

源代码1 项目: ditto   文件: MongoSearchUpdaterFlow.java
private Source<WriteResultAndErrors, NotUsed> executeBulkWrite(
        final List<AbstractWriteModel> abstractWriteModels) {
    final List<WriteModel<Document>> writeModels = abstractWriteModels.stream()
    return Source.fromPublisher(collection.bulkWrite(writeModels, new BulkWriteOptions().ordered(false)))
            .map(bulkWriteResult -> WriteResultAndErrors.success(abstractWriteModels, bulkWriteResult))
            .recoverWithRetries(1, new PFBuilder<Throwable, Source<WriteResultAndErrors, NotUsed>>()
                    .match(MongoBulkWriteException.class, bulkWriteException ->
                            Source.single(WriteResultAndErrors.failure(abstractWriteModels, bulkWriteException))
                    .matchAny(error ->
                            Source.single(WriteResultAndErrors.unexpectedError(abstractWriteModels, error))
源代码2 项目: ditto   文件: BulkWriteResultAckFlowTest.java
public void partialSuccess() {
    final List<AbstractWriteModel> writeModels = generate5WriteModels();
    final BulkWriteResult result = BulkWriteResult.acknowledged(1, 2, 1, 2, List.of());
    final List<BulkWriteError> updateFailure = List.of(
            new BulkWriteError(11000, "E11000 duplicate key error", new BsonDocument(), 3),
            new BulkWriteError(50, "E50 operation timed out", new BsonDocument(), 4)

    // WHEN: BulkWriteResultAckFlow receives partial update success with errors, one of which is not duplicate key
    final WriteResultAndErrors resultAndErrors = WriteResultAndErrors.failure(writeModels,
            new MongoBulkWriteException(result, updateFailure, null, new ServerAddress()));
    final String message = runBulkWriteResultAckFlowAndGetFirstLogEntry(resultAndErrors);

    // THEN: the non-duplicate-key error triggers a failure acknowledgement
    for (int i = 3; i < 5; ++i) {
                .describedAs("response is failure")
                .returns(false, UpdateThingResponse::isSuccess);
    assertThat(message).contains("Acknowledged: PartialSuccess");
源代码3 项目: ditto   文件: BulkWriteResultAckFlowTest.java
public void errorIndexOutOfBoundError() {
    final List<AbstractWriteModel> writeModels = generate5WriteModels();
    final BulkWriteResult result = BulkWriteResult.acknowledged(1, 2, 1, 2, List.of());
    final List<BulkWriteError> updateFailure = List.of(
            new BulkWriteError(11000, "E11000 duplicate key error", new BsonDocument(), 0),
            new BulkWriteError(50, "E50 operation timed out", new BsonDocument(), 5)

    // WHEN: BulkWriteResultAckFlow receives partial update success with at least 1 error with out-of-bound index
    final WriteResultAndErrors resultAndErrors = WriteResultAndErrors.failure(writeModels,
            new MongoBulkWriteException(result, updateFailure, null, new ServerAddress()));
    final String message = runBulkWriteResultAckFlowAndGetFirstLogEntry(resultAndErrors);

    // THEN: All updates are considered failures
    for (final AbstractWriteModel writeModel : writeModels) {
        final UpdateThingResponse response = expectUpdateThingResponse(writeModel.getMetadata().getThingId());
        assertThat(response).describedAs("response is failure").returns(false, UpdateThingResponse::isSuccess);
源代码4 项目: beam   文件: MongoDbIO.java
private void flush() {
  if (batch.isEmpty()) {
  MongoDatabase mongoDatabase = client.getDatabase(spec.database());
  MongoCollection<Document> mongoCollection = mongoDatabase.getCollection(spec.collection());
  try {
    mongoCollection.insertMany(batch, new InsertManyOptions().ordered(spec.ordered()));
  } catch (MongoBulkWriteException e) {
    if (spec.ordered()) {
      throw e;

源代码5 项目: pulsar   文件: MongoSink.java
public void onError(Throwable t) {
    if (t != null) {
        log.error("MongoDB insertion error", t);

        if (t instanceof MongoBulkWriteException) {
            // With this exception, we are aware of the items that have not been inserted.
            ((MongoBulkWriteException) t).getWriteErrors().forEach(err -> {
        } else {
源代码6 项目: zeppelin   文件: OldMongoNotebookRepo.java
 * If environment variable ZEPPELIN_NOTEBOOK_MONGO_AUTOIMPORT is true,
 * this method will insert local notes into MongoDB on startup.
 * If a note already exists in MongoDB, skip it.
private void insertFileSystemNotes() throws IOException {
  LinkedList<Document> docs = new LinkedList<>(); // docs to be imported
  OldNotebookRepo vfsRepo = new OldVFSNotebookRepo();
  List<OldNoteInfo> infos =  vfsRepo.list(null);
  // collect notes to be imported
  for (OldNoteInfo info : infos) {
    Note note = vfsRepo.get(info.getId(), null);
    Document doc = noteToDocument(note);

