

源代码1 项目: consulo   文件: PomModelImpl.java
private void reparseParallelTrees(PsiFile changedFile, PsiToDocumentSynchronizer synchronizer) {
  List<PsiFile> allFiles = changedFile.getViewProvider().getAllFiles();
  if (allFiles.size() <= 1) {

  CharSequence newText = changedFile.getNode().getChars();
  for (final PsiFile file : allFiles) {
    FileElement fileElement = file == changedFile ? null : ((PsiFileImpl)file).getTreeElement();
    Runnable changeAction = fileElement == null ? null : reparseFile(file, fileElement, newText);
    if (changeAction == null) continue;

    try {
    finally {
源代码2 项目: consulo   文件: PomModelImpl.java
private static PsiFile getContainingFileByTree(@Nonnull final PsiElement changeScope) {
  // there could be pseudo physical trees (JSPX/JSP/etc.) which must not translate
  // any changes to document and not to fire any PSI events
  final PsiFile psiFile;
  final ASTNode node = changeScope.getNode();
  if (node == null) {
    psiFile = changeScope.getContainingFile();
  else {
    final FileElement fileElement = TreeUtil.getFileElement((TreeElement)node);
    // assert fileElement != null : "Can't find file element for node: " + node;
    // Hack. the containing tree can be invalidated if updating supplementary trees like HTML in JSP.
    if (fileElement == null) return null;

    psiFile = (PsiFile)fileElement.getPsi();
  return psiFile.getNode() != null ? psiFile : null;
源代码3 项目: consulo   文件: StubBasedPsiElementBase.java
 * Ensures this element is AST-based. This is an expensive operation that might take significant time and allocate lots of objects,
 * so it should be to be avoided if possible.
 * @return an AST node corresponding to this element. If the element is currently operating via stubs,
 * this causes AST to be loaded for the whole file and all stub-based PSI elements in this file (including the current one)
 * to be switched from stub to AST. So, after this call {@link #getStub()} will return null.
public ASTNode getNode() {
  if (mySubstrateRef instanceof SubstrateRef.StubRef) {
    PsiFileImpl file = (PsiFileImpl)getContainingFile();
    if (!file.isValid()) throw new PsiInvalidElementAccessException(file);

    FileElement treeElement = file.getTreeElement();
    if (treeElement != null && mySubstrateRef instanceof SubstrateRef.StubRef) {
      return notBoundInExistingAst(file, treeElement);

    treeElement = file.calcTreeElement();
    if (mySubstrateRef instanceof SubstrateRef.StubRef) {
      return failedToBindStubToAst(file, treeElement);

  return mySubstrateRef.getNode();
源代码4 项目: consulo   文件: StubBasedPsiElementBase.java
private ASTNode failedToBindStubToAst(@Nonnull PsiFileImpl file, @Nonnull final FileElement fileElement) {
  VirtualFile vFile = file.getVirtualFile();
  StubTree stubTree = file.getStubTree();
  final String stubString = stubTree != null ? ((PsiFileStubImpl)stubTree.getRoot()).printTree() : null;
  final String astString = RecursionManager.doPreventingRecursion("failedToBindStubToAst", true, () -> DebugUtil.treeToString(fileElement, true));

  @NonNls final String message =
          "Failed to bind stub to AST for element " + getClass() + " in " + (vFile == null ? "<unknown file>" : vFile.getPath()) + "\nFile:\n" + file + "@" + System.identityHashCode(file);

  final String creationTraces = ourTraceStubAstBinding ? dumpCreationTraces(fileElement) : null;

  List<Attachment> attachments = new ArrayList<>();
  if (stubString != null) {
    attachments.add(new Attachment("stubTree.txt", stubString));
  if (astString != null) {
    attachments.add(new Attachment("ast.txt", astString));
  if (creationTraces != null) {
    attachments.add(new Attachment("creationTraces.txt", creationTraces));

