

源代码1 项目: NOVA-Core   文件: InstructionComparator.java
private static InsnListSection insnListMatchesL(InsnList haystack, InsnList needle, int start, HashSet<LabelNode> controlFlowLabels) {
	int h = start, n = 0;
	for (; h < haystack.size() && n < needle.size(); h++) {
		AbstractInsnNode insn = haystack.get(h);
		if (insn.getType() == 15) {
		if (insn.getType() == 8 && !controlFlowLabels.contains(insn)) {

		if (!insnEqual(haystack.get(h), needle.get(n))) {
			return null;
	if (n != needle.size()) {
		return null;

	return new InsnListSection(haystack, start, h - 1);
源代码2 项目: jphp   文件: DoCompiler.java
public void write(DoStmtToken token) {

    LabelNode start = expr.writeLabel(node, token.getMeta().getStartLine());
    LabelNode end = new LabelNode();

    method.pushJump(end, start);

    expr.writeConditional(token.getCondition(), end);

    add(new JumpInsnNode(GOTO, start));
    add(new LineNumberNode(token.getMeta().getEndLine(), end));

源代码3 项目: pinpoint   文件: ASMMethodVariables.java
public void initLocalVariables(final InsnList instructions) {
    // find enter & exit instruction.
    final LabelNode variableStartLabelNode = new LabelNode();
    final LabelNode variableEndLabelNode = new LabelNode();
    if(instructions.getFirst() != null) {
        instructions.insertBefore(instructions.getFirst(), variableStartLabelNode);
    } else {
    instructions.insert(instructions.getLast(), variableEndLabelNode);

    if (!isStatic()) {
        addLocalVariable("this", Type.getObjectType(this.declaringClassInternalName).getDescriptor(), variableStartLabelNode, variableEndLabelNode);

    for (Type type : this.argumentTypes) {
        addLocalVariable(JavaAssistUtils.javaClassNameToVariableName(type.getClassName()), type.getDescriptor(), variableStartLabelNode, variableEndLabelNode);
public void transform(ClassNode cnode) {
	Game.logger().info("Transforming IForgeRegistryEntry class for correct NOVA mod id mapping.");

	ObfMapping mapping = new ObfMapping("net/minecraftforge/fml/common/registry/IForgeRegistryEntry$Impl", "setRegistryName", "(Ljava/lang/String;)Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/registry/IForgeRegistryEntry;");
	MethodNode method = ASMHelper.findMethod(mapping, cnode);

	if (method == null) {
		throw new IllegalStateException("[NOVA] Lookup " + mapping + " failed!");

	Game.logger().info("Transforming method {}", method.name);

	InsnList list = new InsnList();
	list.add(new VarInsnNode(ALOAD, 5));
	list.add(new MethodInsnNode(INVOKESTATIC, "nova/core/wrapper/mc/forge/v1_11_2/asm/StaticForwarder", "isNovaPrefix", "(Ljava/lang/String;)Z", false));
	list.add(new JumpInsnNode(IFNE, (LabelNode) method.instructions.get(120)));

	method.instructions.insert(method.instructions.get(101), list);

	Game.logger().info("Injected instruction to method: {}", method.name);
源代码5 项目: ForgeHax   文件: BoatPatch.java
@Inject(description = "Add hook to disable boat gravity")
public void inject(MethodNode main) {
  AbstractInsnNode gravityNode =
  Objects.requireNonNull(gravityNode, "Find pattern failed for gravityNode");
  AbstractInsnNode putFieldNode = gravityNode;
  for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
    putFieldNode = putFieldNode.getNext();
  LabelNode newLabelNode = new LabelNode();
  InsnList insnList = new InsnList();
    ASMHelper.call(GETSTATIC, TypesHook.Fields.ForgeHaxHooks_isNoBoatGravityActivated));
  insnList.add(new JumpInsnNode(IFNE, newLabelNode)); // if nogravity is enabled
  main.instructions.insertBefore(gravityNode, insnList); // insert if
  main.instructions.insert(putFieldNode, newLabelNode); // end if
源代码6 项目: pitest   文件: ForEachLoopFilter.java
private static SequenceQuery<AbstractInsnNode> conditionalAtStart() {
  final Slot<LabelNode> loopStart = Slot.create(LabelNode.class);
  final Slot<LabelNode> loopEnd = Slot.create(LabelNode.class);
  return QueryStart
      .then(methodCallTo(ClassName.fromString("java/util/Iterator"), "hasNext").and(mutationPoint()))
      .then(methodCallTo(ClassName.fromString("java/util/Iterator"), "next").and(mutationPoint()))
源代码7 项目: NOVA-Core   文件: InstructionComparator.java
private static InsnListSection insnListMatchesL(InsnList haystack, InsnList needle, int start, HashSet<LabelNode> controlFlowLabels) {
	int h = start, n = 0;
	for (; h < haystack.size() && n < needle.size(); h++) {
		AbstractInsnNode insn = haystack.get(h);
		if (insn.getType() == 15) {
		if (insn.getType() == 8 && !controlFlowLabels.contains(insn)) {

