

源代码1 项目: onedev   文件: DefaultSearchManager.java
public void on(EntityRemoved event) {
	if (event.getEntity() instanceof Project) {
		synchronized (searcherManagers) {
			Long projectId = event.getEntity().getId();						
			SearcherManager searcherManager = searcherManagers.remove(projectId);
			if (searcherManager != null) {
				try {
				} catch (IOException e) {
					throw ExceptionUtils.unchecked(e);
源代码2 项目: geode-examples   文件: SpatialHelperTest.java
public void queryFindsADocumentThatWasAdded() throws IOException {

  // Create an in memory lucene index to add a document to
  RAMDirectory directory = new RAMDirectory();
  IndexWriter writer = new IndexWriter(directory, new IndexWriterConfig());

  // Add a document to the lucene index
  Document document = new Document();
  document.add(new TextField("name", "name", Field.Store.YES));
  Field[] fields = SpatialHelper.getIndexableFields(-122.8515139, 45.5099231);
  for (Field field : fields) {

  // Make sure a findWithin query locates the document
  Query query = SpatialHelper.findWithin(-122.8515239, 45.5099331, 1);
  SearcherManager searcherManager = new SearcherManager(writer, null);
  IndexSearcher searcher = searcherManager.acquire();
  TopDocs results = searcher.search(query, 100);
  assertEquals(1, results.totalHits);
源代码3 项目: Elasticsearch   文件: Engine.java
 * Read the last segments info from the commit pointed to by the searcher manager
protected static SegmentInfos readLastCommittedSegmentInfos(final SearcherManager sm, final Store store) throws IOException {
    IndexSearcher searcher = sm.acquire();
    try {
        IndexCommit latestCommit = ((DirectoryReader) searcher.getIndexReader()).getIndexCommit();
        return Lucene.readSegmentInfos(latestCommit);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        // Fall back to reading from the store if reading from the commit fails
        try {
            return store. readLastCommittedSegmentsInfo();
        } catch (IOException e2) {
            throw e2;
    } finally {
源代码4 项目: lucene-solr   文件: SegmentInfosSearcherManager.java
protected IndexSearcher refreshIfNeeded(IndexSearcher old) throws IOException {
  List<LeafReader> subs;
  if (old == null) {
    subs = null;
  } else {
    subs = new ArrayList<>();
    for(LeafReaderContext ctx : old.getIndexReader().leaves()) {

  // Open a new reader, sharing any common segment readers with the old one:
  DirectoryReader r = StandardDirectoryReader.open(dir, currentInfos, subs);
  node.message("refreshed to version=" + currentInfos.getVersion() + " r=" + r);
  return SearcherManager.getSearcher(searcherFactory, r, old.getIndexReader());
源代码5 项目: lucene-solr   文件: AnalyzingInfixSuggester.java
/** Create a new instance, loading from a previously built
   *  AnalyzingInfixSuggester directory, if it exists.  This directory must be
   *  private to the infix suggester (i.e., not an external
   *  Lucene index).  Note that {@link #close}
   *  will also close the provided directory.
   *  @param minPrefixChars Minimum number of leading characters
   *     before PrefixQuery is used (default 4).
   *     Prefixes shorter than this are indexed as character
   *     ngrams (increasing index size but making lookups
   *     faster).
   *  @param commitOnBuild Call commit after the index has finished building. This would persist the
   *                       suggester index to disk and future instances of this suggester can use this pre-built dictionary.
   *  @param allTermsRequired All terms in the suggest query must be matched.
   *  @param highlight Highlight suggest query in suggestions.
   *  @param closeIndexWriterOnBuild If true, the IndexWriter will be closed after the index has finished building.
public AnalyzingInfixSuggester(Directory dir, Analyzer indexAnalyzer, Analyzer queryAnalyzer, int minPrefixChars,
                               boolean commitOnBuild, boolean allTermsRequired, 
                               boolean highlight, boolean closeIndexWriterOnBuild) throws IOException {
  if (minPrefixChars < 0) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("minPrefixChars must be >= 0; got: " + minPrefixChars);

  this.queryAnalyzer = queryAnalyzer;
  this.indexAnalyzer = indexAnalyzer;
  this.dir = dir;
  this.minPrefixChars = minPrefixChars;
  this.commitOnBuild = commitOnBuild;
  this.allTermsRequired = allTermsRequired;
  this.highlight = highlight;
  this.closeIndexWriterOnBuild = closeIndexWriterOnBuild;

