

源代码1 项目: birt   文件: MDbOperation.java
protected MDbResultSet execute() throws OdaException
     if( m_queryObj == null || m_queryCollection == null )
         throw new OdaException( Messages.mDbOp_invalidQueryExpr );

         FindIterable<Document> findIterable = m_queryCollection.find( m_queryObj);
findIterable = findIterable.projection( m_fieldsObj );

         // no search limit applies here; 
         // defer to MDbResultSet to set DBCursor#limit based on its maxRows
         applyPropertiesToCursor( findIterable, getModel().getQueryProperties(), false, true );

         return new MDbResultSet( findIterable.iterator(), getResultSetMetaData(), getModel().getQueryProperties() );
     catch( RuntimeException ex )
         DriverUtil.getLogger().log( Level.SEVERE, "Encountered RuntimeException: ", ex ); //$NON-NLS-1$
         throw new OdaException( ex );
源代码2 项目: birt   文件: MDbOperation.java
private void applyPropertiesToCursor( MongoIterable<Document> mongoIterable, QueryProperties queryProps, 
         boolean includeMetaDataSearchLimit, boolean includeSortExpr )
     if( includeMetaDataSearchLimit )
         Integer searchLimit = getModel().getEffectiveMDSearchLimit( queryProps ); 
         if( searchLimit > 0 )
             // Apply to FindIterable or MapReduceIterable
	if ( mongoIterable instanceof FindIterable )
		FindIterable<Document> findIterable = (FindIterable<Document>) mongoIterable;
		findIterable.limit( searchLimit.intValue( ) );
	else if ( mongoIterable instanceof MapReduceIterable )
		MapReduceIterable<Document> mapReduceIterable = (MapReduceIterable<Document>) mongoIterable;
		mapReduceIterable.limit( searchLimit.intValue( ) );
     applyPropertiesToCursor( mongoIterable, queryProps, includeSortExpr );
源代码3 项目: Quicksql   文件: MongoTable.java
 * Executes a "find" operation on the underlying collection.
 * <p>For example,
 * <code>zipsTable.find("{state: 'OR'}", "{city: 1, zipcode: 1}")</code></p>
 * @param mongoDb MongoDB connection
 * @param filterJson Filter JSON string, or null
 * @param projectJson Project JSON string, or null
 * @param fields List of fields to project; or null to return map
 * @return Enumerator of results
private Enumerable<Object> find(MongoDatabase mongoDb, String filterJson,
    String projectJson, List<Map.Entry<String, Class>> fields) {
    final MongoCollection collection =
    final Bson filter =
        filterJson == null ? null : BsonDocument.parse(filterJson);
    final Bson project =
        projectJson == null ? null : BsonDocument.parse(projectJson);
    final Function1<Document, Object> getter = MongoEnumerator.getter(fields);
    return new AbstractEnumerable<Object>() {
        public Enumerator<Object> enumerator() {
            @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final FindIterable<Document> cursor =
            return new MongoEnumerator(cursor.iterator(), getter);
源代码4 项目: Mongodb-WeAdmin   文件: MongoSdkBase.java
 * 查询所有记录  代码控制返回结果数
 * @param table  表连接
 * @param filter 条件  com.mongodb.client.model.Filter
 * @param sort   排序    com.mongodb.client.model.Sorts   可空
 * @return
public  List<JSONObject> getAll(MongoCollection table, Bson filter, Bson sort) {
    List<JSONObject> list = new ArrayList<JSONObject>();
    FindIterable<Document> result = null;
    if (filter == null) {
        result = table.find().sort(sort);
    } else {
        result = table.find(filter).sort(sort);

    MongoCursor<Document> iterator = result.iterator();

    while (iterator.hasNext()) {
        Object ddd = iterator.next();
    return list;
源代码5 项目: quarkus   文件: PanacheQueryImpl.java
private void manageOffsets(FindIterable find, Integer limit) {
    if (range != null) {
        if (limit == null) {
            // range is 0 based, so we add 1 to the limit
            find.limit(range.getLastIndex() - range.getStartIndex() + 1);
    } else if (page != null) {
        find.skip(page.index * page.size);
        if (limit == null) {
    if (limit != null) {
源代码6 项目: tephra   文件: MongoImpl.java
public JSONArray find(String key, String collection, JSONObject where, int limit, int skip) {
    MongoCollection<Document> mc = getCollection(key, collection);
    if (mc == null)
        return new JSONArray();

