

源代码1 项目: Bytecoder   文件: ModulePathValidator.java
 * Scan a JAR file or exploded module.
private Optional<ModuleReference> scanModule(Path entry) {
    ModuleFinder finder = ModuleFinder.of(entry);
    try {
        return finder.findAll().stream().findFirst();
    } catch (FindException e) {
        out.println(INDENT + e.getMessage());
        Throwable cause = e.getCause();
        if (cause != null) {
            out.println(INDENT + cause);
        return Optional.empty();
源代码2 项目: openjdk-jdk9   文件: LauncherHelper.java
 * Scan a JAR file or exploded module.
private Optional<ModuleReference> scanModule(Path entry) {
    ModuleFinder finder = ModuleFinder.of(entry);
    try {
        return finder.findAll().stream().findFirst();
    } catch (FindException e) {
        ostream.println(INDENT + e.getMessage());
        Throwable cause = e.getCause();
        if (cause != null) {
            ostream.println(INDENT + cause);
        errorFound = true;
        return Optional.empty();
源代码3 项目: openjdk-jdk9   文件: ConfigurationTest.java
 * Service provider dependency not found
@Test(expectedExceptions = { FindException.class })
public void testServiceProviderDependencyNotFound() {

    // service provider dependency (on m3) not found

    ModuleDescriptor descriptor1 = newBuilder("m1")

    ModuleDescriptor descriptor2 = newBuilder("m2")
            .provides("p.S", List.of("q.T"))

    ModuleFinder finder = ModuleUtils.finderOf(descriptor1, descriptor2);

    // should throw ResolutionException because m3 is not found
    Configuration cf = resolveAndBind(finder, "m1");
源代码4 项目: openjdk-jdk9   文件: AutomaticModulesTest.java
 * Test JAR file with META-INF/services configuration file with bad
 * values or names.
@Test(dataProvider = "badproviders", expectedExceptions = FindException.class)
public void testBadProviderNames(String service, String provider)
    throws IOException
    Path tmpdir = Files.createTempDirectory(USER_DIR, "tmp");

    // provider class
    Path providerClass = tmpdir.resolve(provider.replace('.', '/') + ".class");

    // services configuration file
    Path services = tmpdir.resolve("META-INF").resolve("services");
    Files.write(services.resolve(service), Set.of(provider));

    Path dir = Files.createTempDirectory(USER_DIR, "mods");
    JarUtils.createJarFile(dir.resolve("m.jar"), tmpdir);

    // should throw FindException
源代码5 项目: openjdk-jdk9   文件: AutomaticModulesTest.java
 * Test JAR file with META-INF/services configuration file listing a
 * provider that is not in the module.
@Test(expectedExceptions = FindException.class)
public void testMissingProviderPackage() throws IOException {
    Path tmpdir = Files.createTempDirectory(USER_DIR, "tmp");

    // services configuration file
    Path services = tmpdir.resolve("META-INF").resolve("services");
    Files.write(services.resolve("p.S"), Set.of("q.P"));

    Path dir = Files.createTempDirectory(USER_DIR, "mods");
    JarUtils.createJarFile(dir.resolve("m.jar"), tmpdir);

    // should throw FindException
源代码6 项目: pro   文件: ResolverPlugin.java
private static Optional<ModuleReference> validateModuleReferenceFromArtifact(Log log, ArtifactDescriptor resolvedArtifact) {
  var finder = ModuleFinder.of(resolvedArtifact.getPath());
  Set<ModuleReference> moduleReferences;
  try {
    moduleReferences = finder.findAll();
  } catch (FindException e) {
    log.info(null, __ -> "WARNING! finding " + resolvedArtifact + " failed: " + e);
    return Optional.empty();
  var referenceOpt = moduleReferences.stream().findFirst();
  if (!referenceOpt.isPresent()) {
    log.info(null, __ -> "WARNING! artifact " + resolvedArtifact + " is not a valid jar");
    return Optional.empty();
  return referenceOpt;
源代码7 项目: Bytecoder   文件: ModulePath.java
 * Scans the given directory for packaged or exploded modules.
 * @return a map of module name to ModuleReference for the modules found
 *         in the directory
 * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs
 * @throws FindException if an error occurs scanning the entry or the
 *         directory contains two or more modules with the same name
private Map<String, ModuleReference> scanDirectory(Path dir)
    throws IOException
    // The map of name -> mref of modules found in this directory.
    Map<String, ModuleReference> nameToReference = new HashMap<>();

    try (DirectoryStream<Path> stream = Files.newDirectoryStream(dir)) {
        for (Path entry : stream) {
            BasicFileAttributes attrs;
            try {
                attrs = Files.readAttributes(entry, BasicFileAttributes.class);
            } catch (NoSuchFileException ignore) {
                // file has been removed or moved, ignore for now

            ModuleReference mref = readModule(entry, attrs);

