

源代码1 项目: GriefDefender   文件: GDPlayerData.java
public void revertClaimVisual(GDClaim claim, UUID visualUniqueId) {
    final Player player = this.getSubject().getOnlinePlayer();
    if (player == null) {

    for (Map.Entry<UUID, BukkitTask> mapEntry : this.claimVisualRevertTasks.entrySet()) {
        if (visualUniqueId.equals(mapEntry.getKey())) {
    if (GriefDefenderPlugin.getInstance().getWorldEditProvider() != null) {
        GriefDefenderPlugin.getInstance().getWorldEditProvider().revertClaimCUIVisual(visualUniqueId, this.playerID);

    this.revertVisualBlocks(player, claim, visualUniqueId);
源代码2 项目: XSeries   文件: XParticle.java
 * This will rotate the shape around in an area randomly.
 * The position of the shape will be randomized positively and negatively by the offset parameters on each axis.
 * @param plugin   the schedule handler.
 * @param update   the timer period in ticks.
 * @param rate     the distance between each location. Recommended value is 5.
 * @param runnable the particles to spawn.
 * @param displays the displays references used to spawn particles in the runnable.
 * @return the async task handling the movement.
 * @see #moveRotatingAround(JavaPlugin, long, double, double, double, double, Runnable, ParticleDisplay...)
 * @see #guard(JavaPlugin, long, double, double, double, double, Runnable, ParticleDisplay...)
 * @since 1.0.0
public static BukkitTask rotateAround(JavaPlugin plugin, long update, double rate, double offsetx, double offsety, double offsetz,
                                      Runnable runnable, ParticleDisplay... displays) {
    return new BukkitRunnable() {
        double rotation = 180;

        public void run() {
            rotation += rate;
            double x = Math.toRadians((90 + rotation) * offsetx);
            double y = Math.toRadians((60 + rotation) * offsety);
            double z = Math.toRadians((30 + rotation) * offsetz);

            Vector vector = new Vector(x, y, z);
            for (ParticleDisplay display : displays) display.rotate(vector);
    }.runTaskTimerAsynchronously(plugin, 0L, update);
源代码3 项目: XSeries   文件: XParticle.java
 * Display a rendered image repeatedly.
 * @param plugin   the scheduler handler.
 * @param render   the rendered image map.
 * @param location the dynamic location to display the image at.
 * @param repeat   amount of times to repeat displaying the image.
 * @param period   the perioud between each repeats.
 * @param quality  the quality of the image is exactly the number of particles display for each pixel. Recommended value is 1
 * @param speed    the speed is exactly the same value as the speed of particles. Recommended amount is 0
 * @param size     the size of the particle. Recommended amount is 0.8
 * @return the async bukkit task displaying the image.
 * @since 1.0.0
public static BukkitTask displayRenderedImage(JavaPlugin plugin, Map<Location, Color> render, Callable<Location> location,
                                              int repeat, long period, int quality, int speed, float size) {
    return new BukkitRunnable() {
        int times = repeat;

        public void run() {
            try {
                displayRenderedImage(render, location.call(), quality, speed, size);
            } catch (Exception e) {
            if (times-- < 1) cancel();
    }.runTaskTimerAsynchronously(plugin, 0L, period);
源代码4 项目: HoloAPI   文件: SimpleHoloManager.java
public Hologram createSimpleHologram(Location location, int secondsUntilRemoved, final Vector velocity, String... lines) {
    int simpleId = TagIdGenerator.next(lines.length);
    final Hologram hologram = new HologramFactory(HoloAPI.getCore()).withFirstTagId(simpleId).withSaveId(simpleId + "").withText(lines).withLocation(location).withSimplicity(true).build();
    for (Entity e : hologram.getDefaultLocation().getWorld().getEntities()) {
        if (e instanceof Player) {
            hologram.show((Player) e, true);

    BukkitTask t = HoloAPI.getCore().getServer().getScheduler().runTaskTimer(HoloAPI.getCore(), new Runnable() {
        public void run() {
            Location l = hologram.getDefaultLocation();
    }, 1L, 1L);

    new HologramRemoveTask(hologram, t).runTaskLater(HoloAPI.getCore(), secondsUntilRemoved * 20);
    return hologram;
源代码5 项目: uSkyBlock   文件: TeleportLogic.java
 * Teleport the given {@link Player} to the given {@link Location}, loading the {@link org.bukkit.Chunk} before
 * teleporting and with the configured teleport delay if applicable.
 * @param player Player to teleport.
 * @param targetLocation Location to teleport the player to.
 * @param force True to override teleport delay, false otherwise.
public void safeTeleport(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull Location targetLocation, boolean force) {
    Validate.notNull(player, "Player cannot be null");
    Validate.notNull(targetLocation, "TargetLocation cannot be null");

