

源代码1 项目: pampas   文件: ClientDynamic.java
public void doCallSync() throws Exception {
    Class grpc = Loader.load("df.open.grpc.hello.HelloServiceGrpc");
    Class proto = Loader.load("df.open.grpc.hello.HelloServiceProto");

    Method futureStub = grpc.getMethod("newFutureStub", Channel.class);

    AbstractStub stub = (AbstractStub) futureStub.invoke(grpc, channel);
    Class<?> reqClz = Class.forName("df.open.grpc.hello.HelloServiceProto$HelloReq", false, Loader.getLoader());
    Constructor<?> constructor = reqClz.getDeclaredConstructor();

    Method sayHello = stub.getClass().getMethod("sayHello", reqClz);
    ListenableFuture future = (ListenableFuture) sayHello.invoke(stub, constructor.newInstance());

源代码2 项目: pampas   文件: GrpcWorker.java
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException, NoSuchMethodException, InvocationTargetException, IllegalAccessException {
        GrpcWorker worker = new GrpcWorker();
//        String protilFileName = "test.proto";
//        ProtoFile protoFile = worker.parserProtoFile(protilFileName);
//        //  "/v1/example/hello"
//        worker.listProtoServiceInProtoFile(protoFile);
//        GrpcServiceDefine grpcService = worker.findGrpcService("/v1/example/hello", "post");
//        System.out.println("grpcService:" + grpcService);

        DynamicMultiClassLoader loader = DynamicMultiClassLoader.getLoader(URLTools.toUrl(Consts.JAVA_OUT_DIR));

        Class grpc = loader.loadClass("df.open.grpc.hello.HelloServiceGrpc");
        Class proto = loader.loadClass("df.open.grpc.hello.HelloServiceProto");

        Method newBlockingStub = grpc.getMethod("newBlockingStub", Channel.class);
        AbstractStub stub = (AbstractStub) newBlockingStub.invoke(grpc, channel);

 * Creates the instance to be injected for the given member.
 * @param <T> The type of the instance to be injected.
 * @param name The name that was used to create the channel.
 * @param injectionTarget The target member for the injection.
 * @param injectionType The class that should injected.
 * @param channel The channel that should be used to create the instance.
 * @return The value that matches the type of the given field.
 * @throws BeansException If the value of the field could not be created or the type of the field is unsupported.
protected <T> T valueForMember(final String name, final Member injectionTarget,
        final Class<T> injectionType,
        final Channel channel) throws BeansException {
    if (Channel.class.equals(injectionType)) {
        return injectionType.cast(channel);
    } else if (AbstractStub.class.isAssignableFrom(injectionType)) {

