

源代码1 项目: Slimefun4   文件: WoodcutterAndroid.java
private void breakLog(Block log, Block android, BlockMenu menu, BlockFace face) {
    ItemStack drop = new ItemStack(log.getType());

    if (menu.fits(drop, getOutputSlots())) {
        menu.pushItem(drop, getOutputSlots());
        log.getWorld().playEffect(log.getLocation(), Effect.STEP_SOUND, log.getType());

        if (log.getY() == android.getRelative(face).getY()) {
            Optional<Material> sapling = MaterialConverter.getSaplingFromLog(log.getType());

            if (sapling.isPresent()) {
        else {
源代码2 项目: UhcCore   文件: DoubleGoldListener.java
public void onBlockBreak(BlockBreakEvent e) {

    if (isActivated(Scenario.CUTCLEAN) || isActivated(Scenario.TRIPLEORES) || isActivated(Scenario.VEINMINER)){

    Block block = e.getBlock();
    Location loc = e.getBlock().getLocation().add(0.5, 0, 0.5);

    if (block.getType() == Material.GOLD_ORE){
        loc.getWorld().dropItem(loc,new ItemStack(Material.GOLD_INGOT, 2));
源代码3 项目: BedWars   文件: ColorChanger.java
public static Material changeMaterialColor(Material material, TeamColor teamColor) {
    String materialName = material.name();

    try {
        materialName = material.toString().substring(material.toString().indexOf("_") + 1);
    } catch (StringIndexOutOfBoundsException ignored) {

    String teamMaterialColor = teamColor.material1_13;

    if (Main.autoColoredMaterials.contains(materialName)) {
        return Material.getMaterial(teamMaterialColor + "_" + materialName);
    } else if (material.toString().contains("GLASS")) {
        return Material.getMaterial(teamMaterialColor + "_STAINED_GLASS");
    } else if (material.toString().contains("GLASS_PANE")) {
        return Material.getMaterial(teamMaterialColor + "_STAINED_GLASS_PANE");
    return material;

源代码4 项目: ProjectAres   文件: EventFilterMatchModule.java
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.HIGHEST)
public void onInteract(final PlayerInteractEvent event) {
    if(cancelUnlessInteracting(event, event.getPlayer())) {
        // Allow the how-to book to be read
        if(event.getMaterial() == Material.WRITTEN_BOOK) {
        } else {

        MatchPlayer player = getMatch().getPlayer(event.getPlayer());
        if(player == null) return;

        if(!player.isSpawned()) {
            ClickType clickType = convertClick(event.getAction(), event.getPlayer());
            if(clickType == null) return;

            getMatch().callEvent(new ObserverInteractEvent(player, clickType, event.getClickedBlock(), null, event.getItem()));

        // Right-clicking armor will put it on unless we do this
源代码5 项目: BedWars   文件: TeamChestListener.java
public void onTeamChestBuilt(BedwarsPlayerBuildBlock event) {
    if (event.isCancelled()) {

    Block block = event.getBlock();
    RunningTeam team = event.getTeam();

    if (block.getType() != Material.ENDER_CHEST) {

    String unhidden = APIUtils.unhashFromInvisibleStringStartsWith(event.getItemInHand(), TEAM_CHEST_PREFIX);

    if (unhidden != null || Main.getConfigurator().config.getBoolean("specials.teamchest.turn-all-enderchests-to-teamchests")) {
        String message = i18n("team_chest_placed");
        for (Player pl : team.getConnectedPlayers()) {
源代码6 项目: AdditionsAPI   文件: CustomItemStack.java
 * Add all NBT Data from a Map. The String is the NBT Key, the Object is the
 * data you wish to store. Valid types are: Void, byte, short, int, long,
 * float, double, byte[], int[], String, List and Map.
 * @param nbtData
public void addAllNBTData(Map<? extends String, ? extends Object> nbtData) {
	if (itemStack == null || itemStack.getType().equals(Material.AIR))
	ItemStack stack = NbtFactory.getCraftItemStack(itemStack);
	NbtCompound nbt = NbtFactory.fromItemTag(stack);
源代码7 项目: HubBasics   文件: ItemListener.java
@EventHandler(ignoreCancelled = true)
public void onLeftClick(PlayerInteractEvent event) {
    if (!(event.getAction() == Action.LEFT_CLICK_AIR || event.getAction() == Action.LEFT_CLICK_BLOCK)) {
    ItemStack itemStack = ReflectionUtils.invokeMethod(event.getPlayer(), this.getItemInHandMethod);
    if (itemStack != null && itemStack.getType() != Material.AIR) {
        NBTItem nbtItem = new NBTItem(itemStack);
        if (!nbtItem.hasKey("HubBasics")) return;
        CustomItem item = HubBasics.getInstance().getItemManager().get(nbtItem.getString("HubBasics"));
        if (item == null) {
            itemStack.setType(Material.AIR); // Destroy old item
        if (!item.getRunOnLeftClick()) return;
源代码8 项目: MineTinker   文件: Fiery.java
public void reload() {
	FileConfiguration config = getConfig();

	config.addDefault("Allowed", true);
	config.addDefault("Color", "%YELLOW%");
	config.addDefault("MaxLevel", 2);
	config.addDefault("SlotCost", 1);

	config.addDefault("EnchantCost", 10);
	config.addDefault("Enchantable", true);

	config.addDefault("Recipe.Enabled", false);