  if (DirectoryReader.indexExists(dir)) {
    // Already built; open it:
    searcherMgr = new SearcherManager(dir, null);
源代码6 项目: lucene-solr   文件: AnalyzingInfixSuggester.java
public long getCount() throws IOException {
  if (searcherMgr == null) {
    return 0;
  SearcherManager mgr;
  IndexSearcher searcher;
  synchronized (searcherMgrLock) {
    mgr = searcherMgr; // acquire & release on same SearcherManager, via local reference
    searcher = mgr.acquire();
  try {
    return searcher.getIndexReader().numDocs();
  } finally {
public void testSoftDeleteWithTryUpdateDocValue() throws Exception {
  Directory dir = newDirectory();
  IndexWriterConfig config = newIndexWriterConfig().setSoftDeletesField("soft_delete")
      .setMergePolicy(new SoftDeletesRetentionMergePolicy("soft_delete", MatchAllDocsQuery::new, newLogMergePolicy()));
  IndexWriter writer = new IndexWriter(dir, config);
  SearcherManager sm = new SearcherManager(writer, new SearcherFactory());
  Document d = new Document();
  d.add(new StringField("id", "0", Field.Store.YES));
  doUpdate(new Term("id", "0"), writer,
      new NumericDocValuesField("soft_delete", 1), new NumericDocValuesField("other-field", 1));
  assertEquals(1, writer.cloneSegmentInfos().size());
  SegmentCommitInfo si = writer.cloneSegmentInfos().info(0);
  assertEquals(1, si.getSoftDelCount());
  assertEquals(1, si.info.maxDoc());
  IOUtils.close(sm, writer, dir);
源代码8 项目: geode-examples   文件: SpatialHelperTest.java
public void queryFindsADocumentThatWasAdded() throws IOException {

  // Create an in memory lucene index to add a document to
  RAMDirectory directory = new RAMDirectory();
  IndexWriter writer = new IndexWriter(directory, new IndexWriterConfig());

  // Add a document to the lucene index
  Document document = new Document();
  document.add(new TextField("name", "name", Field.Store.YES));
  Field[] fields = SpatialHelper.getIndexableFields(-122.8515139, 45.5099231);
  for (Field field : fields) {

