

源代码1 项目: beam   文件: HDFSSynchronization.java
public TaskID acquireTaskIdLock(Configuration conf) {
  JobID jobId = HadoopFormats.getJobId(conf);
  boolean lockAcquired = false;
  int taskIdCandidate = 0;

  while (!lockAcquired) {
    taskIdCandidate = RANDOM_GEN.nextInt(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
    Path path =
        new Path(
            String.format(LOCKS_DIR_TASK_PATTERN, getJobJtIdentifier(conf), taskIdCandidate));
    lockAcquired = tryCreateFile(conf, path);

  return HadoopFormats.createTaskID(jobId, taskIdCandidate);
源代码2 项目: big-c   文件: TestJobHistoryParsing.java
private long computeFinishedMaps(JobInfo jobInfo, int numMaps,
    int numSuccessfulMaps) {
  if (numMaps == numSuccessfulMaps) {
    return jobInfo.getFinishedMaps();

  long numFinishedMaps = 0;
  Map<org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.TaskID, TaskInfo> taskInfos = jobInfo
  for (TaskInfo taskInfo : taskInfos.values()) {
    if (TaskState.SUCCEEDED.toString().equals(taskInfo.getTaskStatus())) {
  return numFinishedMaps;
源代码3 项目: hadoop   文件: TestEvents.java
 * test a getters of TaskAttemptFinishedEvent and TaskAttemptFinished
 * @throws Exception
@Test(timeout = 10000)
public void testTaskAttemptFinishedEvent() throws Exception {

  JobID jid = new JobID("001", 1);
  TaskID tid = new TaskID(jid, TaskType.REDUCE, 2);
  TaskAttemptID taskAttemptId = new TaskAttemptID(tid, 3);
  Counters counters = new Counters();
  TaskAttemptFinishedEvent test = new TaskAttemptFinishedEvent(taskAttemptId,
      TaskType.REDUCE, "TEST", 123L, "RAKNAME", "HOSTNAME", "STATUS",
  assertEquals(test.getAttemptId().toString(), taskAttemptId.toString());

  assertEquals(test.getCounters(), counters);
  assertEquals(test.getFinishTime(), 123L);
  assertEquals(test.getHostname(), "HOSTNAME");
  assertEquals(test.getRackName(), "RAKNAME");
  assertEquals(test.getState(), "STATUS");
  assertEquals(test.getTaskId(), tid);
  assertEquals(test.getTaskStatus(), "TEST");
  assertEquals(test.getTaskType(), TaskType.REDUCE);

源代码4 项目: hadoop   文件: FileOutputFormat.java
 * Generate a unique filename, based on the task id, name, and extension
 * @param context the task that is calling this
 * @param name the base filename
 * @param extension the filename extension
 * @return a string like $name-[mrsct]-$id$extension
public synchronized static String getUniqueFile(TaskAttemptContext context,
                                                String name,
                                                String extension) {
  TaskID taskId = context.getTaskAttemptID().getTaskID();
  int partition = taskId.getId();
  StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
  return result.toString();
源代码5 项目: big-c   文件: Task20LineHistoryEventEmitter.java
HistoryEvent maybeEmitEvent(ParsedLine line, String taskIDName,
    HistoryEventEmitter thatg) {
  if (taskIDName == null) {
    return null;

  TaskID taskID = TaskID.forName(taskIDName);

  String taskType = line.get("TASK_TYPE");
  String startTime = line.get("START_TIME");
  String splits = line.get("SPLITS");

  if (startTime != null && taskType != null) {
    Task20LineHistoryEventEmitter that =
        (Task20LineHistoryEventEmitter) thatg;

    that.originalStartTime = Long.parseLong(startTime);
    that.originalTaskType =

    return new TaskStartedEvent(taskID, that.originalStartTime,
        that.originalTaskType, splits);

  return null;
源代码6 项目: big-c   文件: Task20LineHistoryEventEmitter.java
HistoryEvent maybeEmitEvent(ParsedLine line, String taskIDName,
    HistoryEventEmitter thatg) {
  if (taskIDName == null) {
    return null;

