

源代码1 项目: anthelion   文件: SolrClean.java
public void delete(String crawldb, String solrUrl, boolean noCommit) throws IOException {
  SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
  long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
  LOG.info("SolrClean: starting at " + sdf.format(start));

  JobConf job = new NutchJob(getConf());

  FileInputFormat.addInputPath(job, new Path(crawldb, CrawlDb.CURRENT_NAME));
  job.setBoolean("noCommit", noCommit);
  job.set(SolrConstants.SERVER_URL, solrUrl);


  long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
  LOG.info("SolrClean: finished at " + sdf.format(end) + ", elapsed: " + TimingUtil.elapsedTime(start, end));
源代码2 项目: Cubert   文件: CompactWritablesDeserializer.java
private static final WritableComparable<?> createWritable(DataType type)
    switch (type)
    case BOOLEAN:
        return new BooleanWritable();
    case BYTE:
        return new ByteWritable();
    case INT:
        return new IntWritable();
    case LONG:
        return new LongWritable();
    case FLOAT:
        return new FloatWritable();
    case DOUBLE:
        return new DoubleWritable();
    case STRING:
        return new Text();
        return null;
源代码3 项目: spork   文件: SequenceFileLoader.java
protected Object translateWritableToPigDataType(Writable w, byte dataType) {
  switch(dataType) {
    case DataType.CHARARRAY: return ((Text) w).toString();
    case DataType.BYTEARRAY:
          BytesWritable bw = (BytesWritable) w;
          // Make a copy
          return new DataByteArray(bw.getBytes(), 0, bw.getLength());
    case DataType.BOOLEAN: return ((BooleanWritable) w).get();
    case DataType.INTEGER: return ((IntWritable) w).get();
    case DataType.LONG: return ((LongWritable) w).get();
    case DataType.FLOAT: return ((FloatWritable) w).get();
    case DataType.DOUBLE: return ((DoubleWritable) w).get();
    case DataType.BYTE: return ((ByteWritable) w).get();
    case DataType.DATETIME: return ((DateTimeWritable) w).get();

  return null;
源代码4 项目: nutch-htmlunit   文件: CleaningJob.java
public void reduce(ByteWritable key, Iterator<Text> values,
        OutputCollector<Text, ByteWritable> output, Reporter reporter)
        throws IOException {
    while (values.hasNext()) {
        Text document = values.next();
        reporter.incrCounter("CleaningJobStatus", "Deleted documents",
        // if (numDeletes >= NUM_MAX_DELETE_REQUEST) {
        // LOG.info("CleaningJob: deleting " + numDeletes
        // + " documents");
        // // TODO updateRequest.process(solr);
        // // TODO updateRequest = new UpdateRequest();
        // writers.delete(key.toString());
        // totalDeleted += numDeletes;
        // numDeletes = 0;
        // }
private<T> T convert(Record stratosphereType, int pos, Class<T> hadoopType) {
	if(hadoopType == LongWritable.class ) {
		return (T) new LongWritable((stratosphereType.getField(pos, LongValue.class)).getValue());
	if(hadoopType == org.apache.hadoop.io.Text.class) {
		return (T) new Text((stratosphereType.getField(pos, StringValue.class)).getValue());
	if(hadoopType == org.apache.hadoop.io.IntWritable.class) {
		return (T) new IntWritable((stratosphereType.getField(pos, IntValue.class)).getValue());
	if(hadoopType == org.apache.hadoop.io.FloatWritable.class) {
		return (T) new FloatWritable((stratosphereType.getField(pos, FloatValue.class)).getValue());
	if(hadoopType == org.apache.hadoop.io.DoubleWritable.class) {
		return (T) new DoubleWritable((stratosphereType.getField(pos, DoubleValue.class)).getValue());
	if(hadoopType == org.apache.hadoop.io.BooleanWritable.class) {
		return (T) new BooleanWritable((stratosphereType.getField(pos, BooleanValue.class)).getValue());
	if(hadoopType == org.apache.hadoop.io.ByteWritable.class) {
		return (T) new ByteWritable((stratosphereType.getField(pos, ByteValue.class)).getValue());