	ConfigurationManager.loadConfig("Modifiers" + File.separator, getFileName());

源代码9 项目: AACAdditionPro   文件: DataUpdaterEvents.java
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.LOW)
public void onInventoryClick(final InventoryClickEvent event)
    final User user = UserManager.getUser(event.getWhoClicked().getUniqueId());

    if (user != null &&
        // Quickbar actions can be performed outside the inventory.
        event.getSlotType() != InventoryType.SlotType.QUICKBAR)
        // Only update if the inventory is currently closed to not interfere with opening time checks.
        if (!user.hasOpenInventory()) {

        if (event.getCurrentItem() != null) {

        user.getDataMap().setValue(DataKey.LAST_RAW_SLOT_CLICKED, event.getRawSlot());
        user.getDataMap().setValue(DataKey.LAST_MATERIAL_CLICKED, event.getCurrentItem() == null ?
                                                                  Material.AIR :
源代码10 项目: LagMonitor   文件: GraphListener.java
@EventHandler(ignoreCancelled = true, priority = EventPriority.HIGH)
public void onInteract(PlayerInteractEvent clickEvent) {
    Player player = clickEvent.getPlayer();
    PlayerInventory inventory = player.getInventory();

    ItemStack mainHandItem;
    if (mainHandSupported) {
        mainHandItem = inventory.getItemInMainHand();
    } else {
        mainHandItem = inventory.getItemInHand();

    if (isOurGraph(mainHandItem)) {
        inventory.setItemInMainHand(new ItemStack(Material.AIR));
源代码11 项目: Transport-Pipes   文件: SimpleInventoryContainer.java
public int spaceForItem(TPDirection insertDirection, ItemStack insertion) {
    if (isInvLocked(cachedInvHolder)) {
        return 0;

    int space = 0;

    for (int i = 0; i < cachedInv.getSize(); i++) {
        ItemStack item = cachedInv.getItem(i);
        if (item == null || item.getType() == Material.AIR) {
            space += insertion.getMaxStackSize();
        } else if (item.isSimilar(insertion) && item.getAmount() < item.getMaxStackSize()) {
            space += item.getMaxStackSize() - item.getAmount();

    return space;
源代码12 项目: ZombieEscape   文件: Game.java
 * Creates a door with a given time in seconds.
 * @param player the player who is setting the arena up
 * @param input  the time, in seconds, the door will take to open
private void addDoor(Player player, String input) {
    Block block = player.getEyeLocation().getBlock();
    Material material = block.getType();
    if (material != Material.SIGN_POST && material != Material.WALL_SIGN) {

    int seconds = Utils.getNumber(player, input);

    if (seconds < 0) {

    int signID = editedFile.createListLocation(player, block.getLocation(), "Doors");
    editedFile.getConfig().set("Doors." + signID + ".Timer", seconds);
    Messages.CREATED_SIGN.send(player, signID, seconds);
源代码13 项目: CloudNet   文件: CommandCloudServer.java
private boolean removeSign(CommandSender commandSender, Player player) {
    if (checkSignSelectorActive(commandSender)) {
        return true;

    Block block = player.getTargetBlock((Set<Material>) null, 15);
    if (block.getState() instanceof org.bukkit.block.Sign) {
        if (SignSelector.getInstance().containsPosition(block.getLocation())) {
            Sign sign = SignSelector.getInstance().getSignByPosition(block.getLocation());