  // Make sure a findWithin query locates the document
  Query query = SpatialHelper.findWithin(-122.8515239, 45.5099331, 1);
  SearcherManager searcherManager = new SearcherManager(writer, null);
  IndexSearcher searcher = searcherManager.acquire();
  TopDocs results = searcher.search(query, 100);
  assertEquals(1, results.totalHits);
 * Created by {@link org.apache.pinot.core.indexsegment.mutable.MutableSegmentImpl}
 * for each column on which text index has been enabled
 * @param column column name
 * @param segmentIndexDir realtime segment consumer dir
 * @param segmentName realtime segment name
public RealtimeLuceneTextIndexReader(String column, File segmentIndexDir, String segmentName) {
  _column = column;
  _segmentName = segmentName;
  try {
    // indexCreator.close() is necessary for cleaning up the resources associated with lucene
    // index writer that was indexing data realtime. We close the indexCreator
    // when the realtime segment is destroyed (we would have already committed the
    // segment and converted it into offline before destroy is invoked)
    // So committing the lucene index for the realtime in-memory segment is not necessary
    // as it is already part of the offline segment after the conversion.
    // This is why "commitOnClose" is set to false when creating the lucene index writer
    // for realtime
    _indexCreator =
        new LuceneTextIndexCreator(column, new File(segmentIndexDir.getAbsolutePath() + "/" + segmentName),
            false /* commitOnClose */);
    IndexWriter indexWriter = _indexCreator.getIndexWriter();
    _searcherManager = new SearcherManager(indexWriter, false, false, null);
  } catch (Exception e) {
    LOGGER.error("Failed to instantiate realtime Lucene index reader for column {}, exception {}", column,
    throw new RuntimeException(e);
  StandardAnalyzer analyzer = new StandardAnalyzer();
  _queryParser = new QueryParser(column, analyzer);
源代码10 项目: vscode-extension   文件: test.java
ExternalSearcherManager(SearcherManager internalSearcherManager, SearcherFactory searcherFactory) throws IOException {
    IndexSearcher acquire = internalSearcherManager.acquire();
    try {
        IndexReader indexReader = acquire.getIndexReader();
        assert indexReader instanceof ElasticsearchDirectoryReader:
            "searcher's IndexReader should be an ElasticsearchDirectoryReader, but got " + indexReader;
        indexReader.incRef(); // steal the reader - getSearcher will decrement if it fails
        current = SearcherManager.getSearcher(searcherFactory, indexReader, null);
    } finally {
    this.searcherFactory = searcherFactory;
    this.internalSearcherManager = internalSearcherManager;
源代码11 项目: onedev   文件: DefaultSearchManager.java
public void on(CommitIndexed event) {
	try {
		SearcherManager searcherManager = getSearcherManager(event.getProject().getForkRoot()); 
		if (searcherManager != null)
	} catch (InterruptedException | IOException e) {
		throw ExceptionUtils.unchecked(e);
源代码12 项目: onedev   文件: DefaultSearchManager.java
public void on(SystemStopping event) {
	synchronized (searcherManagers) {
		for (SearcherManager searcherManager: searcherManagers.values()) {
			try {
			} catch (IOException e) {
				throw ExceptionUtils.unchecked(e);
源代码13 项目: Elasticsearch   文件: ShadowEngine.java
public ShadowEngine(EngineConfig engineConfig)  {
    SearcherFactory searcherFactory = new EngineSearcherFactory(engineConfig);
    final long nonexistentRetryTime = engineConfig.getIndexSettings()
    try {
        DirectoryReader reader = null;
        boolean success = false;
        try {
            if (Lucene.waitForIndex(store.directory(), nonexistentRetryTime)) {
                reader = ElasticsearchDirectoryReader.wrap(DirectoryReader.open(store.directory()), shardId);
                this.searcherManager = new SearcherManager(reader, searcherFactory);
                this.lastCommittedSegmentInfos = readLastCommittedSegmentInfos(searcherManager, store);
                success = true;
            } else {
                throw new IllegalStateException("failed to open a shadow engine after" +
                        nonexistentRetryTime + "ms, " +
                        "directory is not an index");
        } catch (Throwable e) {
            logger.warn("failed to create new reader", e);
            throw e;
        } finally {
            if (success == false) {
    } catch (IOException ex) {
        throw new EngineCreationFailureException(shardId, "failed to open index reader", ex);
    logger.trace("created new ShadowEngine");
源代码14 项目: lucene-solr   文件: AnalyzingInfixSuggester.java
public long ramBytesUsed() {
  long mem = RamUsageEstimator.shallowSizeOf(this);
  try {
    if (searcherMgr != null) {
      SearcherManager mgr;
      IndexSearcher searcher;
      synchronized (searcherMgrLock) {
        mgr = searcherMgr; // acquire & release on same SearcherManager, via local reference
        searcher = mgr.acquire();
      try {
        for (LeafReaderContext context : searcher.getIndexReader().leaves()) {
          LeafReader reader = FilterLeafReader.unwrap(context.reader());
          if (reader instanceof SegmentReader) {
            mem += ((SegmentReader) context.reader()).ramBytesUsed();
      } finally {
    return mem;
  } catch (IOException ioe) {
    throw new RuntimeException(ioe);
源代码15 项目: lucene-solr   文件: AnalyzingInfixSuggester.java
public Collection<Accountable> getChildResources() {
  List<Accountable> resources = new ArrayList<>();
  try {
    if (searcherMgr != null) {
      SearcherManager mgr;
      IndexSearcher searcher;
      synchronized (searcherMgrLock) {
        mgr = searcherMgr; // acquire & release on same SearcherManager, via local reference
        searcher = mgr.acquire();
      try {
        for (LeafReaderContext context : searcher.getIndexReader().leaves()) {
          LeafReader reader = FilterLeafReader.unwrap(context.reader());
          if (reader instanceof SegmentReader) {
            resources.add(Accountables.namedAccountable("segment", (SegmentReader)reader));
      } finally {
    return Collections.unmodifiableList(resources);
  } catch (IOException ioe) {
    throw new RuntimeException(ioe);
源代码16 项目: lucene-solr   文件: SearcherTaxonomyManager.java
protected SearcherAndTaxonomy refreshIfNeeded(SearcherAndTaxonomy ref) throws IOException {
  // Must re-open searcher first, otherwise we may get a
  // new reader that references ords not yet known to the
  // taxonomy reader:
  final IndexReader r = ref.searcher.getIndexReader();
  final IndexReader newReader = DirectoryReader.openIfChanged((DirectoryReader) r);
  if (newReader == null) {
    return null;
  } else {
    DirectoryTaxonomyReader tr;
    try {
      tr = TaxonomyReader.openIfChanged(ref.taxonomyReader);
    } catch (Throwable t1) {
      try {
      } catch (Throwable t2) {
      throw t1;
    if (tr == null) {
      tr = ref.taxonomyReader;
    } else if (taxoWriter != null && taxoWriter.getTaxonomyEpoch() != taxoEpoch) {
      IOUtils.close(newReader, tr);
      throw new IllegalStateException("DirectoryTaxonomyWriter.replaceTaxonomy was called, which is not allowed when using SearcherTaxonomyManager");

