

源代码1 项目: javaide   文件: ApiDetector.java
private void checkExtendsClass(ClassContext context, ClassNode classNode, int classMinSdk,
        String signature) {
    int api = mApiDatabase.getClassVersion(signature);
    if (api > classMinSdk) {
        String fqcn = ClassContext.getFqcn(signature);
        String message = String.format(
                "Class requires API level %1$d (current min is %2$d): `%3$s`",
                api, classMinSdk, fqcn);

        String name = signature.substring(signature.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
        name = name.substring(name.lastIndexOf('$') + 1);
        SearchHints hints = SearchHints.create(BACKWARD).matchJavaSymbol();
        int lineNumber = ClassContext.findLineNumber(classNode);
        Location location = context.getLocationForLine(lineNumber, name, null,
        context.report(UNSUPPORTED, location, message);
源代码2 项目: customstuff4   文件: AsmHelper.java
public static <T> Class<? extends T> createSubClass(Class<T> superClass, String nameSuffix, int constructorParams)
    ClassNode superNode = createClassNode(superClass);
    MethodNode constructor = findConstructor(superNode, constructorParams);
    String className = superClass.getName().replace('.', '/') + "_" + nameSuffix.replace(":", "_");

    ClassWriter cw = new ClassWriter(0);
    cw.visit(V1_7, ACC_PUBLIC + ACC_SUPER, className, null, Type.getInternalName(superClass), null);

    // Constructor
    MethodVisitor mv = cw.visitMethod(ACC_PUBLIC, constructor.name, constructor.desc, null, null);
    int[] opcodes = createLoadOpcodes(constructor);
    for (int i = 0; i < opcodes.length; i++)
        mv.visitVarInsn(opcodes[i], i);
    mv.visitMethodInsn(INVOKESPECIAL, Type.getInternalName(superClass), constructor.name, constructor.desc, false);
    mv.visitMaxs(constructorParams + 1, constructorParams + 1);

    byte[] byteCode = cw.toByteArray();

    return (Class<? extends T>) createClassFromBytes(className, byteCode);
源代码3 项目: JReFrameworker   文件: DefineFinalityIdentifier.java
private void extractDefineTypeFinalityAnnotationValues(ClassNode classNode, AnnotationNode annotation) {
	int phaseValue = 1; // default to 1
	String typeValue = null;
	Boolean finalityValue = null;
	if (annotation.values != null) {
	    for (int i = 0; i < annotation.values.size(); i += 2) {
	        String name = (String) annotation.values.get(i);
	        Object value = annotation.values.get(i + 1);
	        	phaseValue = (int) value;
	        } else if(name.equals(TYPE)){
	        	typeValue = ((String)value).replaceAll("\\.", "/");
	        } else if(name.equals(FINALITY)){
	        	finalityValue = (boolean) value;
	    if(typeValue != null && finalityValue != null){
	    	String className = typeValue;
	    		className = classNode.superName;
	    	targetTypes.add(new DefineTypeFinalityAnnotation(phaseValue, className, finalityValue));
源代码4 项目: CodeChickenLib   文件: MCStripTransformer.java
public static byte[] transform(byte[] bytes) {
    ClassNode cnode = ASMHelper.createClassNode(bytes, ClassReader.EXPAND_FRAMES);

