

private static WebApp parseXmlFragment() {
    InputStream precompiledJspWebXml = RegisterPrecompiledJSPInitializer.class.getResourceAsStream("/precompiled-jsp-web.xml");
    InputStream webXmlIS = new SequenceInputStream(
            new SequenceInputStream(
                    IOUtils.toInputStream("<web-app>", Charset.defaultCharset()),
            IOUtils.toInputStream("</web-app>", Charset.defaultCharset()));

    try {
        JAXBContext jaxbContext = new JAXBDataBinding(WebApp.class).getContext();
        Unmarshaller unmarshaller = jaxbContext.createUnmarshaller();
        WebApp webapp = (WebApp) unmarshaller.unmarshal(webXmlIS);
        try {
        } catch (java.io.IOException ignored) {}
        return webapp;
    } catch (JAXBException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Could not parse precompiled-jsp-web.xml", e);
源代码2 项目: FimiX8-RE   文件: ByteArrayOutputStream.java
private InputStream toBufferedInputStream() {
    int remaining = this.count;
    if (remaining == 0) {
        return new ClosedInputStream();
    List<ByteArrayInputStream> list = new ArrayList(this.buffers.size());
    for (byte[] buf : this.buffers) {
        int c = Math.min(buf.length, remaining);
        list.add(new ByteArrayInputStream(buf, 0, c));
        remaining -= c;
        if (remaining == 0) {
    return new SequenceInputStream(Collections.enumeration(list));
public static InputStream dicomStreamWithFileMetaHeader(
    String sopInstanceUID,
    String sopClassUID,
    String transferSyntax,
    InputStream inDicomStream) // PDVInputStream
    throws IOException {
  // File meta header (group 0002 tags), always in Explicit VR Little Endian.
  // http://dicom.nema.org/dicom/2013/output/chtml/part10/chapter_7.html
  ByteArrayOutputStream outBuffer = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
  DicomOutputStream fmiStream = new DicomOutputStream(outBuffer, UID.ExplicitVRLittleEndian);
  Attributes fmi =
      Attributes.createFileMetaInformation(sopInstanceUID, sopClassUID, transferSyntax);

  // Add the file meta header + DICOM dataset (other groups) as a sequence of input streams.
  return new SequenceInputStream(
      new ByteArrayInputStream(outBuffer.toByteArray()), inDicomStream);
源代码4 项目: Java   文件: SequenceInputStreamDemo.java
private static void mergeTwo() throws IOException {
	// SequenceInputStream(InputStream s1, InputStream s2)
	InputStream s1 = new FileInputStream("MyBufferedReader.java");
	InputStream s2 = new FileInputStream("MyBufferedReaderDemo.java");
	SequenceInputStream sis = new SequenceInputStream(s1, s2);

	BufferedOutputStream bos = new BufferedOutputStream(
			new FileOutputStream("Copy.java"));

	byte[] bys = new byte[1024];
	int len = 0;
	while ((len = sis.read(bys)) != -1) {
		bos.write(bys, 0, len);

