

源代码1 项目: mPaaS   文件: HibernatePropertyParser.java
 * 将数据字典解析成Hibernate的字段,不支持级联,不支持一对多
public void parse(MetaProperty property, PersistentClass pclazz) {
	// feature
	HibernatePropertyFeature feature = property
	if (feature == null) {
		feature = new HibernatePropertyFeature();
	// value
	Value value;
	if (property.isCollection()) {
		value = buildCollectionValue(property, feature, pclazz);
	} else {
		value = buildElement(pclazz, property, feature, pclazz.getTable());
	// property
	Property prop = buildProperty(property, feature, pclazz);
	// version
	if (feature.isVersion()) {
		handleVersion(prop, pclazz);
源代码2 项目: lams   文件: EntityBinder.java
public void bindDiscriminatorValue() {
	if ( StringHelper.isEmpty( discriminatorValue ) ) {
		Value discriminator = persistentClass.getDiscriminator();
		if ( discriminator == null ) {
			persistentClass.setDiscriminatorValue( name );
		else if ( "character".equals( discriminator.getType().getName() ) ) {
			throw new AnnotationException(
					"Using default @DiscriminatorValue for a discriminator of type CHAR is not safe"
		else if ( "integer".equals( discriminator.getType().getName() ) ) {
			persistentClass.setDiscriminatorValue( String.valueOf( name.hashCode() ) );
		else {
			persistentClass.setDiscriminatorValue( name ); //Spec compliant
	else {
		persistentClass.setDiscriminatorValue( discriminatorValue );
源代码3 项目: lams   文件: TableBinder.java
public static void createUniqueConstraint(Value value) {
	Iterator iter = value.getColumnIterator();
	ArrayList cols = new ArrayList();
	while ( iter.hasNext() ) {
		cols.add( iter.next() );
	value.getTable().createUniqueKey( cols );
源代码4 项目: lams   文件: MapBinder.java
private void makeOneToManyMapKeyColumnNullableIfNotInProperty(
		final XProperty property) {
	final org.hibernate.mapping.Map map = (org.hibernate.mapping.Map) this.collection;
	if ( map.isOneToMany() &&
			property.isAnnotationPresent( MapKeyColumn.class ) ) {
		final Value indexValue = map.getIndex();
		if ( indexValue.getColumnSpan() != 1 ) {
			throw new AssertionFailure( "Map key mapped by @MapKeyColumn does not have 1 column" );
		final Selectable selectable = indexValue.getColumnIterator().next();
		if ( selectable.isFormula() ) {
			throw new AssertionFailure( "Map key mapped by @MapKeyColumn is a Formula" );
		Column column = (Column) map.getIndex().getColumnIterator().next();
		if ( !column.isNullable() ) {
			final PersistentClass persistentClass = ( ( OneToMany ) map.getElement() ).getAssociatedClass();
			// check if the index column has been mapped by the associated entity to a property;
			// @MapKeyColumn only maps a column to the primary table for the one-to-many, so we only
			// need to check "un-joined" properties.
			if ( !propertyIteratorContainsColumn( persistentClass.getUnjoinedPropertyIterator(), column ) ) {
				// The index column is not mapped to an associated entity property so we can
				// safely make the index column nullable.
				column.setNullable( true );
源代码5 项目: lams   文件: AttributeFactory.java
private SingularAttributeMetadataImpl(
		Property propertyMapping,
		AbstractManagedType<X> ownerType,
		Member member,
		Attribute.PersistentAttributeType persistentAttributeType) {
	super( propertyMapping, ownerType, member, persistentAttributeType );
	valueContext = new ValueContext() {
		public Value getValue() {
			return getPropertyMapping().getValue();

		public Class getBindableType() {
			return getAttributeMetadata().getJavaType();

		public ValueClassification getValueClassification() {
			switch ( getPersistentAttributeType() ) {
				case EMBEDDED: {
					return ValueClassification.EMBEDDABLE;
				case BASIC: {
					return ValueClassification.BASIC;
				default: {
					return ValueClassification.ENTITY;

		public AttributeMetadata getAttributeMetadata() {
			return SingularAttributeMetadataImpl.this;
源代码6 项目: lams   文件: ModelBinder.java
private void prepareValueTypeViaReflection(
		MappingDocument sourceDocument,
		Value value,
		String containingClassName,
		String propertyName,
		AttributeRole attributeRole) {
	if ( StringHelper.isEmpty( propertyName ) ) {
		throw new MappingException(
						"Attribute mapping must define a name attribute: containingClassName=[%s], propertyName=[%s], role=[%s]",

