

源代码1 项目: KEEL   文件: Adap_Sel.java
double eval_EC_cubr(char[] cromosoma) {
  int i;
  double ec, fitness;

  /* Se calcula la adecuacion de la base de conocimiento codificada en el
     cromosoma actual, se estudia la posible penalizacion del mismo y se
     devuelve el valor final */

  if (mincb >= tau) {
    ec = ErrorCuadratico();
    fitness = (1 + Math.abs(1.0 - medcb)) * ec * P(cromosoma);
  else {
    fitness = maxEC;

  return (fitness);
源代码2 项目: KEEL   文件: Adap_Tun.java
public Adap_Tun(MiDataset training, BaseR base, double valor_tau, int tipo) {
  int i;

  tabla = training;
  base_reglas = base;

  tau = valor_tau;
  tipo_fitness = tipo;
  long_regla = 3 * tabla.n_variables;

  maxEC = 0.0;
  for (i = 0; i < tabla.long_tabla; i++) {
    maxEC += Math.pow(tabla.datos[i].ejemplo[tabla.n_var_estado], 2.0);

  maxEC /= 2.0;

  grado_pertenencia = new double[tabla.n_variables];
源代码3 项目: KEEL   文件: Adap_Sel.java
public Adap_Sel (MiDataset training, BaseR_Sel base, BaseR_Sel base_t, double porc_radio_nicho, int n_soluciones, double valor_tau, double valor_alfa, int tipo) {
        int i;

        tabla = training;
        base_reglas = base;
        base_total = base_t;

        tau = valor_tau;
        alfa = valor_alfa;
        tipo_fitness = tipo;
        cont_soluciones = 0;

        /* Calculo del radio del nicho */
        radio_nicho = (int) (porc_radio_nicho * base_total.n_reglas);

        maxEC = 0.0;
        for (i=0; i<tabla.long_tabla; i++)
                maxEC += Math.pow (tabla.datos[i].ejemplo[tabla.n_var_estado], 2.0);

        maxEC /= 2.0;

        ListaTabu = new char[n_soluciones][base_total.n_reglas];

        grado_pertenencia = new double[tabla.n_variables];
源代码4 项目: opengl   文件: SolarSystemRenderer.java
public void onDrawFrame(GL10 gl) 
     gl.glTranslatef(0.0f,(float)Math.sin(mTransY), -4.0f);
     gl.glRotatef(mAngle, 1, 0, 0);
     gl.glRotatef(mAngle, 0, 1, 0);
源代码5 项目: systemds   文件: LibMatrixCUDA.java
 * Get threads, blocks and shared memory for a reduce all operation
 * @param gCtx a valid {@link GPUContext}
 * @param n size of input array
 * @return integer array containing {blocks, threads, shared memory}
private static int[] getKernelParamsForReduceAll(GPUContext gCtx, int n) {
	final int MAX_THREADS = getMaxThreads(gCtx);
	final int MAX_BLOCKS = getMaxBlocks(gCtx);
	final int WARP_SIZE = getWarpSize(gCtx);
	int threads = (n < MAX_THREADS *2) ? nextPow2((n + 1)/ 2) : MAX_THREADS;

	int blocks = (n + (threads * 2 - 1)) / (threads * 2);
	blocks = Math.min(MAX_BLOCKS, blocks);

	int sharedMemSize = threads * sizeOfDataType;
	if (threads <= WARP_SIZE) {
		sharedMemSize *= 2;
	return new int[] {blocks, threads, sharedMemSize};
源代码6 项目: opengl   文件: SolarSystemRenderer.java
public void onDrawFrame(GL10 gl) 
     gl.glTranslatef(0.0f,(float)Math.sin(mTransY), -4.0f);
     gl.glRotatef(mAngle, 1, 0, 0);
     gl.glRotatef(mAngle, 0, 1, 0);
源代码7 项目: circuitjs1   文件: CirSim.java
void readOptions(StringTokenizer st) {
int flags = new Integer(st.nextToken()).intValue();
dotsCheckItem.setState((flags & 1) != 0);
smallGridCheckItem.setState((flags & 2) != 0);
voltsCheckItem.setState((flags & 4) == 0);
powerCheckItem.setState((flags & 8) == 8);
showValuesCheckItem.setState((flags & 16) == 0);
timeStep = new Double (st.nextToken()).doubleValue();
double sp = new Double(st.nextToken()).doubleValue();
int sp2 = (int) (Math.log(10*sp)*24+61.5);
//int sp2 = (int) (Math.log(sp)*24+1.5);
currentBar.setValue(new Integer(st.nextToken()).intValue());
CircuitElm.voltageRange = new Double (st.nextToken()).doubleValue();