源代码5 项目: nebula   文件: ByteArrayOutputStream.java
 * Gets the current contents of this byte stream as a Input Stream. The
 * returned stream is backed by buffers of <code>this</code> stream,
 * avoiding memory allocation and copy, thus saving space and time.<br>
 * @return the current contents of this output stream.
 * @see java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream#toByteArray()
 * @see #reset()
 * @since Commons IO 2.0
private InputStream toBufferedInputStream() {
    int remaining = count;
    if (remaining == 0) {
        return new ClosedInputStream();
    List<ByteArrayInputStream> list = new ArrayList<ByteArrayInputStream>(buffers.size());
    for (byte[] buf : buffers) {
        int c = Math.min(buf.length, remaining);
        list.add(new ByteArrayInputStream(buf, 0, c));
        remaining -= c;
        if (remaining == 0) {
    return new SequenceInputStream(Collections.enumeration(list));
源代码6 项目: aion-germany   文件: ByteArrayOutputStream.java
 * Gets the current contents of this byte stream as a Input Stream. The
 * returned stream is backed by buffers of <code>this</code> stream,
 * avoiding memory allocation and copy, thus saving space and time.<br>
 * @return the current contents of this output stream.
 * @see java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream#toByteArray()
 * @see #reset()
 * @since 2.0
private InputStream toBufferedInputStream() {
    int remaining = count;
    if (remaining == 0) {
        return new ClosedInputStream();
    List<ByteArrayInputStream> list = new ArrayList<ByteArrayInputStream>(buffers.size());
    for (byte[] buf : buffers) {
        int c = Math.min(buf.length, remaining);
        list.add(new ByteArrayInputStream(buf, 0, c));
        remaining -= c;
        if (remaining == 0) {
    return new SequenceInputStream(Collections.enumeration(list));
private static WebApp parseXmlFragment() {
    InputStream precompiledJspWebXml = RegisterPrecompiledJSPInitializer.class.getResourceAsStream("/precompiled-jsp-web.xml");
    InputStream webXmlIS = new SequenceInputStream(
            new SequenceInputStream(
                    IOUtils.toInputStream("<web-app>", Charset.defaultCharset()),
            IOUtils.toInputStream("</web-app>", Charset.defaultCharset()));

    try {
        JAXBContext jaxbContext = new JAXBDataBinding(WebApp.class).getContext();
        Unmarshaller unmarshaller = jaxbContext.createUnmarshaller();
        WebApp webapp = (WebApp) unmarshaller.unmarshal(webXmlIS);
        try {
        } catch (java.io.IOException ignored) {}
        return webapp;
    } catch (JAXBException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Could not parse precompiled-jsp-web.xml", e);
源代码8 项目: lams   文件: ByteArrayOutputStream.java
 * Gets the current contents of this byte stream as a Input Stream. The
 * returned stream is backed by buffers of <code>this</code> stream,
 * avoiding memory allocation and copy, thus saving space and time.<br>
 * @return the current contents of this output stream.
 * @see java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream#toByteArray()
 * @see #reset()
 * @since 2.5
public synchronized InputStream toInputStream() {
    int remaining = count;
    if (remaining == 0) {
        return new ClosedInputStream();
    final List<ByteArrayInputStream> list = new ArrayList<ByteArrayInputStream>(buffers.size());
    for (final byte[] buf : buffers) {
        final int c = Math.min(buf.length, remaining);
        list.add(new ByteArrayInputStream(buf, 0, c));
        remaining -= c;
        if (remaining == 0) {
    reuseBuffers = false;
    return new SequenceInputStream(Collections.enumeration(list));
源代码9 项目: dkpro-jwktl   文件: MultistreamXMLDumpParser.java
private InputStream getInputStreamAtOffset(final RandomAccessFile file, long offset) throws IOException {
	if (offset + 2 >= file.length()) {
		throw new IOException("read past EOF");
	file.seek(offset + 2); // skip past 'BZ' header
	InputStream is = new CBZip2InputStream(new FileInputStream(file.getFD()) {
		public void close() throws IOException {
	if (offset == 0) {
		return new SequenceInputStream(is, new ByteArrayInputStream(MEDIAWIKI_CLOSING.getBytes()));
	} else {
		return new SequenceInputStream(
				new ByteArrayInputStream(MEDIAWIKI_OPENING.getBytes()),
				new SequenceInputStream(is,
						new ByteArrayInputStream(MEDIAWIKI_CLOSING.getBytes())));
源代码10 项目: logbook-kai   文件: ProxyServlet.java
 * retryEnabled の時だけだよ
 * @return
private ContentProvider createRetryContentProvider() {
    final HttpServletRequest request = this.request;

    return new InputStreamContentProvider(
            new SequenceInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(this.contentBuffer.toByteArray()),
                    this.contentInputStream)) {
        public long getLength() {
            return request.getContentLength();

        protected ByteBuffer onRead(byte[] buffer, int offset, int length) {
            if (ProxyServlet.this._isDebugEnabled) {
                        .debug("{} proxying content to upstream: {} bytes", getRequestId(request), length);
            return super.onRead(buffer, offset, length);
源代码11 项目: cxf   文件: JSONProvider.java
protected InputStream getInputStream(Class<T> cls, Type type, InputStream is) throws Exception {
    if (unwrapped) {
        String rootName = getRootName(cls, type);
        InputStream isBefore = new ByteArrayInputStream(rootName.getBytes());
        String after = "}";
        InputStream isAfter = new ByteArrayInputStream(after.getBytes());
        final InputStream[] streams = new InputStream[]{isBefore, is, isAfter};