    log.log(Level.FINER, "safeTeleport " + player + " to " + targetLocation + (force ? " with force" : ""));
    final Location targetLoc = LocationUtil.centerOnBlock(targetLocation.clone());
    if (player.hasPermission("usb.mod.bypassteleport") || (teleportDelay == 0) || force) {
        PaperLib.teleportAsync(player, targetLoc);
    } else {
        player.sendMessage(tr("\u00a7aYou will be teleported in {0} seconds.", teleportDelay));
        BukkitTask tpTask = plugin.sync(() -> {
            PaperLib.teleportAsync(player, targetLoc);
        }, TimeUtil.secondsAsMillis(teleportDelay));
        pendingTeleports.put(player.getUniqueId(), new PendingTeleport(player.getLocation(), tpTask));
public void shouldCancelExistingTimeoutTask() {
    // given
    Player player = mock(Player.class);
    LimboPlayer limboPlayer = new LimboPlayer(null, false, Collections.emptyList(), true, 0.3f, 0.1f);
    BukkitTask existingTask = mock(BukkitTask.class);
    BukkitTask bukkitTask = mock(BukkitTask.class);
    given(bukkitService.runTaskLater(any(TimeoutTask.class), anyLong())).willReturn(bukkitTask);

    // when
    limboPlayerTaskManager.registerTimeoutTask(player, limboPlayer);

    // then
    assertThat(limboPlayer.getTimeoutTask(), equalTo(bukkitTask));
    verify(bukkitService).runTaskLater(any(TimeoutTask.class), eq(360L)); // 18 * TICKS_PER_SECOND
    verify(messages).retrieveSingle(player, MessageKey.LOGIN_TIMEOUT_ERROR);
源代码7 项目: LagMonitor   文件: TasksCommand.java
private BaseComponent[] formatTask(BukkitTask pendingTask) {
    Plugin owner = pendingTask.getOwner();
    int taskId = pendingTask.getTaskId();
    boolean sync = pendingTask.isSync();

    String id = Integer.toString(taskId);
    if (sync) {
        id += "-Sync";
    } else if (Bukkit.getScheduler().isCurrentlyRunning(taskId)) {
        id += "-Running";

    return new ComponentBuilder(owner.getName())
            .append('-' + id)
源代码8 项目: LagMonitor   文件: TasksCommand.java
private BaseComponent[] formatTask(BukkitTask pendingTask) {
    Plugin owner = pendingTask.getOwner();
    int taskId = pendingTask.getTaskId();
    boolean sync = pendingTask.isSync();

    String id = Integer.toString(taskId);
    if (sync) {
        id += "-Sync";
    } else if (Bukkit.getScheduler().isCurrentlyRunning(taskId)) {
        id += "-Running";

    return new ComponentBuilder(owner.getName())
            .append('-' + id)
源代码9 项目: AuthMeReloaded   文件: PurgeTaskTest.java
public void shouldStopTaskAndInformConsoleUser() {
    // given
    Set<String> names = newHashSet("name1", "name2");
    PurgeTask task = new PurgeTask(purgeService, permissionsManager, null, names, new OfflinePlayer[0]);

    BukkitTask bukkitTask = mock(BukkitTask.class);
    ReflectionTestUtils.setField(BukkitRunnable.class, task, "task", bukkitTask);

    Server server = mock(Server.class);
    BukkitScheduler scheduler = mock(BukkitScheduler.class);
    ReflectionTestUtils.setField(Bukkit.class, null, "server", server);
    ConsoleCommandSender consoleSender = mock(ConsoleCommandSender.class);

    task.run(); // Run for the first time -> results in empty names list

    // when

    // then
    verify(consoleSender).sendMessage(argThat(containsString("Database has been purged successfully")));
源代码10 项目: GriefDefender   文件: GDPlayerData.java
public void revertAllVisuals() {
    this.lastShovelLocation = null;
    this.claimResizing = null;
    this.claimSubdividing = null;
    final Player player = this.getSubject().getOnlinePlayer();
    if (player == null) {
    if (this.visualClaimBlocks.isEmpty()) {

    for (Map.Entry<UUID, BukkitTask> mapEntry : this.claimVisualRevertTasks.entrySet()) {