try {
    powerBar.setValue(new Integer(st.nextToken()).intValue());
} catch (Exception e) {
private int filterCandidate(String src, String dst, int srcMatchPos, int dstMatchPos, int len,
    int[][] distanceBuffer){
    int srcRightLen = src.length() - srcMatchPos - len;
    int dstRightLen = dst.length() - dstMatchPos - len;
    int leftThreshold = mThreshold - Math.abs(srcRightLen - dstRightLen);
    int leftDistance = calculateEditDistanceWithThreshold(src, 0, srcMatchPos,
        dst, 0, dstMatchPos, 
        leftThreshold, distanceBuffer);
    if (leftDistance > leftThreshold) {
        return -1;
    int rightThreshold = mThreshold - leftDistance;
    int rightDistance = calculateEditDistanceWithThreshold(
        src, srcMatchPos + len, src.length() - srcMatchPos - len, 
        dst, dstMatchPos + len, dst.length() - dstMatchPos - len,
        rightThreshold, distanceBuffer);
    if (rightDistance > rightThreshold) {
        return -1;
    return leftDistance + rightDistance;
源代码9 项目: KEEL   文件: Adap_Tun.java
void Decodifica (double [] cromosoma) {
	int i, j;

	for (i=0; i<base_reglas.n_reglas; i++) {
		for (j=0; j<tabla.n_var_estado; j++) {
			base_reglas.BaseReglas[i].Ant[j].x0 = cromosoma[3*(i*tabla.n_var_estado+j)];
			base_reglas.BaseReglas[i].Ant[j].x1 = cromosoma[3*(i*tabla.n_var_estado+j)+1];
			base_reglas.BaseReglas[i].Ant[j].x2 = cromosoma[3*(i*tabla.n_var_estado+j)+1];
			base_reglas.BaseReglas[i].Ant[j].x3 = cromosoma[3*(i*tabla.n_var_estado+j)+2];
			base_reglas.BaseReglas[i].Ant[j].y = 1.0;
			base_reglas.BaseReglas[i].Ant[j].Nombre = "x" + (j+1);
			base_reglas.BaseReglas[i].Ant[j].Etiqueta = "E" + i + j;
			base_reglas.BaseReglas[i].Cons[j] = Math.tan (cromosoma[primer_gen_C2+i*(tabla.n_variables)+j]);

		base_reglas.BaseReglas[i].Cons[j] = Math.tan (cromosoma[primer_gen_C2+i*(tabla.n_variables)+j]);
源代码10 项目: KEEL   文件: Adap_Sel.java
double eval_EC_cubr(char[] cromosoma) {
  int i;
  double ec, fitness;

  /* Se calcula la adecuacion de la base de conocimiento codificada en el
     cromosoma actual, se estudia la posible penalizacion del mismo y se
     devuelve el valor final */

  if (mincb >= tau && min_reglas <= base_reglas.n_reglas) {
    ec = ErrorCuadratico();
    fitness = (1 + Math.abs(1.0 - medcb)) * ec * P(cromosoma);
  else {
    fitness = maxEC;

  return (fitness);
源代码11 项目: Java   文件: PrimeFactorization.java
public static void pfactors(int n){

        while (n%2==0)
            System.out.print(2 + " ");
             n /= 2;

        for (int i=3; i<= Math.sqrt(n); i+=2)
            while (n%i == 0)
                System.out.print(i + " ");
                n /= i;

        if(n > 2)
源代码12 项目: Llunatic   文件: ArcCosine.java
public Object acos(Object param)
	throws ParseException
	if (param instanceof Complex)
		return ((Complex)param).acos();
	else if (param instanceof Number)
		return new Double(Math.acos(((Number)param).doubleValue()));

	throw new ParseException("Invalid parameter type");
源代码13 项目: KEEL   文件: M5StaticUtils.java
 * Returns the correlation coefficient of two double vectors.
 * @param y1 double vector 1
 * @param y2 double vector 2
 * @param n the length of two double vectors
 * @return the correlation coefficient
public final static double correlation(double y1[], double y2[], int n) {

    int i;
    double av1 = 0.0, av2 = 0.0, y11 = 0.0, y22 = 0.0, y12 = 0.0, c;

    if (n <= 1) {
        return 1.0;
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        av1 += y1[i];
        av2 += y2[i];
    av1 /= (double) n;
    av2 /= (double) n;
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        y11 += (y1[i] - av1) * (y1[i] - av1);
        y22 += (y2[i] - av2) * (y2[i] - av2);
        y12 += (y1[i] - av1) * (y2[i] - av2);
    if (y11 * y22 == 0.0) {
        c = 1.0;
    } else {
        c = y12 / Math.sqrt(Math.abs(y11 * y22));

    return c;
源代码14 项目: bombsquad-remote-android   文件: GamePadActivity.java
void _doStateChangeV1(boolean force) {

