

@ChangeSet(order = "01",
           author = "developer",
           id = "01-addUsers")
public void addUsers(final DB db) {
    final DBCollection userCollection = db.getCollection(User.COLLECTION_NAME);

                                  .add(FIELD_NAME_ID, new ObjectId("590f86d92449343841cc2c3f"))
                                  .add(User.FIELD_NAME_FIRST_NAME, "User")
                                  .add(User.FIELD_NAME_LAST_NAME, "One")
                                  .add(User.FIELD_NAME_EMAIL, "[email protected]")

                                  .add(FIELD_NAME_ID, new ObjectId("590f86d92449343841cc2c40"))
                                  .add(User.FIELD_NAME_FIRST_NAME, "User")
                                  .add(User.FIELD_NAME_LAST_NAME, "Two")
                                  .add(User.FIELD_NAME_EMAIL, "[email protected]")
源代码2 项目: secure-data-service   文件: CsvCombine.java
 * Create a neutral record from a dbElement of a base collection.
 * Initiates recursive parsing of sub tables filling the neutralRecord map.
private NeutralRecord createNeutralRecord(DBObject dbElement, String entityName,
        List<DBCollection> supportingCollections) {

    NeutralRecord record = new NeutralRecord();

    int joinKey = Integer.parseInt(dbElement.get("JoinKey").toString());
    try {
        Map<String, Object> attributes = parseDbElement(dbElement, joinKey, entityName, supportingCollections);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        PRINT_STREAM.println("invalid collection format for entity type " + entityName);

    return record;
源代码3 项目: gameserver   文件: MongoUtil.java
 * Find a DBObject from database using the query. If the ‘fields' argument is null, 
 * then return the whole document. Otherwise, only returns given fields.
 * This method uses reflection to convert the result DBObject into given Object.
 * @param query The query condition
 * @param databaseName The database name
 * @param namespace The collection namespace
 * @param collection The collection name
 * @param filterFields The fields that will be returned.
 * @return
public static final Object queryObjectFromMongo(DBObject query, String databaseName,
		String namespace, String collection, DBObject filterFields) {
	DBCollection coll = getDBCollection(databaseName, namespace, collection);
	DBObject dbObject = null;
	if ( filterFields != null ) {
		dbObject = coll.findOne(query, filterFields);
	} else {
		dbObject = coll.findOne(query);
	if ( dbObject != null ) {
		return constructObject(dbObject);
	} else {
		return null;
源代码4 项目: XBDD   文件: TagView.java
public Response getFeatureTagIndexForReport(@BeanParam final Coordinates coordinates,
		@QueryParam("searchText") final String searchText, @QueryParam("viewPassed") final Integer viewPassed,
		@QueryParam("viewFailed") final Integer viewFailed,
		@QueryParam("viewUndefined") final Integer viewUndefined, @QueryParam("viewSkipped") final Integer viewSkipped,
		@QueryParam("start") final String start) {

	final DBCollection featuresCollection = this.mongoLegacyDb.getCollection("features");

	final BasicDBObject query = QueryBuilder.getInstance().buildFilterQuery(coordinates, searchText, viewPassed,
			viewFailed, viewUndefined, viewSkipped, start);

	query.append("$and", QueryBuilder.getInstance().buildHasTagsQuery());

	final DBCursor results = featuresCollection.find(query,
			new BasicDBObject("tags", 1).append("elements.tags", 1).append("name", 1).append("calculatedStatus", 1)
					.append("id", 1).append("elements.steps", 1).append("elements.name", 1).append("elements.id", 1));

	return Response.ok(SerializerUtil.serialise(getTagList(results))).build();
源代码5 项目: metadata-qa-marc   文件: MarcMongodbClientTest.java
public void testFindOne() throws UnknownHostException {
  MarcMongodbClient client = new MarcMongodbClient("localhost" , 27017, "sub_last_print");
  DBCollection collection = client.getCollection("marc");
  BasicDBObject doc = createTestObject();
  assertEquals(1, collection.count());
  DBObject myDoc = collection.findOne();
  assertEquals("MongoDB", myDoc.get("name"));
  assertEquals("database", myDoc.get("type"));
  assertEquals(1, myDoc.get("count"));
  assertEquals(BasicDBObject.class, myDoc.get("info").getClass());
  assertEquals(new BasicDBObject("x", 203).append("y", 102), myDoc.get("info"));
  assertEquals(203, ((BasicDBObject)myDoc.get("info")).get("x"));
  assertEquals(Integer.class, ((BasicDBObject)myDoc.get("info")).get("x").getClass());
  collection.remove(new BasicDBObject("name", "MongoDB"));
源代码6 项目: deep-spark   文件: MongoNativeExtractor.java
 * Gets shards.
 * @param collection the collection
 * @return the shards
private Map<String, String[]> getShards(DBCollection collection) {
    DB config = collection.getDB().getSisterDB("config");
    DBCollection configShards = config.getCollection("shards");