  throw new RuntimeExceptionWithAttachments(message, attachments.toArray(Attachment.EMPTY_ARRAY));
源代码5 项目: consulo   文件: StubBasedPsiElementBase.java
private String dumpCreationTraces(@Nonnull FileElement fileElement) {
  final StringBuilder traces = new StringBuilder("\nNow " + Thread.currentThread() + "\n");
  traces.append("My creation trace:\n").append(getUserData(CREATION_TRACE));
  traces.append("AST creation traces:\n");
  fileElement.acceptTree(new RecursiveTreeElementWalkingVisitor(false) {
    public void visitComposite(CompositeElement composite) {
      PsiElement psi = composite.getPsi();
      if (psi != null) {
        String trace = psi.getUserData(CREATION_TRACE);
        if (trace != null) {
  return traces.toString();
源代码6 项目: consulo   文件: PsiDocumentManagerBase.java
public void reparseFileFromText(@Nonnull PsiFileImpl file) {
  if (isCommitInProgress()) throw new IllegalStateException("Re-entrant commit is not allowed");

  FileElement node = file.calcTreeElement();
  CharSequence text = node.getChars();
  ourIsFullReparseInProgress = true;
  try {
    WriteAction.run(() -> {
      ProgressIndicator indicator = ProgressIndicatorProvider.getGlobalProgressIndicator();
      if (indicator == null) indicator = new EmptyProgressIndicator();
      DiffLog log = BlockSupportImpl.makeFullParse(file, node, text, indicator, text).log;
  finally {
    ourIsFullReparseInProgress = false;
源代码7 项目: consulo   文件: DummyHolder.java
public DummyHolder(@Nonnull PsiManager manager, @Nullable TreeElement contentElement, @Nullable PsiElement context, @Nullable CharTable table, @Nullable Boolean validity, Language language) {
  super(TokenType.DUMMY_HOLDER, TokenType.DUMMY_HOLDER, new DummyHolderViewProvider(manager));
  myLanguage = language;
  myContext = context;
  myTable = table != null ? table : IdentityCharTable.INSTANCE;
  if (contentElement instanceof FileElement) {
  else if (contentElement != null) {
  myExplicitlyValid = validity;
源代码8 项目: consulo   文件: ChangedPsiRangeUtil.java
private static int getMatchingLength(@Nonnull FileElement treeElement, @Nonnull CharSequence text, boolean fromStart) {
  int patternIndex = fromStart ? 0 : text.length() - 1;
  int finalPatternIndex = fromStart ? text.length() - 1 : 0;
  int direction = fromStart ? 1 : -1;
  ASTNode leaf = fromStart ? TreeUtil.findFirstLeaf(treeElement, false) : TreeUtil.findLastLeaf(treeElement, false);
  int result = 0;
  while (leaf != null && (fromStart ? patternIndex <= finalPatternIndex : patternIndex >= finalPatternIndex)) {
    if (!(leaf instanceof ForeignLeafPsiElement)) {
      CharSequence chars = leaf.getChars();
      if (chars.length() > 0) {
        int matchingLength = getLeafMatchingLength(chars, text, patternIndex, finalPatternIndex, direction);
        result += matchingLength;
        if (matchingLength != chars.length()) {
        patternIndex += fromStart ? matchingLength : -matchingLength;
    leaf = fromStart ? TreeUtil.nextLeaf(leaf, false) : TreeUtil.prevLeaf(leaf, false);
  return result;
源代码9 项目: consulo   文件: PsiFileFactoryImpl.java
public PsiElement createElementFromText(@Nullable final String text,
                                        @Nonnull final Language language,
                                        @Nonnull final LanguageVersion languageVersion,
                                        @Nonnull final IElementType type,
                                        @Nullable final PsiElement context) {
  if (text == null) return null;
  final DummyHolder result = DummyHolderFactory.createHolder(myManager, language, context);
  final FileElement holder = result.getTreeElement();