    boolean changed = false;
    Iterator<MethodNode> it = cnode.methods.iterator();
    while (it.hasNext()) {
        MethodNode mnode = it.next();
        ReferenceDetector r = new ReferenceDetector();
        mnode.accept(new RemappingMethodAdapter(mnode.access, mnode.desc, new MethodVisitor(Opcodes.ASM4) {
        }, r));
        if (r.found) {
            changed = true;
    if (changed) {
        bytes = ASMHelper.createBytes(cnode, 0);
    return bytes;
源代码5 项目: JByteMod-Beta   文件: DecompilerTab.java
public void decompile(ClassNode cn, MethodNode mn, boolean deleteCache) {
  if (cn == null) {
  Decompiler d = null;
  switch (decompiler) {
  case PROCYON:
    d = new ProcyonDecompiler(jbm, dp);
    d = new FernflowerDecompiler(jbm, dp);
  case CFR:
    d = new CFRDecompiler(jbm, dp);
  case KRAKATAU:
    d = new KrakatauDecompiler(jbm, dp);
  d.setNode(cn, mn);
  if (deleteCache) {
源代码6 项目: deobfuscator   文件: JavaThread.java
public void start() {
    if (!started) {
        started = true;
        ClassNode classNode = context.dictionary.get(instance.type());
        if (classNode != null) {
            MethodNode method = classNode.methods.stream().filter(mn -> mn.name.equals("run") && mn.desc.equals("()V")).findFirst().orElse(null);
            if (method != null) {
                Context threadContext = new Context(context.provider);
                threadContext.dictionary = context.dictionary;
                threadContext.file = context.file;

                thread = new Thread(() -> MethodExecutor.execute(classNode, method, Collections.emptyList(), instance, threadContext));
                ThreadStore.addThread(thread.getId(), this);
                this.context = threadContext;

            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not find run() method on " + classNode.name);
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not find class " + instance.type());
    } else {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Thread already started");
源代码7 项目: Stark   文件: AsmUtils.java
 * Read all directly implemented interfaces from the passed {@link ClassNode} instance.
 * @param classNode           the class
 * @param classReaderProvider a provider to read class bytes from storage
 * @param interfacesList      a builder to store the list of AsmInterfaceNode for each directly
 *                            implemented interfaces, can be empty after method returns.
 * @return true if implemented interfaces could all be loaded, false otherwise.
 * @throws IOException when bytes cannot be read
static boolean readInterfaces(
        @NonNull ClassNode classNode,
        @NonNull ClassNodeProvider classReaderProvider,
        @NonNull ImmutableList.Builder<AsmInterfaceNode> interfacesList)
        throws IOException {
    for (String anInterface : (List<String>) classNode.interfaces) {
        AsmInterfaceNode interfaceNode =
                readInterfaceHierarchy(classReaderProvider, anInterface, classNode);
        if (interfaceNode != null) {
        } else {
            return false;
    return true;
源代码8 项目: obfuscator   文件: LineNumberTransformer.java
public void visit(Map<String, ClassNode> classMap) {
    classMap.values().forEach(classNode -> classNode.methods.forEach(methodNode ->
            Arrays.stream(methodNode.instructions.toArray()).forEachOrdered(ain -> {
                try {
                    final AbstractInsnNode current = ain.getNext();
                    if (current == null)
                    if (!(current instanceof LineNumberNode))

                    methodNode.instructions.iterator().set(new LineNumberNode(RandomUtil.nextInt(), ((LineNumberNode) current).start));
                } catch (Exception ignored) {
源代码9 项目: zelixkiller   文件: MappingProcessor.java
 * Given a map of ClassNodes and mappings, returns a map of class names to
 * class bytes.
 * @param nodes
 * @param mappings
 * @return
public static Map<String, byte[]> process(Map<String, ClassNode> nodes, Map<String, MappedClass> mappings, boolean useMaxs) {
	Map<String, byte[]> out = new HashMap<String, byte[]>();
	SkidRemapper mapper = new SkidRemapper(mappings);
	try {
		for (ClassNode cn : nodes.values()) {
			ClassWriter cw = new MappingClassWriter(mappings, useMaxs ? ClassWriter.COMPUTE_MAXS : ClassWriter.COMPUTE_FRAMES);
			ClassVisitor remapper = new ClassRemapper(cw, mapper);
			out.put(mappings.containsKey(cn.name) ? mappings.get(cn.name).getNewName() : cn.name, cw.toByteArray());
	} catch (Exception e) {
	return out;
源代码10 项目: obfuscator   文件: HideCodeTransformer.java
public void visit(Map<String, ClassNode> classMap) {
    classMap.values().forEach(classNode -> {
        if (!(AccessUtil.isSynthetic(classNode.access) && classNode.visibleAnnotations == null))
            classNode.access |= ACC_SYNTHETIC;

