

private void setCurrentLoggedUser(EntityManager entityManager) {
    Session session = entityManager.unwrap(Session.class);
    Dialect dialect = session.getSessionFactory().unwrap(SessionFactoryImplementor.class).getJdbcServices().getDialect();
    String loggedUser = ReflectionUtils.invokeMethod(

    session.doWork(connection -> {
                "SET @logged_user = '%s'", loggedUser
源代码2 项目: hibernate-ogm-ignite   文件: IgniteTestHelper.java
public Map<String, Object> extractEntityTuple(Session session, EntityKey key) {
	SessionFactoryImplementor sessionFactory = (SessionFactoryImplementor) session.getSessionFactory();
	IgniteCache<Object, BinaryObject> cache = getEntityCache( sessionFactory, key.getMetadata() );
	Object cacheKey = getProvider( sessionFactory ).createKeyObject( key );

	Map<String, Object> result = new HashMap<>();
	BinaryObject po = cache.get( cacheKey );

	TupleSnapshot snapshot = new IgniteTupleSnapshot( cacheKey, po, key.getMetadata() );
	for ( String fieldName : snapshot.getColumnNames() ) {
		result.put( fieldName, snapshot.get( fieldName ) );

	return result;
源代码3 项目: lams   文件: ConditionalParenthesisFunction.java
public String render(Type firstArgumentType, List arguments, SessionFactoryImplementor sessionFactory) {
	final boolean hasArgs = !arguments.isEmpty();
	final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder( getName() );
	if ( hasArgs ) {
		buf.append( "(" );
		for ( int i = 0; i < arguments.size(); i++ ) {
			buf.append( arguments.get( i ) );
			if ( i < arguments.size() - 1 ) {
				buf.append( ", " );
		buf.append( ")" );
	return buf.toString();
protected String generateLockString(int lockTimeout) {
	final SessionFactoryImplementor factory = getLockable().getFactory();
	final LockOptions lockOptions = new LockOptions( getLockMode() );
	lockOptions.setTimeOut( lockTimeout );
	final SimpleSelect select = new SimpleSelect( factory.getDialect() )
			.setLockOptions( lockOptions )
			.setTableName( getLockable().getRootTableName() )
			.addColumn( getLockable().getRootTableIdentifierColumnNames()[0] )
			.addCondition( getLockable().getRootTableIdentifierColumnNames(), "=?" );
	if ( getLockable().isVersioned() ) {
		select.addCondition( getLockable().getVersionColumnName(), "=?" );
	if ( factory.getSessionFactoryOptions().isCommentsEnabled() ) {
		select.setComment( getLockMode() + " lock " + getLockable().getEntityName() );
	return select.toStatementString();
源代码5 项目: lams   文件: CollectionType.java
protected String renderLoggableString(Object value, SessionFactoryImplementor factory) throws HibernateException {
	if ( !Hibernate.isInitialized( value ) ) {
		return "<uninitialized>";

	final List<String> list = new ArrayList<>();
	Type elemType = getElementType( factory );
	Iterator itr = getElementsIterator( value );
	while ( itr.hasNext() ) {
		Object element = itr.next();
		if ( element == LazyPropertyInitializer.UNFETCHED_PROPERTY || !Hibernate.isInitialized( element ) ) {
			list.add( "<uninitialized>" );
		else {
			list.add( elemType.toLoggableString( element, factory ) );
	return list.toString();
public ReactiveDynamicBatchingCollectionInitializer(
		QueryableCollection collectionPersister,
		SessionFactoryImplementor factory,
		LoadQueryInfluencers influencers) {
	super( collectionPersister, factory, influencers );

	JoinWalker walker = buildJoinWalker( collectionPersister, factory, influencers );
	initFromWalker( walker );
	this.sqlTemplate = walker.getSQLString();
	this.alias = StringHelper.generateAlias( collectionPersister.getRole(), 0 );

	if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() ) {
				"SQL-template for dynamic collection [%s] batch-fetching : %s",
源代码7 项目: ueboot   文件: FieldToBeanResultTransformer.java
public Object transformTuple(Object tuple[], String aliases[]) {
    try {
        if (!this.isInitialized) {
        } else {

