

源代码1 项目: BedWars   文件: PlayerListener.java
public static void onItemPickup(Player player, Item item, Cancellable cancel) {
    if (cancel.isCancelled()) {

    if (Main.isPlayerInGame(player)) {
        GamePlayer gPlayer = Main.getPlayerGameProfile(player);
        Game game = gPlayer.getGame();
        if (game.getStatus() == GameStatus.WAITING || gPlayer.isSpectator) {
        } else {
            for (ItemSpawner spawner : game.getSpawners()) {
                if (spawner.getMaxSpawnedResources() > 0) {
源代码2 项目: GriefDefender   文件: CommonBlockEventHandler.java
public void handleBlockSpread(Event event, Block fromBlock, BlockState newState) {
    if (!GDFlags.BLOCK_SPREAD) {

    final World world = fromBlock.getWorld();
    if (!GriefDefenderPlugin.getInstance().claimsEnabledForWorld(world.getUID())) {

    final Location sourceLocation = fromBlock != null ? fromBlock.getLocation() : null;
    final GDPermissionUser user = CauseContextHelper.getEventUser(sourceLocation, PlayerTracker.Type.NOTIFIER);

    Location location = newState.getLocation();
    GDClaim targetClaim = this.storage.getClaimAt(location);

    final Tristate result = GDPermissionManager.getInstance().getFinalPermission(event, location, targetClaim, Flags.BLOCK_SPREAD, fromBlock, newState.getBlock().isEmpty() ? newState.getType() : newState, user, TrustTypes.BUILDER, true);
    if (result == Tristate.FALSE) {
        ((Cancellable) event).setCancelled(true);
源代码3 项目: PGM   文件: RegionMatchModule.java
 * Query the RFA's filter with the given objects. If the query is denied, cancel the event and set
 * the deny message. If the query is allowed, un-cancel the event. If the query abstains, do
 * nothing.
 * @return false if the query abstained, otherwise true
protected static boolean processQuery(RegionFilterApplication rfa, Query query) {
  if (rfa.filter == null) {
    return false;

  switch (rfa.filter.query(query)) {
    case ALLOW:
      if (query.getEvent() instanceof Cancellable) {
        ((Cancellable) query.getEvent()).setCancelled(false);
      return true;

    case DENY:
      if (query.getEvent() instanceof GeneralizingEvent) {
        ((GeneralizingEvent) query.getEvent()).setCancelled(true, rfa.message);
      } else if (query.getEvent() instanceof Cancellable) {
        ((Cancellable) query.getEvent()).setCancelled(true);
      return true;

      return false;
源代码4 项目: MineTinker   文件: ModManager.java
 * Checks the durability of the Tool
 * @param cancellable the Event (implements Cancelable)
 * @param player      the Player
 * @param tool        the Tool
 * @return false: if broken; true: if enough durability
public boolean durabilityCheck(@NotNull Cancellable cancellable, @NotNull Player player, @NotNull ItemStack tool) {
	ItemMeta meta = tool.getItemMeta();

	if (meta instanceof Damageable) {
		if (config.getBoolean("UnbreakableTools", true)
				&& tool.getType().getMaxDurability() - ((Damageable) meta).getDamage() <= 2) {

			if (config.getBoolean("Sound.OnBreaking", true)) {
				player.playSound(player.getLocation(), Sound.ENTITY_ITEM_BREAK, 0.5F, 0.5F);
			return false;
	return true;
源代码5 项目: BedWars   文件: PlayerListener.java
public static void onItemPickup(Player player, Item item, Cancellable cancel) {
    if (cancel.isCancelled()) {

    if (Main.isPlayerInGame(player)) {
        GamePlayer gPlayer = Main.getPlayerGameProfile(player);
        Game game = gPlayer.getGame();
        if (game.getStatus() == GameStatus.WAITING || gPlayer.isSpectator) {
        } else {
            for (ItemSpawner spawner : game.getSpawners()) {
                if (spawner.getMaxSpawnedResources() > 0) {
源代码6 项目: ProjectAres   文件: EventRuleMatchModule.java
 * Query the rule's filter with the given objects.
 * If the query is denied, cancel the event and set the deny message.
 * If the query is allowed, un-cancel the event.
 * If the query abstains, do nothing.
 * @return false if the query abstained, otherwise true
protected static boolean processQuery(Event event, EventRule rule, IQuery query) {
    if(rule.filter() == null) {
        return false;