        classNode.methods.forEach(methodNode -> {
            if (!AccessUtil.isSynthetic(methodNode.access))
                methodNode.access |= ACC_SYNTHETIC;

            if (!methodNode.name.startsWith("<") && AccessUtil.isBridge(methodNode.access))
                methodNode.access |= ACC_BRIDGE;

        classNode.fields.forEach(fieldNode -> {
            if (!AccessUtil.isSynthetic(fieldNode.access))
                fieldNode.access |= ACC_SYNTHETIC;
源代码11 项目: wisdom   文件: WisdomModelVisitorTest.java
public void parseRegularModel() {
    Reporter reporter = new SystemReporter();
    ComponentWorkbench workbench = mock(ComponentWorkbench.class);
    when(workbench.getClassNode()).thenReturn(new ClassNode());

    FieldNode node = new FieldNode(Opcodes.ACC_PROTECTED, "model", Type.getDescriptor(Crud.class), null, null);

    WisdomModelVisitor visitor = new WisdomModelVisitor(workbench, reporter, node);
    visitor.visit("value", "entity");

    Element element = elements.keySet().iterator().next();

源代码12 项目: pinpoint   文件: MethodInterfaceTest.java
public void addMethod() throws Exception {
    final MethodNode methodNode = TestClassLoader.get("com.navercorp.test.pinpoint.jdk8.interfaces.SimpleClass", "welcome");
    final ASMMethodNodeAdapter methodNodeAdapter = new ASMMethodNodeAdapter("com/navercorp/test/pinpoint/jdk8/interfaces/SimpleClass", methodNode);

    final String targetInterfaceName = "com.navercorp.test.pinpoint.jdk8.interfaces.MethodInterface";
    TestClassLoader classLoader = new TestClassLoader();
    classLoader.setCallbackHandler(new CallbackHandler() {
        public void handle(ClassNode classNode) {
            logger.debug("Add method class={}", classNode.name);
            ASMClassNodeAdapter classNodeAdapter = new ASMClassNodeAdapter(pluginContext, null, null, classNode);
    logger.debug("Interface static method");
    Class<?> clazz = classLoader.loadClass(targetInterfaceName);
    Method method = clazz.getDeclaredMethod("welcome");
private Class<?> addDelegatorMethod(final String targetClassName, final String superClassName, final String methodName) throws Exception {
    final ClassNode superClassNode = ASMClassNodeLoader.get(superClassName);
    List<MethodNode> methodNodes = superClassNode.methods;
    final MethodNode methodNode = findMethodNode(methodName, methodNodes);

    classLoader.setCallbackHandler(new ASMClassNodeLoader.CallbackHandler() {
        public void handle(final ClassNode classNode) {
            String[] exceptions = null;
            if (methodNode.exceptions != null) {
                exceptions = methodNode.exceptions.toArray(new String[0]);