    DBCursor cursorShards = configShards.find();

    Map<String, String[]> map = new HashMap<>();
    while (cursorShards.hasNext()) {
        DBObject currentShard = cursorShards.next();
        String currentHost = (String) currentShard.get("host");
        int slashIndex = currentHost.indexOf("/");
        if (slashIndex > 0) {
            map.put((String) currentShard.get(MONGO_DEFAULT_ID),
                    currentHost.substring(slashIndex + 1).split(","));
    return map;
源代码7 项目: osiris   文件: FeatureRepositoryCustomImplTest.java
public void saveIndexAndFeatureByAppIdTest() throws Exception{
	String idApplication = "1";  
	Feature feature=Mockito.mock(Feature.class);
	DBCollection dbCollection=Mockito.mock(DBCollection.class);
	BasicDBObject obj=Mockito.mock(BasicDBObject.class);
	Mockito.when(obj.put("geometry", "2dsphere")).thenReturn(dbCollection);
	featureRepository.save(idApplication, feature);
源代码8 项目: secure-data-service   文件: CsvCombine.java
public List<NeutralRecord> getNeutralRecordsFromCollection(String entityName) {
    PRINT_STREAM.println("importing from collection " + entityName);

    List<NeutralRecord> records = new ArrayList<NeutralRecord>();

    // Get a list of all the collections in the staging DB
    Set<String> allCollections = db.getCollectionNames();
    List<DBCollection> dbSupportingCollections = new ArrayList<DBCollection>();
    Iterator<String> it = allCollections.iterator();
    while (it.hasNext()) {

    // Get the data in the primary (entityName) collection.
    DBCollection dbCollection = db.getCollection(entityName);
    DBCursor cursor = dbCollection.find();

    // Create the neutral record on a entry-by-entry basis
    while (cursor.hasNext()) {
        records.add(createNeutralRecord(cursor.next(), entityName, dbSupportingCollections));

    return records;
源代码9 项目: hvdf   文件: RawStorageInterceptor.java
public void pushSample(DBObject sample, boolean isList, BasicDBList resultList) {
		// Use the batch API to send a number of samples
		storeBatch((BasicDBList)sample, resultList);			
	else if(sample != null){
		// Create an oid to embed the sample time
		BasicDBObject doc = ((BasicDBObject) sample);
		SampleId _id = this.idFactory.createId(sample);
		sample.put(Sample.ID_KEY, _id.toObject());

		// Get the correct slice from the allocator and insert
		long timestamp = doc.getLong(Sample.TS_KEY);
		DBCollection collection = collectionAllocator.getCollection(timestamp);
源代码10 项目: zerowing   文件: Tailer.java
private DBCursor createCursor() {
  DBCollection oplog = _mongo.getDB("local").getCollection("oplog.rs");
  BSONTimestamp startingTimestamp = getStartingTimestamp();

  DBCursor cursor;
  if (startingTimestamp == null) {
    log.info("Tailing the oplog from the beginning...");
    cursor = oplog.find();
  } else {
    log.info("Tailing the oplog from " + startingTimestamp);
    BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject("ts", new BasicDBObject("$gt", startingTimestamp));
    cursor = oplog.find(query);


  return cursor;
源代码11 项目: kafka-connect-mongodb   文件: RdbmsDeleteTest.java
@DisplayName("when valid cdc event with single field PK then correct DeleteOneModel")
public void testValidSinkDocumentSingleFieldPK() {

    BsonDocument filterDoc =
            new BsonDocument(DBCollection.ID_FIELD_NAME,
                    new BsonDocument("id",new BsonInt32(1004)));

    BsonDocument keyDoc = new BsonDocument("id",new BsonInt32(1004));
    BsonDocument valueDoc = new BsonDocument("op",new BsonString("d"));

    WriteModel<BsonDocument> result =
            RDBMS_DELETE.perform(new SinkDocument(keyDoc,valueDoc));

    assertTrue(result instanceof DeleteOneModel,
            () -> "result expected to be of type DeleteOneModel");

    DeleteOneModel<BsonDocument> writeModel =
            (DeleteOneModel<BsonDocument>) result;

    assertTrue(writeModel.getFilter() instanceof BsonDocument,
            () -> "filter expected to be of type BsonDocument");


