

源代码1 项目: pentaho-mongodb-plugin   文件: MongoDbInputTest.java
@Test public void testFindWithMoreResults() throws KettleException, MongoDbException {
  // no query or fields defined, should do a collection.find()
  when( mockCursor.hasNext() ).thenReturn( true );
  ServerAddress serverAddress = mock( ServerAddress.class );
  when( serverAddress.toString() ).thenReturn( "serveraddress" );
  when( mockCursor.getServerAddress() ).thenReturn( serverAddress );
  DBObject nextDoc = (DBObject) JSON.parse( "{ 'foo' : 'bar' }" );
  when( mockCursor.next() ).thenReturn( nextDoc );
  dbInput.setStopped( false );
  dbInput.init( stepMetaInterface, stepDataInterface );

  assertTrue( "more results -> should return true", dbInput.processRow( stepMetaInterface, stepDataInterface ) );
  verify( mongoCollectionWrapper ).find();
  verify( mockCursor ).next();
  verify( mockLog ).logBasic( stringCaptor.capture() );
  assertThat( stringCaptor.getValue(), containsString( "serveraddress" ) );
  assertThat( stepDataInterface.cursor, equalTo( mockCursor ) );
  assertThat( putRow[0], CoreMatchers.<Object>equalTo( JSON.serialize( nextDoc ) ) );
源代码2 项目: scava   文件: RascalMetricsTest.java
private JSONArray getJSONArrayFromDB(String db, String col) {
	try {
		JSONArray result = new JSONArray(); 
		DBCollection collection = mongo.getDB(db).getCollectionFromString(col);
		DBCursor cursor = collection.find();

		while(cursor.hasNext()) {
			DBObject obj = cursor.next();
			JSONObject json = new JSONObject(JSON.serialize(obj));
		return result;
	catch(Exception e) {
		System.out.println("We got an error when creating a JSONArray: " + e);
		return null;
@GetMapping(path = "/{collectionName}")
@ApiOperation(value = "List all data from collection")
public Object list(
        @PathVariable("application") String applicationId,
        @PathVariable("collectionName") String collection) throws BadServiceResponseException, NotFoundResponseException {

    Tenant tenant = user.getTenant();
    Application application = getApplication(applicationId);

    ServiceResponse<List<PrivateStorage>> response = null;
    try {
        response = privateStorageService.findAll(tenant, application, user.getParentUser(), collection);

        if (!response.isOk()) {
            throw new NotFoundResponseException(response);
        } else {
            return response.getResult()
                    .map(p -> JSON.parse(p.getCollectionContent()))
    } catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
        throw new NotFoundResponseException(response);
 * Testing the use of Environment Substitution during initialization of fields.
 * @throws Exception
@Test public void testTopLevelArrayWithEnvironmentSubstitution() throws Exception {
  List<MongoDbOutputMeta.MongoField> paths = asList( mf( "${ENV_FIELD}", true, "[0]" ),
          mf( "field2", true, "${ENV_DOC_PATH}" ) );

  RowMetaInterface rmi = new RowMeta();
  rmi.addValueMeta( new ValueMetaString( "field1" ) );
  rmi.addValueMeta( new ValueMetaInteger( "field2" ) );

  Object[] row = new Object[ 2 ];
  row[ 0 ] = "value1";
  row[ 1 ] = 12L;
  VariableSpace vs = new Variables();
  vs.setVariable( "ENV_FIELD", "field1" );
  vs.setVariable( "ENV_DOC_PATH", "[1]" );

  for ( MongoDbOutputMeta.MongoField f : paths ) {
    f.init( vs );

  DBObject result = kettleRowToMongo( paths, rmi, row, MongoDbOutputData.MongoTopLevel.ARRAY, false );
  assertEquals( JSON.serialize( result ), "[ { \"field1\" : \"value1\"} , { \"field2\" : 12}]" );
@Test public void testPipelineQueryIsLimited() throws KettleException, MongoDbException {

  String query = "{$sort : 1}";

  // Setup DBObjects collection
  List<DBObject> dbObjects = new ArrayList<DBObject>();
  DBObject firstOp = (DBObject) JSON.parse( query );
  DBObject[] remainder = { new BasicDBObject( "$limit", NUM_DOCS_TO_SAMPLE ) };
  dbObjects.add( firstOp );
  Collections.addAll( dbObjects, remainder );
  AggregationOptions options = AggregationOptions.builder().build();

