

源代码1 项目: quarkus   文件: ReactiveMongoOperations.java
private static Uni<Void> persistOrUpdate(ReactiveMongoCollection collection, Object entity) {
    //we transform the entity as a document first
    BsonDocument document = getBsonDocument(collection, entity);

    //then we get its id field and create a new Document with only this one that will be our replace query
    BsonValue id = document.get(ID);
    if (id == null) {
        //insert with autogenerated ID
        return collection.insertOne(entity).onItem().ignore().andContinueWithNull();
    } else {
        //insert with user provided ID or update
        BsonDocument query = new BsonDocument().append(ID, id);
        return collection.replaceOne(query, entity, new ReplaceOptions().upsert(true))
源代码2 项目: quarkus   文件: ReactiveMongoOperations.java
private static Uni<Void> persistOrUpdate(ReactiveMongoCollection collection, List<Object> entities) {
    //this will be an ordered bulk: it's less performant than a unordered one but will fail at the first failed write
    List<WriteModel> bulk = new ArrayList<>();
    for (Object entity : entities) {
        //we transform the entity as a document first
        BsonDocument document = getBsonDocument(collection, entity);

        //then we get its id field and create a new Document with only this one that will be our replace query
        BsonValue id = document.get(ID);
        if (id == null) {
            //insert with autogenerated ID
            bulk.add(new InsertOneModel(entity));
        } else {
            //insert with user provided ID or update
            BsonDocument query = new BsonDocument().append(ID, id);
            bulk.add(new ReplaceOneModel(query, entity,
                    new ReplaceOptions().upsert(true)));

    return collection.bulkWrite(bulk).onItem().ignore().andContinueWithNull();
源代码3 项目: quarkus   文件: MongoOperations.java
private static void persistOrUpdate(MongoCollection collection, List<Object> entities) {
    //this will be an ordered bulk: it's less performant than a unordered one but will fail at the first failed write
    List<WriteModel> bulk = new ArrayList<>();
    for (Object entity : entities) {
        //we transform the entity as a document first
        BsonDocument document = getBsonDocument(collection, entity);

        //then we get its id field and create a new Document with only this one that will be our replace query
        BsonValue id = document.get(ID);
        if (id == null) {
            //insert with autogenerated ID
            bulk.add(new InsertOneModel(entity));
        } else {
            //insert with user provided ID or update
            BsonDocument query = new BsonDocument().append(ID, id);
            bulk.add(new ReplaceOneModel(query, entity,
                    new ReplaceOptions().upsert(true)));

源代码4 项目: core-ng-project   文件: MongoCollectionImpl.java
public void replace(T entity) {
    var watch = new StopWatch();
    Object id = null;
    try {
        id = mongo.codecs.id(entity);
        if (id == null) throw new Error(format("entity must have id, entityClass={}", entityClass.getCanonicalName()));
        collection().replaceOne(Filters.eq("_id", id), entity, new ReplaceOptions().upsert(true));
    } finally {
        long elapsed = watch.elapsed();
        ActionLogContext.track("mongo", elapsed, 0, 1);
        logger.debug("replace, collection={}, id={}, elapsed={}", collectionName, id, elapsed);
源代码5 项目: morphia   文件: DatastoreImpl.java
protected <T> void saveDocument(final T entity, final MongoCollection<T> collection, final InsertOneOptions options) {
    Object id = mapper.getMappedClass(entity.getClass()).getIdField().getFieldValue(entity);
    ClientSession clientSession = findSession(options);

    if (id == null) {
        if (clientSession == null) {
            options.prepare(collection).insertOne(entity, options.getOptions());
        } else {
            options.prepare(collection).insertOne(clientSession, entity, options.getOptions());
    } else {
        ReplaceOptions updateOptions = new ReplaceOptions()
        MongoCollection<T> updated = collection;
        if (options.writeConcern() != null) {
            updated = collection.withWriteConcern(options.writeConcern());
        if (clientSession == null) {
            updated.replaceOne(new Document("_id", id), entity, updateOptions);
        } else {
            updated.replaceOne(clientSession, new Document("_id", id), entity, updateOptions);
源代码6 项目: quarkus   文件: CollectionManagementTest.java
void replaceOne() {
    ReactiveMongoDatabase database = client.getDatabase(DATABASE);
    ReactiveMongoCollection<Document> collection = database.getCollection("test");