  TaskID taskID = TaskID.forName(taskIDName);

  String finishTime = line.get("FINISH_TIME");

  if (finishTime != null) {
    return new TaskUpdatedEvent(taskID, Long.parseLong(finishTime));

  return null;
源代码7 项目: big-c   文件: CompletedJob.java
private void loadAllTasks() {
  if (tasksLoaded.get()) {
  try {
    if (tasksLoaded.get()) {
    for (Map.Entry<TaskID, TaskInfo> entry : jobInfo.getAllTasks().entrySet()) {
      TaskId yarnTaskID = TypeConverter.toYarn(entry.getKey());
      TaskInfo taskInfo = entry.getValue();
      Task task = new CompletedTask(yarnTaskID, taskInfo);
      tasks.put(yarnTaskID, task);
      if (task.getType() == TaskType.MAP) {
        mapTasks.put(task.getID(), task);
      } else if (task.getType() == TaskType.REDUCE) {
        reduceTasks.put(task.getID(), task);
  } finally {
源代码8 项目: hadoop   文件: TaskFailedEvent.java
public void setDatum(Object odatum) {
  this.datum = (TaskFailed)odatum;
  this.id =
  this.taskType =
  this.finishTime = datum.finishTime;
  this.error = datum.error.toString();
  this.failedDueToAttempt =
      datum.failedDueToAttempt == null
      ? null
      : TaskAttemptID.forName(
  this.status = datum.status.toString();
  this.counters =
源代码9 项目: components   文件: ConfigurableHDFSFileSink.java
public void open(String uId) throws Exception {
    this.hash = uId.hashCode();

    Job job = ((ConfigurableHDFSFileSink<K, V>) getWriteOperation().getSink()).jobInstance();
    FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, new Path(path));

    // Each Writer is responsible for writing one bundle of elements and is represented by one
    // unique Hadoop task based on uId/hash. All tasks share the same job ID. Since Dataflow
    // handles retrying of failed bundles, each task has one attempt only.
    JobID jobId = job.getJobID();
    TaskID taskId = new TaskID(jobId, TaskType.REDUCE, hash);
    context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(job.getConfiguration(), new TaskAttemptID(taskId, 0));

    FileOutputFormat<K, V> outputFormat = formatClass.newInstance();
    recordWriter = outputFormat.getRecordWriter(context);
    outputCommitter = (FileOutputCommitter) outputFormat.getOutputCommitter(context);
源代码10 项目: hadoop   文件: CompletedJob.java
private void loadAllTasks() {
  if (tasksLoaded.get()) {
  try {
    if (tasksLoaded.get()) {
    for (Map.Entry<TaskID, TaskInfo> entry : jobInfo.getAllTasks().entrySet()) {
      TaskId yarnTaskID = TypeConverter.toYarn(entry.getKey());
      TaskInfo taskInfo = entry.getValue();
      Task task = new CompletedTask(yarnTaskID, taskInfo);
      tasks.put(yarnTaskID, task);
      if (task.getType() == TaskType.MAP) {
        mapTasks.put(task.getID(), task);
      } else if (task.getType() == TaskType.REDUCE) {
        reduceTasks.put(task.getID(), task);
  } finally {
源代码11 项目: hadoop   文件: TestJobHistoryParsing.java
private long computeFinishedMaps(JobInfo jobInfo, int numMaps,
    int numSuccessfulMaps) {
  if (numMaps == numSuccessfulMaps) {
    return jobInfo.getFinishedMaps();