    switch(rule.filter().query(query)) {
        case ALLOW:
            if(event instanceof Cancellable) {
                ((Cancellable) event).setCancelled(false);
            return true;

        case DENY:
            if(event instanceof GeneralizingEvent) {
                ((GeneralizingEvent) event).setCancelled(true, rule.message());
            } else if(event instanceof Cancellable) {
                ((Cancellable) event).setCancelled(true);
            return true;

            return false;
源代码7 项目: ClaimChunk   文件: ChunkEventHelper.java
private static void handlePlayerEvent(@Nonnull Player ply, @Nonnull Chunk chunk, @Nonnull Cancellable e, @Nonnull String config) {
    if (e.isCancelled()) {

    // Check if this isn't protected within the config.
    if (!ChunkEventHelper.config.getBool("protection", config)) {

    // If the user is permitted to edit here, then they bypass protections.
    if (getCanEdit(chunk, ply.getUniqueId())) {

    // Cancel the event

    // Display cancellation message;
    String username = ClaimChunk.getInstance().getPlayerHandler().getUsername(ClaimChunk.getInstance().getChunkHandler().getOwner(chunk));

    // Send the not allowed to edit message
    if (username != null) {
        Utils.toPlayer(ply, ClaimChunk.getInstance().getMessages().chunkNoEdit.replace("%%PLAYER%%", username));
源代码8 项目: ClaimChunk   文件: ChunkEventHelper.java
public static void handleEntityEvent(@Nonnull Player ply, @Nonnull Entity ent, @Nonnull Cancellable e) {
    if (e.isCancelled()) return;

    // If entities aren't protected, we don't need to check if this
    // one is -_-
    // If PvP is disabled, all entities (including players) are protected.
    // If PvP is enabled, all entities except players are protected.
    boolean protectEntities = config.getBool("protection", "protectEntities");
    boolean blockPvp = ent.getType() == EntityType.PLAYER && config.getBool("protection", "blockPvp");
    if (!protectEntities && !blockPvp) {

    // Admins have permission to do anything in claimed chunks.
    if (Utils.hasAdmin(ply)) return;

    // Check if the player is able to edit in both the chunk they're in as
    // well as the chunk the animal is in.
    boolean canPlayerEditEntityChunk = getCanEdit(ent.getLocation().getChunk(), ply.getUniqueId());
    if (!blockPvp && canPlayerEditEntityChunk) {

    // Cancel the event
源代码9 项目: Skript   文件: EffCancelEvent.java
public boolean init(final Expression<?>[] vars, final int matchedPattern, final Kleenean isDelayed, final ParseResult parser) {
	if (isDelayed == Kleenean.TRUE) {
		Skript.error("Can't cancel an event anymore after it has already passed", ErrorQuality.SEMANTIC_ERROR);
		return false;
	cancel = matchedPattern == 0;
	final Class<? extends Event>[] es = ScriptLoader.getCurrentEvents();
	if (es == null)
		return false;
	for (final Class<? extends Event> e : es) {
		if (Cancellable.class.isAssignableFrom(e) || BlockCanBuildEvent.class.isAssignableFrom(e))
			return true; // TODO warning if some event(s) cannot be cancelled even though some can (needs a way to be suppressed)
	if (ScriptLoader.isCurrentEvent(PlayerLoginEvent.class))
		Skript.error("A connect event cannot be cancelled, but the player may be kicked ('kick player by reason of \"...\"')", ErrorQuality.SEMANTIC_ERROR);
		Skript.error(Utils.A(ScriptLoader.getCurrentEventName()) + " event cannot be cancelled", ErrorQuality.SEMANTIC_ERROR);
	return false;
源代码10 项目: LuckPerms   文件: BukkitPlatformListener.java
private void handleCommand(CommandSender sender, String s, Cancellable event) {
    if (s.isEmpty()) {