	throw new RuntimeException("Unable to convert Stratosphere type ("+stratosphereType.getClass().getCanonicalName()+") to Hadoop.");
源代码6 项目: pxf   文件: RecordkeyAdapterTest.java
 * Test convertKeyValue for Byte type
public void convertKeyValueByte() {
    byte key = 1;
    runConvertKeyValue(key, new ByteWritable(key));
源代码7 项目: hadoop   文件: TypedBytesWritableOutput.java
public void write(Writable w) throws IOException {
  if (w instanceof TypedBytesWritable) {
    writeTypedBytes((TypedBytesWritable) w);
  } else if (w instanceof BytesWritable) {
    writeBytes((BytesWritable) w);
  } else if (w instanceof ByteWritable) {
    writeByte((ByteWritable) w);
  } else if (w instanceof BooleanWritable) {
    writeBoolean((BooleanWritable) w);
  } else if (w instanceof IntWritable) {
    writeInt((IntWritable) w);
  } else if (w instanceof VIntWritable) {
    writeVInt((VIntWritable) w);
  } else if (w instanceof LongWritable) {
    writeLong((LongWritable) w);
  } else if (w instanceof VLongWritable) {
    writeVLong((VLongWritable) w);
  } else if (w instanceof FloatWritable) {
    writeFloat((FloatWritable) w);
  } else if (w instanceof DoubleWritable) {
    writeDouble((DoubleWritable) w);
  } else if (w instanceof Text) {
    writeText((Text) w);
  } else if (w instanceof ArrayWritable) {
    writeArray((ArrayWritable) w);
  } else if (w instanceof MapWritable) {
    writeMap((MapWritable) w);
  } else if (w instanceof SortedMapWritable) {
    writeSortedMap((SortedMapWritable) w);
  } else if (w instanceof Record) {
    writeRecord((Record) w);
  } else {
    writeWritable(w); // last resort
源代码8 项目: hadoop   文件: TypedBytesWritableInput.java
public Class<? extends Writable> readType() throws IOException {
  Type type = in.readType();
  if (type == null) {
    return null;
  switch (type) {
  case BYTES:
    return BytesWritable.class;
  case BYTE:
    return ByteWritable.class;
  case BOOL:
    return BooleanWritable.class;
  case INT:
    return VIntWritable.class;
  case LONG:
    return VLongWritable.class;
  case FLOAT:
    return FloatWritable.class;
  case DOUBLE:
    return DoubleWritable.class;
  case STRING:
    return Text.class;
  case VECTOR:
    return ArrayWritable.class;
  case MAP:
    return MapWritable.class;
  case WRITABLE:
    return Writable.class;
    throw new RuntimeException("unknown type");
源代码9 项目: big-c   文件: TypedBytesWritableOutput.java
public void write(Writable w) throws IOException {
  if (w instanceof TypedBytesWritable) {
    writeTypedBytes((TypedBytesWritable) w);
  } else if (w instanceof BytesWritable) {
    writeBytes((BytesWritable) w);
  } else if (w instanceof ByteWritable) {
    writeByte((ByteWritable) w);
  } else if (w instanceof BooleanWritable) {
    writeBoolean((BooleanWritable) w);
  } else if (w instanceof IntWritable) {
    writeInt((IntWritable) w);
  } else if (w instanceof VIntWritable) {
    writeVInt((VIntWritable) w);
  } else if (w instanceof LongWritable) {
    writeLong((LongWritable) w);
  } else if (w instanceof VLongWritable) {
    writeVLong((VLongWritable) w);
  } else if (w instanceof FloatWritable) {
    writeFloat((FloatWritable) w);
  } else if (w instanceof DoubleWritable) {
    writeDouble((DoubleWritable) w);
  } else if (w instanceof Text) {
    writeText((Text) w);
  } else if (w instanceof ArrayWritable) {
    writeArray((ArrayWritable) w);
  } else if (w instanceof MapWritable) {
    writeMap((MapWritable) w);
  } else if (w instanceof SortedMapWritable) {
    writeSortedMap((SortedMapWritable) w);
  } else if (w instanceof Record) {
    writeRecord((Record) w);
  } else {
    writeWritable(w); // last resort
源代码10 项目: big-c   文件: TypedBytesWritableInput.java
public Class<? extends Writable> readType() throws IOException {
  Type type = in.readType();
  if (type == null) {
    return null;
  switch (type) {
  case BYTES:
    return BytesWritable.class;
  case BYTE:
    return ByteWritable.class;
  case BOOL:
    return BooleanWritable.class;
  case INT:
    return VIntWritable.class;
  case LONG:
    return VLongWritable.class;
  case FLOAT:
    return FloatWritable.class;
  case DOUBLE:
    return DoubleWritable.class;
  case STRING:
    return Text.class;
  case VECTOR:
    return ArrayWritable.class;
  case MAP:
    return MapWritable.class;
  case WRITABLE:
    return Writable.class;
    throw new RuntimeException("unknown type");
源代码11 项目: incubator-hivemall   文件: WritableUtils.java
public static Writable toWritable(Object object) {
    if (object == null) {
        return null; //return NullWritable.get();
    if (object instanceof Writable) {
        return (Writable) object;
    if (object instanceof String) {
        return new Text((String) object);
    if (object instanceof Long) {
        return new VLongWritable((Long) object);
    if (object instanceof Integer) {
        return new VIntWritable((Integer) object);
    if (object instanceof Byte) {
        return new ByteWritable((Byte) object);
    if (object instanceof Double) {
        return new DoubleWritable((Double) object);
    if (object instanceof Float) {
        return new FloatWritable((Float) object);
    if (object instanceof Boolean) {
        return new BooleanWritable((Boolean) object);
    if (object instanceof byte[]) {
        return new BytesWritable((byte[]) object);
    return new BytesWritable(object.toString().getBytes());
源代码12 项目: anthelion   文件: SolrClean.java
public void map(Text key, CrawlDatum value,
    OutputCollector<ByteWritable, Text> output, Reporter reporter)
    throws IOException {

