

源代码1 项目: secure-data-service   文件: TenantMongoDA.java
  public String getTenantEdOrg(String lzPath) {

      NeutralQuery query = new NeutralQuery(new NeutralCriteria(LANDING_ZONE_PATH, "=", lzPath));
      Entity entity = entityRepository.findOne(TENANT_COLLECTION, query);
      if ( null == entity ) {
	return null;
      Map<String, Object> body = entity.getBody();
      if ( null == body ) {
	return null;
      BasicDBList lzArr = (BasicDBList) body.get(LANDING_ZONE);
      if ( null == lzArr ) {
	return null;
      for( Object lzObj : lzArr ) {
      	Map<String, Object> lz = (Map<String, Object>) lzObj;
      	String path = (String) lz.get(PATH);
      	if ( null != path && path.equals(lzPath) ) {
		return (String) lz.get(EDUCATION_ORGANIZATION);
      return null;
源代码2 项目: bluima   文件: MongoFieldMapping.java
public static void readFieldFromDb(String fieldKey, String range,
        Annotation a, Feature f, BasicDBObject dbO, JCas jCas) {

    if (dbO.containsField(fieldKey)) {

        if (range.equals("String")) {
            a.setStringValue(f, dbO.getString(fieldKey));
        } else if (range.equals("StringArray")) {
            BasicDBList vals = (BasicDBList) dbO.get(fieldKey);
            StringArray sa = new StringArray(jCas, vals.size());
            for (int i = 0; i < vals.size(); i++) {
                sa.set(i, vals.get(i).toString());
            a.setFeatureValue(f, sa);
        } else if (range.equals("Integer")) {
            a.setIntValue(f, dbO.getInt(fieldKey));
        } else if (range.equals("Float")) {
            a.setFloatValue(f, (float) dbO.getDouble(fieldKey));
        } else if (range.equals("Boolean")) {
            a.setBooleanValue(f, dbO.getBoolean(fieldKey));
        } else {
            LOG.warn("range not supported " + range);
源代码3 项目: act   文件: MongoDBToJSON.java
public static DBObject conv(JSONArray a) {
  BasicDBList result = new BasicDBList();
  try {
    for (int i = 0; i < a.length(); ++i) {
      Object o = a.get(i);
      if (o instanceof JSONObject) {
      } else if (o instanceof JSONArray) {
      } else {
    return result;
  } catch (JSONException je) {
    return null;
源代码4 项目: XBDD   文件: Feature.java
 * Uses the '.+' regexp on featureId to allow for symbols such as slashes in the id
 * @param featureId String The featureId to make changes to
 * @return DBObjet Returns the the features new state if changes were made and returns null if bad JSON was sent
public Response putFeature(@BeanParam final Coordinates coordinates, @PathParam("featureId") final String featureId,
		final BasicDBObject feature) {
	feature.put("calculatedStatus", StatusHelper.getFeatureStatus(feature));
	final DBCollection collection = this.mongoLegacyDb.getCollection("features");
	final BasicDBObject example = coordinates.getReportCoordinatesQueryObject().append("id", featureId);
	final DBObject report = collection.findOne(example);

	// get the differences/new edits

	// Detect if the edits caused a change
	feature.put("statusLastEditedBy", LoggedInUserUtil.getLoggedInUser().getDisplay());
	feature.put("lastEditOn", new Date());
	final BasicDBList edits = updateEdits(feature, report);
	feature.put("edits", edits);

	updateTestingTips(this.mongoLegacyDb, coordinates, featureId, feature); // save testing tips / strip them out of the document.
	updateEnvironmentDetails(this.mongoLegacyDb, coordinates, feature);
	Feature.embedTestingTips(feature, coordinates, this.mongoLegacyDb); // rembed testing tips.
	return Response.ok(SerializerUtil.serialise(feature))
			.build();// pull back feature - will re-include tips that were extracted prior to saving
源代码5 项目: swellrt   文件: MongoDbDeltaStoreUtil.java
public static BasicDBObject serialize(TransformedWaveletDelta transformedWaveletDelta) {
  BasicDBObject mongoTransformedWaveletDelta = new BasicDBObject();


