

public static Bitmap transform(byte[] inputData) {
    String encoded;
    encoded = Base64.encodeToString(inputData, Base64.DEFAULT);

    MultiFormatWriter multiFormatWriter = new MultiFormatWriter();
    Bitmap bitmap = null;
    try {
        BitMatrix bitMatrix = multiFormatWriter.encode(encoded, BarcodeFormat.QR_CODE, 1000, 1000);
        BarcodeEncoder barcodeEncoder = new BarcodeEncoder();
        bitmap = barcodeEncoder.createBitmap(bitMatrix);
    } catch (WriterException e) {

    return bitmap;

Result decodeRow(int rowNumber, BitArray row, int[] extensionStartRange) throws NotFoundException {

    StringBuilder result = decodeRowStringBuffer;
    int end = decodeMiddle(row, extensionStartRange, result);

    String resultString = result.toString();
    Map<ResultMetadataType,Object> extensionData = parseExtensionString(resultString);

    Result extensionResult =
        new Result(resultString,
                   new ResultPoint[] {
                       new ResultPoint((extensionStartRange[0] + extensionStartRange[1]) / 2.0f, rowNumber),
                       new ResultPoint(end, rowNumber),
    if (extensionData != null) {
    return extensionResult;
源代码3 项目: PHONK   文件: PMedia.java

public Bitmap generateQRCode(String text) {
    Bitmap bmp = null;

    Hashtable<EncodeHintType, ErrorCorrectionLevel> hintMap = new Hashtable<EncodeHintType, ErrorCorrectionLevel>();
    hintMap.put(EncodeHintType.ERROR_CORRECTION, ErrorCorrectionLevel.H); // H = 30% damage

    int size = 256;

    BitMatrix bitMatrix = null;
    try {
        bitMatrix = new QRCodeWriter().encode(text, BarcodeFormat.QR_CODE, size, size, hintMap);

        int width = bitMatrix.getWidth();
        bmp = Bitmap.createBitmap(width, width, Bitmap.Config.RGB_565);
        for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
            for (int y = 0; y < width; y++) {
                bmp.setPixel(y, x, bitMatrix.get(x, y) == true ? Color.BLACK : Color.WHITE);
    } catch (WriterException e) {

    return bmp;
源代码4 项目: java-study   文件: QrCodeCreateUtil.java

 * 生成包含字符串信息的二维码图片
 * @param outputStream 文件输出流路径
 * @param content      二维码携带信息
 * @param qrCodeSize   二维码图片大小
 * @param imageFormat  二维码的格式
 * @throws WriterException
 * @throws IOException
public static boolean createQrCode(OutputStream outputStream, String content, int qrCodeSize, String imageFormat) throws WriterException, IOException {
    Hashtable<EncodeHintType, ErrorCorrectionLevel> hintMap = new Hashtable<EncodeHintType, ErrorCorrectionLevel>();
    hintMap.put(EncodeHintType.ERROR_CORRECTION, ErrorCorrectionLevel.L);  // 矫错级别
    QRCodeWriter qrCodeWriter = new QRCodeWriter();
    BitMatrix byteMatrix = qrCodeWriter.encode(content, BarcodeFormat.QR_CODE, qrCodeSize, qrCodeSize, hintMap);
    // 使BufferedImage勾画QRCode  (matrixWidth 是行二维码像素点)
    int matrixWidth = byteMatrix.getWidth();
    BufferedImage image = new BufferedImage(matrixWidth - 200, matrixWidth - 200, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
    Graphics2D graphics = (Graphics2D) image.getGraphics();
    graphics.fillRect(0, 0, matrixWidth, matrixWidth);
    // 使用比特矩阵画并保存图像
    for (int i = 0; i < matrixWidth; i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < matrixWidth; j++) {
            if (byteMatrix.get(i, j)) {
                graphics.fillRect(i - 100, j - 100, 1, 1);
    return ImageIO.write(image, imageFormat, outputStream);

static Result constructResult(List<ExpandedPair> pairs) throws NotFoundException, FormatException {
  BitArray binary = BitArrayBuilder.buildBitArray(pairs);