    return new SearcherAndTaxonomy(SearcherManager.getSearcher(searcherFactory, newReader, r), tr);
源代码17 项目: lucene-solr   文件: QueryIndex.java
QueryIndex(MonitorConfiguration config, Presearcher presearcher) throws IOException {
  this.writer = config.buildIndexWriter();
  this.manager = new SearcherManager(writer, true, true, new TermsHashBuilder());
  this.decomposer = config.getQueryDecomposer();
  this.serializer = config.getQuerySerializer();
  this.presearcher = presearcher;
  populateQueryCache(serializer, decomposer);
源代码18 项目: yes-cart   文件: LuceneIndexProviderImpl.java
 * {@inheritDoc}
public void afterPropertiesSet() throws Exception {

    index = getInstance(uri + File.separatorChar + name + File.separatorChar + "index");
    indexReaderManager = new SearcherManager(indexWriter, null);

    facets = getInstance(uri + File.separatorChar + name + File.separatorChar + "taxonomy");
    facetsReaderManager = new SearcherTaxonomyManager(indexWriter, null, facetsWriter);

源代码19 项目: sql-layer   文件: FullTextCursor.java
public FullTextCursor(QueryContext context, HKeyRowType rowType, 
                      SearcherManager searcherManager, Query query, int limit) {
    this.context = context;
    this.rowType = rowType;
    this.searcherManager = searcherManager;
    this.query = query;
    this.limit = limit;
    //adapter = context.getStore();
    searcher = searcherManager.acquire();
源代码20 项目: incubator-pinot   文件: TextSearchQueriesTest.java
public void testMultiThreadedLuceneRealtime() throws Exception {
  File indexFile = new File(INDEX_DIR.getPath() + "/realtime-test3.index");
  Directory indexDirectory = FSDirectory.open(indexFile.toPath());
  StandardAnalyzer standardAnalyzer = new StandardAnalyzer();
  // create and open a writer
  IndexWriterConfig indexWriterConfig = new IndexWriterConfig(standardAnalyzer);
  IndexWriter indexWriter = new IndexWriter(indexDirectory, indexWriterConfig);

  // create an NRT index reader
  SearcherManager searcherManager = new SearcherManager(indexWriter, false, false, null);

  // background thread to refresh NRT reader
  ControlledRealTimeReopenThread controlledRealTimeReopenThread =
      new ControlledRealTimeReopenThread(indexWriter, searcherManager, 0.01, 0.01);

  // start writer and reader
  Thread writer = new Thread(new RealtimeWriter(indexWriter));
  Thread realtimeReader = new Thread(new RealtimeReader(searcherManager, standardAnalyzer));


源代码21 项目: crate   文件: InternalEngine.java
ExternalSearcherManager(SearcherManager internalSearcherManager, SearcherFactory searcherFactory) throws IOException {
    IndexSearcher acquire = internalSearcherManager.acquire();
    try {
        IndexReader indexReader = acquire.getIndexReader();
        assert indexReader instanceof ElasticsearchDirectoryReader :
            "searcher's IndexReader should be an ElasticsearchDirectoryReader, but got " + indexReader;
        indexReader.incRef(); // steal the reader - getSearcher will decrement if it fails
        current = SearcherManager.getSearcher(searcherFactory, indexReader, null);
    } finally {
    this.searcherFactory = searcherFactory;
    this.internalSearcherManager = internalSearcherManager;
源代码22 项目: onedev   文件: DefaultSearchManager.java
public List<QueryHit> search(Project project, ObjectId commit, final BlobQuery query) 
		throws InterruptedException {
	List<QueryHit> hits = new ArrayList<>();

