

源代码1 项目: immutables   文件: Repositories.java
protected final FluentFuture<Integer> doUpdate(
        final Constraints.ConstraintHost criteria,
        final Constraints.Constraint update,
        final UpdateOptions options) {

  checkNotNull(criteria, "criteria");
  checkNotNull(update, "update");
  checkNotNull(options, "options");

  return submit(new Callable<UpdateResult>() {
    public UpdateResult call() {
      return collection()
  }).lazyTransform(new Function<UpdateResult, Integer>() {
    public Integer apply(UpdateResult input) {
      return (int) input.getModifiedCount();
源代码2 项目: aion   文件: MongoDB.java
 * Adds a new edit to the batch
 * @param key the key to write
 * @param value the value to write. Null indicates we should delete this key
 * @return this
public WriteBatch addEdit(byte[] key, byte[] value) {
    if (value == null) {
        DeleteOneModel deleteModel =
                new DeleteOneModel<>(eq(MongoConstants.ID_FIELD_NAME, new BsonBinary(key)));

    } else {
        UpdateOneModel updateModel =
                new UpdateOneModel<>(
                        eq(MongoConstants.ID_FIELD_NAME, new BsonBinary(key)),
                        Updates.set(MongoConstants.VALUE_FIELD_NAME, new BsonBinary(value)),
                        new UpdateOptions().upsert(true));


    return this;
源代码3 项目: lumongo   文件: LumongoIndex.java
private void storeIndexSettings() {
	try {
		MongoDatabase db = mongo.getDatabase(mongoConfig.getDatabaseName());
		MongoCollection<Document> dbCollection = db.getCollection(indexConfig.getIndexName() + CONFIG_SUFFIX);
		Document settings = IndexConfigUtil.toDocument(indexConfig);
		settings.put(MongoConstants.StandardFields._ID, SETTINGS_ID);

		Document query = new Document();
		query.put(MongoConstants.StandardFields._ID, SETTINGS_ID);

		dbCollection.replaceOne(query, settings, new UpdateOptions().upsert(true));
	finally {

源代码4 项目: quarkus   文件: ReactiveMongoClientTest.java
private Uni<Document> upsertDoc(String collection, Document docToInsert,
        Document insertStatement,
        String expectedId) {
    return client.getDatabase(DATABASE).getCollection(collection)
            .updateMany(eq("foo", docToInsert.getString("foo")),
                    new UpdateOptions().upsert(true))
            .onItem().produceUni(result -> {
                if (expectedId == null) {
                } else {

                return client.getDatabase(DATABASE).getCollection(collection).find().collectItems().first();
源代码5 项目: Shadbot   文件: DBUser.java
private Mono<UpdateResult> updateAchievement(int achievements) {
    // If the achievement is already in this state, no need to request an update
    if (this.getBean().getAchievements() == achievements) {
        LOGGER.debug("[DBUser {}] Achievements update useless, aborting: {}",
                this.getId().asLong(), achievements);
        return Mono.empty();

    LOGGER.debug("[DBUser {}] Achievements update: {}", this.getId().asLong(), achievements);

    return Mono.from(DatabaseManager.getUsers()
                    Filters.eq("_id", this.getId().asString()),
                    Updates.set("achievements", achievements),
                    new UpdateOptions().upsert(true)))
            .doOnNext(result -> LOGGER.trace("[DBUser {}] Achievements update result: {}",
                    this.getId().asLong(), result))
            .doOnTerminate(() -> DB_REQUEST_COUNTER.labels(UsersCollection.NAME).inc());
源代码6 项目: lumongo   文件: MongoDocumentStorage.java
public void storeSourceDocument(String uniqueId, long timeStamp, Document document, List<Metadata> metaDataList) throws Exception {
	MongoDatabase db = mongoClient.getDatabase(database);
	MongoCollection<Document> coll = db.getCollection(rawCollectionName);
	Document mongoDocument = new Document();

	if (!metaDataList.isEmpty()) {
		Document metadataMongoDoc = new Document();
		for (Metadata meta : metaDataList) {
			metadataMongoDoc.put(meta.getKey(), meta.getValue());
		mongoDocument.put(METADATA, metadataMongoDoc);

	mongoDocument.put(TIMESTAMP, timeStamp);
	mongoDocument.put(MongoConstants.StandardFields._ID, uniqueId);

