt(0) == '"' && value.charAt(value.length() - 1) == '"') {
		value = value.substring(1, value.length() - 1);
	return value;
源代码7 项目: component-runtime   文件: SuggestionServiceImpl.java
private Stream<Suggestion> fromConfiguration(final String family, final String configurationName,
        final PsiClass configClazz) {
    return Stream
                    .filter(field -> AnnotationUtil.findAnnotation(field, OPTION) != null)
                    .flatMap(field -> {
                        final PsiAnnotation fOption = AnnotationUtil.findAnnotation(field, OPTION);
                        final PsiAnnotationMemberValue fOptionValue = fOption.findAttributeValue("value");

                        String fieldName = removeQuotes(fOptionValue.getText());
                        if (fieldName.isEmpty()) {
                            fieldName = field.getName();

                        final Suggestion displayNameSuggestion =
                                new Suggestion(configurationName + "." + fieldName + "." + DISPLAY_NAME,
                        final PsiType type = field.getType();
                        if ("java.lang.String".equals(type.getCanonicalText())) {
                            return Stream
                                            new Suggestion(configurationName + "." + fieldName + "." + PLACEHOLDER,
                        final PsiClass clazz = findClass(type);
                        if (clazz != null && clazz.isEnum()) {
                            return Stream
                                                    .map(f -> clazz
                                                            .substring(clazz.getName().lastIndexOf('.') + 1) + '.'
                                                            + f.getName() + "._displayName")
                                                    .map(v -> new Suggestion(v, Suggestion.Type.Configuration)));
                        return Stream.of(displayNameSuggestion);
                    }), extractConfigTypes(family, configClazz));
源代码8 项目: component-runtime   文件: SuggestionServiceImpl.java
private String getFamilyFromPackageInfo(final PsiPackage psiPackage, final Module module) {
    return of(FilenameIndex
            .getFilesByName(psiPackage.getProject(), "package-info.java", GlobalSearchScope.moduleScope(module)))
                    .map(psiFile -> {
                        if (!PsiJavaFile.class
                                .equals(psiPackage.getQualifiedName())) {
                            return null;
                        final String[] family = { null };
                        PsiJavaFile.class.cast(psiFile).accept(new JavaRecursiveElementWalkingVisitor() {

                            public void visitAnnotation(final PsiAnnotation annotation) {
                                if (!COMPONENTS.equals(annotation.getQualifiedName())) {
                                final PsiAnnotationMemberValue familyAttribute =
                                if (familyAttribute == null) {
                                family[0] = removeQuotes(familyAttribute.getText());
                        return family[0];
                    .orElseGet(() -> {
                        final PsiPackage parent = psiPackage.getParentPackage();
                        if (parent == null) {
                            return null;
                        return getFamilyFromPackageInfo(parent, module);
源代码9 项目: camel-idea-plugin   文件: JavaClassUtils.java
 * Searching for the specific bean name and annotation to find it's {@link PsiClass}
 * @param beanName - Name of the bean to search for.
 * @param annotation - Type of bean annotation to filter on.
 * @param project - Project reference to narrow the search inside.
 * @return the {@link PsiClass} matching the bean name and annotation.
public Optional<PsiClass> findBeanClassByName(String beanName, String annotation, Project project) {
    for (PsiClass psiClass : getClassesAnnotatedWith(project, annotation)) {
        final PsiAnnotation classAnnotation = psiClass.getAnnotation(annotation);
        PsiAnnotationMemberValue attribute = classAnnotation.findAttributeValue("value");
        if (attribute != null) {
            if (attribute instanceof PsiReferenceExpressionImpl) {
                //if the attribute value is field reference eg @bean(value = MyClass.BEAN_NAME)
                final PsiField psiField = (PsiField) attribute.getReference().resolve();
                String staticBeanName = StringUtils.stripDoubleQuotes(PsiTreeUtil.getChildOfAnyType(psiField, PsiLiteralExpression.class).getText());
                if (beanName.equals(staticBeanName)) {
                    return Optional.of(psiClass);
            } else {
                final String value = attribute.getText();
                if (beanName.equals(StringUtils.stripDoubleQuotes(value))) {
                    return Optional.of(psiClass);