            final MethodNode newMethodNode = new MethodNode(methodNode.access, methodNode.name, methodNode.desc, methodNode.signature, exceptions);
            final ASMMethodNodeAdapter methodNodeAdapter = new ASMMethodNodeAdapter(classNode.name, newMethodNode);
    return classLoader.loadClass(targetClassName);
源代码14 项目: JReFrameworker   文件: MergeIdentifier.java
private void extractMergeTypeAnnotationValues(ClassNode classNode, AnnotationNode annotation){
	if(classNode != null){
		int phaseValue = 1; // default to 1
		String superTypeValue = null;
		if(annotation.values != null){
	        for (int i = 0; i < annotation.values.size(); i += 2) {
	            String name = (String) annotation.values.get(i);
	            Object value = annotation.values.get(i + 1);
		        	phaseValue = (int) value;
		        } else if(name.equals(SUPERTYPE)){
	            	superTypeValue = ((String)value).replaceAll("\\.", "/");
		if(superTypeValue == null || superTypeValue.equals("")){
			superTypeValue = classNode.superName;
		mergeTypeAnnotation = new MergeTypeAnnotation(phaseValue, superTypeValue);
源代码15 项目: Stark   文件: RedirectionVisitor.java
 * Add a new method in the list of unseen methods in the instrumentedClass hierarchy.
 * @param name              the dispatching name that will be used for matching callers to the passed method.
 * @param instrumentedClass class that is being visited
 * @param superClass        the class or interface defining the passed method.
 * @param method            the method to study
 * @param methods           the methods arlready encountered in the ClassNode hierarchy
 * @return the newly added {@link MethodReference} of null if the method was not added for any
 * reason.
private static MethodReference addNewMethod(
        String name,
        ClassNode instrumentedClass,
        ClassNode superClass,
        MethodNode method,
        Map<String, MethodReference> methods) {
    if (isAccessCompatibleWithStark(method.access)
            && !methods.containsKey(name)
            && (method.access & Opcodes.ACC_STATIC) == 0
            && isCallableFromSubclass(method, superClass, instrumentedClass)) {
        MethodReference methodReference = new MethodReference(method, superClass);
        methods.put(name, methodReference);
        return methodReference;
    return null;
源代码16 项目: bytecode-viewer   文件: JarUtils.java
 * Creates a new ClassNode instances from the provided byte[]
 * @param bytez the class file's byte[]
 * @return the ClassNode instance
public static ClassNode getNode(final byte[] bytez) throws Exception {
    ClassReader cr = new ClassReader(bytez);
    ClassNode cn = new ClassNode();
    try {
        cr.accept(cn, ClassReader.EXPAND_FRAMES);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        try {
            cr.accept(cn, ClassReader.SKIP_FRAMES);
        } catch (Exception e2) {
            throw e2;
    cr = null;
    return cn;
源代码17 项目: zelixkiller   文件: StringObfuscationCipherVMT11.java
private ArrayList<String> findNeededContents(ClassNode cn, MethodNode mn) {
	ArrayList<String> neededContents = new ArrayList<>();
	for (AbstractInsnNode ain : mn.instructions.toArray()) {
		if (ain instanceof MethodInsnNode) {
			MethodInsnNode min = (MethodInsnNode) ain;
			if (min.owner.equals(cn.name) && !neededContents.contains(min.name + min.desc)) {
				neededContents.add(min.name + min.desc);
				neededContents.addAll(findNeededContents(cn, ClassUtils.getMethod(cn, min.name, min.desc)));
		if (ain instanceof FieldInsnNode) {
			FieldInsnNode fin = (FieldInsnNode) ain;
			if (fin.owner.equals(cn.name) && !neededContents.contains(fin.name + fin.desc)) {
				neededContents.add(fin.name + fin.desc);
	return neededContents;
源代码18 项目: JByteMod-Beta   文件: RuntimeJarArchive.java
public Map<String, ClassNode> getClasses() {
  for (Class<?> c : ins.getAllLoadedClasses()) {
    String name = c.getName().replace('.', '/');
    if (!isRT(name) && !classes.containsKey(name)) {
      if (name.contains("$$") || systemClasses.contains(name) || name.contains("[") || !ins.isModifiableClass(c)) {
      try {
        ClassNode cn = Loader.classToNode(name);
        if (cn != null) {
          classes.put(name, cn);
          output.put(name, ASMUtils.getNodeBytes0(cn));
      } catch (IOException e) {
  return classes;
源代码19 项目: deobfuscator   文件: JavaClass.java
public List<ClassNode> loadHierachy(ClassNode specificNode) {
    if (specificNode.name.equals("java/lang/Object")) {
        return Collections.emptyList();
    if ((specificNode.access & Opcodes.ACC_INTERFACE) != 0) {
        return Collections.emptyList();
    List<ClassNode> toProcess = new ArrayList<>();