	Document query = new Document(MongoConstants.StandardFields._ID, uniqueId);

	coll.replaceOne(query, mongoDocument, new UpdateOptions().upsert(true));
源代码7 项目: lumongo   文件: MongoFile.java
public static void storeBlock(MongoBlock mongoBlock) {
	// System.out.println("Store: " + mongoBlock.getBlockNumber());

	MongoCollection<Document> c = mongoBlock.mongoFile.mongoDirectory.getBlocksCollection();

	Document query = new Document();
	query.put(MongoDirectory.FILE_NUMBER, mongoBlock.mongoFile.fileNumber);
	query.put(MongoDirectory.BLOCK_NUMBER, mongoBlock.blockNumber);

	Document object = new Document();
	object.put(MongoDirectory.FILE_NUMBER, mongoBlock.mongoFile.fileNumber);
	object.put(MongoDirectory.BLOCK_NUMBER, mongoBlock.blockNumber);
	object.put(MongoDirectory.BYTES, new Binary(mongoBlock.bytes));

	c.replaceOne(query, object, new UpdateOptions().upsert(true));

源代码8 项目: zeppelin   文件: MongoNotebookRepo.java
 * create until parent folder if not exists.
 * @param splitPath path to completed.
 * @return direct parent folder id
private String completeFolder(String[] splitPath) {
  String pId = "0";
  for (String currentPath : splitPath) {
    Document query = new Document(Fields.PID, pId)
        .append(Fields.IS_DIR, true)
        .append(Fields.NAME, currentPath);

    String cId = new ObjectId().toString();
    Document doc = new Document("$setOnInsert",
        new Document(Fields.ID, cId)
            .append(Fields.PID, pId)
            .append(Fields.IS_DIR, true)
            .append(Fields.NAME, currentPath));

    Document exist = folders.find(query).first();
    if (exist == null) {
      folders.updateOne(query, doc, new UpdateOptions().upsert(true));
      pId = cId;
    } else {
      pId = exist.getString(Fields.ID);

  return pId;
源代码9 项目: fiware-cygnus   文件: MongoBackendImpl.java
private void insertContextDataAggregatedForResoultion(String dbName, String collectionName,
        GregorianCalendar calendar, String entityId, String entityType, String attrName, String attrType,
        double max, double min, double sum, double sum2, int numSamples, Resolution resolution) {
    // Get database and collection
    MongoDatabase db = getDatabase(dbName);
    MongoCollection collection = db.getCollection(collectionName);

    // Build the query
    BasicDBObject query = buildQueryForInsertAggregated(calendar, entityId, entityType, attrName, resolution);

    // Prepopulate if needed
    BasicDBObject insert = buildInsertForPrepopulate(attrType, resolution, true);
    UpdateResult res = collection.updateOne(query, insert, new UpdateOptions().upsert(true));

    if (res.getMatchedCount() == 0) {
        LOGGER.debug("Prepopulating data, database=" + dbName + ", collection=" + collectionName + ", query="
                + query.toString() + ", insert=" + insert.toString());
    } // if

    // Do the update
    BasicDBObject update = buildUpdateForUpdate(attrType, calendar, max, min, sum, sum2, numSamples);
    LOGGER.debug("Updating data, database=" + dbName + ", collection=" + collectionName + ", query="
            + query.toString() + ", update=" + update.toString());
    collection.updateOne(query, update);
源代码10 项目: immutables   文件: Repositories.java
protected final FluentFuture<Integer> doUpsert(
    final Constraints.ConstraintHost criteria,
    final T document) {
  checkNotNull(criteria, "criteria");
  checkNotNull(document, "document");
  return submit(new Callable<Integer>() {
    public Integer call() {
      collection().replaceOne(convertToBson(criteria), document, new UpdateOptions().upsert(true));
      // upsert will always return 1:
      // if document doesn't exists, it will be inserted (modCount == 1)
      // if document exists, it will be updated (modCount == 1)

      return 1;
源代码11 项目: epcis   文件: ChronoElement.java
 * Un-assigns a key/value property from the element. The object value of the
 * removed property is returned.
 * @param key the key of the property to remove from the element
 * @return the object value associated with that key prior to removal. Should be
 *         instance of BsonValue
public <T> T removeProperty(final String key) {
	try {
		BsonValue value = getProperty(key);
		BsonDocument filter = new BsonDocument();
		filter.put(Tokens.ID, new BsonString(this.id));
		BsonDocument update = new BsonDocument();
		update.put("$unset", new BsonDocument(key, new BsonNull()));
		if (this instanceof ChronoVertex) {
			graph.getVertexCollection().updateOne(filter, update, new UpdateOptions().upsert(true));
			return (T) value;
		} else {
			graph.getEdgeCollection().updateOne(filter, update, new UpdateOptions().upsert(true));
			return (T) value;
	} catch (MongoWriteException e) {
		throw e;
源代码12 项目: swellrt   文件: MongoDbStore.java
public void putAccount(AccountData account) {