  long numFinishedMaps = 0;
  Map<org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.TaskID, TaskInfo> taskInfos = jobInfo
  for (TaskInfo taskInfo : taskInfos.values()) {
    if (TaskState.SUCCEEDED.toString().equals(taskInfo.getTaskStatus())) {
  return numFinishedMaps;
源代码12 项目: hadoop   文件: TestCompletedTask.java
 * test some methods of CompletedTaskAttempt
@Test (timeout=5000)
public void testCompletedTaskAttempt(){
  TaskAttemptInfo attemptInfo= mock(TaskAttemptInfo.class);
  JobID jobId= new JobID("12345",0);
  TaskID taskId =new TaskID(jobId,TaskType.REDUCE, 0);
  TaskAttemptID taskAttemptId= new TaskAttemptID(taskId, 0);
  CompletedTaskAttempt taskAttemt= new CompletedTaskAttempt(null,attemptInfo);
  assertEquals( "Rackname",   taskAttemt.getNodeRackName());
  assertEquals( Phase.CLEANUP,   taskAttemt.getPhase());
  assertTrue(  taskAttemt.isFinished());
  assertEquals( 11L,   taskAttemt.getShuffleFinishTime());
  assertEquals( 12L,   taskAttemt.getSortFinishTime());
  assertEquals( 10,   taskAttemt.getShufflePort());
private static Set<String> runTasks(JobContext job, int numTasks, int numFiles)
    throws IOException {
  Set<String> uploads = Sets.newHashSet();

  for (int taskId = 0; taskId < numTasks; taskId += 1) {
    TaskAttemptID attemptID = new TaskAttemptID(
        new TaskID(JOB_ID, TaskType.REDUCE, taskId),
        (taskId * 37) % numTasks);
    TaskAttemptContext attempt = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(
        new Configuration(job.getConfiguration()), attemptID);
    MockedS3Committer taskCommitter = new MockedS3Committer(
        S3_OUTPUT_PATH, attempt);
    commitTask(taskCommitter, attempt, numFiles);

  return uploads;
源代码14 项目: big-c   文件: TestCompletedTask.java
 * test some methods of CompletedTaskAttempt
@Test (timeout=5000)
public void testCompletedTaskAttempt(){
  TaskAttemptInfo attemptInfo= mock(TaskAttemptInfo.class);
  JobID jobId= new JobID("12345",0);
  TaskID taskId =new TaskID(jobId,TaskType.REDUCE, 0);
  TaskAttemptID taskAttemptId= new TaskAttemptID(taskId, 0);
  CompletedTaskAttempt taskAttemt= new CompletedTaskAttempt(null,attemptInfo);
  assertEquals( "Rackname",   taskAttemt.getNodeRackName());
  assertEquals( Phase.CLEANUP,   taskAttemt.getPhase());
  assertTrue(  taskAttemt.isFinished());
  assertEquals( 11L,   taskAttemt.getShuffleFinishTime());
  assertEquals( 12L,   taskAttemt.getSortFinishTime());
  assertEquals( 10,   taskAttemt.getShufflePort());
源代码15 项目: tez   文件: MRCombiner.java
public MRCombiner(TaskContext taskContext) throws IOException {
  final Configuration userConf = TezUtils.createConfFromUserPayload(taskContext.getUserPayload());
  useNewApi = ConfigUtils.useNewApi(userConf);
  if (useNewApi) {
    conf = new JobConf(userConf);
  } else {
    conf = userConf;

  assert(taskContext instanceof InputContext || taskContext instanceof OutputContext);
  if (taskContext instanceof OutputContext) {
    this.keyClass = ConfigUtils.getIntermediateOutputKeyClass(conf);
    this.valClass = ConfigUtils.getIntermediateOutputValueClass(conf);
    this.comparator = ConfigUtils.getIntermediateOutputKeyComparator(conf);
    this.reporter = new MRTaskReporter((OutputContext)taskContext);
  } else {
    this.keyClass = ConfigUtils.getIntermediateInputKeyClass(conf);
    this.valClass = ConfigUtils.getIntermediateInputValueClass(conf);
    this.comparator = ConfigUtils.getIntermediateInputKeyComparator(conf);
    this.reporter = new MRTaskReporter((InputContext)taskContext);

