

源代码1 项目: diff-check   文件: FilterUtil.java
public static List<LineNumberNodeWrapper> collectLineNumberNodeList(InsnList instructions) {
    List<LineNumberNodeWrapper> list = new ArrayList<>();
    AbstractInsnNode node = instructions.getFirst();
    while (node != instructions.getLast()) {
        if (node instanceof LineNumberNode) {
            if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(list)) {
                list.get(list.size() - 1).setNext(node);
            list.add(new LineNumberNodeWrapper(LineNumberNode.class.cast(node)));
        node = node.getNext();
    if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(list)) {
        list.get(list.size() - 1).setNext(instructions.getLast());
    return list;
源代码2 项目: obfuscator   文件: LineNumberTransformer.java
public void visit(Map<String, ClassNode> classMap) {
    classMap.values().forEach(classNode -> classNode.methods.forEach(methodNode ->
            Arrays.stream(methodNode.instructions.toArray()).forEachOrdered(ain -> {
                try {
                    final AbstractInsnNode current = ain.getNext();
                    if (current == null)
                    if (!(current instanceof LineNumberNode))

                    methodNode.instructions.iterator().set(new LineNumberNode(RandomUtil.nextInt(), ((LineNumberNode) current).start));
                } catch (Exception ignored) {
源代码3 项目: radon   文件: LineNumberRemover.java
public void transform() {
    AtomicInteger counter = new AtomicInteger();

    getClassWrappers().stream().filter(classWrapper -> !excluded(classWrapper)).forEach(classWrapper ->
            classWrapper.getMethods().stream().filter(methodWrapper -> !excluded(methodWrapper)
                    && methodWrapper.hasInstructions()).forEach(methodWrapper -> {
                MethodNode methodNode = methodWrapper.getMethodNode();

                Stream.of(methodNode.instructions.toArray()).filter(insn -> insn instanceof LineNumberNode)
                        .forEach(insn -> {

    Main.info(String.format("Removed %d line numbers.", counter.get()));
源代码4 项目: javaide   文件: ClassContext.java
 * Finds the line number closest to the given node
 * @param node the instruction node to get a line number for
 * @return the closest line number, or -1 if not known
public static int findLineNumber(@NonNull AbstractInsnNode node) {
    AbstractInsnNode curr = node;

    // First search backwards
    while (curr != null) {
        if (curr.getType() == AbstractInsnNode.LINE) {
            return ((LineNumberNode) curr).line;
        curr = curr.getPrevious();

    // Then search forwards
    curr = node;
    while (curr != null) {
        if (curr.getType() == AbstractInsnNode.LINE) {
            return ((LineNumberNode) curr).line;
        curr = curr.getNext();

    return -1;
源代码5 项目: NOVA-Core   文件: InstructionComparator.java
public static InsnList getImportantList(InsnList list) {
	if (list.size() == 0) {
		return list;

	HashMap<LabelNode, LabelNode> labels = new HashMap<LabelNode, LabelNode>();
	for (AbstractInsnNode insn = list.getFirst(); insn != null; insn = insn.getNext()) {
		if (insn instanceof LabelNode) {
			labels.put((LabelNode) insn, (LabelNode) insn);

	InsnList importantNodeList = new InsnList();
	for (AbstractInsnNode insn = list.getFirst(); insn != null; insn = insn.getNext()) {
		if (insn instanceof LabelNode || insn instanceof LineNumberNode) {

	return importantNodeList;
源代码6 项目: NOVA-Core   文件: InstructionComparator.java
public static InsnList getImportantList(InsnList list) {
	if (list.size() == 0) {
		return list;

	HashMap<LabelNode, LabelNode> labels = new HashMap<LabelNode, LabelNode>();
	for (AbstractInsnNode insn = list.getFirst(); insn != null; insn = insn.getNext()) {
		if (insn instanceof LabelNode) {
			labels.put((LabelNode) insn, (LabelNode) insn);

	InsnList importantNodeList = new InsnList();
	for (AbstractInsnNode insn = list.getFirst(); insn != null; insn = insn.getNext()) {
		if (insn instanceof LabelNode || insn instanceof LineNumberNode) {

	return importantNodeList;
源代码7 项目: NOVA-Core   文件: InstructionComparator.java
public static InsnList getImportantList(InsnList list) {
	if (list.size() == 0) {
		return list;

	HashMap<LabelNode, LabelNode> labels = new HashMap<LabelNode, LabelNode>();
	for (AbstractInsnNode insn = list.getFirst(); insn != null; insn = insn.getNext()) {
		if (insn instanceof LabelNode) {
			labels.put((LabelNode) insn, (LabelNode) insn);