        } else {
            if (Introspector.decapitalize(psiClass.getName()).equalsIgnoreCase(StringUtils.stripDoubleQuotes(beanName))) {
                return Optional.of(psiClass);

    return Optional.empty();
源代码10 项目: camel-idea-plugin   文件: JavaClassUtils.java
 * Return the bean name for the {@link PsiClass} and the specific bean annotation
 * @param clazz - class to return bean name for
 * @param annotationFqn - the lookup FQN string for the annotation
 * @return the bean name
private Optional<String> getBeanName(PsiClass clazz, String annotationFqn) {
    String returnName = null;
    final PsiAnnotation annotation = clazz.getAnnotation(annotationFqn);
    if (annotation != null) {
        final PsiAnnotationMemberValue componentAnnotation = annotation.findAttributeValue("value");
        returnName = componentAnnotation != null ? StringUtils.stripDoubleQuotes(componentAnnotation.getText()) : Introspector.decapitalize(clazz.getName());
    return Optional.ofNullable(returnName);
private RemoveAnnotationValueFix( @NotNull PsiAnnotationMemberValue annotationValueToRemove,
                                  @NotNull PsiJavaCodeReferenceElement sideEffectClassReference )
    super( message( "side.effects.annotation.declared.correctly.fix.remove.class.reference",
                    sideEffectClassReference.getQualifiedName() ) );
    this.annotationValueToRemove = annotationValueToRemove;
public RemoveInvalidConcernClassReferenceFix( @NotNull PsiAnnotationMemberValue annotationValueToRemove,
                                              @NotNull PsiJavaCodeReferenceElement concernClassReference )
    super( message( "concerns.annotation.declared.correctly.fix.remove.concern.class.reference",
                    concernClassReference.getQualifiedName() ) );
    this.concernClassAnnotationValue = annotationValueToRemove;
private ProblemDescriptor createProblemDescriptor( @NotNull InspectionManager manager,
                                                   @NotNull PsiAnnotationMemberValue mixinAnnotationValue,
                                                   @NotNull PsiJavaCodeReferenceElement mixinClassReference,
                                                   @NotNull String message )
    RemoveInvalidMixinClassReferenceFix fix = new RemoveInvalidMixinClassReferenceFix(
        mixinAnnotationValue, mixinClassReference
    return manager.createProblemDescriptor( mixinAnnotationValue, message, fix, GENERIC_ERROR_OR_WARNING );
public static Collection<String> getOnX(@NotNull PsiAnnotation psiAnnotation, @NotNull String parameterName) {
  PsiAnnotationMemberValue onXValue = psiAnnotation.findAttributeValue(parameterName);
  if (!(onXValue instanceof PsiAnnotation)) {
    return Collections.emptyList();
  Collection<PsiAnnotation> annotations = PsiAnnotationUtil.getAnnotationValues((PsiAnnotation) onXValue, "value", PsiAnnotation.class);
  Collection<String> annotationStrings = new ArrayList<>();
  for (PsiAnnotation annotation : annotations) {
    PsiAnnotationParameterList params = annotation.getParameterList();
    annotationStrings.add(PsiAnnotationSearchUtil.getSimpleNameOf(annotation) + params.getText());
  return annotationStrings;
源代码15 项目: dagger-intellij-plugin   文件: PsiConsultantImpl.java
public static PsiAnnotationMemberValue findTypeAttributeOfProvidesAnnotation(
    PsiElement element ) {
  PsiAnnotation annotation = findAnnotation(element, CLASS_PROVIDES);
  if (annotation != null) {
    return annotation.findAttributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_TYPE);
  return null;
源代码16 项目: dagger-intellij-plugin   文件: PsiConsultantImpl.java
 * Return the appropriate return class for a given method element.
 * @param psiMethod the method to get the return class from.
 * @param expandType set this to true if return types annotated with @Provides(type=?)
 * should be expanded to the appropriate collection type.
 * @return the appropriate return class for the provided method element.
public static PsiClass getReturnClassFromMethod(PsiMethod psiMethod, boolean expandType) {
  if (psiMethod.isConstructor()) {
    return psiMethod.getContainingClass();

  PsiClassType returnType = ((PsiClassType) psiMethod.getReturnType());
  if (returnType != null) {
    // Check if has @Provides annotation and specified type
    if (expandType) {
      PsiAnnotationMemberValue attribValue = findTypeAttributeOfProvidesAnnotation(psiMethod);
      if (attribValue != null) {
        if (attribValue.textMatches(SET_TYPE)) {
          String typeName = "java.util.Set<" + returnType.getCanonicalText() + ">";
          returnType =
              ((PsiClassType) PsiElementFactory.SERVICE.getInstance(psiMethod.getProject())
                  .createTypeFromText(typeName, psiMethod));
        } else if (attribValue.textMatches(MAP_TYPE)) {
          // TODO(radford): Supporting map will require fetching the key type and also validating
          // the qualifier for the provided key.
          // String typeName = "java.util.Map<String, " + returnType.getCanonicalText() + ">";
          // returnType = ((PsiClassType) PsiElementFactory.SERVICE.getInstance(psiMethod.getProject())
          //    .createTypeFromText(typeName, psiMethod));

    return returnType.resolve();
  return null;
源代码17 项目: dagger-intellij-plugin   文件: PsiConsultantImpl.java
public static List<PsiType> getTypeParameters(PsiElement psiElement) {
  PsiClassType psiClassType = getPsiClassType(psiElement);
  if (psiClassType == null) {
    return new ArrayList<PsiType>();