  AbstractExpandedDecoder decoder = AbstractExpandedDecoder.createDecoder(binary);
  String resultingString = decoder.parseInformation();

  ResultPoint[] firstPoints = pairs.get(0).getFinderPattern().getResultPoints();
  ResultPoint[] lastPoints  = pairs.get(pairs.size() - 1).getFinderPattern().getResultPoints();

  return new Result(
        new ResultPoint[]{firstPoints[0], firstPoints[1], lastPoints[0], lastPoints[1]},

private boolean encodeContents(String data, Bundle bundle, String type, String formatString) {
    // Default to QR_CODE if no format given.
    format = null;
    if (formatString != null) {
        try {
            format = BarcodeFormat.valueOf(formatString);
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
            // Ignore it then
    if (format == null || format == BarcodeFormat.QR_CODE) {
        this.format = BarcodeFormat.QR_CODE;
        encodeQRCodeContents(data, bundle, type);
    } else if (data != null && data.length() > 0) {
        contents = data;
        displayContents = data;
        title = "Text";
    return contents != null && contents.length() > 0;

public static Bitmap generateCode(String data, BarcodeFormat format, Map<EncodeHintType,?> hints) {
    try {
        MultiFormatWriter writer = new MultiFormatWriter();
        BitMatrix result = writer.encode(data, format, 100, 100, hints);
        int width = result.getWidth();
        int height = result.getHeight();
        int[] pixels = new int[width * height];
        // All are 0, or black, by default
        for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
            int offset = y * width;
            for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
                pixels[offset + x] = result.get(x, y) ? Color.BLACK : Color.WHITE;
        Bitmap bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(width, height, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
        bitmap.setPixels(pixels, 0, width, 0, 0, width, height);

        return bitmap;
    } catch (WriterException e) {
        return null;
源代码8 项目: springboot-pay-example   文件: PayUtil.java

 * 根据url生成二位图片对象
 * @param codeUrl
 * @return
 * @throws WriterException
public static BufferedImage getQRCodeImge(String codeUrl) throws WriterException {
    Map<EncodeHintType, Object> hints = new Hashtable();
    hints.put(EncodeHintType.ERROR_CORRECTION, ErrorCorrectionLevel.M);
    hints.put(EncodeHintType.CHARACTER_SET, "UTF8");
    int width = 256;
    BitMatrix bitMatrix = (new MultiFormatWriter()).encode(codeUrl, BarcodeFormat.QR_CODE, width, width, hints);
    BufferedImage image = new BufferedImage(width, width, 1);
    for(int x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
        for(int y = 0; y < width; ++y) {
            image.setRGB(x, y, bitMatrix.get(x, y) ? -16777216 : -1);

    return image;
源代码9 项目: o2oa   文件: ActionCreateCode.java

    * @param msg /二维码包含的信息
    * @param path /二维码存放路径
public static void getBarCode(String msg,String path){
        try {
            File file=new File(path);
            OutputStream ous=new FileOutputStream(file);
            if(StringUtils.isEmpty(msg) || ous==null)
            String format = "png";
            MultiFormatWriter multiFormatWriter = new MultiFormatWriter();  
            Map<EncodeHintType,String> map =new HashMap<EncodeHintType, String>();
            BitMatrix bitMatrix = new MultiFormatWriter().encode(msg, BarcodeFormat.QR_CODE,300,300,map);
        }catch (Exception e) {

public CaptureActivityHandler(QrCodeScanActivity activity,
                              Collection<BarcodeFormat> decodeFormats,
                              Map<DecodeHintType, ?> baseHints,
                              String characterSet,
                              CameraManager cameraManager) {
    this.activity = activity;
    decodeThread = new DecodeThread(activity, decodeFormats, baseHints, characterSet,
            new ViewfinderResultPointCallback(activity.getViewfinderView()));
    state = State.SUCCESS;

    // Start ourselves capturing previews and decoding.
    this.cameraManager = cameraManager;
源代码11 项目: weex   文件: UPCEANExtension2Support.java

Result decodeRow(int rowNumber, BitArray row, int[] extensionStartRange) throws NotFoundException {

