

源代码1 项目: render   文件: RenderDao.java
void removeTilesWithIds(final StackId stackId,
                        final List<String> tileIds)
        throws IllegalArgumentException {

    MongoUtil.validateRequiredParameter("stackId", stackId);
    MongoUtil.validateRequiredParameter("tileIds", tileIds);

    final MongoCollection<Document> tileCollection = getTileCollection(stackId);
    final Document tileQuery = new Document("tileId",
                                            new Document(QueryOperators.IN,
    final Document tileQueryForLog = new Document("tileId",
                                                  new Document(QueryOperators.IN,
                                                               Arrays.asList("list of",
                                                                             tileIds.size() + " tileIds")));
    final DeleteResult removeResult = tileCollection.deleteMany(tileQuery);

    LOG.debug("removeTilesWithIds: {}.remove({}) deleted {} document(s)",
              MongoUtil.fullName(tileCollection), tileQueryForLog.toJson(), removeResult.getDeletedCount());
源代码2 项目: render   文件: RenderDao.java
private List<TransformSpec> getTransformSpecs(final MongoCollection<Document> transformCollection,
                                              final Set<String> specIds) {
    final int specCount = specIds.size();
    final List<TransformSpec> transformSpecList = new ArrayList<>(specCount);
    if (specCount > 0) {

        final Document transformQuery = new Document();
        transformQuery.put("id", new Document(QueryOperators.IN, specIds));

        LOG.debug("getTransformSpecs: {}.find({})",
                  MongoUtil.fullName(transformCollection), transformQuery.toJson());

        try (final MongoCursor<Document> cursor = transformCollection.find(transformQuery).iterator()) {
            Document document;
            TransformSpec transformSpec;
            while (cursor.hasNext()) {
                document = cursor.next();
                transformSpec = TransformSpec.fromJson(document.toJson());


    return transformSpecList;
源代码3 项目: immutables   文件: Support.java
private Document mergeConjunctions(List<Document> conjunctions) {
  final Multimap<String, Document> merged = LinkedHashMultimap.create();

  for (Document doc : conjunctions) {
    Preconditions.checkState(doc.keySet().size() == 1, "Invalid constraint %s", doc);
    final String key = doc.keySet().iterator().next();
    merged.put(key, doc);

  final Document result = new Document();

  for (Map.Entry<String, Collection<Document>> entry : merged.asMap().entrySet()) {
    Preconditions.checkState(!entry.getValue().isEmpty(), "empty constraint: %s", entry);

    if (entry.getValue().size() == 1) {
    } else {
      result.putAll(new Document(QueryOperators.AND, entry.getValue()));

  return result;
源代码4 项目: rya   文件: QueryBuilder.java
 * Equivalent to a $within operand, based on a bounding polygon represented by an array of points
 * @param points an array of Double[] defining the vertices of the search area
 * @return {@code this}
public QueryBuilder withinPolygon(final List<Double[]> points) {
    notNull("points", points);
    if (points.isEmpty() || points.size() < 3) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Polygon insufficient number of vertices defined");
               new Document(QueryOperators.POLYGON, convertToListOfLists(points)));
    return this;
源代码5 项目: rya   文件: QueryBuilder.java
 * Equivalent to a $text operand.
 * @param search   the search terms to apply to the text index.
 * @param language the language to use.
 * @return {@code this}
 * @mongodb.server.release 2.6
public QueryBuilder text(final String search, @Nullable final String language) {
    if (currentKey != null) {
        throw new QueryBuilderException("The text operand may only occur at the top-level of a query. It does"
                                        + " not apply to a specific element, but rather to a document as a whole.");

    addOperand(QueryOperators.SEARCH, search);
    if (language != null) {
        addOperand(QueryOperators.LANGUAGE, language);

    return this;
源代码6 项目: rya   文件: QueryBuilder.java
 * Equivalent to an $or operand
 * @param ors the list of conditions to or together
 * @return {@code this}
public QueryBuilder or(final Document... ors) {
    List<Object> l = query.getList(QueryOperators.OR, Object.class);
    if (l == null) {
        l = new ArrayList<>();
        query.put(QueryOperators.OR, l);
    Collections.addAll(l, ors);
    return this;
源代码7 项目: rya   文件: QueryBuilder.java
 * Equivalent to an $and operand
 * @param ands the list of conditions to and together
 * @return {@code this}
public QueryBuilder and(final Document... ands) {
    List<Object> l = query.getList(QueryOperators.AND, Object.class);
    if (l == null) {
        l = new ArrayList<>();
        query.put(QueryOperators.AND, l);
    Collections.addAll(l, ands);
    return this;
源代码8 项目: render   文件: RenderDao.java
public void cloneStack(final StackId fromStackId,
                       final StackId toStackId,
                       final List<Double> zValues,
                       final Boolean skipTransforms)
        throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalStateException {

    MongoUtil.validateRequiredParameter("fromStackId", fromStackId);
    MongoUtil.validateRequiredParameter("toStackId", toStackId);

    if ((skipTransforms == null) || (! skipTransforms)) {
        final MongoCollection<Document> fromTransformCollection = getTransformCollection(fromStackId);
        final MongoCollection<Document> toTransformCollection = getTransformCollection(toStackId);
        cloneCollection(fromTransformCollection, toTransformCollection, new Document());

    final Document filterQuery = new Document();
    if ((zValues != null) && (zValues.size() > 0)) {
        final BasicDBList list = new BasicDBList();
        final Document zFilter = new Document(QueryOperators.IN, list);
        filterQuery.append("z", zFilter);

    final MongoCollection<Document> fromTileCollection = getTileCollection(fromStackId);
    final MongoCollection<Document> toTileCollection = getTileCollection(toStackId);
    cloneCollection(fromTileCollection, toTileCollection, filterQuery);
源代码9 项目: render   文件: MatchDao.java
private Document getOutsideGroupQuery(final String groupId) {
    final List<Document> queryList = new ArrayList<>();
    queryList.add(new Document("pGroupId", groupId).append(
            "qGroupId", new Document(QueryOperators.NE, groupId)));
    queryList.add(new Document("qGroupId", groupId).append(
            "pGroupId", new Document(QueryOperators.NE, groupId)));
    return new Document(QueryOperators.OR, queryList);
源代码10 项目: render   文件: MatchDao.java
private Document getInvolvingObjectQuery(final String groupId,final String id){
    final List<Document> queryList = new ArrayList<>();
    queryList.add(new Document("pGroupId", groupId).append(
            "pId", id));
    queryList.add(new Document("qGroupId", groupId).append(
            "qId", id));
    return new Document(QueryOperators.OR, queryList);
源代码11 项目: render   文件: MatchDao.java
private Document getInvolvingObjectAndGroupQuery(final String groupId,final String id, final String qGroupId){
   final List<Document> queryList = new ArrayList<>();
     queryList.add(new Document("pGroupId", groupId).append(
             "pId", id).append("qGroupId",qGroupId));
     queryList.add(new Document("qGroupId", groupId).append(
             "qId", id).append("pGroupId",qGroupId));

    return new Document(QueryOperators.OR, queryList);
源代码12 项目: immutables   文件: Support.java
public ConstraintBuilder in(String name, boolean negate, Iterable<?> values) {
      new Document(
          negate ? QueryOperators.NIN : QueryOperators.IN,
  return this;
源代码13 项目: render   文件: RenderDao.java
 * @return list of section data objects for the specified stackId.
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException
 *   if any required parameters are missing or the stack section data has not been built.
 * @throws ObjectNotFoundException
 *   if the stack cannot be found.
public List<SectionData> getSectionData(final StackId stackId,
                                        final Double minZ,
                                        final Double maxZ)
        throws IllegalArgumentException, ObjectNotFoundException {

    MongoUtil.validateRequiredParameter("stackId", stackId);

    final List<SectionData> list = new ArrayList<>();

    if (! MongoUtil.exists(renderDatabase, stackId.getSectionCollectionName())) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("section data not aggregated for " + stackId +
                                           ", set stack state to COMPLETE to generate the aggregate collection");

    final MongoCollection<Document> sectionCollection = getSectionCollection(stackId);

    final Document query = new Document();
    if (minZ != null) {
        if (maxZ != null) {
            query.append("_id.z", new Document(QueryOperators.GTE, minZ).append(QueryOperators.LTE, maxZ));
        } else {
            query.append("_id.z", new Document(QueryOperators.GTE, minZ));
    } else if (maxZ != null) {
        query.append("_id.z", new Document(QueryOperators.LTE, maxZ));

    try (final MongoCursor<Document> cursor = sectionCollection.find(query).iterator()) {
        Document document;
        Document resultId;
        String sectionId;
        Number tileCount;
        Long tileCountLong = null;
        Double z;
        Double minX;
        Double maxX;
        Double minY;
        Double maxY;
        while (cursor.hasNext()) {
            document = cursor.next();
            resultId = document.get("_id", Document.class);
            sectionId = resultId.get("sectionId", String.class);
            z = resultId.get("z", Double.class);