  //when( MongodbInputDiscoverFieldsImpl.jsonPipelineToDBObjectList( query ) ).thenReturn( dbObjects );
  when( collection.aggregate( anyList(), any( AggregationOptions.class ) ) )
      .thenReturn( cursor );

  discoverFields.discoverFields( new MongoProperties.Builder(), "mydb", "mycollection", query, "", true,
      NUM_DOCS_TO_SAMPLE, inputMeta );

  verify( collection ).aggregate( anyList(), any( AggregationOptions.class ) );
@ApiOperation(value = "Create a application document")
public Object create(
		@PathVariable("application") String applicationId,
        @PathVariable("collection") String collection,
        @PathVariable("key") String key,
        @ApiParam(name = "body", required = true)
		@RequestBody String jsonCustomData) throws BadServiceResponseException, NotFoundResponseException {

    Tenant tenant = user.getTenant();
    Application application = getApplication(applicationId);

    ServiceResponse<ApplicationDocumentStore> deviceResponse = applicationDocumentStoreService.save(tenant, application, collection, key, jsonCustomData);

    if (!deviceResponse.isOk()) {
        throw new BadServiceResponseException( deviceResponse, validationsCode);
    } else {
        return JSON.parse(deviceResponse.getResult().getJson());

public void shouldListData() throws Exception {
    when(privateStorageService.findAll(any(Tenant.class), any(Application.class), any(User.class), anyString()))

    getMockMvc().perform(MockMvcRequestBuilders.get(MessageFormat.format("/{0}/{1}/{2}", application.getName(), BASEPATH, "customers"))
                .andExpect(jsonPath("$.code", is(HttpStatus.OK.value())))
                .andExpect(jsonPath("$.status", is("success")))
                .andExpect(jsonPath("$.result[0]", is(JSON.parse(json1))))
                .andExpect(jsonPath("$.result[1]", is(JSON.parse(json2))));

public void shouldReadData() throws Exception {
    when(privateStorageService.findByQuery(any(Tenant.class), any(Application.class), any(User.class), anyString(), any(Map.class), anyString(), any(Integer.class), any(Integer.class)))

    getMockMvc().perform(MockMvcRequestBuilders.get(MessageFormat.format("/{0}/{1}/{2}/search", application.getName(), BASEPATH, "customers"))
            .param("q", "customers=konker")
            .andExpect(jsonPath("$.code", is(HttpStatus.OK.value())))
            .andExpect(jsonPath("$.status", is("success")))
            .andExpect(jsonPath("$.result[0]", is(JSON.parse(json1))));

public void shouldCreateData() throws Exception {
    when(privateStorageService.save(any(Tenant.class), any(Application.class), any(User.class), anyString(), anyString()))

    getMockMvc().perform(MockMvcRequestBuilders.post(MessageFormat.format("/{0}/{1}/{2}", application.getName(), BASEPATH, "customers"))
                .andExpect(jsonPath("$.code", is(HttpStatus.CREATED.value())))
                .andExpect(jsonPath("$.status", is("success")))
                .andExpect(jsonPath("$.result", is(JSON.parse(json1))));
public void shouldCreateDevice() throws Exception {

    when(deviceCustomDataService.save(tenant, application, device1, json1))

    getMockMvc().perform(MockMvcRequestBuilders.post(MessageFormat.format("/{0}/{1}/{2}/{3}", application.getName(), BASEPATH, device1.getGuid(), CUSTOMDATAPATH))
                .andExpect(jsonPath("$.code", is(HttpStatus.CREATED.value())))
                .andExpect(jsonPath("$.status", is("success")))
                .andExpect(jsonPath("$.result", is(JSON.parse(json1))));
源代码11 项目: pentaho-mongodb-plugin   文件: MongoDbOutputTest.java
@Test public void testTopLevelObjectStructureOneLevelNestedDoc() throws Exception {
  List<MongoDbOutputMeta.MongoField> paths = asList( mf( "field1", true, "" ), mf( "field2", true, "nestedDoc" ) );

  RowMetaInterface rmi = new RowMeta();
  rmi.addValueMeta( new ValueMetaString( "field1" ) );
  rmi.addValueMeta( new ValueMetaInteger( "field2" ) );

  Object[] row = new Object[ 2 ];
  row[ 0 ] = "value1";
  row[ 1 ] = 12L;
  VariableSpace vs = new Variables();

  for ( MongoDbOutputMeta.MongoField f : paths ) {
    f.init( vs );