  final ParserDefinition parserDefinition = LanguageParserDefinitions.INSTANCE.forLanguage(language);
  if (parserDefinition == null) {
    throw new AssertionError("No parser definition for " + language);
  final Project project = myManager.getProject();
  final Lexer lexer = parserDefinition.createLexer(languageVersion);
  final PsiBuilder builder = PsiBuilderFactory.getInstance().createBuilder(project, holder, lexer, language, languageVersion, text);
  final ASTNode node = parserDefinition.createParser(languageVersion).parse(type, builder, languageVersion);
  return node.getPsi();
源代码10 项目: consulo   文件: InjectionRegistrarImpl.java
private static void patchLeaves(@Nonnull List<? extends PlaceInfo> placeInfos, @Nonnull InjectedFileViewProvider viewProvider, @Nonnull ASTNode parsedNode, @Nonnull CharSequence documentText)
        throws PatchException {
  Runnable patch = () -> {
    LeafPatcher patcher = new LeafPatcher(placeInfos, parsedNode.getTextLength());
    patcher.patch(parsedNode, placeInfos);
  if (viewProvider instanceof SingleRootInjectedFileViewProvider) {
  else if (viewProvider instanceof MultipleRootsInjectedFileViewProvider) {
  if (!((FileElement)parsedNode).textMatches(documentText)) {
    throw new PatchException("After patch: doc:\n'" + documentText + "'\n---PSI:\n'" + parsedNode.getText());
源代码11 项目: consulo   文件: CodeStyleManagerImpl.java
private static Pair<PsiElement, CharTable> doFindWhiteSpaceNode(@Nonnull PsiFile file, int offset) {
  ASTNode astNode = SourceTreeToPsiMap.psiElementToTree(file);
  if (!(astNode instanceof FileElement)) {
    return new Pair<>(null, null);
  PsiElement elementAt = InjectedLanguageManager.getInstance(file.getProject()).findInjectedElementAt(file, offset);
  final CharTable charTable = ((FileElement)astNode).getCharTable();
  if (elementAt == null) {
    elementAt = findElementInTreeWithFormatterEnabled(file, offset);

  if (elementAt == null) {
    return new Pair<>(null, charTable);
  ASTNode node = elementAt.getNode();
  if (node == null || node.getElementType() != TokenType.WHITE_SPACE) {
    return new Pair<>(null, charTable);
  return Pair.create(elementAt, charTable);
源代码12 项目: intellij-csv-validator   文件: CsvHelper.java
public static PsiElement createEmptyCsvField(PsiFile psiFile) {
    final Project project = psiFile.getProject();
    final String text = "<undefined>";
    final IElementType type = CsvTypes.FIELD;
    final PsiManager psiManager = PsiManager.getInstance(project);
    final DummyHolder dummyHolder = DummyHolderFactory.createHolder(psiManager, null);
    final FileElement fileElement = dummyHolder.getTreeElement();
    final FileParserDefinition parserDefinition = (FileParserDefinition) LanguageParserDefinitions.INSTANCE.forLanguage(CsvLanguage.INSTANCE);
    final Lexer lexer = parserDefinition.createLexer(psiFile);
    final PsiBuilder psiBuilder = PsiBuilderFactory.getInstance().createBuilder(project, fileElement, lexer, CsvLanguage.INSTANCE, text);
    final ASTNode node = parserDefinition.createParser(project).parse(type, psiBuilder);
    fileElement.rawAddChildren((com.intellij.psi.impl.source.tree.TreeElement) node);
    return node.getPsi();
源代码13 项目: intellij-csv-validator   文件: CsvAnnotatorTest.java
private long collectAndCheckHighlighting(@NotNull ExpectedHighlightingDataWrapper data) {
    Project project = myFixture.getProject();
    EdtTestUtil.runInEdtAndWait(() -> {
    PsiFileImpl file = (PsiFileImpl)this.getHostFile();
    FileElement hardRefToFileElement = file.calcTreeElement();
    if (!DumbService.isDumb(project)) {
        ServiceManager.getService(project, CacheManager.class).getFilesWithWord("XXX", (short)2, GlobalSearchScope.allScope(project), true);

    long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
    Disposable disposable = Disposer.newDisposable();

    List<HighlightInfo> infos;
    try {
        infos = myFixture.doHighlighting();
    } finally {

    long elapsed = System.currentTimeMillis() - start;
    data.checkResultWrapper(file, infos, file.getText());
    return elapsed;
源代码14 项目: intellij-plugin-v4   文件: ANTLRv4ASTFactory.java
/** Create a FileElement for root or a parse tree CompositeElement (not
*  PSI) for the token. This impl is more or less the default.
  public CompositeElement createComposite(IElementType type) {
      if (type instanceof IFileElementType) {
          return new FileElement(type, null);
      return new CompositeElement(type);
源代码15 项目: consulo   文件: CodeInsightTestFixtureImpl.java
private long collectAndCheckHighlighting(@Nonnull ExpectedHighlightingData data) {
    final Project project = getProject();