  BasicDBList mongoWaveletOperations = new BasicDBList();

  for (WaveletOperation op : transformedWaveletDelta) {

  mongoTransformedWaveletDelta.append(FIELD_OPS, mongoWaveletOperations);

  return mongoTransformedWaveletDelta;
源代码6 项目: birt   文件: QueryProperties.java
static DBObject[] getSecondaryObjectSets( DBObject exprObj )
    if( !(exprObj instanceof BasicDBList) )
        return null;    // no secondary element(s)

    BasicDBList objList = (BasicDBList)exprObj;
    if( objList.size() <= 1 )
        return null;
    // return the second and remaining DBObject(s) from the list
    List<DBObject> secondaryObjList = new ArrayList<DBObject>(objList.size()-1);
    for( int i=1; i < objList.size(); i++ )
        Object value = objList.get(i);
        if( value instanceof DBObject )
            secondaryObjList.add( (DBObject)value );
        else // ignore elements that are not DBObject
            logInvalidTagValue( value );

    if( secondaryObjList.isEmpty() )
        return null;
    return (DBObject[])secondaryObjList.toArray( new DBObject[secondaryObjList.size()] );
源代码7 项目: hvdf   文件: SourceTimeDocumentIdFactory.java
public BasicDBObject getTimeRangeQuery(
		Object sourceId, long timeStart, long minTime) {
	if(sourceId == null){
		// All sources across the time range, cannot use the id index
		return new BasicDBObject(ID_TIME_KEY, new BasicDBObject("$lte", timeStart).append("$gte", minTime));	
	} else if( sourceId instanceof BasicDBList){
		// Create a query from the id components rather than the id itself
		return new BasicDBObject(ID_SOURCE_KEY, new BasicDBObject("$in", sourceId)).append(
				ID_TIME_KEY, new BasicDBObject("$lte", timeStart).append("$gte", minTime));	
	} else {
		// Single sourceId, construct a more optimal ID query for this case
		BasicDBObject startId = new BasicDBObject(
				Sample.SOURCE_KEY, sourceId).append(Sample.TS_KEY, timeStart);
		BasicDBObject minId = new BasicDBObject(
				Sample.SOURCE_KEY, sourceId).append(Sample.TS_KEY, minTime);
		return new BasicDBObject("$lte", startId).append("$gte", minId);
源代码8 项目: sample-acmegifts   文件: Group.java
 * Create a Mongo DB Object baed on the content of this group
 * @param id The Mongo Object id to assign to this DB Object. If null, a new Object id will be
 *     created
 * @return - The Mongo DB Object based on the content of this group
public BasicDBObject getDBObject(boolean includeId) {
  BasicDBObject group = new BasicDBObject();

  if (includeId) {
    group.append(DB_ID, new ObjectId(id));

  group.append(JSON_KEY_GROUP_NAME, name);

  BasicDBList membersArray = new BasicDBList();
  for (int i = 0; i < members.length; i++) {
  group.append(JSON_KEY_MEMBERS_LIST, membersArray);

  return group;
源代码9 项目: act   文件: BingSearchResults.java
public Set<SearchResult> getTopSearchResultsFromCache(String name) {
  Set<SearchResult> searchResults = new HashSet<>();
  String formattedName = name.toLowerCase();
  BasicDBObject nameSearchResultDBObject = bingCacheMongoDB.getNameSearchResultDBObjectFromName(formattedName);
  if (nameSearchResultDBObject == null) {
    return searchResults;
  BasicDBList topSearchResultsList = (BasicDBList) nameSearchResultDBObject.get("topSearchResults");
  if (topSearchResultsList == null) {
    return searchResults;
  for (Object topSearchResult : topSearchResultsList) {
    SearchResult searchResult = new SearchResult();
    BasicDBObject topSearchResultDBObject = (BasicDBObject) topSearchResult;
  return searchResults;
源代码10 项目: gameserver   文件: GameDataManager.java
 * Get the game data from database as a double value array.
 * If it does not exist in database, or is illegal, return an empty double array.
 * @param key
 * @param defaultValue
 * @return
public double[] getGameDataAsDoubleArray(GameDataKey key) {
	Object obj = getValueFromDatabase(key);
	if ( obj == NULL ) {
		return new double[0];
	} else if ( obj instanceof double[] ) {
		return (double[])obj;
	} else {
		BasicDBList list = (BasicDBList)obj;
		double[] array = new double[list.size()];
		for ( int i=0; i<array.length; i++ ) {
			array[i] = (Double)list.get(i);
		return array;
源代码11 项目: hvdf   文件: ChannelServiceTest.java
public void shouldPushToChannel() throws Exception {