	InsnList importantNodeList = new InsnList();
	for (AbstractInsnNode insn = list.getFirst(); insn != null; insn = insn.getNext()) {
		if (insn instanceof LabelNode || insn instanceof LineNumberNode) {

	return importantNodeList;
源代码8 项目: coroutines   文件: SearchUtils.java
 * Find line number associated with an instruction.
 * @param insnList instruction list for method
 * @param insnNode instruction within method being searched against
 * @throws NullPointerException if any argument is {@code null} or contains {@code null}
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if arguments aren't all from the same method
 * @return line number node associated with the instruction, or {@code null} if no line number exists
public static LineNumberNode findLineNumberForInstruction(InsnList insnList, AbstractInsnNode insnNode) {
    int idx = insnList.indexOf(insnNode);
    Validate.isTrue(idx != -1);
    // Get index of labels and insnNode within method
    ListIterator<AbstractInsnNode> insnIt = insnList.iterator(idx);
    while (insnIt.hasPrevious()) {
        AbstractInsnNode node = insnIt.previous();
        if (node instanceof LineNumberNode) {
            return (LineNumberNode) node;
    return null;
源代码9 项目: jumbune   文件: BlockLogMethodAdapter.java
 * <p>
 * This method scans the instructions for 'else' and returns the node
 * </p>
 * @param ifTargetIndex
 *            Index of the target instruction of 'if'
 * @param endIndex
 *            Index of the end instruction upto which scanner will work
 * @param nestingLevel
 *            nesting level
 * @return Node
private AbstractInsnNode scanForElse(int ifTargetIndex, int endIndex) {
	boolean lineNumberFound = false;
	LabelNode ln = (LabelNode) this.insnArr[ifTargetIndex];
	for (int i = ifTargetIndex + 1; i <= endIndex; i++) {
		AbstractInsnNode ain = this.insnArr[i];
		if (ain instanceof JumpInsnNode
				&& InstrumentUtil.getJumpInsnOpcodesMap().containsKey(
						ain.getOpcode())) {
			if (!lineNumberFound) {
				return ain;
		} else if (ain instanceof LineNumberNode) {
			LineNumberNode lnn = (LineNumberNode) ain;
			// if the line does not belong to the label
			if (lnn.start != ln) {
				lineNumberFound = true;
				return null;
	return null;
源代码10 项目: jphp   文件: DoCompiler.java
public void write(DoStmtToken token) {

    LabelNode start = expr.writeLabel(node, token.getMeta().getStartLine());
    LabelNode end = new LabelNode();

    method.pushJump(end, start);

    expr.writeConditional(token.getCondition(), end);

    add(new JumpInsnNode(GOTO, start));
    add(new LineNumberNode(token.getMeta().getEndLine(), end));

源代码11 项目: jphp   文件: IfElseCompiler.java
private void writeBody(IfStmtToken token) {
    LabelNode end = new LabelNode();
    LabelNode elseL = new LabelNode();

    add(new JumpInsnNode(IFEQ, token.getElseBody() != null ? elseL : end));

    if (token.getBody() != null) {

    if (token.getElseBody() != null){
        add(new JumpInsnNode(GOTO, end));

    add(new LineNumberNode(token.getMeta().getEndLine(), end));
源代码12 项目: jphp   文件: WhileCompiler.java
public void write(WhileStmtToken token) {

    LabelNode start = expr.writeLabel(node, token.getMeta().getStartLine());
    LabelNode end = new LabelNode();

    expr.writeConditional(token.getCondition(), end);

    method.pushJump(end, start);
    expr.write(BodyStmtToken.class, token.getBody());

    add(new JumpInsnNode(GOTO, start));
    add(new LineNumberNode(token.getMeta().getEndLine(), end));

