

源代码1 项目: jadira   文件: AbstractTimeColumnMapper.java
public final TimeType getHibernateType() {
	return TimeType.INSTANCE;
源代码2 项目: lams   文件: Query.java
 * Bind a positional Date-valued parameter using just the Time portion.
 * @param position The parameter position
 * @param val The bind value
 * @return {@code this}, for method chaining
 * @deprecated (since 5.2) use {@link #setParameter(int, Object)} or {@link #setParameter(int, Object, Type)}
 * instead
default Query<R> setTime(int position, Date val) {
	setParameter( position, val, TimeType.INSTANCE );
	return this;
源代码3 项目: lams   文件: Query.java
 * Bind the time (val is truncated) of a given Date object to a named query parameter.
 * @param name The name of the parameter
 * @param val The val object
 * @return {@code this}, for method chaining
 * @deprecated (since 5.2) use {@link #setParameter(int, Object)} or {@link #setParameter(int, Object, Type)}
 * instead
default Query<R> setTime(String name, Date val) {
	setParameter( name, val, TimeType.INSTANCE );
	return this;
源代码4 项目: lams   文件: Query.java
 * Bind a positional Date-valued parameter using just the Time portion.
 * @param position The parameter position
 * @param val The bind value
 * @return {@code this}, for method chaining
 * @deprecated (since 5.2) use {@link #setParameter(int, Object)} or {@link #setParameter(int, Object, Type)}
 * instead
default Query<R> setTime(int position, Date val) {
	setParameter( position, val, TimeType.INSTANCE );
	return this;
源代码5 项目: lams   文件: Query.java
 * Bind the time (val is truncated) of a given Date object to a named query parameter.
 * @param name The name of the parameter
 * @param val The val object
 * @return {@code this}, for method chaining
 * @deprecated (since 5.2) use {@link #setParameter(String, Object)} or {@link #setParameter(String, Object, Type)}
 * instead
default Query<R> setTime(String name, Date val) {
	setParameter( name, val, TimeType.INSTANCE );
	return this;