  if (value.getStatus() == CrawlDatum.STATUS_DB_GONE) {
    output.collect(OUT, key);
源代码13 项目: deep-spark   文件: UtilES.java
 * Returns the object inside Writable
 * @param writable
 * @return
 * @throws IllegalAccessException
 * @throws InstantiationException
 * @throws InvocationTargetException
 * @throws NoSuchMethodException
private static Object getObjectFromWritable(Writable writable)
        throws IllegalAccessException, InstantiationException, InvocationTargetException {
    Object object = null;

    if (writable instanceof NullWritable) {
        object = NullWritable.get();
    } else if (writable instanceof BooleanWritable) {
        object = ((BooleanWritable) writable).get();
    } else if (writable instanceof Text) {
        object = writable.toString();
    } else if (writable instanceof ByteWritable) {
        object = ((ByteWritable) writable).get();
    } else if (writable instanceof IntWritable) {
        object = ((IntWritable) writable).get();
    } else if (writable instanceof LongWritable) {
        object = ((LongWritable) writable).get();
    } else if (writable instanceof BytesWritable) {
        object = ((BytesWritable) writable).getBytes();
    } else if (writable instanceof DoubleWritable) {
        object = ((DoubleWritable) writable).get();
    } else if (writable instanceof FloatWritable) {
        object = ((FloatWritable) writable).get();
    } else {
        // TODO : do nothing

    return object;
源代码14 项目: spork   文件: SequenceFileLoader.java
protected byte inferPigDataType(Type t) {
  if (t == BytesWritable.class) return DataType.BYTEARRAY;
  else if (t == Text.class) return DataType.CHARARRAY;
  else if (t == IntWritable.class) return DataType.INTEGER;
  else if (t == LongWritable.class) return DataType.LONG;
  else if (t == FloatWritable.class) return DataType.FLOAT;
  else if (t == DoubleWritable.class) return DataType.DOUBLE;
  else if (t == BooleanWritable.class) return DataType.BOOLEAN;
  else if (t == ByteWritable.class) return DataType.BYTE;
  else if (t == DateTimeWritable.class) return DataType.DATETIME;
  // not doing maps or other complex types for now
  else return DataType.ERROR;
源代码15 项目: nutch-htmlunit   文件: CleaningJob.java
public void map(Text key, CrawlDatum value,
        OutputCollector<ByteWritable, Text> output, Reporter reporter)
        throws IOException {

    if (value.getStatus() == CrawlDatum.STATUS_DB_GONE || value.getStatus() == CrawlDatum.STATUS_DB_DUPLICATE) {
        output.collect(OUT, key);
源代码16 项目: nutch-htmlunit   文件: CleaningJob.java
public void delete(String crawldb, boolean noCommit) throws IOException {
    SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
    long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
    LOG.info("CleaningJob: starting at " + sdf.format(start));

    JobConf job = new NutchJob(getConf());