    StringBuilder result = decodeRowStringBuffer;
    int end = decodeMiddle(row, extensionStartRange, result);

    String resultString = result.toString();
    Map<ResultMetadataType,Object> extensionData = parseExtensionString(resultString);

    Result extensionResult =
        new Result(resultString,
                   new ResultPoint[] {
                       new ResultPoint((extensionStartRange[0] + extensionStartRange[1]) / 2.0f, (float) rowNumber),
                       new ResultPoint((float) end, (float) rowNumber),
    if (extensionData != null) {
    return extensionResult;

private static Result[] decode(BinaryBitmap image, Map<DecodeHintType, ?> hints, boolean multiple) 
    throws NotFoundException, FormatException, ChecksumException {
  List<Result> results = new ArrayList<>();
  PDF417DetectorResult detectorResult = Detector.detect(image, hints, multiple);
  for (ResultPoint[] points : detectorResult.getPoints()) {
    DecoderResult decoderResult = PDF417ScanningDecoder.decode(detectorResult.getBits(), points[4], points[5],
        points[6], points[7], getMinCodewordWidth(points), getMaxCodewordWidth(points));
    Result result = new Result(decoderResult.getText(), decoderResult.getRawBytes(), points, BarcodeFormat.PDF_417);
    result.putMetadata(ResultMetadataType.ERROR_CORRECTION_LEVEL, decoderResult.getECLevel());
    PDF417ResultMetadata pdf417ResultMetadata = (PDF417ResultMetadata) decoderResult.getOther();
    if (pdf417ResultMetadata != null) {
      result.putMetadata(ResultMetadataType.PDF417_EXTRA_METADATA, pdf417ResultMetadata);
  return results.toArray(new Result[results.size()]);
源代码13 项目: smart-farmer-android   文件: DecodeThread.java

DecodeThread(CaptureActivity activity,
        Vector<BarcodeFormat> decodeFormats,
        String characterSet,
        ResultPointCallback resultPointCallback) {

    this.activity = activity;
    handlerInitLatch = new CountDownLatch(1);

    hints = new Hashtable<DecodeHintType, Object>(3);

    if (decodeFormats == null || decodeFormats.isEmpty()) {
        decodeFormats = new Vector<BarcodeFormat>();

    hints.put(DecodeHintType.POSSIBLE_FORMATS, decodeFormats);

    if (characterSet != null) {
        hints.put(DecodeHintType.CHARACTER_SET, characterSet);

    hints.put(DecodeHintType.NEED_RESULT_POINT_CALLBACK, resultPointCallback);
源代码14 项目: Mobike   文件: EncodingHandler.java

public static Bitmap createQRCode(String str, int widthAndHeight) throws WriterException {
    Hashtable<EncodeHintType, String> hints = new Hashtable<EncodeHintType, String>();
    hints.put(EncodeHintType.CHARACTER_SET, "utf-8");
    BitMatrix matrix = new MultiFormatWriter().encode(str,
            BarcodeFormat.QR_CODE, widthAndHeight, widthAndHeight);
    int width = matrix.getWidth();
    int height = matrix.getHeight();
    int[] pixels = new int[width * height];

    for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
        for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
            if (matrix.get(x, y)) {
                pixels[y * width + x] = BLACK;
    Bitmap bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(width, height,
    bitmap.setPixels(pixels, 0, width, 0, 0, width, height);
    return bitmap;

public MultiFormatUPCEANReader(Map<DecodeHintType,?> hints) {
  Collection<BarcodeFormat> possibleFormats = hints == null ? null :
      (Collection<BarcodeFormat>) hints.get(DecodeHintType.POSSIBLE_FORMATS);
  Collection<UPCEANReader> readers = new ArrayList<>();
  if (possibleFormats != null) {
    if (possibleFormats.contains(BarcodeFormat.EAN_13)) {
      readers.add(new EAN13Reader());
    } else if (possibleFormats.contains(BarcodeFormat.UPC_A)) {
      readers.add(new UPCAReader());
    if (possibleFormats.contains(BarcodeFormat.EAN_8)) {
      readers.add(new EAN8Reader());
    if (possibleFormats.contains(BarcodeFormat.UPC_E)) {
      readers.add(new UPCEReader());
  if (readers.isEmpty()) {
    readers.add(new EAN13Reader());
    // UPC-A is covered by EAN-13
    readers.add(new EAN8Reader());
    readers.add(new UPCEReader());
  this.readers = readers.toArray(new UPCEANReader[readers.size()]);
源代码16 项目: smartcoins-wallet   文件: ReceiveActivity.java