        @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // Eclipse incorrectly marks this as not required
        AbstractStub<?> stub = createStub(injectionType.asSubclass(AbstractStub.class), channel);
        for (final StubTransformer stubTransformer : getStubTransformers()) {
            stub = stubTransformer.transform(name, stub);
        return injectionType.cast(stub);
    } else {
        throw new InvalidPropertyException(injectionTarget.getDeclaringClass(), injectionTarget.getName(),
                "Unsupported type " + injectionType.getName());
 * Creates a stub of the given type.
 * @param <T> The type of the instance to be injected.
 * @param stubType The type of the stub to create.
 * @param channel The channel used to create the stub.
 * @return The newly created stub.
 * @throws BeanInstantiationException If the stub couldn't be created.
protected <T extends AbstractStub<T>> T createStub(final Class<T> stubType, final Channel channel) {
    try {
        // First try the public static factory method
        final String methodName = deriveStubFactoryMethodName(stubType);
        final Class<?> enclosingClass = stubType.getEnclosingClass();
        final Method factoryMethod = enclosingClass.getMethod(methodName, Channel.class);
        return stubType.cast(factoryMethod.invoke(null, channel));
    } catch (final Exception e) {
        try {
            // Use the private constructor as backup
            final Constructor<T> constructor = stubType.getDeclaredConstructor(Channel.class);
            return constructor.newInstance(channel);
        } catch (final Exception e1) {
        throw new BeanInstantiationException(stubType, "Failed to create gRPC client", e);
源代码5 项目: saluki   文件: GrpcClientStrategy.java
@SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes", "unchecked"})
private GrpcProtocolClient<Object> buildProtoClient(GrpcURL refUrl) {
  boolean isGeneric = refUrl.getParameter(Constants.GENERIC_KEY, Boolean.FALSE);
  boolean isGrpcStub = refUrl.getParameter(Constants.GRPC_STUB_KEY, Boolean.FALSE);
  if (isGeneric) {
    return new GenericProxyClient<Object>(refUrl);
  } else {
    if (isGrpcStub) {
      String stubClassName = refUrl.getParameter(Constants.INTERFACECLASS_KEY);
      try {
        Class<? extends AbstractStub> stubClass =
            (Class<? extends AbstractStub>) ReflectUtils.name2class(stubClassName);
        return new GrpcStubClient<Object>(stubClass, refUrl);
      } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("grpc stub client the class must exist in classpath",
    } else {
      return new DefaultProxyClient<Object>(refUrl);
源代码6 项目: titus-control-plane   文件: ResponseMerger.java
 * Merge results by returning the first non-error value encountered. Otherwise merge all error results with a
 * fallback merger.
 * @param errorMerger fallback merger for errors
static <STUB extends AbstractStub<STUB>, T>
ResponseMerger<STUB, Either<T, Throwable>> singleValue(ErrorMerger<STUB, T> errorMerger) {
    return (one, other) -> {
        if (isEmptyResponseMarker(one)) {
            return other;
        if (isEmptyResponseMarker(other)) {
            return one;
        boolean bothHaveValues = one.getResult().hasValue() && other.getResult().hasValue();
        Preconditions.checkArgument(!bothHaveValues, "expecting a single non-error response");
        if (one.getResult().hasValue()) {
            return one;
        if (other.getResult().hasValue()) {
            return other;
        return errorMerger.call(one, other);
 * Call services on all Cells and collect results. Results from each {@link Cell} are emitted individually on the
 * returned {@link Observable}. The first error encountered will be propagated (if any).
<STUB extends AbstractStub<STUB>, RespT> Observable<CellResponse<STUB, RespT>> call(
        Function<ManagedChannel, STUB> stubFactory,
        BiConsumer<STUB, StreamObserver<RespT>> fnCall) {
    Map<Cell, STUB> clients = stubs(connector, stubFactory);
    List<Observable<CellResponse<STUB, RespT>>> results = clients.entrySet().stream().map(entry -> {
        Cell cell = entry.getKey();
        STUB client = entry.getValue();
        Observable<RespT> request = createRequestObservable(emitter -> {
            StreamObserver<RespT> streamObserver = createSimpleClientResponseObserver(emitter);
            fnCall.accept(client, streamObserver);
        return request.map(result -> new CellResponse<>(cell, client, result));

    return Observable.merge(results);
 * Call services on all Cells and collect results, which can be {@link Either Either<RespT, Throwable>}. Results
 * from each {@link Cell} are emitted individually on the returned {@link Observable}.
<STUB extends AbstractStub<STUB>, RespT>
Observable<CellResponse<STUB, Either<RespT, Throwable>>> callExpectingErrors(
        Function<ManagedChannel, STUB> stubFactory,
        BiConsumer<STUB, StreamObserver<RespT>> fnCall) {
    Map<Cell, STUB> clients = stubs(connector, stubFactory);
    List<Observable<CellResponse<STUB, Either<RespT, Throwable>>>> results = clients.entrySet().stream().map(entry -> {
        Cell cell = entry.getKey();
        STUB client = entry.getValue();
        Observable<RespT> request = callSingleCell(client, fnCall);
        return request.map(result ->
                new CellResponse<>(cell, client, Either.<RespT, Throwable>ofValue(result))
        ).onErrorResumeNext(error -> Observable.just(
                new CellResponse<>(cell, client, Either.ofError(error)))

    return Observable.merge(results);
源代码9 项目: titus-control-plane   文件: GrpcToReactUtil.java
public static Method getGrpcMethod(AbstractStub<?> grpcStub, Method method, Set<Class> handlerTypes) {
    List<Class> transferredParameters = Arrays.stream((Class[]) method.getParameterTypes())
            .filter(type -> !handlerTypes.contains(type))

    Preconditions.checkArgument(transferredParameters.size() <= 1, "Method must have one or zero protobuf object parameters but is: %s", method);

    Class<?> requestType = CollectionsExt.firstOrDefault(transferredParameters, Empty.class);
    Preconditions.checkArgument(Message.class.isAssignableFrom(requestType), "Not protobuf message in method parameter: %s", method);