        Object result = this.resultClass.newInstance();

        for (int i = 0; i < aliases.length; ++i) {
            if (this.setters[i] != null) {
                this.setters[i].set(result, tuple[i], (SessionFactoryImplementor) null);

        return result;
    } catch (InstantiationException var5) {
        throw new HibernateException("Could not instantiate resultclass: " + this.resultClass.getName());
    } catch (IllegalAccessException var6) {
        throw new HibernateException("Could not instantiate resultclass: " + this.resultClass.getName());
public ReactiveOneToManyLoader(
		QueryableCollection oneToManyPersister,
		int batchSize,
		String subquery,
		SessionFactoryImplementor factory,
		LoadQueryInfluencers loadQueryInfluencers) throws MappingException {
	super(oneToManyPersister, factory, loadQueryInfluencers);

	initFromWalker( new OneToManyJoinWalker(
	) );

	if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
		LOG.debugf("Static select for one-to-many %s: %s", oneToManyPersister.getRole(), getSQLString());
public String render(Type firstArgumentType, List arguments, SessionFactoryImplementor factory) throws QueryException {
    if (arguments == null || arguments.size() < 2) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("The function must be passed 2 arguments");

    String fragment;
    String ftsConfig;
    String field;
    String value;
    if (arguments.size() == 3) {
        ftsConfig = (String) arguments.get(0);
        field = (String) arguments.get(1);
        value = (String) arguments.get(2);
        fragment = field + " @@ plainto_tsquery(" + ftsConfig + ", " + value + ")";
    } else {
        field = (String) arguments.get(0);
        value = (String) arguments.get(1);
        fragment = field + " @@ plainto_tsquery(" + value + ")";
    return fragment;
源代码10 项目: hibernate-ogm-ignite   文件: IgniteTestHelper.java
public long getNumberOfAssociations(SessionFactory sessionFactory, AssociationStorageType type) {
	int asscociationCount = 0;
	Set<IgniteCache<Object, BinaryObject>> processedCaches = Collections.newSetFromMap( new IdentityHashMap<IgniteCache<Object, BinaryObject>, Boolean>() );

	for ( CollectionPersister collectionPersister : ( (SessionFactoryImplementor) sessionFactory ).getCollectionPersisters().values() ) {
		AssociationKeyMetadata associationKeyMetadata = ( (OgmCollectionPersister) collectionPersister ).getAssociationKeyMetadata();
		IgniteCache<Object, BinaryObject> associationCache = getAssociationCache( sessionFactory, associationKeyMetadata );
		if ( !processedCaches.contains( associationCache ) ) {
			asscociationCount += associationCache.size();
			processedCaches.add( associationCache );