                    .insertOne(new Document("id", 1).append("name", "superman").append("type", "heroes")
                            .append("stars", 5))
                    new Document("id", 2).append("name", "batman").append("type", "heroes").append("stars", 4))
                    .insertOne(new Document("id", 3).append("name", "frogman").append("type", "villain")
                            .append("stars", 1))
                    new Document("id", 4).append("name", "joker").append("type", "villain").append("stars", 5))

    Document newVillain = new Document("id", 5).append("name", "lex lutor").append("type", "villain")
            .append("stars", 3);
    Document newHeroes = new Document("id", 6).append("name", "supergirl").append("type", "heroes")
            .append("stars", 2);

    UpdateResult result = collection
            .replaceOne(new Document("id", 3), newVillain, new ReplaceOptions().bypassDocumentValidation(true))
    UpdateResult result2 = collection.replaceOne(new Document("id", 2), newHeroes).await().indefinitely();
    UpdateResult result3 = collection.replaceOne(new Document("id", 50), newHeroes).await().indefinitely();

源代码7 项目: quarkus   文件: MongoOperations.java
private static void persistOrUpdate(MongoCollection collection, Object entity) {
    //we transform the entity as a document first
    BsonDocument document = getBsonDocument(collection, entity);

    //then we get its id field and create a new Document with only this one that will be our replace query
    BsonValue id = document.get(ID);
    if (id == null) {
        //insert with autogenerated ID
    } else {
        //insert with user provided ID or update
        BsonDocument query = new BsonDocument().append(ID, id);
        collection.replaceOne(query, entity, new ReplaceOptions().upsert(true));
源代码8 项目: redtorch   文件: MongoDBClient.java
 * 更新或插入数据
 * @param dbName
 * @param collectionName
 * @param document
 * @param filter
 * @return
public boolean upsert(String dbName, String collectionName, Document document, Document filter) {
	if (document != null) {
		ReplaceOptions replaceOptions = new ReplaceOptions();
		mongoClient.getDatabase(dbName).getCollection(collectionName).replaceOne(filter, document, replaceOptions);
		return true;
	return false;
源代码9 项目: redtorch   文件: MarketDataServiceBasicImpl.java
public boolean upsertBar(String dbName, String collectionName, List<BarField> barList) {

	if (barList == null || barList.isEmpty()) {
		return false;

	List<WriteModel<Document>> writeModelList = new ArrayList<WriteModel<Document>>();

	long beginTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
	for (BarField bar : barList) {
		Document filterDocument = new Document();
		filterDocument.put("unifiedSymbol", bar.getUnifiedSymbol());
		filterDocument.put("actionTimestamp", bar.getActionTimestamp());

		Document barDocument = barToDocument(bar);
		ReplaceOptions replaceOptions = new ReplaceOptions();

		ReplaceOneModel<Document> replaceOneModel = new ReplaceOneModel<Document>(filterDocument, barDocument, replaceOptions);
	logger.info("更新插入Bar集合,数据库{},集合{},数据转换耗时{}ms,共{}条数据", dbName, collectionName, (System.currentTimeMillis() - beginTime), barList.size());
	beginTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
	todayMarketDataDBClient.getDatabase(dbName).getCollection(collectionName).createIndex(Indexes.ascending("actionTimestamp", "unifiedSymbol"));
	logger.info("更新插入Bar集合,数据库{},集合{},数据库操作耗时{}ms,共{}条操作", dbName, collectionName, (System.currentTimeMillis() - beginTime), writeModelList.size());
	return true;
源代码10 项目: redtorch   文件: MarketDataServiceBasicImpl.java
public boolean upsertTick(String dbName, String collectionName, List<TickField> tickList) {

	if (tickList == null || tickList.isEmpty()) {
		return false;

	List<WriteModel<Document>> writeModelList = new ArrayList<WriteModel<Document>>();

	long beginTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
	for (TickField tick : tickList) {
		Document filterDocument = new Document();
		filterDocument.put("unifiedSymbol", tick.getUnifiedSymbol());
		filterDocument.put("actionTimestamp", tick.getActionTimestamp());

		Document tickDocument = tickToDocument(tick);
		ReplaceOptions replaceOptions = new ReplaceOptions();