源代码12 项目: XBDD   文件: UserResource.java
public Response putIgnoredTags(@BeanParam final Coordinates coordinates, final BasicDBObject patch) {
	final DBCollection collection = this.mongoLegacyDb.getCollection("ignoredTags");
	final BasicDBObject coq = coordinates.getProductCoordinatesQueryObject();
	final BasicDBObject storedDocument = (BasicDBObject) collection.findOne(coq);

	final String tagName = (String) patch.get("tagName");

	if (storedDocument != null) {
		final BasicDBObject documentToUpdate = (BasicDBObject) storedDocument.copy();
		updateIgnoredTag(documentToUpdate, tagName);
	} else {
		final DBObject newDocument = generateNewIgnoredTags(coordinates, tagName);
	return Response.ok().build();
源代码13 项目: todo-apps   文件: MongoStoreTest.java
public void testPersist() {
	DBCollection coll = createMockCollection();
	ToDo td = new ToDo();
	td.setTitle("This is a test");
	expect(coll.insert(isA(DBObject.class))).andAnswer(new IAnswer<WriteResult>() {
		public WriteResult answer() throws Throwable {
			DBObject obj = (DBObject)getCurrentArguments()[0];
			obj.put("_id", new ObjectId("aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa1"));
			return null;
	MongoStore store = new MongoStore(coll);
	assertEquals(td, store.persist(td));
源代码14 项目: bdt   文件: DatabaseSpec.java
 * Execute a query on (mongo) database
 * @param query         path to query
 * @param type          type of data in query (string or json)
 * @param collection    collection in database
 * @param modifications modifications to perform in query
@When("^I execute a query '(.+?)' of type '(json|string)' in mongo '(.+?)' database using collection '(.+?)' with:$")
public void sendQueryOfType(String query, String type, String database, String collection, DataTable modifications) throws Exception {
    try {
        String retrievedData = commonspec.retrieveData(query, type);
        String modifiedData = commonspec.modifyData(retrievedData, type, modifications);
        DBCollection dbCollection = commonspec.getMongoDBClient().getMongoDBCollection(collection);
        DBObject dbObject = (DBObject) JSON.parse(modifiedData);
        DBCursor cursor = dbCollection.find(dbObject);
    } catch (Exception e) {
源代码15 项目: osiris   文件: FeatureRepositoryCustomImplTest.java
public void shouldThrowErrorWhenGeospatialIndexNotCreated() throws Exception{
	String idApplication = "1";  
	Feature feature=Mockito.mock(Feature.class);
	DBCollection dbCollection=Mockito.mock(DBCollection.class);
	BasicDBObject obj=Mockito.mock(BasicDBObject.class);
	featureRepository.save(idApplication, feature);
源代码16 项目: scava   文件: KmeansClulsterCalulator.java
private Map<String, Float> readDistanceScores(String object) {
	Map<String, Float> result = new HashMap<String, Float>();
	Query query = new org.springframework.data.mongodb.core.query.Query();
			.orOperator(Criteria.where("fromArtifact.$id").is(new ObjectId(object)), 
					    Criteria.where("toArtifact.$id").is(new ObjectId(object))));
	DBCollection dbCollection = mongoTemplate.getCollection("relation");
    DBCursor cursor = dbCollection.find(query.getQueryObject());
    List<DBObject> list = cursor.toArray();
    for (DBObject dbObject : list) {
		String toArtifact = ((DBRef)dbObject.get("toArtifact")).getId().toString();
		String fromArtifact = ((DBRef)dbObject.get("fromArtifact")).getId().toString();
		double value = ((double)dbObject.get("value"));
		if (toArtifact.equals(object))  
			result.put(fromArtifact, (float) (1 - value));
			result.put(toArtifact, (float) (1 - value));
	return result;
源代码17 项目: scava   文件: RawMetricResource.java
private ArrayNode getHistoricDocuments(DBCollection dbCollection, DBObject query) {
	ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
	ArrayNode nodeArray = mapper.createArrayNode();		
	DBCursor cursor = dbCollection.find(query);
	while(cursor.hasNext()) {
		DBObject obj = cursor.next();
		JsonNode json;
		try {
			json = mapper.readTree(obj.toString());
		} catch (IOException e) {
	return nodeArray;
源代码18 项目: XBDD   文件: Search.java
public Response getSearchResults(@BeanParam final Coordinates coordinates, @QueryParam("keywords") final String keyword) {
	final String[] searchCategories = { "name", "description", "tags.name", "elements.name", "elements.description",
			"elements.steps.name", "elements.tags.name" };
	final List<String> searchWords = Arrays.asList(keyword.split("\\s+"));
	final DBCollection collection = this.mongoLegacyDb.getCollection("features");
	final List<DBObject> searchResults = new ArrayList<>();