            // module found
            if (mref != null) {
                // can have at most one version of a module in the directory
                String name = mref.descriptor().name();
                ModuleReference previous = nameToReference.put(name, mref);
                if (previous != null) {
                    String fn1 = fileName(mref);
                    String fn2 = fileName(previous);
                    throw new FindException("Two versions of module "
                                             + name + " found in " + dir
                                             + " (" + fn1 + " and " + fn2 + ")");

    return nameToReference;
源代码8 项目: openjdk-jdk9   文件: ModulePath.java
 * Scans the given directory for packaged or exploded modules.
 * @return a map of module name to ModuleReference for the modules found
 *         in the directory
 * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs
 * @throws FindException if an error occurs scanning the entry or the
 *         directory contains two or more modules with the same name
private Map<String, ModuleReference> scanDirectory(Path dir)
    throws IOException
    // The map of name -> mref of modules found in this directory.
    Map<String, ModuleReference> nameToReference = new HashMap<>();

    try (DirectoryStream<Path> stream = Files.newDirectoryStream(dir)) {
        for (Path entry : stream) {
            BasicFileAttributes attrs;
            try {
                attrs = Files.readAttributes(entry, BasicFileAttributes.class);
            } catch (NoSuchFileException ignore) {
                // file has been removed or moved, ignore for now

            ModuleReference mref = readModule(entry, attrs);

            // module found
            if (mref != null) {
                // can have at most one version of a module in the directory
                String name = mref.descriptor().name();
                ModuleReference previous = nameToReference.put(name, mref);
                if (previous != null) {
                    String fn1 = fileName(mref);
                    String fn2 = fileName(previous);
                    throw new FindException("Two versions of module "
                                             + name + " found in " + dir
                                             + " (" + fn1 + " and " + fn2 + ")");

    return nameToReference;
源代码9 项目: openjdk-jdk9   文件: JmodTask.java
 * Constructs a Hasher to compute hashes.
 * If a module name `M` is specified, it will compute the hashes of
 * modules that depend upon M directly or indirectly matching the
 * specified --hash-modules pattern and record in the ModuleHashes
 * attribute in M's module-info.class.
 * @param name    name of the module to record hashes
 * @param finder  module finder for the specified --module-path
Hasher(String name, ModuleFinder finder) {
    // Determine the modules that matches the pattern {@code modulesToHash}
    Set<String> roots = finder.findAll().stream()
        .map(mref -> mref.descriptor().name())
        .filter(mn -> options.modulesToHash.matcher(mn).find())

    // use system module path unless it creates a JMOD file for
    // a module that is present in the system image e.g. upgradeable
    // module
    ModuleFinder system;
    if (name != null && ModuleFinder.ofSystem().find(name).isPresent()) {
        system = ModuleFinder.of();
    } else {
        system = ModuleFinder.ofSystem();
    // get a resolved module graph
    Configuration config = null;
    try {
        config = Configuration.empty().resolve(system, finder, roots);
    } catch (FindException | ResolutionException e) {
        throw new CommandException("err.module.resolution.fail", e.getMessage());

    this.moduleName = name;
    this.configuration = config;

    // filter modules resolved from the system module finder
    this.modules = config.modules().stream()
        .filter(mn -> roots.contains(mn) && !system.find(mn).isPresent())

    this.hashesBuilder = new ModuleHashesBuilder(config, modules);
源代码10 项目: openjdk-jdk9   文件: ConfigurationTest.java
 * Direct dependency not found
@Test(expectedExceptions = { FindException.class })
public void testDirectDependencyNotFound() {
    ModuleDescriptor descriptor1 = newBuilder("m1").requires("m2").build();
    ModuleFinder finder = ModuleUtils.finderOf(descriptor1);
    resolve(finder, "m1");
源代码11 项目: openjdk-jdk9   文件: ConfigurationTest.java
 * Transitive dependency not found
@Test(expectedExceptions = { FindException.class })
public void testTransitiveDependencyNotFound() {
    ModuleDescriptor descriptor1 = newBuilder("m1").requires("m2").build();
    ModuleDescriptor descriptor2 = newBuilder("m2").requires("m3").build();
    ModuleFinder finder = ModuleUtils.finderOf(descriptor1, descriptor2);
    resolve(finder, "m1");
源代码12 项目: openjdk-jdk9   文件: AutomaticModulesTest.java
 * Test impossible mapping of JAR files to modules names
@Test(dataProvider = "badjarnames", expectedExceptions = FindException.class)
public void testBadNames(String fn, String ignore) throws IOException {
    Path dir = Files.createTempDirectory(USER_DIR, "mods");
    Path jf = dir.resolve(fn);

    // create empty JAR file

    // should throw FindException
源代码13 项目: openjdk-jdk9   文件: AutomaticModulesTest.java
 * Test JAR files with the Automatic-Module-Name attribute with a value
 * that is not a legal module name.
@Test(dataProvider = "badmodulenames", expectedExceptions = FindException.class)
public void testBadAutomaticModuleNameAttribute(String name, String ignore)
    throws IOException
    // should throw FindException
    testAutomaticModuleNameAttribute(name, null);
源代码14 项目: openjdk-jdk9   文件: AutomaticModulesTest.java
 * Test .class file in unnamed package (top-level directory)
@Test(expectedExceptions = FindException.class)
public void testClassInUnnamedPackage() throws IOException {
    Path dir = Files.createTempDirectory(USER_DIR, "mods");
    createDummyJarFile(dir.resolve("m.jar"), "Mojo.class");
    ModuleFinder finder = ModuleFinder.of(dir);
源代码15 项目: update4j   文件: ConfigImpl.java
private static void checkBootConflicts(FileMetadata file, Path download) throws IOException {
    String filename = file.getPath().getFileName().toString();
    if (!FileUtils.isZipFile(download)) {
        throw new IllegalStateException(
                        "File '" + filename + "' is not a valid zip file.");

