

源代码1 项目: lams   文件: JoinWalker.java
 * Add on association (one-to-one, many-to-one, or a collection) to a list
 * of associations to be fetched by outerjoin (if necessary)
private void addAssociationToJoinTreeIfNecessary(
		final AssociationType type,
		final String[] aliasedLhsColumns,
		final String alias,
		final PropertyPath path,
		int currentDepth,
		final JoinType joinType) throws MappingException {
	if ( joinType != JoinType.NONE ) {
源代码2 项目: lams   文件: JoinWalker.java
 * Determine the appropriate type of join (if any) to use to fetch the
 * given association.
 * @param persister The owner of the association.
 * @param path The path to the association
 * @param propertyNumber The property number representing the association.
 * @param associationType The association type.
 * @param metadataFetchMode The metadata-defined fetch mode.
 * @param metadataCascadeStyle The metadata-defined cascade style.
 * @param lhsTable The owner table
 * @param lhsColumns The owner join columns
 * @param nullable Is the association nullable.
 * @param currentDepth Current join depth
 * @return type of join to use ({@link org.hibernate.sql.JoinType#INNER_JOIN},
 * {@link org.hibernate.sql.JoinType#LEFT_OUTER_JOIN}, or -1 to indicate no joining.
 * @throws MappingException ??
protected JoinType getJoinType(
		OuterJoinLoadable persister,
		final PropertyPath path,
		int propertyNumber,
		AssociationType associationType,
		FetchMode metadataFetchMode,
		CascadeStyle metadataCascadeStyle,
		String lhsTable,
		String[] lhsColumns,
		final boolean nullable,
		final int currentDepth) throws MappingException {
	return getJoinType(
源代码3 项目: lams   文件: JoinWalker.java
 * Determine the appropriate associationType of join (if any) to use to fetch the
 * given association.
 * @param associationType The association associationType.
 * @param config The metadata-defined fetch mode.
 * @param path The path to the association
 * @param lhsTable The owner table
 * @param lhsColumns The owner join columns
 * @param nullable Is the association nullable.
 * @param currentDepth Current join depth
 * @param cascadeStyle The metadata-defined cascade style.
 * @return type of join to use ({@link org.hibernate.sql.JoinType#INNER_JOIN},
 * {@link org.hibernate.sql.JoinType#LEFT_OUTER_JOIN}, or -1 to indicate no joining.
 * @throws MappingException ??
protected JoinType getJoinType(
		AssociationType associationType,
		FetchMode config,
		PropertyPath path,
		String lhsTable,
		String[] lhsColumns,
		boolean nullable,
		int currentDepth,
		CascadeStyle cascadeStyle) throws MappingException {
	if ( !isJoinedFetchEnabled( associationType, config, cascadeStyle ) ) {
		return JoinType.NONE;
	if ( isTooDeep( currentDepth ) || ( associationType.isCollectionType() && isTooManyCollections() ) ) {
		return JoinType.NONE;
	if ( isDuplicateAssociation( lhsTable, lhsColumns, associationType ) ) {
		return JoinType.NONE;
	return getJoinType( nullable, currentDepth );
源代码4 项目: lams   文件: JoinWalker.java
 * Should we join this association?
protected boolean isJoinable(
		final JoinType joinType,
		final Set visitedAssociationKeys,
		final String lhsTable,
		final String[] lhsColumnNames,
		final AssociationType type,
		final int depth) {

	if ( joinType == JoinType.NONE ) {
		return false;

	if ( joinType == JoinType.INNER_JOIN ) {
		return true;

	Integer maxFetchDepth = getFactory().getSessionFactoryOptions().getMaximumFetchDepth();
	final boolean tooDeep = maxFetchDepth != null && depth >= maxFetchDepth;