    ClassTree thisTree = getClassTree(specificNode.name);
    ClassNode superClass = assureLoaded(specificNode.superName);
    if (superClass == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not load " + specificNode.name);
    ClassTree superTree = getClassTree(superClass.name);

    for (String interfaceReference : specificNode.interfaces) {
        ClassNode interfaceNode = assureLoaded(interfaceReference);
        if (interfaceNode == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not load " + interfaceReference);
        ClassTree interfaceTree = getClassTree(interfaceReference);
    return toProcess;
源代码20 项目: testcontainers-java   文件: PublicBinaryAPITest.java
@Parameters(name = "{0}")
public static List<Object[]> data() throws Exception {
    List<Object[]> result = new ArrayList<>();

    Files.walkFileTree(root, new SimpleFileVisitor<Path>() {

        public FileVisitResult visitFile(Path path, BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException {
            String fileName = path.toString();

            if (!fileName.endsWith(".class")) {
                return super.visitFile(path, attrs);

            if (!fileName.startsWith("/org/testcontainers/") ) {
                 return super.visitFile(path, attrs);

            if (fileName.startsWith("/" + SHADED_PACKAGE_PATH)) {
                return super.visitFile(path, attrs);

            try(InputStream inputStream = Files.newInputStream(path)) {
                ClassReader reader = new ClassReader(inputStream);
                ClassNode node = new ClassNode();
                reader.accept(node, ClassReader.SKIP_CODE);
                if ((node.access & Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC) != 0) {
                    result.add(new Object[]{ fileName, node });

            return super.visitFile(path, attrs);
    return result;
源代码21 项目: SkyblockAddons   文件: SoundManagerTransformer.java
public void transform(ClassNode classNode, String name) {
    for (MethodNode methodNode : classNode.methods) {
        if (TransformerMethod.playSound.matches(methodNode)) {

            // Objective:
            // Find: this.getNormalizedVolume(p_sound, soundpoolentry, soundcategory);
            // Replace method with: SoundManagerHook.getNormalizedVolume(this, p_sound, soundpoolentry, soundcategory);

            Iterator<AbstractInsnNode> iterator = methodNode.instructions.iterator();
            while (iterator.hasNext()) {
                AbstractInsnNode abstractNode = iterator.next();
                if (abstractNode instanceof MethodInsnNode) {
                    MethodInsnNode methodInsnNode = (MethodInsnNode)abstractNode;
                    if (nameMatches(methodInsnNode.owner, TransformerClass.SoundManager.getNameRaw()) && TransformerMethod.getNormalizedVolume.matches(methodInsnNode)) {
                        methodNode.instructions.insertBefore(abstractNode, new MethodInsnNode(Opcodes.INVOKESTATIC, "codes/biscuit/skyblockaddons/asm/hooks/SoundManagerHook", "getNormalizedVolume",
                                false)); // Add SoundManagerHook.getNormalizedVolume(this, p_sound, soundpoolentry, soundcategory);

