

源代码1 项目: eagle   文件: MongoMetadataDaoImpl.java
public ScheduleState getScheduleState(String versionId) {
    BsonDocument doc = new BsonDocument();
    doc.append("version", new BsonString(versionId));
    ScheduleState state = scheduleStates.find(doc).map(new Function<Document, ScheduleState>() {
        public ScheduleState apply(Document t) {
            String json = t.toJson();
            try {
                return mapper.readValue(json, ScheduleState.class);
            } catch (IOException e) {
                LOG.error("deserialize config item failed!", e);
            return null;

    if (state != null) {
        // based on version, to add content from collections of spoutSpecs/alertSpecs/etc..
        state = addDetailForScheduleState(state, versionId);

    return state;
源代码2 项目: eagle   文件: MongoMetadataDaoImpl.java
 * get the basic ScheduleState, and then based on the version to get all sub-part(spoutSpecs/alertSpecs/etc)
 * to form a completed ScheduleState.
 * @return the latest ScheduleState
public ScheduleState getScheduleState() {
    BsonDocument sort = new BsonDocument();
    sort.append("generateTime", new BsonInt32(-1));
    ScheduleState state = scheduleStates.find().sort(sort).map(new Function<Document, ScheduleState>() {
        public ScheduleState apply(Document t) {
            String json = t.toJson();
            try {
                return mapper.readValue(json, ScheduleState.class);
            } catch (IOException e) {
                LOG.error("deserialize config item failed!", e);
            return null;

    if (state != null) {
        String version = state.getVersion();
        // based on version, to add content from collections of spoutSpecs/alertSpecs/etc..
        state = addDetailForScheduleState(state, version);

    return state;
源代码3 项目: eagle   文件: MongoMetadataDaoImpl.java
private <T> List<T> list(MongoCollection<Document> collection, Class<T> clz, String version) {
    BsonDocument doc = new BsonDocument();
    doc.append("version", new BsonString(version));

    List<T> result = new LinkedList<T>();
    collection.find(doc).map(new Function<Document, T>() {
        public T apply(Document t) {
            String json = t.toJson();
            try {
                return mapper.readValue(json, clz);
            } catch (IOException e) {
                LOG.error("deserialize config item failed!", e);
            return null;
    return result;
源代码4 项目: eagle   文件: MongoMetadataDaoImpl.java
private <T> List<T> list(MongoCollection<Document> collection, Class<T> clz) {
    List<T> result = new LinkedList<T>();
    collection.find().map(new Function<Document, T>() {
        public T apply(Document t) {
            String json = t.toJson();
            try {
                return mapper.readValue(json, clz);
            } catch (IOException e) {
                LOG.error("deserialize config item failed!", e);
            return null;
    return result;
源代码5 项目: epcis   文件: ChronoGraph.java
 * Return non-redundant timestamps of all graph element events
 * @return HashSet<Long> timestamps
public TreeSet<Long> getTimestamps() {
	TreeSet<Long> timestampSet = new TreeSet<Long>();

	Function<BsonDateTime, Long> mapper = new Function<BsonDateTime, Long>() {
		public Long apply(BsonDateTime val) {
			return val.getValue();

	edgeEvents.distinct(Tokens.TIMESTAMP, BsonDateTime.class)
			.filter(new BsonDocument(Tokens.TIMESTAMP, new BsonDocument(Tokens.FC.$ne.toString(), new BsonNull())))
	Set<Long> vtSet = new TreeSet<Long>();

	vertexEvents.distinct(Tokens.TIMESTAMP, BsonDateTime.class)
			.filter(new BsonDocument(Tokens.TIMESTAMP, new BsonDocument(Tokens.FC.$ne.toString(), new BsonNull())))

	return timestampSet;
源代码6 项目: epcis   文件: ChronoGraph.java
public TreeSet<Long> getTimestamps(Long startTime, Long endTime) {
	TreeSet<Long> timestampSet = new TreeSet<Long>();