    FindIterable<Document> fi = mc.find(toDocument(where));
    if (limit > 0)
    if (skip > 0)

    JSONArray array = new JSONArray();
    for (Document document : fi)

    return array;
源代码7 项目: spring-tutorial   文件: QueryPrimer.java
public void queryAll() {
	// @begin: query-all
	// @code: start
	FindIterable<Document> iterable = db.getCollection("restaurants").find();
	// @code: end

	// @pre: Iterate the results and apply a block to each resulting document.
	// @code: start
	iterable.forEach(new Block<Document>() {
		public void apply(final Document document) {
	// @code: end
	// @end: query-all
源代码8 项目: spring-tutorial   文件: QueryPrimer.java
public void logicalAnd() {

	// @begin: logical-and
	// @code: start
	FindIterable<Document> iterable = db.getCollection("restaurants")
		.find(new Document("cuisine", "Italian").append("address.zipcode", "10075"));
	// @code: end

	// @pre: Iterate the results and apply a block to each resulting document.
	// @code: start
	iterable.forEach(new Block<Document>() {
		public void apply(final Document document) {
	// @code: end

	// @pre: To simplify building queries the Java driver provides static helpers
	// @code: start
	db.getCollection("restaurants").find(and(eq("cuisine", "Italian"), eq("address.zipcode", "10075")));
	// @code: end

	// @end: logical-and
源代码9 项目: spring-tutorial   文件: QueryPrimer.java
public void queryTopLevelField() {
	// @begin: query-top-level-field
	// @code: start
	FindIterable<Document> iterable = db.getCollection("restaurants").find(new Document("borough", "Manhattan"));
	// @code: end

	// @pre: Iterate the results and apply a block to each resulting document.
	// @code: start
	iterable.forEach(new Block<Document>() {
		public void apply(final Document document) {
	// @code: end

	// @pre: To simplify building queries the Java driver provides static helpers
	// @code: start
	db.getCollection("restaurants").find(eq("borough", "Manhattan"));
	// @code: end
	// @end: query-top-level-field
源代码10 项目: spring-tutorial   文件: QueryPrimer.java
public void queryEmbeddedDocument() {
	// @begin: query-embedded-document
	// @code: start
	FindIterable<Document> iterable = db.getCollection("restaurants")
		.find(new Document("address.zipcode", "10075"));
	// @code: end

	// @pre: Iterate the results and apply a block to each resulting document.
	// @code: start
	iterable.forEach(new Block<Document>() {
		public void apply(final Document document) {
	// @code: end

	// @pre: To simplify building queries the Java driver provides static helpers
	// @code: start
	db.getCollection("restaurants").find(eq("address.zipcode", "10075"));
	// @code: end
	// @end: query-embedded-document
源代码11 项目: spring-tutorial   文件: QueryPrimer.java
public void greaterThan() {
	// @begin: greater-than
	// @code: start
	FindIterable<Document> iterable = db.getCollection("restaurants")
		.find(new Document("grades.score", new Document("$gt", 30)));
	// @code: end

	// @pre: Iterate the results and apply a block to each resulting document.
	// @code: start
	iterable.forEach(new Block<Document>() {
		public void apply(final Document document) {
	// @code: end

	// @pre: To simplify building queries the Java driver provides static helpers
	// @code: start
	db.getCollection("restaurants").find(gt("grades.score", 30));
	// @code: end
	// @end: greater-than
源代码12 项目: EDDI   文件: ResourceUtilities.java
private static void extractVersionedIds(List<IResourceId> versionedIds,
                                        FindIterable<Document> documentIterable) {

    for (Document document : documentIterable) {
        Object idObject = document.get(MONGO_OBJECT_ID);
        String objectId = ((Document) idObject).getObjectId(MONGO_OBJECT_ID).toString();
        Integer objectVersion = ((Document) idObject).getInteger(MONGO_OBJECT_VERSION);
        versionedIds.add(new IResourceId() {
            public String getId() {
                return objectId;

            public Integer getVersion() {
                return objectVersion;
源代码13 项目: EDDI   文件: MongoResourceStorage.java
public IHistoryResource<T> readHistoryLatest(String id) {
    Document beginId = new Document();
    beginId.put(ID_FIELD, new ObjectId(id));
    beginId.put(VERSION_FIELD, 0);