	String feedName = "feed1";
	String channelName = "channel1";
	Channel channel = getConfiguredChannel(null, feedName, channelName);
	BasicDBObject sample = new BasicDBObject(Sample.TS_KEY, 100L);
	sample.append(Sample.DATA_KEY, new BasicDBObject("v", 1));
	channel.pushSample(sample, false, new BasicDBList());
	// get the sample by id
	List<Sample> samples = channel.query(null, 200, 150, null, null, 50);
	assertEquals(samples.size(), 1);
	Sample found = samples.get(0);
	assertEquals(found.getTimeStamp(), 100);    	
@Test public void testDiscoverFieldsNestedArray() throws Exception {

  BasicDBObject doc = new BasicDBObject();
  BasicDBList list = new BasicDBList();
  list.add( new BasicDBObject( "bar", BigDecimal.valueOf( 123.123 ) ) );
  Date date = new Date();
  list.add( new BasicDBObject( "fap",  date ) );
  doc.put( "foo", list );
  doc.put( "baz", new BasicDBObject( "bop", new BasicDBObject( "fop", false ) ) );
  when( cursor.next() ).thenReturn( doc );
  List<MongoField> fields =
          .discoverFields( new MongoProperties.Builder(), "mydb", "mycollection", "", "", false, NUM_DOCS_TO_SAMPLE,
              inputMeta );
  validateFields( fields,
      "bar", "foo.0.bar", 123.123,           // field 0
      "fap", "foo.1.fap", date,              // field 1
      "fop", "baz.bop.fop", "stringValue" ); // field 2
源代码13 项目: hvdf   文件: ChannelConfigTest.java
public void testInterceptorOrdering() throws Exception {

	String feedName = "feed3";
	String channelName = "channel1";
	String configPath = "plugin_config/interceptor_ordering.json";   	
	// Try to configure
	Channel channel = getConfiguredChannel(configPath, feedName, channelName);

	BasicDBObject sample = new BasicDBObject(Sample.TS_KEY, 100L);
	sample.append(Sample.DATA_KEY, new BasicDBObject("v", 240));
	channel.pushSample(sample, false, new BasicDBList());
	List<Sample> recalled = channel.query(null, 1000, 1000, null, null, 1);
	// The interceptors should have added the field x and then posted the values [2,1]
	BasicDBList testList = (BasicDBList) recalled.get(0).getData().get("x");
	assertEquals(testList.get(0), 2);
	assertEquals(testList.get(1), 1);   	
源代码14 项目: hvdf   文件: RequiredFieldsInterceptor.java
public void pushSample(DBObject sample, boolean isList, BasicDBList resultIds) {
	if(sample != null && isList){
		for(Object sampleObj : (BasicDBList)sample){
			validate((BasicDBObject) sampleObj, resultIds);
		validate((BasicDBObject)sample, resultIds);
	// Call forward the interceptor chain
	this.next.pushSample(sample, isList, resultIds);
源代码15 项目: hvdf   文件: PluginConfiguration.java
public <T> List<T> getList(String itemName, Class<T> listOf) {
	List<T> list = new ArrayList<T>();
	Object itemObj = rawDocument.get(itemName);