    final List<UUID> visualIds = new ArrayList<>(this.visualClaimBlocks.keySet());
    for (UUID visualUniqueId : visualIds) {
        final Claim claim = GriefDefenderPlugin.getInstance().dataStore.getClaim(player.getWorld().getUID(), visualUniqueId);
        this.revertVisualBlocks(player, (GDClaim) claim, visualUniqueId);
    if (GriefDefenderPlugin.getInstance().getWorldEditProvider() != null) {
    // Revert any temp visuals
源代码11 项目: XSeries   文件: XParticle.java
 * Spawns connected 3D ellipses.
 * @param plugin     the timer handler.
 * @param maxRadius  the maximum radius for the ellipses.
 * @param rate       the rate of the 3D ellipses circle points.
 * @param radiusRate the rate of the circle radius change.
 * @param extend     the extension for each ellipse.
 * @return the animation handler.
 * @see #magicCircles(JavaPlugin, double, double, double, double, ParticleDisplay)
 * @since 3.0.0
public static BukkitTask circularBeam(JavaPlugin plugin, double maxRadius, double rate, double radiusRate, double extend, ParticleDisplay display) {
    return new BukkitRunnable() {
        final double rateDiv = Math.PI / rate;
        final double radiusDiv = Math.PI / radiusRate;
        final Vector dir = display.location.getDirection().normalize().multiply(extend);
        double dynamicRadius = 0;

        public void run() {
            // If we wanted to use actual numbers as the radius then the curve for
            // each loop wouldn't be smooth.
            double radius = maxRadius * Math.sin(dynamicRadius);
            // Spawn normal circles.
            for (double theta = 0; theta < PII; theta += rateDiv) {
                double x = radius * Math.sin(theta);
                double z = radius * Math.cos(theta);
                display.spawn(x, 0, z);

            dynamicRadius += radiusDiv;
            if (dynamicRadius > Math.PI) dynamicRadius = 0;
            // Next circle center location.
    }.runTaskTimerAsynchronously(plugin, 0L, 1L);
源代码12 项目: uSkyBlock   文件: SkyBlockMenu.java
private void updateLeaveMenuItemTimer(final Player p, final Inventory inventory, final ItemStack currentItem) {
    final BukkitTask[] hackySharing = new BukkitTask[1];
    hackySharing[0] = plugin.sync(() -> {
        long millisLeft = plugin.getConfirmHandler().millisLeft(p, "/is leave");
        if (inventory.getViewers().contains(p)) {
            updateLeaveMenuItem(inventory, currentItem, millisLeft);
        if (millisLeft <= 0 || !inventory.getViewers().contains(p)) {
            if (hackySharing.length > 0 && hackySharing[0] != null) {
    }, 0, 1000);
源代码13 项目: civcraft   文件: TaskMaster.java
public static boolean hasTask(String key) {
	BukkitTask task = tasks.get(key);
	if (task == null) {
		return false;
	if (BukkitObjects.getScheduler().isCurrentlyRunning(task.getTaskId()) || BukkitObjects.getScheduler().isQueued(task.getTaskId())) {
		return true;
	return false;
源代码14 项目: AuthMeReloaded   文件: LimboPlayer.java
 * Set the timeout task of the player. The timeout task kicks the player after a configurable
 * amount of time if he hasn't logged in or registered.
 * @param timeoutTask The task to set
public void setTimeoutTask(BukkitTask timeoutTask) {
    if (this.timeoutTask != null) {
    this.timeoutTask = timeoutTask;
源代码15 项目: ProjectAres   文件: BukkitSchedulerBackend.java
public BukkitTask startTask(Task.Parameters schedule, Runnable runnable) {
    final Duration delay = schedule.delay();
    final Duration interval = schedule.interval();
    return bukkit.runTaskTimer(plugin,
                               delay == null ? 0 : TimeUtils.toTicks(delay),
                               interval == null ? -1 : TimeUtils.toTicks(interval));
源代码16 项目: VoxelGamesLibv2   文件: LoggedScheduler.java
public BukkitTask runTask(Plugin plugin, Runnable runnable) throws IllegalArgumentException {
    TaskedRunnable wrapped = new TaskedRunnable(runnable);

    BukkitTask bukkitTask = delegate.runTask(plugin, wrapped);
    return bukkitTask;
源代码17 项目: VoxelGamesLibv2   文件: LoggedScheduler.java
public BukkitTask runTask(Plugin plugin, BukkitRunnable bukkitRunnable)
        throws IllegalArgumentException {
    TaskedRunnable wrapped = new TaskedRunnable(bukkitRunnable);

