

public boolean isMuleSchema(PsiFile file) {
    if (!file.getName().endsWith(".xsd")) {
        return false;
    final PsiElement[] children = file.getChildren();
    if (children.length > 0 && children[0] instanceof XmlDocument) {
        final XmlTag rootTag = ((XmlDocument) children[0]).getRootTag();
        if (rootTag != null) {
            final String xmlns = getNamespace(rootTag);
            if (xmlns != null && xmlns.startsWith("http://www.mulesoft.org/schema/mule/")) {
                return true;

    return false;

private static String getNamespace(final XmlFile xmlFile, final Project project) {
    //Stupid HTTP module XSD weirdo
    if (xmlFile.getName().contains("mule-httpn.xsd"))
        return "http://www.mulesoft.org/schema/mule/http";

    final XmlDocument document = xmlFile.getDocument();
    if (document != null) {
        final PsiMetaData metaData = document.getMetaData();
        if (metaData instanceof XmlNSDescriptorImpl) {
            return ((XmlNSDescriptorImpl) metaData).getDefaultNamespace();
    return null;
源代码3 项目: mule-intellij-plugins   文件: WeaveEditor.java
private List<String> getGlobalDefinitions(VirtualFile file) {

        List<String> globalDefs = new ArrayList<>();

        final DomManager manager = DomManager.getDomManager(project);
        final XmlFile xmlFile = (XmlFile) PsiManager.getInstance(project).findFile(file);
        final XmlDocument document = xmlFile.getDocument();
        final XmlTag rootTag = document.getRootTag();

        try {
            final XmlTag globalFunctions = rootTag.findFirstSubTag("configuration")
            String nextFunction = globalFunctions.getValue().getText();
            if (nextFunction != null && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(nextFunction)) {

        } catch (Exception e) {//If the global functions config does not exist, we get NPE - but it's expected :)
            //Do nothing for now
        return globalDefs;
源代码4 项目: svgtoandroid   文件: SVGParser.java
public SVGParser(XmlFile svg, String dpi) {
    styles = new HashMap<String, String>();
    this.svg = svg;
    this.dpi = dpi;

    XmlDocument document = svg.getDocument();
    if (document != null) {
        XmlTag rootTag = document.getRootTag();
        if (rootTag != null) {
            XmlTag[] subTags = rootTag.getSubTags();
            for (XmlTag tag : subTags) {
源代码5 项目: idea-php-typo3-plugin   文件: XmlDescriptorUtil.java
public static XmlElementDescriptor getElementDescriptor(XmlTag childTag, XmlTag contextTag) {
    final XmlDocument document = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(contextTag, XmlDocument.class);
    if (document == null) {
        return null;
    final XmlNSDescriptor nsDescriptor = document.getDefaultNSDescriptor(childTag.getNamespace(), true);
    if (nsDescriptor instanceof XmlNSDescriptorEx) {
        XmlElementDescriptor descriptor = ((XmlNSDescriptorEx) nsDescriptor).getElementDescriptor(childTag.getLocalName(), childTag.getNamespace());
        return descriptor != null ? wrapInDelegating(descriptor) : null;
    return null;
public Set<String> getAvailableNamespaces(@NotNull XmlFile file, @Nullable String tagName) {
    final Module module = ModuleUtil.findModuleForPsiElement(file);
    Map<String, XmlFile> schemas = getSchemas(module);
    Set<String> namespaces = new HashSet<>();

    try {
        for (XmlFile xsd : schemas.values()) {
            final XmlDocument document = xsd.getDocument();
            if (document != null) {
                final PsiMetaData metaData = document.getMetaData();
                if (metaData instanceof XmlNSDescriptorImpl) {
                    XmlNSDescriptorImpl descriptor = (XmlNSDescriptorImpl) metaData;
                    String defaultNamespace = descriptor.getDefaultNamespace();

                    //Stupid HTTP module XSD weirdo
                    if (xsd.getName().contains("mule-httpn"))
                        defaultNamespace = "http://www.mulesoft.org/schema/mule/http";

                    if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(defaultNamespace)) {
                        if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(tagName)) {
                            XmlElementDescriptor elementDescriptor = descriptor.getElementDescriptor(tagName, defaultNamespace);
                            if (elementDescriptor != null) {
                        } else {
    } catch (Exception e) {
    return namespaces;
private static boolean isXSD(final XmlFile xmlFile) {
    final XmlDocument document = xmlFile.getDocument();
    if (document != null) {
        final PsiMetaData metaData = document.getMetaData();
        if (metaData instanceof XmlNSDescriptorImpl) {
            return true;
    return false;
源代码8 项目: svgtoandroid   文件: Transformer.java
public void transforming(CallBack callBack) {
    svgParser = new SVGParser(svg, dpi);
    styleParser = new StyleParser(svgParser.getStyles());


    XmlFile dist = getDistXml();
    XmlDocument document = dist.getDocument();
    if (document != null && document.getRootTag() != null) {
        XmlTag rootTag = document.getRootTag();

        //set attr to root tag
        try {

            if (svgParser.getAlpha().length() > 0) {
                rootTag.setAttribute("android:alpha", svgParser.getAlpha());
        } catch (NullPointerException npe) {
            //do nothing, because those attr is exist certainly.

