

源代码1 项目: fdb-record-layer   文件: Comparisons.java
private static Descriptors.FieldDescriptor.JavaType getJavaType(@Nonnull Object o) {
    if (o instanceof Boolean) {
        return JavaType.BOOLEAN;
    } else if (o instanceof ByteString || o instanceof byte[]) {
        return JavaType.BYTE_STRING;
    } else if (o instanceof Double) {
        return JavaType.DOUBLE;
    } else if (o instanceof Float) {
        return JavaType.FLOAT;
    } else if (o instanceof Long) {
        return JavaType.LONG;
    } else if (o instanceof Integer) {
        return JavaType.INT;
    } else if (o instanceof String) {
        return JavaType.STRING;
    } else if (o instanceof Internal.EnumLite) {
        return JavaType.ENUM;
    } else {
        throw new RecordCoreException(o.getClass() + " is an invalid type for a comparand");
源代码2 项目: gsc-core   文件: TrieService.java
private byte[] getAccountStateRootHash(long blockNumber) {
    long latestNumber = blockNumber;
    byte[] rootHash = null;
    try {
        BlockWrapper blockWrapper = manager.getBlockByNum(latestNumber);
        ByteString value = blockWrapper.getInstance().getBlockHeader().getRawData()
        rootHash = value == null ? null : value.toByteArray();
        if (Arrays.equals(rootHash, Internal.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY)) {
            rootHash = Hash.EMPTY_TRIE_HASH;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        logger.error("Get the {} block error.", latestNumber, e);
    return rootHash;
源代码3 项目: gsc-core   文件: AccountStateCallBack.java
public void preExecute(BlockWrapper blockWrapper) {
    this.blockWrapper = blockWrapper;
    this.execute = true;
    this.allowGenerateRoot = manager.getDynamicPropertiesStore().allowAccountStateRoot();
    if (!exe()) {
    byte[] rootHash = null;
    try {
        BlockWrapper parentBlockWrapper = manager.getBlockById(blockWrapper.getParentBlockId());
        rootHash = parentBlockWrapper.getInstance().getBlockHeader().getRawData()
    } catch (Exception e) {
        logger.error("", e);
    if (Arrays.equals(Internal.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY, rootHash)) {
        rootHash = Hash.EMPTY_TRIE_HASH;
    trie = new TrieImpl(db, rootHash);
源代码4 项目: j2objc   文件: CompatibilityTest.java
public void testMessageOrBuilderInterfaceSingleFile() throws Exception {
  SingleFile.Data1.InternalOrBuilder internalBuilder = SingleFile.Data1.Internal.newBuilder()
  assertEquals(24, internalBuilder.getIntValue());
  SingleFile.Data1OrBuilder builder = SingleFile.Data1.newBuilder().setIntValue(42);
  assertEquals(42, builder.getIntValue());
  SingleFile.Data1OrBuilder data = SingleFile.Data1.newBuilder()
  assertEquals(42, data.getIntValue());
  List<String> strList = data.getRepeatedStringList();
  assertEquals(1, strList.size());
  assertEquals("foo", strList.get(0));
源代码5 项目: fastjgame   文件: ProtoUtils.java
 * 寻找protobuf枚举的映射信息
 * @param clazz protoBuffer enum
 * @return map
public static <T extends ProtocolMessageEnum> Internal.EnumLiteMap<T> findMapper(@Nonnull Class<T> clazz) {
    try {
        final Method method = clazz.getDeclaredMethod("internalGetValueMap");
        @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final Internal.EnumLiteMap<T> mapper = (Internal.EnumLiteMap<T>) method.invoke(null);
        return mapper;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("bad class " + clazz.getName(), e);
源代码6 项目: fastjgame   文件: BinarySerializer.java
 * @param typeModelMapper 类型映射信息
 * @param filter          由于{@link BinarySerializer}支持的消息类是确定的,不能加入,但是允许过滤删除
public static BinarySerializer newInstance(TypeModelMapper typeModelMapper, Predicate<Class<?>> filter) {
    final Set<Class<?>> supportedClassSet = getFilteredSupportedClasses(filter);
    final List<PojoCodecImpl<?>> codecList = new ArrayList<>(supportedClassSet.size());
    try {
        for (Class<?> messageClazz : supportedClassSet) {
            // protoBuf消息
            if (Message.class.isAssignableFrom(messageClazz)) {
                Parser<?> parser = ProtoUtils.findParser((Class<? extends Message>) messageClazz);
                codecList.add(new ProtoMessageCodec(messageClazz, parser));