	if(itemObj != null){
		// Must be a list
		if(itemObj instanceof BasicDBList){
			BasicDBList rawList = (BasicDBList)itemObj;
			for(Object listEntry : rawList){
				list.add(fromObject(itemName, listOf, listEntry));
			throw new ServiceException("Config item is not List", 
						set("configuring", targetClass).
						set(itemName, itemObj).
						set("expectedListOf", listOf);	
	// If the item doesnt exist
	return list;	
源代码16 项目: XBDD   文件: AutomationStatistics.java
public Response getRecentBuildStatsForProduct(@BeanParam final Coordinates coordinates, @QueryParam("limit") final Integer limit) {
	final BasicDBList returns = new BasicDBList();
	final DBCollection collection = this.mongoLegacyDb.getCollection("reportStats");
	final BasicDBObject example = coordinates.getQueryObject(Field.PRODUCT);
	final DBCursor cursor = collection.find(example).sort(Coordinates.getFeatureSortingObject());
	if (limit != null) {
	try {
		while (cursor.hasNext()) {
			final DBObject doc = cursor.next();
	} finally {
	return Response.ok(SerializerUtil.serialise(returns)).build();
源代码17 项目: gameserver   文件: GameDataManager.java
 * Get the game data from database as a int value array.
 * If it does not exist in database, or is illegal, return an empty double array.
 * @param key
 * @param defaultValue
 * @return
public int[] getGameDataAsIntArray(GameDataKey key) {
	Object obj = getValueFromDatabase(key);
	if ( obj == NULL ) {
		return new int[0];
	} else if ( obj instanceof double[] ) {
		return (int[])obj;
	} else {
		BasicDBList list = (BasicDBList)obj;
		int[] array = new int[list.size()];
		for ( int i=0; i<array.length; i++ ) {
			array[i] = (Integer)list.get(i);
		return array;
源代码18 项目: secure-data-service   文件: MongoCommanderTest.java
public void testPreSplit() {
    List<DBObject> shards = new ArrayList<DBObject>();
    shards.add(new BasicDBObject("_id", "shard0"));
    shards.add(new BasicDBObject("_id", "shard1"));
    BasicDBList listShards = new BasicDBList();
    listShards.add(new BasicDBObject("shards", shards));

    List<String> lShards = new ArrayList<String>();

    Mockito.when(db.command((DBObject) Matchers.any())).thenReturn(res);
    String result = MongoCommander.preSplit(shardCollections, dbName, mockedMongoTemplate);

    Mockito.verify(db, Mockito.times(1)).command(new BasicDBObject("enableSharding", dbName));
    Mockito.verify(db, Mockito.times(2)).command(new BasicDBObject("listShards", 1));
    //Verify total number of mongo command calls
    Mockito.verify(db, Mockito.times(13)).command(Matchers.any(DBObject.class));

    //For setBalancerState
    Mockito.verify(settings, Mockito.times(1)).update(Matchers.any(DBObject.class), Matchers.any(DBObject.class), Matchers.eq(true), Matchers.eq(false));
源代码19 项目: socialite   文件: FanoutOnWriteToCache.java
private void fanoutContent(final List<User> followers, final Content content){
    BasicDBList contentList  = new BasicDBList();

    // Build list of target users
    BasicDBList followerIds = new BasicDBList();
    for(User user : followers) {
    // Push to the cache of all followers, note that upsert is set to
    // true so that if there is no cache for a user it does not create
    // it (intentionally)
    final BasicDBObject query = findMany(ContentCache.CACHE_OWNER_KEY, followerIds);
    final BasicDBObject update = pushToCappedArray(
            ContentCache.CACHE_TIMELINE_KEY, contentList, config.cache_size_limit);
    this.cacheCollection.update(query, update, false, true);        
源代码20 项目: XBDD   文件: Feature.java
private String calculateStatusForFeature(final DBObject feature) {
	String currentBgStatus = "passed", currentStepsStatus = "passed";