		ReplaceOneModel<Document> replaceOneModel = new ReplaceOneModel<Document>(filterDocument, tickDocument, replaceOptions);
	logger.info("更新插入Tick集合,数据库{},集合{},数据转换耗时{}ms,共{}条数据", dbName, collectionName, (System.currentTimeMillis() - beginTime), tickList.size());
	beginTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
	logger.info("更新插入Tick集合,数据库{},集合{},数据库操作耗时{}ms,共{}条操作", dbName, collectionName, (System.currentTimeMillis() - beginTime), writeModelList.size());
	return true;
源代码11 项目: Shadbot   文件: LotteryHistoric.java
public Mono<Void> insert() {
    LOGGER.debug("[LotteryHistoric] Insertion");

    return Mono.from(DatabaseManager.getLottery()
            .replaceOne(Filters.eq("_id", "historic"),
                    new ReplaceOptions().upsert(true)))
            .doOnNext(result -> LOGGER.trace("[LotteryHistoric] Insertion result: {}", result))
            .doOnTerminate(() -> DB_REQUEST_COUNTER.labels(LotteryCollection.NAME).inc());
源代码12 项目: LuckPerms   文件: MongoStorage.java
public void saveUser(User user) {
    try {
        MongoCollection<Document> c = this.database.getCollection(this.prefix + "users");
        if (!this.plugin.getUserManager().shouldSave(user)) {
            c.deleteOne(new Document("_id", user.getUniqueId()));
        } else {
            c.replaceOne(new Document("_id", user.getUniqueId()), userToDoc(user), new ReplaceOptions().upsert(true));
    } finally {
源代码13 项目: LuckPerms   文件: MongoStorage.java
public void saveGroup(Group group) {
    try {
        MongoCollection<Document> c = this.database.getCollection(this.prefix + "groups");
        c.replaceOne(new Document("_id", group.getName()), groupToDoc(group), new ReplaceOptions().upsert(true));
    } finally {
源代码14 项目: LuckPerms   文件: MongoStorage.java
public PlayerSaveResult savePlayerData(UUID uniqueId, String username) {
    username = username.toLowerCase();
    MongoCollection<Document> c = this.database.getCollection(this.prefix + "uuid");

    // find any existing mapping
    String oldUsername = getPlayerName(uniqueId);

    // do the insert
    if (!username.equalsIgnoreCase(oldUsername)) {
        c.replaceOne(new Document("_id", uniqueId), new Document("_id", uniqueId).append("name", username), new ReplaceOptions().upsert(true));

    PlayerSaveResultImpl result = PlayerSaveResultImpl.determineBaseResult(username, oldUsername);

    Set<UUID> conflicting = new HashSet<>();
    try (MongoCursor<Document> cursor = c.find(new Document("name", username)).iterator()) {
        while (cursor.hasNext()) {

    if (!conflicting.isEmpty()) {
        // remove the mappings for conflicting uuids
        c.deleteMany(Filters.and(conflicting.stream().map(u -> Filters.eq("_id", u)).collect(Collectors.toList())));
        result = result.withOtherUuidsPresent(conflicting);

    return result;
源代码15 项目: rya   文件: MongoRyaInstanceDetailsRepository.java
public void update(final RyaDetails oldDetails, final RyaDetails newDetails)
        throws NotInitializedException, ConcurrentUpdateException, RyaDetailsRepositoryException {
    // Preconditions.

    if(!newDetails.getRyaInstanceName().equals( instanceName )) {
        throw new RyaDetailsRepositoryException("The instance name that was in the provided 'newDetails' does not match " +
                "the instance name that this repository is connected to. Make sure you're connected to the" +
                "correct Rya instance.");

    if(!isInitialized()) {
        throw new NotInitializedException("Could not update the details for the Rya instanced named '" +
                instanceName + "' because it has not been initialized yet.");

    if(oldDetails.equals(newDetails)) {

    final MongoCollection<Document> col = db.getCollection(INSTANCE_DETAILS_COLLECTION_NAME);
    final Document oldObj = MongoDetailsAdapter.toDocument(oldDetails);
    final Document newObj = MongoDetailsAdapter.toDocument(newDetails);
    final UpdateResult result = col.replaceOne(oldObj, newObj, new ReplaceOptions());