		if (!insnEqual(haystack.get(h), needle.get(n))) {
			return null;
	if (n != needle.size()) {
		return null;

	return new InsnListSection(haystack, start, h - 1);
源代码8 项目: maple-ir   文件: LookupSwitchInsnNodeSerializer.java
  public LookupSwitchInsnNode deserialize(JsonElement json, Type typeOfT, JsonDeserializationContext context) throws JsonParseException {
JsonObject jsonObject = (JsonObject) json;
      LabelNode dflt = context.deserialize(jsonObject.get("dflt"), LabelNode.class);
      List<Integer> keysList = context.deserialize(jsonObject.get("keys"), List.class);
      List<LabelNode> labelsList = context.deserialize(jsonObject.get("labels"), List.class);
      int[] keys = new int[keysList.size()];
      for(int i=0; i < keys.length; i++){
      	keys[i] = keysList.get(i);
      LabelNode[] labels = new LabelNode[labelsList.size()];
      for(int i=0; i < labels.length; i++){
      	labels[i] = labelsList.get(i);
      return new LookupSwitchInsnNode(dflt, keys, labels);
源代码9 项目: NOVA-Core   文件: InstructionComparator.java
public static InsnList getImportantList(InsnList list) {
	if (list.size() == 0) {
		return list;

	HashMap<LabelNode, LabelNode> labels = new HashMap<LabelNode, LabelNode>();
	for (AbstractInsnNode insn = list.getFirst(); insn != null; insn = insn.getNext()) {
		if (insn instanceof LabelNode) {
			labels.put((LabelNode) insn, (LabelNode) insn);

	InsnList importantNodeList = new InsnList();
	for (AbstractInsnNode insn = list.getFirst(); insn != null; insn = insn.getNext()) {
		if (insn instanceof LabelNode || insn instanceof LineNumberNode) {

	return importantNodeList;
源代码10 项目: zelixkiller   文件: ExceptionObfuscationTX.java
private void check(ClassNode cn, MethodNode mn, TryCatchBlockNode tcb, LabelNode handler) {
	AbstractInsnNode ain = handler;
	while (ain.getOpcode() == -1) { // skip labels and frames
		ain = ain.getNext();
	if (ain.getOpcode() == ATHROW) {
		removeTCB(mn, tcb);
	} else if (ain instanceof MethodInsnNode && ain.getNext().getOpcode() == ATHROW) {
		MethodInsnNode min = (MethodInsnNode) ain;
		if (min.owner.equals(cn.name)) {
			MethodNode getter = ClassUtils.getMethod(cn, min.name, min.desc);
			AbstractInsnNode getterFirst = getter.instructions.getFirst();
			while (getterFirst.getOpcode() == -1) {
				getterFirst = ain.getNext();
			if (getterFirst instanceof VarInsnNode && getterFirst.getNext().getOpcode() == ARETURN) {
				if (((VarInsnNode) getterFirst).var == 0) {
					removeTCB(mn, tcb);
源代码11 项目: NOVA-Core   文件: InstructionComparator.java
public static InsnList getImportantList(InsnList list) {
	if (list.size() == 0) {
		return list;

	HashMap<LabelNode, LabelNode> labels = new HashMap<LabelNode, LabelNode>();
	for (AbstractInsnNode insn = list.getFirst(); insn != null; insn = insn.getNext()) {
		if (insn instanceof LabelNode) {
			labels.put((LabelNode) insn, (LabelNode) insn);

	InsnList importantNodeList = new InsnList();
	for (AbstractInsnNode insn = list.getFirst(); insn != null; insn = insn.getNext()) {
		if (insn instanceof LabelNode || insn instanceof LineNumberNode) {

	return importantNodeList;
源代码12 项目: nuls-v2   文件: Tableswitch.java
public static void tableswitch(final Frame frame) {
    TableSwitchInsnNode table = frame.tableSwitchInsnNode();
    LabelNode labelNode = table.dflt;
    int index = frame.operandStack.popInt();
    int min = table.min;
    int max = table.max;
    int size = max - min + 1;
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        if (index == (i + min)) {
            labelNode = table.labels.get(i);