  // Check if @Provides(type=?) pattern (annotation with specified type).
  PsiAnnotationMemberValue attribValue = findTypeAttributeOfProvidesAnnotation(psiElement);
  if (attribValue != null) {
    if (attribValue.textMatches(SET_TYPE)) {
      // type = SET. Transform the type parameter to the element type.
      ArrayList<PsiType> result = new ArrayList<PsiType>();
      return result;
    } else if (attribValue.textMatches(MAP_TYPE)) {
      // TODO(radford): Need to figure out key type for maps.
      // type = SET or type = MAP. Transform the type parameter to the element type.
      //ArrayList<PsiType> result = new ArrayList<PsiType>();
      //return result;

  if (PsiConsultantImpl.isLazyOrProvider(getClass(psiClassType))) {
    psiClassType = extractFirstTypeParameter(psiClassType);

  Collection<PsiType> typeParameters =
  return new ArrayList<PsiType>(typeParameters);
源代码18 项目: data-mediator   文件: Util.java
/** make sure the value is boolean. */
public static boolean getBooleanValue(PsiAnnotationMemberValue value){
     return Boolean.valueOf(value.getText());
public final ProblemDescriptor[] checkClass( @NotNull PsiClass psiClass,
                                             @NotNull InspectionManager manager,
                                             boolean isOnTheFly )
    // If psiClass is not an interface, ignore
    if( !psiClass.isInterface() )
        return null;

    // If @Mixins annotation is empty, ignore
    List<PsiAnnotationMemberValue> mixinAnnotationValues = getMixinsAnnotationValue( psiClass );
    if( mixinAnnotationValues.isEmpty() )
        return null;

    // Get all valid mixin type
    Set<PsiClass> validMixinsType = getAllValidMixinTypes( psiClass );
    if( validMixinsType.isEmpty() )
        return null;

    // For each mixin
    List<ProblemDescriptor> problems = new LinkedList<ProblemDescriptor>();
    for( PsiAnnotationMemberValue mixinAnnotationValue : mixinAnnotationValues )
        PsiJavaCodeReferenceElement mixinClassReference = getMixinClassReference( mixinAnnotationValue );

        // If it's not a class reference, ignore
        if( mixinClassReference == null )

        // If class reference can't be resolved, ignore
        PsiClass mixinClass = (PsiClass) mixinClassReference.resolve();
        if( mixinClass == null )

        String mixinQualifiedName = mixinClass.getQualifiedName();

        boolean isMixinsDeclarationValid = false;
        String message = "";
        if( mixinClass.isInterface() )
            // Mixin can't be an interface
            message = message( "mixin.implements.mixin.type.error.mixin.is.an.interface", mixinQualifiedName );
        else if( isAConcern( mixinClass ) )
            // Mixin can't be a concern
            message = message( "mixin.implements.mixin.type.error.mixin.is.a.concern", mixinQualifiedName );
        else if( isASideEffect( mixinClass ) )
            // Mixin can't be a side effect
            message = message( "mixin.implements.mixin.type.error.mixin.is.a.side.effect", mixinQualifiedName );
            // If doesn't implement any mixin type, it's a problem
            if( !isImplementValidMixinType( mixinClass, validMixinsType ) )
                message = message(
                isMixinsDeclarationValid = true;

        if( !isMixinsDeclarationValid )
            ProblemDescriptor problemDescriptor = createProblemDescriptor(
                manager, mixinAnnotationValue, mixinClassReference, message );
            problems.add( problemDescriptor );

    return problems.toArray( new ProblemDescriptor[problems.size()] );
public RemoveInvalidMixinClassReferenceFix( @NotNull PsiAnnotationMemberValue mixinClassAnnotationValue,
                                            @NotNull PsiJavaCodeReferenceElement mixinClassReference )
    super( message( "mixin.implements.mixin.type.fix.remove.class.reference", mixinClassReference.getQualifiedName() ) );
    this.mixinClassAnnotationValue = mixinClassAnnotationValue;
public RemoveInvalidMixinClassReferenceFix( @NotNull PsiAnnotationMemberValue mixinsAnnotation )
    super( message( "mixins.annotation.declared.on.mixin.type.fix.remove.mixins.annotation" ) );
    this.mixinsAnnotation = mixinsAnnotation;