

源代码1 项目: intellij-quarkus   文件: PsiUtilsImpl.java
public Location toLocation(PsiMember psiMember) {
    PsiElement sourceElement = psiMember.getNavigationElement();
    if (sourceElement != null) {
        PsiFile file = sourceElement.getContainingFile();
        Location location = new Location();
        Document document = PsiDocumentManager.getInstance(psiMember.getProject()).getDocument(file);
        TextRange range = sourceElement.getTextRange();
        int startLine = document.getLineNumber(range.getStartOffset());
        int startLineOffset = document.getLineStartOffset(startLine);
        int endLine = document.getLineNumber(range.getEndOffset());
        int endLineOffset = document.getLineStartOffset(endLine);
        location.setRange(new Range(LSPIJUtils.toPosition(range.getStartOffset(), document), LSPIJUtils.toPosition(range.getEndOffset(), document)));
        return location;
    return null;
private static String convertName(String name, PsiMember member, PsiAnnotation configPropertiesAnnotation,
								  ConfigPropertiesContext configPropertiesContext) {
	if (!configPropertiesContext.isSupportNamingStrategy()) {
		// Quarkus < 1.2, the property name is the same than the method, field name
		return name;
	// Quarkus >=1.2
	// check if the ConfigProperties use the namingStrategy
	String namingStrategy = getAnnotationMemberValue(configPropertiesAnnotation,
	if (namingStrategy != null) {
		switch (namingStrategy) {
				return convertDefaultName(name, configPropertiesContext);
				return name;
				return hyphenate(name);
	// None namingStrategy, use default name
	return convertDefaultName(name, configPropertiesContext);
protected void processAnnotation(PsiModifierListOwner javaElement, PsiAnnotation mpftAnnotation, String annotationName,
								 SearchContext context) {
	if (!(javaElement instanceof PsiMember)) {
	// The java element is method or a class
	MicroProfileFaultToleranceContext mpftContext = getMicroProfileFaultToleranceContext(context);
	AnnotationInfo info = mpftContext.getAnnotationInfo(annotationName);
	if (info != null) {
		// 1. Collect properties for <annotation>/<list of parameters>
		collectProperties(context.getCollector(), info, null, null, mpftContext);
		// 2. Collect properties for <classname>/<annotation>/<list of parameters>
		if (javaElement instanceof PsiMethod) {
			PsiMethod annotatedMethod = (PsiMethod) javaElement;
			PsiClass classType = annotatedMethod.getContainingClass();
			PsiAnnotation mpftAnnotationForClass = getAnnotation(classType, annotationName);
			collectProperties(context.getCollector(), info, classType, mpftAnnotationForClass, mpftContext);
		// 3. Collect properties for <classname>/<annotation>/<list of parameters> or
		// <classname>/<methodname>/<annotation>/<list of parameters>
		collectProperties(context.getCollector(), info, (PsiMember) javaElement, mpftAnnotation, mpftContext);
源代码4 项目: intellij-quarkus   文件: PropertiesManager.java
public Location findPropertyLocation(Module module, String sourceType, String sourceField, String sourceMethod, IPsiUtils utils) {
    return DumbService.getInstance(module.getProject()).runReadActionInSmartMode(() -> {
        PsiMember fieldOrMethod = findDeclaredProperty(module, sourceType, sourceField, sourceMethod, utils);
        if (fieldOrMethod != null) {
            PsiFile classFile = fieldOrMethod.getContainingFile();
            if (classFile != null) {
                // Try to download source if required
                if (utils != null) {
            return utils.toLocation(fieldOrMethod);
        return null;
源代码5 项目: intellij-spring-assistant   文件: PsiCustomUtil.java
public static String computeDocumentation(PsiMember member) {
  PsiDocComment docComment;
  if (member instanceof PsiField) {
    docComment = PsiField.class.cast(member).getDocComment();
  } else if (member instanceof PsiMethod) {
    docComment = PsiMethod.class.cast(member).getDocComment();
  } else {
    throw new RuntimeException("Method supports targets of type PsiField & PsiMethod only");
  if (docComment != null) {
    StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
    new JavaDocInfoGenerator(member.getProject(), member)
        .generateCommonSection(builder, docComment);
    return builder.toString().trim();
  return null;
源代码6 项目: intellij-haxe   文件: ExtractSuperclassDialog.java
protected JComponent createCenterPanel() {
  JPanel panel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
  final MemberSelectionPanel memberSelectionPanel = new MemberSelectionPanel(RefactoringBundle.message("members.to.form.superclass"),
                                                                             myMemberInfos, RefactoringBundle.message("make.abstract"));
  panel.add(memberSelectionPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
  final MemberInfoModel<PsiMember, MemberInfo> memberInfoModel =
    new UsesAndInterfacesDependencyMemberInfoModel<PsiMember, MemberInfo>(mySourceClass, null, false, myContainmentVerifier) {
      public Boolean isFixedAbstract(MemberInfo member) {
        return Boolean.TRUE;
  memberInfoModel.memberInfoChanged(new MemberInfoChange<PsiMember, MemberInfo>(myMemberInfos));