    PsiFileImpl file = (PsiFileImpl)getHostFile();
    FileElement hardRefToFileElement = file.calcTreeElement();//to load text

    //to initialize caches
    if (!DumbService.isDumb(project)) {
      CacheManager.getInstance(project).getFilesWithWord(XXX, UsageSearchContext.IN_COMMENTS, GlobalSearchScope.allScope(project), true);

    List<HighlightInfo> infos;
    final long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
    try {
      ((PsiManagerImpl)PsiManager.getInstance(project)).setAssertOnFileLoadingFilter(myJavaFilesFilter, myTestRootDisposable);

//    ProfilingUtil.startCPUProfiling();
      infos = doHighlighting();
//    ProfilingUtil.captureCPUSnapshot("testing");
    finally {
      ((PsiManagerImpl)PsiManager.getInstance(project)).setAssertOnFileLoadingFilter(VirtualFileFilter.NONE, myTestRootDisposable);
    final long elapsed = System.currentTimeMillis() - start;

    data.checkResult(infos, file.getText());
    hardRefToFileElement.hashCode(); // use it so gc won't collect it
    return elapsed;
源代码16 项目: consulo   文件: DefaultASTCompositeFactory.java
public CompositeElement createComposite(@Nonnull IElementType type) {
  if (type instanceof IFileElementType) {
    return new FileElement(type, null);
  if (type instanceof ICompositeElementType) {
    return (CompositeElement)((ICompositeElementType)type).createCompositeNode();
  return new CompositeElement(type);
源代码17 项目: consulo   文件: PomModelImpl.java
private Runnable reparseFile(@Nonnull final PsiFile file, @Nonnull FileElement treeElement, @Nonnull CharSequence newText) {
  TextRange changedPsiRange = ChangedPsiRangeUtil.getChangedPsiRange(file, treeElement, newText);
  if (changedPsiRange == null) return null;

  final DiffLog log = BlockSupport.getInstance(myProject).reparseRange(file, treeElement, changedPsiRange, newText, new EmptyProgressIndicator(), treeElement.getText());
  return () -> runTransaction(new PomTransactionBase(file, getModelAspect(TreeAspect.class)) {
    public PomModelEvent runInner() throws IncorrectOperationException {
      return new TreeAspectEvent(PomModelImpl.this, log.performActualPsiChange(file));
源代码18 项目: consulo   文件: StubBasedPsiElementBase.java
@SuppressWarnings({"NonConstantStringShouldBeStringBuffer", "StringConcatenationInLoop"})
private ASTNode notBoundInExistingAst(@Nonnull PsiFileImpl file, @Nonnull FileElement treeElement) {
  String message = "file=" + file + "; tree=" + treeElement;
  PsiElement each = this;
  while (each != null) {
    message += "\n each of class " + each.getClass() + "; valid=" + each.isValid();
    if (each instanceof StubBasedPsiElementBase) {
      message += "; ref=" + ((StubBasedPsiElementBase<?>)each).mySubstrateRef;
      each = ((StubBasedPsiElementBase<?>)each).getParentByStub();
    else {
      if (each instanceof PsiFile) {
        message += "; same file=" + (each == file) + "; current tree= " + file.getTreeElement() + "; stubTree=" + file.getStubTree() + "; physical=" + file.isPhysical();
  StubElement<?> eachStub = getStub();
  while (eachStub != null) {
    message += "\n each stub " + (eachStub instanceof PsiFileStubImpl ? ((PsiFileStubImpl<?>)eachStub).getDiagnostics() : eachStub);
    eachStub = eachStub.getParentStub();

  if (ourTraceStubAstBinding) {
    message += dumpCreationTraces(treeElement);
  throw new AssertionError(message);
public final List<FileElement> getKnownTreeRoots() {
  List<FileElement> files = new ArrayList<>(myRoots.size());
  for (PsiFile file : myRoots.values()) {
    final FileElement treeElement = ((PsiFileImpl)file).getTreeElement();
    if (treeElement != null) {

  return files;
源代码20 项目: consulo   文件: AbstractFileViewProvider.java
private void checkLengthConsistency() {
  Document document = getCachedDocument();
  if (document instanceof DocumentWindow) {
  if (document != null && ((PsiDocumentManagerBase)PsiDocumentManager.getInstance(myManager.getProject())).getSynchronizer().isInSynchronization(document)) {