Bitmap encodeAsBitmap(String str, String qrColor) throws WriterException {
    BitMatrix result;
    try {
        Map<EncodeHintType, Object> hints = new HashMap<EncodeHintType, Object>();
        hints.put(EncodeHintType.MARGIN, 0);
        result = new MultiFormatWriter().encode(str,
                BarcodeFormat.QR_CODE, qrimage.getWidth(), qrimage.getHeight(), hints);
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
        // Unsupported format
        return null;
    int w = qrimage.getWidth();
    int h = qrimage.getHeight();
    int[] pixels = new int[w * h];
    for (int y = 0; y < h; y++) {
        int offset = y * (w);
        for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) {
            pixels[offset + x] = result.get(x, y) ? Color.parseColor(qrColor) : Color.WHITE;
    Bitmap bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(w, h, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
    bitmap.setPixels(pixels, 0, w, 0, 0, w, h);
    return bitmap;
源代码17 项目: reacteu-app   文件: HistoryManager.java

public List<HistoryItem> buildHistoryItems() {
  SQLiteOpenHelper helper = new DBHelper(activity);
  List<HistoryItem> items = new ArrayList<HistoryItem>();
  SQLiteDatabase db = null;
  Cursor cursor = null;
  try {
    db = helper.getReadableDatabase();
    cursor = db.query(DBHelper.TABLE_NAME, COLUMNS, null, null, null, null, DBHelper.TIMESTAMP_COL + " DESC");
    while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
      String text = cursor.getString(0);
      String display = cursor.getString(1);
      String format = cursor.getString(2);
      long timestamp = cursor.getLong(3);
      String details = cursor.getString(4);
      Result result = new Result(text, null, null, BarcodeFormat.valueOf(format), timestamp);
      items.add(new HistoryItem(result, display, details));
  } finally {
    close(cursor, db);
  return items;

public MultiFormatUPCEANReader(Map<DecodeHintType,?> hints) {
  Collection<BarcodeFormat> possibleFormats = hints == null ? null :
      (Collection<BarcodeFormat>) hints.get(DecodeHintType.POSSIBLE_FORMATS);
  Collection<UPCEANReader> readers = new ArrayList<>();
  if (possibleFormats != null) {
    if (possibleFormats.contains(BarcodeFormat.EAN_13)) {
      readers.add(new EAN13Reader());
    } else if (possibleFormats.contains(BarcodeFormat.UPC_A)) {
      readers.add(new UPCAReader());
    if (possibleFormats.contains(BarcodeFormat.EAN_8)) {
      readers.add(new EAN8Reader());
    if (possibleFormats.contains(BarcodeFormat.UPC_E)) {
      readers.add(new UPCEReader());
  if (readers.isEmpty()) {
    readers.add(new EAN13Reader());
    // UPC-A is covered by EAN-13
    readers.add(new EAN8Reader());
    readers.add(new UPCEReader());
  this.readers = readers.toArray(new UPCEANReader[readers.size()]);
源代码19 项目: iscanner_android   文件: DecodeThread.java

DecodeThread(MainActivity activity,
             Vector<BarcodeFormat> decodeFormats,
             String characterSet,
             ResultPointCallback resultPointCallback) {

  this.activity = activity;
  handlerInitLatch = new CountDownLatch(1);

  hints = new Hashtable<DecodeHintType, Object>(3);

  if (decodeFormats == null || decodeFormats.isEmpty()) {
  	 decodeFormats = new Vector<BarcodeFormat>();
  hints.put(DecodeHintType.POSSIBLE_FORMATS, decodeFormats);

  if (characterSet != null) {
    hints.put(DecodeHintType.CHARACTER_SET, characterSet);