  panel.add(myDocCommentPanel, BorderLayout.EAST);

  return panel;
源代码7 项目: intellij-haxe   文件: HaxePushDownDialog.java
protected JComponent createCenterPanel() {
  JPanel panel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
  final MemberSelectionPanel memberSelectionPanel = new MemberSelectionPanel(
  panel.add(memberSelectionPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);

  myMemberInfoModel = new MyMemberInfoModel();
  myMemberInfoModel.memberInfoChanged(new MemberInfoChange<PsiMember, MemberInfo>(myMemberInfos));

  myJavaDocPanel = new DocCommentPanel(RefactoringBundle.message("push.down.javadoc.panel.title"));
  panel.add(myJavaDocPanel, BorderLayout.EAST);
  return panel;
源代码8 项目: aircon   文件: ElementUtils.java
static String getInnerClassName(PsiMember field) {
	final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
	PsiMember currElement = field;
	while ((currElement = currElement.getContainingClass()) != null) {
		builder.insert(0, currElement.getName() + ".");
	final String res = builder.toString();
	return res.substring(0, res.length() - 1);
源代码9 项目: IntelliJDeodorant   文件: MoveMethodTableModel.java
Optional<? extends PsiMember> getUnitAt(int virtualRow, int column) {
    final int row = virtualRows.get(virtualRow);
    switch (column) {
            return refactorings.get(row).getOptionalMethod();
        case MOVE_TO_COLUMN_INDEX:
            return refactorings.get(row).getOptionalTargetClass();
    throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Unexpected column index: " + column);
protected void processAnnotation(PsiModifierListOwner psiElement, PsiAnnotation configPropertyAnnotation,
								 String annotationName, SearchContext context) {
	if (psiElement instanceof PsiField || psiElement instanceof PsiMethod || psiElement instanceof PsiParameter) {
		IPropertiesCollector collector = context.getCollector();
		String name = AnnotationUtils.getAnnotationMemberValue(configPropertyAnnotation,
		if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(name)) {
			String propertyTypeName = "";
			if (psiElement instanceof PsiField) {
				propertyTypeName = PsiTypeUtils.getResolvedTypeName((PsiField) psiElement);
			} else if (psiElement instanceof PsiMethod) {
				propertyTypeName = PsiTypeUtils.getResolvedResultTypeName((PsiMethod) psiElement);
			} else if (psiElement instanceof PsiVariable) {
				propertyTypeName = PsiTypeUtils.getResolvedTypeName((PsiVariable) psiElement);
			PsiClass fieldClass = JavaPsiFacade.getInstance(psiElement.getProject()).findClass(propertyTypeName, GlobalSearchScope.allScope(psiElement.getProject()));

			String type = PsiTypeUtils.getPropertyType(fieldClass, propertyTypeName);
			String description = null;
			String sourceType = PsiTypeUtils.getSourceType(psiElement);
			String sourceField = null;
			String sourceMethod = null;
			if (psiElement instanceof PsiField || psiElement instanceof PsiMethod) {
				sourceField = PsiTypeUtils.getSourceField((PsiMember) psiElement);
			} else if (psiElement instanceof PsiParameter) {
				PsiMethod method = (PsiMethod) ((PsiParameter)psiElement).getDeclarationScope();
					sourceMethod = PsiTypeUtils.getSourceMethod(method);
			String defaultValue = AnnotationUtils.getAnnotationMemberValue(configPropertyAnnotation,
			String extensionName = null;