                        iterator.remove(); // Remove the old method call.
源代码22 项目: pinpoint   文件: ASMClassNodeAdapterTest.java
public void addField_transient() throws Exception {
    final String baseClassName = "com.navercorp.pinpoint.profiler.instrument.mock.SerializableClass";
    final Class<AsyncContext> asyncContextClass = AsyncContext.class;
    final String accessorClassName = asyncContextClass.getName();
    final ASMClassNodeLoader.TestClassLoader classLoader = ASMClassNodeLoader.getClassLoader();
    classLoader.setCallbackHandler(new ASMClassNodeLoader.CallbackHandler() {
        public void handle(ClassNode classNode) {
            ASMClassNodeAdapter classNodeAdapter = new ASMClassNodeAdapter(pluginClassInputStreamProvider, null, getClass().getProtectionDomain(), classNode);
            classNodeAdapter.addField("_$PINPOINT$_" + JavaAssistUtils.javaClassNameToVariableName(accessorClassName), Type.getDescriptor(asyncContextClass));
            ASMFieldNodeAdapter fieldNode = classNodeAdapter.getField("_$PINPOINT$_" + JavaAssistUtils.javaClassNameToVariableName(accessorClassName), null);
            classNodeAdapter.addGetterMethod("_$PINPOINT$_getAsyncContext", fieldNode);
            classNodeAdapter.addSetterMethod("_$PINPOINT$_setAsyncContext", fieldNode);
    Class<?> baseClazz = classLoader.loadClass(baseClassName);
    Object instance = baseClazz.newInstance();
    AsyncContext asyncContext = new MockAsyncContext();
    Method setMethod = baseClazz.getDeclaredMethod("_$PINPOINT$_setAsyncContext", asyncContextClass);
    setMethod.invoke(instance, asyncContext);

    Method getMethod = baseClazz.getDeclaredMethod("_$PINPOINT$_getAsyncContext");
    AsyncContext result = (AsyncContext) getMethod.invoke(instance);

    logger.debug("{}", result);
源代码23 项目: maple-ir   文件: ClassPrinter.java
public void print(ClassNode e) {
    this.sw.print(".class ").print(e.name).print(" {").tab();

    this.emitDirective("superName", e.superName);
    this.emitDirective("interfaces", e.interfaces);
    this.emitDirective("version", e.version);
    this.emitIfNonNull("sourceFile", e.sourceFile);
    this.emitIfNonNull("sourceFile", e.sourceDebug);
    this.emitIfNonNull("outerClass", e.outerClass);
    this.emitIfNonNull("outerMethod", e.outerMethod);
    this.emitIfNonNull("outerMethodDesc", e.outerMethodDesc);
    if(isNonEmpty(e.visibleAnnotations)) {
        this.emitDirective("visibleAnnotations", e.visibleAnnotations);
    if(isNonEmpty(e.invisibleAnnotations)) {
        this.emitDirective("invisibleAnnotations", e.invisibleAnnotations);
    if(isNonEmpty(e.visibleTypeAnnotations)) {
        this.emitDirective("visibleTypeAnnotations", e.visibleTypeAnnotations);
    if(isNonEmpty(e.invisibleTypeAnnotations)) {
        this.emitDirective("invisibleTypeAnnotations", e.invisibleTypeAnnotations);
    if(isNonEmpty(e.attrs)) {

    this.emit(e.fields.iterator(), this.fieldPrinter);
    this.emit(e.methods.iterator(), this.methodPrinter);

源代码24 项目: bazel   文件: RuntimeEntityResolver.java
private static <T> T getAsmNode(
    AsmNode asmNodeRequest,
    Class<T> requestedNodeType,
    List<JarTransformationRecord> jarTransformationRecords,
    ImmutableList<Path> initialInputs,
    String workingJavaPackage)
    throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
  String requestedClassName = asmNodeRequest.className();
  String qualifiedClassName =
      workingJavaPackage.isEmpty() || requestedClassName.contains(".")
          ? requestedClassName
          : workingJavaPackage + "." + requestedClassName;
  String classFileName = qualifiedClassName.replace('.', '/') + ".class";
  int round = asmNodeRequest.round();
  ImmutableList<Path> jars =
      round == 0 ? initialInputs : jarTransformationRecords.get(round - 1).outputJars();
  ClassNode classNode = findClassNode(classFileName, jars);
  if (requestedNodeType == ClassNode.class) {
    return requestedNodeType.cast(classNode);