源代码13 项目: jumbune   文件: CaseAdapter.java
 * <p>
 * This method Handled the Switch block of TableSwitchInsnNode type in a
 * method
 * </p>.
 * @param currentTableSwithInsn Type of switch block
private void processTableSwitchBlock(
		TableSwitchInsnNode currentTableSwithInsn) {
	LabelNode currentLabel = currentTableSwithInsn.dflt;

	int switchStartIndex = CollectionUtil.getObjectIndexInArray(insnArr,
	int switchTargetIndex = CollectionUtil.getObjectIndexInArray(insnArr,

	if (switchTargetIndex > switchStartIndex) {
		LOGGER.debug("switch block ended at: " + switchTargetIndex);

		AbstractInsnNode[] ainSwitchBlock = new AbstractInsnNode[] {
				currentTableSwithInsn.getPrevious(), currentLabel };
		Integer[] lineNumbers = getLineNumbersForSwitchBlock(ainSwitchBlock);
		InsnList[] il = getInsnForswitchBlock(switchCount, lineNumbers);
		addInsnForswitchBlock(il, ainSwitchBlock);

		scanIndexForswitch = switchTargetIndex;

源代码14 项目: rscplus   文件: JClassPatcher.java
private void patchMenu(ClassNode node) {
  Logger.Info("Patching menu (" + node.name + ".class)");

  Iterator<MethodNode> methodNodeList = node.methods.iterator();
  while (methodNodeList.hasNext()) {
    MethodNode methodNode = methodNodeList.next();

    // Menu swap hook
    if (methodNode.name.equals("e") && methodNode.desc.equals("(II)V")) {
      AbstractInsnNode first = methodNode.instructions.getFirst();

      LabelNode label = new LabelNode();
      methodNode.instructions.insertBefore(first, new VarInsnNode(Opcodes.ALOAD, 0));
          new MethodInsnNode(
              Opcodes.INVOKESTATIC, "Game/Menu", "switchList", "(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z"));
      methodNode.instructions.insertBefore(first, new JumpInsnNode(Opcodes.IFGT, label));
      methodNode.instructions.insertBefore(first, new InsnNode(Opcodes.RETURN));
      methodNode.instructions.insertBefore(first, label);
源代码15 项目: Bats   文件: MethodAnalyzer.java
public void initJumpTarget(int opcode, LabelNode target) {
  if (target != null) {
    switch (opcode) {
      case IFEQ:
      case IFNE:
      case IFLT:
      case IFGE:
      case IFGT:
      case IFLE:
      case IF_ICMPEQ:
      case IF_ICMPNE:
      case IF_ICMPLT:
      case IF_ICMPGE:
      case IF_ICMPGT:
      case IF_ICMPLE:
      case IF_ACMPEQ:
      case IF_ACMPNE:
      case IFNONNULL:
        // for the case when conditional block is handled, creates new variables set
        // to store local variables declared inside current conditional block and
        // stores its target LabelNode to restore previous variables set after conditional block is ended
        localVariablesSet.push(new HashSet<>());
源代码16 项目: JReFrameworker   文件: JSRInlinerAdapter.java
public void visitJumpInsn(final int opcode, final Label label) {
  super.visitJumpInsn(opcode, label);
  LabelNode labelNode = ((JumpInsnNode) instructions.getLast()).label;
  if (opcode == JSR && !subroutinesInsns.containsKey(labelNode)) {
    subroutinesInsns.put(labelNode, new BitSet());
源代码17 项目: coroutines   文件: GenericGenerators.java
 * Generates instructions for an unconditional jump to a label.
 * @param labelNode label to jump to
 * @throws NullPointerException if any argument is {@code null}
 * @return instructions for an unconditional jump to {@code labelNode}
public static InsnList jumpTo(LabelNode labelNode) {