  combineInputRecordsCounter = taskContext.getCounters().findCounter(TaskCounter.COMBINE_INPUT_RECORDS);
  combineOutputRecordsCounter = taskContext.getCounters().findCounter(TaskCounter.COMBINE_OUTPUT_RECORDS);
  boolean isMap = conf.getBoolean(MRConfig.IS_MAP_PROCESSOR,false);
  this.mrTaskAttemptID = new TaskAttemptID(
      new TaskID(String.valueOf(taskContext.getApplicationId()
          .getClusterTimestamp()), taskContext.getApplicationId().getId(),
          isMap ? TaskType.MAP : TaskType.REDUCE,
          taskContext.getTaskIndex()), taskContext.getTaskAttemptNumber());
  LOG.info("Using combineKeyClass: " + keyClass + ", combineValueClass: " + valClass + ", combineComparator: " +comparator + ", useNewApi: " + useNewApi);
源代码16 项目: incubator-tez   文件: MRCombiner.java
public MRCombiner(TezTaskContext taskContext) throws IOException {
  this.conf = TezUtils.createConfFromUserPayload(taskContext.getUserPayload());

  assert(taskContext instanceof TezInputContext || taskContext instanceof TezOutputContext);
  if (taskContext instanceof TezOutputContext) {
    this.keyClass = ConfigUtils.getIntermediateOutputKeyClass(conf);
    this.valClass = ConfigUtils.getIntermediateOutputValueClass(conf);
    this.comparator = ConfigUtils.getIntermediateOutputKeyComparator(conf);
    this.reporter = new MRTaskReporter((TezOutputContext)taskContext);
  } else {
    this.keyClass = ConfigUtils.getIntermediateInputKeyClass(conf);
    this.valClass = ConfigUtils.getIntermediateInputValueClass(conf);
    this.comparator = ConfigUtils.getIntermediateInputKeyComparator(conf);
    this.reporter = new MRTaskReporter((TezInputContext)taskContext);

  this.useNewApi = ConfigUtils.useNewApi(conf);
  combineInputKeyCounter = taskContext.getCounters().findCounter(TaskCounter.COMBINE_INPUT_RECORDS);
  combineInputValueCounter = taskContext.getCounters().findCounter(TaskCounter.COMBINE_OUTPUT_RECORDS);
  boolean isMap = conf.getBoolean(MRConfig.IS_MAP_PROCESSOR,false);
  this.mrTaskAttemptID = new TaskAttemptID(
      new TaskID(String.valueOf(taskContext.getApplicationId()
          .getClusterTimestamp()), taskContext.getApplicationId().getId(),
          isMap ? TaskType.MAP : TaskType.REDUCE,
          taskContext.getTaskIndex()), taskContext.getTaskAttemptNumber());
  LOG.info("Using combineKeyClass: " + keyClass + ", combineValueClass: " + valClass + ", combineComparator: " +comparator + ", useNewApi: " + useNewApi);
源代码17 项目: 163-bigdate-note   文件: LogOutputFormat.java
public void write(K key, V value) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
    TaskID taskID = job.getTaskAttemptID().getTaskID();
    int partition = taskID.getId();
    String baseName = getFileBaseName(key, NUMBER_FORMAT.format(partition));
    RecordWriter<K, V> rw = this.recordWriter.get(baseName);
    if (rw == null) {
        rw = getBaseRecordWriter(job, baseName);
        this.recordWriter.put(baseName, rw);
    rw.write(null, value);
源代码18 项目: 163-bigdate-note   文件: LogOutputFormat.java
public void write(K key, V value) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
    TaskID taskID = job.getTaskAttemptID().getTaskID();
    int partition = taskID.getId();
    String baseName = getFileBaseName(key, NUMBER_FORMAT.format(partition));
    RecordWriter<K, V> rw = this.recordWriter.get(baseName);
    if (rw == null) {
        rw = getBaseRecordWriter(job, baseName);
        this.recordWriter.put(baseName, rw);
    rw.write(null, value);
源代码19 项目: big-c   文件: JobHistoryParser.java
/** Create a job info object where job information will be stored
 * after a parse
public JobInfo() {
  submitTime = launchTime = finishTime = -1;
  totalMaps = totalReduces = failedMaps = failedReduces = 0;
  finishedMaps = finishedReduces = 0;
  username = jobname = jobConfPath = jobQueueName = "";
  tasksMap = new HashMap<TaskID, TaskInfo>();
  completedTaskAttemptsMap = new HashMap<TaskAttemptID, TaskAttemptInfo>();
  jobACLs = new HashMap<JobACL, AccessControlList>();
  priority = JobPriority.NORMAL;
源代码20 项目: hadoop   文件: PartialFileOutputCommitter.java
public void cleanUpPartialOutputForTask(TaskAttemptContext context)
    throws IOException {

