

源代码1 项目: ans-android-sdk   文件: WebViewActivity.java
protected void onDestroy() {
    if (mWebView != null) {
        // 如果先调用destroy()方法,则会命中if (isDestroyed()) return;这一行代码,需要先onDetachedFromWindow(),再
        // destory()
        ViewParent parent = mWebView.getParent();
        if (parent != null) {
            ((ViewGroup) parent).removeView(mWebView);
        // 退出时调用此方法,移除绑定的服务,否则某些特定系统会报错

    AnalysysAgent.resetHybridModel(mContext, mWebView);
 * Returns a matcher that matches {@link View}s based on the given parent type.
 * @param parentMatcher the type of the parent to match on
public static Matcher<View> isChildOfA(final Matcher<View> parentMatcher) {
  return new TypeSafeMatcher<View>() {
    public void describeTo(Description description) {
      description.appendText("is child of a: ");

    public boolean matchesSafely(View view) {
      final ViewParent viewParent = view.getParent();
      if (!(viewParent instanceof View)) {
        return false;
      if (parentMatcher.matches(viewParent)) {
        return true;
      return false;
源代码3 项目: StatusUI   文件: StatusProvider.java
public StatusProvider(Context context, String status, View contentView, OnStatusViewCreateCallback callback){

        this.mContext = context;
        this.status = status;
        this.contentView = contentView;
        this.callback = callback;
        if(contentView == null){
            throw new RuntimeException("contentView不能为null");
        ViewParent p = this.contentView.getParent();
        if(p instanceof FrameLayout){
            this.container = (FrameLayout) p;
            throw new RuntimeException(contentView.getClass().getName() + "必须作为FrameLayout的子元素");
源代码4 项目: container   文件: PendIntentCompat.java
private Rect getRect(View view) {
	Rect rect = new Rect();
	rect.top = view.getTop();
	rect.left = view.getLeft();
	rect.right = view.getRight();
	rect.bottom = view.getBottom();

	ViewParent viewParent = view.getParent();
	if (viewParent != null) {
		if (viewParent instanceof ViewGroup) {
			Rect prect = getRect((ViewGroup) viewParent);
			rect.top += prect.top;
			rect.left += prect.left;
			rect.right += prect.left;
			rect.bottom += prect.top;
	return rect;
protected void onAttachedToWindow() {

  // Add an OnOffsetChangedListener if possible
  final ViewParent parent = getParent();
  if (parent instanceof AppBarLayout) {
    // Copy over from the ABL whether we should fit system windows
    ViewCompat.setFitsSystemWindows(this, ViewCompat.getFitsSystemWindows((View) parent));

    if (onOffsetChangedListener == null) {
      onOffsetChangedListener = new OffsetUpdateListener();
    ((AppBarLayout) parent).addOnOffsetChangedListener(onOffsetChangedListener);

    // We're attached, so lets request an inset dispatch
源代码6 项目: letv   文件: ExploreByTouchHelper.java
private boolean intersectVisibleToUser(Rect localRect) {
    if (localRect == null || localRect.isEmpty() || this.mView.getWindowVisibility() != 0) {
        return false;
    ViewParent viewParent = this.mView.getParent();
    while (viewParent instanceof View) {
        View view = (View) viewParent;
        if (ViewCompat.getAlpha(view) <= 0.0f || view.getVisibility() != 0) {
            return false;
        viewParent = view.getParent();
    if (viewParent == null || !this.mView.getLocalVisibleRect(this.mTempVisibleRect)) {
        return false;
    return localRect.intersect(this.mTempVisibleRect);
源代码7 项目: AutoLoadListView   文件: ZSwipeItem.java
private void performAdapterViewItemClick(MotionEvent e) {
	ViewParent t = getParent();