            // Need to convert tileCount to long this way because aggregation seems
            // to create an Integer if the tileCount is small enough.
            // Using a long "just in case" there is a section with more than 2^31-1 tiles.
            tileCount = document.get("tileCount", Number.class);
            if (tileCount != null) {
                tileCountLong = tileCount.longValue();

            minX = document.getDouble("minX");
            maxX = document.getDouble("maxX");
            minY = document.getDouble("minY");
            maxY = document.getDouble("maxY");

            if ((sectionId != null) && (z != null)) {
                list.add(new SectionData(sectionId, z, tileCountLong, minX, maxX, minY, maxY));

    LOG.debug("getSectionData: returning {} values for {}.find({})",
              list.size(), sectionCollection.getNamespace().getFullName());

    return list;
源代码14 项目: render   文件: RenderDao.java
private Document lte(final double value) {
    return new Document(QueryOperators.LTE, value);
源代码15 项目: render   文件: RenderDao.java
private Document gte(final double value) {
    return new Document(QueryOperators.GTE, value);
源代码16 项目: render   文件: RenderDao.java
private Document getGroupQuery(final Double minZ,
                               final Double maxZ,
                               final String groupId,
                               final Double minX,
                               final Double maxX,
                               final Double minY,
                               final Double maxY)
        throws IllegalArgumentException {

    final Document groupQuery = new Document();

    if ((minZ != null) && minZ.equals(maxZ)) {
        groupQuery.append("z", minZ);
    } else {
        if (minZ != null) {
            if (maxZ != null) {
                groupQuery.append("z", new Document(QueryOperators.GTE, minZ).append(QueryOperators.LTE, maxZ));
            } else {
                groupQuery.append("z", new Document(QueryOperators.GTE, minZ));
        } else if (maxZ != null) {
            groupQuery.append("z", new Document(QueryOperators.LTE, maxZ));

    if (groupId != null) {
        groupQuery.append("groupId", groupId);

    if (minX != null) {
        groupQuery.append("maxX", new Document(QueryOperators.GTE, minX));
    if (maxX != null) {
        groupQuery.append("minX", new Document(QueryOperators.LTE, maxX));
    if (minY != null) {
        groupQuery.append("maxY", new Document(QueryOperators.GTE, minY));
    if (maxY != null) {
        groupQuery.append("minY", new Document(QueryOperators.LTE, maxY));

    return groupQuery;
源代码17 项目: render   文件: MatchDao.java
private Set<String> getMultiConsensusGroupIds(final MatchCollectionId collectionId,
                                              final boolean includeQGroupIds)
        throws IllegalArgumentException {

    final MongoCollection<Document> matchCollection = getExistingCollection(collectionId);

    final List<Document> pipeline = new ArrayList<>();
    pipeline.add(new Document("$match",
                              new Document("consensusSetData",
                                           new Document(QueryOperators.EXISTS, true))));

    if (includeQGroupIds) {

        // db.<matchCollection>.aggregate(
        //     [
        //         { "$match": { "consensusSetData": { "$exists": true } } },
        //         { "$group": { "_id": { "pGroupId": "$pGroupId", "qGroupId": "$qGroupId" } } }
        //     ]
        // )

        pipeline.add(new Document("$group",
                                  new Document("_id",
                                               new Document("pGroupId", "$pGroupId").
                                                       append("qGroupId", "$qGroupId"))));
    } else {

        // db.<matchCollection>.aggregate(
        //     [
        //         { "$match": { "consensusSetData": { "$exists": true } } },
        //         { "$group": { "_id": { "pGroupId": "$pGroupId" } } }
        //     ]
        // )

        pipeline.add(new Document("$group",
                                  new Document("_id",
                                               new Document("pGroupId", "$pGroupId"))));

    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
        LOG.debug("getMultiConsensusGroupIds: running {}.aggregate({})",