  BasicDBObject object = new BasicDBObject("_id", account.getId().getAddress());

  if (account.isHuman()) {
    object.put(ACCOUNT_HUMAN_DATA_FIELD, humanToObject(account.asHuman()));
  } else if (account.isRobot()) {
    object.put(ACCOUNT_ROBOT_DATA_FIELD, robotToObject(account.asRobot()));
  } else {
    throw new IllegalStateException("Account is neither a human nor a robot");

      new UpdateOptions().upsert(true));
源代码13 项目: fiware-cygnus   文件: MongoBackendImpl.java
private void insertContextDataAggregatedForResoultion(String dbName, String collectionName,
        GregorianCalendar calendar, String entityId, String entityType, String attrName, String attrType,
        HashMap<String, Integer> counts, Resolution resolution) {
    // Get database and collection
    MongoDatabase db = getDatabase(dbName);
    MongoCollection collection = db.getCollection(collectionName);

    // Build the query
    BasicDBObject query = buildQueryForInsertAggregated(calendar, entityId, entityType, attrName, resolution);

    // Prepopulate if needed
    BasicDBObject insert = buildInsertForPrepopulate(attrType, resolution, false);
    UpdateResult res = collection.updateOne(query, insert, new UpdateOptions().upsert(true));

    if (res.getMatchedCount() == 0) {
        LOGGER.debug("Prepopulating data, database=" + dbName + ", collection=" + collectionName + ", query="
                + query.toString() + ", insert=" + insert.toString());
    } // if

    // Do the update
    for (String key : counts.keySet()) {
        int count = counts.get(key);
        BasicDBObject update = buildUpdateForUpdate(attrType, resolution, calendar, key, count);
        LOGGER.debug("Updating data, database=" + dbName + ", collection=" + collectionName + ", query="
                + query.toString() + ", update=" + update.toString());
        collection.updateOne(query, update);
    } // for
源代码14 项目: epcis   文件: ChronoElement.java
 * Clear Static Properties
public void clearStaticProperties() {
	BsonDocument filter = new BsonDocument();
	filter.put(Tokens.ID, new BsonString(this.id));
	if (this instanceof ChronoVertex) {
		graph.getVertexCollection().replaceOne(filter, Converter.getBaseVertexDocument(this.id),
				new UpdateOptions().upsert(true));
	} else {
		ChronoEdge ce = (ChronoEdge) this;
				Converter.getBaseEdgeDocument(this.id, ce.getOutVertex().id, ce.getInVertex().id, ce.getLabel()),
				new UpdateOptions().upsert(true));
源代码15 项目: quarkus   文件: CollectionManagementTest.java
void updateOne() {
    ReactiveMongoDatabase database = client.getDatabase(DATABASE);
    ReactiveMongoCollection<Document> collection = database.getCollection("test");

                    .insertOne(new Document("id", 1).append("name", "superman").append("type", "heroes")
                            .append("stars", 5))
                    new Document("id", 2).append("name", "batman").append("type", "heroes").append("stars", 4))
                    .insertOne(new Document("id", 3).append("name", "frogman").append("type", "villain")
                            .append("stars", 1))
                    new Document("id", 4).append("name", "joker").append("type", "villain").append("stars", 5))

    UpdateResult result = collection
            .updateOne(new Document("id", 3), inc("stars", 3), new UpdateOptions().bypassDocumentValidation(true))
    UpdateResult result2 = collection.updateOne(new Document("id", 2), inc("stars", -1)).await().indefinitely();
    UpdateResult result3 = collection.updateOne(new Document("id", 50), inc("stars", -1)).await().indefinitely();


