

源代码1 项目: ditto   文件: MongoThingsSearchPersistence.java
public Source<Long, NotUsed> count(final Query query,
        @Nullable final List<String> authorizationSubjectIds) {

    checkNotNull(query, "query");

    final BsonDocument queryFilter = getMongoFilter(query, authorizationSubjectIds);
    log.debug("count with query filter <{}>.", queryFilter);

    final CountOptions countOptions = new CountOptions()
            .maxTime(maxQueryTime.getSeconds(), TimeUnit.SECONDS);

    return Source.fromPublisher(collection.count(queryFilter, countOptions))
 * Updates the document if the document's ETAG is matching the given etag (conditional put).
 * <p>
 * Using this method requires that the document contains an "etag" field that is updated if
 * the document is changed.
 * </p>
 * @param value    the new value
 * @param eTag     the etag used for conditional update
 * @param maxTime  max time for the update
 * @param timeUnit the time unit for the maxTime value
 * @return {@link UpdateIfMatchResult}
public UpdateIfMatchResult updateIfMatch(final V value,
                                         final String eTag,
                                         final long maxTime,
                                         final TimeUnit timeUnit) {
    final K key = keyOf(value);
    if (key != null) {
        final Bson query = and(eq(AbstractMongoRepository.ID, key), eq(ETAG, eTag));

        final Document updatedETaggable = collectionWithWriteTimeout(maxTime, timeUnit).findOneAndReplace(query, encode(value), new FindOneAndReplaceOptions().returnDocument(AFTER));
        if (isNull(updatedETaggable)) {
            final boolean documentExists = collection()
                    .countDocuments(eq(AbstractMongoRepository.ID, key), new CountOptions().maxTime(maxTime, timeUnit)) != 0;
            if (documentExists) {
                return CONCURRENTLY_MODIFIED;

            return NOT_FOUND;

        return OK;
    } else {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Key must not be null");
源代码3 项目: quarkus   文件: BasicInteractionTest.java
void testInsertionOfManyDocumentsAndQueries() {
    ReactiveMongoDatabase database = client.getDatabase(DATABASE);
    ReactiveMongoCollection<Document> collection = database.getCollection(randomAlphaString(8));

    List<Document> documents = new ArrayList<>();
    for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
        documents.add(new Document("i", i));

    Long count = collection.countDocuments().await().indefinitely();
    Long countWithOption = collection.countDocuments(new Document(), new CountOptions().limit(10))
    Long estimated = collection.estimatedDocumentCount().await().indefinitely();
    Long estimatedWithOptions = collection
            .estimatedDocumentCount(new EstimatedDocumentCountOptions().maxTime(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS))

    count = collection.countDocuments(eq("i", 10)).await().indefinitely();

    Optional<Document> document = collection.find().collectItems().first().await().asOptional().indefinitely();
    assertThat(document).isNotEmpty().hasValueSatisfying(doc -> assertThat(doc.get("i", 0)));

    document = collection.find(eq("i", 20)).collectItems().first().await().asOptional().indefinitely();
    assertThat(document).isNotEmpty().hasValueSatisfying(doc -> assertThat(doc.get("i", 20)));

    List<Document> list = collection.find().collectItems().asList().await().indefinitely();

    list = collection.find(gt("i", 50)).collectItems().asList().await().indefinitely();
源代码4 项目: stitch-android-sdk   文件: DataSynchronizer.java
 * Counts the number of documents in the collection according to the given options.
 * @param filter  the query filter
 * @param options the options describing the count
 * @return the number of documents in the collection
long count(final MongoNamespace namespace, final Bson filter, final CountOptions options) {

  try {
    return getLocalCollection(namespace).countDocuments(filter, options);
  } finally {
源代码5 项目: stitch-android-sdk   文件: CountOperation.java
    final MongoNamespace namespace,
    final DataSynchronizer dataSynchronizer,
    final Bson filter,
    final CountOptions countOptions
) {
  this.namespace = namespace;
  this.dataSynchronizer = dataSynchronizer;;
  this.filter = filter;
  this.countOptions = countOptions;
源代码6 项目: stitch-android-sdk   文件: SyncOperations.java
CountOperation count(final Bson filter, final SyncCountOptions countOptions) {
  return new CountOperation(
      new CountOptions().limit(countOptions.getLimit()));
public Observable<Long> count(final Bson filter, final CountOptions options) {
    return RxObservables.create(Observables.observe(new Block<SingleResultCallback<Long>>() {
        public void apply(final SingleResultCallback<Long> callback) {
            wrapped.count(filter, options, callback);
    }), observableAdapter);
public Publisher<Long> count(final Bson filter, final CountOptions options) {
    return new ObservableToPublisher<Long>(com.mongodb.async.client.Observables.observe(
            new Block<com.mongodb.async.SingleResultCallback<Long>>() {
                public void apply(final com.mongodb.async.SingleResultCallback<Long> callback) {
                    wrapped.count(filter, options, callback);
public Publisher<Long> count(final ClientSession clientSession, final Bson filter, final CountOptions options) {
    return new ObservableToPublisher<Long>(com.mongodb.async.client.Observables.observe(
            new Block<com.mongodb.async.SingleResultCallback<Long>>() {
                public void apply(final com.mongodb.async.SingleResultCallback<Long> callback) {
                    wrapped.count(clientSession.getWrapped(), filter, options, callback);
public Publisher<Long> countDocuments(final Bson filter, final CountOptions options) {
    return new ObservableToPublisher<Long>(com.mongodb.async.client.Observables.observe(
            new Block<com.mongodb.async.SingleResultCallback<Long>>() {
                public void apply(final com.mongodb.async.SingleResultCallback<Long> callback) {
                    wrapped.countDocuments(filter, options, callback);
public Publisher<Long> countDocuments(final ClientSession clientSession, final Bson filter, final CountOptions options) {
    return new ObservableToPublisher<Long>(com.mongodb.async.client.Observables.observe(
            new Block<com.mongodb.async.SingleResultCallback<Long>>() {
                public void apply(final com.mongodb.async.SingleResultCallback<Long> callback) {
                    wrapped.countDocuments(clientSession.getWrapped(), filter, options, callback);
源代码12 项目: jphp   文件: CountOptionsMemoryOperation.java
public CountOptions convert(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, Memory arg) throws Throwable {
    if (arg.isNull()) return null;