	return asscociationCount;
 * Create a new SpringSessionContext for the given Hibernate SessionFactory.
 * @param sessionFactory the SessionFactory to provide current Sessions for
public SpringSessionContext(SessionFactoryImplementor sessionFactory) {
	this.sessionFactory = sessionFactory;
	try {
		JtaPlatform jtaPlatform = sessionFactory.getServiceRegistry().getService(JtaPlatform.class);
		this.transactionManager = jtaPlatform.retrieveTransactionManager();
		if (this.transactionManager != null) {
			this.jtaSessionContext = new SpringJtaSessionContext(sessionFactory);
	catch (Exception ex) {
				"Could not introspect Hibernate JtaPlatform for SpringJtaSessionContext", ex);
源代码12 项目: lams   文件: EntityBasedAssociationAttribute.java
public EntityBasedAssociationAttribute(
		EntityPersister source,
		SessionFactoryImplementor sessionFactory,
		int attributeNumber,
		String attributeName,
		AssociationType attributeType,
		BaselineAttributeInformation baselineInfo) {
	super( source, sessionFactory, attributeNumber, attributeName, attributeType, baselineInfo );
源代码13 项目: lams   文件: EntityLoader.java
private EntityLoader(
		SessionFactoryImplementor factory,
		OuterJoinLoadable persister,
		String[] uniqueKeyColumnNames,
		Type uniqueKeyType,
		QueryBuildingParameters buildingParameters) throws MappingException {
	super( persister, factory, uniqueKeyColumnNames, uniqueKeyType, buildingParameters );
	if ( log.isDebugEnabled() ) {
		if ( buildingParameters.getLockOptions() != null ) {
					"Static select for entity %s [%s:%s]: %s",
		else if ( buildingParameters.getLockMode() != null ) {
					"Static select for entity %s [%s]: %s",
源代码14 项目: lams   文件: LegacyBatchingEntityLoaderBuilder.java
public LegacyBatchingEntityLoader(
		OuterJoinLoadable persister,
		int maxBatchSize,
		LockOptions lockOptions,
		SessionFactoryImplementor factory,
		LoadQueryInfluencers loadQueryInfluencers) {
	super( persister );
	this.batchSizes = ArrayHelper.getBatchSizes( maxBatchSize );
	this.loaders = new Loader[ batchSizes.length ];
	for ( int i = 0; i < batchSizes.length; i++ ) {
		this.loaders[i] = new EntityLoader( persister, batchSizes[i], lockOptions, factory, loadQueryInfluencers);
源代码15 项目: lams   文件: EntityJoinFromElement.java
public EntityJoinJoinSequenceImpl(
		SessionFactoryImplementor factory,
		EntityType entityType,
		String entityTableText,
		String entityTableAlias,
		JoinType joinType) {
	super( factory );
	this.factory = factory;
	this.entityType = entityType;
	this.entityTableText = entityTableText;
	this.entityTableAlias = entityTableAlias;
	this.joinType = joinType;

	setUseThetaStyle( false );
源代码16 项目: lams   文件: CascadeEntityJoinWalker.java
public CascadeEntityJoinWalker(
		OuterJoinLoadable persister,
		CascadingAction action,
		SessionFactoryImplementor factory)
		throws MappingException {
	super( persister, factory, LoadQueryInfluencers.NONE );
	this.cascadeAction = action;
	StringBuilder whereCondition = whereString( getAlias(), persister.getIdentifierColumnNames(), 1 )
			//include the discriminator and class-level where, but not filters
			.append( persister.filterFragment( getAlias(), Collections.EMPTY_MAP ) );

	initAll( whereCondition.toString(), "", LockOptions.READ );
protected UniqueEntityLoader buildNonBatchingLoader(
			OuterJoinLoadable persister,
			LockOptions lockOptions,
			SessionFactoryImplementor factory,
			LoadQueryInfluencers influencers) {
		return new ReactivePlanEntityLoader.Builder( persister )
				.withLockMode( lockOptions.getLockMode() )
				.withInfluencers( influencers )
//		return new ReactiveEntityLoader( persister, factory, lockOptions.getLockMode(), influencers);
源代码18 项目: lams   文件: CacheKeyImplementation.java
 * Construct a new key for a collection or entity instance.
 * Note that an entity name should always be the root entity
 * name, not a subclass entity name.
 * @param id The identifier associated with the cached data
 * @param type The Hibernate type mapping
 * @param entityOrRoleName The entity or collection-role name.
 * @param tenantId The tenant identifier associated this data.
 * @param factory The session factory for which we are caching
		final Object id,
		final Type type,
		final String entityOrRoleName,
		final String tenantId,
		final SessionFactoryImplementor factory) {
	this.id = id;
	this.type = type;
	this.entityOrRoleName = entityOrRoleName;
	this.tenantId = tenantId;
	this.hashCode = calculateHashCode( type, factory );
源代码19 项目: lams   文件: CollectionElementLoader.java
public CollectionElementLoader(
		QueryableCollection collectionPersister,
		SessionFactoryImplementor factory,
		LoadQueryInfluencers loadQueryInfluencers) throws MappingException {
	super( factory, loadQueryInfluencers );

	this.keyType = collectionPersister.getKeyType();
	this.indexType = collectionPersister.getIndexType();
	this.persister = (OuterJoinLoadable) collectionPersister.getElementPersister();
	this.entityName = persister.getEntityName();