    Document endId = new Document();
    endId.put(ID_FIELD, new ObjectId(id));
    endId.put(VERSION_FIELD, Integer.MAX_VALUE);

    Document query = new Document();
    query.put("$gt", beginId);
    query.put("$lt", endId);
    Document object = new Document();
    object.put(ID_FIELD, query);

    if (historyCollection.countDocuments(object) == 0) {
        return null;

    FindIterable<Document> documents = historyCollection.find(object).sort(new Document(ID_FIELD, -1)).limit(1);
    return new HistoryResource(documents.iterator().next());
源代码14 项目: ByteTCC   文件: MongoCompensableLock.java
private String getTransactionOwnerInMongoDB(TransactionXid transactionXid) {
	byte[] global = transactionXid.getGlobalTransactionId();
	String instanceId = ByteUtils.byteArrayToString(global);

	try {
		String application = CommonUtils.getApplication(this.endpoint);
		String databaseName = application.replaceAll("\\W", "_");
		MongoDatabase mdb = this.mongoClient.getDatabase(databaseName);
		MongoCollection<Document> collection = mdb.getCollection(CONSTANTS_TB_LOCKS);

		FindIterable<Document> findIterable = collection.find(Filters.eq(CONSTANTS_FD_GLOBAL, instanceId));
		MongoCursor<Document> cursor = findIterable.iterator();
		if (cursor.hasNext()) {
			Document document = cursor.next();
			return document.getString("identifier");
		} else {
			return null;
	} catch (RuntimeException rex) {
		logger.error("Error occurred while querying the lock-owner of transaction(gxid= {}).", instanceId, rex);
		return null;
源代码15 项目: baleen   文件: MalletClassifierTrainer.java
private Iterator<Instance> getDocumentsFromMongo() {
  FindIterable<Document> find = documentsCollection.find();
  return FluentIterable.from(new MongoIterable(find))
          d -> {
            String name = d.getObjectId("_id").toHexString();
            String data = d.getString(contentField);
            Optional<String> label = getLabel(d);
            if (!label.isPresent()) {
              Document metadata = (Document) d.get(Mongo.FIELD_METADATA);
              label = getLabel(metadata);
            return new Instance(data, label.orElse("UNKNOWN"), name, null);
源代码16 项目: baleen   文件: MongoTemplateRecordConsumerTest.java
public void testRecords()
    throws JsonParseException, JsonMappingException, IOException, AnalysisEngineProcessException {
  FindIterable<Document> find = recordsCollection.find();
  Document document = find.first();
  String json = document.toJson();
  ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
  MongoExtractedRecords mongoRecords = mapper.readValue(json, MongoExtractedRecords.class);
  assertEquals("MongoTemplateRecordConsumer.txt", mongoRecords.getSourceUri());
  Map<String, Collection<ExtractedRecord>> records = mongoRecords.getRecords();
源代码17 项目: rya   文件: MongoPcjDocuments.java
 * List the document Ids of the PCJs that are stored in MongoDB
 * for this instance of Rya.
 * @return A list of pcj document Ids that hold PCJ index data for the current
 *   instance of Rya.
public List<String> listPcjDocuments() {
    final List<String> pcjIds = new ArrayList<>();

    //This Bson string reads as:
    //{} - no search criteria: find all
    //{ _id: 1 } - only return the _id, which is the PCJ Id.
    final FindIterable<Document> rez = pcjCollection.find(Document.parse("{ }, { " + PCJ_METADATA_ID + ": 1 , _id: 0}"));
    try (final MongoCursor<Document> cursor = rez.iterator()) {
        while(cursor.hasNext()) {
            final Document doc = cursor.next();
            final String pcjMetadataId = doc.get(PCJ_METADATA_ID).toString();
            pcjIds.add(pcjMetadataId.replace(METADATA_ID_SUFFIX, ""));

    return pcjIds;
源代码18 项目: XBDD   文件: FeatureDao.java
public List<XbddFeatureSummary> getFeatureSummaries(final Coordinates coordinates) {
	final MongoCollection<XbddFeature> features = getFeatureCollection();
	final List<XbddFeatureSummary> summaries = new ArrayList<>();