    FileInputFormat.addInputPath(job, new Path(crawldb,
    job.setBoolean("noCommit", noCommit);

    // need to expicitely allow deletions
    job.setBoolean(IndexerMapReduce.INDEXER_DELETE, true);


    long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
    LOG.info("CleaningJob: finished at " + sdf.format(end) + ", elapsed: "
            + TimingUtil.elapsedTime(start, end));
源代码17 项目: stratosphere   文件: DefaultHadoopTypeConverter.java
protected Value convert(Object hadoopType) {
	if(hadoopType instanceof org.apache.hadoop.io.LongWritable ) {
		return new LongValue(((LongWritable)hadoopType).get());
	if(hadoopType instanceof org.apache.hadoop.io.Text) {
		return new StringValue(((Text)hadoopType).toString());
	if(hadoopType instanceof org.apache.hadoop.io.IntWritable) {
		return new IntValue(((IntWritable)hadoopType).get());
	if(hadoopType instanceof org.apache.hadoop.io.FloatWritable) {
		return new FloatValue(((FloatWritable)hadoopType).get());
	if(hadoopType instanceof org.apache.hadoop.io.DoubleWritable) {
		return new DoubleValue(((DoubleWritable)hadoopType).get());
	if(hadoopType instanceof org.apache.hadoop.io.BooleanWritable) {
		return new BooleanValue(((BooleanWritable)hadoopType).get());
	if(hadoopType instanceof org.apache.hadoop.io.ByteWritable) {
		return new ByteValue(((ByteWritable)hadoopType).get());
	if (hadoopType instanceof NullWritable) {
		return NullValue.getInstance();
	throw new RuntimeException("Unable to convert Hadoop type ("+hadoopType.getClass().getCanonicalName()+") to Stratosphere.");
源代码18 项目: presto   文件: OrcTester.java
private static Object decodeRecordReaderValue(Type type, Object actualValue)
    if (actualValue instanceof BooleanWritable) {
        actualValue = ((BooleanWritable) actualValue).get();
    else if (actualValue instanceof ByteWritable) {
        actualValue = ((ByteWritable) actualValue).get();
    else if (actualValue instanceof BytesWritable) {
        actualValue = new SqlVarbinary(((BytesWritable) actualValue).copyBytes());
    else if (actualValue instanceof DateWritable) {
        actualValue = new SqlDate(((DateWritable) actualValue).getDays());
    else if (actualValue instanceof DoubleWritable) {
        actualValue = ((DoubleWritable) actualValue).get();
    else if (actualValue instanceof FloatWritable) {
        actualValue = ((FloatWritable) actualValue).get();
    else if (actualValue instanceof IntWritable) {
        actualValue = ((IntWritable) actualValue).get();
    else if (actualValue instanceof HiveCharWritable) {
        actualValue = ((HiveCharWritable) actualValue).getPaddedValue().toString();
    else if (actualValue instanceof LongWritable) {
        actualValue = ((LongWritable) actualValue).get();
    else if (actualValue instanceof ShortWritable) {
        actualValue = ((ShortWritable) actualValue).get();
    else if (actualValue instanceof HiveDecimalWritable) {
        DecimalType decimalType = (DecimalType) type;
        HiveDecimalWritable writable = (HiveDecimalWritable) actualValue;
        // writable messes with the scale so rescale the values to the Presto type
        BigInteger rescaledValue = rescale(writable.getHiveDecimal().unscaledValue(), writable.getScale(), decimalType.getScale());
        actualValue = new SqlDecimal(rescaledValue, decimalType.getPrecision(), decimalType.getScale());
    else if (actualValue instanceof Text) {
        actualValue = actualValue.toString();
    else if (actualValue instanceof TimestampWritable) {
        TimestampWritable timestamp = (TimestampWritable) actualValue;
        actualValue = sqlTimestampOf((timestamp.getSeconds() * 1000) + (timestamp.getNanos() / 1000000L), SESSION);
    else if (actualValue instanceof OrcStruct) {
        List<Object> fields = new ArrayList<>();
        OrcStruct structObject = (OrcStruct) actualValue;
        for (int fieldId = 0; fieldId < structObject.getNumFields(); fieldId++) {
            fields.add(OrcUtil.getFieldValue(structObject, fieldId));
        actualValue = decodeRecordReaderStruct(type, fields);
    else if (actualValue instanceof List) {
        actualValue = decodeRecordReaderList(type, ((List<?>) actualValue));
    else if (actualValue instanceof Map) {