	Function<BsonDateTime, Long> mapper = new Function<BsonDateTime, Long>() {
		public Long apply(BsonDateTime val) {
			return val.getValue();

	edgeEvents.distinct(Tokens.TIMESTAMP, BsonDateTime.class)
			.filter(new BsonDocument(Tokens.TIMESTAMP,
					new BsonDocument(Tokens.FC.$gt.toString(), new BsonDateTime(startTime))
							.append(Tokens.FC.$lt.toString(), new BsonDateTime(endTime))))
	Set<Long> vtSet = new TreeSet<Long>();

	vertexEvents.distinct(Tokens.TIMESTAMP, BsonDateTime.class)
			.filter(new BsonDocument(Tokens.TIMESTAMP,
					new BsonDocument(Tokens.FC.$gt.toString(), new BsonDateTime(startTime))
							.append(Tokens.FC.$lt.toString(), new BsonDateTime(endTime))))

	return timestampSet;
源代码7 项目: epcis   文件: ChronoGraph.java
public HashSet<Long> getTimestampsHashSet() {
	HashSet<Long> timestampSet = new HashSet<Long>();

	Function<BsonDateTime, Long> mapper = new Function<BsonDateTime, Long>() {
		public Long apply(BsonDateTime val) {
			return val.getValue();

	edges.distinct(Tokens.TIMESTAMP, BsonDateTime.class)
			.filter(new BsonDocument(Tokens.TIMESTAMP, new BsonDocument(Tokens.FC.$ne.toString(), new BsonNull())))

	return timestampSet;
源代码8 项目: syncer   文件: MongoConnectorBase.java
<T> Stream<T> getNamespaces(MongoConnection connection, ConsumerRegistry registry, Function<String[], T> f) {
  Set<String> producerDbName = new HashSet<>();
  for (String dbName : client.listDatabaseNames()) {


  Set<Consumer> consumers = registry.outputSink(connection).keySet();
  return consumers.stream().map(Consumer::getRepos).flatMap(Set::stream).flatMap(s -> {
    if (!producerDbName.contains(s.getName())) {
      throw new InvalidConfigException("No such repo(" + s.getName() + ") in " + connection);
    Set<String> producerCollectionName = new HashSet<>();
    for (String collectionName : client.getDatabase(s.getName()).listCollectionNames()) {

    List<Entity> entities = s.getEntities();
    ArrayList<T> res = new ArrayList<>(entities.size());
    for (Entity entity : entities) {
      if (!producerCollectionName.contains(entity.getName())) {
        throw new InvalidConfigException("No such collection(" + s.getName() + "." + entity.getName() + ") in " + connection);
      res.add(f.apply(new String[]{s.getName(), entity.getName()}));
    return res.stream();
    final CoreRemoteMongoCursor<T> proxied,
    final Function<T, U> mapper
) {
  notNull("proxied", proxied);
  notNull("mapper", mapper);
  this.proxied = proxied;
  this.mapper = mapper;
public CoreRemoteMappingIterable(
    final CoreRemoteMongoIterable<U> iterable,
    final Function<U, V> mapper
) {
  this.iterable = iterable;
  this.mapper = mapper;
源代码11 项目: epcis   文件: ChronoGraph.java
 * Return an iterable to all the vertices in the graph. If this is not possible
 * for the implementation, then an UnsupportedOperationException can be thrown.
 * @return an iterable reference to all vertices in the graph
public Iterable<ChronoVertex> getChronoVertices() {
	HashSet<String> idSet = new HashSet<String>();
	Function<BsonString, String> mapper = new Function<BsonString, String>() {
		public String apply(BsonString val) {
			return val.getValue();

	HashSet<String> outV = new HashSet<String>();
	edges.distinct(Tokens.OUT_VERTEX, BsonString.class)
			.filter(new BsonDocument(Tokens.OUT_VERTEX, new BsonDocument(Tokens.FC.$ne.toString(), new BsonNull())))
	HashSet<String> inV = new HashSet<String>();
	edges.distinct(Tokens.IN_VERTEX, BsonString.class)
			.filter(new BsonDocument(Tokens.IN_VERTEX, new BsonDocument(Tokens.FC.$ne.toString(), new BsonNull())))

	MongoCursor<BsonDocument> vi = vertices.find(Tokens.FLT_VERTEX_FIELD_NOT_INCLUDED)
	while (vi.hasNext()) {
		BsonDocument d = vi.next();