    if (this.plugin.getConfiguration().get(ConfigKeys.OPS_ENABLED)) {

    if (s.charAt(0) == '/') {
        s = s.substring(1);

    if (s.contains(":")) {
        s = s.substring(s.indexOf(':') + 1);

    if (s.equals("op") || s.startsWith("op ") || s.equals("deop") || s.startsWith("deop ")) {
源代码11 项目: AnimatedFrames   文件: ClickListener.java
void handleInteract(final Player player, Cancellable cancellable, final int action/* 0 = interact (right-click), 1 = attack (left-click) */) {

		Block targetBlock = player.getTargetBlock((Set<Material>) null, 16);
		if (targetBlock != null && targetBlock.getType() != Material.AIR) {
			Set<AnimatedFrame> frames = plugin.frameManager.getFramesInWorld(player.getWorld().getName());
			frames.removeIf(f -> !f.isClickable());

			final CursorPosition.CursorMapQueryResult queryResult = CursorPosition.findMenuByCursor(player, frames);

			if (queryResult != null && queryResult.isFound()) {
				Bukkit.getScheduler().runTaskAsynchronously(plugin, new Runnable() {
					public void run() {
						queryResult.getClickable().handleClick(player, queryResult.getPosition(), action);

//				cancellable.setCancelled(true);

源代码12 项目: uSkyBlock   文件: SpawnEvents.java
private void checkLimits(Cancellable event, EntityType entityType, Location location) {
    if (entityType == null) {
        return; // Only happens on "other-plugins", i.e. EchoPet
    String islandName = WorldGuardHandler.getIslandNameAt(location);
    if (islandName == null) {
        event.setCancelled(true); // Only allow spawning on active islands...
    if (entityType.getEntityClass().isAssignableFrom(Ghast.class) && location.getWorld().getEnvironment() != World.Environment.NETHER) {
        // Disallow ghasts for now...
    us.talabrek.ultimateskyblock.api.IslandInfo islandInfo = plugin.getIslandInfo(islandName);
    if (islandInfo == null) {
        // Disallow spawns on inactive islands
    if (!plugin.getLimitLogic().canSpawn(entityType, islandInfo)) {
源代码13 项目: HeavySpleef   文件: FlagBowspleef.java
private void cancelBowSpleefEntityEvent(Entity entity, Cancellable cancellable) {
	boolean isBowspleefEntity = false;
	List<MetadataValue> metadatas = entity.getMetadata(BOWSPLEEF_METADATA_KEY);
	for (MetadataValue value : metadatas) {
		if (value.getOwningPlugin() != getHeavySpleef().getPlugin()) {
		isBowspleefEntity = value.asBoolean();
	if (isBowspleefEntity) {
源代码14 项目: BedWars   文件: WorldListener.java
public void onChunkUnload(ChunkUnloadEvent unload) {
    if (unload instanceof Cancellable) {
        Chunk chunk = unload.getChunk();

        for (String name : Main.getGameNames()) {
            Game game = Main.getGame(name);
            if (game.getStatus() != GameStatus.DISABLED && game.getStatus() != GameStatus.WAITING
                    && GameCreator.isChunkInArea(chunk, game.getPos1(), game.getPos2())) {
                ((Cancellable) unload).setCancelled(false);
源代码15 项目: GriefDefender   文件: CommonBlockEventHandler.java
public void handleBlockBreak(Event event, Object source, BlockState blockState) {
    if (!GDFlags.BLOCK_BREAK) {
    // Ignore air blocks
    if (blockState.getBlock().isEmpty()) {

    // Special case
    if (source instanceof Block) {
        if (NMSUtil.getInstance().isBlockScaffolding(((Block) source))) {