  // we double check this is never invoked from a non-preemptable subclass.
  // This should never happen, since the invoking codes is checking it too,
  // but it is safer to double check. Errors handling this would produce
  // inconsistent output.

  if (!this.getClass().isAnnotationPresent(Checkpointable.class)) {
    throw new IllegalStateException("Invoking cleanUpPartialOutputForTask() " +
        "from non @Preemptable class");
  FileSystem fs =
    fsFor(getTaskAttemptPath(context), context.getConfiguration());

  LOG.info("cleanUpPartialOutputForTask: removing everything belonging to " +
      context.getTaskAttemptID().getTaskID() + " in: " +

  final TaskAttemptID taid = context.getTaskAttemptID();
  final TaskID tid = taid.getTaskID();
  Path pCommit = getCommittedTaskPath(context).getParent();
  // remove any committed output
  for (int i = 0; i < taid.getId(); ++i) {
    TaskAttemptID oldId = new TaskAttemptID(tid, i);
    Path pTask = new Path(pCommit, oldId.toString());
    if (fs.exists(pTask) && !fs.delete(pTask, true)) {
      throw new IOException("Failed to delete " + pTask);
源代码21 项目: big-c   文件: TestShuffleScheduler.java
public void testTipFailed() throws Exception {
  JobConf job = new JobConf();

  TaskStatus status = new TaskStatus() {
    public boolean getIsMap() {
      return false;

    public void addFetchFailedMap(TaskAttemptID mapTaskId) {
  Progress progress = new Progress();

  TaskAttemptID reduceId = new TaskAttemptID("314159", 0, TaskType.REDUCE,
      0, 0);
  ShuffleSchedulerImpl scheduler = new ShuffleSchedulerImpl(job, status,
      reduceId, null, progress, null, null, null);

  JobID jobId = new JobID();
  TaskID taskId1 = new TaskID(jobId, TaskType.REDUCE, 1);