        Enumeration<InputStream> list = new Enumeration<InputStream>() {
            private int index;
            public boolean hasMoreElements() {
                return index < streams.length;

            public InputStream nextElement() {
                return streams[index++];

        return new SequenceInputStream(list);
    return is;

源代码12 项目: onos   文件: MainModuleResource.java
public Response getMainModule() throws IOException {
    UiExtensionService service = get(UiExtensionService.class);
    InputStream jsTemplate = getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(MAIN_JS);
    String js = new String(toByteArray(jsTemplate));

    int p1s = split(js, 0, INJECT_VIEW_IDS_START) - INJECT_VIEW_IDS_START.length();
    int p1e = split(js, 0, INJECT_VIEW_IDS_END);
    int p2s = split(js, p1e, null);

    StreamEnumeration streams =
            new StreamEnumeration(of(stream(js, 0, p1s),
                                     stream(js, p1e, p2s)));

    return Response.ok(new SequenceInputStream(streams)).build();
源代码13 项目: android-common   文件: ByteArrayOutputStream.java
 * Gets the current contents of this byte stream as a Input Stream. The
 * returned stream is backed by buffers of <code>this</code> stream,
 * avoiding memory allocation and copy, thus saving space and time.<br>
 * @return the current contents of this output stream.
 * @see java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream#toByteArray()
 * @see #reset()
 * @since 2.0
private InputStream toBufferedInputStream() {
    int remaining = count;
    if (remaining == 0) {
        return new ClosedInputStream();
    List<ByteArrayInputStream> list = new ArrayList<ByteArrayInputStream>(buffers.size());
    for (byte[] buf : buffers) {
        int c = Math.min(buf.length, remaining);
        list.add(new ByteArrayInputStream(buf, 0, c));
        remaining -= c;
        if (remaining == 0) {
    return new SequenceInputStream(Collections.enumeration(list));
源代码14 项目: memoir   文件: ByteArrayOutputStream.java
 * Gets the current contents of this byte stream as a Input Stream. The
 * returned stream is backed by buffers of <code>this</code> stream,
 * avoiding memory allocation and copy, thus saving space and time.<br>
 * @return the current contents of this output stream.
 * @see java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream#toByteArray()
 * @see #reset()
 * @since 2.0
private InputStream toBufferedInputStream() {
    int remaining = count;
    if (remaining == 0) {
        return new ClosedInputStream();
    List<ByteArrayInputStream> list = new ArrayList<ByteArrayInputStream>(buffers.size());
    for (byte[] buf : buffers) {
        int c = Math.min(buf.length, remaining);
        list.add(new ByteArrayInputStream(buf, 0, c));
        remaining -= c;
        if (remaining == 0) {
    return new SequenceInputStream(Collections.enumeration(list));
源代码15 项目: parquet-mr   文件: ParquetFileReader.java
protected PageHeader readPageHeader() throws IOException {
  PageHeader pageHeader;
  stream.mark(8192); // headers should not be larger than 8k
  try {
    pageHeader = Util.readPageHeader(stream);
  } catch (IOException e) {
    // this is to workaround a bug where the compressedLength
    // of the chunk is missing the size of the header of the dictionary
    // to allow reading older files (using dictionary) we need this.
    // usually 13 to 19 bytes are missing
    // if the last page is smaller than this, the page header itself is truncated in the buffer.
    stream.reset(); // resetting the buffer to the position before we got the error
    LOG.info("completing the column chunk to read the page header");
    pageHeader = Util.readPageHeader(new SequenceInputStream(stream, f)); // trying again from the buffer + remainder of the stream.
  return pageHeader;
源代码16 项目: rexxar-android   文件: ByteArrayOutputStream.java
 * Gets the current contents of this byte stream as a Input Stream. The
