

源代码1 项目: ditto   文件: MongoTimestampPersistence.java
private static Source<Success, NotUsed> repeatableCreateCappedCollectionSource(
        final MongoDatabase database,
        final String collectionName,
        final long cappedCollectionSizeInBytes) {

    final CreateCollectionOptions collectionOptions = new CreateCollectionOptions()

    return Source.lazily(
            () -> Source.fromPublisher(database.createCollection(collectionName, collectionOptions)))
            .mapMaterializedValue(whatever -> NotUsed.getInstance())
            .withAttributes(Attributes.inputBuffer(1, 1))
            .recoverWithRetries(1, new PFBuilder<Throwable, Source<Success, NotUsed>>()
                            error -> Source.single(Success.SUCCESS))

源代码2 项目: ditto   文件: IndexInitializerIT.java
public void initializeFailsWhenConflictingIndexWithSameNameAlreadyExists() {
    // GIVEN
    final String collectionName = "conflictingIndexWithSameName";
    final List<Index> indices = Collections.singletonList(INDEX_FOO);
    initialize(collectionName, indices);
    assertIndices(collectionName, indices);

    // WHEN / THEN
    final List<Index> newIndices = Arrays.asList(INDEX_BAR,
    assertThatExceptionOfType(MongoCommandException.class).isThrownBy(() -> initialize(collectionName, newIndices))
            .satisfies(e -> assertThat(e.getErrorCode()).isEqualTo(MONGO_INDEX_OPTIONS_CONFLICT_ERROR_CODE));
    // verify that bar has been created nevertheless (cause it has been initialized before the error), in
    // contrast to baz
    assertIndices(collectionName, Arrays.asList(INDEX_BAR, INDEX_FOO));
源代码3 项目: morphia   文件: DatastoreImpl.java
void enableValidation(final MappedClass mc, final Validation validation) {
    if (validation != null) {
        String collectionName = mc.getCollectionName();
        try {
            getDatabase().runCommand(new Document("collMod", collectionName)
                                         .append("validator", parse(validation.value()))
                                         .append("validationLevel", validation.level().getValue())
                                         .append("validationAction", validation.action().getValue()));
        } catch (MongoCommandException e) {
            if (e.getCode() == 26) {
                    new CreateCollectionOptions()
                        .validationOptions(new ValidationOptions()
            } else {
                throw e;
源代码4 项目: morphia   文件: TestDocumentValidation.java
public void findAndModify() {

    getDs().save(new DocumentValidation("Harold", 100, new Date()));

    Query<DocumentValidation> query = getDs().find(DocumentValidation.class);
    ModifyOptions options = new ModifyOptions()
    Modify<DocumentValidation> modify = query.modify(set("number", 5));
    try {
        fail("Document validation should have complained");
    } catch (MongoCommandException e) {
        // expected