    Class<?> returnType = method.getReturnType();
    Preconditions.checkArgument(Flux.class.isAssignableFrom(returnType) || Mono.class.isAssignableFrom(returnType), "Flux or Mono return type expected but is: %s", returnType);

    try {
        return grpcStub.getClass().getMethod(method.getName(), requestType, StreamObserver.class);
    } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("React method does not match any of the available GRPC stub methods: " + method);
 * Creates the instance to be injected for the given member.
 * @param <T> The type of the instance to be injected.
 * @param name The name that was used to create the channel.
 * @param injectionTarget The target member for the injection.
 * @param injectionType The class that should injected.
 * @param channel The channel that should be used to create the instance.
 * @return The value that matches the type of the given field.
 * @throws BeansException If the value of the field could not be created or the type of the field is unsupported.
protected <T> T valueForMember(final String name, final Member injectionTarget,
        final Class<T> injectionType,
        final Channel channel) throws BeansException {
    if (Channel.class.equals(injectionType)) {
        return injectionType.cast(channel);
    } else if (AbstractStub.class.isAssignableFrom(injectionType)) {

        @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // Eclipse incorrectly marks this as not required
        AbstractStub<?> stub = createStub(injectionType.asSubclass(AbstractStub.class), channel);
        for (final StubTransformer stubTransformer : getStubTransformers()) {
            stub = stubTransformer.transform(name, stub);
        return injectionType.cast(stub);
    } else {
        throw new InvalidPropertyException(injectionTarget.getDeclaringClass(), injectionTarget.getName(),
                "Unsupported type " + injectionType.getName());
 * Creates a stub of the given type.
 * @param <T> The type of the instance to be injected.
 * @param stubType The type of the stub to create.
 * @param channel The channel used to create the stub.
 * @return The newly created stub.
 * @throws BeanInstantiationException If the stub couldn't be created.
protected <T extends AbstractStub<T>> T createStub(final Class<T> stubType, final Channel channel) {
    try {
        // First try the public static factory method
        final String methodName = deriveStubFactoryMethodName(stubType);
        final Class<?> enclosingClass = stubType.getEnclosingClass();
        final Method factoryMethod = enclosingClass.getMethod(methodName, Channel.class);
        return stubType.cast(factoryMethod.invoke(null, channel));
    } catch (final Exception e) {
        try {
            // Use the private constructor as backup
            final Constructor<T> constructor = stubType.getDeclaredConstructor(Channel.class);
            return constructor.newInstance(channel);
        } catch (final Exception e1) {
        throw new BeanInstantiationException(stubType, "Failed to create gRPC client", e);
源代码12 项目: jetcd   文件: ClientConnectionManager.java
<T extends AbstractStub<T>, R> CompletableFuture<R> withNewChannel(URI endpoint, Function<ManagedChannel, T> stubCustomizer,
    Function<T, CompletableFuture<R>> stubConsumer) {

    final ManagedChannel channel = defaultChannelBuilder().nameResolverFactory(
            Util.supplyIfNull(builder.authority(), () -> ""),
            Util.supplyIfNull(builder.uriResolverLoader(), URIResolverLoader::defaultLoader)))

    try {
        T stub = stubCustomizer.apply(channel);

        return stubConsumer.apply(stub).whenComplete((r, t) -> channel.shutdown());
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw EtcdExceptionFactory.toEtcdException(e);
源代码13 项目: armeria   文件: GrpcClientFactory.java
public <T> T unwrap(Object client, Class<T> type) {
    final T unwrapped = super.unwrap(client, type);
    if (unwrapped != null) {
        return unwrapped;

    if (!(client instanceof AbstractStub)) {
        return null;

    final Channel ch = ((AbstractStub<?>) client).getChannel();
    if (!(ch instanceof Unwrappable)) {
        return null;

    return ((Unwrappable) ch).as(type);
 * Check that all gRPC client stubs are available in context, that they are prototype and not singletons and that
 * they all share a single channel singleton.
public void clientsBeans() {