	SearcherManager searcherManager = getSearcherManager(project.getForkRoot());
	if (searcherManager != null) {
		try {
			final IndexSearcher searcher = searcherManager.acquire();
			try {
				try (RevWalk revWalk = new RevWalk(project.getRepository())){
					final RevTree revTree = revWalk.parseCommit(commit).getTree();
					final Set<String> checkedBlobPaths = new HashSet<>();
					searcher.search(query.asLuceneQuery(), new SimpleCollector() {

						private BinaryDocValues blobPathValues;
						public void collect(int doc) throws IOException {
							if (hits.size() < query.getCount() && !Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) {
								String blobPath = blobPathValues.binaryValue().utf8ToString();
								if (!checkedBlobPaths.contains(blobPath)) {
									TreeWalk treeWalk = TreeWalk.forPath(project.getRepository(), blobPath, revTree);									
									if (treeWalk != null)
										query.collect(searcher, treeWalk, hits);

						protected void doSetNextReader(LeafReaderContext context) throws IOException {
							blobPathValues  = context.reader().getBinaryDocValues(FieldConstants.BLOB_PATH.name());

						public boolean needsScores() {
							return false;

			} finally {
		} catch (IOException e) {
			throw ExceptionUtils.unchecked(e);
	if (Thread.interrupted())
		throw new InterruptedException();

	return hits;
源代码23 项目: Elasticsearch   文件: DLBasedEngine.java
protected SearcherManager getSearcherManager() {
    return searcherManager;
源代码24 项目: Elasticsearch   文件: Engine.java
protected Searcher newSearcher(String source, IndexSearcher searcher, SearcherManager manager) {
    return new EngineSearcher(source, searcher, manager, store, logger);
源代码25 项目: Elasticsearch   文件: EngineSearcher.java
public EngineSearcher(String source, IndexSearcher searcher, SearcherManager manager, Store store, ESLogger logger) {
    super(source, searcher);
    this.manager = manager;
    this.store = store;
    this.logger = logger;
源代码26 项目: Elasticsearch   文件: InternalEngine.java
protected SearcherManager getSearcherManager() {
    return searcherManager;
源代码27 项目: Elasticsearch   文件: ShadowEngine.java
protected SearcherManager getSearcherManager() {
    return searcherManager;
源代码28 项目: lucene-solr   文件: PrimaryNode.java
public PrimaryNode(IndexWriter writer, int id, long primaryGen, long forcePrimaryVersion,
                   SearcherFactory searcherFactory, PrintStream printStream) throws IOException {
  super(id, writer.getDirectory(), searcherFactory, printStream);
  message("top: now init primary");
  this.writer = writer;
  this.primaryGen = primaryGen;

  try {
    // So that when primary node's IndexWriter finishes a merge, but before it cuts over to the merged segment,
    // it copies it out to the replicas.  This ensures the whole system's NRT latency remains low even when a
    // large merge completes:
    writer.getConfig().setMergedSegmentWarmer(new PreCopyMergedSegmentWarmer(this));

    message("IWC:\n" + writer.getConfig());
    message("dir:\n" + writer.getDirectory());
    message("commitData: " + writer.getLiveCommitData());

    // Record our primaryGen in the userData, and set initial version to 0:
    Map<String,String> commitData = new HashMap<>();
    Iterable<Map.Entry<String,String>> iter = writer.getLiveCommitData();
    if (iter != null) {
      for(Map.Entry<String,String> ent : iter) {
        commitData.put(ent.getKey(), ent.getValue());
    commitData.put(PRIMARY_GEN_KEY, Long.toString(primaryGen));
    if (commitData.get(VERSION_KEY) == null) {
      commitData.put(VERSION_KEY, "0");
      message("add initial commitData version=0");
    } else {
      message("keep current commitData version=" + commitData.get(VERSION_KEY));
    writer.setLiveCommitData(commitData.entrySet(), false);

    // We forcefully advance the SIS version to an unused future version.  This is necessary if the previous primary crashed and we are
    // starting up on an "older" index, else versions can be illegally reused but show different results:
    if (forcePrimaryVersion != -1) {
      message("now forcePrimaryVersion to version=" + forcePrimaryVersion);

    mgr = new SearcherManager(writer, true, true, searcherFactory);
    message("init: infos version=" + curInfos.getVersion());