	return !tooDeep && !isDuplicateAssociation( lhsTable, lhsColumnNames, type );
源代码5 项目: lams   文件: CriteriaJoinWalker.java
protected JoinType getJoinType(
		AssociationType associationType,
		FetchMode config,
		PropertyPath path,
		String lhsTable,
		String[] lhsColumns,
		boolean nullable,
		int currentDepth,
		CascadeStyle cascadeStyle) throws MappingException {
	return getJoinType(
源代码6 项目: lams   文件: CriteriaQueryTranslator.java
private void createAssociationPathCriteriaMap() {
	final Iterator<CriteriaImpl.Subcriteria> iter = rootCriteria.iterateSubcriteria();
	while ( iter.hasNext() ) {
		CriteriaImpl.Subcriteria crit = iter.next();
		String wholeAssociationPath = getWholeAssociationPath( crit );
		Object old = associationPathCriteriaMap.put( wholeAssociationPath, crit );
		if ( old != null ) {
			throw new QueryException( "duplicate association path: " + wholeAssociationPath );
		JoinType joinType = crit.getJoinType();
		old = associationPathJoinTypesMap.put( wholeAssociationPath, joinType );
		if ( old != null ) {
			// TODO : not so sure this is needed...
			throw new QueryException( "duplicate association path: " + wholeAssociationPath );
		if ( crit.getWithClause() != null ) {
			this.withClauseMap.put( wholeAssociationPath, crit.getWithClause() );
源代码7 项目: lams   文件: OuterJoinableAssociation.java
public static OuterJoinableAssociation createRoot(
		AssociationType joinableType,
		String alias,
		SessionFactoryImplementor factory) {
	return new OuterJoinableAssociation(
			new PropertyPath(),
源代码8 项目: lams   文件: OuterJoinableAssociation.java
public OuterJoinableAssociation(
		PropertyPath propertyPath,
		AssociationType joinableType,
		String lhsAlias,
		String[] lhsColumns,
		String rhsAlias,
		JoinType joinType,
		String withClause,
		boolean hasRestriction,
		SessionFactoryImplementor factory,
		Map enabledFilters) throws MappingException {
	this.propertyPath = propertyPath;
	this.joinableType = joinableType;
	this.lhsAlias = lhsAlias;
	this.lhsColumns = lhsColumns;
	this.rhsAlias = rhsAlias;
	this.joinType = joinType;
	this.joinable = joinableType.getAssociatedJoinable( factory );
	this.rhsColumns = JoinHelper.getRHSColumnNames( joinableType, factory );
	this.on = joinableType.getOnCondition( rhsAlias, factory, enabledFilters )
			+ ( withClause == null || withClause.trim().length() == 0 ? "" : " and ( " + withClause + " )" );
	this.hasRestriction = hasRestriction;
	this.enabledFilters = enabledFilters; // needed later for many-to-many/filter application
源代码9 项目: lams   文件: AbstractEntityPersister.java
protected JoinFragment createJoin(int[] tableNumbers, String drivingAlias) {
	final String[] keyCols = StringHelper.qualify( drivingAlias, getSubclassTableKeyColumns( tableNumbers[0] ) );
	final JoinFragment jf = getFactory().getDialect().createOuterJoinFragment();
	// IMPL NOTE : notice that we skip the first table; it is the driving table!
	for ( int i = 1; i < tableNumbers.length; i++ ) {
		final int j = tableNumbers[i];
				getSubclassTableName( j ),
				generateTableAlias( getRootAlias(), j ),
				getSubclassTableKeyColumns( j ),
				isInverseSubclassTable( j ) || isNullableSubclassTable( j )
						? JoinType.LEFT_OUTER_JOIN
						: JoinType.INNER_JOIN
	return jf;
源代码10 项目: lams   文件: JoinProcessor.java
 * Translates an AST join type (i.e., the token type) into a JoinFragment.XXX join type.
 * @param astJoinType The AST join type (from HqlSqlTokenTypes or SqlTokenTypes)
 * @return a JoinFragment.XXX join type.
 * @see JoinFragment
 * @see SqlTokenTypes
public static JoinType toHibernateJoinType(int astJoinType) {
	switch ( astJoinType ) {
		case LEFT_OUTER: {
			return JoinType.LEFT_OUTER_JOIN;
		case INNER: {
			return JoinType.INNER_JOIN;
		case RIGHT_OUTER: {
			return JoinType.RIGHT_OUTER_JOIN;
		case FULL: {
			return JoinType.FULL_JOIN;
		default: {
			throw new AssertionFailure( "undefined join type " + astJoinType );
源代码11 项目: lams   文件: EntityJoinWalker.java
protected JoinType getJoinType(
		OuterJoinLoadable persister,
		PropertyPath path,
		int propertyNumber,
		AssociationType associationType,
		FetchMode metadataFetchMode,
		CascadeStyle metadataCascadeStyle,
		String lhsTable,
		String[] lhsColumns,
		boolean nullable,
		int currentDepth) throws MappingException {
	// NOTE : we override this form here specifically to account for
	// fetch profiles.
	// TODO : how to best handle criteria queries?
	if ( lockOptions.getLockMode().greaterThan( LockMode.READ ) ) {
		return JoinType.NONE;
	if ( isTooDeep( currentDepth )
			|| ( associationType.isCollectionType() && isTooManyCollections() ) ) {
		return JoinType.NONE;
	if ( !isJoinedFetchEnabledInMapping( metadataFetchMode, associationType )
			&& !isJoinFetchEnabledByProfile( persister, path, propertyNumber ) ) {
		return JoinType.NONE;
	if ( isDuplicateAssociation( lhsTable, lhsColumns, associationType ) ) {
		return JoinType.NONE;
	return getJoinType( nullable, currentDepth );
源代码12 项目: AIDR   文件: CoreDBServiceFacadeImp.java
public Criteria createCriteria(Criterion criterion,
		String order, String[] orderBy, Integer count, String aliasTable,
		Criterion aliasCriterion, Projection[] projections, JoinType joinType) {
	Session session = getCurrentSession();
	List fetchedList = new ArrayList();
	//logger.info("Entity: " + entityClass + ", current Session = " + session);
	Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(entityClass);
	criteria.createAlias(aliasTable, aliasTable, joinType).add(aliasCriterion);
	if (orderBy != null) {
		for(int i = 0; i< orderBy.length; i++){
			if (order != null && order.equalsIgnoreCase("desc")) {
			} else {
	if(count != null && count > 0){
	// set projections
	setProjections(criteria, projections);
	return criteria;
源代码13 项目: lams   文件: JoinWalker.java
 * Process a particular association owned by the entity
 * @param associationType The type representing the association to be
 * processed.
 * @param persister The owner of the association to be processed.
 * @param propertyNumber The property number for the association
 * (relative to the persister).
 * @param alias The entity alias
 * @param path The path to the association
 * @param nullable is the association nullable (which I think is supposed
 * to indicate inner/outer join semantics).
 * @param currentDepth The current join depth
 * @throws org.hibernate.MappingException ???
private void walkEntityAssociationTree(
		final AssociationType associationType,
		final OuterJoinLoadable persister,
		final int propertyNumber,
		final String alias,
		final PropertyPath path,
		final boolean nullable,
		final int currentDepth) throws MappingException {
	String[] aliasedLhsColumns = JoinHelper.getAliasedLHSColumnNames(
			associationType, alias, propertyNumber, persister, getFactory()
	String[] lhsColumns = JoinHelper.getLHSColumnNames(
			associationType, propertyNumber, persister, getFactory()
	String lhsTable = JoinHelper.getLHSTableName( associationType, propertyNumber, persister );

