

源代码1 项目: unitime   文件: Staff.java
 * Search staff list for instructors with matching names
 * @param fname First Name 
 * @param lname Last Name
 * @return
public static List findMatchingName(String fname, String lname) {
	List list = null;
	if ( (fname==null || fname.trim().length()==0) 
	        && (lname==null || lname.trim().length()==0) )
	    return list;
	Conjunction and = Restrictions.conjunction();
	if (fname!=null && fname.trim().length()>0)
	    and.add(Restrictions.ilike("firstName", fname, MatchMode.START));
	if (lname!=null && lname.trim().length()>0)
	    and.add(Restrictions.ilike("lastName", lname, MatchMode.START));
	StaffDAO sdao = new StaffDAO();
	list = sdao.getSession()

	return list;
源代码2 项目: ctsms   文件: MassMailRecipientDaoImpl.java
private static void applyPendingCriteria(org.hibernate.Criteria recipientCriteria, boolean not) {
	Conjunction criterions = Restrictions.conjunction();
	criterions.add(Restrictions.eq("sent", false));
	criterions.add(Restrictions.eq("cancelled", false));
	Long processMassMailsMax = Settings.getLongNullable(SettingCodes.EMAIL_PROCESS_MASS_MAILS_MAX, Bundle.SETTINGS, DefaultSettings.EMAIL_PROCESS_MASS_MAILS_MAX);
	if (processMassMailsMax != null) {
		criterions.add(Restrictions.lt("timesProcessed", processMassMailsMax.longValue()));
	if (not) {
	} else {
源代码3 项目: authlib-agent   文件: AccountResourceImpl.java
 * Builds a conjunction by the properties of accounts.
 * @param banned null for not query
 * @param twitchToken null for not query, empty for no token
 * @return conjunction
private Conjunction buildAccountsPropertiesConjunction(Boolean banned, String twitchToken) {
	Conjunction conjunction = conjunction();
	if (banned != null) {
		conjunction.add(eq("banned", banned));
	if (twitchToken != null) {
		conjunction.add(eqOrIsNull("twitchToken", emptyToNull(twitchToken)));
	return conjunction;
源代码4 项目: Knowage-Server   文件: SbiDataSetDAOImpl.java
public List<SbiDataSet> loadPaginatedSearchSbiDataSet(String search, Integer page, Integer item_per_page, IEngUserProfile finalUserProfile,
		Boolean seeTechnical, Integer[] ids, boolean spatialOnly) {
	Session session = null;
	List<SbiDataSet> list = null;

	try {
		session = getSession();
		Criteria c = session.createCriteria(SbiDataSet.class);

		if (page != null && item_per_page != null) {
			c.setFirstResult((page - 1) * item_per_page);

		c.add(Restrictions.like("label", search == null ? "" : search, MatchMode.ANYWHERE).ignoreCase());
		c.add(Restrictions.eq("active", true));

		if (ids != null && ids.length > 0) {
			c.add(Restrictions.in("id.dsId", ids));

		if (spatialOnly) {
			c.add(Restrictions.like("dsMetadata", IFieldMetaData.FieldType.SPATIAL_ATTRIBUTE.toString(), MatchMode.ANYWHERE));

		if (finalUserProfile != null) {

			logger.debug("For final user take only owned, enterprise and shared");

			SbiDomains scopeUserDomain = DAOFactory.getDomainDAO().loadSbiDomainByCodeAndValue("DS_SCOPE", SpagoBIConstants.DS_SCOPE_USER);
			SbiDomains scopeEnterpriseDomain = DAOFactory.getDomainDAO().loadSbiDomainByCodeAndValue("DS_SCOPE", SpagoBIConstants.DS_SCOPE_ENTERPRISE);
			SbiDomains scopeTechnicalDomain = DAOFactory.getDomainDAO().loadSbiDomainByCodeAndValue("DS_SCOPE", SpagoBIConstants.DS_SCOPE_TECHNICAL);

			Disjunction or = Restrictions.disjunction();

			// OWNER OR

			// take owned datasets
			or.add(Restrictions.eq("owner", ((UserProfile) finalUserProfile).getUserId().toString()));