        actualValue = decodeRecordReaderMap(type, (Map<?, ?>) actualValue);
    return actualValue;
源代码19 项目: presto   文件: RcFileTester.java
private static Object decodeRecordReaderValue(Type type, Object actualValue)
    if (actualValue instanceof LazyPrimitive) {
        actualValue = ((LazyPrimitive<?, ?>) actualValue).getWritableObject();
    if (actualValue instanceof BooleanWritable) {
        actualValue = ((BooleanWritable) actualValue).get();
    else if (actualValue instanceof ByteWritable) {
        actualValue = ((ByteWritable) actualValue).get();
    else if (actualValue instanceof BytesWritable) {
        actualValue = new SqlVarbinary(((BytesWritable) actualValue).copyBytes());
    else if (actualValue instanceof DateWritable) {
        actualValue = new SqlDate(((DateWritable) actualValue).getDays());
    else if (actualValue instanceof DoubleWritable) {
        actualValue = ((DoubleWritable) actualValue).get();
    else if (actualValue instanceof FloatWritable) {
        actualValue = ((FloatWritable) actualValue).get();
    else if (actualValue instanceof IntWritable) {
        actualValue = ((IntWritable) actualValue).get();
    else if (actualValue instanceof LongWritable) {
        actualValue = ((LongWritable) actualValue).get();
    else if (actualValue instanceof ShortWritable) {
        actualValue = ((ShortWritable) actualValue).get();
    else if (actualValue instanceof HiveDecimalWritable) {
        DecimalType decimalType = (DecimalType) type;
        HiveDecimalWritable writable = (HiveDecimalWritable) actualValue;
        // writable messes with the scale so rescale the values to the Presto type
        BigInteger rescaledValue = rescale(writable.getHiveDecimal().unscaledValue(), writable.getScale(), decimalType.getScale());
        actualValue = new SqlDecimal(rescaledValue, decimalType.getPrecision(), decimalType.getScale());
    else if (actualValue instanceof Text) {
        actualValue = actualValue.toString();
    else if (actualValue instanceof TimestampWritable) {
        TimestampWritable timestamp = (TimestampWritable) actualValue;
        if (SESSION.isLegacyTimestamp()) {
            actualValue = SqlTimestamp.legacyFromMillis(3, (timestamp.getSeconds() * 1000) + (timestamp.getNanos() / 1000000L), UTC_KEY);
        else {
            actualValue = SqlTimestamp.fromMillis(3, (timestamp.getSeconds() * 1000) + (timestamp.getNanos() / 1000000L));
    else if (actualValue instanceof StructObject) {
        StructObject structObject = (StructObject) actualValue;
        actualValue = decodeRecordReaderStruct(type, structObject.getFieldsAsList());
    else if (actualValue instanceof LazyBinaryArray) {
        actualValue = decodeRecordReaderList(type, ((LazyBinaryArray) actualValue).getList());
    else if (actualValue instanceof LazyBinaryMap) {
        actualValue = decodeRecordReaderMap(type, ((LazyBinaryMap) actualValue).getMap());
    else if (actualValue instanceof LazyArray) {
        actualValue = decodeRecordReaderList(type, ((LazyArray) actualValue).getList());
    else if (actualValue instanceof LazyMap) {
        actualValue = decodeRecordReaderMap(type, ((LazyMap) actualValue).getMap());
    else if (actualValue instanceof List) {
        actualValue = decodeRecordReaderList(type, ((List<?>) actualValue));
    return actualValue;
源代码20 项目: hadoop   文件: TypedBytesWritableOutput.java
public void writeByte(ByteWritable bw) throws IOException {
源代码21 项目: hadoop   文件: TypedBytesWritableInput.java
public ByteWritable readByte() throws IOException {
  return readByte(null);
源代码22 项目: big-c   文件: TypedBytesWritableOutput.java
public void writeByte(ByteWritable bw) throws IOException {
源代码23 项目: big-c   文件: TypedBytesWritableInput.java
public ByteWritable readByte() throws IOException {
  return readByte(null);
源代码24 项目: warp10-platform   文件: WritableUtils.java
public static Writable toWritable(Object o) throws IOException {
  if (o instanceof Long) {
    return new LongWritable(((Long) o).longValue());
  } else if (o instanceof String) {
    return new Text(o.toString());
  } else if (o instanceof byte[]) {
    return new BytesWritable((byte[]) o);
  } else if (o instanceof Integer) {