	PropertyPath subPath = path.append( persister.getSubclassPropertyName( propertyNumber ) );
	JoinType joinType = getJoinType(
			persister.getFetchMode( propertyNumber ),
			persister.getCascadeStyle( propertyNumber ),
源代码14 项目: lams   文件: JoinWalker.java
 * Use an inner join if it is a non-null association and this
 * is the "first" join in a series
protected JoinType getJoinType(boolean nullable, int currentDepth) {
	//TODO: this is too conservative; if all preceding joins were 
	//      also inner joins, we could use an inner join here
	// IMPL NOTE : currentDepth might be less-than zero if this is the
	// 		root of a many-to-many collection initializer 
	return !nullable && currentDepth <= 0
			? JoinType.INNER_JOIN
			: JoinType.LEFT_OUTER_JOIN;
源代码15 项目: lams   文件: JoinWalker.java
 * Count the number of instances of Joinable which are actually
 * also instances of PersistentCollection which are being fetched
 * by outer join
protected static int countCollectionPersisters(List associations)
		throws MappingException {
	int result = 0;
	for ( Object association : associations ) {
		final OuterJoinableAssociation oj = (OuterJoinableAssociation) association;
		if ( oj.getJoinType() == JoinType.LEFT_OUTER_JOIN &&
				oj.getJoinable().isCollection() &&
				!oj.hasRestriction() ) {
	return result;
源代码16 项目: lams   文件: HqlSqlWalker.java
protected AST createFromFilterElement(AST filterEntity, AST alias) throws SemanticException {
	FromElement fromElement = currentFromClause.addFromElement( filterEntity.getText(), alias );
	FromClause fromClause = fromElement.getFromClause();
	QueryableCollection persister = sessionFactoryHelper.getCollectionPersister( collectionFilterRole );
	// Get the names of the columns used to link between the collection
	// owner and the collection elements.
	String[] keyColumnNames = persister.getKeyColumnNames();
	String fkTableAlias = persister.isOneToMany()
			? fromElement.getTableAlias()
			: fromClause.getAliasGenerator().createName( collectionFilterRole );
	JoinSequence join = sessionFactoryHelper.createJoinSequence();
	join.setRoot( persister, fkTableAlias );
	if ( !persister.isOneToMany() ) {
				(AssociationType) persister.getElementType(),
				persister.getElementColumnNames( fkTableAlias )
	join.addCondition( fkTableAlias, keyColumnNames, " = ?" );
	fromElement.setJoinSequence( join );
	fromElement.setFilter( true );
	LOG.debug( "createFromFilterElement() : processed filter FROM element." );
	return fromElement;
源代码17 项目: lams   文件: QueryTranslatorImpl.java
 * Used for collection filters
private void addFromAssociation(final String elementName, final String collectionRole)
		throws QueryException {
	//q.addCollection(collectionName, collectionRole);
	QueryableCollection persister = getCollectionPersister( collectionRole );
	Type collectionElementType = persister.getElementType();
	if ( !collectionElementType.isEntityType() ) {
		throw new QueryException( "collection of values in filter: " + elementName );