源代码16 项目: redtorch   文件: MongoDBClient.java
 * 更新或插入数据集合
 * @param dbName
 * @param collectionName
 * @param document
 * @param filter
 * @return
public boolean upsertMany(String dbName, String collectionName, Document document, Document filter) {
	if (document != null) {
		UpdateOptions updateOptions = new UpdateOptions();
		mongoClient.getDatabase(dbName).getCollection(collectionName).updateMany(filter, document, updateOptions);
		return true;
	return false;
源代码17 项目: MongoSyphon   文件: MongoBulkWriter.java
public void Save(Document doc) {
	if (!doc.containsKey("_id")) {
	Document find = new Document("_id", doc.get("_id"));
	UpdateOptions uo = new UpdateOptions();
	ops.add(new ReplaceOneModel<Document>(find, doc, uo));
源代码18 项目: Shadbot   文件: DBGuild.java
 * {@code value} must be serializable or serialized.
public <T> Mono<UpdateResult> updateSetting(Setting setting, T value) {
    LOGGER.debug("[DBGuild {}] Setting update: {}={}", this.getId().asLong(), setting, value);

    return Mono.from(DatabaseManager.getGuilds()
                    Filters.eq("_id", this.getId().asString()),
                    Updates.set(String.format("settings.%s", setting), value),
                    new UpdateOptions().upsert(true)))
            .doOnNext(result -> LOGGER.trace("[DBGuild {}] Setting update result: {}",
                    this.getId().asLong(), result))
            .doOnTerminate(() -> DB_REQUEST_COUNTER.labels(GuildsCollection.NAME).inc());
源代码19 项目: Shadbot   文件: DBMember.java
public Mono<Void> insert() {
    LOGGER.debug("[DBMember {} / {}] Insertion", this.getId().asLong(), this.getGuildId().asLong());

    return Mono.from(DatabaseManager.getGuilds()
            .updateOne(Filters.eq("_id", this.getGuildId().asString()),
                    Updates.push("members", this.toDocument()),
                    new UpdateOptions().upsert(true)))
            .doOnNext(result -> LOGGER.trace("[DBMember {} / {}] Insertion result: {}",
                    this.getId().asLong(), this.getGuildId().asLong(), result))
            .doOnTerminate(() -> DB_REQUEST_COUNTER.labels(GuildsCollection.NAME).inc())
源代码20 项目: Shadbot   文件: LotteryCollection.java
public Mono<UpdateResult> addToJackpot(long coins) {
    final long value = (long) Math.ceil(coins / 100.0f);

    LOGGER.debug("[Lottery] Jackpot update: {} coins", value);

    return Mono.from(this.getCollection()
            .updateOne(Filters.eq("_id", "jackpot"),
                    Updates.inc("jackpot", value),
                    new UpdateOptions().upsert(true)))
            .doOnNext(result -> LOGGER.trace("[Lottery] Jackpot update result: {}", result))
            .doOnTerminate(() -> DB_REQUEST_COUNTER.labels(LotteryCollection.NAME).inc());
源代码21 项目: stitch-android-sdk   文件: UpdateOneOperation.java
public SyncUpdateResult execute(@Nullable final CoreStitchServiceClient service) {
  final UpdateResult localResult = this.dataSynchronizer.updateOne(
      new UpdateOptions().upsert(this.syncUpdateOptions.isUpsert()));

  return new SyncUpdateResult(
源代码22 项目: stitch-android-sdk   文件: UpdateManyOperation.java
public SyncUpdateResult execute(@Nullable final CoreStitchServiceClient service) {
  final UpdateResult localResult = this.dataSynchronizer.updateMany(
      new UpdateOptions().upsert(this.syncUpdateOptions.isUpsert()));

  return new SyncUpdateResult(
源代码23 项目: ditto   文件: ThingDeleteModel.java
public WriteModel<Document> toMongo() {
    final Bson filter = getFilter();
    final Bson update = new BsonDocument().append(SET,
            new BsonDocument().append(FIELD_DELETE_AT, new BsonDateTime(0L)));
    final UpdateOptions updateOptions = new UpdateOptions().bypassDocumentValidation(true);
    return new UpdateOneModel<>(filter, update, updateOptions);
public Source<List<Throwable>, NotUsed> purge(final CharSequence namespace) {
    final Bson filter = thingNamespaceFilter(namespace);
    final Bson update = new BsonDocument().append(AbstractWriteModel.SET,
            new BsonDocument().append(FIELD_DELETE_AT, new BsonDateTime(0L)));
    final UpdateOptions updateOptions = new UpdateOptions().bypassDocumentValidation(true);
    final WriteModel<Document> writeModel = new UpdateManyModel<>(filter, update, updateOptions);