    // compile our state value
    short s = _buttonStateV1; // buttons
    s |= (_dPadStateH > 0 ? 1 : 0) << 5; // sign bit
    s |= ((int) (Math.round(Math.min(1.0, Math.abs(_dPadStateH)) * 15.0))) <<
        6; // mag
    s |= (_dPadStateV > 0 ? 1 : 0) << 10; // sign bit
    s |= ((int) (Math.round(Math.min(1.0, Math.abs(_dPadStateV)) * 15.0))) <<
        11; // mag

    // if our compiled state value hasn't changed, don't send.
    // (analog joystick noise can send a bunch of redundant states through here)
    // The exception is if forced is true, which is the case with packets that
    // double as keepalives.
    if ((s == _lastSentState) && (!force)) {

    _stateBirthTimes[_nextState] = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
    _stateLastSentTimes[_nextState] = 0;

    if (debug) {
      Log.v(TAG, "STORING NEXT STATE: " + _nextState);
    _statesV1[_nextState] = s;
    _nextState = (_nextState + 1) % 256;
    _lastSentState = s;

    // if we're pretty up to date as far as state acks, lets go ahead
    // and send out this state immediately..
    // (keeps us nice and responsive on low latency networks)
    int unackedCount = (_nextState - _requestedState) & 0xFF; // upcast to
    // get
    // unsigned
    if (unackedCount < 3) {
源代码15 项目: gemfirexd-oss   文件: NsSampleClientThread.java
 *	Generates random values and performs the inserts into the database
public static int insertRow(PreparedStatement ps) {

	int rowsAdded = 0;
	try	{
		// Generate random values for the datatypes in the sample table
		Random rand = new Random();
		int intVal = Math.abs(rand.nextInt()%1000);

		String charVal = "Derby";

		synchronized(lock) {
			charVal += counter;

		// Set parameter values
		ps.setInt(1, intVal);
		ps.setFloat(3, rand.nextFloat()*(float)Math.pow(10,Math.abs(rand.nextInt()%30)));
		rowsAdded = ps.executeUpdate();
		return rowsAdded;
	} catch (Exception e) {
		return 0;
源代码16 项目: jdk8u-jdk   文件: SnmpStringFixed.java
 * Constructs a new <CODE>SnmpStringFixed</CODE> from the specified <CODE>Bytes</CODE> array
 * with the specified length.
 * @param l The length of the fixed-string.
 * @param v The <CODE>Bytes</CODE> composing the fixed-string value.
 * @exception IllegalArgumentException Either the length or the <CODE>Byte</CODE> array is not valid.
public SnmpStringFixed(int l, Byte[] v) throws IllegalArgumentException {
    if ((l <= 0) || (v == null)) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException() ;
    int length = Math.min(l, v.length);
    value = new byte[l] ;
    for (int i = 0 ; i < length ; i++) {
        value[i] = v[i].byteValue() ;
    for (int i = length ; i < l ; i++) {
        value[i] = 0 ;
源代码17 项目: KEEL   文件: Est_evol_M2TSK.java
/** Generates a normal value with hope 0 and tipical deviation "desv */
private double ValorNormal (double desv) {
	double u1, u2;

	/* we generate 2 uniform values [0,1] */
	u1=Randomize.Rand ();
	u2=Randomize.Rand ();

	/* we calcules a normal value with the uniform values */
	return (desv * Math.sqrt (-2.0 * Math.log(u1)) * Math.sin (2.0*PI*u2));
源代码18 项目: picard   文件: CollectOxoGMetrics.java
CpcgMetrics finish() {
    final CpcgMetrics m = new CpcgMetrics();
    m.LIBRARY = this.library;
    m.CONTEXT = this.context;
    m.TOTAL_SITES = this.sites;
    m.TOTAL_BASES = this.refCcontrolC + this.refCoxidatedC + this.refCcontrolA + this.refCoxidatedA +
            this.refGcontrolC + this.refGoxidatedC + this.refGcontrolA + this.refGoxidatedA;
    m.REF_OXO_BASES = this.refCoxidatedC + refGoxidatedC;
    m.REF_NONOXO_BASES = this.refCcontrolC + this.refGcontrolC;
    m.ALT_NONOXO_BASES = this.refCcontrolA + this.refGcontrolA;
    m.ALT_OXO_BASES = this.refCoxidatedA + this.refGoxidatedA;