  DBObject result = kettleRowToMongo( paths, rmi, row, MongoDbOutputData.MongoTopLevel.RECORD, false );

  assertEquals( JSON.serialize( result ), "{ \"field1\" : \"value1\" , \"nestedDoc\" : { \"field2\" : 12}}" );
public void shouldCreateDevice() throws Exception {

    when(applicationDocumentStoreService.save(tenant, application, "collection1", "keyA", json1))

    getMockMvc().perform(MockMvcRequestBuilders.post(MessageFormat.format("/{0}/{1}/{2}/{3}", application.getName(), BASEPATH, "collection1", "keyA", CUSTOMDATAPATH))
                .andExpect(jsonPath("$.code", is(HttpStatus.CREATED.value())))
                .andExpect(jsonPath("$.status", is("success")))
                .andExpect(jsonPath("$.result", is(JSON.parse(json1))));
 * Replaced the parameter place-holders with the actual parameter values from the given {@link ParameterBinding}s.
 * @param query - the query string with placeholders
 * @return - the string with values replaced
@SuppressWarnings({"Duplicates", "WeakerAccess"})
protected String replacePlaceholders(String query) {
  List<ParameterBinding> queryParameterBindings = parameterBindingParser.parseParameterBindingsFrom(query, JSON::parse);

  if (queryParameterBindings.isEmpty()) {
    return query;
  String lquery = query;
  if(query.contains("@@")) {
    // strip quotes from the query
    lquery = query.replace("\"", "").replace("@@", "@");
  StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(lquery);

  for (ParameterBinding binding : queryParameterBindings) {
    String parameter = binding.getParameter();
    int idx = result.indexOf(parameter);
    String parameterValueForBinding = getParameterValueForBinding(convertingParameterAccessor, binding);
    if (idx != -1) {
      result.replace(idx, idx + parameter.length(), parameterValueForBinding);
  LOGGER.debug("Query after replacing place holders - {}", result);
  return result.toString();
 * Replaced the parameter place-holders with the actual parameter values from the given {@link ParameterBinding}s.
 * @param query - the query string with placeholders
 * @return - the string with values replaced
@SuppressWarnings({"Duplicates", "WeakerAccess"})
protected String replacePlaceholders(String query) {
  List<ParameterBinding> queryParameterBindings = parameterBindingParser.parseParameterBindingsFrom(query, JSON::parse);

  if (queryParameterBindings.isEmpty()) {
    return query;
  String lquery = query;
  if(query.contains("@@")) {
    // strip quotes from the query
    lquery = query.replace("\"", "").replace("@@", "@");
  StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(lquery);

  for (ParameterBinding binding : queryParameterBindings) {
    String parameter = binding.getParameter();
    int idx = result.indexOf(parameter);
    String parameterValueForBinding = getParameterValueForBinding(convertingParameterAccessor, binding);
    if (idx != -1) {
      result.replace(idx, idx + parameter.length(), parameterValueForBinding);
  LOGGER.debug("Query after replacing place holders - {}", result);
  return result.toString();
源代码15 项目: topic-detection   文件: Tester.java
public static List<Item> loadItemsFromFile(String filename){
    List<Item> items=new ArrayList<Item>();
        BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filename));
        String line=null;
                Item new_item=new Item();
                DBObject dbObject = (DBObject) JSON.parse(line);
                String id=(String) dbObject.get("id_str");
                String text=(String) dbObject.get("text");
                DBObject tmp_obj=(DBObject) dbObject.get("user");
                String uploader=(String) tmp_obj.get("screen_name");
    catch(Exception ex){
    return items;
源代码16 项目: uncode-dal-all   文件: Mongo3DAL.java
public int _countByCriteria(Table table) {
	int count = 0;
	Map<String, Object> coditon = new HashMap<String, Object>();
	try {
		QueryCriteria queryCriteria = table.getQueryCriteria();
		com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase db = database.getMongoDB();
		for(Criteria criteria:queryCriteria.getOredCriteria()){
			for(Criterion criterion:criteria.getAllCriteria()){
				coditon = buildCriteria(criterion, coditon);
		long size = db.getCollection(queryCriteria.getTable()).count(Document.parse((JSON.serialize(coditon))));
		count = (int) size;
	} catch (MongoException e) {
		LOG.error("mongo find error", e);
	return count;
源代码17 项目: uncode-dal-all   文件: Mongo3DAL.java
public int _updateByCriteria(Table table) {
	Map<String, Object> coditon = new HashMap<String, Object>();
	try {
        QueryCriteria queryCriteria = table.getQueryCriteria();
        com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase db = database.getMongoDB();
		for(Criteria criteria:queryCriteria.getOredCriteria()){
			for(Criterion criterion:criteria.getAllCriteria()){
				coditon = buildCriteria(criterion, coditon);
		Map<String, Object> vaule = new HashMap<String, Object>();
		vaule.put("$set", table.getParams());
		db.getCollection(queryCriteria.getTable()).updateMany(Document.parse((JSON.serialize(coditon))), Document.parse(JSON.serialize(vaule)));
	} catch (MongoException e) {
		LOG.error("mongo update error", e);
	return 1;
源代码18 项目: uncode-dal-all   文件: Mongo3DAL.java
public int _updateByPrimaryKey(Table table) {
	try {
			com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase db = database.getMongoDB();
			Object id = table.getConditions().get("_id");
			Map<String, Object> vaule = new HashMap<String, Object>();
			vaule.put("$set", table.getParams());
			db.getCollection(table.getTableName()).updateOne(eq("_id", new ObjectId(String.valueOf(id))), Document.parse(JSON.serialize(vaule)));
			LOG.debug("updateByPrimaryKey->collection:"+table.getTableName()+",value:"+JSON.serialize(vaule)+",condition:"+eq("_id", new ObjectId(String.valueOf(id)).toString()));
			return 1;
	} catch (MongoException e) {
		LOG.error("mongo update error", e);
	return 0;
源代码19 项目: uncode-dal-all   文件: Mongo3DAL.java
public int _deleteByCriteria(Table table) {
	Map<String, Object> coditon = new HashMap<String, Object>();
	try {
        QueryCriteria queryCriteria = table.getQueryCriteria();
        com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase db = database.getMongoDB();
		for(Criteria criteria:queryCriteria.getOredCriteria()){
			for(Criterion criterion:criteria.getAllCriteria()){
				coditon = buildCriteria(criterion, coditon);
	} catch (MongoException e) {
		LOG.error("mongo delete error", e);
	return 1;
源代码20 项目: pentaho-mongodb-plugin   文件: MongoDbOutputTest.java
@Test public void testTopLevelObjectStructureNoNestedDocs() throws Exception {
  List<MongoDbOutputMeta.MongoField> paths = asList( mf( "field1", true, "" ), mf( "field2", true, "" ) );