  List<FileElement> knownTreeRoots = getKnownTreeRoots();
  if (knownTreeRoots.isEmpty()) return;

  int fileLength = myContent.getTextLength();
  for (FileElement fileElement : knownTreeRoots) {
    int nodeLength = fileElement.getTextLength();
    if (!isDocumentConsistentWithPsi(fileLength, fileElement, nodeLength)) {
      List<Attachment> attachments = ContainerUtil
              .newArrayList(new Attachment(myVirtualFile.getName(), myContent.getText().toString()), new Attachment(myVirtualFile.getNameWithoutExtension() + ".tree.txt", fileElement.getText()));
      if (document != null) {
        attachments.add(new Attachment(myVirtualFile.getNameWithoutExtension() + ".document.txt", document.getText()));
      // exceptions here should be assigned to peter
      LOG.error("Inconsistent " + fileElement.getElementType() + " tree in " + this + "; nodeLength=" + nodeLength + "; fileLength=" + fileLength, attachments.toArray(Attachment.EMPTY_ARRAY));
源代码21 项目: consulo   文件: AbstractFileViewProvider.java
private boolean isDocumentConsistentWithPsi(int fileLength, FileElement fileElement, int nodeLength) {
  if (nodeLength != fileLength) return false;

  if (ApplicationManager.getApplication().isUnitTestMode() && !ApplicationInfoImpl.isInPerformanceTest()) {
    return fileElement.textMatches(myContent.getText());

  return true;
源代码22 项目: consulo   文件: DefaultStubBuilder.java
protected void visitNode(StubElement parentStub, ASTNode node, boolean immediateParentStubbed) {
  StubElement stub = createStub(parentStub, node);
  if (stub != null && !immediateParentStubbed) {

  pushChildren(node, node instanceof FileElement || stub != null, stub != null ? stub : parentStub);
源代码23 项目: consulo   文件: SingleRootFileViewProvider.java
public final List<FileElement> getKnownTreeRoots() {
  PsiFile psiFile = getCachedPsi(getBaseLanguage());
  if (!(psiFile instanceof PsiFileImpl)) return Collections.emptyList();
  FileElement element = ((PsiFileImpl)psiFile).getTreeElement();
  return ContainerUtil.createMaybeSingletonList(element);
源代码24 项目: consulo   文件: DiffLog.java
public void nodeReplaced(@Nonnull ASTNode oldNode, @Nonnull ASTNode newNode) {
  if (oldNode instanceof FileElement && newNode instanceof FileElement) {
    appendReplaceFileElement((FileElement)oldNode, (FileElement)newNode);
  else {
    myEntries.add(new ReplaceEntry(oldNode, newNode));
源代码25 项目: consulo   文件: DocumentCommitThread.java
private static void assertAfterCommit(@Nonnull Document document, @Nonnull final PsiFile file, @Nonnull FileElement oldFileNode) {
  if (oldFileNode.getTextLength() != document.getTextLength()) {
    final String documentText = document.getText();
    String fileText = file.getText();
    boolean sameText = Comparing.equal(fileText, documentText);
    String errorMessage = "commitDocument() left PSI inconsistent: " +
                          DebugUtil.diagnosePsiDocumentInconsistency(file, document) +
                          "; node.length=" +
                          oldFileNode.getTextLength() +
                          "; doc.text" +
                          (sameText ? "==" : "!=") +
                          "file.text" +
                          "; file name:" +
                          file.getName() +
                          "; type:" +
                          file.getFileType() +
                          "; lang:" +
    //PluginException.logPluginError(LOG, errorMessage, null, file.getLanguage().getClass());

    file.putUserData(BlockSupport.DO_NOT_REPARSE_INCREMENTALLY, Boolean.TRUE);
    try {
      BlockSupport blockSupport = BlockSupport.getInstance(file.getProject());
      final DiffLog diffLog = blockSupport.reparseRange(file, file.getNode(), new TextRange(0, documentText.length()), documentText, createProgressIndicator(), oldFileNode.getText());