    //since there is only 1 document, there should only be 1 update.
    if(result.getModifiedCount() != 1) {
        throw new ConcurrentUpdateException("Could not update the details for the Rya instance named '" +
            instanceName + "' because the old value is out of date.");
public Publisher<UpdateResult> replaceOne(final Bson filter, final TDocument replacement, final ReplaceOptions options) {
    return new ObservableToPublisher<UpdateResult>(com.mongodb.async.client.Observables.observe(
            new Block<com.mongodb.async.SingleResultCallback<UpdateResult>>() {
                public void apply(final com.mongodb.async.SingleResultCallback<UpdateResult> callback) {
                    wrapped.replaceOne(filter, replacement, options, callback);
public Publisher<UpdateResult> replaceOne(final ClientSession clientSession, final Bson filter, final TDocument replacement,
                                          final ReplaceOptions options) {
    return new ObservableToPublisher<UpdateResult>(com.mongodb.async.client.Observables.observe(
            new Block<com.mongodb.async.SingleResultCallback<UpdateResult>>() {
                public void apply(final com.mongodb.async.SingleResultCallback<UpdateResult> callback) {
                    wrapped.replaceOne(clientSession.getWrapped(), filter, replacement, options, callback);
源代码18 项目: immutables   文件: MongoSession.java
 * Uses <a href="https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/method/db.collection.replaceOne/">replaceOne</a> operation
 * with <a href="https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/method/db.collection.bulkWrite/">bulkWrite</a>. Right now has to convert
 * object to BsonDocument to extract {@code _id} attribute.
private <T> Publisher<WriteResult> update(StandardOperations.Update operation) {
  ReplaceOptions options = new ReplaceOptions();
  if (operation.upsert()) {

  List<ReplaceOneModel<Object>> docs =  operation.values().stream()
          .map(value -> new ReplaceOneModel<>(new BsonDocument(Mongos.ID_FIELD_NAME, toBsonValue(keyExtractor.extract(value))), value, options))

  Publisher<BulkWriteResult> publisher = ((MongoCollection<Object>) collection).bulkWrite(docs);
  return Flowable.fromPublisher(publisher).map(x -> WriteResult.unknown());
源代码19 项目: quarkus   文件: ReactiveMongoCollectionImpl.java
public Uni<UpdateResult> replaceOne(Bson filter, T replacement, ReplaceOptions options) {
    return Wrappers.toUni(collection.replaceOne(filter, replacement, options));
源代码20 项目: quarkus   文件: ReactiveMongoCollectionImpl.java
public Uni<UpdateResult> replaceOne(ClientSession clientSession, Bson filter, T replacement,
        ReplaceOptions options) {
    return Wrappers.toUni(collection.replaceOne(clientSession, filter, replacement, options));
源代码21 项目: stitch-android-sdk   文件: DataSynchronizer.java
 * Replaces a single synchronized document by its given id with the given full document
 * replacement. No replacement will occur if the _id is not being synchronized.
 * @param nsConfig   the namespace sync configuration of the namespace where the document lives.
 * @param documentId the _id of the document.
 * @param document   the replacement document.
private LocalSyncWriteModelContainer updateOrUpsertOneFromResolution(
    final NamespaceSynchronizationConfig nsConfig,
    final BsonValue documentId,
    final BsonDocument document,
    final BsonDocument atVersion,
    final CompactChangeEvent<BsonDocument> remoteEvent
) {
  final MongoNamespace namespace = nsConfig.getNamespace();
  final ChangeEvent<BsonDocument> event;
  final Lock lock =
  final CoreDocumentSynchronizationConfig config;
  final BsonDocument docForStorage;
  try {
    config =
        syncConfig.getSynchronizedDocument(namespace, documentId);
    if (config == null) {
      return null;

    // Remove forbidden fields from the resolved document before it will updated/upserted in the
    // local collection.
    docForStorage = sanitizeDocument(document);

    if (document.get("_id") == null && remoteEvent.getDocumentKey().get("_id") != null) {
      document.put("_id", remoteEvent.getDocumentKey().get("_id"));

    if (remoteEvent.getOperationType() == OperationType.DELETE) {
      event = ChangeEvents.changeEventForLocalInsert(namespace, docForStorage, true);
    } else {
      if (remoteEvent.getFullDocument() != null) {
        event = ChangeEvents.changeEventForLocalUpdate(
      } else {
        // We can't compute an update description here since we don't know what the remote full
        // document looks like. This means that if rules prevent us from writing to the entire
        // document, we would need to fetch the document to compute the update description, which
        // is not something we want to do. One potential option to get around this would be to
        // change the server-side logic for replaces to add a "merge" argument, that would
        // translate the replace sent by this client to an update that only modifies the fields
        // it has the permission to see.
        // See STITCH-2888
        event = ChangeEvents.changeEventForLocalReplace(
  } finally {

  final LocalSyncWriteModelContainer syncWriteModelContainer = newWriteModelContainer(nsConfig);

      new ReplaceOneModel<>(getDocumentIdFilter(documentId), docForStorage,
          new ReplaceOptions().upsert(true)));
      new ReplaceOneModel<>(CoreDocumentSynchronizationConfig.getDocFilter(
          namespace, config.getDocumentId()), config));