	JoinWalker walker = new EntityJoinWalker(
					collectionPersister.toColumns( "index" )
	initFromWalker( walker );


	if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() ) {
		LOG.debugf( "Static select for entity %s: %s", entityName, getSQLString() );

源代码20 项目: lams   文件: NativeQueryInterpreterInitiator.java
public NativeQueryInterpreter initiateService(
		SessionFactoryImplementor sessionFactory,
		SessionFactoryOptions sessionFactoryOptions,
		ServiceRegistryImplementor registry) {
	return new NativeQueryInterpreterStandardImpl( sessionFactory );
源代码21 项目: lams   文件: PaddedBatchingEntityLoaderBuilder.java
protected UniqueEntityLoader buildBatchingLoader(
		OuterJoinLoadable persister,
		int batchSize,
		LockMode lockMode,
		SessionFactoryImplementor factory,
		LoadQueryInfluencers influencers) {
	return new PaddedBatchingEntityLoader( persister, batchSize, lockMode, factory, influencers );
源代码22 项目: lams   文件: OneToManyJoinWalker.java
public OneToManyJoinWalker(
		QueryableCollection oneToManyPersister,
		int batchSize,
		String subquery,
		SessionFactoryImplementor factory,
		LoadQueryInfluencers loadQueryInfluencers) throws MappingException {
	super( factory, loadQueryInfluencers );

	this.oneToManyPersister = oneToManyPersister;

	final OuterJoinLoadable elementPersister = (OuterJoinLoadable) oneToManyPersister.getElementPersister();
	final String alias = generateRootAlias( oneToManyPersister.getRole() );

	walkEntityTree( elementPersister, alias );

	List allAssociations = new ArrayList();
	allAssociations.addAll( associations );
	initPersisters( allAssociations, LockMode.NONE );
	initStatementString( elementPersister, alias, batchSize, subquery );
源代码23 项目: lams   文件: QueryPlanCache.java
 * Constructs the QueryPlanCache to be used by the given SessionFactory
 * @param factory The SessionFactory
public QueryPlanCache(final SessionFactoryImplementor factory) {
	this.factory = factory;

	Integer maxParameterMetadataCount = ConfigurationHelper.getInteger(
	if ( maxParameterMetadataCount == null ) {
		maxParameterMetadataCount = ConfigurationHelper.getInt(
	Integer maxQueryPlanCount = ConfigurationHelper.getInteger(
	if ( maxQueryPlanCount == null ) {
		maxQueryPlanCount = ConfigurationHelper.getInt(

	queryPlanCache = new BoundedConcurrentHashMap( maxQueryPlanCount, 20, BoundedConcurrentHashMap.Eviction.LIRS );
	parameterMetadataCache = new BoundedConcurrentHashMap<>(

	nativeQueryInterpreter = factory.getServiceRegistry().getService( NativeQueryInterpreter.class );
源代码24 项目: blog-tutorials   文件: PostgreSQLFTSFunction.java
public String render(Type type, List args, SessionFactoryImplementor factory) throws QueryException {

	if (args == null || args.size() != 3) {
		throw new IllegalArgumentException("The function must be passed 2 arguments");

	String language = (String) args.get(0);
	String field = (String) args.get(1);
	String searchString = (String) args.get(2);
	return field + " @@ to_tsquery('" + language + "', " + searchString + ")";
源代码25 项目: hibernate-reactive   文件: ReactiveHQLQueryPlan.java
public ReactiveHQLQueryPlan(
		String hql,
		String collectionRole,
		boolean shallow,
		Map<String, Filter> enabledFilters,
		SessionFactoryImplementor factory,
		EntityGraphQueryHint entityGraphQueryHint) {
	super( hql, collectionRole, shallow, enabledFilters, factory, entityGraphQueryHint );
 * Builds a batch-fetch capable CollectionInitializer for basic and many-to-many collections (collections with
 * a dedicated collection table).
 * @param persister THe collection persister
 * @param maxBatchSize The maximum number of keys to batch-fetch together
 * @param factory The SessionFactory
 * @param influencers Any influencers that should affect the built query
 * @return The batch-fetch capable collection initializer
public CollectionInitializer createBatchingCollectionInitializer(
		QueryableCollection persister,
		int maxBatchSize,
		SessionFactoryImplementor factory,
		LoadQueryInfluencers influencers) {
	if ( maxBatchSize <= 1 ) {
		// no batching
		return buildNonBatchingLoader( persister, factory, influencers );