     * Why do we calculate the oxo error rate using oxidatedA - controlA you ask?  We know that all the
     * bases counted in oxidatedA are consistent with 8-oxo-G damage during shearing, but not all of them
     * will have been caused by this. If we assume that C>A errors caused by other factors will occur randomly
     * with respect to read1/read2, then we should see as many in the 8-oxo-G consistent state as not.  So we
     * assume that controlA is half the story, and remove the other half from oxidatedA.
    m.OXIDATION_Q = -10 * Math.log10(m.OXIDATION_ERROR_RATE);

    /** Now look for things that have a reference base bias! */
    m.C_REF_REF_BASES = this.refCcontrolC + this.refCoxidatedC;
    m.G_REF_REF_BASES = this.refGcontrolC + this.refGoxidatedC;
    m.C_REF_ALT_BASES = this.refCcontrolA + this.refCoxidatedA;
    m.G_REF_ALT_BASES = this.refGcontrolA + this.refGoxidatedA;

    final double cRefErrorRate = m.C_REF_ALT_BASES / (double) (m.C_REF_ALT_BASES + m.C_REF_REF_BASES);
    final double gRefErrorRate = m.G_REF_ALT_BASES / (double) (m.G_REF_ALT_BASES + m.G_REF_REF_BASES);

    m.C_REF_OXO_ERROR_RATE = Math.max(cRefErrorRate - gRefErrorRate, 1e-10);
    m.G_REF_OXO_ERROR_RATE = Math.max(gRefErrorRate - cRefErrorRate, 1e-10);
    m.C_REF_OXO_Q = -10 * Math.log10(m.C_REF_OXO_ERROR_RATE);
    m.G_REF_OXO_Q = -10 * Math.log10(m.G_REF_OXO_ERROR_RATE);

    return m;
源代码19 项目: dragonwell8_jdk   文件: SnmpStringFixed.java
 * Constructs a new <CODE>SnmpStringFixed</CODE> from the specified <CODE>Bytes</CODE> array
 * with the specified length.
 * @param l The length of the fixed-string.
 * @param v The <CODE>Bytes</CODE> composing the fixed-string value.
 * @exception IllegalArgumentException Either the length or the <CODE>Byte</CODE> array is not valid.
public SnmpStringFixed(int l, Byte[] v) throws IllegalArgumentException {
    if ((l <= 0) || (v == null)) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException() ;
    int length = Math.min(l, v.length);
    value = new byte[l] ;
    for (int i = 0 ; i < length ; i++) {
        value[i] = v[i].byteValue() ;
    for (int i = length ; i < l ; i++) {
        value[i] = 0 ;
源代码20 项目: dragonwell8_jdk   文件: SnmpStringFixed.java
 * Constructs a new <CODE>SnmpStringFixed</CODE> from the specified <CODE>String</CODE>
 * with the specified length.
 * @param l The length of the fixed-string.
 * @param s The <CODE>String</CODE> composing the fixed-string value.
 * @exception IllegalArgumentException Either the length or the <CODE>String</CODE> is not valid.
public SnmpStringFixed(int l, String s) throws IllegalArgumentException {
    if ((l <= 0) || (s == null)) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException() ;
    byte[] v = s.getBytes();
    int length = Math.min(l, v.length);
    value = new byte[l] ;
    for (int i = 0 ; i < length ; i++) {
        value[i] = v[i] ;
    for (int i = length ; i < l ; i++) {
        value[i] = 0 ;
源代码21 项目: spliceengine   文件: InterruptResilienceTest.java
private static long randAbs(long l) {
    if (l == Long.MIN_VALUE) {
        return Long.MAX_VALUE; // 2's complement, so no way to make value
                               // positive
    } else {
        return Math.abs(l);
源代码22 项目: TencentKona-8   文件: SnmpStringFixed.java
 * Constructs a new <CODE>SnmpStringFixed</CODE> from the specified <CODE>String</CODE>
 * with the specified length.
 * @param l The length of the fixed-string.
 * @param s The <CODE>String</CODE> composing the fixed-string value.
 * @exception IllegalArgumentException Either the length or the <CODE>String</CODE> is not valid.
public SnmpStringFixed(int l, String s) throws IllegalArgumentException {
    if ((l <= 0) || (s == null)) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException() ;
    byte[] v = s.getBytes();
    int length = Math.min(l, v.length);
    value = new byte[l] ;
    for (int i = 0 ; i < length ; i++) {
        value[i] = v[i] ;
    for (int i = length ; i < l ; i++) {
        value[i] = 0 ;
源代码23 项目: appinventor-extensions   文件: Compiler.java
private BufferedImage produceForegroundImageIcon(BufferedImage icon) {
  int imageWidth = icon.getWidth();
  // According to the adaptive icon documentation, both layers are 108x108dp but only the inner
  // 72x72dp appears in the masked viewport, so we shrink down the size of the image accordingly.
  double iconWidth = imageWidth * 72.0 / 108.0;
  // Round iconWidth value to even int for a centered png
  int intIconWidth = ((int)Math.round(iconWidth / 2) * 2);
  Image tmp = icon.getScaledInstance(intIconWidth, intIconWidth, Image.SCALE_SMOOTH);
  int marginWidth = ((imageWidth - intIconWidth) / 2);
  BufferedImage foregroundImageIcon = new BufferedImage(imageWidth, imageWidth, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
  Graphics2D g2 = foregroundImageIcon.createGraphics();
  g2.drawImage(tmp, marginWidth, marginWidth, null);
  return foregroundImageIcon;
源代码24 项目: KEEL   文件: Est_mu_landa.java
/** Generates a normal value with hope 0 and tipical deviation "desv */
private double ValorNormal(double desv) {
  double u1, u2;