  RowMetaInterface rmi = new RowMeta();
  rmi.addValueMeta( new ValueMetaString( "field1" ) );
  rmi.addValueMeta( new ValueMetaInteger( "field2" ) );

  Object[] row = new Object[ 2 ];
  row[ 0 ] = "value1";
  row[ 1 ] = 12L;
  VariableSpace vs = new Variables();

  for ( MongoDbOutputMeta.MongoField f : paths ) {
    f.init( vs );

  DBObject result = kettleRowToMongo( paths, rmi, row, MongoDbOutputData.MongoTopLevel.RECORD, false );

  assertEquals( JSON.serialize( result ), "{ \"field1\" : \"value1\" , \"field2\" : 12}" );
源代码21 项目: hvdf   文件: FeedResource.java
public List<Sample> queryChannel(
        @PathParam("feed") String feedId,
        @PathParam("channel") String channelId,
        @QueryParam("source") String sourceString,
        @QueryParam("ts") long timeStart,
        @QueryParam("range") long timeRange,
        @QueryParam("query") JSONParam query,
    	@QueryParam("proj") JSONParam projection,
    	@QueryParam("limit") @DefaultValue("100") int limit) {

    // Find the correct channel implementation
	Channel channel = channelService.getChannel(feedId, channelId);
	// The source may be null or JSON
	Object source = null;
	if(sourceString != null){
		source = JSON.parse(sourceString);
    // push it to the channel correct
	DBObject dbQuery = query != null ? query.toDBObject() : null;
	DBObject dbProjection = projection != null ? projection.toDBObject() : null;
	return channel.query(source, timeStart, timeRange, dbQuery, dbProjection, limit);    
源代码22 项目: nosql4idea   文件: JsonTreeModelTest.java
    public void buildDBObjectFromTreeWithSubNodes() throws Exception {
        DBObject jsonObject = (DBObject) JSON.parse(IOUtils.toString(getClass().getResourceAsStream("simpleDocumentWithInnerNodes.json")));

//        Hack to convert _id fron string to ObjectId
        jsonObject.put("_id", new ObjectId(String.valueOf(jsonObject.get("_id"))));

        NoSqlTreeNode treeNode = (NoSqlTreeNode) JsonTreeModel.buildJsonTree(jsonObject);

//      Simulate updating from the treeNode
        NoSqlTreeNode innerDocNode = (NoSqlTreeNode) treeNode.getChildAt(4);
        NoSqlTreeNode soldOutNode = (NoSqlTreeNode) innerDocNode.getChildAt(2);