	try {
		value.setTypeUsingReflection( containingClassName, propertyName );
	catch (org.hibernate.MappingException ome) {
		throw new MappingException(
						"Error calling Value#setTypeUsingReflection: containingClassName=[%s], propertyName=[%s], role=[%s]",
源代码7 项目: lams   文件: ModelBinder.java
private String columns(Value value) {
	final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
	final Iterator<Selectable> selectableItr = value.getColumnIterator();
	while ( selectableItr.hasNext() ) {
		builder.append( selectableItr.next().getText() );
		if ( selectableItr.hasNext() ) {
			builder.append( ", " );
	return builder.toString();
private String fieldType(Column currentColumn) {
	Value value = currentColumn.getValue();
	Type type = value.getType();
	while ( type.isEntityType() || type.isComponentType() ) {
		if ( type.isEntityType() ) {
			type = ( (SimpleValue) value ).getMetadata().getIdentifierType( type.getName() );
		if ( type.isComponentType() ) {
			int i = 0;
			boolean columnFound = false;
			// search which nested property is mapped to the given column
			for ( Iterator<Selectable> ci = value.getColumnIterator(); ci.hasNext(); ++i ) {
				if ( currentColumn.getName().equals( ci.next().getText() ) ) {
					type = ( (ComponentType) type ).getSubtypes()[i];
					columnFound = true;
			if ( !columnFound ) {
				throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Cannot determine type for column " + currentColumn );
	GridType gridType = serviceRegistry.getService( TypeTranslator.class ).getType( type );
	if ( gridType instanceof EnumType ) {
		return enumFieldType( (EnumType) gridType );
	if ( gridType instanceof YesNoType ) {
	if ( gridType instanceof NumericBooleanType ) {
	Class<?> returnedClass = type.getReturnedClass();
	if ( Character.class.equals( returnedClass ) ) {
	return returnedClass.getName();
源代码9 项目: lams   文件: FkSecondPass.java
public Value getValue() {
	return value;
源代码10 项目: lams   文件: PropertyBinder.java
public void setValue(Value value) {
	this.value = value;
源代码11 项目: lams   文件: PropertyBinder.java
private boolean isToOneValue(Value value) {
	return ToOne.class.isInstance( value );
源代码12 项目: lams   文件: PropertyBinder.java
public Value getValue() {
	return value;
源代码13 项目: lams   文件: AttributeFactory.java
private PluralAttributeMetadataImpl(
		Property propertyMapping,
		AbstractManagedType<X> ownerType,
		Member member,
		Attribute.PersistentAttributeType persistentAttributeType,
		Attribute.PersistentAttributeType elementPersistentAttributeType,
		Attribute.PersistentAttributeType keyPersistentAttributeType) {
	super( propertyMapping, ownerType, member, persistentAttributeType );
	this.attributeCollectionType = determineCollectionType( getJavaType() );
	this.elementPersistentAttributeType = elementPersistentAttributeType;
	this.keyPersistentAttributeType = keyPersistentAttributeType;

	ParameterizedType signatureType = getSignatureType( member );
	if ( keyPersistentAttributeType == null ) {
		elementJavaType = signatureType != null ?
				getClassFromGenericArgument( signatureType.getActualTypeArguments()[0] ) :
				Object.class; //FIXME and honor targetEntity?
		keyJavaType = null;
	else {
		keyJavaType = signatureType != null ?
				getClassFromGenericArgument( signatureType.getActualTypeArguments()[0] ) :
				Object.class; //FIXME and honor targetEntity?
		elementJavaType = signatureType != null ?
				getClassFromGenericArgument( signatureType.getActualTypeArguments()[1] ) :
				Object.class; //FIXME and honor targetEntity?

	this.elementValueContext = new ValueContext() {
		public Value getValue() {
			return ( (Collection) getPropertyMapping().getValue() ).getElement();

		public Class getBindableType() {
			return elementJavaType;

		public ValueClassification getValueClassification() {
			switch ( PluralAttributeMetadataImpl.this.elementPersistentAttributeType ) {
				case EMBEDDED: {
					return ValueClassification.EMBEDDABLE;
				case BASIC: {
					return ValueClassification.BASIC;
				default: {
					return ValueClassification.ENTITY;

		public AttributeMetadata getAttributeMetadata() {
			return PluralAttributeMetadataImpl.this;

	// interpret the key, if one
	if ( keyPersistentAttributeType != null ) {
		this.keyValueContext = new ValueContext() {
			public Value getValue() {
				return ( (Map) getPropertyMapping().getValue() ).getIndex();

			public Class getBindableType() {
				return keyJavaType;

			public ValueClassification getValueClassification() {
				switch ( PluralAttributeMetadataImpl.this.keyPersistentAttributeType ) {
					case EMBEDDED: {
						return ValueClassification.EMBEDDABLE;
					case BASIC: {
						return ValueClassification.BASIC;
					default: {
						return ValueClassification.ENTITY;

			public AttributeMetadata getAttributeMetadata() {
				return PluralAttributeMetadataImpl.this;
	else {
		keyValueContext = null;
源代码14 项目: lams   文件: ExportableColumn.java
public boolean isSame(Value value) {
	return false;
源代码15 项目: lams   文件: AttributeFactory.java
 * Retrieve the value itself
 * @return The value
public Value getValue();