	final BasicDBList scenarios = (BasicDBList) feature.get("elements");
	for (final Object scenario : scenarios) {
		final BasicDBObject background = (BasicDBObject) ((BasicDBObject) scenario).get("background");
		if (background != null) {
			final BasicDBList bgsteps = (BasicDBList) background.get("steps");
			currentBgStatus = calculateStatusForSteps(currentBgStatus, bgsteps);
		final BasicDBList steps = (BasicDBList) ((BasicDBObject) scenario).get("steps");
		if (steps != null) {
			currentStepsStatus = calculateStatusForSteps(currentStepsStatus, steps);
	return compareStatusPriority(currentBgStatus, currentStepsStatus);
源代码21 项目: hvdf   文件: FeedResource.java
public String pushToChannel(
        @PathParam("feed") String feedId,
        @PathParam("channel") String channelId,
        @QueryParam("sample") JSONParam sample ) {

    // Find the correct channel implementation
	Channel channel = channelService.getChannel(feedId, channelId);
    // push it to the channel correct
	DBObject sampleObj = sample.toDBObject();
	BasicDBList sid = new BasicDBList();
	channel.pushSample(sampleObj, sampleObj instanceof BasicDBList, sid);
    // return the ID
    return JSON.serialize(sid);
源代码22 项目: act   文件: MongoDB.java
public Set<Long> getOrganismIDs(Long reactionID) {
  if (reactionID < 0) {
    reactionID = Reaction.reverseID(reactionID);
  DBObject query = new BasicDBObject();
  query.put("_id", reactionID);
  Set<Long> ids = new HashSet<Long>();
  DBObject reaction = this.dbReactions.findOne(query);
  if (reaction != null) {
    BasicDBList orgs = (BasicDBList) reaction.get("organisms");
    for(Object o : orgs) {
      ids.add((Long)((DBObject) o).get("id")); // checked: db type IS long
  return ids;
源代码23 项目: act   文件: MongoDB.java
public Seq convertDBObjectToSeq(DBObject o) {
  long id = (Integer)o.get("_id"); // checked: db type IS int
  String ecnum = (String)o.get("ecnum");
  String org_name = (String)o.get("org");
  Long org_id = (Long)o.get("org_id");
  String aa_seq = (String)o.get("seq");
  String srcdb = (String)o.get("src");

  BasicDBList refs = (BasicDBList)o.get("references");
  DBObject meta = (DBObject)o.get("metadata");
  BasicDBList rxn_refs = (BasicDBList) (o.get("rxn_refs"));

  if (srcdb == null) srcdb = Seq.AccDB.swissprot.name();
  Seq.AccDB src = Seq.AccDB.valueOf(srcdb); // genbank | uniprot | trembl | embl | swissprot

  List<JSONObject> references = new ArrayList<>();
  if (refs != null) for (Object r : refs) references.add(MongoDBToJSON.conv((DBObject) r));

  String dummyString = ""; // for type differentiation in overloaded method
  Long dummyLong = 0L; // for type differentiation in overloaded method

  Set<Long> rxns_catalyzed = from_dblist(rxn_refs, dummyLong);

  return Seq.rawInit(id, ecnum, org_id, org_name, aa_seq, references, meta, src,
                      // the rest of the params are the ones that are typically
                      // "constructed". But since we are reading from the DB, we manually init
源代码24 项目: pandaria   文件: MongoClient.java
private BasicDBList toList(MongoCursor<Document> iterator) {
    BasicDBList list = new BasicDBList();
    while (iterator.hasNext()) {
    return list;
源代码25 项目: act   文件: MongoDB.java
public List<Reaction> getRxnsWithAll(List<Long> reactants, List<Long> products) {

    if (reactants.size() == 0 && products.size() == 0) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Reactants and products both empty! Query would return entire DB.");
    BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject();

    if (!reactants.isEmpty()) {
      BasicDBList substrateIds = new BasicDBList();
      query.put("enz_summary.substrates.pubchem", new BasicDBObject("$all", substrateIds));

    if (!products.isEmpty()) {
      BasicDBList productIds = new BasicDBList();
      query.put("enz_summary.products.pubchem", new BasicDBObject("$all", productIds));