			super.updateHint(collector, fieldClass);

			addItemMetadata(collector, name, type, description, sourceType, sourceField, sourceMethod, defaultValue,
					extensionName, PsiTypeUtils.isBinary(psiElement));
源代码11 项目: intellij-quarkus   文件: PropertiesManager.java
/** * Returns the Java field from the given property source
* @param module  the Java project
* @param sourceType   the source type (class or interface)
* @param sourceField  the source field and null otherwise.
* @param sourceMethod the source method and null otherwise.
* @return the Java field from the given property sources
public PsiMember findDeclaredProperty(Module module, String sourceType, String sourceField,
                                    String sourceMethod, IPsiUtils utils) {
   if (sourceType == null) {
       return null;
   // Try to find type with standard classpath
   PsiClass type = utils.findClass(module, sourceType);
   if (type == null) {
       return null;
   if (sourceField != null) {
       return type.findFieldByName(sourceField, true);
   if (sourceMethod != null) {
        int startBracketIndex = sourceMethod.indexOf('(');
        String methodName = sourceMethod.substring(0, startBracketIndex);
       // Method signature has been generated with PSI API, so we are sure that we have
       // a ')' character.
       for(PsiMethod method : type.findMethodsByName(methodName, true)) {
           String signature = PsiTypeUtils.getSourceMethod(method);
           if (signature.equals(sourceMethod)) {
               return method;
   return type;
源代码12 项目: intellij-quarkus   文件: PsiQuarkusUtils.java
public static void updateConverterKinds(ItemMetadata metadata, PsiMember member, PsiClass enclosedType) {
    if (enclosedType == null || !enclosedType.isEnum()) {
    // By default Quarkus set the enum values as kebab and verbatim
源代码13 项目: intellij-quarkus   文件: AnnotationUtils.java
 * Returns the annotation from the given <code>annotatable</code> element with
 * the given name <code>annotationName</code> and null otherwise.
 * @param annotatable    the class, field which can be annotated.
 * @param annotationName the annotation name
 * @return the annotation from the given <code>annotatable</code> element with
 *         the given name <code>annotationName</code> and null otherwise.
public static PsiAnnotation getAnnotation(PsiMember annotatable, String annotationName) {
	if (annotatable == null) {
		return null;
	PsiAnnotation[] annotations = annotatable.getAnnotations();
	for (PsiAnnotation annotation : annotations) {
		if (isMatchAnnotation(annotation, annotationName)) {
			return annotation;
	return null;
源代码14 项目: intellij-quarkus   文件: PsiTypeUtils.java
public static String getSourceType(PsiModifierListOwner psiElement) {
    if (psiElement instanceof PsiField || psiElement instanceof PsiMethod) {
        return ClassUtil.getJVMClassName(((PsiMember)psiElement).getContainingClass());
    } else if (psiElement instanceof PsiParameter) {
        return ClassUtil.getJVMClassName(((PsiMethod)((PsiParameter)psiElement).getDeclarationScope()).getContainingClass());
    return null;
源代码15 项目: intellij-quarkus   文件: JavadocContentAccess.java
private static Reader getHTMLContentReader(PsiMember member, boolean allowInherited, boolean useAttachedJavadoc) {
    PsiDocComment doc = ((PsiDocCommentOwner) member).getDocComment();
    PsiElement sourceMember = member.getNavigationElement();
    if (sourceMember instanceof PsiDocCommentOwner) {
        doc = ((PsiDocCommentOwner) sourceMember).getDocComment();
    return doc == null ? null : new JavaDocCommentReader(doc.getText());
源代码16 项目: intellij-quarkus   文件: JavadocContentAccess.java
 * Gets a reader for an IMember's Javadoc comment content from the source
 * attachment. and renders the tags in plain text. Returns <code>null</code> if
 * the member does not contain a Javadoc comment or if no source is available.
 * @param member
 *            the member to get the Javadoc of.
 * @return a reader for the Javadoc comment content in plain text or
 *         <code>null</code> if the member does not contain a Javadoc comment or
 *         if no source is available
public static Reader getPlainTextContentReader(PsiMember member) {
    Reader contentReader = getHTMLContentReader(member, true, true);
    if (contentReader != null) {
        try {
            return new JavaDoc2PlainTextConverter(contentReader).getAsReader();
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);
    return null;
public GenericClassMemberWrapper(@NotNull PsiMember member) {
  this.member = member;
  this.originalName = requireNonNull(member.getName());
  this.documentation = computeDocumentation(member);
  this.shortType = toClassNonQualifiedName(getReferredPsiType(member));
  this.deprecated = computeDeprecationStatus();
源代码18 项目: intellij-haxe   文件: HaxeParameterModel.java
public HaxeMemberModel getMemberModel() {
  HaxeMemberModel model = getBasePsi().getUserData(PARAMETER_MEMBER_MODEL_KEY);
  if (model == null) {
    final PsiMember parentPsi = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(getBasePsi(), HaxeEnumValueDeclaration.class, HaxeMethod.class);
    if (parentPsi instanceof HaxeMethod) {
      model = ((HaxeMethod)parentPsi).getModel();
    } else if (parentPsi instanceof HaxeEnumValueDeclaration) {
      model = new HaxeFieldModel((HaxePsiField)parentPsi);
    if (model != null) {
      getBasePsi().putUserData(PARAMETER_MEMBER_MODEL_KEY, model);
  return model;
public boolean canBeFinal(PsiMember member) {
  if (member instanceof PsiField) {
    if (PsiAnnotationSearchUtil.isAnnotatedWith(member, Setter.class)) {
      return false;

