

源代码1 项目: glowroot   文件: WeavingClassVisitor.java
private void addMixin(ClassNode mixinClassNode) {
    List<FieldNode> fieldNodes = mixinClassNode.fields;
    for (FieldNode fieldNode : fieldNodes) {
        if (!Modifier.isTransient(fieldNode.access)) {
            // this is needed to avoid serialization issues (even if the new field is
            // serializable, this can still cause issues in a cluster if glowroot is not
            // deployed on all nodes)
            throw new IllegalStateException(
                    "@Mixin fields must be marked transient: " + mixinClassNode.name);
    List<MethodNode> methodNodes = mixinClassNode.methods;
    for (MethodNode mn : methodNodes) {
        if (mn.name.equals("<init>")) {
        String[] exceptions = Iterables.toArray(mn.exceptions, String.class);
        MethodVisitor mv =
                cw.visitMethod(mn.access, mn.name, mn.desc, mn.signature, exceptions);
        mn.accept(new MethodRemapper(mv,
                new SimpleRemapper(mixinClassNode.name, type.getInternalName())));