	String[] keyColumnNames = persister.getKeyColumnNames();
	//if (keyColumnNames.length!=1) throw new QueryException("composite-key collection in filter: " + collectionRole);

	String collectionName;
	JoinSequence join = new JoinSequence( getFactory() );
	collectionName = persister.isOneToMany() ?
			elementName :
			createNameForCollection( collectionRole );
	join.setRoot( persister, collectionName );
	if ( !persister.isOneToMany() ) {
		addCollection( collectionName, collectionRole );
		try {
					(AssociationType) persister.getElementType(),
					persister.getElementColumnNames( collectionName )
		catch (MappingException me) {
			throw new QueryException( me );
	join.addCondition( collectionName, keyColumnNames, " = ?" );
	//if ( persister.hasWhere() ) join.addCondition( persister.getSQLWhereString(collectionName) );
	EntityType elemType = (EntityType) collectionElementType;
	addFrom( elementName, elemType.getAssociatedEntityName(), join );

源代码18 项目: AIDR   文件: CoreDBServiceFacadeImp.java
public List<E> getByCriteriaWithAliasByOrder(Criterion criterion, String order, String[] orderBy, Integer count, String aliasTable, Criterion aliasCriterion) {
	Session session = getCurrentSession();
	List<E> fetchedList = new ArrayList<E>();
	//logger.info("Entity: " + entityClass + ", current Session = " + session);
	Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(entityClass);
	criteria.createAlias(aliasTable, aliasTable, org.hibernate.sql.JoinType.LEFT_OUTER_JOIN).add(aliasCriterion);
	if (orderBy != null) {
		for(int i = 0; i< orderBy.length; i++){
			if (order != null && order.equalsIgnoreCase("desc")) {
			} else {
	if(count != null && count > 0){
	try {	
		fetchedList = criteria.list();
		return fetchedList;
	} catch (Exception e) {
		logger.error("getByCriteriaWithAliasByOrder failed, criteria = " + criterion.toString(), e);
		throw new HibernateException("getByCriteriaWithAliasByOrder failed, criteria = " + criterion.toString());
源代码19 项目: lams   文件: AbstractEntityPersister.java
protected JoinFragment createJoin(
		String name,
		boolean innerJoin,
		boolean includeSubclasses,
		Set<String> treatAsDeclarations) {
	// IMPL NOTE : all joins join to the pk of the driving table
	final String[] idCols = StringHelper.qualify( name, getIdentifierColumnNames() );
	final JoinFragment join = getFactory().getDialect().createOuterJoinFragment();
	final int tableSpan = getSubclassTableSpan();
	// IMPL NOTE : notice that we skip the first table; it is the driving table!
	for ( int j = 1; j < tableSpan; j++ ) {
		final JoinType joinType = determineSubclassTableJoinType(

		if ( joinType != null && joinType != JoinType.NONE ) {
					getSubclassTableName( j ),
					generateTableAlias( name, j ),
					getSubclassTableKeyColumns( j ),
	return join;
源代码20 项目: lams   文件: AbstractEntityPersister.java
protected JoinType determineSubclassTableJoinType(
		int subclassTableNumber,
		boolean canInnerJoin,
		boolean includeSubclasses,
		Set<String> treatAsDeclarations) {

	if ( isClassOrSuperclassTable( subclassTableNumber ) ) {
		final boolean shouldInnerJoin = canInnerJoin
				&& !isInverseTable( subclassTableNumber )
				&& !isNullableTable( subclassTableNumber );
		// the table is either this persister's driving table or (one of) its super class persister's driving
		// tables which can be inner joined as long as the `shouldInnerJoin` condition resolves to true
		return shouldInnerJoin ? JoinType.INNER_JOIN : JoinType.LEFT_OUTER_JOIN;

	// otherwise we have a subclass table and need to look a little deeper...