    final PsiClass psiClass = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(member, PsiClass.class);
    return null == psiClass || !PsiAnnotationSearchUtil.isAnnotatedWith(psiClass, Setter.class, Data.class, Value.class);
  return true;
Collection<LombokProcessorData> getApplicableProcessors(@NotNull PsiMember psiMember) {
  Collection<LombokProcessorData> result = Collections.emptyList();
  if (verifyLombokAnnotationPresent(psiMember)) {
    result = new ArrayList<>();

    addApplicableProcessors(psiMember, result);
    final PsiClass psiClass = psiMember.getContainingClass();
    if (null != psiClass) {
      addApplicableProcessors(psiClass, result);
  return result;
private boolean verifyLombokAnnotationPresent(@NotNull PsiMember psiMember) {
  if (PsiAnnotationSearchUtil.checkAnnotationsSimpleNameExistsIn(psiMember, registeredAnnotationNames)) {
    return true;

  final PsiClass psiClass = psiMember.getContainingClass();
  return null != psiClass && verifyLombokAnnotationPresent(psiClass);
private void addApplicableProcessors(@NotNull PsiMember psiMember, @NotNull Collection<LombokProcessorData> target) {
  final PsiModifierList psiModifierList = psiMember.getModifierList();
  if (null != psiModifierList) {
    for (PsiAnnotation psiAnnotation : psiModifierList.getAnnotations()) {
      for (Processor processor : getProcessors(psiAnnotation)) {
        target.add(new LombokProcessorData(processor, psiAnnotation));
private void collectProperties(IPropertiesCollector collector, AnnotationInfo info, PsiMember annotatedClassOrMethod,
		PsiAnnotation mpftAnnotation, MicroProfileFaultToleranceContext mpftContext) {
	String annotationName = info.getSimpleName();
	String className = null;
	String methodName = null;
	boolean binary = false;
	String sourceType = null;
	String sourceMethod = null;
	if (annotatedClassOrMethod != null) {
		binary = PsiTypeUtils.isBinary(annotatedClassOrMethod);
		if (annotatedClassOrMethod instanceof PsiClass) {
			PsiClass annotatedClass = (PsiClass) annotatedClassOrMethod;
			className = annotatedClass.getQualifiedName();
			// Check if properties has been generated for the <classname><annotation>:
			if (isProcessed(className, annotationName, mpftContext)) {
			sourceType = getPropertyType(annotatedClass, className);
		} else if (annotatedClassOrMethod instanceof PsiMethod) {
			PsiMethod annotatedMethod = (PsiMethod) annotatedClassOrMethod;
			className = annotatedMethod.getContainingClass().getQualifiedName();
			methodName = annotatedMethod.getName();
			sourceType = getSourceType(annotatedMethod);
			sourceMethod = getSourceMethod(annotatedMethod);
	} else {
		// Check if properties has been generated for the <annotation>:
		if (isProcessed(null, annotationName, mpftContext)) {