  return syncWriteModelContainer;
源代码22 项目: stitch-android-sdk   文件: DataSynchronizer.java
 * Replaces a single synchronized document by its given id with the given full document
 * replacement. No replacement will occur if the _id is not being synchronized.
 * @param nsConfig  the namespace synchronization config of the namespace where the document
 *                  lives.
 * @param documentId the _id of the document.
 * @param remoteDocument   the replacement document.
private LocalSyncWriteModelContainer replaceOrUpsertOneFromRemote(
    final NamespaceSynchronizationConfig nsConfig,
    final BsonValue documentId,
    final BsonDocument remoteDocument,
    final BsonDocument atVersion
) {
  final MongoNamespace namespace = nsConfig.getNamespace();
  final ChangeEvent<BsonDocument> event;
  final Lock lock =
  final BsonDocument docForStorage;
  final CoreDocumentSynchronizationConfig config;
  try {
    config = syncConfig.getSynchronizedDocument(namespace, documentId);
    if (config == null) {
      return null;

    docForStorage = sanitizeDocument(remoteDocument);

    config.setPendingWritesComplete(HashUtils.hash(docForStorage), atVersion);

    event = ChangeEvents.changeEventForLocalReplace(namespace, documentId, docForStorage, false);
  } finally {

  final LocalSyncWriteModelContainer container = newWriteModelContainer(nsConfig);

  container.addLocalWrite(new ReplaceOneModel<>(
      new ReplaceOptions().upsert(true)));
  container.addConfigWrite(new ReplaceOneModel<>(
      CoreDocumentSynchronizationConfig.getDocFilter(namespace, config.getDocumentId()
      ), config));

  return container;
源代码23 项目: ditto   文件: ThingWriteModel.java
private static ReplaceOptions upsert() {
    return new ReplaceOptions().upsert(true);
public V createOrUpdate(final V value, final long maxTime, final TimeUnit timeUnit) {
    final Document doc = encode(value);
    collectionWithWriteTimeout(maxTime, timeUnit)
            .replaceOne(byId(keyOf(value)), doc, new ReplaceOptions().upsert(true));
    return decode(doc);
public Publisher<UpdateResult> replaceOne(final Bson filter, final TDocument replacement) {
    return replaceOne(filter, replacement, new ReplaceOptions());
public Publisher<UpdateResult> replaceOne(final ClientSession clientSession, final Bson filter, final TDocument replacement) {
    return replaceOne(clientSession, filter, replacement, new ReplaceOptions());
源代码27 项目: quarkus   文件: ReactiveMongoCollection.java
 * Replace a document in the collection according to the specified arguments.
 * @param filter the query filter to apply the the replace operation
 * @param replacement the replacement document
 * @param options the options to apply to the replace operation
 * @return a {@link Uni} receiving the {@link UpdateResult}
Uni<UpdateResult> replaceOne(Bson filter, T replacement, ReplaceOptions options);
源代码28 项目: quarkus   文件: ReactiveMongoCollection.java
 * Replace a document in the collection according to the specified arguments.
 * @param clientSession the client session with which to associate this operation
 * @param filter the query filter to apply the the replace operation
 * @param replacement the replacement document
 * @param options the options to apply to the replace operation
 * @return a {@link Uni} receiving the {@link UpdateResult}
Uni<UpdateResult> replaceOne(ClientSession clientSession, Bson filter, T replacement,
        ReplaceOptions options);
 * Replace a document in the collection according to the specified arguments.
 * @param filter      the query filter to apply the the replace operation
 * @param replacement the replacement document
 * @param options     the options to apply to the replace operation
 * @return a publisher with a single element the UpdateResult
 * @mongodb.driver.manual tutorial/modify-documents/#replace-the-document Replace
 * @since 1.8
Publisher<UpdateResult> replaceOne(Bson filter, TDocument replacement, ReplaceOptions options);
 * Replace a document in the collection according to the specified arguments.
 * @param clientSession the client session with which to associate this operation
 * @param filter      the query filter to apply the the replace operation
 * @param replacement the replacement document
 * @param options     the options to apply to the replace operation
 * @return a publisher with a single element the UpdateResult
 * @mongodb.driver.manual tutorial/modify-documents/#replace-the-document Replace
 * @mongodb.server.release 3.6
 * @since 1.8
Publisher<UpdateResult> replaceOne(ClientSession clientSession, Bson filter, TDocument replacement, ReplaceOptions options);