            if (sign != null) {
                CloudAPI.getInstance().getNetworkConnection().sendPacket(new PacketOutRemoveSign(sign));
                commandSender.sendMessage(CloudAPI.getInstance().getPrefix() + "The sign has been removed");
    return false;
源代码14 项目: Thermos   文件: CraftHumanEntity.java
public InventoryView openEnchanting(Location location, boolean force) {
    if (!force) {
        Block block = location.getBlock();
        if (block.getType() != Material.ENCHANTMENT_TABLE) {
            return null;
    if (location == null) {
        location = getLocation();
    getHandle().displayGUIEnchantment(location.getBlockX(), location.getBlockY(), location.getBlockZ(), null);
    if (force) {
        getHandle().openContainer.checkReachable = false;
    return getHandle().openContainer.getBukkitView();
源代码15 项目: Item-NBT-API   文件: ItemConvertionTest.java
public void test() throws Exception {
	ItemStack item = new ItemStack(Material.STONE, 1);
	ItemMeta meta = item.getItemMeta();
	meta.setLore(Lists.newArrayList("Firest Line", "Second Line"));
	String nbt = NBTItem.convertItemtoNBT(item).toString();
	if (!nbt.contains("Firest Line") || !nbt.contains("Second Line"))
		throw new NbtApiException("The Item nbt '" + nbt + "' didn't contain the lore");
	ItemStack rebuild = NBTItem.convertNBTtoItem(new NBTContainer(nbt));
	if (!item.isSimilar(rebuild))
		throw new NbtApiException("Rebuilt item did not match the original!");
	NBTContainer cont = new NBTContainer();
	cont.setItemStack("testItem", item);
		throw new NbtApiException("Rebuilt item did not match the original!");
源代码16 项目: SkyWarsReloaded   文件: NMSHandler.java
public ItemStack getMaterial(String item) {
	if (item.equalsIgnoreCase("SKULL_ITEM")) {
		return new ItemStack(Material.SKULL_ITEM, 1, (short) 1);
	} else {
		return new ItemStack(Material.valueOf(item), 1);
源代码17 项目: BetonQuest   文件: FishObjective.java
public FishObjective(Instruction instruction) throws InstructionParseException {
    template = FishData.class;
    String[] fishParts = instruction.next().split(":");
    fish = Material.matchMaterial(fishParts[0]);
    if (fish == null) {
        fish = Material.matchMaterial(fishParts[0], true);
        if (fish == null) {
            throw new InstructionParseException("Unknown fish type");
    if (fishParts.length > 1) {
        try {
            data = Byte.parseByte(fishParts[1]);
        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
            throw new InstructionParseException("Could not parse fish data value", e);
    } else {
        data = -1;
    amount = instruction.getInt();
    if (amount < 1) {
        throw new InstructionParseException("Fish amount cannot be less than 0");
    notifyInterval = instruction.getInt(instruction.getOptional("notify"), 1);
    notify = instruction.hasArgument("notify") || notifyInterval > 0;
源代码18 项目: QualityArmory   文件: QualityArmory.java
public static GunYML createAndLoadNewGun(String name, String displayname, Material material, int id,
		WeaponType type, WeaponSounds sound, boolean hasIronSights, String ammotype, int damage, int maxBullets,
		int cost) {
	File newGunsDir = new File(QAMain.getInstance().getDataFolder(), "newGuns");
	final File gunFile = new File(newGunsDir, name);
	new BukkitRunnable() {
		public void run() {
			GunYMLLoader.loadGuns(QAMain.getInstance(), gunFile);
	}.runTaskLater(QAMain.getInstance(), 1);
	return GunYMLCreator.createNewCustomGun(QAMain.getInstance().getDataFolder(), name, name, displayname, id, null,
			type, sound, hasIronSights, ammotype, damage, maxBullets, cost).setMaterial(material);
源代码19 项目: Modern-LWC   文件: BlockCache.java
 * Adds a block to the block cache by its Block name, and tries to add it if it doesn't exist.
 * @param block
public int addBlock(String block) {
    Material material = Material.matchMaterial(block);
    if (material != null) {
        return addBlock(material);
    return -1;
源代码20 项目: Slimefun4   文件: TestBackpackListener.java
public void testBackpackDropNormalItem() throws InterruptedException {
    Player player = server.addPlayer();
    openMockBackpack(player, "DROP_NORMAL_ITEM_BACKPACK_TEST", 27);

    Item item = Mockito.mock(Item.class);
    Mockito.when(item.getItemStack()).thenReturn(new ItemStack(Material.SUGAR_CANE));
    PlayerDropItemEvent event = new PlayerDropItemEvent(player, item);