	HashSet<String> vertex = new HashSet<String>();
	vertices.distinct(Tokens.VERTEX, BsonString.class)
			.filter(new BsonDocument(Tokens.VERTEX, new BsonDocument(Tokens.FC.$ne.toString(), new BsonNull())))

	return idSet.parallelStream().map(s -> new ChronoVertex(s, this)).collect(Collectors.toSet());
源代码12 项目: epcis   文件: ChronoGraph.java
 * Return an iterable to all the vertices in the graph. If this is not possible
 * for the implementation, then an UnsupportedOperationException can be thrown.
 * @return an iterable reference to all vertices in the graph
public Set<ChronoVertex> getChronoVertexSet() {
	HashSet<String> idSet = new HashSet<String>();
	Function<BsonDocument, String> mapper = new Function<BsonDocument, String>() {
		public String apply(BsonDocument val) {
			return val.getString(Tokens.ID).getValue();

	HashSet<String> outV = new HashSet<String>();
	ArrayList<BsonDocument> outVQuery = new ArrayList<BsonDocument>();
	outVQuery.add(new BsonDocument("$group", new BsonDocument(Tokens.ID, new BsonString("$" + Tokens.OUT_VERTEX))));

	HashSet<String> inV = new HashSet<String>();
	ArrayList<BsonDocument> inVQuery = new ArrayList<BsonDocument>();
	inVQuery.add(new BsonDocument("$group", new BsonDocument(Tokens.ID, new BsonString("$" + Tokens.IN_VERTEX))));

	MongoCursor<BsonDocument> vi = vertices.find(Tokens.FLT_VERTEX_FIELD_NOT_INCLUDED)
	while (vi.hasNext()) {
		BsonDocument d = vi.next();

	return idSet.parallelStream().map(s -> new ChronoVertex(s, this)).collect(Collectors.toSet());
源代码13 项目: epcis   文件: ChronoGraph.java
public Set<ChronoVertex> getOutVertexSet() {
	Function<BsonDocument, String> mapper = new Function<BsonDocument, String>() {
		public String apply(BsonDocument val) {
			return val.getString(Tokens.ID).getValue();

	HashSet<String> outV = new HashSet<String>();
	ArrayList<BsonDocument> outVQuery = new ArrayList<BsonDocument>();
	outVQuery.add(new BsonDocument("$group", new BsonDocument(Tokens.ID, new BsonString("$" + Tokens.OUT_VERTEX))));

	return outV.parallelStream().map(s -> new ChronoVertex(s, this)).collect(Collectors.toSet());
源代码14 项目: epcis   文件: ChronoGraph.java
 * Return an iterable to all the vertices in the graph. If this is not possible
 * for the implementation, then an UnsupportedOperationException can be thrown.
 * @return an iterable reference to all vertices in the graph
public Stream<ChronoVertex> getChronoVertexStream(boolean isParallel) {
	HashSet<String> idSet = new HashSet<String>();
	Function<BsonString, String> mapper = new Function<BsonString, String>() {
		public String apply(BsonString val) {
			return val.getValue();

	HashSet<String> outV = new HashSet<String>();
	edges.distinct(Tokens.OUT_VERTEX, BsonString.class)
			.filter(new BsonDocument(Tokens.OUT_VERTEX, new BsonDocument(Tokens.FC.$ne.toString(), new BsonNull())))
	HashSet<String> inV = new HashSet<String>();
	edges.distinct(Tokens.IN_VERTEX, BsonString.class)
			.filter(new BsonDocument(Tokens.IN_VERTEX, new BsonDocument(Tokens.FC.$ne.toString(), new BsonNull())))

	MongoCursor<BsonDocument> vi = vertices.find(Tokens.FLT_VERTEX_FIELD_NOT_INCLUDED)
	while (vi.hasNext()) {
		BsonDocument d = vi.next();