	// IMPL NOTE : By default includeSubclasses indicates that all subclasses should be joined and that each
	// subclass ought to be joined by outer-join.  However, TREAT-AS always requires that an inner-join be used
	// so we give TREAT-AS higher precedence...

	if ( isSubclassTableIndicatedByTreatAsDeclarations( subclassTableNumber, treatAsDeclarations ) ) {
		return JoinType.INNER_JOIN;

	if ( includeSubclasses
			&& !isSubclassTableSequentialSelect( subclassTableNumber )
			&& !isSubclassTableLazy( subclassTableNumber ) ) {
		return JoinType.LEFT_OUTER_JOIN;

	return JoinType.NONE;
源代码21 项目: lams   文件: JoinSequence.java
private boolean needsTableGroupJoin(List<Join> joins, String withClauseFragment) {
	// If the rewrite is disabled or we don't have a with clause, we don't need a table group join
	if ( !collectionJoinSubquery || StringHelper.isEmpty( withClauseFragment ) ) {
		return false;
	// If we only have one join, a table group join is only necessary if subclass columns are used in the with clause
	if ( joins.size() < 2 ) {
		return isSubclassAliasDereferenced( joins.get( 0 ), withClauseFragment );
	// If more than one table is involved and this is not an inner join, we definitely need a table group join
	// i.e. a left join has to be made for the table group to retain the join semantics
	if ( joins.get( 0 ).getJoinType() != JoinType.INNER_JOIN ) {
		return true;
	// If a subclass columns is used, we need a table group, otherwise we generate wrong SQL by putting the ON condition to the first join
	if ( isSubclassAliasDereferenced( joins.get( 0 ), withClauseFragment ) ) {
		return true;

	// Normally, the ON condition of a HQL join is put on the ON clause of the first SQL join
	// Since the ON condition could refer to columns from subsequently joined tables i.e. joins with index > 0
	// or could refer to columns of subclass tables, the SQL could be wrong
	// To avoid generating wrong SQL, we detect these cases here i.e. a subsequent join alias is used in the ON condition
	// If we find out that this is the case, we return true and generate a table group join

	// Skip the first since that is the driving join
	for ( int i = 1; i < joins.size(); i++ ) {
		Join join = joins.get( i );

		if ( isAliasDereferenced( withClauseFragment, join.getAlias() ) || isSubclassAliasDereferenced( join, withClauseFragment ) ) {
			return true;

	return false;
源代码22 项目: lams   文件: JoinSequence.java
		SessionFactoryImplementor factory,
		AssociationType associationType,
		String alias,
		JoinType joinType,
		String[][] lhsColumns) throws MappingException {
	this.associationType = associationType;
	this.joinable = associationType.getAssociatedJoinable( factory );
	this.alias = alias;
	this.joinType = joinType;
	this.lhsColumns = lhsColumns;
源代码23 项目: lams   文件: EntityJoinFromElement.java
public void addJoin(
		String tableName,
		String alias,
		String[] fkColumns,
		String[] pkColumns,
		JoinType joinType,
		String on) {
源代码24 项目: lams   文件: EntityJoinFromElement.java
public EntityJoinJoinSequenceImpl(
		SessionFactoryImplementor factory,
		EntityType entityType,
		String entityTableText,
		String entityTableAlias,
		JoinType joinType) {
	super( factory );
	this.factory = factory;
	this.entityType = entityType;
	this.entityTableText = entityTableText;
	this.entityTableAlias = entityTableAlias;
	this.joinType = joinType;