    return new IntWritable(((Integer) o).intValue());
  } else if (o instanceof Short) {
    return new ShortWritable(((Short) o).shortValue());
  } else if (o instanceof Byte) {
    return new ByteWritable(((Byte) o).byteValue());
  } else if (o instanceof Double) {
    return new DoubleWritable(((Double) o).doubleValue());
  } else if (o instanceof Float) {
    return new FloatWritable(((Float) o).floatValue());
  } else if (o instanceof Boolean) {
    return new BooleanWritable(((Boolean) o).booleanValue());
  } else if (o instanceof List) {
    Writable[] a = new Writable[((List) o).size()];
    for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
      a[i] = new ObjectWritable(toWritable(((List) o).get(i)));
    return new ArrayWritable(ObjectWritable.class, a);
  } else if (o instanceof Map) {
    MapWritable map = new MapWritable();
    for (Entry<Object,Object> entry: ((Map<Object,Object>) o).entrySet()) {
      map.put(toWritable(entry.getKey()), toWritable(entry.getValue()));
    return map;
  } else if (null == o) {
    return NullWritable.get();
  } else {
    ObjectWritable ow = new ObjectWritable();
    return ow;
  }// else {
  //  throw new IOException("Unsupported type " + o.getClass());
源代码25 项目: incubator-gobblin   文件: OrcUtils.java
 * Copy the value of {@param from} object into {@param to} with supporting of type-widening that ORC allowed.
public static void handlePrimitiveWritableComparable(WritableComparable from, WritableComparable to) {
  if (from instanceof ByteWritable) {
    if (to instanceof ByteWritable) {
      ((ByteWritable) to).set(((ByteWritable) from).get());
    } else if (to instanceof ShortWritable) {
      ((ShortWritable) to).set(((ByteWritable) from).get());
    } else if (to instanceof IntWritable) {
      ((IntWritable) to).set(((ByteWritable) from).get());
    } else if (to instanceof LongWritable) {
      ((LongWritable) to).set(((ByteWritable) from).get());
    } else if (to instanceof DoubleWritable) {
      ((DoubleWritable) to).set(((ByteWritable) from).get());
  } else if (from instanceof ShortWritable) {
    if (to instanceof ShortWritable) {
      ((ShortWritable) to).set(((ShortWritable) from).get());
    } else if (to instanceof IntWritable) {
      ((IntWritable) to).set(((ShortWritable) from).get());
    } else if (to instanceof LongWritable) {
      ((LongWritable) to).set(((ShortWritable) from).get());
    } else if (to instanceof DoubleWritable) {
      ((DoubleWritable) to).set(((ShortWritable) from).get());
  } else if (from instanceof IntWritable) {
    if (to instanceof IntWritable) {
      ((IntWritable) to).set(((IntWritable) from).get());
    } else if (to instanceof LongWritable) {
      ((LongWritable) to).set(((IntWritable) from).get());
    } else if (to instanceof DoubleWritable) {
      ((DoubleWritable) to).set(((IntWritable) from).get());
  } else if (from instanceof LongWritable) {
    if (to instanceof LongWritable) {
      ((LongWritable) to).set(((LongWritable) from).get());
    } else if (to instanceof DoubleWritable) {
      ((DoubleWritable) to).set(((LongWritable) from).get());
    // Following from this branch, type-widening is not allowed and only value-copy will happen.
  } else if (from instanceof DoubleWritable) {
    if (to instanceof DoubleWritable) {
      ((DoubleWritable) to).set(((DoubleWritable) from).get());
  } else if (from instanceof BytesWritable) {
    if (to instanceof BytesWritable) {
      ((BytesWritable) to).set((BytesWritable) from);
  } else if (from instanceof FloatWritable) {
    if (to instanceof FloatWritable) {
      ((FloatWritable) to).set(((FloatWritable) from).get());
  } else if (from instanceof Text) {
    if (to instanceof Text) {
      ((Text) to).set((Text) from);
  } else if (from instanceof DateWritable) {
    if (to instanceof DateWritable) {
      ((DateWritable) to).set(((DateWritable) from).get());
  } else if (from instanceof OrcTimestamp && to instanceof OrcTimestamp) {
    ((OrcTimestamp) to).set(((OrcTimestamp) from).toString());
  } else if (from instanceof HiveDecimalWritable && to instanceof HiveDecimalWritable) {
    ((HiveDecimalWritable) to).set(((HiveDecimalWritable) from).getHiveDecimal());