    return Source.fromPublisher(collection.bulkWrite(Collections.singletonList(writeModel)))
            .map(bulkWriteResult -> Collections.<Throwable>emptyList())
            .recoverWithRetries(1, new PFBuilder<Throwable, Source<List<Throwable>, NotUsed>>()
                    .matchAny(throwable -> Source.single(Collections.singletonList(throwable)))
源代码25 项目: mongowp   文件: MongoConnectionWrapper.java
public void asyncUpdate(
    String database,
    String collection,
    BsonDocument selector,
    BsonDocument update,
    boolean upsert,
    boolean multiUpdate) throws MongoException {

  try {
    UpdateOptions updateOptions = new UpdateOptions().upsert(

    MongoCollection<org.bson.BsonDocument> mongoCollection =
            .getCollection(collection, org.bson.BsonDocument.class);
    org.bson.BsonDocument translatedUpdate =
    if (multiUpdate) {
      mongoCollection.updateMany(translatedUpdate, translatedUpdate, updateOptions);
    } else {
      mongoCollection.updateOne(translatedUpdate, translatedUpdate, updateOptions);
  } catch (com.mongodb.MongoException ex) { //a general Mongo driver exception
    if (ErrorCode.isErrorCode(ex.getCode())) {
      throw toMongoException(ex);
    } else {
      throw toRuntimeMongoException(ex);
源代码26 项目: kafka-connect-mongodb   文件: MongodbSinkTask.java
 * Put the records in the sink.
 * @param collection the set of records to send.
public void put(Collection<SinkRecord> collection) {
    List<SinkRecord> records = new ArrayList<>(collection);
    for (int i = 0; i < records.size(); i++) {
        Map<String, List<WriteModel<Document>>> bulks = new HashMap<>();

        for (int j = 0; j < bulkSize && i < records.size(); j++, i++) {
            SinkRecord record = records.get(i);
            Map<String, Object> jsonMap = SchemaUtils.toJsonMap((Struct) record.value());
            String topic = record.topic();

            if (bulks.get(topic) == null) {
                bulks.put(topic, new ArrayList<WriteModel<Document>>());

            Document newDocument = new Document(jsonMap)
                    .append("_id", record.kafkaOffset());

            log.trace("Adding to bulk: {}", newDocument.toString());
            bulks.get(topic).add(new UpdateOneModel<Document>(
                    Filters.eq("_id", record.kafkaOffset()),
                    new Document("$set", newDocument),
                    new UpdateOptions().upsert(true)));
        log.trace("Executing bulk");
        for (String key : bulks.keySet()) {
            try {
                com.mongodb.bulk.BulkWriteResult result = mapping.get(key).bulkWrite(bulks.get(key));
            } catch (Exception e) {
源代码27 项目: EDDI   文件: UserStore.java
public void updateUser(String userId, User user) throws IResourceStore.ResourceStoreException {
    String jsonUser = serialize(user);
    Document document = Document.parse(jsonUser);

    collection.updateOne(new Document("_id", new ObjectId(userId)),
            new Document("$set", document), new UpdateOptions().upsert(true));
源代码28 项目: EDDI   文件: MongoResourceStorage.java
public void store(IResource currentResource) {
    Resource resource = checkInternalResource(currentResource);
    if (resource.getId() == null) {
    } else {
                Filters.eq("_id", new ObjectId(resource.getId())),
                new Document("$set", resource.getMongoDocument()),
                new UpdateOptions().upsert(true));
源代码29 项目: EDDI   文件: PermissionStore.java
public void updatePermissions(String resourceId, Permissions permissions) throws IResourceStore.ResourceStoreException {
    String jsonPermissions = serialize(permissions);
    Document permissionsDocument = Document.parse(jsonPermissions);

    permissionsDocument.put("_id", new ObjectId(resourceId));

    collection.updateOne(new Document("_id", new ObjectId(resourceId)),
            new Document("$set", permissions), new UpdateOptions().upsert(true));
源代码30 项目: mongo-java-driver-rx   文件: MongoCollectionImpl.java
public Observable<UpdateResult> replaceOne(final Bson filter, final TDocument replacement, final UpdateOptions options) {
    return RxObservables.create(Observables.observe(new Block<SingleResultCallback<UpdateResult>>() {
        public void apply(final SingleResultCallback<UpdateResult> callback) {
            wrapped.replaceOne(filter, replacement, options, callback);
    }), observableAdapter);