 * returned stream is backed by buffers of <code>this</code> stream,
 * avoiding memory allocation and copy, thus saving space and time.<br>
 * @return the current contents of this output stream.
 * @see java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream#toByteArray()
 * @see #reset()
 * @since 2.0
private InputStream toBufferedInputStream() {
    int remaining = count;
    if (remaining == 0) {
        return new ClosedInputStream();
    List<ByteArrayInputStream> list = new ArrayList<ByteArrayInputStream>(buffers.size());
    for (byte[] buf : buffers) {
        int c = Math.min(buf.length, remaining);
        list.add(new ByteArrayInputStream(buf, 0, c));
        remaining -= c;
        if (remaining == 0) {
    return new SequenceInputStream(Collections.enumeration(list));
源代码17 项目: AndroidBase   文件: ByteArrayOutputStream.java
 * Gets the current contents of this byte stream as a Input Stream. The
 * returned stream is backed by buffers of <code>this</code> stream,
 * avoiding memory allocation and copy, thus saving space and time.<br>
 * @return the current contents of this output stream.
 * @see java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream#toByteArray()
 * @see #reset()
 * @since 2.0
private InputStream toBufferedInputStream() {
    int remaining = count;
    if (remaining == 0) {
        return new ClosedInputStream();
    List<ByteArrayInputStream> list = new ArrayList<ByteArrayInputStream>(buffers.size());
    for (byte[] buf : buffers) {
        int c = Math.min(buf.length, remaining);
        list.add(new ByteArrayInputStream(buf, 0, c));
        remaining -= c;
        if (remaining == 0) {
    return new SequenceInputStream(Collections.enumeration(list));
源代码18 项目: batfish   文件: StreamDecoder.java
 * Automatically detects charset of the input stream, reads it, decodes it, and returns the
 * resulting string with a newline appended if the original stream is non-empty. Does not close
 * the provided input stream.
 * @throws IOException if there is an error
@SuppressWarnings("PMD.CloseResource") // PMD does not understand Closer.
static @Nonnull String decodeStreamAndAppendNewline(@Nonnull InputStream inputStream)
    throws IOException {
  byte[] rawBytes = IOUtils.toByteArray(inputStream);
  Charset cs = Charset.forName(new CharsetDetector().setText(rawBytes).detect().getName());
  try (Closer closer = Closer.create()) {
    InputStream inputByteStream =
        closer.register(bomInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(rawBytes)));
    InputStream finalInputStream =
            rawBytes.length > 0
                ? new SequenceInputStream(
                    closer.register(bomInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream("\n".getBytes(cs)))))
                : inputByteStream);
    return new String(IOUtils.toByteArray(finalInputStream), cs);
public void testWrite() throws Exception {
    String segmentName = "foo_write";
    int appendCount = 10;

    try (Storage s = createStorage()) {
        createSegment(segmentName, s);

        val writeHandle = s.openWrite(segmentName).join();
        long offset = 0;
        for (int j = 0; j < appendCount; j++) {
            byte[] writeData = String.format(APPEND_FORMAT, segmentName, j).getBytes();

            val dataStream = new SequenceInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(writeData), new ByteArrayInputStream(new byte[100]));
            s.write(writeHandle, offset, dataStream, writeData.length, TIMEOUT).join();
            offset += writeData.length;

源代码20 项目: pravega   文件: CompositeBufferViewTests.java
 * Tests {@link BufferView#wrap(List)}.
public void testWrap() throws IOException {
    val empty = BufferView.wrap(Collections.emptyList());
    Assert.assertSame(BufferView.empty(), empty);

    val b1 = new ByteArraySegment(new byte[]{1});
    val b2 = new ByteArraySegment(new byte[]{2});
    val single = BufferView.wrap(Collections.singletonList(b1));
    Assert.assertSame(b1, single);