            // protoBufEnum
            if (ProtocolMessageEnum.class.isAssignableFrom(messageClazz)) {
                final Internal.EnumLiteMap<?> mapper = ProtoUtils.findMapper((Class<? extends ProtocolMessageEnum>) messageClazz);
                codecList.add(new ProtoEnumCodec(messageClazz, mapper));

            // 带有DBEntity和SerializableClass注解的所有类,和手写Serializer的类
            final Class<? extends PojoCodecImpl<?>> serializerClass = CodecScanner.getCodecClass(messageClazz);
            if (serializerClass != null) {
                final PojoCodecImpl<?> codec = createCodecInstance(serializerClass);
                codecList.add(new CustomPojoCodec(codec));

            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported class " + messageClazz.getName());

        final CodecRegistry codecRegistry = CodecRegistrys.fromAppPojoCodecs(typeModelMapper, codecList);
        return new BinarySerializer(codecRegistry);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        return ExceptionUtils.rethrow(e);
源代码7 项目: fdb-record-layer   文件: Comparisons.java
public ParameterComparison(@Nonnull Type type, String parameter, @Nullable Bindings.Internal internal) {
    this.type = type;
    this.parameter = parameter;
    if (internal == null && Bindings.Internal.isInternal(parameter)) {
        throw new RecordCoreException(
                "Parameter is internal, parameters cannot start with \"" + Bindings.Internal.PREFIX + "\"");
    if (type.isUnary()) {
        throw new RecordCoreException("Unary comparison type " + type + " cannot be bound to a parameter");
源代码8 项目: jprotobuf   文件: MapFieldLite.java
 * Calculate hash code for object.
 * @param a the a
 * @return the int
private static int calculateHashCodeForObject(Object a) {
    if (a instanceof byte[]) {
        return Internal.hashCode((byte[]) a);
    // Enums should be stored as integers internally.
    if (a instanceof EnumLite) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
    return a.hashCode();
源代码9 项目: fastjgame   文件: ProtoEnumCodec.java
public ProtoEnumCodec(Class<T> enumClass, Internal.EnumLiteMap<T> mapper) {
    this.enumClass = enumClass;
    this.mapper = mapper;
源代码10 项目: gsc-core   文件: TransactionWrapper.java
public static <T extends com.google.protobuf.Message> T parse(Class<T> clazz,
                                                              CodedInputStream codedInputStream) throws InvalidProtocolBufferException {
    T defaultInstance = Internal.getDefaultInstance(clazz);
    return (T) defaultInstance.getParserForType().parseFrom(codedInputStream);
源代码11 项目: j2objc   文件: CompatibilityTest.java
public void testInternalEnumLite() throws Exception {
  Object value = TypicalData.EnumType.VALUE9;
  assertTrue(value instanceof Internal.EnumLite);
  assertEquals(9, ((Internal.EnumLite) value).getNumber());
源代码12 项目: jprotobuf   文件: CodedConstant.java
 * Write a field of arbitrary type, without its tag, to the stream.
 * @param output The output stream.
 * @param type The field's type.
 * @param value Object representing the field's value. Must be of the exact type which would be returned by
 *            {@link Message#getField(Descriptors.FieldDescriptor)} for this field.
 * @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
public static void writeElementNoTag(final CodedOutputStream output, final WireFormat.FieldType type,
        final Object value) throws IOException {
    switch (type) {
        case DOUBLE:
            output.writeDoubleNoTag((Double) value);
        case FLOAT:
            output.writeFloatNoTag((Float) value);
        case INT64:
            output.writeInt64NoTag((Long) value);
        case UINT64:
            output.writeUInt64NoTag((Long) value);
        case INT32:
            output.writeInt32NoTag((Integer) value);
        case FIXED64:
            output.writeFixed64NoTag((Long) value);
        case FIXED32:
            output.writeFixed32NoTag((Integer) value);
        case BOOL:
            output.writeBoolNoTag((Boolean) value);
        case STRING:
            output.writeStringNoTag((String) value);
        // group not support yet
        // case GROUP : output.writeGroupNoTag ((MessageLite) value); break;
        case MESSAGE:
            writeObject(output, 0, FieldType.OBJECT, value, false, false);
        case BYTES:
            if (value instanceof ByteString) {
                output.writeBytesNoTag((ByteString) value);
            } else {
                byte[] v;
                if (value instanceof Byte[]) {
                    v = toByteArray((Byte[]) value);
                } else {
                    v = (byte[]) value;
        case UINT32:
            output.writeUInt32NoTag((Integer) value);
        case SFIXED32:
            output.writeSFixed32NoTag((Integer) value);
        case SFIXED64:
            output.writeSFixed64NoTag((Long) value);
        case SINT32:
            output.writeSInt32NoTag((Integer) value);
        case SINT64:
            output.writeSInt64NoTag((Long) value);