	setUseThetaStyle( false );
源代码25 项目: lams   文件: EntityJoinFromElement.java
public void addJoin(
		String tableName,
		String alias,
		String[] fkColumns,
		String[] pkColumns,
		JoinType joinType) {
源代码26 项目: AIDR   文件: DocumentResourceFacadeImp.java
public List<DocumentDTO> getDocumentForNominalLabelAndCrisis(List<Long> nominalLabelID, Long crisisId) {
	List<DocumentDTO> dtoList = new ArrayList<DocumentDTO>();
	if (nominalLabelID != null) {
		String aliasTable = "documentNominalLabels";
		String aliasTableKeyField = "documentNominalLabels.id.nominalLabelId";
		Criteria criteria = null;
		try {
			Criterion criterion = Restrictions.conjunction()
					.add(Restrictions.eq("collection.id", crisisId))
					.add(Restrictions.eq("hasHumanLabels", true));
			Criterion aliasCriterion =  Restrictions.in(aliasTableKeyField, nominalLabelID);
			// get just the documentIDs
			Projection projection = Projections.property("documentId");
			//List<Document> docList = this.getByCriteriaWithInnerJoinByOrder(criterion, "DESC", orderBy, null, aliasTable, aliasCriterion);
			criteria = createCriteria(criterion, null, null, null, aliasTable, aliasCriterion, null, JoinType.INNER_JOIN);
			List<Document> docList = criteria.list();
			if (docList != null && !docList.isEmpty()) {
				for (Document doc : docList) {
					DocumentDTO dto = new DocumentDTO(doc);
		} catch (Exception e) {
			logger.error("getDocumentCountForNominalLabelAndCrisis failed, criteria = " + criteria.toString(), e);
	return dtoList;
源代码27 项目: mamute   文件: QuestionDAO.java
public List<Question> allVisible(Integer page) {
	Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(Question.class, "q")
			.createCriteria("q.solution.information", JoinType.LEFT_OUTER_JOIN)

	return addInvisibleFilter(criteria).list();
源代码28 项目: AIDR   文件: DocumentResourceFacadeImp.java
public Integer getDocumentCountForNominalLabelAndCrisis(Long nominalLabelID, String crisisCode) {
	if (nominalLabelID != null) {
		String aliasTable = "documentNominalLabels";
		String aliasTableKeyField = "documentNominalLabels.id.nominalLabelId";
		String[] orderBy = {"documentId"};
		Criteria criteria = null;
		try {
			CollectionDTO cdto = crisisEJB.getCrisisByCode(crisisCode); 
			Criterion criterion = Restrictions.conjunction()
					.add(Restrictions.eq("hasHumanLabels", true));
			Criterion aliasCriterion =  Restrictions.eq(aliasTableKeyField, nominalLabelID);
			// get just the documentIDs
			Projection projection = Projections.property("documentId");
			//List<Document> docList = this.getByCriteriaWithInnerJoinByOrder(criterion, "DESC", orderBy, null, aliasTable, aliasCriterion);
			criteria = createCriteria(criterion, "DESC", orderBy, null, aliasTable, aliasCriterion, new Projection[] {projection}, JoinType.LEFT_OUTER_JOIN);
			List<Long> docIDList = criteria.list();
			if (docIDList != null && !docIDList.isEmpty()) {
				return docIDList.size();
		} catch (Exception e) {
			logger.error("getDocumentCountForNominalLabelAndCrisis failed, criteria = " + criteria.toString(), e);
			return 0;
	return 0;
源代码29 项目: AIDR   文件: CoreDBServiceFacadeImp.java
public List<E> getByCriteriaWithInnerJoinByOrder(Criterion criterion, String order, String[] orderBy, Integer count, String aliasTable, Criterion aliasCriterion) {
	Session session = getCurrentSession();
	List<E> fetchedList = new ArrayList<E>();
	//logger.info("Entity: " + entityClass + ", current Session = " + session);
	Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(entityClass);
	criteria.createAlias(aliasTable, aliasTable, org.hibernate.sql.JoinType.INNER_JOIN).add(aliasCriterion);
	if (orderBy != null) {
		for(int i = 0; i< orderBy.length; i++){
			if (order != null && order.equalsIgnoreCase("desc")) {
			} else {
	if(count != null && count > 0){
	try {	
		fetchedList = criteria.list();
		return fetchedList;
	} catch (Exception e) {
		logger.error("getByCriteriaWithInnerJoinByOrder failed, criteria = " + criterion.toString(), e);
		throw new HibernateException("getByCriteriaWithInnerJoinByOrder failed, criteria = " + criterion.toString());
源代码30 项目: lams   文件: FromElementFactory.java
private JoinSequence createJoinSequence(String roleAlias, JoinType joinType) {
	SessionFactoryHelper sessionFactoryHelper = fromClause.getSessionFactoryHelper();
	String[] joinColumns = getColumns();
	if ( collectionType == null ) {
		throw new IllegalStateException( "collectionType is null!" );
	return sessionFactoryHelper.createJoinSequence( implied, collectionType, roleAlias, joinType, joinColumns );