  String memberName = asmNodeRequest.memberName();
  String memberDescriptor = asmNodeRequest.memberDescriptor();
  if (requestedNodeType == FieldNode.class) {
    return requestedNodeType.cast(getFieldNode(classNode, memberName, memberDescriptor));
  if (requestedNodeType == MethodNode.class) {
    return requestedNodeType.cast(getMethodNode(classNode, memberName, memberDescriptor));

  throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
      String.format("Injecting a node type (%s) is not supported", requestedNodeType));
源代码25 项目: Stark   文件: MonitorVisitor.java
protected static MethodNode getMethodByNameInClass(String methodName, String desc, ClassNode classNode) {
    //noinspection unchecked ASM API
    List<MethodNode> methods = classNode.methods;
    for (MethodNode method : methods) {
        if (method.name.equals(methodName) && method.desc.equals(desc)) {
            return method;
    return null;
源代码26 项目: JByteMod-Beta   文件: LVPEntry.java
public LVPEntry(ClassNode cn, MethodNode mn, LocalVariableNode lvn) {
  this.cn = cn;
  this.mn = mn;
  this.lvn = lvn;
  this.text = TextUtils.toHtml(TextUtils.toBold("#" + lvn.index) + " ");
  if (lvn.desc != null && !lvn.desc.isEmpty()) {
    this.text += InstrUtils.getDisplayType(lvn.desc, true) + " ";
  this.text += TextUtils.addTag(TextUtils.escape(lvn.name), "font color=#995555");
源代码27 项目: coroutines   文件: VariableTableTest.java
public void setUp() throws IOException {
    byte[] classData = readZipFromResource("SimpleStub.zip").get("SimpleStub.class");
    ClassReader classReader = new ClassReader(classData);
    classNode = new ClassNode();
    classReader.accept(classNode, 0);
    methodNode = classNode.methods.get(1); // stub should be here
源代码28 项目: bazel   文件: NestDesugaringMethodAccessTest.java
public void nonNestInvocationInstructions(
    @AsmNode(className = "NonNest", round = 0) ClassNode before,
    @AsmNode(className = "NonNest", round = 1) ClassNode after) {
源代码29 项目: javaide   文件: LintUtils.java
 * Returns true if the given class node represents an anonymous inner class
 * @param classNode the class to be checked
 * @return true if the class appears to be an anonymous class
public static boolean isAnonymousClass(@NonNull ClassNode classNode) {
    if (classNode.outerClass == null) {
        return false;

    String name = classNode.name;
    int index = name.lastIndexOf('$');
    if (index == -1 || index == name.length() - 1) {
        return false;

    return Character.isDigit(name.charAt(index + 1));
源代码30 项目: deobfuscator   文件: JVMMethodProvider.java
private static void initObject(Context context, String className, JavaValue object) { 
    ClassNode classNode = context.dictionary.get(className);
    if (classNode != null) {
        for (FieldNode field : classNode.fields) {
            switch (field.desc) { 
                case "B": 
                    context.provider.setField(classNode.name, field.name, field.desc, object, (byte) 0, context);
                case "S": 
                    context.provider.setField(classNode.name, field.name, field.desc, object, (short) 0, context);
                case "I": 
                    context.provider.setField(classNode.name, field.name, field.desc, object, 0, context);
                case "J": 
                    context.provider.setField(classNode.name, field.name, field.desc, object, 0L, context);
                case "F": 
                    context.provider.setField(classNode.name, field.name, field.desc, object, 0.0, context);
                case "D": 
                    context.provider.setField(classNode.name, field.name, field.desc, object, 0.0D, context);
                case "C": 
                    context.provider.setField(classNode.name, field.name, field.desc, object, (char) 0, context);
                case "Z": 
                    context.provider.setField(classNode.name, field.name, field.desc, object, false, context);
    } else { 
        throw new RuntimeException("Could not initialize class " + className); 