        //generate group
        if (svgParser.hasGroupTag()) {
            for (XmlTag g : svgParser.getGroups()) {
                parseGroup(g, rootTag);
        } else {
            Logger.warn("Root tag has no subTag named 'group'");
            parseShapeNode(svg.getRootTag(), rootTag, null);
        CodeStyleManager.getInstance(project).reformat(dist, true);
源代码9 项目: intellij-latte   文件: LatteXmlFileInspection.java
public ProblemDescriptor[] checkFile(@NotNull PsiFile file, @NotNull final InspectionManager manager, final boolean isOnTheFly) {
	if (!(file instanceof XmlFile) || file.getLanguage() != XMLLanguage.INSTANCE || !file.getName().equals(LatteFileConfiguration.FILE_NAME)) {
		return null;

	final List<ProblemDescriptor> problems = new ArrayList<>();

	XmlDocument xmlDocument = ((XmlFile) file).getDocument();
	if (xmlDocument == null) {
		addError(manager, problems, file, "Root tag <latte> is missing", isOnTheFly);
		return problems.toArray(new ProblemDescriptor[0]);

	if (xmlDocument.getRootTag() == null || !xmlDocument.getRootTag().getName().equals("latte")) {
		addError(manager, problems, file, "Root tag <latte> is missing", isOnTheFly);
		return problems.toArray(new ProblemDescriptor[0]);

	XmlTag rootTag = xmlDocument.getRootTag();
	if (rootTag.getAttribute("vendor") == null) {
		PsiElement psiElement = rootTag.getFirstChild().getNextSibling();
				psiElement != null ? psiElement : file,
				"Missing required attribute `vendor` on tag <latte>. It must be unique name like composer package name.",

	return problems.toArray(new ProblemDescriptor[0]);
源代码10 项目: intellij-latte   文件: LatteXmlFileDataFactory.java
public static LatteXmlFileData parse(XmlFile file) {
    XmlDocument document = file.getDocument();
    if (document == null || document.getRootTag() == null) {
        return null;

    XmlTag configuration = document.getRootTag();
    if (configuration == null) {
        return null;

    LatteXmlFileData.VendorResult vendor = getVendor(document);
    if (vendor == null) {
        return null;

    LatteXmlFileData data = new LatteXmlFileData(vendor);
    XmlTag tags = configuration.findFirstSubTag("tags");
    if (tags != null) {
        loadTags(tags, data);
    XmlTag filters = configuration.findFirstSubTag("filters");
    if (filters != null) {
        loadFilters(filters, data);
    XmlTag variables = configuration.findFirstSubTag("variables");
    if (variables != null) {
        loadVariables(variables, data);
    XmlTag functions = configuration.findFirstSubTag("functions");
    if (functions != null) {
        loadFunctions(functions, data);
    return data;
源代码11 项目: intellij-latte   文件: LatteXmlFileDataFactory.java
public static LatteXmlFileData.VendorResult getVendor(@Nullable XmlDocument document) {
    if (document == null) {
        return null;
    XmlTag configuration = document.getRootTag();
    if (configuration == null) {
        return null;
    return determineVendor(getTextValue(configuration, "vendor"));
源代码12 项目: intellij-latte   文件: LatteFileListener.java
public void after(@NotNull List<? extends VFileEvent> events) {
    for (VFileEvent event : events) {
        VirtualFile file = event.getFile();
        if (!(file instanceof XmlFile) || !file.getName().equals("latte-intellij.xml") || file.isValid()) {

        XmlDocument document = ((XmlFile) file).getDocument();
        if (document == null || document.getRootTag() == null) {

        LatteXmlFileData.VendorResult vendorResult = LatteXmlFileDataFactory.getVendor(document);
        if (vendorResult == null) {

        List<Project> projects = new ArrayList<>();
        Project project = ProjectUtil.guessProjectForContentFile(file);
        if (project != null) {
        } else {
            Collections.addAll(projects, ProjectManager.getInstance().getOpenProjects());

源代码13 项目: intellij-haxe   文件: HaxelibUtil.java
 * Retrieves the list of dependent haxe libraries from an XML-based
 * configuration file.
 * @param psiFile name of the configuration file to read
 * @return a list of dependent libraries; may be empty, won't have duplicates.
public static HaxeLibraryList getHaxelibsFromXmlFile(@NotNull XmlFile psiFile, HaxelibLibraryCache libraryManager) {
  List<HaxeLibraryReference> haxelibNewItems = new ArrayList<HaxeLibraryReference>();