  Assert.assertEquals("Progress should be 0.5", 0.5f, progress.getProgress(),

  TaskID taskId0 = new TaskID(jobId, TaskType.REDUCE, 0);
  Assert.assertEquals("Progress should be 1.0", 1.0f, progress.getProgress(),
源代码22 项目: hadoop   文件: JobHistoryParser.java
/** Create a job info object where job information will be stored
 * after a parse
public JobInfo() {
  submitTime = launchTime = finishTime = -1;
  totalMaps = totalReduces = failedMaps = failedReduces = 0;
  finishedMaps = finishedReduces = 0;
  username = jobname = jobConfPath = jobQueueName = "";
  tasksMap = new HashMap<TaskID, TaskInfo>();
  completedTaskAttemptsMap = new HashMap<TaskAttemptID, TaskAttemptInfo>();
  jobACLs = new HashMap<JobACL, AccessControlList>();
  priority = JobPriority.NORMAL;
源代码23 项目: hadoop   文件: TaskFinishedEvent.java
public void setDatum(Object oDatum) {
  this.datum = (TaskFinished)oDatum;
  this.taskid = TaskID.forName(datum.taskid.toString());
  if (datum.successfulAttemptId != null) {
    this.successfulAttemptId = TaskAttemptID
  this.finishTime = datum.finishTime;
  this.taskType = TaskType.valueOf(datum.taskType.toString());
  this.status = datum.status.toString();
  this.counters = EventReader.fromAvro(datum.counters);
源代码24 项目: mnemonic   文件: MneDurableOutputSession.java
protected String getUniqueName(String name, String extension) {
  int partition;
  NumberFormat numberFormat = NumberFormat.getInstance();
  if (null != getTaskAttemptContext()) {
    TaskID taskId = getTaskAttemptContext().getTaskAttemptID().getTaskID();
    partition = taskId.getId();
  } else {
    partition = getConfiguration().getInt(JobContext.TASK_PARTITION, -1);
  if (partition == -1) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("This method can only be called from an application");
  String taskType = getConfiguration().getBoolean(JobContext.TASK_ISMAP, JobContext.DEFAULT_TASK_ISMAP) ? "m" : "r";
  StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
  return result.toString();
源代码25 项目: big-c   文件: TaskFinishedEvent.java
 * Create an event to record the successful completion of a task
 * @param id Task ID
 * @param attemptId Task Attempt ID of the successful attempt for this task
 * @param finishTime Finish time of the task
 * @param taskType Type of the task
 * @param status Status string
 * @param counters Counters for the task
public TaskFinishedEvent(TaskID id, TaskAttemptID attemptId, long finishTime,
                         TaskType taskType,
                         String status, Counters counters) {
  this.taskid = id;
  this.successfulAttemptId = attemptId;
  this.finishTime = finishTime;
  this.taskType = taskType;
  this.status = status;
  this.counters = counters;
源代码26 项目: big-c   文件: TaskFailedEvent.java
 * Create an event to record task failure
 * @param id Task ID
 * @param finishTime Finish time of the task
 * @param taskType Type of the task
 * @param error Error String
 * @param status Status
 * @param failedDueToAttempt The attempt id due to which the task failed
 * @param counters Counters for the task
public TaskFailedEvent(TaskID id, long finishTime, 
    TaskType taskType, String error, String status,
    TaskAttemptID failedDueToAttempt, Counters counters) {
  this.id = id;
  this.finishTime = finishTime;
  this.taskType = taskType;
  this.error = error;
  this.status = status;
  this.failedDueToAttempt = failedDueToAttempt;
  this.counters = counters;
源代码27 项目: hadoop   文件: TaskFailedEvent.java
 * Create an event to record task failure
 * @param id Task ID
 * @param finishTime Finish time of the task
 * @param taskType Type of the task
 * @param error Error String
 * @param status Status
 * @param failedDueToAttempt The attempt id due to which the task failed
 * @param counters Counters for the task
public TaskFailedEvent(TaskID id, long finishTime, 
    TaskType taskType, String error, String status,
    TaskAttemptID failedDueToAttempt, Counters counters) {
  this.id = id;
  this.finishTime = finishTime;
  this.taskType = taskType;
  this.error = error;
  this.status = status;
  this.failedDueToAttempt = failedDueToAttempt;
  this.counters = counters;
源代码28 项目: big-c   文件: HistoryViewer.java
/** Apply the filter (status) on the parsed job and generate summary */
public FilteredJob(JobInfo job, String status) {

  filter = status;
  Map<TaskID, JobHistoryParser.TaskInfo> tasks = job.getAllTasks();

  for (JobHistoryParser.TaskInfo task : tasks.values()) {
    Map<TaskAttemptID, JobHistoryParser.TaskAttemptInfo> attempts =
    for (JobHistoryParser.TaskAttemptInfo attempt : attempts.values()) {
      if (attempt.getTaskStatus().equals(status)) {
        String hostname = attempt.getHostname();
        TaskID id = attempt.getAttemptId().getTaskID();

        Set<TaskID> set = badNodesToFilteredTasks.get(hostname);

        if (set == null) {
          set = new TreeSet<TaskID>();
          badNodesToFilteredTasks.put(hostname, set);
源代码29 项目: hadoop   文件: ShuffleSchedulerImpl.java
public synchronized void tipFailed(TaskID taskId) {
  if (!finishedMaps[taskId.getId()]) {
    finishedMaps[taskId.getId()] = true;
    if (--remainingMaps == 0) {
源代码30 项目: aegisthus   文件: CustomFileNameFileOutputFormat.java
 * Generate a unique filename, based on the task id, name, and extension
 * @param context the task that is calling this
 * @param name the base filename
 * @param extension the filename extension
 * @return a string like $name-[jobType]-$id$extension
protected synchronized String getCustomFileName(TaskAttemptContext context,
        String name,
        String extension) {
    TaskID taskId = context.getTaskAttemptID().getTaskID();
    int partition = taskId.getId();
    return name + '-' + NUMBER_FORMAT.format(partition) + extension;