	return createRealBatchingCollectionInitializer( persister, maxBatchSize, factory, influencers );
源代码27 项目: lams   文件: StandardAnsiSqlAggregationFunctions.java
public String render(Type firstArgumentType, List arguments, SessionFactoryImplementor factory) {
	if ( arguments.size() > 1 ) {
		if ( "distinct".equalsIgnoreCase( arguments.get( 0 ).toString() ) ) {
			return renderCountDistinct( arguments, factory.getDialect() );
	return super.render( firstArgumentType, arguments, factory );
源代码28 项目: lams   文件: AbstractEntityTuplizer.java
private static Serializable determineEntityId(
		Object entity,
		AssociationType associationType,
		SharedSessionContractImplementor session,
		SessionFactoryImplementor sessionFactory) {
	if ( entity == null ) {
		return null;

	if ( HibernateProxy.class.isInstance( entity ) ) {
		// entity is a proxy, so we know it is not transient; just return ID from proxy
		return ( (HibernateProxy) entity ).getHibernateLazyInitializer().getIdentifier();

	if ( session != null ) {
		final EntityEntry pcEntry = session.getPersistenceContext().getEntry( entity );
		if ( pcEntry != null ) {
			// entity managed; return ID.
			return pcEntry.getId();

	final EntityPersister persister = resolveEntityPersister(

	return persister.getIdentifier( entity, session );
protected CollectionInitializer createRealBatchingOneToManyInitializer(
		QueryableCollection persister,
		int maxBatchSize,
		SessionFactoryImplementor factory,
		LoadQueryInfluencers loadQueryInfluencers) throws MappingException {
	final int[] batchSizes = ArrayHelper.getBatchSizes( maxBatchSize );
	final Loader[] loaders = new Loader[ batchSizes.length ];
	for ( int i = 0; i < batchSizes.length; i++ ) {
		loaders[i] = new OneToManyLoader( persister, batchSizes[i], factory, loadQueryInfluencers );
	return new LegacyBatchingCollectionInitializer( persister, batchSizes, loaders );
private CompletionStage<Void> checkIdClass(
		final EntityPersister persister,
		final LoadEvent event,
		final LoadEventListener.LoadType loadType,
		final Class<?> idClass) {
	// we may have the kooky jpa requirement of allowing find-by-id where
	// "id" is the "simple pk value" of a dependent objects parent.  This
	// is part of its generally goofy "derived identity" "feature"
	final IdentifierProperty identifierProperty = persister.getEntityMetamodel().getIdentifierProperty();
	if ( identifierProperty.isEmbedded() ) {
		final EmbeddedComponentType dependentIdType = (EmbeddedComponentType) identifierProperty.getType();
		if ( dependentIdType.getSubtypes().length == 1 ) {
			final Type singleSubType = dependentIdType.getSubtypes()[0];
			if ( singleSubType.isEntityType() ) {
				final EntityType dependentParentType = (EntityType) singleSubType;
				final SessionFactoryImplementor factory = event.getSession().getFactory();
				final Type dependentParentIdType = dependentParentType.getIdentifierOrUniqueKeyType( factory );
				if ( dependentParentIdType.getReturnedClass().isInstance( event.getEntityId() ) ) {
					// yep that's what we have...
					return loadByDerivedIdentitySimplePkValue( event, loadType, persister,
							dependentIdType, factory.getMetamodel().entityPersister( dependentParentType.getAssociatedEntityName() )
	throw new TypeMismatchException(
			"Provided id of the wrong type for class " + persister.getEntityName() + ". Expected: " + idClass + ", got " + event.getEntityId().getClass() );