

源代码1 项目: hibernate-reactive   文件: SqlClientPool.java
private Driver findDriver(URI uri, ServiceConfigurationError originalError) {
	String scheme = uri.getScheme(); // "postgresql", "mysql", "db2", etc
	for (Driver d : ServiceLoader.load( Driver.class )) {
		String driverName = d.getClass().getCanonicalName();
		CoreLogging.messageLogger(SqlClientPool.class).infof( "HRX000013: Detected driver [%s]", driverName );
		if ("io.vertx.db2client.spi.DB2Driver".equals( driverName ) && "db2".equalsIgnoreCase( scheme )) {
			return  d;
		if ("io.vertx.mysqlclient.spi.MySQLDriver".equals( driverName ) && "mysql".equalsIgnoreCase( scheme )) {
			return d;
		if ("io.vertx.pgclient.spi.PgDriver".equals( driverName ) &&
				("postgre".equalsIgnoreCase( scheme ) ||
				 "postgres".equalsIgnoreCase( scheme ) ||
				 "postgresql".equalsIgnoreCase( scheme ))) {
			return d;
	throw new ConfigurationException( "No suitable drivers found for URI scheme: " + scheme, originalError );
源代码2 项目: lams   文件: MappingReference.java
public static MappingReference consume(JaxbCfgMappingReferenceType jaxbMapping) {
	if ( StringHelper.isNotEmpty( jaxbMapping.getClazz() ) ) {
		return new MappingReference( MappingReference.Type.CLASS, jaxbMapping.getClazz() );
	else if ( StringHelper.isNotEmpty( jaxbMapping.getFile() ) ) {
		return  new MappingReference( MappingReference.Type.FILE, jaxbMapping.getFile() );
	else if ( StringHelper.isNotEmpty( jaxbMapping.getResource() ) ) {
		return new MappingReference( MappingReference.Type.RESOURCE, jaxbMapping.getResource() );
	else if ( StringHelper.isNotEmpty( jaxbMapping.getJar() ) ) {
		return new MappingReference( MappingReference.Type.JAR, jaxbMapping.getJar() );
	else if ( StringHelper.isNotEmpty( jaxbMapping.getPackage() ) ) {
		return new MappingReference( MappingReference.Type.PACKAGE, jaxbMapping.getPackage() );
	else {
		throw new ConfigurationException( "<mapping/> named unexpected reference type" );
源代码3 项目: lams   文件: ConfigLoader.java
public LoadedConfig loadConfigXmlResource(String cfgXmlResourceName) {
	final InputStream stream = bootstrapServiceRegistry.getService( ClassLoaderService.class ).locateResourceStream( cfgXmlResourceName );
	if ( stream == null ) {
		throw new ConfigurationException( "Could not locate cfg.xml resource [" + cfgXmlResourceName + "]" );

	try {
		final JaxbCfgHibernateConfiguration jaxbCfg = jaxbProcessorHolder.getValue().unmarshal(
				new Origin( SourceType.RESOURCE, cfgXmlResourceName )

		return LoadedConfig.consume( jaxbCfg );
	finally {
		try {
		catch (IOException e) {
			log.debug( "Unable to close cfg.xml resource stream", e );
源代码4 项目: lams   文件: SessionFactoryImpl.java
private void applyCfgXmlValues(LoadedConfig aggregatedConfig, SessionFactoryServiceRegistry serviceRegistry) {
	final JaccService jaccService = serviceRegistry.getService( JaccService.class );
	if ( jaccService.getContextId() != null ) {
		final JaccPermissionDeclarations permissions = aggregatedConfig.getJaccPermissions( jaccService.getContextId() );
		if ( permissions != null ) {
			for ( GrantedPermission grantedPermission : permissions.getPermissionDeclarations() ) {
				jaccService.addPermission( grantedPermission );

	if ( aggregatedConfig.getEventListenerMap() != null ) {
		final ClassLoaderService cls = serviceRegistry.getService( ClassLoaderService.class );
		final EventListenerRegistry eventListenerRegistry = serviceRegistry.getService( EventListenerRegistry.class );
		for ( Map.Entry<EventType, Set<String>> entry : aggregatedConfig.getEventListenerMap().entrySet() ) {
			final EventListenerGroup group = eventListenerRegistry.getEventListenerGroup( entry.getKey() );
			for ( String listenerClassName : entry.getValue() ) {
				try {
					group.appendListener( cls.classForName( listenerClassName ).newInstance() );
				catch (Exception e) {
					throw new ConfigurationException( "Unable to instantiate event listener class : " + listenerClassName, e );
源代码5 项目: lams   文件: MappingBinder.java
private JAXBContext hbmJaxbContext() {
	if ( hbmJaxbContext == null ) {
		try {
			hbmJaxbContext = JAXBContext.newInstance( JaxbHbmHibernateMapping.class );
		catch ( JAXBException e ) {
			throw new ConfigurationException( "Unable to build hbm.xml JAXBContext", e );
	return hbmJaxbContext;
源代码6 项目: lams   文件: ConfigLoader.java
public LoadedConfig loadConfigXmlFile(File cfgXmlFile) {
	try {
		final JaxbCfgHibernateConfiguration jaxbCfg = jaxbProcessorHolder.getValue().unmarshal(
				new FileInputStream( cfgXmlFile ),
				new Origin( SourceType.FILE, cfgXmlFile.getAbsolutePath() )

		return LoadedConfig.consume( jaxbCfg );
	catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
		throw new ConfigurationException(
				"Specified cfg.xml file [" + cfgXmlFile.getAbsolutePath() + "] does not exist"
public void shouldFailOnWrongConfigFile() {
	Map props = U.map(CFG_FILE, "non-existing.xml");

	assertThrows(ConfigurationException.class, () -> provider().createEMF(props));