源代码21 项目: CS-CoreLib   文件: RecipeManager.java
public static void removeRecipe(Material type, short durability) {
	Iterator<Recipe> recipes = Bukkit.recipeIterator();
	Recipe recipe;
	while (recipes.hasNext()) {
		recipe = recipes.next();
		if (recipe != null && recipe.getResult().getType() == type && recipe.getResult().getDurability() == durability) {
源代码22 项目: ce   文件: CItem.java
public CItem(String originalName, ChatColor color, String lDescription, long lCooldown, Material mat) {
    this.typeString = "Items";
    this.itemMaterial = mat;
    this.originalName = originalName;
    this.permissionName = originalName.replace(" ", "").replace("'", "");
    this.description = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(lDescription.split(";")));
    this.configEntries.put("Enabled", true);
    this.configEntries.put("DisplayName", originalName);
    this.configEntries.put("Color", color.name());
    this.configEntries.put("Description", lDescription);
    this.configEntries.put("Cooldown", lCooldown);
    this.configEntries.put("Cost", 0);
源代码23 项目: QuickShop-Reremake   文件: ContainerShop.java
 * Deletes the shop from the list of shops and queues it for database deletion
 * @param memoryOnly whether to delete from database
public void delete(boolean memoryOnly) {
    this.lastChangedAt = System.currentTimeMillis();
    ShopDeleteEvent shopDeleteEvent = new ShopDeleteEvent(this, memoryOnly);
    if (Util.fireCancellableEvent(shopDeleteEvent)) {
        Util.debugLog("Shop deletion was canceled because a plugin canceled it.");
    isDeleted = true;
    // Unload the shop
    if (isLoaded) {
    // Delete the signs around it
    for (Sign s : this.getSigns()) {
    // Delete it from the database
    // Refund if necessary
    if (plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("shop.refund")) {
        plugin.getEconomy().deposit(this.getOwner(), plugin.getConfig().getDouble("shop.cost"));
    if (memoryOnly) {
        // Delete it from memory
    } else {
源代码24 项目: EntityAPI   文件: ControllableWolfBase.java
public BehaviourItem[] getDefaultMovementBehaviours() {
    return new BehaviourItem[]{
            new BehaviourItem(1, new BehaviourFloat(this)),
            new BehaviourItem(2, new BehaviourSit(this)),
            new BehaviourItem(3, new BehaviourLeapAtTarget(this, 0.4F)),
            new BehaviourItem(4, new BehaviourMeleeAttack(this, true, 1.0D)),
            new BehaviourItem(5, new BehaviourFollowTamer(this, 10.0F, 2.0F, 1.0D)),
            new BehaviourItem(6, new BehaviourBreed(this, 1.0D)),
            new BehaviourItem(7, new BehaviourRandomStroll(this, 1.0D)),
            new BehaviourItem(8, new BehaviourBeg(this, new Material[]{Material.BONE})),
            new BehaviourItem(9, new BehaviourLookAtNearestEntity(this, HumanEntity.class, 8.0F)),
            new BehaviourItem(9, new BehaviourLookAtRandom(this))
源代码25 项目: Slimefun4   文件: IndustrialMiner.java
public IndustrialMiner(Category category, SlimefunItemStack item, Material baseMaterial, boolean silkTouch, int range) {
    super(category, item, new ItemStack[] { null, null, null, new CustomItem(Material.PISTON, "Piston (facing up)"), new ItemStack(Material.CHEST), new CustomItem(Material.PISTON, "Piston (facing up)"), new ItemStack(baseMaterial), new ItemStack(SlimefunPlugin.getMinecraftVersion().isAtLeast(MinecraftVersion.MINECRAFT_1_14) ? Material.BLAST_FURNACE : Material.FURNACE), new ItemStack(baseMaterial) }, new ItemStack[0], BlockFace.UP);

    this.range = range;
    this.silkTouch = silkTouch;

源代码26 项目: Slimefun4   文件: SlimefunItemStack.java
private static ItemStack getSkull(String id, String texture) {
    if (SlimefunPlugin.getMinecraftVersion() == MinecraftVersion.UNIT_TEST) {
        return new ItemStack(Material.PLAYER_HEAD);

    return SkullItem.fromBase64(getTexture(id, texture));
源代码27 项目: SkyWarsReloaded   文件: NMSHandler.java
public boolean checkMaterial(FallingBlock fb, Material mat) {
	if (fb.getMaterial().equals(mat)) {
		return true;
	return false;
源代码28 项目: Sentinel   文件: SentinelItemHelper.java
 * Returns whether the NPC can take durability from the held item.
public boolean shouldTakeDura() {
    ItemStack it = getHeldItem();
    if (it == null) {
        return false;
    Material type = it.getType();
    return SentinelVersionCompat.BOW_MATERIALS.contains(type) || SentinelVersionCompat.SWORD_MATERIALS.contains(type)
            || SentinelVersionCompat.PICKAXE_MATERIALS.contains(type) || SentinelVersionCompat.AXE_MATERIALS.contains(type);
源代码29 项目: SkyWarsReloaded   文件: Crate.java
private void checkSuccess() {
	new BukkitRunnable() {
		public void run() {
			if (ent.getLocation().getBlockY() == prevY && !success) {
			} else {
				prevY = ent.getLocation().getY();
	}.runTaskLater(SkyWarsReloaded.get(), 10L);
源代码30 项目: Slimefun4   文件: TestSoulboundItem.java
public void testSetSoulbound() {
    ItemStack item = new CustomItem(Material.DIAMOND, "&cI wanna be soulbound!");


    SlimefunUtils.setSoulbound(item, true);
    Assertions.assertEquals(1, item.getItemMeta().getLore().size());

    SlimefunUtils.setSoulbound(item, false);
    Assertions.assertEquals(0, item.getItemMeta().getLore().size());