    final Class<?>[] clientStubClasses = {

    for (final Class<?> clientStubClass : clientStubClasses) {
        final AbstractStub stub1 = (AbstractStub) applicationContext.getBean(clientStubClass);
        final AbstractStub stub2 = (AbstractStub) applicationContext.getBean(clientStubClass);
        Assert.assertNotSame(stub1, stub2);
        Assert.assertSame(stub1.getChannel(), stub2.getChannel());
 * Derives the name of the factory method from the given stub type.
 * @param stubType The type of the stub to get it for.
 * @return The name of the factory method.
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the method was called with an unsupported stub type.
protected String deriveStubFactoryMethodName(final Class<? extends AbstractStub<?>> stubType) {
    if (AbstractAsyncStub.class.isAssignableFrom(stubType)) {
        return "newStub";
    } else if (AbstractBlockingStub.class.isAssignableFrom(stubType)) {
        return "newBlockingStub";
    } else if (AbstractFutureStub.class.isAssignableFrom(stubType)) {
        return "newFutureStub";
    } else {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                "Unsupported stub type: " + stubType.getName() + " -> Please report this issue.");
源代码16 项目: saluki   文件: GrpcReferenceRunner.java
private boolean isGrpcStubClient(Class<?> referenceClass) {
  if (AbstractStub.class.isAssignableFrom(referenceClass)) {
    return true;
  } else {
    return false;
源代码17 项目: titus-control-plane   文件: EmbeddedTitusGateway.java
private <STUB extends AbstractStub<STUB>> STUB attachCallHeaders(STUB client) {
    Metadata metadata = new Metadata();
    metadata.put(V3HeaderInterceptor.CALLER_ID_KEY, "embeddedGatewayClient");
    metadata.put(V3HeaderInterceptor.CALL_REASON_KEY, "test call");
    metadata.put(V3HeaderInterceptor.DEBUG_KEY, "true");
    return client.withInterceptors(MetadataUtils.newAttachHeadersInterceptor(metadata));
private <STUB extends AbstractStub<STUB>> STUB attachCallHeaders(STUB client) {
    Metadata metadata = new Metadata();
    metadata.put(V3HeaderInterceptor.CALLER_ID_KEY, "embeddedFederationClient");
    metadata.put(V3HeaderInterceptor.CALL_REASON_KEY, "test call");
    metadata.put(V3HeaderInterceptor.DEBUG_KEY, "true");
    return client.withInterceptors(MetadataUtils.newAttachHeadersInterceptor(metadata));
public static <STUB extends AbstractStub<STUB>> STUB attachCallHeaders(STUB client) {
    Metadata metadata = new Metadata();
    metadata.put(V3HeaderInterceptor.CALLER_ID_KEY, "testkitClient");
    metadata.put(V3HeaderInterceptor.CALL_REASON_KEY, "test call");
    metadata.put(V3HeaderInterceptor.DEBUG_KEY, "true");
    return client.withInterceptors(MetadataUtils.newAttachHeadersInterceptor(metadata));
源代码20 项目: titus-control-plane   文件: CommandContext.java
public GrpcToReactorClientFactory getGrpcToReactorClientFactory() {
    return new GrpcToReactorClientFactory() {
        public <GRPC_STUB extends AbstractStub<GRPC_STUB>, REACT_API> REACT_API apply(GRPC_STUB stub, Class<REACT_API> apiType, ServiceDescriptor serviceDescriptor) {
            return ReactorToGrpcClientBuilder
                    .<REACT_API, GRPC_STUB, CallMetadata>newBuilder(
                            apiType, stub, serviceDescriptor, CallMetadata.class
源代码21 项目: titus-control-plane   文件: CellConnectorUtil.java
static <T extends AbstractStub> Map<Cell, T> stubs(CellConnector connector, Function<ManagedChannel, T> stubFactory) {
    return connector.getChannels()
                    entry -> stubFactory.apply(entry.getValue())
源代码22 项目: titus-control-plane   文件: CellConnectorUtil.java
static <STUB extends AbstractStub<STUB>, RespT> Observable<RespT> callToCell(
        Cell cell,
        CellConnector connector,
        Function<ManagedChannel, STUB> stubFactory,
        BiConsumer<STUB, StreamObserver<RespT>> fnCall) {
    Optional<ManagedChannel> channel = connector.getChannelForCell(cell);
    if (!channel.isPresent()) {
        return Observable.error(TitusServiceException.invalidArgument("Invalid Cell " + cell));
    STUB targetClient = stubFactory.apply(channel.get());
    return GrpcUtil.createRequestObservable(emitter -> {
        StreamObserver<RespT> streamObserver = GrpcUtil.createSimpleClientResponseObserver(emitter);
        fnCall.accept(targetClient, streamObserver);
private <STUB extends AbstractStub<STUB>, RespT>
Observable<RespT> callSingleCell(STUB client, BiConsumer<STUB, StreamObserver<RespT>> fnCall) {
    return createRequestObservable(emitter -> {
        StreamObserver<RespT> streamObserver = createSimpleClientResponseObserver(emitter);
        fnCall.accept(client, streamObserver);
源代码24 项目: titus-control-plane   文件: ErrorMerger.java
 * Rank errors with a provided {@link Comparator} by gRPC error codes, and return the most important one. In case of
 * a tie, the return is undefined and can be any of the most important errors.
static <STUB extends AbstractStub<STUB>, T> ErrorMerger<STUB, T> grpc(Comparator<Status> rank) {
    return (one, other) -> {
        Status oneStatus = Status.fromThrowable(one.getResult().getError());
        Status otherStatus = Status.fromThrowable(other.getResult().getError());
        Preconditions.checkArgument(isNotOK(oneStatus), "status is not an error");
        Preconditions.checkArgument(isNotOK(otherStatus), "status is not an error");