        DBObject dbObject = JsonTreeModel.buildDBObject(treeNode);

        assertEquals("{ \"_id\" : { \"$oid\" : \"50b8d63414f85401b9268b99\"} , \"label\" : \"toto\" , \"visible\" : false , \"image\" :  null  , \"innerdoc\" : { \"title\" : \"What?\" , \"numberOfPages\" : 52 , \"soldOut\" : false}}",
源代码23 项目: birt   文件: DriverUtil.java
static Object parseJSONExpr( String jsonExpr ) throws OdaException
        return JSON.parse( jsonExpr );
    catch( JSONParseException ex )
        String errMsg = Messages.bind( Messages.driverUtil_parsingError,
                jsonExpr );
        DriverUtil.getLogger().log( Level.INFO, errMsg, ex ); // caller may choose to ignore it; log at INFO level

        OdaException newEx = new OdaException( errMsg );
        newEx.initCause( ex );
        throw newEx;
源代码24 项目: micro-integrator   文件: MongoQuery.java
private void doInsert(MongoCollection collection, String opQuery, Object[] parameters) throws DataServiceFault {
    if (opQuery != null) {
        if (parameters.length > 0) {
            if (opQuery.equals("#")) {
            } else {
                collection.insert(opQuery, parameters);
        } else {
    } else {
        throw new DataServiceFault("Mongo insert statements must contain a query");
源代码25 项目: nosql4idea   文件: JsonTreeModelTest.java
public void findDocumentFromANode() throws Exception {
    BasicDBList dbList = (BasicDBList) JSON.parse(IOUtils.toString(getClass().getResourceAsStream("arrayOfDocuments.json")));

    DBObject first = (DBObject) dbList.get(0);
    first.put("_id", new ObjectId(String.valueOf(first.get("_id"))));

    DBObject second = (DBObject) dbList.get(1);
    second.put("_id", new ObjectId(String.valueOf(second.get("_id"))));

    NoSqlTreeNode treeNode = (NoSqlTreeNode) JsonTreeModel.buildJsonTree(dbList);

    assertEquals(first, JsonTreeModel.findDocument((NoSqlTreeNode) treeNode.getChildAt(0)));
源代码26 项目: act   文件: MongoDB.java
public void submitToPubmedDB(PubmedEntry entry) {
  List<String> xPath = new ArrayList<String>();
  xPath.add("MedlineCitation"); xPath.add("PMID");
  int pmid = Integer.parseInt(entry.getXPathString(xPath));
  if(this.dbPubmed != null) {
    WriteResult result;
    if (alreadyEntered(entry, pmid))
    DBObject doc = (DBObject)JSON.parse(entry.toJSON());
    doc.put("_id", pmid);
  } else
    Logger.printf(0, "Pubmed Entry [%d]: %s\n", pmid, entry); // human readable...
源代码27 项目: the-app   文件: Boot.java
public static void main(String[] args) {
    put("/submitOrder", "application/json", (request, response) -> {
        String body = request.body();
        if (!isNullOrEmpty(body)) {
            DBObject order = (DBObject) JSON.parse(body);

            return "";
        return "";
public void testDocToFields() {
  Map<String, MongoField> fieldMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, MongoField>();
  DBObject doc = (DBObject) JSON.parse( "{\"fred\" : {\"george\" : 1}, \"bob\" : [1 , 2]}" );

  MongodbInputDiscoverFieldsImpl.docToFields( doc, fieldMap );
  assertThat( 3, equalTo( fieldMap.size() ) );

  assertThat( fieldMap.get( "$.fred.george" ),  notNullValue() );
  assertThat( fieldMap.get( "$.bob[0]" ), notNullValue() );
  assertThat( fieldMap.get( "$.bob[1]" ), notNullValue() );
  assertThat( fieldMap.get( "$.bob[2]" ), equalTo( null ) );
源代码29 项目: pentaho-mongodb-plugin   文件: MongoFieldTest.java
public void testConvertArrayIndicesToKettleValue() throws KettleException {
  BasicDBObject dbObj = (BasicDBObject) JSON.parse( "{ parent : { fieldName : ['valA', 'valB'] } } " );

  initField( "fieldName", "$.parent.fieldName[0]", "String" );
  assertThat( field.convertToKettleValue( dbObj ), equalTo( (Object) "valA" ) );
  initField( "fieldName", "$.parent.fieldName[1]", "String" );
  assertThat( field.convertToKettleValue( dbObj ), equalTo( (Object) "valB" ) );
源代码30 项目: konker-platform   文件: EventVO.java
public EventVO apply(Event t) {
    EventVO vo = new EventVO();

    vo.setIncoming(new EventActorVO().apply(t.getIncoming()));
    vo.setOutgoing(new EventActorVO().apply(t.getOutgoing()));
    vo.setGeolocation(new EventGeolocationVO().apply(t.getGeolocation()));

    return vo;