    InsnList ret = new InsnList();
    ret.add(new JumpInsnNode(Opcodes.GOTO, labelNode));

    return ret;
源代码18 项目: grappa   文件: CodeBlock.java
public CodeBlock visitTableSwitchInsn(final int min, final int max,
    final LabelNode defaultHandler, final LabelNode[] handlers)
    instructionList.add(new TableSwitchInsnNode(min, max, defaultHandler,
    return this;
源代码19 项目: Cafebabe   文件: Code.java
public static LabelNode getLabelByIndex(InsnList instructions, int index) {
	int i = 0;
	for (AbstractInsnNode ain : instructions.toArray()) {
		if (ain instanceof LabelNode) {
			if(i == index) {
				return (LabelNode) ain;
	return null;
源代码20 项目: pitest   文件: InfiniteIteratorLoopFilter.java
private static SequenceQuery<AbstractInsnNode> infiniteIteratorLoopJavac() {
  final Slot<LabelNode> loopStart = Slot.create(LabelNode.class);

  return  QueryStart
      // can't currently deal with loops with conditionals that cause additional jumps back
源代码21 项目: jumbune   文件: JobAdapter.java
 * <p>
 * This method provides instructions to add method call to modify output
 * path
 * </p>.
 * @param jobVariableIndex Index of job variable
 * @param type the type
 * @return Instructions
private InsnList modifyOutputPath(int jobVariableIndex, Type type) {

	LOGGER.debug("passed class name in modifyOutputPath is "
			+ type.getInternalName());
	InsnList il = new InsnList();
	il.add(new LabelNode());
	il.add(new VarInsnNode(Opcodes.ALOAD, jobVariableIndex));
	il.add(new MethodInsnNode(Opcodes.INVOKESTATIC, CLASSNAME_JOB_UTIL,
			"modifyOutputPath", Type.getMethodDescriptor(Type.VOID_TYPE,
	return il;
源代码22 项目: JByteMod-Beta   文件: OpUtils.java
public static String toString(AbstractInsnNode ain) {
  String s = getOpcodeText(ain.getOpcode());
  switch (ain.getType()) {
  case AbstractInsnNode.FIELD_INSN:
    FieldInsnNode fin = (FieldInsnNode) ain;
    return s + " " + fin.owner + "#" + fin.name + " " + fin.desc;
  case AbstractInsnNode.METHOD_INSN:
    MethodInsnNode min = (MethodInsnNode) ain;
    return s + " " + min.owner + "#" + min.name + min.desc;
  case AbstractInsnNode.VAR_INSN:
    VarInsnNode vin = (VarInsnNode) ain;
    return s + " " + vin.var;
  case AbstractInsnNode.TYPE_INSN:
    TypeInsnNode tin = (TypeInsnNode) ain;
    return s + " " + tin.desc;
  case AbstractInsnNode.MULTIANEWARRAY_INSN:
    MultiANewArrayInsnNode mnin = (MultiANewArrayInsnNode) ain;
    return s + " " + mnin.dims + " " + mnin.desc;
  case AbstractInsnNode.JUMP_INSN:
    JumpInsnNode jin = (JumpInsnNode) ain;
    return s + " " + getIndex(jin.label);
  case AbstractInsnNode.LDC_INSN:
    LdcInsnNode ldc = (LdcInsnNode) ain;
    return s + " " + ldc.cst.toString();
  case AbstractInsnNode.INT_INSN:
    return s + " " + getIntValue(ain);
  case AbstractInsnNode.IINC_INSN:
    IincInsnNode iinc = (IincInsnNode) ain;
    return s + " " + iinc.var + " +" + iinc.incr;
  case AbstractInsnNode.FRAME:
    FrameNode fn = (FrameNode) ain;
    return s + " " + getOpcodeText(fn.type) + " " + fn.local.size() + " " + fn.stack.size();
  case AbstractInsnNode.LABEL:
    LabelNode ln = (LabelNode) ain;
    return s + " " + getIndex(ln);
  return s;
源代码23 项目: Cafebabe   文件: Converter.java
private boolean isFirst(Block to) {
  LabelNode ln = to.getLabel();
  if (ln != null && OpcodeFormatting.getLabelIndex(ln) == 0) {
    return true;
  return false;
源代码24 项目: NOVA-Core   文件: ASMHelper.java
public static InsnList cloneInsnList(Map<LabelNode, LabelNode> labelMap, InsnList insns) {
	InsnList clone = new InsnList();
	for (AbstractInsnNode insn = insns.getFirst(); insn != null; insn = insn.getNext()) {

	return clone;
源代码25 项目: Cafebabe   文件: BlockVertex.java
public BlockVertex(MethodNode mn, Block block, ArrayList<AbstractInsnNode> nodes, LabelNode label, int listIndex) {
	this.mn = mn;
	this.block = block;
	this.nodes = nodes;
	this.label = label;
	this.listIndex = listIndex;
源代码26 项目: native-obfuscator   文件: LabelHandler.java
public void accept(MethodContext context, LabelNode node) {
    Util.reverse(context.method.tryCatchBlocks.stream().filter(x -> x.start.equals(node)))
    context.method.tryCatchBlocks.stream().filter(x -> x.end.equals(node))