源代码13 项目: blocktalk   文件: Compiler.java
void addError(AbstractInsnNode node, String error) {
	// try to find a line number to report
	int line = -1;
	AbstractInsnNode prev = node;
	while (prev != null) {
		if (prev instanceof LineNumberNode) {
			line = ((LineNumberNode) prev).line;
		prev = prev.getPrevious();
	String message = "line " + line + ": " + error;

	errors.add(new Error(node, message));
源代码14 项目: maple-ir   文件: LineNumberNodeSerializer.java
  public LineNumberNode deserialize(JsonElement json, Type typeOfT, JsonDeserializationContext context) throws JsonParseException {
JsonObject jsonObject = (JsonObject) json;
      int line = jsonObject.get("line").getAsInt();
      LabelNode start = context.deserialize(jsonObject.get("start"), LabelNode.class);
      return new LineNumberNode(line, start);
源代码15 项目: maple-ir   文件: LineNumberNodeSerializer.java
public JsonElement serialize(LineNumberNode src, Type typeOfSrc, JsonSerializationContext context) {
	JsonObject object = new JsonObject();
    object.add("line", context.serialize(src.line));
    object.add("start", context.serialize(src.start));
    return object;
源代码16 项目: radon   文件: ASMUtilsTest.java
public void testIsInstruction() {
源代码17 项目: ForgeHax   文件: AsmPattern.java
public InsnPattern test(AbstractInsnNode start) {
  return ASMHelper.findPattern(
    // isValidNode
    (node) ->
      !testFlag(node, FrameNode.class, IGNORE_FRAMES)
        && !testFlag(node, LabelNode.class, IGNORE_LABELS)
        && !testFlag(node, LineNumberNode.class, IGNORE_LINENUMBERS),
    // nodePredicate
    (found, node) -> insnPredicates.get(found).test(node),
源代码18 项目: JByteMod-Beta   文件: MethodUtils.java
public static void removeLines(MethodNode mn) {
  int i = 0;
  for (AbstractInsnNode ain : mn.instructions.toArray()) {
    if (ain instanceof LineNumberNode) {
  JByteMod.LOGGER.log("Removed " + i + " nodes!");
源代码19 项目: deobfuscator   文件: LineNumberRemover.java
public boolean transform() throws Throwable {
    classNodes().forEach(classNode -> {
        classNode.methods.forEach(methodNode -> {
            Iterator<AbstractInsnNode> it = methodNode.instructions.iterator();
            while (it.hasNext()) {
                if (it.next() instanceof LineNumberNode) {

    return true;
源代码20 项目: coroutines   文件: GenericGenerators.java
 * Generates instructions for line numbers. This is useful for debugging. For example, you can put a line number of 99999 or some other
 * special number to denote that the code being executed is instrumented code. Then if a stacktrace happens, you'll know that if
 * instrumented code was immediately involved.
 * @param num line number
 * @return instructions for a line number
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code num < 0}
public static InsnList lineNumber(int num) {
    Validate.isTrue(num >= 0);
    InsnList ret = new InsnList();
    LabelNode labelNode = new LabelNode();
    ret.add(new LineNumberNode(num, labelNode));

    return ret;
源代码21 项目: Mixin   文件: SourceMap.java
 * Offset the line numbers in the target method node by the base
 * lineoffset for this stratum
 * @param method method to operate upon
public void applyOffset(MethodNode method) {
    for (Iterator<AbstractInsnNode> iter = method.instructions.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
        AbstractInsnNode node = iter.next();
        if (node instanceof LineNumberNode) {
            ((LineNumberNode)node).line += this.lineOffset - 1;
源代码22 项目: jumbune   文件: InstrumentUtil.java
 * This will return an InsnList which would be reading all instructions from
 * beginning of statement till it reaches LineNumberNode
 * @param node
 *            - the node from which instruction list is read till starting
 * @return
public static List<AbstractInsnNode> getInstructionListFromBeginingofStatement(
		AbstractInsnNode node, List<AbstractInsnNode> nodeList) {
	if (node instanceof LineNumberNode) {
		return nodeList;
	getInstructionListFromBeginingofStatement(node.getPrevious(), nodeList);
	return nodeList;
源代码23 项目: jumbune   文件: BlockLogMethodAdapter.java
 * <p>
 * This method finds whether the if block represents a ternary operator or
 * not. It also injects necessary instructions to inject logging before and
 * after ternary operator usage.
 * </p>
 * @param ifStartIndex
 *            index of if block start
 * @param endIndex
 *            index of else end
 * @param ainIfBlock
 *            Instructions where logging to be injected
 * @param nestingLevel
 *            nesting level
private boolean processTernaryOperator(int ifStartIndex, int endIndex,
		int nestingLevel) {
	boolean ternaryOperatorFound = true;
	for (int g = ifStartIndex; g < endIndex; g++) {
		if (this.insnArr[g] instanceof LineNumberNode) {
			ternaryOperatorFound = false;