    ArrayMemory arr = arg.toValue(ArrayMemory.class);
    CountOptions options = new CountOptions();

    if (arr.containsKey("skip")) options.skip(arg.valueOfIndex("skip").toInteger());
    if (arr.containsKey("limit")) options.limit(arg.valueOfIndex("limit").toInteger());
    if (arr.containsKey("maxTime")) {
        options.maxTime(WrapTimer.parsePeriod(arg.valueOfIndex("maxTime").toString()), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);

    return options;
源代码13 项目: jphp   文件: CountOptionsMemoryOperation.java
public Memory unconvert(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, CountOptions arg) throws Throwable {
    if (arg == null) return Memory.NULL;

    ArrayMemory options = ArrayMemory.createHashed(12);

    options.put("skip", arg.getSkip());
    options.put("limit", arg.getLimit());
    options.put("maxTime", arg.getMaxTime(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));

    return options;
源代码14 项目: quarkus   文件: ReactiveMongoCollectionImpl.java
public Uni<Long> countDocuments(Bson filter, CountOptions options) {
    return Wrappers.toUni(collection.countDocuments(filter, options));
源代码15 项目: quarkus   文件: ReactiveMongoCollectionImpl.java
public Uni<Long> countDocuments(ClientSession clientSession, Bson filter, CountOptions options) {
    return Wrappers.toUni(collection.countDocuments(clientSession, filter, options));
源代码16 项目: mongo-java-driver-rx   文件: MongoCollectionImpl.java
public Observable<Long> count() {
    return count(new BsonDocument(), new CountOptions());
源代码17 项目: mongo-java-driver-rx   文件: MongoCollectionImpl.java
public Observable<Long> count(final Bson filter) {
    return count(filter, new CountOptions());
public long size(final long maxTime, final TimeUnit timeUnit) {
    return collection().countDocuments(new BsonDocument(), new CountOptions().maxTime(maxTime, timeUnit));
public Publisher<Long> count() {
    return count(new BsonDocument(), new CountOptions());
public Publisher<Long> count(final Bson filter) {
    return count(filter, new CountOptions());
public Publisher<Long> count(final ClientSession clientSession) {
    return count(clientSession, new BsonDocument(), new CountOptions());
public Publisher<Long> count(final ClientSession clientSession, final Bson filter) {
    return count(clientSession, filter, new CountOptions());
public Publisher<Long> countDocuments(final Bson filter) {
    return countDocuments(filter, new CountOptions());
public Publisher<Long> countDocuments(final ClientSession clientSession, final Bson filter) {
    return countDocuments(clientSession, filter, new CountOptions());
源代码25 项目: jphp   文件: WrapMongoCollection.java
public long count(BasicDBObject filter, CountOptions options) {
    return getWrappedObject().count(filter, options);
源代码26 项目: jphp   文件: CountOptionsMemoryOperation.java
public Class<?>[] getOperationClasses() {
    return new Class[] { CountOptions.class };
源代码27 项目: quarkus   文件: ReactiveMongoCollection.java
 * Counts the number of documents in the collection according to the given options.
 * @param filter the query filter
 * @param options the options describing the count
 * @return a {@link Uni} completed with the number of documents
Uni<Long> countDocuments(Bson filter, CountOptions options);
源代码28 项目: quarkus   文件: ReactiveMongoCollection.java
 * Counts the number of documents in the collection according to the given options.
 * @param clientSession the client session with which to associate this operation
 * @param filter the query filter
 * @param options the options describing the count
 * @return a {@link Uni} completed with the number of documents
Uni<Long> countDocuments(ClientSession clientSession, Bson filter, CountOptions options);
源代码29 项目: stitch-android-sdk   文件: DataSynchronizer.java
 * Counts the number of documents in the collection according to the given options.
 * @param filter the query filter
 * @return the number of documents in the collection
long count(final MongoNamespace namespace, final Bson filter) {
  return count(namespace, filter, new CountOptions());
源代码30 项目: mongo-java-driver-rx   文件: MongoCollection.java
 * Counts the number of documents in the collection according to the given options.
 * @param filter  the query filter
 * @param options the options describing the count
 * @return an Observable with a single element indicating the number of documents
Observable<Long> count(Bson filter, CountOptions options);