	Log.d(TAG, "performAdapterViewItemClick()");

	while (t != null) {
		if (t instanceof AdapterView) {
			AdapterView view = (AdapterView) t;
			int p = view.getPositionForView(ZSwipeItem.this);
			if (p != AdapterView.INVALID_POSITION
					&& view.performItemClick(
							- view.getFirstVisiblePosition()), p,
		} else {
			if (t instanceof View && ((View) t).performClick())

		t = t.getParent();
源代码8 项目: marvel   文件: Matcher.java
public static org.hamcrest.Matcher<View> childAtPosition(
        final org.hamcrest.Matcher<View> parentMatcher, final int position) {

    return new TypeSafeMatcher<View>() {
        public void describeTo(Description description) {
            description.appendText("Child at position " + position + " in parent ");

        public boolean matchesSafely(View view) {
            ViewParent parent = view.getParent();
            return parent instanceof ViewGroup && parentMatcher.matches(parent)
                    && view.equals(((ViewGroup) parent).getChildAt(position));
源代码9 项目: AndroidSkinAnimator   文件: SkinCompatDelegate.java
private boolean shouldInheritContext(ViewParent parent) {
    if (parent == null) {
        // The initial parent is null so just return false
        return false;
    final View windowDecor = mAppCompatActivity.getWindow().getDecorView();
    while (true) {
        if (parent == null) {
            // Bingo. We've hit a view which has a null parent before being terminated from
            // the loop. This is (most probably) because it's the root view in an inflation
            // call, therefore we should inherit. This works as the inflated layout is only
            // added to the hierarchy at the end of the inflate() call.
            return true;
        } else if (parent == windowDecor || !(parent instanceof View)
                || ViewCompat.isAttachedToWindow((View) parent)) {
            // We have either hit the window's decor view, a parent which isn't a View
            // (i.e. ViewRootImpl), or an attached view, so we know that the original parent
            // is currently added to the view hierarchy. This means that it has not be
            // inflated in the current inflate() call and we should not inherit the context.
            return false;
        parent = parent.getParent();
源代码10 项目: CrossMobile   文件: AndroidWrapperUIBridge.java
    public void setAttached(final View view, final boolean isAttached) {
        Native.system().runOnEventThread(() -> {
            ViewParent parent = view.getParent();
            boolean isAttachedNow = parent != null;
            if (isAttached == isAttachedNow)
            ActivityLifecycleListener listener = ((AndroidNativeWidget) view).getLifecycleListener();
            if (isAttachedNow) {
                if (listener != null) {
            } else {
                if (listener != null) {
//                AndroidGraphicsBridge.mainview.bringToFront();
源代码11 项目: Mysplash   文件: BottomSheetBehavior.java
private void settleToStatePendingLayout(@State int state) {
    final V child = viewRef.get();
    if (child == null) {
    // Start the animation; wait until a pending layout if there is one.
    ViewParent parent = child.getParent();
    if (parent != null && parent.isLayoutRequested() && ViewCompat.isAttachedToWindow(child)) {
        final int finalState = state;
                new Runnable() {
                    public void run() {
                        settleToState(child, finalState);
    } else {
        settleToState(child, state);
public void onChildViewAdded(final View parent, final View child) {

    Log.d(TAG, "child is added: " + child);

    ViewParent scrollView = parent.getParent();
    if (scrollView != null && scrollView instanceof ScrollView) {
        ((ScrollView) scrollView).fullScroll(FOCUS_DOWN);

    if (getLayoutTransition() != null) {
        View view = child.findViewById(R.id.card_actionarea);
        if (view != null)
源代码13 项目: Telegram   文件: WebviewActivity.java
public void onFragmentDestroy() {
    webView.setLayerType(View.LAYER_TYPE_NONE, null);
    typingRunnable = null;
    try {
        ViewParent parent = webView.getParent();
        if (parent != null) {
            ((FrameLayout) parent).removeView(webView);
        webView = null;
    } catch (Exception e) {
public void onAppear_CalledAtMostOnce() {
    ViewController spy = spy(uut);