	if (ternaryOperatorFound) {
		InsnList[] il = new InsnList[2];
		String cSymbol = env.getClassSymbol(getLogClazzName());
		String mSymbol = env.getMethodSymbol(getLogClazzName(), cSymbol, name);
		il[0] = InstrumentUtil.addLogMessage(cSymbol, mSymbol,
				"", "" + this.currentIfCount[nestingLevel]);
		il[1] = InstrumentUtil.addLogMessage(cSymbol, mSymbol,
				"", "" + this.currentIfCount[nestingLevel]);

	return ternaryOperatorFound;
源代码24 项目: jumbune   文件: BlockLogMethodAdapter.java
 * <p>
 * This method processes loops and add logging
 * </p>
 * @param firstStmtInLoopIndex
 *            Index of the first statement in the loop.
 * @param loopEndIndex
 *            Index where loop ends.
 * @param nestingLevel
 *            nesting level
private void processLoop(int firstStmtInLoopIndex, int loopEndIndex,
		int nestingLevel) {
	logger.debug(firstStmtInLoopIndex + "   " + loopEndIndex);
	AbstractInsnNode abstractInsnNode;
	// adding loop entry
	abstractInsnNode = this.insnArr[firstStmtInLoopIndex];
	AbstractInsnNode gotoNode = abstractInsnNode.getPrevious();
	AbstractInsnNode lineNode = abstractInsnNode.getNext();
	if ((gotoNode instanceof JumpInsnNode && Opcodes.GOTO == gotoNode
			.getOpcode()) || (!(lineNode instanceof LineNumberNode))) {
		lineNode = getPreviousLineNode(abstractInsnNode);
	Integer lineNumber = ((LineNumberNode) lineNode).line;
	String cSymbol = env.getClassSymbol(getClassName());
	String mSymbol = env.getMethodSymbol(getClassName(), cSymbol, name);
	InsnList il1 = InstrumentUtil.addLogMessage(cSymbol,mSymbol,
					.getMessage(MessageConstants.ENTERED_LOOP), lineNumber
					.toString(), this.currentLoopCount[nestingLevel]
	instructions.insertBefore(lineNode.getPrevious(), il1);
	// handling map reduce output in the loop
	handleCtxWrite(firstStmtInLoopIndex, loopEndIndex);
	// adding loop exit
	abstractInsnNode = this.insnArr[loopEndIndex];
	InsnList il2 = InstrumentUtil.addloopCounterLogging(cSymbol,
			mSymbol, InstrumentationMessageLoader
			this.localVariableSize, this.currentLoopCount[nestingLevel]
	// resetting the counter to ZERO
	il2.add(new LabelNode());
	il2.add(new InsnNode(Opcodes.ICONST_0));
	il2.add(new VarInsnNode(Opcodes.ISTORE, this.localVariableSize));
	instructions.insert(abstractInsnNode.getNext(), il2);
源代码25 项目: jumbune   文件: BlockLogMethodAdapter.java
 * <p>
 * Finds whether a line node is found in the given range
 * </p>
 * @param startIndex
 *            start index for the scan
 * @param endIndex
 *            end index for the line
 * @return boolean true if line node is found
private boolean scanForLine(int startIndex, int endIndex) {
	boolean lineFound = false;
	for (int k = startIndex; k <= endIndex; k++) {
		AbstractInsnNode ain = insnArr[k];
		if (ain instanceof LineNumberNode) {
			lineFound = true;
	return lineFound;
源代码26 项目: pinpoint   文件: ASMMethodNodeAdapter.java
public int getLineNumber() {
    AbstractInsnNode node = this.methodNode.instructions.getFirst();
    while (node != null) {
        if (node.getType() == AbstractInsnNode.LINE) {
            return ((LineNumberNode) node).line;
        node = node.getNext();

    return 0;
源代码27 项目: bytecode-viewer   文件: InstructionSearcher.java
public boolean search() {
    for (AbstractInsnNode ain : insns.toArray()) {
        if (ain instanceof LineNumberNode || ain instanceof FrameNode)
        if (pattern.accept(ain)) {
    return size() != 0;
源代码28 项目: jphp   文件: StmtCompiler.java
public LabelNode writeLabel(MethodNode mv, int lineNumber){
    LabelNode node = new LabelNode(new Label());
    if (lineNumber != -1)
        mv.instructions.add(new LineNumberNode(lineNumber, node));

    return node;
源代码29 项目: diff-check   文件: LineNumberNodeWrapper.java
public LineNumberNodeWrapper(LineNumberNode node) {
    this.node = node;
源代码30 项目: diff-check   文件: LineNumberNodeWrapper.java
public LineNumberNode getNode() {
    return node;