	try {
		super.accept(context, node);
	} catch (UnsupportedOperationException ex) {
		// ignored
    context.output.append(String.format("%s: %s\n", node.getLabel(), trimmedTryCatchBlock));
源代码27 项目: Concurnas   文件: MethodFlow.java
public MethodFlow(
        ClassFlow classFlow,
        final int access,
        final String name,
        final String desc,
        final String signature,
        final String[] exceptions,
        final Detector detector) {
    super(Opcodes.ASM7, access, name, desc, signature, exceptions);
    this.classFlow = classFlow;
    this.detector = detector;
    posToLabelList = new ArrayList<LabelNode>();
    labelToPosMap = new HashMap<LabelNode, Integer>();
    labelToBBMap = new HashMap<LabelNode, BasicBlock>();

    /*if (exceptions != null && exceptions.length > 0) {
        for (String e: exceptions) { 
            if (e.equals(PAUSABLE_CLASS)) {
                hasPausableAnnotation = true;
            } else if (e.equals(NOT_PAUSABLE_CLASS)) {
                suppressPausableCheck = true;
    hasPausableAnnotation = true;
源代码28 项目: JAADAS   文件: AsmMethodSource.java
private void convertLookupSwitchInsn(LookupSwitchInsnNode insn) {
	StackFrame frame = getFrame(insn);
	if (units.containsKey(insn)) {
	Operand key = popImmediate();
	UnitBox dflt = Jimple.v().newStmtBox(null);
	List<UnitBox> targets = new ArrayList<UnitBox>(insn.labels.size());
	labels.put(insn.dflt, dflt);
	for (LabelNode ln : insn.labels) {
		UnitBox box = Jimple.v().newStmtBox(null);
		labels.put(ln, box);
	List<IntConstant> keys = new ArrayList<IntConstant>(insn.keys.size());
	for (Integer i : insn.keys)
	LookupSwitchStmt lss = Jimple.v().newLookupSwitchStmt(key.stackOrValue(),
			keys, targets, dflt);
	setUnit(insn, lss);
源代码29 项目: jumbune   文件: ConfigureMapReduceAdapter.java
 * <p>
 * This method provides instructions to add Pattern.compile() call for regex
 * values
 * </p>
 * @return Instructions
private InsnList addPatternCompiler() {
	JobConfig jobConfig = (JobConfig)getConfig();
	String keyRegex = jobConfig.getMapReduceKeyRegex(getClassName());
	String valueRegex = jobConfig.getMapReduceValueRegex(getClassName());

	InsnList il = new InsnList();


	// regex values
	String[] regexes = new String[] { keyRegex, valueRegex };

	// class fields
	String[] filedNames = new String[] { KEY_PATTERN, VALUE_PATTERN };

	for (int i = 0; i < regexes.length; i++) {
		il.add(new LabelNode());
		il.add(new VarInsnNode(Opcodes.ALOAD, 0));
		// if regex is not null
		if (regexes[i] != null) {
			il.add(new LdcInsnNode(regexes[i]));
			il.add(new MethodInsnNode(Opcodes.INVOKESTATIC,
					CLASSNAME_PATTERN, "compile", Type.getMethodDescriptor(
							Type.getType(Pattern.class), TYPE_STRING)));
			il.add(new FieldInsnNode(
					filedNames[i], DESCRIPTOR_PATTERN));

	return il;
源代码30 项目: grappa   文件: ReturnInstructionUnifier.java
public void process(@Nonnull final ParserClassNode classNode,
    @Nonnull final RuleMethod method)
    throws Exception
    Objects.requireNonNull(classNode, "classNode");
    Objects.requireNonNull(method, "method");

    AbstractInsnNode current = method.instructions.getLast();

    // find last return
    while (current.getOpcode() != ARETURN)
        current = current.getPrevious();

    final LabelNode lastReturnLabel = new LabelNode();
    method.instructions.insertBefore(current, lastReturnLabel);

    // iterate backwards up to first instructions
    while ((current = current.getPrevious()) != null) {

        // replace returns with gotos
        if (current.getOpcode() != ARETURN)

        final JumpInsnNode insn = new JumpInsnNode(GOTO, lastReturnLabel);
        method.instructions.set(current, insn);
        current = insn;