	String prefix = createPrefix(className, methodName, annotationName);

	// parameter
	List<AnnotationParameter> parameters = info.getParameters();
	for (AnnotationParameter parameter : parameters) {
		String propertyName = new StringBuilder(prefix).append('/').append(parameter.getName()).toString();
		String parameterType = parameter.getType();
		String description = parameter.getDescription();
		String defaultValue = getParameterDefaultValue(parameter, mpftAnnotation);
		String extensionName = null;
		if (annotatedClassOrMethod == null) {
			sourceType = parameter.getSourceType();
			sourceMethod = parameter.getSourceMethod();
		// Enumerations
		PsiClass jdtType = parameter.getJDTType();
		super.updateHint(collector, jdtType);

		super.addItemMetadata(collector, propertyName, parameterType, description, sourceType, null, sourceMethod,
				defaultValue, extensionName, binary);
源代码24 项目: intellij-quarkus   文件: AnnotationUtils.java
public static boolean hasAnnotation(PsiMember annotatable, String annotationName) {
	return getAnnotation(annotatable, annotationName) != null;
源代码25 项目: intellij-quarkus   文件: PsiTypeUtils.java
public static String getSourceField(PsiMember psiMember) {
    return psiMember.getName();
源代码26 项目: litho   文件: MethodGenerateHandler.java
protected List<? extends GenerationInfo> generateMemberPrototypes(
    PsiClass aClass, ClassMember[] members) throws IncorrectOperationException {
  return Collections.singletonList(new PsiGenerationInfo<PsiMember>(generatedMethod));
源代码27 项目: intellij-spring-assistant   文件: PsiCustomUtil.java
private static PsiType eraseFreeTypeParameters(@Nullable PsiType psiType,
    @NotNull PsiMember member) {
  final PsiClass containingClass = member.getContainingClass();
  return eraseFreeTypeParameters(psiType, containingClass);
源代码28 项目: intellij-haxe   文件: HaxeMemberModel.java
public HaxeMemberModel(PsiMember basePsi) {
源代码29 项目: intellij-haxe   文件: HaxeMemberModel.java
public PsiMember getMemberPsi() {
  return (PsiMember)basePsi;
源代码30 项目: intellij-haxe   文件: OverrideImplementMethodFix.java
protected String buildFunctionsText(HaxeNamedComponent element) {
  final HaxeComponentType componentType = HaxeComponentType.typeOf(element);
  final StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();

  final PsiClass containingClass = element instanceof PsiMember ? ((PsiMember)element).getContainingClass() : null;
  final boolean isInterfaceElement = containingClass != null && containingClass.isInterface();

  boolean addOverride = !isInterfaceElement && override && !element.isOverride();
  if (addOverride) {
    result.append("override ");
  final HaxePsiModifier[] declarationAttributeList = PsiTreeUtil.getChildrenOfType(element, HaxePsiModifier.class);
  if (declarationAttributeList != null) {
    result.append(StringUtil.join(declarationAttributeList, new Function<HaxePsiModifier, String>() {
      public String fun(HaxePsiModifier attribute) {
        return attribute.getText();
    }, " "));
    result.append(" ");
  if (isInterfaceElement && !result.toString().contains("public")) {
    result.insert(0, "public ");
  if (componentType == HaxeComponentType.FIELD) {
    result.append("var ");
  } else {
    result.append("function ");
    appendMethodNameAndParameters(result, element, true);
  final HaxeTypeTag typeTag = PsiTreeUtil.getChildOfType(element, HaxeTypeTag.class);
  String type = null;
  if (typeTag != null && typeTag.getTypeOrAnonymous() != null) {
    type = HaxePresentableUtil.buildTypeText(element, typeTag.getTypeOrAnonymous().getType(), specializations);
  if(componentType == HaxeComponentType.FIELD) {
  } else {
    if(addOverride || element.isOverride()) {
      if(type != null && !type.equals("Void")) {
        result.append("return ");
      appendMethodNameAndParameters(result, element, false);
  return result.toString();