  } else if (from instanceof BooleanWritable && to instanceof BooleanWritable) {
    ((BooleanWritable) to).set(((BooleanWritable) from).get());
  throw new UnsupportedOperationException(String
      .format("The conversion of primitive-type WritableComparable object from %s to %s is not supported",
          from.getClass(), to.getClass()));
源代码26 项目: incubator-gobblin   文件: OrcTestUtils.java
 * Fill in value in OrcStruct with given schema, assuming {@param w} contains the same schema as {@param schema}.
 * {@param schema} is still necessary to given given {@param w} do contains schema information itself, because the
 * actual value type is only available in {@link TypeDescription} but not {@link org.apache.orc.mapred.OrcValue}.
 * For simplicity here are some assumptions:
 * - We only give 3 primitive values and use them to construct compound values. To make it work for different types that
 * can be widened or shrunk to each other, please use value within small range.
 * - For List, Map or Union, make sure there's at least one entry within the record-container.
 * you may want to try createValueRecursively(TypeDescription) instead of {@link OrcStruct#createValue(TypeDescription)}
public static void fillOrcStructWithFixedValue(WritableComparable w, TypeDescription schema, int unionTag,
    int intValue, String stringValue, boolean booleanValue) {
  switch (schema.getCategory()) {
    case BOOLEAN:
      ((BooleanWritable) w).set(booleanValue);
    case BYTE:
      ((ByteWritable) w).set((byte) intValue);
    case SHORT:
      ((ShortWritable) w).set((short) intValue);
    case INT:
      ((IntWritable) w).set(intValue);
    case LONG:
      ((LongWritable) w).set(intValue);
    case FLOAT:
      ((FloatWritable) w).set(intValue * 1.0f);
    case DOUBLE:
      ((DoubleWritable) w).set(intValue * 1.0);
    case STRING:
    case CHAR:
    case VARCHAR:
      ((Text) w).set(stringValue);
    case BINARY:
      throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Binary type is not supported in random orc data filler");
    case DECIMAL:
      throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Decimal type is not supported in random orc data filler");
    case DATE:
    case TIMESTAMP:
      throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
          "Timestamp and its derived types is not supported in random orc data filler");
    case LIST:
      OrcList castedList = (OrcList) w;
      // Here it is not trivial to create typed-object in element-type. So this method expect the value container
      // to at least contain one element, or the traversing within the list will be skipped.
      for (Object i : castedList) {
        fillOrcStructWithFixedValue((WritableComparable) i, schema.getChildren().get(0), unionTag, intValue,
            stringValue, booleanValue);
    case MAP:
      OrcMap castedMap = (OrcMap) w;
      for (Object entry : castedMap.entrySet()) {
        Map.Entry<WritableComparable, WritableComparable> castedEntry =
            (Map.Entry<WritableComparable, WritableComparable>) entry;
        fillOrcStructWithFixedValue(castedEntry.getKey(), schema.getChildren().get(0), unionTag, intValue,
            stringValue, booleanValue);
        fillOrcStructWithFixedValue(castedEntry.getValue(), schema.getChildren().get(1), unionTag, intValue,
            stringValue, booleanValue);
    case STRUCT:
      OrcStruct castedStruct = (OrcStruct) w;
      int fieldIdx = 0;
      for (TypeDescription child : schema.getChildren()) {
        fillOrcStructWithFixedValue(castedStruct.getFieldValue(fieldIdx), child, unionTag, intValue, stringValue,
        fieldIdx += 1;
    case UNION:
      OrcUnion castedUnion = (OrcUnion) w;
      TypeDescription targetMemberSchema = schema.getChildren().get(unionTag);
      castedUnion.set(unionTag, OrcUtils.createValueRecursively(targetMemberSchema));
      fillOrcStructWithFixedValue((WritableComparable) castedUnion.getObject(), targetMemberSchema, unionTag,
          intValue, stringValue, booleanValue);
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown type " + schema.toString());
public void testByte() {
    writableTypeToJson(new ByteWritable(Byte.MAX_VALUE));