    Set<Module> modules = ModuleLayer.boot().modules();
    Set<String> moduleNames = modules.stream().map(Module::getName).collect(Collectors.toSet());

    Set<String> sysMods = ModuleFinder.ofSystem()
                    .map(mr -> mr.descriptor().name())
    ModuleDescriptor newMod = null;
    try {
        newMod = FileUtils.deriveModuleDescriptor(download, filename, sysMods.contains("jdk.zipfs"));
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException | InvalidModuleDescriptorException | FindException e) {
        throw e;

    if (moduleNames.contains(newMod.name())) {
        throw new IllegalStateException(
                        "Module '" + newMod.name() + "' conflicts with a module in the boot modulepath");

    Set<String> packages = modules.stream().flatMap(m -> m.getPackages().stream()).collect(Collectors.toSet());
    for (String p : newMod.packages()) {
        if (packages.contains(p)) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Package '" + p + "' in module '" + newMod.name()
                            + "' conflicts with a package in the boot modulepath");


    for (Requires require : newMod.requires()) {

        // static requires are not mandatory
        if (require.modifiers().contains(Requires.Modifier.STATIC))

        String reqName = require.name();
        if (StringUtils.isSystemModule(reqName)) {
            if (!sysMods.contains(reqName)) {
                throw new IllegalStateException("System module '" + reqName
                                + "' is missing from JVM image, required by '" + newMod.name() + "'");

源代码16 项目: Bytecoder   文件: ModulePath.java
 * Reads a packaged or exploded module, returning a {@code ModuleReference}
 * to the module. Returns {@code null} if the entry is not recognized.
 * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs
 * @throws FindException if an error occurs parsing its module descriptor
private ModuleReference readModule(Path entry, BasicFileAttributes attrs)
    throws IOException
    try {

        // exploded module
        if (attrs.isDirectory()) {
            return readExplodedModule(entry); // may return null

        // JAR or JMOD file
        if (attrs.isRegularFile()) {
            String fn = entry.getFileName().toString();
            boolean isDefaultFileSystem = isDefaultFileSystem(entry);

            // JAR file
            if (fn.endsWith(".jar")) {
                if (isDefaultFileSystem) {
                    return readJar(entry);
                } else {
                    // the JAR file is in a custom file system so
                    // need to copy it to the local file system
                    Path tmpdir = Files.createTempDirectory("mlib");
                    Path target = Files.copy(entry, tmpdir.resolve(fn));
                    return readJar(target);

            // JMOD file
            if (isDefaultFileSystem && isLinkPhase && fn.endsWith(".jmod")) {
                return readJMod(entry);

        return null;

    } catch (InvalidModuleDescriptorException e) {
        throw new FindException("Error reading module: " + entry, e);
源代码17 项目: openjdk-jdk9   文件: ModulePath.java
 * Reads a packaged or exploded module, returning a {@code ModuleReference}
 * to the module. Returns {@code null} if the entry is not recognized.
 * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs
 * @throws FindException if an error occurs parsing its module descriptor
private ModuleReference readModule(Path entry, BasicFileAttributes attrs)
    throws IOException
    try {

        // exploded module
        if (attrs.isDirectory()) {
            return readExplodedModule(entry); // may return null

        // JAR or JMOD file
        if (attrs.isRegularFile()) {
            String fn = entry.getFileName().toString();
            boolean isDefaultFileSystem = isDefaultFileSystem(entry);

            // JAR file
            if (fn.endsWith(".jar")) {
                if (isDefaultFileSystem) {
                    return readJar(entry);
                } else {
                    // the JAR file is in a custom file system so
                    // need to copy it to the local file system
                    Path tmpdir = Files.createTempDirectory("mlib");
                    Path target = Files.copy(entry, tmpdir.resolve(fn));
                    return readJar(target);

            // JMOD file
            if (isDefaultFileSystem && isLinkPhase && fn.endsWith(".jmod")) {
                return readJMod(entry);

        return null;

    } catch (InvalidModuleDescriptorException e) {
        throw new FindException("Error reading module: " + entry, e);
源代码18 项目: openjdk-jdk9   文件: ConfigurationTest.java
 * Root module not found
@Test(expectedExceptions = { FindException.class })
public void testRootNotFound() {
    resolve(ModuleFinder.of(), "m1");
源代码19 项目: openjdk-jdk9   文件: ConfigurationTest.java
 * Test attempting to create a configuration with modules for different
 * platforms.
@Test(dataProvider = "platformmismatch",
      expectedExceptions = FindException.class )
public void testPlatformMisMatch(String s1, String s2) throws IOException {
    testPlatformMatch(s1, s2);