  hints.put(DecodeHintType.NEED_RESULT_POINT_CALLBACK, resultPointCallback);

public List<HistoryItem> buildHistoryItems() {
  SQLiteOpenHelper helper = new DBHelper(activity);
  List<HistoryItem> items = new ArrayList<>();
  SQLiteDatabase db = null;
  Cursor cursor = null;
  try {
    db = helper.getReadableDatabase();
    cursor = db.query(DBHelper.TABLE_NAME, COLUMNS, null, null, null, null, DBHelper.TIMESTAMP_COL + " DESC");
    while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
      String text = cursor.getString(0);
      String display = cursor.getString(1);
      String format = cursor.getString(2);
      long timestamp = cursor.getLong(3);
      String details = cursor.getString(4);
      Result result = new Result(text, null, null, BarcodeFormat.valueOf(format), timestamp);
      items.add(new HistoryItem(result, display, details));
  } finally {
    close(cursor, db);
  return items;

 * Encode the contents following specified format. {@code width} and
 * {@code height} are required size. This method may return bigger size
 * {@code BitMatrix} when specified size is too small. The user can set both
 * {@code width} and {@code height} to zero to get minimum size barcode. If
 * negative value is set to {@code width} or {@code height},
 * {@code IllegalArgumentException} is thrown.
public BitMatrix encode(String contents, BarcodeFormat format, int width, int height, Map<EncodeHintType, ?> hints)
		throws WriterException {
	if (contents.isEmpty()) {
		throw new IllegalArgumentException("Found empty contents");

	if (width < 0 || height < 0) {
		throw new IllegalArgumentException("Negative size is not allowed. Input: " + width + 'x' + height);

	int sidesMargin = getDefaultMargin();
	if (hints != null) {
		Integer sidesMarginInt = (Integer) hints.get(EncodeHintType.MARGIN);
		if (sidesMarginInt != null) {
			sidesMargin = sidesMarginInt;

	boolean[] code = encode(contents);
	return renderResult(code, width, height, sidesMargin);
源代码22 项目: SecScanQR   文件: HistoryDetailsActivity.java

 * This method creates a picture of the scanned qr code
private void showQrImage() {
    multiFormatWriter = new MultiFormatWriter();
    Map<EncodeHintType, Object> hintMap = new EnumMap<EncodeHintType, Object>(EncodeHintType.class);

    hintMap.put(EncodeHintType.CHARACTER_SET, "UTF-8");
    hintMap.put(EncodeHintType.MARGIN, 1); /* default = 4 */
    hintMap.put(EncodeHintType.ERROR_CORRECTION, ErrorCorrectionLevel.L);
        BarcodeFormat format = generalHandler.StringToBarcodeFormat(selectedFormat);
        BitMatrix bitMatrix = multiFormatWriter.encode(selectedCode, format, 250,250, hintMap);
        BarcodeEncoder barcodeEncoder = new BarcodeEncoder();
        bitmap = barcodeEncoder.createBitmap(bitMatrix);
    } catch (Exception e){
源代码23 项目: wish-pay   文件: ZxingUtils.java

 * 将内容contents生成长为width,宽为width的图片,返回刘文静
public static ServletOutputStream getQRCodeImge(String contents, int width, int height) throws IOException {
    ServletOutputStream stream = null;
    try {
        Map<EncodeHintType, Object> hints = Maps.newHashMap();
        hints.put(EncodeHintType.ERROR_CORRECTION, ErrorCorrectionLevel.M);
        hints.put(EncodeHintType.CHARACTER_SET, "UTF8");
        BitMatrix bitMatrix = new MultiFormatWriter().encode(contents, BarcodeFormat.QR_CODE, width, height, hints);
        MatrixToImageWriter.writeToStream(bitMatrix, "png", stream);
        return stream;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        log.error("create QR code error!", e);
        return null;
    } finally {
        if (stream != null) {

Result decodeRow(int rowNumber, BitArray row, int[] extensionStartRange) throws NotFoundException {

    StringBuilder result = decodeRowStringBuffer;
    int end = decodeMiddle(row, extensionStartRange, result);

    String resultString = result.toString();
    Map<ResultMetadataType,Object> extensionData = parseExtensionString(resultString);