    verify(spy, times(1)).onViewAppeared();
 * Expands the {@link FlexibleToolbarLayout}.
 * This will only have an effect if the {@link FlexibleToolbarLayout}
 * is used as a child of {@link AppBarLayout}.
public void expand() {
    // Passes call to AppBarLayout if possible
    ViewParent parent = getParent();
    if (parent instanceof AppBarLayout) {
        ((AppBarLayout) parent).setExpanded(true);
protected void onBindDialogView(@NonNull View view) {
    EditText editText = mEditText;
    // Initialize cursor to end of text
    if (editText.getText().length() > 0)
    ViewParent oldParent = editText.getParent();
    if (oldParent != view) {
        if (oldParent != null)
            ((ViewGroup) oldParent).removeView(editText);
        onAddEditTextToDialogView(view, editText);
源代码17 项目: Musicoco   文件: SeekBarCompatDontCrash.java
public static boolean isInScrollingContainer(ViewParent p) {
    while (p != null && p instanceof ViewGroup) {
        if (((ViewGroup) p).shouldDelayChildPressedState()) {
            return true;
        p = p.getParent();
    return false;
源代码18 项目: MultiSlider   文件: MultiSlider.java
public boolean isInScrollingContainer() {
    ViewParent p = getParent();
    while (p != null && p instanceof ViewGroup) {
        if (((ViewGroup) p).shouldDelayChildPressedState()) {
            return true;
        p = p.getParent();
    return false;
源代码19 项目: SlickForm   文件: SimpleTooltipUtils.java
public static boolean isShown(View mContentLayout) {
    if (!mContentLayout.isShown())
        return false;
    ViewParent parent = mContentLayout.getParent();
    do {
        if (parent instanceof View && !((View) parent).isShown())
            return false;

    } while ((parent = parent.getParent()) != null);
    return true;
源代码20 项目: letv   文件: ViewCompatHC.java
static void offsetTopAndBottom(View view, int offset) {
    ViewParent parent = view.getParent();
    if (parent instanceof View) {
        tickleInvalidationFlag((View) parent);
源代码21 项目: Bailan   文件: ViewUtils.java
public static void removeSelfFromParent(View v){
        ViewParent parent = v.getParent();
        if(parent!=null && parent instanceof ViewGroup){
            ViewGroup group=(ViewGroup) parent;
源代码22 项目: android-proguards   文件: TransitionUtils.java
private static List<Boolean> setAncestralClipping(
        @NonNull View view, boolean clipChildren, List<Boolean> was) {
    if (view instanceof ViewGroup) {
        ViewGroup group = (ViewGroup) view;
    ViewParent parent = view.getParent();
    if (parent != null && parent instanceof ViewGroup) {
        setAncestralClipping((ViewGroup) parent, clipChildren, was);
    return was;
源代码23 项目: switchbutton   文件: FTouchHelper.java
 * 是否请求当前view的父view不要拦截事件
 * @param view
 * @param disallowIntercept true-请求父view不要拦截,false-父view可以拦截
public static void requestDisallowInterceptTouchEvent(View view, boolean disallowIntercept)
    final ViewParent parent = view.getParent();
    if (parent != null)
 * Determines if any of the provided {@link View}'s and {@link AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat}'s
 * ancestors can receive accessibility focus
 * @param view The {@link View} to evaluate
 * @param node The {@link AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat} to evaluate
 * @return {@code true} if an ancestor of may receive accessibility focus
public static boolean hasFocusableAncestor(
    @Nullable AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat node, @Nullable View view) {
  if (node == null || view == null) {
    return false;

  final ViewParent parentView = ViewCompat.getParentForAccessibility(view);
  if (!(parentView instanceof View)) {
    return false;

  final AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat parentNode = createNodeInfoFromView((View) parentView);
  try {
    if (parentNode == null) {
      return false;

    if (areBoundsIdenticalToWindow(parentNode, (View) parentView)
        && parentNode.getChildCount() > 0) {
      return false;

    if (isAccessibilityFocusable(parentNode, (View) parentView)) {
      return true;