  XmlFile xmlFile = (XmlFile)psiFile;
  XmlDocument document = xmlFile.getDocument();

  if (document != null) {
    XmlTag rootTag = document.getRootTag();
    if (rootTag != null) {
      XmlTag[] haxelibTags = rootTag.findSubTags("haxelib");
      for (XmlTag haxelibTag : haxelibTags) {
        String name = haxelibTag.getAttributeValue("name");
        String ver = haxelibTag.getAttributeValue("version");
        HaxelibSemVer semver = HaxelibSemVer.create(ver);
        if (name != null) {
          HaxeLibrary lib = libraryManager.getLibrary(name, semver);
          if (lib != null) {
          } else {
            LOG.warn("Library specified in XML file is not known to haxelib: " + name);

  return new HaxeLibraryList(libraryManager.getSdk(), haxelibNewItems);
源代码14 项目: intellij-bpmn-editor   文件: BPMNFileExtension.java
public String[][] getNamespacesFromDocument(XmlDocument parent, boolean declarationsExist) {
    return XmlUtil.getDefaultNamespaces(parent);
    private List<MuleModuleDefinition> getModuleDefinitions(Project project, GlobalSearchScope searchScope) {
        final List<MuleModuleDefinition> result = new ArrayList<>();
        final Collection<VirtualFile> files = FileTypeIndex.getFiles(XmlFileType.INSTANCE, searchScope);
        for (VirtualFile file : files) {
            final PsiFile xmlFile = PsiManager.getInstance(project).findFile(file);
            if (xmlFile != null && isMuleSchema(xmlFile)) {
//                System.out.println("xmlFile = " + xmlFile.getName());
                final PsiElement[] children = xmlFile.getChildren();
                final XmlTag rootTag = ((XmlDocument) children[0]).getRootTag();
                if (rootTag != null) {
                    final String namespace = getNamespace(rootTag);
                    final String name = ArrayUtil.getLastElement(namespace.split("/"));
//                    System.out.println("namespace = " + namespace);
//                    System.out.println("name = " + name);
                    final XmlTag[] elements = rootTag.findSubTags("element", MuleSchemaUtils.HTTP_WWW_W3_ORG_2001_XMLSCHEMA);
                    final List<MuleElementDefinition> definitions = new ArrayList<>();
                    for (XmlTag element : elements) {
                        final String elementName = element.getAttributeValue("name");
//                        System.out.println("name = " + elementName);
                        final MuleElementType muleElementType = MuleSchemaUtils.getMuleElementTypeFromElement(element);
                        if (muleElementType != null) {
                            String description = "";
                            final XmlTag annotation = ArrayUtil.getFirstElement(element.findSubTags("annotation", MuleSchemaUtils.HTTP_WWW_W3_ORG_2001_XMLSCHEMA));
                            if (annotation != null) {
                                final XmlTag documentation = ArrayUtil.getFirstElement(annotation.findSubTags("documentation", MuleSchemaUtils.HTTP_WWW_W3_ORG_2001_XMLSCHEMA));
                                if (documentation != null) {
                                    description = documentation.getValue().getText();
                            definitions.add(new MuleElementDefinition(element, elementName, description, muleElementType));
//                            System.out.println("muleElementType = " + muleElementType);
//                            System.out.println("description = " + description);
                    result.add(new MuleModuleDefinition(name, StringUtil.capitalize(name), namespace, xmlFile, definitions));
        return result;
protected void visitRoot(PsiFile psiFile, @NotNull ProblemsHolder holder, String root, String child, String tagName) {

        XmlDocument xmlDocument = PsiTreeUtil.getChildOfType(psiFile, XmlDocument.class);
        if(xmlDocument == null) {

        Map<String, XmlAttribute> psiElementMap = new HashMap<>();
        Set<XmlAttribute> yamlKeyValues = new HashSet<>();

        for(XmlTag xmlTag: PsiTreeUtil.getChildrenOfTypeAsList(psiFile.getFirstChild(), XmlTag.class)) {
            if(xmlTag.getName().equals("container")) {
                for(XmlTag servicesTag: xmlTag.getSubTags()) {
                    if(servicesTag.getName().equals(root)) {
                        for(XmlTag parameterTag: servicesTag.getSubTags()) {
                            if(parameterTag.getName().equals(child)) {
                                XmlAttribute keyAttr = parameterTag.getAttribute(tagName);
                                if(keyAttr != null) {
                                    String parameterName = keyAttr.getValue();
                                    if(parameterName != null && StringUtils.isNotBlank(parameterName)) {
                                        if(psiElementMap.containsKey(parameterName)) {
                                        } else {
                                            psiElementMap.put(parameterName, keyAttr);


        if(yamlKeyValues.size() > 0) {
            for(PsiElement psiElement: yamlKeyValues) {
                XmlAttributeValue valueElement = ((XmlAttribute) psiElement).getValueElement();
                if(valueElement != null) {
                    holder.registerProblem(valueElement, "Duplicate Key", ProblemHighlightType.GENERIC_ERROR_OR_WARNING);