	HashSet<String> vertex = new HashSet<String>();
	vertices.distinct(Tokens.VERTEX, BsonString.class)
			.filter(new BsonDocument(Tokens.VERTEX, new BsonDocument(Tokens.FC.$ne.toString(), new BsonNull())))
	if (isParallel)
		return idSet.parallelStream().map(s -> new ChronoVertex(s, this)).collect(Collectors.toSet())
		return idSet.parallelStream().map(s -> new ChronoVertex(s, this)).collect(Collectors.toSet()).stream();
源代码15 项目: epcis   文件: VertexEvent.java
public Set<VertexEvent> getOutVertexEventSet(final AC tt) {
	while (true) {
		try {
			// db.tEdgeEvents.aggregate([{$match:{"_o":"1","_t":{ $lt : ISODate(0)
			// }}},{$project:{"_i":1,"_t":1,"_id":0}},{$group:{"_id":"$_i", "_mt": {$min:
			// "$_t"}}}])
			BsonDocument match = new BsonDocument("$match",
					new BsonDocument(Tokens.OUT_VERTEX, new BsonString(vertex.toString())).append(Tokens.TIMESTAMP,
							new BsonDocument("$gt", new BsonDateTime(timestamp))));
			BsonDocument project = new BsonDocument("$project",
					new BsonDocument(Tokens.IN_VERTEX, new BsonBoolean(true))
							.append(Tokens.TIMESTAMP, new BsonBoolean(true))
							.append(Tokens.ID, new BsonBoolean(false)));
			BsonDocument group = new BsonDocument("$group",
					new BsonDocument(Tokens.ID, new BsonString("$" + Tokens.IN_VERTEX)).append(Tokens.TIMESTAMP,
							new BsonDocument("$min", new BsonString("$" + Tokens.TIMESTAMP))));

			ArrayList<BsonDocument> aggregateQuery = new ArrayList<BsonDocument>();

			HashSet<VertexEvent> ret = new HashSet<VertexEvent>();
			Function<BsonDocument, VertexEvent> mapper = new Function<BsonDocument, VertexEvent>() {
				public VertexEvent apply(BsonDocument d) {
					String inV = d.getString(Tokens.ID).getValue();
					Long t = d.getDateTime(Tokens.TIMESTAMP).getValue();
					return new VertexEvent(graph, new ChronoVertex(inV, graph), t);

			return ret;

		} catch (MongoCursorNotFoundException e1) {
public static <X> MongoIterable<X> iterate(Collection<X> result)
    return new MongoIterable<X>()
        public MongoCursor<X> iterator()
            return new StubbingCursor<>(result.iterator());

        public X first()
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

        public <U> MongoIterable<U> map(Function<X, U> function)
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

        public void forEach(Block<? super X> block)
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

        public <A extends Collection<? super X>> A into(A objects)
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

        public MongoIterable<X> batchSize(int i)
            return this;
public <U> RemoteMongoIterable<U> map(final Function<ResultT, U> mapper) {
  return new RemoteMongoIterableImpl<>(proxy.map(mapper));
public <U> RemoteMongoIterable<U> map(final Function<ResultT, U> mapper) {
  return new RemoteMongoIterableImpl<>(proxy.map(mapper), dispatcher);
public <W> CoreRemoteMongoIterable<W> map(final Function<V, W> newMap) {
  return new CoreRemoteMappingIterable<>(this, newMap);
源代码20 项目: stitch-android-sdk   文件: RemoteMongoIterable.java
 * Maps this iterable from the source document type to the target document type.
 * @param mapper a function that maps from the source to the target document type
 * @param <U> the target document type
 * @return an iterable which maps T to U
<U> RemoteMongoIterable<U> map(Function<ResultT, U> mapper);
源代码21 项目: stitch-android-sdk   文件: RemoteMongoIterable.java
 * Maps this iterable from the source document type to the target document type.
 * @param mapper a function that maps from the source to the target document type
 * @param <U> the target document type
 * @return an iterable which maps T to U
<U> RemoteMongoIterable<U> map(Function<ResultT, U> mapper);
 * Maps this iterable from the source document type to the target document type.
 * @param mapper a function that maps from the source to the target document type
 * @param <U> the target document type
 * @return an iterable which maps T to U
<U> CoreRemoteMongoIterable<U> map(final Function<ResultT, U> mapper);
 * Maps this iterable from the source document type to the target document type.
 * @param mapper a function that maps from the source to the target document type
 * @param <U> the target document type
 * @return an iterable which maps T to U
public <U> CoreRemoteMongoIterable<U> map(final Function<ResultT, U> mapper) {
  return new CoreRemoteMappingIterable<>(this, mapper);
 * Maps this iterable from the source document type to the target document type.
 * @param mapper a function that maps from the source to the target document type
 * @param <U> the target document type
 * @return an iterable which maps T to U
public <U> CoreRemoteMongoIterable<U> map(final Function<ResultT, U> mapper) {
  return new CoreRemoteMappingIterable<>(this, mapper);