    val composite = BufferView.wrap(Arrays.asList(b1, b2));
    Assert.assertEquals(b1.getLength() + b2.getLength(), composite.getLength());
            new SequenceInputStream(b1.getReader(), b2.getReader()), composite.getReader(), composite.getLength());

    val contentBufs = composite.getContents();
    val expectedContentBufs = Stream.of(b1, b2).flatMap(b -> b.getContents().stream()).collect(Collectors.toList());
    AssertExtensions.assertListEquals("", expectedContentBufs, contentBufs, ByteBuffer::equals);
源代码21 项目: pravega   文件: CompositeBufferViewTests.java
 * Tests {@link BufferView#wrap(List)}.
public void testWrapRecursive() throws IOException {
    val b1 = new ByteArraySegment(new byte[]{1});
    val b2 = new ByteArraySegment(new byte[]{2});
    val b3 = new ByteArraySegment(new byte[]{3});

    val c1 = BufferView.wrap(Arrays.asList(b1, b2));
    val c2 = BufferView.wrap(Arrays.asList(c1, b3));
    Assert.assertEquals(b1.getLength() + b2.getLength() + b3.getLength(), c2.getLength());
            new SequenceInputStream(Iterators.asEnumeration(Arrays.asList(b1.getReader(), b2.getReader(), b3.getReader()).iterator())),
            c2.getReader(), c2.getLength());

    val contentBufs = c2.getContents();
    val expectedContentBufs = Stream.of(b1, b2, b3).flatMap(b -> b.getContents().stream()).collect(Collectors.toList());
    AssertExtensions.assertListEquals("", expectedContentBufs, contentBufs, ByteBuffer::equals);
源代码22 项目: pravega   文件: CompositeBufferViewTests.java
 * Tests {@link CompositeBufferView#slice(int, int)} and {@link CompositeBufferView#getReader(int, int)}.
public void testSlice() throws IOException {
    val components = createComponents();
    val cb = BufferView.wrap(components);
    val expectedSize = components.stream().mapToInt(BufferView::getLength).sum();
    val expected = StreamHelpers.readAll(
            new SequenceInputStream(Iterators.asEnumeration(components.stream().map(BufferView::getReader).iterator())),
    for (int i = 0; i < expectedSize / 2; i++) {
        int sliceLength = expectedSize - i;
        val slice = cb.slice(i, sliceLength);
        val sliceData = slice.getCopy();
        AssertExtensions.assertArrayEquals("slice(offset, length)", expected, i, sliceData, 0, sliceLength);

        val sliceReader = cb.getReader(i, sliceLength);
        val sliceReaderData = StreamHelpers.readAll(sliceReader, sliceLength);
        AssertExtensions.assertArrayEquals("getReader(offset, length)", expected, i, sliceReaderData, 0, sliceLength);
源代码23 项目: beam   文件: XmlSource.java
private void setUpXMLParser(ReadableByteChannel channel, byte[] lookAhead) throws IOException {
  try {
    // We use Woodstox because the StAX implementation provided by OpenJDK reports
    // character locations incorrectly. Note that Woodstox still currently reports *byte*
    // locations incorrectly when parsing documents that contain multi-byte characters.
    XMLInputFactory2 xmlInputFactory = (XMLInputFactory2) XMLInputFactory.newInstance();
    this.parser =
            new SequenceInputStream(
                new ByteArrayInputStream(lookAhead), Channels.newInputStream(channel)),

    // Current offset should be the offset before reading the record element.
    while (true) {
      int event = parser.next();
      if (event == XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT) {
        String localName = parser.getLocalName();
        if (localName.equals(getCurrentSource().configuration.getRecordElement())) {
  } catch (FactoryConfigurationError | XMLStreamException e) {
    throw new IOException(e);
源代码24 项目: guacamole-client   文件: SequenceResource.java
public InputStream asStream() {
    return new SequenceInputStream(new Enumeration<InputStream>() {

         * Iterator over all resources associated with this
         * SequenceResource.
        private final Iterator<Resource> resourceIterator = resources.iterator();

        public boolean hasMoreElements() {
            return resourceIterator.hasNext();

        public InputStream nextElement() {
            return resourceIterator.next().asStream();