    Assert.assertNotNull(query.filter(eq("number", 5)).iterator(new FindOptions().limit(1))
源代码5 项目: mongo-kafka   文件: MongoSourceTask.java
private MongoCursor<BsonDocument> tryCreateCursor(
    final MongoSourceConfig sourceConfig,
    final MongoClient mongoClient,
    final BsonDocument resumeToken) {
  try {
    ChangeStreamIterable<Document> changeStreamIterable =
        getChangeStreamIterable(sourceConfig, mongoClient);
    if (resumeToken != null && supportsStartAfter) {
      LOGGER.info("Resuming the change stream after the previous offset: {}", resumeToken);
    } else if (resumeToken != null && !invalidatedCursor) {
      LOGGER.info("Resuming the change stream after the previous offset using resumeAfter.");
    } else {
      LOGGER.info("New change stream cursor created without offset.");
    return changeStreamIterable.withDocumentClass(BsonDocument.class).iterator();
  } catch (MongoCommandException e) {
    if (resumeToken != null) {
      if (e.getErrorCode() == 260) {
        invalidatedCursor = true;
        return tryCreateCursor(sourceConfig, mongoClient, null);
      } else if ((e.getErrorCode() == 9 || e.getErrorCode() == 40415)
          && e.getErrorMessage().contains("startAfter")) {
        supportsStartAfter = false;
        return tryCreateCursor(sourceConfig, mongoClient, resumeToken);
    LOGGER.info("Failed to resume change stream: {} {}", e.getErrorMessage(), e.getErrorCode());
    return null;
源代码6 项目: ditto   文件: IndexOperations.java
private static PartialFunction<Throwable, Source<Success, NotUsed>> buildDropIndexRecovery(
        final String indexDescription) {
    return new PFBuilder<Throwable, Source<Success, NotUsed>>()
            .match(MongoCommandException.class, IndexOperations::isIndexNotFound, throwable -> {
                LOGGER.debug("Index <{}> could not be dropped because it does not exist (anymore).",
                return Source.single(Success.SUCCESS);
源代码7 项目: mongo-java-driver-rx   文件: Fixture.java
public static MongoCollection<Document> initializeCollection(final MongoNamespace namespace) throws Throwable {
    MongoDatabase database = getMongoClient().getDatabase(namespace.getDatabaseName());
    try {
        database.runCommand(new Document("drop", namespace.getCollectionName())).timeout(10, SECONDS).toBlocking().first();
    } catch (MongoCommandException e) {
        if (!e.getErrorMessage().startsWith("ns not found")) {
            throw e;
    return database.getCollection(namespace.getCollectionName());
源代码8 项目: mongo-java-driver-rx   文件: Fixture.java
public static void dropDatabase(final String name) throws Throwable {
    if (name == null) {
    try {
        getMongoClient().getDatabase(name).runCommand(new Document("dropDatabase", 1)).timeout(10, SECONDS).toBlocking().first();
    } catch (MongoCommandException e) {
        if (!e.getErrorMessage().startsWith("ns not found")) {
            throw e;
源代码9 项目: mongo-java-driver-rx   文件: Fixture.java
public static void drop(final MongoNamespace namespace) throws Throwable {
    try {
                .runCommand(new Document("drop", namespace.getCollectionName())).timeout(10, SECONDS).toBlocking().first();
    } catch (MongoCommandException e) {
        if (!e.getErrorMessage().contains("ns not found")) {
            throw e;
public static MongoCollection<Document> initializeCollection(final MongoNamespace namespace) throws Throwable {
    MongoDatabase database = getMongoClient().getDatabase(namespace.getDatabaseName());
    try {
        ObservableSubscriber<Document> subscriber = new ObservableSubscriber<Document>();
        database.runCommand(new Document("drop", namespace.getCollectionName())).subscribe(subscriber);
        subscriber.await(10, SECONDS);
    } catch (MongoCommandException e) {
        if (!e.getErrorMessage().startsWith("ns not found")) {
            throw e;
    return database.getCollection(namespace.getCollectionName());
public static void dropDatabase(final String name) throws Throwable {
    if (name == null) {
    try {
        ObservableSubscriber<Document> subscriber = new ObservableSubscriber<Document>();
        getMongoClient().getDatabase(name).runCommand(new Document("dropDatabase", 1)).subscribe(subscriber);
        subscriber.await(10, SECONDS);
    } catch (MongoCommandException e) {
        if (!e.getErrorMessage().startsWith("ns not found")) {
            throw e;
public static void drop(final MongoNamespace namespace) throws Throwable {
    try {
        ObservableSubscriber<Document> subscriber = new ObservableSubscriber<Document>();
                .runCommand(new Document("drop", namespace.getCollectionName()))
        subscriber.await(20, SECONDS);
    } catch (MongoCommandException e) {
        if (!e.getErrorMessage().contains("ns not found")) {
            throw e;
源代码13 项目: immutables   文件: MongoAsserts.java
 * Ensures current exception has been generated due to a duplicate (primary) key.
 * Differentiates between Fongo and Mongo exceptions since the behaviour under these databases
 * is different.
public static void assertDuplicateKeyException(Throwable exception) {
  Preconditions.checkNotNull(exception, "exception");

  // unwrap, if necessary
  exception = exception instanceof MongoException ? exception : exception.getCause();

  // fongo throws directly DuplicateKeyException
  if (exception instanceof DuplicateKeyException) return;

  // MongoDB throws custom exception
  if (exception instanceof MongoCommandException) {
    String codeName = ((MongoCommandException) exception).getResponse().get("codeName").asString().getValue();
    int errorCode = ((MongoCommandException) exception).getErrorCode();

    check(errorCode).is(11000); // code 11000 stands for DuplicateKeyException

    // all good here (can return)

  // for bulk writes as well
  if (exception instanceof MongoBulkWriteException) {
    List<BulkWriteError> errors = ((MongoBulkWriteException) exception).getWriteErrors();
    check(errors.get(0).getMessage()).contains("duplicate key");

  // if we got here means there is a problem (no duplicate key exception)
  fail("Should get duplicate key exception after " + exception);
源代码14 项目: morphia   文件: TestTextIndexing.java
@Test(expected = MongoCommandException.class)
public void shouldNotAllowMultipleTextIndexes() {
    Class<MultipleTextIndexes> clazz = MultipleTextIndexes.class;
源代码15 项目: brave   文件: ITMongoDBTracing.java
@Test public void defaultSpanNameIsCommandName_nonCollectionCommand() {
  try {
    database.runCommand(new BsonDocument("dropUser", new BsonString("testUser")));

    // Expected, we are trying to drop a user that doesn't exist
  } catch (MongoCommandException e) {
    MutableSpan span = testSpanHandler.takeRemoteSpanWithError(CLIENT, e);

    // "testUser" should not be mistaken as a collection name
源代码16 项目: ditto   文件: IndexOperations.java
private static boolean isIndexNotFound(final MongoCommandException e) {
    return e.getErrorCode() == 27;
源代码17 项目: ditto   文件: MongoTimestampPersistence.java
private static boolean isCollectionAlreadyExistsError(final MongoCommandException error) {
    return error.getErrorCode() == COLLECTION_ALREADY_EXISTS_ERROR_CODE;