        case ENUM:
            if (value instanceof Internal.EnumLite) {
                output.writeEnumNoTag(((Internal.EnumLite) value).getNumber());
            } else {

                if (value instanceof EnumReadable) {
                    output.writeEnumNoTag(((EnumReadable) value).value());
                } else if (value instanceof Enum) {
                    output.writeEnumNoTag(((Enum) value).ordinal());
                } else {
                    output.writeEnumNoTag(((Integer) value).intValue());

源代码13 项目: jprotobuf   文件: CodedConstant.java
 * Compute the number of bytes that would be needed to encode a particular value of arbitrary type, excluding tag.
 * @param type The field's type.
 * @param value Object representing the field's value. Must be of the exact type which would be returned by
 *            {@link Message#getField(Descriptors.FieldDescriptor)} for this field.
 * @return the int
public static int computeElementSizeNoTag(final WireFormat.FieldType type, final Object value) {
    switch (type) {
        // Note: Minor violation of 80-char limit rule here because this would
        // actually be harder to read if we wrapped the lines.
        case DOUBLE:
            return CodedOutputStream.computeDoubleSizeNoTag((Double) value);
        case FLOAT:
            return CodedOutputStream.computeFloatSizeNoTag((Float) value);
        case INT64:
            return CodedOutputStream.computeInt64SizeNoTag((Long) value);
        case UINT64:
            return CodedOutputStream.computeUInt64SizeNoTag((Long) value);
        case INT32:
            return CodedOutputStream.computeInt32SizeNoTag((Integer) value);
        case FIXED64:
            return CodedOutputStream.computeFixed64SizeNoTag((Long) value);
        case FIXED32:
            return CodedOutputStream.computeFixed32SizeNoTag((Integer) value);
        case BOOL:
            return CodedOutputStream.computeBoolSizeNoTag((Boolean) value);
        case STRING:
            return CodedOutputStream.computeStringSizeNoTag((String) value);
        case GROUP:
            return CodedOutputStream.computeGroupSizeNoTag((MessageLite) value);
        case BYTES:
            if (value instanceof ByteString) {
                return CodedOutputStream.computeBytesSizeNoTag((ByteString) value);
            } else {
                if (value instanceof Byte[]) {
                    return computeLengthDelimitedFieldSize(((Byte[]) value).length);
                return CodedOutputStream.computeByteArraySizeNoTag((byte[]) value);
        case UINT32:
            return CodedOutputStream.computeUInt32SizeNoTag((Integer) value);
        case SFIXED32:
            return CodedOutputStream.computeSFixed32SizeNoTag((Integer) value);
        case SFIXED64:
            return CodedOutputStream.computeSFixed64SizeNoTag((Long) value);
        case SINT32:
            return CodedOutputStream.computeSInt32SizeNoTag((Integer) value);
        case SINT64:
            return CodedOutputStream.computeSInt64SizeNoTag((Long) value);

        case MESSAGE:
            if (value instanceof LazyField) {
                return CodedOutputStream.computeLazyFieldSizeNoTag((LazyField) value);
            } else {
                return computeObjectSizeNoTag(value);

        case ENUM:
            if (value instanceof Internal.EnumLite) {
                return CodedOutputStream.computeEnumSizeNoTag(((Internal.EnumLite) value).getNumber());
            } else {
                if (value instanceof EnumReadable) {
                    return CodedOutputStream.computeEnumSizeNoTag(((EnumReadable) value).value());
                } else if (value instanceof Enum) {
                    return CodedOutputStream.computeEnumSizeNoTag(((Enum) value).ordinal());

                return CodedOutputStream.computeEnumSizeNoTag((Integer) value);

    throw new RuntimeException("There is no way to get here, but the compiler thinks otherwise.");