   * 'ordered(false)' option allows to proceed bulk inserting even though
   * there are duplicated documents. The duplicated documents will be skipped
   * and print a WARN log.
  try {
    coll.insertMany(docs, new InsertManyOptions().ordered(false));
  } catch (MongoBulkWriteException e) {
    printDuplicatedException(e);  //print duplicated document warning log

  vfsRepo.close();  // it does nothing for now but maybe in the future...
源代码7 项目: epcis   文件: ChronoGraph.java
 * Insert bulk edges
 * @see: outV|label|inV is unique in ChronoGraph. this operation does not permit
 *       duplicated edges
 * @param edges use with Converter.getBsonDocumentEdge
public void addEdges(List<BsonDocument> edgeArray) {
	while (true) {
		try {
		} catch (MongoBulkWriteException e) {
			if (e.getCode() == -3) {
				int cnt = e.getWriteResult().getInsertedCount();
				edgeArray = edgeArray.subList(cnt + 1, edgeArray.size());
			} else
				throw e;

源代码8 项目: ditto   文件: MongoSearchUpdaterFlowTest.java
public void streamIsRestartableAfterMongoBulkWriteException() throws Exception {
    final BulkWriteResult bulkWriteResult = Mockito.mock(BulkWriteResult.class);
    final MongoBulkWriteException error = Mockito.mock(MongoBulkWriteException.class);

    testStreamRestart(() -> error);
源代码9 项目: zeppelin   文件: OldMongoNotebookRepo.java
 * MongoBulkWriteException contains error messages that inform
 * which documents were duplicated. This method catches those ID and print them.
 * @param e
private void printDuplicatedException(MongoBulkWriteException e) {
  List<BulkWriteError> errors = e.getWriteErrors();
  for (BulkWriteError error : errors) {
    String msg = error.getMessage();
    Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("[A-Z0-9]{9}"); // regex for note ID
    Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(msg);
    if (matcher.find()) { // if there were a note ID
      String noteId = matcher.group();
      LOG.warn("Note " + noteId + " not inserted since already exists in MongoDB");
源代码10 项目: epcis   文件: MongoCaptureUtil.java
public HashMap<String, Object> capture(List<BsonDocument> bsonDocumentList) {
	HashMap<String, Object> retMsg = new HashMap<String, Object>();
	MongoCollection<BsonDocument> collection = Configuration.mongoDatabase.getCollection("EventData",
	try {
		InsertManyOptions option = new InsertManyOptions();
		collection.insertMany(bsonDocumentList, option);
	} catch (MongoBulkWriteException e) {
		retMsg.put("error", e.getMessage());
		return retMsg;
	retMsg.put("eventCaptured", bsonDocumentList.size());
	return retMsg;
源代码11 项目: epcis   文件: MongoCaptureUtil.java
public HashMap<String, Object> capture(List<BsonDocument> bsonDocumentList) {
	HashMap<String, Object> retMsg = new HashMap<String, Object>();
	MongoCollection<BsonDocument> collection = Configuration.mongoDatabase.getCollection("EventData",
	try {
		InsertManyOptions option = new InsertManyOptions();
		collection.insertMany(bsonDocumentList, option);
	} catch (MongoBulkWriteException e) {
		retMsg.put("error", e.getMessage());
		return retMsg;
	retMsg.put("eventCaptured", bsonDocumentList.size());
	return retMsg;
源代码12 项目: immutables   文件: MongoAsserts.java
 * Ensures current exception has been generated due to a duplicate (primary) key.
 * Differentiates between Fongo and Mongo exceptions since the behaviour under these databases
 * is different.
public static void assertDuplicateKeyException(Throwable exception) {
  Preconditions.checkNotNull(exception, "exception");

  // unwrap, if necessary
  exception = exception instanceof MongoException ? exception : exception.getCause();

  // fongo throws directly DuplicateKeyException
  if (exception instanceof DuplicateKeyException) return;

  // MongoDB throws custom exception
  if (exception instanceof MongoCommandException) {
    String codeName = ((MongoCommandException) exception).getResponse().get("codeName").asString().getValue();
    int errorCode = ((MongoCommandException) exception).getErrorCode();

    check(errorCode).is(11000); // code 11000 stands for DuplicateKeyException

    // all good here (can return)

  // for bulk writes as well
  if (exception instanceof MongoBulkWriteException) {
    List<BulkWriteError> errors = ((MongoBulkWriteException) exception).getWriteErrors();
    check(errors.get(0).getMessage()).contains("duplicate key");

  // if we got here means there is a problem (no duplicate key exception)
  fail("Should get duplicate key exception after " + exception);
源代码13 项目: ditto   文件: WriteResultAndErrors.java
 * Create a WriteResultAndErrors from a MongoBulkWriteException.
 * @param writeModels the requested write models.
 * @param mongoBulkWriteException the exception.
 * @return the write result with errors.
public static WriteResultAndErrors failure(final List<AbstractWriteModel> writeModels,
        final MongoBulkWriteException mongoBulkWriteException) {
    return new WriteResultAndErrors(writeModels, mongoBulkWriteException.getWriteResult(),
            mongoBulkWriteException.getWriteErrors(), null);