			// get categories
			Set<Domain> categoryList = UserUtilities.getDataSetCategoriesByUser(finalUserProfile);

			if (categoryList != null) {
				if (categoryList.size() > 0) {
					SbiDomains[] categoryArray = new SbiDomains[categoryList.size()];
					int i = 0;
					for (Iterator iterator = categoryList.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
						Domain domain = (Domain) iterator.next();
						String domainCd = domain.getDomainCode();
						String valueCd = domain.getValueCd();
						SbiDomains sbiDomain = DAOFactory.getDomainDAO().loadSbiDomainByCodeAndValue(domainCd, valueCd);
						categoryArray[i] = sbiDomain;
					Conjunction andCategories = Restrictions.conjunction();
					andCategories.add(Restrictions.in("category", categoryArray));

					Disjunction orScope = Restrictions.disjunction();
					orScope.add(Restrictions.eq("scope", scopeUserDomain));
					orScope.add(Restrictions.eq("scope", scopeEnterpriseDomain));


					if (seeTechnical != null && seeTechnical) {
						Disjunction orTechnical = Restrictions.disjunction();
						orTechnical.add(Restrictions.eq("scope", scopeTechnicalDomain));
					} else {

			} else {
				// if no categoryList take also all USER and ENTERPRISE dataset
				or.add(Restrictions.eq("scope", scopeUserDomain));
				or.add(Restrictions.eq("scope", scopeEnterpriseDomain));


		list = c.list();

	} catch (Exception e) {
		throw new SpagoBIDAOException("An unexpected error occured while loading datasets", e);
	} finally {
		if (session != null && session.isOpen()) {
	return list;
源代码5 项目: authlib-agent   文件: ProfileResourceImpl.java
@Transactional(readOnly = true, propagation = Propagation.SUPPORTS)
public Collection<String> getProfiles(String name, String owner, Boolean banned, String skin, String cape, String elytra, TextureModel model, String serverId) {
	if (name != null && name.isEmpty()) {
		throw new BadRequestException("name is empty");

	if (owner != null && owner.isEmpty()) {
		throw new BadRequestException("owner is empty");

	Session session = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession();
	if (serverId == null) {
		Conjunction conjunction = conjunction();

		if (name != null) {
			conjunction.add(eq("name", name));

		if (owner != null) {
			conjunction.add(eq("owner.id", owner));

		if (banned != null) {
			conjunction.add(eq("banned", banned));

		if (skin != null) {
			conjunction.add(eqOrIsNull("skin", emptyToNull(skin)));

		if (cape != null) {
			conjunction.add(eqOrIsNull("cape", emptyToNull(cape)));

		if (elytra != null) {
			conjunction.add(eqOrIsNull("elytra", emptyToNull(elytra)));

		if (model != null) {
			conjunction.add(eq("textureModel", model));

		List<String> uuids = session.createCriteria(GameProfile.class).add(conjunction).setProjection(property("uuid")).list();
		return uuids;
	} else if (serverId.isEmpty()) {
		throw new BadRequestException("serverId is empty");
	} else {
		UUID profileUUID = serveridRepo.getOwner(serverId);
		if (profileUUID != null) {
			GameProfile profile = session.get(GameProfile.class, profileUUID.toString());
			if ((name == null || name.equals(profile.getName())) &&
					(owner == null || owner.equals(profile.getOwner().getId())) &&
					(banned == null || banned.equals(profile.isBanned())) &&
					(skin == null || Objects.equals(emptyToNull(skin), profile.getSkin())) &&
					(cape == null || Objects.equals(emptyToNull(cape), profile.getCape())) &&
					(elytra == null || Objects.equals(emptyToNull(elytra), profile.getElytra())) &&
					(model == null || model.equals(profile.getTextureModel()))) {
				return Collections.singleton(profile.getUuid());
		return Collections.emptyList();

源代码6 项目: authlib-agent   文件: AccountResourceImpl.java
 * Queries accounts by the properties of themselves in the given range.
 * @param banned null for not query
 * @param twitchToken null for not query, empty for no token
 * @param range the account range
 * @return a set of id
private Collection<String> queryAccountsByPropertiesInRange(Boolean banned, String twitchToken, Set<String> range) {
	Conjunction propertiesConjunction = buildAccountsPropertiesConjunction(banned, twitchToken);
	Disjunction accountsDisjunction = disjunction();
	range.forEach(id -> accountsDisjunction.add(eq("id", id)));
	return queryAccountsByCriterion(conjunction(propertiesConjunction, accountsDisjunction));