    if (hasFocusableAncestor(parentNode, (View) parentView)) {
      return true;
  } finally {
    if (parentNode != null) {
  return false;
源代码25 项目: JumpGo   文件: BrowserActivity.java
private static void removeViewFromParent(@Nullable View view) {
    if (view == null) {
    ViewParent parent = view.getParent();
    if (parent instanceof ViewGroup) {
        ((ViewGroup) parent).removeView(view);
private AdapterView getAdapterView() {
    ViewParent t = getParent();
    if (t instanceof AdapterView) {
        return (AdapterView) t;
    return null;
 * Sets the Empty View to be used by the Adapter View.
 * <p/>
 * We need it handle it ourselves so that we can Pull-to-Refresh when the
 * Empty View is shown.
 * <p/>
 * Please note, you do <strong>not</strong> usually need to call this method
 * yourself. Calling setEmptyView on the AdapterView will automatically call
 * this method and set everything up. This includes when the Android
 * Framework automatically sets the Empty View based on it's ID.
 * @param newEmptyView - Empty View to be used
public final void setEmptyView(View newEmptyView) {
	FrameLayout refreshableViewWrapper = getRefreshableViewWrapper();

	if (null != newEmptyView) {
		// New view needs to be clickable so that Android recognizes it as a
		// target for Touch Events

		ViewParent newEmptyViewParent = newEmptyView.getParent();
		if (null != newEmptyViewParent && newEmptyViewParent instanceof ViewGroup) {
			((ViewGroup) newEmptyViewParent).removeView(newEmptyView);

		// We need to convert any LayoutParams so that it works in our
		// FrameLayout
		FrameLayout.LayoutParams lp = convertEmptyViewLayoutParams(newEmptyView.getLayoutParams());
		if (null != lp) {
			refreshableViewWrapper.addView(newEmptyView, lp);
		} else {

	if (mRefreshableView instanceof EmptyViewMethodAccessor) {
		((EmptyViewMethodAccessor) mRefreshableView).setEmptyViewInternal(newEmptyView);
	} else {
	mEmptyView = newEmptyView;
源代码28 项目: ViewPagerBottomSheet   文件: BottomSheetUtils.java
private static View findBottomSheetParent(final View view) {
    View current = view;
    while (current != null) {
        final ViewGroup.LayoutParams params = current.getLayoutParams();
        if (params instanceof CoordinatorLayout.LayoutParams && ((CoordinatorLayout.LayoutParams) params).getBehavior() instanceof ViewPagerBottomSheetBehavior) {
            return current;
        final ViewParent parent = current.getParent();
        current = parent == null || !(parent instanceof View) ? null : (View) parent;
    return null;
void update(View item, View header, Drawable divider, int dividerHeight) {
	//every wrapperview must have a list item
	if (item == null) {
		throw new NullPointerException("List view item must not be null.");

	//only remove the current item if it is not the same as the new item. this can happen if wrapping a recycled view
	if (this.mItem != item) {
		this.mItem = item;
		final ViewParent parent = item.getParent();
		if(parent != null && parent != this) {
			if(parent instanceof ViewGroup) {
				((ViewGroup) parent).removeView(item);

	//same logik as above but for the header
	if (this.mHeader != header) {
		if (this.mHeader != null) {
		this.mHeader = header;
		if (header != null) {

	if (this.mDivider != divider) {
		this.mDivider = divider;
		this.mDividerHeight = dividerHeight;
源代码30 项目: UltimateSwipeTool   文件: SwipeViewLayout.java
private void performAdapterViewItemClick() {
    if (getOpenStatus() != Status.Close) return;
    ViewParent t = getParent();
    if (t instanceof AdapterView) {
        AdapterView view = (AdapterView) t;
        int p = view.getPositionForView(SwipeViewLayout.this);
        if (p != AdapterView.INVALID_POSITION) {
            view.performItemClick(view.getChildAt(p - view.getFirstVisiblePosition()), p, view