        if (rank.compare(oneStatus, otherStatus) <= 0) {
            return one;
        return other;
public DefaultGrpcToReactorClientFactory(GrpcRequestConfiguration configuration,
                                         BiFunction<AbstractStub, Optional<CONTEXT>, AbstractStub> grpcStubDecorator,
                                         Class<CONTEXT> contextType) {
    this.configuration = configuration;
    this.grpcStubDecorator = grpcStubDecorator;
    this.contextType = contextType;
public <GRPC_STUB extends AbstractStub<GRPC_STUB>, REACT_API> REACT_API apply(GRPC_STUB stub, Class<REACT_API> apiType, ServiceDescriptor serviceDescriptor) {
    return ReactorToGrpcClientBuilder
                    apiType, stub, serviceDescriptor, contextType
            .withGrpcStubDecorator((BiFunction<GRPC_STUB, Optional<CONTEXT>, GRPC_STUB>) grpcStubDecorator)
public static <STUB extends AbstractStub<STUB>> BiFunction<STUB, Optional<CallMetadata>, STUB> newGrpcStubDecorator(CallMetadataResolver callMetadataResolver) {
    return (grpcStub, callMetadataOpt) -> callMetadataOpt
            .map(callMetadata -> V3HeaderInterceptor.attachCallMetadata(grpcStub, callMetadata))
            .orElseGet(() ->
                            .map(callMetadata -> V3HeaderInterceptor.attachCallMetadata(grpcStub, callMetadata))
public static <REACT_API, GRPC_STUB extends AbstractStub<GRPC_STUB>, CONTEXT> ReactorToGrpcClientBuilder<REACT_API, GRPC_STUB, CONTEXT> newBuilder(
        Class<REACT_API> reactApi,
        GRPC_STUB grpcStub,
        ServiceDescriptor grpcServiceDescriptor,
        Class<CONTEXT> contextType) {
    Preconditions.checkArgument(reactApi.isInterface(), "Interface type required");
    return new ReactorToGrpcClientBuilder<>(reactApi, grpcStub, grpcServiceDescriptor, contextType);
public static <REACT_API, GRPC_STUB extends AbstractStub<GRPC_STUB>, CONTEXT> ReactorToGrpcClientBuilder<REACT_API, GRPC_STUB, CONTEXT> newBuilderWithDefaults(
        Class<REACT_API> reactApi,
        GRPC_STUB grpcStub,
        ServiceDescriptor grpcServiceDescriptor,
        Class<CONTEXT> contextType) {
    Preconditions.checkArgument(reactApi.isInterface(), "Interface type required");
    return new ReactorToGrpcClientBuilder<>(reactApi, grpcStub, grpcServiceDescriptor, contextType)
源代码30 项目: bazel-buildfarm   文件: StubInstance.java
private <T extends AbstractStub<T>> T deadlined(Supplier<T> getter) {
  T stub = getter.get();
  if (deadlineAfter > 0) {
    stub = stub.withDeadlineAfter(deadlineAfter, deadlineAfterUnits);
  return stub;