	final Bson query = Filters.eq("coordinates", CoordinatesMapper.mapCoordinates(coordinates));
	final FindIterable<XbddFeatureSummary> savedFeatures = features.find(query, XbddFeatureSummary.class);

	final Consumer<XbddFeatureSummary> addToSummaries = feature -> {
		if (featureIsValid(feature)) {


	return summaries;
源代码19 项目: XBDD   文件: FeatureDao.java
public List<XbddFeature> getFeatures(final Coordinates coordinates) {
	final MongoCollection<XbddFeature> features = getFeatureCollection();

	final List<XbddFeature> extractedFeatures = new ArrayList<>();

	final Bson query = Filters.eq("coordinates", CoordinatesMapper.mapCoordinates(coordinates));
	final FindIterable<XbddFeature> savedFeatures = features.find(query, XbddFeature.class);

	final Consumer<XbddFeature> addToExtractedFeatures = feature -> {
		if (featureIsValid(feature)) {

	return extractedFeatures;
源代码20 项目: jphp   文件: WrapMongoIterable.java
public WrapMongoIterable maxAwaitTime(long millis) {
    if (getWrappedObject() instanceof FindIterable) {
        return new WrapMongoIterable(this.__env__, ((FindIterable) getWrappedObject()).maxAwaitTime(millis, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));
    } else {
        return this;
源代码21 项目: morphia   文件: LegacyQuery.java
private <E> MongoCursor<E> prepareCursor(final FindOptions options, final MongoCollection<E> collection) {
    final Document query = this.toDocument();

    FindOptions findOptions = getOptions().copy().copy(options);
    if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
        LOG.trace(format("Running query(%s) : %s, options: %s,", getCollectionName(), query, findOptions));

    if ((findOptions.getCursorType() != null && findOptions.getCursorType() != NonTailable)
        && (findOptions.getSort() != null)) {
        LOG.warn("Sorting on tail is not allowed.");

    ClientSession clientSession = datastore.findSession(findOptions);

    FindIterable<E> iterable = clientSession != null
                               ? collection.find(clientSession, query)
                               : collection.find(query);

    Document oldProfile = null;
    if (findOptions.isLogQuery()) {
        oldProfile = datastore.getDatabase().runCommand(new Document("profile", 2).append("slowms", 0));
    try {
        return findOptions
                   .apply(iterable, mapper, clazz)
    } finally {
        if (findOptions.isLogQuery()) {
            datastore.getDatabase().runCommand(new Document("profile", oldProfile.get("was"))
                                                   .append("slowms", oldProfile.get("slowms"))
                                                   .append("sampleRate", oldProfile.get("sampleRate")));

源代码22 项目: vividus   文件: MongoCommandTests.java
void testProjection()
    FindIterable<Document> projectionIterable = mock(FindIterable.class);
    Object output = MongoCommand.PROJECTION.apply(Function.identity(), bson).apply(findIterable);
    assertEquals(projectionIterable, output);
源代码23 项目: presto   文件: MongoSession.java
public MongoCursor<Document> execute(MongoTableHandle tableHandle, List<MongoColumnHandle> columns)
    Document output = new Document();
    for (MongoColumnHandle column : columns) {
        output.append(column.getName(), 1);
    MongoCollection<Document> collection = getCollection(tableHandle.getSchemaTableName());
    FindIterable<Document> iterable = collection.find(buildQuery(tableHandle.getConstraint())).projection(output);

    if (cursorBatchSize != 0) {

    return iterable.iterator();
 * Creates and returns the MongoDB {@link BatchSource}.
public BatchSource<U> build() {
    checkNotNull(connectionSupplier, "connectionSupplier must be set");
    checkNotNull(databaseFn, "databaseFn must be set");
    checkNotNull(collectionFn, "collectionFn must be set");
    checkNotNull(searchFn, "searchFn must be set");
    checkNotNull(mapFn, "mapFn must be set");