    Result extensionResult =
        new Result(resultString,
                   new ResultPoint[] {
                       new ResultPoint((extensionStartRange[0] + extensionStartRange[1]) / 2.0f, rowNumber),
                       new ResultPoint(end, rowNumber),
    if (extensionData != null) {
    return extensionResult;
源代码25 项目: android-apps   文件: HistoryManager.java

public List<HistoryItem> buildHistoryItems() {
  SQLiteOpenHelper helper = new DBHelper(activity);
  List<HistoryItem> items = new ArrayList<HistoryItem>();
  SQLiteDatabase db = null;
  Cursor cursor = null;
  try {
    db = helper.getReadableDatabase();
    cursor = db.query(DBHelper.TABLE_NAME, COLUMNS, null, null, null, null, DBHelper.TIMESTAMP_COL + " DESC");
    while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
      String text = cursor.getString(0);
      String display = cursor.getString(1);
      String format = cursor.getString(2);
      long timestamp = cursor.getLong(3);
      String details = cursor.getString(4);
      Result result = new Result(text, null, null, BarcodeFormat.valueOf(format), timestamp);
      items.add(new HistoryItem(result, display, details));
  } finally {
    close(cursor, db);
  return items;
源代码26 项目: QrCodeScanner   文件: DecodeHandler.java

DecodeHandler(QrCodeActivity activity) {
    this.mActivity = activity;
    mMultiFormatReader = new MultiFormatReader();
    mHints = new Hashtable<>();
    mHints.put(DecodeHintType.CHARACTER_SET, "utf-8");
    mHints.put(DecodeHintType.TRY_HARDER, Boolean.TRUE);
    Collection<BarcodeFormat> barcodeFormats = new ArrayList<>();
    mHints.put(DecodeHintType.POSSIBLE_FORMATS, barcodeFormats);
源代码27 项目: Tok-Android   文件: SharePresenter.java

private void generateQR() {
    mQrPath = StorageUtil.getShareQrCodeFile();
    String qrContent = StringUtils.formatTxFromResId(R.string.share_qr_content, mSelfAddress);
    LogUtil.i(TAG, "share qr content:" + qrContent);
    int qrCodeSize = 800;
    QRCodeEncode qrCodeEncoder =
        new QRCodeEncode(qrContent, null, Contents.Type.TEXT, BarcodeFormat.QR_CODE.toString(),
    try {
        ImageUtils.compressBitmap(qrCodeEncoder.encodeAsBitmap(), mQrPath);
    } catch (WriterException e) {
源代码28 项目: Tok-Android   文件: TokIdPresenter.java

private String generateQR(String tokId) {
    String outPath = StorageUtil.getQrCodeFile();
    int qrCodeSize = 800;
    QRCodeEncode qrCodeEncoder =
        new QRCodeEncode(tokId, null, Contents.Type.TEXT, BarcodeFormat.QR_CODE.toString(),
    try {
        ImageUtils.compressBitmap(qrCodeEncoder.encodeAsBitmap(), outPath);
    } catch (WriterException e) {
    return outPath;
源代码29 项目: MaterialHome   文件: DecodeFormatManager.java

static Vector<BarcodeFormat> parseDecodeFormats(Uri inputUri) {
  List<String> formats = inputUri.getQueryParameters(Intents.Scan.SCAN_FORMATS);
  if (formats != null && formats.size() == 1 && formats.get(0) != null){
    formats = Arrays.asList(COMMA_PATTERN.split(formats.get(0)));
  return parseDecodeFormats(formats, inputUri.getQueryParameter(Intents.Scan.MODE));
源代码30 项目: BarcodeEye   文件: DecodeFormatManager.java

public static Collection<BarcodeFormat> parseDecodeFormats(Uri inputUri) {
  List<String> formats = inputUri.getQueryParameters(Intents.Scan.FORMATS);
  if (formats != null && formats.size() == 1 && formats.get(0) != null){
    formats = Arrays.asList(COMMA_PATTERN.split(formats.get(0)));
  return parseDecodeFormats(formats, inputUri.getQueryParameter(Intents.Scan.MODE));