  /* we generate 2 uniform values [0,1] */
  u1 = Randomize.Rand();
  u2 = Randomize.Rand();

  /* we calcules a normal value with the uniform values */
  return (desv * Math.sqrt( -2 * Math.log(u1)) * Math.sin(2 * PI * u2));
源代码25 项目: Llunatic   文件: Sine.java
public Object sin(Object param)
	throws ParseException
	if (param instanceof Complex) {
		return ((Complex)param).sin();
	else if (param instanceof Number) {
		return new Double(Math.sin(((Number)param).doubleValue()));
	throw new ParseException("Invalid parameter type");
public static double calculateVariance(int [] population, int n){

        double mean = calculateMean(population,n);

        double sum = 0;
        for(int i : population){
            double temp = (double) i - mean;
            sum += Math.pow(temp,2);

        return sum/n;
源代码27 项目: KEEL   文件: Est_evol.java
/** Generates a normal value with hope 0 and tipical deviation "desv */
public double ValorNormal(double desv) {
    double u1, u2;

    /* we generate 2 uniform values [0,1] */
    u1 = Randomize.Rand();
    u2 = Randomize.Rand();

    /* we calcules a normal value with the uniform values */
    return (desv * Math.sqrt( -2.0 * Math.log(u1)) * Math.sin(2.0 * Math.PI * u2));
源代码28 项目: Llunatic   文件: SineH.java
public Object sinh(Object param)
	throws ParseException
	if (param instanceof Complex)
		return ((Complex)param).sinh();
	else if (param instanceof Number)
		double value = ((Number)param).doubleValue();
		return new Double((Math.exp(value)-Math.exp(-value))/2);

	throw new ParseException("Invalid parameter type");
源代码29 项目: KEEL   文件: AG.java
/** Generates a normal value with hope 0 and tipical deviation "desv */
private double ValorNormal (double desv) {
	double u1, u2;

	/* we generate 2 uniform values [0,1] */
	u1 = Randomize.Rand ();
	u2 = Randomize.Rand ();

	/* we calcules a normal value with the uniform values */
	return (desv * Math.sqrt (-2 * Math.log(u1)) * Math.sin (2*Math.PI*u2));
源代码30 项目: opengl   文件: SolarSystemRenderer.java
public void onSurfaceChanged(GL10 gl, int width, int height) {
     gl.glViewport(0, 0, width, height);

      * Set our projection matrix. This doesn't have to be done
      * each time we draw, but usually a new projection needs to
      * be set when the viewport is resized.
 	float aspectRatio;
	float zNear =.1f;
	float zFar =1000f;
	float fieldOfView = 30.0f/57.3f;
	float	size;
	aspectRatio=(float)width/(float)height;				//h/w clamps the fov to the height, flipping it would make it relative to the width
	//Set the OpenGL projection matrix
	size = zNear * (float)(Math.tan((double)(fieldOfView/2.0f)));
	gl.glFrustumf(-size, size, -size/aspectRatio, size /aspectRatio, zNear, zFar);
	//Make the OpenGL modelview matrix the default