      if (oldFileNode.getTextLength() != document.getTextLength()) {
        LOG.error("PSI is broken beyond repair in: " + file);
        //PluginException.logPluginError(LOG, "PSI is broken beyond repair in: " + file, null, file.getLanguage().getClass());
    finally {
      file.putUserData(BlockSupport.DO_NOT_REPARSE_INCREMENTALLY, null);
源代码26 项目: consulo   文件: PsiParserFacadeImpl.java
public PsiElement createWhiteSpaceFromText(@Nonnull @NonNls String text) throws IncorrectOperationException {
  final FileElement holderElement = DummyHolderFactory.createHolder(myManager, null).getTreeElement();
  final LeafElement newElement = ASTFactory.leaf(TokenType.WHITE_SPACE, holderElement.getCharTable().intern(text));
  return newElement.getPsi();
源代码27 项目: consulo   文件: DummyHolder.java
protected PsiFileImpl clone() {
  final PsiFileImpl psiClone = cloneImpl(getTreeElement());
  final DummyHolderViewProvider dummyHolderViewProvider = new DummyHolderViewProvider(getManager());
  myViewProvider = dummyHolderViewProvider;
  final FileElement treeClone = (FileElement)calcTreeElement().clone();
  psiClone.setTreeElementPointer(treeClone); // should not use setTreeElement here because cloned file still have VirtualFile (SCR17963)
  psiClone.myOriginalFile = isPhysical() ? this : myOriginalFile;
  return psiClone;
源代码28 项目: consulo   文件: FileTrees.java
 * Ensures {@link #myRefToPsi}, stubs and AST all have the same PSI at corresponding indices.
 * In case several sources already have PSI (e.g. created during AST parsing), overwrites them with the "correct" one,
 * which is taken from {@link #myRefToPsi} if exists, otherwise from either stubs or AST depending on {@code takePsiFromStubs}.
private FileTrees reconcilePsi(@Nullable StubTree stubTree, @Nullable FileElement astRoot, boolean takePsiFromStubs) {
  assert stubTree != null || astRoot != null;

  if ((stubTree == null || astRoot == null) && !hasCachedPsi()) {
    // there's only one source of PSI, nothing to reconcile
    return new FileTrees(myFile, myStub, myTreeElementPointer, null);

  List<StubElement<?>> stubList = stubTree == null ? null : stubTree.getPlainList();
  List<CompositeElement> nodeList = astRoot == null ? null : astRoot.getStubbedSpine().getSpineNodes();
  List<PsiElement> srcSpine = stubList == null || nodeList == null ? null : getAllSpinePsi(takePsiFromStubs ? stubTree.getSpine() : astRoot.getStubbedSpine());

  try {
    return DebugUtil.performPsiModification("reconcilePsi", () -> {
      if (myRefToPsi != null) {
        assert myRefToPsi.length == (stubList != null ? stubList.size() : nodeList.size()) : "Cached PSI count doesn't match actual one";
        bindSubstratesToCachedPsi(stubList, nodeList);

      if (stubList != null && nodeList != null) {
        assert stubList.size() == nodeList.size() : "Stub count doesn't match stubbed node length";

        FileTrees result = switchToSpineRefs(srcSpine);
        bindStubsWithAst(srcSpine, stubList, nodeList, takePsiFromStubs);
        return result;
      return this;
  catch (Throwable e) {
    throw StubTreeLoader.getInstance().stubTreeAndIndexDoNotMatch(stubTree, myFile, e);
源代码29 项目: consulo   文件: ChangedPsiRangeUtil.java
public static TextRange getChangedPsiRange(@Nonnull PsiFile file, @Nonnull FileElement treeElement, @Nonnull CharSequence newDocumentText) {
  int psiLength = treeElement.getTextLength();
  if (!file.getViewProvider().supportsIncrementalReparse(file.getLanguage())) {
    return new TextRange(0, psiLength);

  int commonPrefixLength = getMatchingLength(treeElement, newDocumentText, true);
  if (commonPrefixLength == newDocumentText.length() && newDocumentText.length() == psiLength) {
    return null;

  int commonSuffixLength = Math.min(getMatchingLength(treeElement, newDocumentText, false), psiLength - commonPrefixLength);
  return new TextRange(commonPrefixLength, psiLength - commonSuffixLength);
源代码30 项目: consulo   文件: TreeChangeEventImpl.java
public TreeChangeEventImpl(@Nonnull PomModelAspect aspect, @Nonnull FileElement treeElement) {
  myAspect = aspect;
  myFileElement = treeElement;