    Player player = source instanceof Player ? (Player) source : null;
    final Location location = blockState.getLocation();
    if (location == null) {

    final World world = blockState.getWorld();
    if (!GriefDefenderPlugin.getInstance().claimsEnabledForWorld(world.getUID())) {

    GDClaim targetClaim = this.storage.getClaimAt(location);

    final Tristate result = GDPermissionManager.getInstance().getFinalPermission(event, location, targetClaim, Flags.BLOCK_BREAK, source, blockState, player, TrustTypes.BUILDER, true);
    if (result == Tristate.FALSE) {
        ((Cancellable) event).setCancelled(true);
源代码16 项目: GriefDefender   文件: PlayerEventHandler.java
private void onInventoryOpen(Event event, Location location, Object target, HumanEntity player) {
    if (event instanceof InventoryOpenEvent) {
        final InventoryOpenEvent inventoryEvent = (InventoryOpenEvent) event;
        target = inventoryEvent.getView().getType();
    if (!GDFlags.INTERACT_INVENTORY || !GriefDefenderPlugin.getInstance().claimsEnabledForWorld(player.getWorld().getUID())) {

    if (GriefDefenderPlugin.isTargetIdBlacklisted(Flags.INTERACT_INVENTORY.getName(), target, player.getWorld().getUID())) {

    String targetId = GDPermissionManager.getInstance().getPermissionIdentifier(target);
    final GDClaim claim = this.dataStore.getClaimAt(location);
    final GDPermissionUser user = PermissionHolderCache.getInstance().getOrCreateUser(player.getUniqueId());
    if (user.getInternalPlayerData() != null && user.getInternalPlayerData().eventResultCache != null && user.getInternalPlayerData().eventResultCache.checkEventResultCache(claim, Flags.INTERACT_BLOCK_SECONDARY.getName()) == Tristate.TRUE) {
        GDPermissionManager.getInstance().processResult(claim, Flags.INTERACT_INVENTORY.getPermission(), "cache", Tristate.TRUE, user);
    final Tristate result = GDPermissionManager.getInstance().getFinalPermission(event, location, claim, Flags.INTERACT_INVENTORY, player, target, user, TrustTypes.CONTAINER, true);
    if (result == Tristate.FALSE) {
        final Component message = GriefDefenderPlugin.getInstance().messageData.getMessage(MessageStorage.PERMISSION_INVENTORY_OPEN,
                "player", claim.getOwnerDisplayName(),
                "block", targetId));
        GriefDefenderPlugin.sendClaimDenyMessage(claim, player, message);
        ((Cancellable) event).setCancelled(true);

源代码17 项目: PGM   文件: EventFilterMatchModule.java
boolean cancel(Cancellable event, @Nullable MatchPlayer actor, @Nullable Component message) {
  match.getLogger().fine("Cancel " + event + " actor=" + actor);
  if (actor != null && message != null) {
  return true;
源代码18 项目: PGM   文件: EventFilterMatchModule.java
boolean cancelUnlessInteracting(Cancellable event, Entity entity) {
  if (!(entity instanceof Player)) {
    return false;

  return cancel(
      match.getParticipant(entity) == null,
源代码19 项目: PGM   文件: GeneralizingEvent.java
public void setCancelled(boolean cancel) {

  if (propagateCancel && getCause() instanceof Cancellable) {
    ((Cancellable) getCause()).setCancelled(cancel);
源代码20 项目: PGM   文件: RegionMatchModule.java
private void sendCancelMessage(RegionFilterApplication rfa, Query query) {
  if (rfa.message != null
      && query.getEvent() instanceof Cancellable
      && ((Cancellable) query.getEvent()).isCancelled()
      && query instanceof PlayerQuery) {