	final QueryBuilder queryBuilder = QueryBuilder.getInstance();
	final DBCursor results = collection.find(queryBuilder.getSearchQuery(searchWords, coordinates, searchCategories));

	while (results.hasNext()) {
		final DBObject doc = results.next();

	searchResults.sort(new DBObjectComparator(searchWords));

	while (searchResults.size() > SEARCH_LIMIT) {
		searchResults.remove(searchResults.size() - 1);

	final BasicDBList basicDBList = new BasicDBList();

	return Response.ok(SerializerUtil.serialise(basicDBList)).build();
源代码19 项目: scava   文件: ChartTest.java
public void testDatatableWithoutRowDefinition() throws Exception {
	DBCollection collection = ChartUtil.getCollection(mongo, "Epsilon","org.eclipse.scava.metricprovider.historic.commitsovertime.CommitsOverTimeHistoricMetricProvider");
	JsonNode node = ChartUtil.loadJsonFile("data/commitsovertime.json");
	ArrayNode vis = (ArrayNode) node.get("vis");
	JsonNode datatable = vis.get(0).get("datatable");
	Chart chart = ChartUtil.loadChart("charts/linechart.json");
	ArrayNode table = chart.createDatatable(datatable, collection, null);
源代码20 项目: sample-acmegifts   文件: UserResource.java
 * Delete a user.
 * @param id The ID of the user to delete.
 * @return Nothing.
public Response deleteUser(@PathParam("id") String id) {
  // Validate the JWT.  The JWT must be in the 'users' group.  We do not check
  // to see if the user is deleting their own profile.
  try {
    validateJWT(new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList("users")));
  } catch (JWTException jwte) {
    return Response.status(Status.UNAUTHORIZED)

  // Retrieve the user from the database.
  DB database = mongo.getMongoDB();
  DBCollection dbCollection = database.getCollection(User.DB_COLLECTION_NAME);
  ObjectId dbId = new ObjectId(id);
  DBObject dbUser = dbCollection.findOne(dbId);

  // If the user did not exist, return an error.  Otherwise, remove the user.
  if (dbUser == null) {
    return Response.status(Status.BAD_REQUEST).entity("The user name was not Found.").build();

  dbCollection.remove(new BasicDBObject(User.DB_ID, dbId));
  return Response.ok().build();
源代码21 项目: sample-acmegifts   文件: UserResource.java
 * Retrieve a user's profile.
 * @param id The ID of the user.
 * @return The user's profile, as a JSON object. Private fields such as password and salt are not
 *     returned.
public Response getUser(@PathParam("id") String id) {
  // Validate the JWT.  The JWT must belong to the 'users' or 'orchestrator' group.
  // We do not check if the user is retrieving their own profile, or someone else's.
  try {
    validateJWT(new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList("users", "orchestrator")));
  } catch (JWTException jwte) {
    return Response.status(Status.UNAUTHORIZED)

  // Retrieve the user from the database.
  DB database = mongo.getMongoDB();
  DBCollection dbCollection = database.getCollection(User.DB_COLLECTION_NAME);
  DBObject user = dbCollection.findOne(new ObjectId(id));

  // If the user did not exist, return an error.  Otherwise, only return the public
  // fields (exclude things like the password).
  if (user == null) {
    return Response.status(Status.BAD_REQUEST).entity("The user not Found.").build();

  JsonObject responsePayload = new User(user).getPublicJsonObject();

  return Response.ok(responsePayload, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON).build();
源代码22 项目: sample-acmegifts   文件: UserResource.java
 * Get all user profiles.
 * @return All user profiles (excluding private fields like password).
public Response getAllUsers() {
  // Validate the JWT. The JWT must be in the 'users' group.
  try {
    validateJWT(new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList("users")));
  } catch (JWTException jwte) {
    return Response.status(Status.UNAUTHORIZED)

  // Get all the users from the database, and add them to an array.
  DB database = mongo.getMongoDB();
  DBCollection dbCollection = database.getCollection(User.DB_COLLECTION_NAME);
  DBCursor cursor = dbCollection.find();
  JsonArrayBuilder userArray = Json.createArrayBuilder();
  while (cursor.hasNext()) {
    // Exclude all private information from the list.
    userArray.add((new User(cursor.next()).getPublicJsonObject()));