    DBCursor cur = this.dbReactions.find(query);
    List<Reaction> reactions = new ArrayList<Reaction>();

    try {
      while (cur.hasNext()) {
        DBObject o = cur.next();
    } finally {

    return reactions;
源代码26 项目: hvdf   文件: MongoDBQueryHelpers.java
public static BasicDBObject pushToCappedArray(
        final String fieldKey, final BasicDBList items, final int limit) {
    return new BasicDBObject("$push",
           new BasicDBObject(fieldKey,
           new BasicDBObject("$each", items)
           .append("$slice", -limit)));
源代码27 项目: sample-acmegifts   文件: Occasion.java
public static List<Contribution> dbListToList(BasicDBList dbl) {
  String method = "dbListToList";
  logger.entering(clazz, method, dbl);

  List<Contribution> contributions = new ArrayList<>();
  for (Object dbo : ListUtils.emptyIfNull(dbl)) {
    contributions.add(new Contribution((BasicDBObject) dbo));

  logger.exiting(clazz, method, listToString(contributions));
  return contributions;
源代码28 项目: XBDD   文件: Recents.java
public Response addBuildToRecents(@BeanParam final Coordinates coordinates) {

	final DBObject buildCoords = coordinates.getReportCoordinates();

	final DBCollection collection = this.mongoLegacyDb.getCollection("users");

	final BasicDBObject user = new BasicDBObject();
	user.put("user_id", LoggedInUserUtil.getLoggedInUser().getUserId());

	final DBObject blank = new BasicDBObject();
	final DBObject doc = collection.findAndModify(user, blank, blank, false, new BasicDBObject("$set", user), true, true);

	if (doc.containsField("recentBuilds")) {
		final BasicDBList buildArray = (BasicDBList) doc.get("recentBuilds");
		if (buildArray.contains(buildCoords)) {
			// BasicDBObject toMove = (BasicDBObject) featureArray.get(featureArray.indexOf(featureDetails));
			collection.update(user, new BasicDBObject("$set", new BasicDBObject("recentBuilds", buildArray)));
		} else {
			if (buildArray.size() >= 5) {
				collection.update(user, new BasicDBObject("$pop", new BasicDBObject("recentBuilds", "-1")));
			collection.update(user, new BasicDBObject("$addToSet", new BasicDBObject("recentBuilds", buildCoords)));
	} else {
		collection.update(user, new BasicDBObject("$addToSet", new BasicDBObject("recentBuilds", buildCoords)));

	return Response.ok().build();
源代码29 项目: sample-acmegifts   文件: GroupResource.java
public Response getGroups(@QueryParam("userId") String userId) {
  // Validate the JWT. At this point, anyone can get a group list if they
  // have a valid JWT.
  try {
  } catch (JWTException jwte) {
    return Response.status(Status.UNAUTHORIZED)

  DBCursor groupCursor = null;
  BasicDBList groupList = new BasicDBList();
  if (userId != null) {
    if (!ObjectId.isValid(userId)) {
      return Response.status(Status.BAD_REQUEST)
          .entity("The user id provided is not valid.")

    BasicDBObject queryObj = new BasicDBObject(Group.JSON_KEY_MEMBERS_LIST, userId);
    groupCursor = getGroupCollection().find(queryObj);
  } else {
    groupCursor = getGroupCollection().find();

  while (groupCursor.hasNext()) {
    groupList.add((new Group(groupCursor.next()).getJson()));

  String responsePayload = (new BasicDBObject(Group.JSON_KEY_GROUPS, groupList)).toString();

  return Response.ok(responsePayload).build();
源代码30 项目: XBDD   文件: Presence.java
public Response getPresencesForBuild(@BeanParam final Coordinates coordinates) {
	final DBCollection collection = this.mongoLegacyDb.getCollection("presence");
	final BasicDBObject query = coordinates.getQueryObject(Field.PRODUCT, Field.VERSION, Field.BUILD);
	final BasicDBList presencesForBuild = new BasicDBList();
	final DBCursor cursor = collection.find(query);
	while (cursor.hasNext()) {
	return Response.ok(SerializerUtil.serialise(presencesForBuild)).build();