  } catch (Throwable t) {
    message("init: exception");
    throw new RuntimeException(t);
源代码29 项目: lucene-solr   文件: AnalyzingInfixSuggesterTest.java
public void testCloseIndexWriterOnBuild() throws Exception {
  class MyAnalyzingInfixSuggester extends AnalyzingInfixSuggester {
    public MyAnalyzingInfixSuggester(Directory dir, Analyzer indexAnalyzer, Analyzer queryAnalyzer, 
                                     int minPrefixChars, boolean commitOnBuild, boolean allTermsRequired,
                                     boolean highlight, boolean closeIndexWriterOnBuild) throws IOException {
      super(dir, indexAnalyzer, queryAnalyzer, minPrefixChars, commitOnBuild, 
            allTermsRequired, highlight, closeIndexWriterOnBuild);
    public IndexWriter getIndexWriter() {
      return writer;
    public SearcherManager getSearcherManager() {
      return searcherMgr;

  // After build(), when closeIndexWriterOnBuild = true: 
  // * The IndexWriter should be null 
  // * The SearcherManager should be non-null
  // * SearcherManager's IndexWriter reference should be closed 
  //   (as evidenced by maybeRefreshBlocking() throwing AlreadyClosedException)
  Analyzer a = new MockAnalyzer(random(), MockTokenizer.WHITESPACE, false);
  Path tempDir = createTempDir("analyzingInfixContext");
  final MyAnalyzingInfixSuggester suggester = new MyAnalyzingInfixSuggester(newFSDirectory(tempDir), a, a, 3, false,
      AnalyzingInfixSuggester.DEFAULT_ALL_TERMS_REQUIRED, AnalyzingInfixSuggester.DEFAULT_HIGHLIGHT, true);
  suggester.build(new InputArrayIterator(sharedInputs));
  expectThrows(AlreadyClosedException.class, () -> suggester.getSearcherManager().maybeRefreshBlocking());

  // After instantiating from an already-built suggester dir:
  // * The IndexWriter should be null
  // * The SearcherManager should be non-null
  final MyAnalyzingInfixSuggester suggester2 = new MyAnalyzingInfixSuggester(newFSDirectory(tempDir), a, a, 3, false,
      AnalyzingInfixSuggester.DEFAULT_ALL_TERMS_REQUIRED, AnalyzingInfixSuggester.DEFAULT_HIGHLIGHT, true);

源代码30 项目: lucene-solr   文件: TestIndexWriter.java
public void testRandomOperations() throws Exception {
  IndexWriterConfig iwc = newIndexWriterConfig();
  iwc.setMergePolicy(new FilterMergePolicy(newMergePolicy()) {
    boolean keepFullyDeletedSegment = random().nextBoolean();

    public boolean keepFullyDeletedSegment(IOSupplier<CodecReader> readerIOSupplier) {
      return keepFullyDeletedSegment;
  try (Directory dir = newDirectory();
       IndexWriter writer = new IndexWriter(dir, iwc);
       SearcherManager sm = new SearcherManager(writer, new SearcherFactory())) {
    Semaphore numOperations = new Semaphore(10 + random().nextInt(1000));
    boolean singleDoc = random().nextBoolean();
    Thread[] threads = new Thread[1 + random().nextInt(4)];
    CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(threads.length);
    for (int i = 0; i < threads.length; i++) {
      threads[i] = new Thread(() -> {
        try {
          while (numOperations.tryAcquire()) {
            String id = singleDoc ? "1" : Integer.toString(random().nextInt(10));
            Document doc = new Document();
            doc.add(new StringField("id", id, Field.Store.YES));
            if (random().nextInt(10) <= 2) {
              writer.updateDocument(new Term("id", id), doc);
            } else if (random().nextInt(10) <= 2) {
              writer.deleteDocuments(new Term("id", id));
            } else {
            if (random().nextInt(100) < 10) {
            if (random().nextInt(100) < 5) {
            if (random().nextInt(100) < 1) {
              writer.forceMerge(1 + random().nextInt(10), random().nextBoolean());
        } catch (Exception e) {
          throw new AssertionError(e);
    for (Thread thread : threads) {