    SupplierEx<? extends MongoClient> localConnectionSupplier = connectionSupplier;
    FunctionEx<? super MongoClient, ? extends MongoDatabase> localDatabaseFn = databaseFn;
    FunctionEx<? super MongoDatabase, ? extends MongoCollection<? extends T>> localCollectionFn
            = (FunctionEx<? super MongoDatabase, ? extends MongoCollection<? extends T>>) collectionFn;
    ConsumerEx<? super MongoClient> localDestroyFn = destroyFn;
    FunctionEx<? super MongoCollection<? extends T>, ? extends FindIterable<? extends T>> localSearchFn = searchFn;
    FunctionEx<? super T, U> localMapFn = mapFn;

    return SourceBuilder
            .batch(name, ctx -> {
                MongoClient client = localConnectionSupplier.get();
                MongoCollection<? extends T> collection = localCollectionFn.apply(localDatabaseFn.apply(client));
                return new BatchContext<>(client, collection, localSearchFn, localMapFn, localDestroyFn);
        MongoClient client,
        MongoCollection<? extends T> collection,
        FunctionEx<? super MongoCollection<? extends T>, ? extends FindIterable<? extends T>> searchFn,
        FunctionEx<? super T, U> mapFn,
        ConsumerEx<? super MongoClient> destroyFn
) {
    this.client = client;
    this.mapFn = mapFn;
    this.destroyFn = destroyFn;

    cursor = searchFn.apply(collection).iterator();
源代码26 项目: cassandana   文件: MongodbHelper.java
public String getSecret(String username) {
	FindIterable<Document> findIterable = userCollection.find(eq("username", username)).limit(1);
	MongoCursor<Document> cursor = findIterable.iterator();
	String secret = null;
		secret = cursor.next().getString("password");
	return secret; 
源代码27 项目: openbd-core   文件: MongoCollectionFindOne.java
@SuppressWarnings( "rawtypes" )
public cfData execute(cfSession _session, cfArgStructData argStruct ) throws cfmRunTimeException {
	MongoDatabase	db	= getMongoDatabase( _session, argStruct );
	String collection	= getNamedStringParam(argStruct, "collection", null);
	if ( collection == null )
		throwException(_session, "please specify a collection");
	cfData	query	= getNamedParam(argStruct, "query", null );
	if ( query == null )
		throwException(_session, "please specify query to find");
	cfData fields	= getNamedParam(argStruct, "fields", null );
		MongoCollection<Document> col = db.getCollection(collection);
		long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
		Document qry = getDocument(query);
		FindIterable<Document> cursor	= col.find( qry ).limit( 1 );
		if ( fields != null )
			cursor = cursor.projection( getDocument(fields) );

		_session.getDebugRecorder().execMongo(col, "findone", qry, System.currentTimeMillis()-start);
		return tagUtils.convertToCfData( (Map)cursor.first() );
	} catch (MongoException me){
		throwException(_session, me.getMessage());
		return null;
源代码28 项目: rya   文件: MongoPcjDocuments.java
private CloseableIterator<BindingSet> queryForBindings(final Document query) {
    final FindIterable<Document> rez = pcjCollection.find(query);
    final Iterator<Document> resultsIter = rez.iterator();
    return new CloseableIterator<BindingSet>() {
        public boolean hasNext() {
            return resultsIter.hasNext();

        public BindingSet next() {
            final Document bs = resultsIter.next();
            final MapBindingSet binding = new MapBindingSet();
            for (final String key : bs.keySet()) {
                if (key.equals(VISIBILITIES_FIELD)) {
                    // has auths, is a visibility binding set.
                } else if (!key.equals("_id") && !key.equals(PCJ_ID)) {
                    // is the binding value.
                    final Document typeDoc = (Document) bs.get(key);
                    final IRI dataType = VF.createIRI(typeDoc.getString(BINDING_TYPE));
                    final RyaType type = new RyaType(dataType, typeDoc.getString(BINDING_VALUE));
                    final Value value = RyaToRdfConversions.convertValue(type);
                    binding.addBinding(key, value);
            return binding;

        public void close() throws Exception {
源代码29 项目: jphp   文件: WrapMongoIterable.java
public WrapMongoIterable maxTime(long millis) {
    if (getWrappedObject() instanceof FindIterable) {
        return new WrapMongoIterable(this.__env__, ((FindIterable) getWrappedObject()).maxTime(millis, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));
    } else {
        return this;
源代码30 项目: sockslib   文件: MongoDBBasedUserManager.java
public List<User> findAll() {
  return mongoDBUtil.execute(userCollectionName, collection -> {
    FindIterable<Document> result = collection.find();
    List<User> users = new ArrayList<>();
    for (Document document : result) {
    return users;