    // sort and reduce to distinct set of group ids here instead of in pipeline
    final TreeSet<String> groupIdsWithMultiplePairs = new TreeSet<>();

    // mongodb java 3.0 driver notes:
    // -- need to set cursor batchSize to prevent NPE from cursor creation
    final AggregateIterable<Document> iterable = matchCollection.aggregate(pipeline).batchSize(1);
    try (final MongoCursor<Document> cursor = iterable.iterator()) {
        while (cursor.hasNext()) {
            final Document id = cursor.next().get("_id", Document.class);
            if (includeQGroupIds) {

    return groupIdsWithMultiplePairs;
源代码18 项目: immutables   文件: Support.java
public ConstraintBuilder equal(String name, boolean negate, @Nullable Object value) {
  addContraint(name, negate ? new Document(QueryOperators.NE, unwrapBsonable(value)) : unwrapBsonable(value));
  return this;
源代码19 项目: immutables   文件: Support.java
private Object negateConstraint(boolean negate, Object constraint) {
  return negate ? new Document(QueryOperators.NOT, constraint) : constraint;
源代码20 项目: immutables   文件: Support.java
public ConstraintBuilder present(String name, boolean negate) {
  addContraint(name, new Document(QueryOperators.EXISTS, !negate));
  return this;
源代码21 项目: rya   文件: QueryBuilder.java
 * Equivalent of the $near operand
 * @param x           x coordinate
 * @param y           y coordinate
 * @param maxDistance max distance
 * @return {@code this}
public QueryBuilder near(final double x, final double y, final double maxDistance) {
               asList(x, y));
    return this;
源代码22 项目: rya   文件: QueryBuilder.java
 * Equivalent of the $nearSphere operand
 * @param longitude   coordinate in decimal degrees
 * @param latitude    coordinate in decimal degrees
 * @param maxDistance max spherical distance
 * @return {@code this}
public QueryBuilder nearSphere(final double longitude, final double latitude, final double maxDistance) {
               asList(longitude, latitude));
    return this;
源代码23 项目: rya   文件: QueryBuilder.java
 * Equivalent of the $centerSphere operand mostly intended for queries up to a few hundred miles or km.
 * @param longitude   coordinate in decimal degrees
 * @param latitude    coordinate in decimal degrees
 * @param maxDistance max spherical distance
 * @return {@code this}
public QueryBuilder withinCenterSphere(final double longitude, final double latitude, final double maxDistance) {
               new Document(QueryOperators.CENTER_SPHERE,
                                 asList(asList(longitude, latitude), maxDistance)));
    return this;
源代码24 项目: immutables   文件: Support.java
public Document asDocument() {
  final List<Document> result = new ArrayList<>(disjunctions);

  return result.size() == 1 ? result.get(0) : new Document(QueryOperators.OR, result);

源代码25 项目: rya   文件: QueryBuilder.java
 * Equivalent to the $gt operator
 * @param object Value to query
 * @return {@code this}
public QueryBuilder greaterThan(final Object object) {
    addOperand(QueryOperators.GT, object);
    return this;
源代码26 项目: rya   文件: QueryBuilder.java
 * Equivalent to the $gte operator
 * @param object Value to query
 * @return {@code this}
public QueryBuilder greaterThanEquals(final Object object) {
    addOperand(QueryOperators.GTE, object);
    return this;
源代码27 项目: rya   文件: QueryBuilder.java
 * Equivalent to the $lt operand
 * @param object Value to query
 * @return {@code this}
public QueryBuilder lessThan(final Object object) {
    addOperand(QueryOperators.LT, object);
    return this;
源代码28 项目: rya   文件: QueryBuilder.java
 * Equivalent to the $lte operand
 * @param object Value to query
 * @return {@code this}
public QueryBuilder lessThanEquals(final Object object) {
    addOperand(QueryOperators.LTE, object);
    return this;
源代码29 项目: rya   文件: QueryBuilder.java
 * Equivalent of the $ne operand
 * @param object Value to query
 * @return {@code this}
public QueryBuilder notEquals(final Object object) {
    addOperand(QueryOperators.NE, object);
    return this;
源代码30 项目: rya   文件: QueryBuilder.java
 * Equivalent of the $in operand
 * @param object Value to query
 * @return {@code this}
public QueryBuilder in(final Object object) {
    addOperand(QueryOperators.IN, object);
    return this;