  // Return the user list to the caller.
  JsonObjectBuilder responseBuilder = Json.createObjectBuilder().add("users", userArray.build());
  return Response.ok(responseBuilder.build(), MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON).build();
源代码23 项目: hvdf   文件: RollupStorageInterceptor.java
public void pushSample(DBObject sample, boolean isList, BasicDBList resultIds) {
		// Use the batch API to send a number of samples
	else if(sample != null){
		// This is a document, place it straight in appropriate collection
		BasicDBObject doc = ((BasicDBObject) sample);
		long timestamp = this.rollupPeriod * (doc.getLong(Sample.TS_KEY) / this.rollupPeriod);			
		DBCollection collection = collectionAllocator.getCollection(timestamp);
		// Ask the id allocator for the query
		BasicDBObject query = this.idFactory.getQuery(sample.get(Sample.SOURCE_KEY), timestamp);
		// Build the update clause using the ops list
		BasicDBObject update = new BasicDBObject();
		for(RollupOperation rollupOp : this.rollupOps){
			DBObject updateClause = rollupOp.getUpdateClause(sample);
			// Check for top level operators that already exist so they dont overwrite
			for(String key : updateClause.keySet()){
				BasicDBObject existingClause = (BasicDBObject) update.get(key);
				if(existingClause != null){
					// Merge the arguments to the top level op
				} else {
					update.put(key, updateClause.get(key));
		collection.update(query, update, true, false);
源代码24 项目: metadata-qa-marc   文件: MarcMongodbClientTest.java
public void testInsert() throws UnknownHostException {
  MarcMongodbClient client = new MarcMongodbClient("localhost" , 27017, "sub_last_print");
  DBCollection collection = client.getCollection("marc");
  BasicDBObject doc = createTestObject();
  assertEquals(1, collection.count());
  collection.remove(new BasicDBObject("name", "MongoDB"));
  assertEquals(0, collection.count());
源代码25 项目: konker-platform   文件: PrivateStorageRepository.java
public void remove(String collectionName, String id) {
       DBObject query = new BasicDBObject();
       query.put(ID, id);

       DBCollection collection = mongoPrivateStorageTemplate.getCollection(collectionName);
源代码26 项目: XBDD   文件: AdminUtils.java
public Response softDeleteEntireProduct(@PathParam("product") final String product) {

	final DBCollection collection = this.mongoLegacyDb.getCollection("summary");
	final DBCollection targetCollection = this.mongoLegacyDb.getCollection("deletedSummary");

	final BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject("coordinates.product", product);

	final DBCursor cursor = collection.find(query);
	DBObject doc;

	while (cursor.hasNext()) {
		doc = cursor.next();
		// kill the old id
		try {
		} catch (final Throwable e) {
			return Response.status(500).build();


	return Response.ok().build();
源代码27 项目: gameserver   文件: MongoDBUtil.java
 * Remove the given collection from database.
 * @param databaseName
 * @param namespace
 * @param collection
public static final void removeDocument(String databaseName,
		String namespace, String collection, DBObject query) {
	DBCollection coll = getDBCollection(databaseName, namespace, collection);
	if ( query == null ) {
		query = MongoDBUtil.createDBObject();
源代码28 项目: todo-apps   文件: MongoStoreTest.java
public void testUpdate() {
	DBCollection coll = createMockCollection();
	DBCursor cursor = createMockCursor();
	DBObject query = new BasicDBObject("_id", new ObjectId("aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa2"));
	DBObject dbObj = new BasicDBObject();
	dbObj.put("_id", new ObjectId("aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa2"));
	dbObj.put("title", "new title");
	dbObj.put("completed", true);
	dbObj.put("order", 0);
	ToDo newTd = new ToDo();
	newTd.setTitle("new title");
	expect(coll.update(eq(query), eq(dbObj))).andReturn(null);
	MongoStore store = new MongoStore(coll);
	assertEquals(newTd, store.update("aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa2", newTd));
public boolean createQueue(String jobClientNodeGroup) {
    String tableName = JobQueueUtils.getFeedbackQueueName(jobClientNodeGroup);
    DBCollection dbCollection = template.getCollection(tableName);
    List<DBObject> indexInfo = dbCollection.getIndexInfo();
    // create index if not exist
    if (CollectionUtils.sizeOf(indexInfo) <= 1) {
        template.ensureIndex(tableName, "idx_gmtCreated", "gmtCreated");
        LOGGER.info("create queue " + tableName);
    return true;
源代码30 项目: bugu-mongo   文件: AbstractDao.java
public DBCollection getCollection() {
        return local.get();
        return coll;