源代码25 项目: typescript.java   文件: ByteArrayOutputStream.java
 * Gets the current contents of this byte stream as a Input Stream. The
 * returned stream is backed by buffers of <code>this</code> stream,
 * avoiding memory allocation and copy, thus saving space and time.<br>
 * @return the current contents of this output stream.
 * @see java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream#toByteArray()
 * @see #reset()
 * @since 2.0
private InputStream toBufferedInputStream() {
    int remaining = count;
    if (remaining == 0) {
        return new ClosedInputStream();
    List<ByteArrayInputStream> list = new ArrayList<ByteArrayInputStream>(buffers.size());
    for (byte[] buf : buffers) {
        int c = Math.min(buf.length, remaining);
        list.add(new ByteArrayInputStream(buf, 0, c));
        remaining -= c;
        if (remaining == 0) {
    return new SequenceInputStream(Collections.enumeration(list));
源代码26 项目: Android-RTEditor   文件: ByteArrayOutputStream.java
 * Gets the current contents of this byte stream as a Input Stream. The
 * returned stream is backed by buffers of <code>this</code> stream,
 * avoiding memory allocation and copy, thus saving space and time.<br>
 * @return the current contents of this output stream.
 * @see java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream#toByteArray()
 * @see #reset()
 * @since 2.0
private InputStream toBufferedInputStream() {
    int remaining = count;
    if (remaining == 0) {
        return new ClosedInputStream();
    List<ByteArrayInputStream> list = new ArrayList<ByteArrayInputStream>(buffers.size());
    for (byte[] buf : buffers) {
        int c = Math.min(buf.length, remaining);
        list.add(new ByteArrayInputStream(buf, 0, c));
        remaining -= c;
        if (remaining == 0) {
    return new SequenceInputStream(Collections.enumeration(list));
源代码27 项目: ToolsFinal   文件: ByteArrayOutputStream.java
 * Gets the current contents of this byte stream as a Input Stream. The
 * returned stream is backed by buffers of <code>this</code> stream,
 * avoiding memory allocation and copy, thus saving space and time.<br>
 * @return the current contents of this output stream.
 * @see java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream#toByteArray()
 * @see #reset()
 * @since 2.0
private InputStream toBufferedInputStream() {
    int remaining = count;
    if (remaining == 0) {
        return new ClosedInputStream();
    List<ByteArrayInputStream> list = new ArrayList<ByteArrayInputStream>(buffers.size());
    for (byte[] buf : buffers) {
        int c = Math.min(buf.length, remaining);
        list.add(new ByteArrayInputStream(buf, 0, c));
        remaining -= c;
        if (remaining == 0) {
    return new SequenceInputStream(Collections.enumeration(list));
源代码28 项目: jpexs-decompiler   文件: AVIBMPDIB.java
public static ImageInputStream prependDHTSeg(ImageInputStream iisWithoutDHT) throws IOException {
    Vector<InputStream> v = new Vector<InputStream>();
    v.add(new ByteArrayInputStream(JFIFSOISeg));
    v.add(new ByteArrayInputStream(MJPGDHTSeg));
    iisWithoutDHT.seek(2);// skip JFIF SOI 
    v.add(new ImageInputStreamAdapter(iisWithoutDHT));
    return new MemoryCacheImageInputStream(new SequenceInputStream(v.elements()));
源代码29 项目: dragonwell8_jdk   文件: Package.java
public InputStream getInputStream() {
    InputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(append.toByteArray());
    if (prepend.isEmpty())  return in;
    List<InputStream> isa = new ArrayList<>(prepend.size()+1);
    for (byte[] bytes : prepend) {
        isa.add(new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes));
    return new SequenceInputStream(Collections.enumeration(isa));
源代码30 项目: dragonwell8_jdk   文件: LotsOfStreams.java
public static void main(String[] argv) throws Exception {
    try (InputStream stream =
            new SequenceInputStream(new LOSEnumeration())) {
    try (InputStream stream =
            new SequenceInputStream(new LOSEnumeration())) {
        byte[] b = new byte[1];
        stream.read(b, 0, 1);