    MatchPlayer player = match.getPlayer(((PlayerQuery) query).getPlayerId());
    if (player != null) player.sendWarning(rfa.message);
源代码21 项目: PGM   文件: DamageMatchModule.java
/** Query the custom damage filters with the given damage event */
public Filter.QueryResponse queryRules(
    @Nullable Cancellable event, ParticipantState victim, DamageInfo damageInfo) {
  Query query = getQuery(event, victim, damageInfo);

  for (Filter filter : filters) {
    Filter.QueryResponse response = filter.query(query);
    if (response != Filter.QueryResponse.ABSTAIN) return response;

  return Filter.QueryResponse.ABSTAIN;
源代码22 项目: PGM   文件: DamageMatchModule.java
 * Query whether the given damage is allowed or not. Both the custom damage filters and the
 * friendly fire policy are considered, the former having priority over the latter.
public Filter.QueryResponse queryDamage(
    @Nullable Cancellable event, ParticipantState victim, DamageInfo damageInfo) {
  Filter.QueryResponse response = queryRules(event, victim, damageInfo);
  if (response != Filter.QueryResponse.ABSTAIN) return response;

  return queryDefaultRules(victim, damageInfo);
源代码23 项目: PGM   文件: DamageMatchModule.java
/** Query the given damage event and cancel it if the result was denied. */
public Filter.QueryResponse processDamageEvent(
    Cancellable event, ParticipantState victim, DamageInfo damageInfo) {
  Filter.QueryResponse response = queryDamage(checkNotNull(event), victim, damageInfo);
  if (response.isDenied()) {
  return response;
源代码24 项目: QuickShop-Reremake   文件: Util.java
 * Call a event and check it is cancelled.
 * @param event The event implement the Cancellable interface.
 * @return The event is cancelled.
public static boolean fireCancellableEvent(@NotNull Cancellable event) {
    if (!(event instanceof Event)) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cancellable must is event implement");
    Bukkit.getPluginManager().callEvent((Event) event);
    return event.isCancelled();
源代码25 项目: BedWars   文件: WorldListener.java
public void onChunkUnload(ChunkUnloadEvent unload) {
    if (unload instanceof Cancellable) {
        Chunk chunk = unload.getChunk();

        for (String name : Main.getGameNames()) {
            Game game = Main.getGame(name);
            if (game.getStatus() != GameStatus.DISABLED && game.getStatus() != GameStatus.WAITING
                    && GameCreator.isChunkInArea(chunk, game.getPos1(), game.getPos2())) {
                ((Cancellable) unload).setCancelled(false);
源代码26 项目: Hawk   文件: PacketHandler.java
public boolean processOut(Object packet, Player p) {
    org.bukkit.event.Event event = convertPacketOutboundToEvent(packet, p);
    if (event == null)
        return true;


    if(event instanceof Cancellable) {
        return !((Cancellable) event).isCancelled();

    return true;
源代码27 项目: ProjectAres   文件: EventRuleMatchModule.java
private void sendCancelMessage(EventRule rule, IEventQuery query) {
    if(rule.message() != null &&
       query.getEvent() instanceof Cancellable &&
       ((Cancellable) query.getEvent()).isCancelled() &&
       query instanceof IPlayerQuery) {

        MatchPlayer player = getMatch().getPlayer(((IPlayerQuery) query).getPlayerId());
        if(player != null) player.sendWarning(rule.message(), false);
源代码28 项目: ProjectAres   文件: EventFilterMatchModule.java
boolean cancel(Cancellable event, @Nullable MatchPlayer actor, @Nullable BaseComponent message) {
    logger.fine("Cancel " + event + " actor=" + actor);
    if(actor != null && message != null) {
        actor.sendWarning(message, true);
    return true;
源代码29 项目: ProjectAres   文件: DamageMatchModule.java
 * Query the given damage event and cancel it if the result was denied.
public Filter.QueryResponse processDamageEvent(Event event, ParticipantState victim, DamageInfo damageInfo) {
    Filter.QueryResponse response = queryDamage(checkNotNull(event), victim, damageInfo);
    if(response.isDenied() && event instanceof Cancellable) {
        ((Cancellable) event).setCancelled(true);
    return response;
源代码30 项目: ProjectAres   文件: GeneralizingEvent.java
public void setCancelled(boolean cancel) {

    if(this.propagateCancel && this.cause instanceof Cancellable) {
        ((Cancellable) this.cause).setCancelled(cancel);