    BukkitTask bukkitTask = delegate.runTask(plugin, wrapped);
    return bukkitTask;
源代码18 项目: LagMonitor   文件: TasksCommand.java
private Class<?> getRunnableClass(BukkitTask task) {
    try {
        return taskHandle.invokeExact(task).getClass();
    } catch (Exception ex) {
    } catch (Throwable throwable) {
        throw (Error) throwable;

    return null;
源代码19 项目: VoxelGamesLibv2   文件: LoggedScheduler.java
public BukkitTask runTaskLater(Plugin plugin, BukkitRunnable bukkitRunnable, long l)
        throws IllegalArgumentException {
    TaskedRunnable wrapped = new TaskedRunnable(bukkitRunnable);

    BukkitTask bukkitTask = delegate.runTaskLater(plugin, wrapped, l);
    return bukkitTask;
源代码20 项目: VoxelGamesLibv2   文件: LoggedScheduler.java
public BukkitTask runTaskLaterAsynchronously(Plugin plugin, Runnable runnable, long l)
        throws IllegalArgumentException {
    TaskedRunnable wrapped = new TaskedRunnable(runnable);

    BukkitTask bukkitTask = delegate.runTaskLaterAsynchronously(plugin, wrapped, l);
    return bukkitTask;
源代码21 项目: VoxelGamesLibv2   文件: LoggedScheduler.java
public BukkitTask runTaskLaterAsynchronously(Plugin plugin, BukkitRunnable bukkitRunnable, long l)
        throws IllegalArgumentException {
    TaskedRunnable wrapped = new TaskedRunnable(bukkitRunnable);

    BukkitTask bukkitTask = delegate.runTaskLaterAsynchronously(plugin, wrapped, l);
    return bukkitTask;
源代码22 项目: AuthMeReloaded   文件: BukkitServiceTest.java
public void shouldRunTask() {
    // given
    Runnable task = () -> {/* noop */};
    BukkitTask bukkitTask = mock(BukkitTask.class);
    given(scheduler.runTask(authMe, task)).willReturn(bukkitTask);

    // when
    BukkitTask resultingTask = bukkitService.runTask(task);

    // then
    assertThat(resultingTask, equalTo(bukkitTask));
    verify(scheduler, only()).runTask(authMe, task);
源代码23 项目: Slimefun4   文件: Slimefun.java
public static BukkitTask runSync(Runnable r) {
    if (SlimefunPlugin.getMinecraftVersion() == MinecraftVersion.UNIT_TEST) {
        return null;

    return Bukkit.getScheduler().runTask(SlimefunPlugin.instance, r);
源代码24 项目: civcraft   文件: TaskMaster.java
public static void cancelTimer(String name) {
	BukkitTask timer = tasks.get(name);
	if (timer != null) {
	//RJ.out("cancel timer:"+name);

源代码25 项目: NametagEdit   文件: NametagHandler.java
private BukkitTask createTask(String path, BukkitTask existing, Runnable runnable) {
    if (existing != null) {

    if (config.getInt(path, -1) <= 0) return null;
    return Bukkit.getScheduler().runTaskTimer(plugin, runnable, 0, 20 * config.getInt(path));
源代码26 项目: Crazy-Crates   文件: CrazyCrates.java
 * Ends the tasks running by a player.
 * @param player The player using the crate.
public void endQuadCrate(Player player) {
    if (currentQuadTasks.containsKey(player.getUniqueId())) {
        for (BukkitTask task : currentQuadTasks.get(player.getUniqueId())) {
源代码27 项目: civcraft   文件: TaskMaster.java
public static void stopAllTimers() {
	for (BukkitTask timer : timers.values()) {
	//RJ.out("clearing timers");

private void loadConfig() {

    for (SelectionType type : SelectionType.values()) {
        GlobalSelectionConfig config = configurationHelper.loadGlobalSelectionConfig(type);

        configurations.put(type, config);

        particlesTasks.add(new ParticlesTask(this, type, true, config.primary()).start());
        particlesTasks.add(new ParticlesTask(this, type, false, config.secondary()).start());
源代码29 项目: LagMonitor   文件: TasksCommand.java
public boolean onCommand(CommandSender sender, Command command, String label, String[] args) {
    if (!canExecute(sender, command)) {
        return true;

    List<BaseComponent[]> lines = new ArrayList<>();

    List<BukkitTask> pendingTasks = Bukkit.getScheduler().getPendingTasks();
    for (BukkitTask pendingTask : pendingTasks) {

        Class<?> runnableClass = getRunnableClass(pendingTask);
        if (runnableClass != null) {
            lines.add(new ComponentBuilder("    Task: ")

    Pages pagination = new Pages("Stacktrace", lines);
    plugin.getPageManager().setPagination(sender.getName(), pagination);
    return true;
源代码30 项目: BedwarsRel   文件: Game.java
public void stopWorkers() {
  for (BukkitTask task : this.runningTasks) {
    try {
    } catch (Exception ex) {
      // already cancelled
